Powerful Healing Anointing in California | David Diga Hernandez

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right I was born live you were born blind in your right eye what can you see [Music] you [Music] [Music] pray in the Holy Ghost Church something is happening [Music] something's happening your church pray in the Holy Ghost [Music] jeebus easier people remove sickness from their body now in Jesus name Jesus you are the healer you are the one who makes us whole I review cancer right now in Jesus name cancer though in Jesus name [Music] arthritis I rebuke analogy someone till I left has just been healed of arthritis right now in Jesus name come up to my flap has just been healed of arthritis Jesus I can you glory put your hands on your sickness Church put your hand for unique viewing it's flowing I said it's flowing [Music] continue to pray in the Holy Ghost [Music] I rebuke saying this now in Jesus name bring in the Holy Ghost lift your voice [Music] for you are holy [Music] are you worthy is the lamb he is Oh [Music] worship Him something happening you are Oh [Music] pastor David for the past few days this young man had something blocked in his airway that even during service he was coughing and he hardly could breathe he'd say but as he was worshiping he this the Holy Spirit came upon him and now he can breathe clearer so what was wrong with your breathing like the AC would affect my coughing Allah and even when you said turn up that you see Oh like no don't do well now we can turn it up the Lord healed you but but you you weren't able to breathe in like this well without calm and now you can lift a hat there it goes [Music] brother David nine months ago she was stabbed in the heart she was stabbed in the heart nine months ago and it caused great pain and discomfort with her breathing tonight the power of God came on her she feels no stress on her heart area and she's breathing better now [Applause] you've been praying for your family and even though God healed you tonight there's a crying your heart for your family lord violently the enemy has taken them we ask you Jesus to violently take them back I come against all krumholz I come against and I see it I feel as I'm touching you there's like a so much stress and anxiety there's yelling and screaming and arguing but today power of God's going through you and he's setting your family free and you're going to be a conduit to save your family free lift your hands now what was wrong with your heart you got stabbed in the heart I stopped an hour I say three times and god help not have high blood pressure and idea is this my mind so now you're completely home go back to the doctor have them check you and see what the Lord Jesus has done for you can we give the Lord a quick that's a powerful miracle okay evangelist Joshua Kelly hey David discuss this bit his name is Danny his name is Danny it's a light us and it would stop the blood from flowing and now there's no numbness and his varam God going through you sir it's all over you receive it it's flowing for you now that's the blood of G what do you feel on your end to the Holy Spirit does it feel like just what I think that answers that can run a David this young lady is 13 years old and she broke her right foot and it they put a cast on and the cast didn't work so it left her foot at a 45 degree angle tonight as they were praying for her the power of God hid her her foot pop and it's straight now your foot popped back into place what couldn't you do before I couldn't walk straight well show the enemy what God did for you show the people well you're [Music] what Jesus did for me Oh Oh [Music] let me help you up what did you feel go through you I felt I saw you like jolted back do it again Lord yeah oh there goes did you see that he's not done with you yet okay pastor Don what happened to your pastor David this young man eight years ago was in high school playing of sport when he injured his back and for eight years the pain was on and all he said when he was worshiping the pain now is gone the pain has left your back pains God I heard it two days ago again and about a hard time like just walking in general but as I was like he said pray in tongues and start you ask God to make you a preacher when you were younger you were younger because even though you don't remember he does [Music] to the nation's got quick Nations on your heart when you were younger don't let the enemy lie to you about what you think disqualifies their hearts pounding right now man you didn't tell me I have no idea who you are Jesus spoke to me he said you're a young boy in your room praying you said you see we want you to know he remembers that from you can light that tum on fire there's gonna be power that comes out of here when you preach you see the miracles tonight they're going to flow through your hand to lift your hands to see the power of the Holy Ghost brother David this is one family that got to real tonight this young man suffers from ADHD he wasn't able to focus during the service but now he feels the peace of God on him he's a ADHD the mother suffered from chronic pain throughout her body the pain is all gone she's able to move without pain their daughter and sister was in a two car accidents within six months she had comparable pain to her body she could not even bend down and touch their toes tonight she's bending down and touching her toes with no pain say Lord come on say Lord restore my family to look at it okay I want to pray for you now so you had ADHD you couldn't even focus what was that like difficult and now for me you have my nickname where my ear a side chronic pain and fatigue your right side and now it's good and now and you I was in two car accidents all within four months of each other and my first accident agitated a muscle in my back and I work with children on a daily basis so it was really really hard to keep up and I couldn't go a day without paying down a good day it would be about a six with seven on the rate of one day before I couldn't even touch my toes and show that people would got it for you come on all you guys going have to stretch your hands toward this family what's going on here brother David she could not see out of her right eye the team has been praying with her the power of God has hit her she is now starting to see faces for the first time I think like like fires like my weakness for my right eye I was born blind you were born blind in your right eye [Music] what can you see like a little bit of shadows not completely but I know you working on it like the man in mark chapter 8 he said I can I can steam it looks like trees he described the people at but you could even see turn to people you could even see that there was there was damage there and what did you feel on you when you touched it [Music] you gonna kill everybody I can't feel it I know it so if he's big he's amazing it's beautiful here [Applause] the power of God is all over you and I can see the touch of Jesus on her died she was blind in her right eye this is miraculous you didn't see me lay hands on her there's only one dealer in this place tonight and his name is Jesus blind in your right arms Lord fill all of those tonight who are blind in Jesus name there's a healing anointing for sight there's a healing anointing for sight flowing through right now right now reach up and grab it there's a healing anointing for sight [Music] whoa [Music] how yes [Music] thank you for watching encounter TV don't forget to subscribe also help me win Souls by spreading the gospel through events and media make a one-time donation or become a monthly supporter by clicking on the donate link now
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 66,955
Rating: 4.9384103 out of 5
Keywords: david diga hernandez, holy spirit, presence of god, presence of the holy spirit, power of the holy spirit, healing ministry, encounter tv, fire of god, power of god miracles, the anointing of the holy spirit, baptism of the holy spirit, healing power of jesus, healing miracles caught on tape, healing evangelist, glory of god, jesus christ, healing power of god, the anointing, sermons on the holy spirit, teachings on the holy spirit, gifts of the holy spirit
Id: wvMA-YxXp-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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