How to Hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit Clearly (3 SIMPLE Keys)

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do you desire to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit with perfect clarity but I want you to know that the scripture makes it perfectly clear that the believer can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit with absolute clarity you don't have to buy into the myth that the believer struggles to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit's voice is not something that we should struggle to hear and you don't have to accept the lack of clarity you can come to know the voice of the Holy Spirit with such familiarity that you'll even be able to hear and whisper even in the midst of the chaos of life that's what I'm talking about here on this edition of spirit church but first Steven moctezuma's here with me he's going to lead you in worship and then we're going to get right into this lesson I know you're gonna love it here is steven Moctezuma nothing can break even if I ran away java never fails I know I still make mistakes but you have new mercies for me every day Jonna never fails you stay the same through the ages Oh y'all have never changes then maybe pain is a night but joy comes in the morning and when the oceans rage I don't have to be afraid because I know that you love me because I'm never fair or y'all have never fair who you may all sings work together for my good will you may all things work together for my girl who you make all things work together for my good and you make all things work together for my good you may call me work together for my good oh you make all things work together for my girl and you say the same for the ages oh you're not never change with then maybe pain in the night but joy comes in the morning and when the oceans rage I don't have to be afraid because I know that you love me you're the never fair giorgia never fair Georgia never fair yeah you're the never fair I know that you desire to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit because you desire to please the Lord in order to please the Lord you must walk in obedience and in order to walk in obedience you have to know what the Lord desires and in order to know what the Lord desires you have to know his voice you have to know what he has spoken now the good news is that you can hear the voice of God you don't have to guess or struggle to hear his voice you can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit with absolute clarity everyone from the new convert to the seasoned Christian can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit for himself can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit for herself and I'm going to give you some keys here today on this edition of spirit church very practical very simple keys that you can apply immediately and I mean that as soon as you're done watching this video you can go and apply these to your life and I believe that you'll begin to hear the voice of God with clarity now the truth is that you need the voice of the Holy Spirit so before I talk to you about how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit I want to talk to you about the need for the voice of the Holy Spirit second Thessalonians chapter 2 says this now dear brothers and sisters let us clarify some things about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and how we will be gathered to meet him don't be so easily shaken or alarmed by those who say that the day of the Lord has already begun don't believe them even if they claim to have had a spiritual vision a revelation or letter are supposedly from us don't be fooled by what they say for that day will not come until there is a great rebellion against God and the man of lawlessness is revealed the one who brings destruction there is going to be a rebellion against the Lord in the scripture refers to it as the falling away in the end times and sadly there are going to be some professing believers who participate in this rebellion and in fact I truly believe that we are already living in the days of that rebellion I believe we are in the days of the falling away all you have to do is look at the condition of the church many portions of the church or the so called Church are no longer declaring the lordship of Christ are no longer preaching the gospel you don't hear about the blood of Jesus you don't hear about the cross you don't hear about repentance all you hear about itself and new ageism and humanism and all of these worldly things that have nothing to do with Jesus there is a form of godliness but there's no power and there's no power because the name of Jesus is not being proclaimed the truth of the gospel is not being proclaimed remember this a Christ list gospel is a powerless gospel so we need to come into a place of discernment and there are many opinions all around us I mean you can't even post anything on the internet just if you want to know really how cluttered the world is with information and opinion just post something on Facebook you can post something as simple as Jesus loves you and multiple Christians will by the third or fourth comment be debating different things that's because people are so opinionated and social media has given many people who would not have a platform otherwise a way to express themselves there's both a good thing and a bad thing but there are voices that speak there really is no way that most people can ground themselves there are opinions on every form of theology there are opinions on opinions you could say well I disagree with that believer but I think that we should just get along because all love Jesus and then there will be believers who disagree with that point say well no we shouldn't get along because they are wrong on this theology or that theology and it goes on and on and on we disagree on points and on sub points and we go off into rabbit trails and we get distracted and there are opinions coming at us from all different angles there are political opinions there are spiritual opinions there are opinions about the Bible there are opinions about Jesus there are opinions about the church there are opinions about methodology and ministry and all of this is coming at us all of this is coming at the church and there seems to be this grasping for something firm there seems to be this desire that is reaching a tipping point for a clear and fresh revelation from heaven and I believe that the church is coming into an hour now when we will rise and know the voice of the Holy Spirit with such perfect clarity that we will need no man to tell us what the will of God is war lives and that's the truth that's how God wants it but you know the church is in many ways eating itself up we're divided we're distracted we're opinionated about things that don't even matter and because of this there's confusion there are opinions on top of opinions there are opinions on events there are opinions on how the church should respond a certain event and let me tell you I'm just going to be honest with you it gets tiring and then you have those who really don't have substance and they're commenting on these things and I can just imagine many of these preachers as they're tweeting they imagine in their minds that I know there's a lot of chaos but my tweet my message this will be the one that calls everyone this will be the point that everyone rallies around and it just doesn't happen that way so how do we in a world that is so filled with information so filled with opinion so filled with terrible perspective how can we find clarity it's important that we do because if not we can be caught up in deception now there are many options that we have for information and there all very convincing many of them I should say are very convincing not all of them and you just can't appease every voice not everyone will agree with you on every point in fact everyone will probably disagree with you on some point at some point no pun intended there your family speaks your emotions speak the world to speak false prophets speak Satan speak demonic powers speak but the voice of the Holy Spirit speaks to I'm reminded of a scripture or a narrative here in Exodus chapter 17 verses 1 through 7 the scripture says this at the Lord's command the whole community of Israel left the wilderness of sin or Horeb and move from place to place eventually they camped at rev Adam but there was no water there for the people to drink so once more the people complained against Moses give us water to drink they demanded quiet Moses replied why are you complaining against me and why are you testing the Lord but tormented by thirst they continued to argue with Moses why did you bring us out of Egypt are you trying to kill us our children and our livestock with thirst then Moses cried out to the Lord what should I do with these people they're ready to stone me the Lord said to Moses walk out in front of the people take your staff the one you used when you struck the water of the Nile and call some of the elders of Israel to join you I will stand before you on the rock at Mount Sinai strike the rock and water will come gushing out then the people will be able to drink so Moses struck the rock as he was told and water gushed out as the elders looked on Moses named the place masa which means test and mara ba which means arguing because the people of Israel argued with Moses and tested the Lord by saying is the Lord here with us or not so this is an amazing miracle the children of Israel we're thirsty and they were complaining against the servant of the Lord and God speaks to Moses he gives them a clear instruction he says stripes the rock and water will come gushing out so Moses obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit obedient to the voice of God strikes the rock and sure enough water comes flowing out this is a powerful miracle but then something happens and this is a separate event in numbers chapter 20 beginning at verse 7 where the scripture says and the Lord said to Moses you and Aaron must take the staff and assemble the entire community as the people watch speak to the rock over there and it will pour out its water you will provide enough water from the rock to satisfy the whole community and their livestock so Moses did as he was told he took the staff from the place where it was kept before the Lord then he and Aaron summoned the people to come and gather at the rock listen you rebels he shouted must we bring you water from this rock then Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with the staff and water gushed out so the entire community and their livestock drank their fill but the Lord said to Moses and Aaron because you did not trust me enough to demonstrate my holiness to the people of Israel you will not lead them into the land I am giving them Moses would cut off right then and there from the promise of entering into the promised land now listen to me very carefully this is why it's so important to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit when you disobey the voice of the Holy Spirit or when you act in a way that is contrary to what God has spoken there is a consequence sometimes we act out of ignorance and sometimes we act out of willful disobedience now I can't say what it was here but Moses heard the Lord say speak to the rock and instead he struck the rock now what's interesting to me is that water still came forward there were still results but Moses miss something his destiny was altered people have missed their destinies because they do not obey or even try to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit I have a friend who is very prophetic and he told me a story about when he first started in the ministry he traveled to a foreign country to Minister the gospel and he and several pastors were getting ready in the morning to take a helicopter ride up to the top of a mountain it was the only way that you can get to the top of the mountain in time for the service that is if you wanted to gain some extra hours of sleep and they were all very tired and so my friend heard the Lord speak to him in the morning that he was to go and speak not to take the helicopter but instead to hike up the mountain now my friend at the time he will say this he was overweight so he was not really up to the challenge of climbing that mountain but he obeyed the voice of the Holy Spirit and he woke up hours earlier than he had to wake up he got dressed hours earlier than he had to get dressed and he began on his trek up that mountain by the time he arrived at the top he was sweaty and he was tired and he was exhausted and he was a bit dirty from the traveling when he got to the top of that mountain he found there was some tragic news the helicopter had crashed and every person on that helicopter died now it's quite possible that the Holy Spirit tried to speak to those other pastors to those other people on that helicopter but because he obeyed the voice of the Holy Spirit my friend was spared from that tragedy Moses was not attentive to the voice of God God told him speak to the rock and Moses struck the rock why I believe it's because Moses was thinking about the separate incidents recorded in Exodus chapter 17 now these locations are different I don't have time to go into laying out the difference between these two narratives of these two stories but these are separate occasions Moses remembered what the Lord did and acted upon a memory or acted upon tradition instead of a fresh message from the Holy Spirit this is why the church is in trouble and I might get in trouble talking about this this is why the church is in trouble today they're looking for God in a tradition that he's no longer in they're looking for God to move in ways that they remember he moves they're looking for God to use means that he used to use I'll give you just one example there are many ministries right now that are just starting and they're investing a lot in the television but you know what God's not really doing things in television anymore sure God's using great networks I'm not saying they're not anointed by God but to start now in television is not really what God is doing I believe God is moving in new media he's moving through internet he's moving to smart television he's moving through our devices I mean think about how everything has changed so again let me reiterate I'm not saying God doesn't use TV ministries I'm saying that to start one now it's a completely different story those who started then they're in a good position to make some some good transitions but my point is that some people they will try to touch on what God used to do and therefore miss out on what God is doing now God is doing something fresh in the earth God is doing something different it's going to look different it's going to sound different it's going to be delivered through different means and it's going to be applied through different methodologies and if you're not careful you will look for God in the striking of the rock when he's saying to speak to the rock and though you will see results water will come forth you'll see miracles water will come forth you'll see salvation water will come forth you will miss out on your destiny because you're not obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit or even applying your ear to listen for it most people don't even try to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit so they don't know what they're missing so don't judge your success by results anybody can see results but the question is is it the destiny that God has placed doing is it the result that God has planned to give you and that is the difference between hearing the voice and not hearing the voice we can miss our destiny if we don't hear the voice of the Holy Spirit Moses was trying to perform today's mirakl based upon yesterday's instruction power is not found in systems it's found in obedience I'm going to say that to you again power is not found in systems it is found in obedience God is not mechanical God is not predictable in fact God will just do things differently just to mess with your humanity sometimes God will do things completely different than we are used to him doing them just so you know that it was God that did it and not the method just so you know to rely upon God and not your systems and your structures God likes to move in ways we least expect so that we can't get the glory for working the system instead he requires faith in response to hearing his voice Moses was excluded from the promised land because of how he responded to the voice we have to hear him now it's not all just warning that I'm going to give you there are benefits to hearing the voice and I'm going to tell you how to hear it you see I'm going to read John chapter five verse 19 where the scripture says so Jesus explained I tell you the truth the son can do nothing by himself he does only what he sees the father doing whatever the father does the son also does so Jesus makes it clear that there is not a single thing he does he didn't speak a word he didn't think a thought he didn't take a step he didn't heal one sick person he didn't teach one lesson until he saw his father do it Jesus was reflecting perfectly from heaven upon the earth the perfect will of God and he did it by perfect obedience to the voice of God to the voice of the Holy Spirit Jesus you'll often see healed Jesus taught Jesus walked Jesus fled Jesus cast out devils Jesus ate jesus wept but you'll never see once in the scripture that Jesus hurried Jesus never hurried because Jesus was never late and Jesus was never late because he was always in God's perfect timing you and I can pray for the day that we are into with the will of God down to the hour or even the minute or even the second but Jesus was so in tune with the voice of the Holy Spirit he was so reflective of God's will in heaven upon the earth that he walked in perfect obedience he walked in obedience he walked in the will of God right down to the millisecond I want you to think about that down to the millisecond everything was perfectly timed because he walked in obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit now Jesus walked with a peace do you have peace Jesus had clarity do you have clarity Jesus laid hold of his purpose do you know your purpose Jesus walked in effectiveness Jesus walked in miracles these are actual results of hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit now hear me there are many things that you can judge your success by you can judge it by how much money you make you can judge it based upon how many people like you you can judge it based upon how many people know your name you can even judge it upon spiritual results by how many people are getting saved in your life how many people are getting healed but the only standard that we measure our success by is whether or not we obeyed the voice of the Holy Spirit true success is not results true success is obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit and that is how Jesus walked he did not miss one appointment he did not miss one miracle he did not miss one part of his destiny he walked in perfect obedience to God and you can too just by hearing and obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit now miracles took place he was effective he had purpose he had clarity he had a peaceful restful flow you know people who are in the will of God they're not in a rush they're not burdened they're not they're not chaotic I know some of you don't like to hear this but it's the truth maybe your ministry is not growing because you're not organized and you're not organized because you're not hearing the voice of God and God is a God of order God will not bless a mess are you stewarding well what he has given you are you taking care of what he has entrusted to you how do you know you have to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit now we judge our success by whether or not we obeyed God and when we obey God we see actual results I'll give you an example you know III love I'm personally I'm a cat person now I know this is YouTube so the YouTube community will will welcome that but those of you are listening to the podcast or any other form of media you may say what I'm so disappointed to hear you're a cat person well I don't own a cat but I prefer cats because they don't do anything and they leave me alone but other than that I'm not really an animal person but I do have you no compassion for God's creation but I've seen these commercials where there's a dog and he's got a missing eye and he's shaking and they have the sad music and the camera zooming in on their face and the voice comes over if you'll donate just I've sent today you can help so-and-so you know come out of the dog pound or whatever it is they're raising money for and I'm thinking okay of all the causes I can put my money toward them all the things that are going on I would I would much rather put my money toward a starving child or or helping the elderly you know human helping human beings out first and then we'll solve some of those problems but you know there are many causes out there but the only thing that really affects anything is what you do for eternity I'm all for feeding programs I'm all for sheltering the homeless I'm all for clothes clothing those who don't have clothes I'm all for visiting the prisoner visiting the sick and Hospital is in many of those things but the truth is that it does no good to feed a man today who's going to hell tomorrow what do I mean by that I mean that there is no greater cause than the gospel there is no greater cause in that which counts for eternity and only that which counts for eternity truly counts you see even if I do something that impacts a nation or the world and my name is remembered from in the history books let's say I win the Nobel Peace Prize or I I know I never will I don't do any of that kind of work but in the world really doesn't acknowledge ministers of the gospel in fact we're persecuted and hated but let's say someone becomes a historical figure for helping this nation or that nation history will remember them yes but then even one day history will be no more only what impacts eternity truly counts and if you want your life to impact eternity you have to be hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit Jesus had actual results Jesus actually made a difference the greatest cause you can be a part of the greatest difference you can make is making a difference with the gospel I'm not just about impacting lives and changing lives I want to change and impact eternity and in order to become that person who is peaceful and clear and focused on their purpose and effective and operating in miracles and seeing actual results that affect eternity you have to hear the voice of the holy spirit so how do we hear the voice of the holy spirit well number one you have to stop believing and this isn't one of the points but this is this is my introduction to these points you have to stop believing the myth that you can't hear the voice of the Holy Spirit it's not that God has anointed certain people to hear his voice and other people to just listen no no God has anointed every believer to hear his voice John chapter 14 verse 26 the scripture says but when the father sends the Advocate that's the Holy Spirit as my representative that is the Holy Spirit he will teach you everything and remind you of everything I have told you jesus said my very words are spirit in life where's that been recorded Jesus's teachings right here in the word Jesus is the word this is this is the written word Jesus is the written word made flesh he's the word made flesh so this word is the revelation of Jesus the revelation of Christ the Holy Spirit takes the word and makes him real the Holy Spirit takes the word and intensifies and vivifies and glorifies and magnifies Jesus he takes your attention and places it on Jesus when you read the word you are communing with Christ because the Holy Spirit is taking the word and making it spirit just like in John 6 we see where Jesus said that that the spirit alone gives life but that not my words my words I have spoken our spirit and life so those words that are spoken the Holy Spirit breathes upon and makes them real to you you know you can't really claim anything from the word for yourself until the Holy Spirit has given you the revelation of it the Holy Spirit has to breathe upon it he breathes upon the promises of God he breathes upon the instructions he breathes upon the revelation and he makes that yours the Holy Spirit not doesn't just make the word real he makes the word yours the promise is yours the promises come to pass when the Holy Spirit touches them now my point here is number one to understand and to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit you need the word this is your guide remember this the voice of the Holy Spirit will never contradict anything in the word this Bible the Bible is the perfect Word of God it is without error in its message and it is divine in nature these very words our spirit life this is not just a book though the binding and the pages in the ink or just of this world this here is revelation this is the Word of God this is precious this is rich when you begin to get into this book it begins to transform you begins to change you and the Holy Spirit speaks to the word because the scripture says that he reminds us and he reveals he reminds and he reveals those are the two things he does but how is he supposed to remind you of something you've never read how is he supposed to reveal to you if you're not in the word you have to seek you have to knock you have to ask then he responds ask and it shall be given seek and you shall find knock and the door will be open when you read the word you're knocking on the door of Revelation missing Lord let me see tell me what you really like show me what your nature is tell me about your likes and dislikes what do I do that pleases you what do I do that displeases you talk to me show me what direction do I need to take in my life with this particular instance and then just read the more often you're in the word the more you begin to realize what his voice is like people say well what does the voice of God sound like well it sounds like God and I know that's not the answer you want to hear but what it for example what is my voice sound like you could try to describe it but even in describing my voice a human voice if you try to describe my voice to one of your friends they wouldn't know my voice if they heard me talking in a crowd but you would why because you watch these videos regularly you become familiar with the teachings we we spend time together in the word and so you become familiar you recognize the voice that's what it's like to hear God you just spend time in the word it's that's simple listen it really is that simple spend time in the word get into the depths of the word get into the richness of the word and you'll begin to become familiar with the voice of God so number one is the word number two is silence and stillness now silence is the easy part Matthew chapter six verse six says but when you pray go away by yourself shut the door behind you and pray to your father in private then your father who sees everything will reward you now prayer that is done in private is less distracting that's why we close our eyes when we pray we're shutting out natural sight and we're looking with the eyes of our heart the inner man is focusing on Jesus when you go away into the silence you're putting away all of the outer distraction that's the easy part that's turning off your phone that's turning off the television that's turning off the internet not yet finish this video and then do it that's telling people you can't be reached for a certain period of the day that's setting aside all of the responsibilities and the tasks that have laid themselves before you and coming before the Lord and sing Lord I make time for you Here I am you know the Holy Spirit wants to lead you into the depths of prayer but he waits for you at the gate of stillness so silence is the putting away of outer distraction but stillness the quieting of the soul be still my soul all of the noise all of the clutter the emotions the stress the prayer requests the burdens the hurts the sickness the financial trouble all of it creates inner chaos now some people will come to pray and they'll say you know this chaos this inner chaos I don't fill it until the moment I go to pray and they'll say things like this isn't it amazing that I'm not distracted until I try to pray the truth is that inner chaos is always there you just don't realize it until you're quiet enough to hear what's going on inside of your own heart so prayer does not invite chaos it reveals it it shows where you are just try for a moment after this video go and be still somewhere and look at all that's going on inside of you that is going on inside of you 24/7 it's only when you go to pray and stillness that it's finally revealed imagine you've been walking around with that but you learn to be still Psalm 46:10 says be still and know that I am God stillness precedes revelation if you want to know him you have to be still X this chapter 14 verse 14 says the Lord will fight for you you need only to be still stop fighting stop wrestling stop trying to solve all your problems in prayer just give it to the Lord and be still so I'm 37 verse 7 says be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for him to act most people don't realize that a big part of stillness is just waiting on the Lord that's how I begin prayer I just go in I'll start worshiping and I just wait the truth is according to Psalm 80 18 that you have to be still and the Lord has to invite you or call upon you or quicken you before you can call upon him sure you can with your mouth say Lord I need you you can call upon him but who do you think was it that put that desire in you in the first place it was the Holy Spirit so every time you desire to pray every time you think to pray every time you're being pulled to pray that quite possibly could be the work of the Holy Spirit that desire to pray in you that is from the Holy Spirit he's calling you and when you respond to that and when you're still enough to hear that response he takes you right in now we struggle and we try to fight all these different battles in our own mind we worry and we think that by worrying we're going to change any circumstance whatsoever but it's not true you can't change anything by worry I like to use this analogy when a predator attacks its prey in the animal kingdom when it when it when it destroys the body of its prey and it bites down the prey will begin to struggle and squirm or tense up it's not until the prey stops tensing its body that the predator knows that it has ownership over the prey and until the prey stops fighting the predator will not let go now I don't mean to say that God is a predator or he's attacking us but in a good way he wants to kill our flesh our flesh is the prey of prayer prayer kills the flesh and prayer and stillness oh my goodness stillness will destroy the flesh quietness will destroy the flesh waiting will destroy the flesh waiting in prayer and just being still and letting all that clutter in your mind all those thoughts letting them just bounce off of your revelation of Jesus because you have the word you have a revelation of who he is you hold on to that revelation you focus on that revelation and every thought that comes against you bounces off of that revelation because you're holding to that truth worldly meditation tells you empty your mind and be dumb but the godly meditation is meditation upon the word it's meditation upon what he said there's substance to the meditation and because there's substance to our meditation we don't invite evil spirits like emptiness does evil spirits will look to fill the emptiness so when you empty your mind you're inviting at least when you empty your mind in meditation ungodly meditation you're inviting demonic influence but when you fill your mind with the word and hold to that revelation and say I will not let that go you let all of those thoughts bounce off of you and your flesh begins to die Pryor grabs hold of the flesh and the flesh will tense it will squirm and prayer will hold on until the flesh stop squirming the flesh stops fighting and then you enter right in you begin to worship and you sense that connection you begin to read in there's revelation for some people it's going to take you 45 minutes of waiting on the Lord some it will take you 3 mayor took me 4 hours for a day for a week straight before I finally saw breakthrough in that area my flesh finally stop squirming but do it because it is the silence and stillness that will allow you to hear the voice of God now finally the final key here is number 3 obedience obedience to the voice of God Psalm chapter 37 verse 23 says the Lord directs the steps of the godly he delights in every detail of their lives whose steps the see direct whose steps does the Lord direct the godly proverbs chapter 3 verse 6 in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path if you acknowledge him he will direct you if you walk in godliness he will delight in every detail of your life if you walk in godliness he will direct your steps God does not direct the disobedient sure for the sake of salvation he'll use his sovereign hand to move them along to the point where they have an opportunity to repent but for the most part God is not instructing the ungodly the Lord directs the step of the godly this means that you must obey I want you to hear me on this God will speak and not speak again until you obey what he's spoken I want you to get that because it's so important I know it's heavy but I need you to understand this God will speak and not speak again until you obey what he has already spoken some of us don't want to go hear the voice of God because we know he's just going to repeat what he told us last time some of us don't like going into the deep places of Prayer because we're revealed before the Lord he can see us and we don't like what he sees delay is disobedience delay is disobedience when you obey the voice of God his voice becomes even clearer you say but I don't I don't know what to do next I am not quite sure what the instruction is here just obey what you know and the rest will come with clarity well I I have no specifics I don't know we just obey his word start with the word what is this word you find your time in prayer and silence and stillness you do those two things and eventually that spoken word to your heart will become clearer and clearer and clearer and if you obey what God tells you to do in this word you obey what God tells you to do in prayer he begins to speak more and more often and more and more clearly and really it's not even that disobedience keeps God from speaking but it keeps us from hearing so number one the word number two silence and stillness and number three obedience and then I just want to give you this I know this is going a little longer than usual but I know you'll love the teaching here and it will help you so let me let me just give you one more quick thing here Jesus said in John chapter 10 verse 27 my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me jesus said my sheep hear my voice I'm reminded of 1st Samuel chapter 3 verses 1 through 10 when samuel was first called by the lord he didn't recognize the voice of God God called him Samuel Samuel Samuel went to his master Eli said Eli did you call me Eli says no I didn't call you go back to bed well after a couple times of this happening Eli eventually realizes Samuel the Lord is speaking to you and so he tells Samuel go and when you hear that voice speak to you again say speak Lord your servant hears and so Samuel went back he said that and eventually he made a connection with the Lord and was called as a prophet so Samuel heard the voice of God he just didn't recognize it there are three voices that will speak to you in your life no matter what you hear no matter what the source of the information is anything that ever comes in your direction that is information or ideas or anything like that anything that comes your way is going to be from one of three voices it's either going to be from the satanic the secular or the spirit the satanic is easy to spot the satanic will always contradict the Word of God the secular is a little more difficult to spot because it's subtle it contradicts the nature of God and until unless you're spending time in his presence you're not going to know what God is like in other words the satanic voice was speaking as they are I don't believe that because through the Word of God says exactly the opposite but you learn to resist the secular voice because you hear something or see something or something will come your way of sin no I don't think the Lord's in it because I know his voice or I know his nature and this doesn't look like something he would want me to do or this is not something he has spoken to me or this is not something he wants for me right now so it's a little more subtle and then number three there is the spirit so the satanic will contradict the word the secular will contradict the nature of God and the Spirit will always align with both the Spirit is the voice of the Holy Spirit so how do you discern between these things well when it comes to hearing God really as often as we say lord I want to hear your voice Lord I want to hear your voice what's interesting is that it's not really about hearing him because you already hear him if you belong to God you already hear the voice of God you just have to recognize his voice among all of the other voices that are speaking let's read that verse again my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me jesus said it very clearly my sheep hear my voice the question is not can I hear the voice of God the question is am i a sheep do I belong to him and if you belong to him then he's speaking to you right now he's talking me his word his spirit all you have to do is shut out the other voices and recognize the voice but speaking to you Father I pray right now for that one who is receiving this prayer and I pray Lord for perfect clarity help them Lord to shut out the voices of the world help them to hear you above all the noise give us a hunger for your word Lord take us deeper into your word than ever before take us deeper into prayer than ever before and let our faith rise so that we can walk the walk of faith more radically than ever before we thank you Father for your voice that is now speaking in Jesus name we pray if you agree I want you to say Amen well I know that you enjoyed that teaching because I know it was from the Lord and I know that many of you message that you want to teaching on the voice of the Holy Spirit so I'm going to welcome now the new members of Spirit Church there you are up on the screen we love you we are praying for you I always say that because I always mean it I'm going to read now your comments from last week's video God's anointed the first disciples and then I want to talk to you about our fundraiser where we are don't go anywhere and I want to talk about becoming a monthly partner if you've never stuck around for the end of this I want you to stick around and even if you have before and you not yet supported or maybe you are supporting either way there's there's going to be a little something for everybody after I read these comments so these are from last week's video God's anointed the first disciples and that was actually a series I did on the call of God it was a seven part series go and check it out I know it will bless you if you feel that God is calling you to the ministry it's a absolute must for you Connie writes thank you David for sharing this message I'm truly blessed by God for knowing your ministry I am learning to surrender to God and to yield to him by calling for moment is to own a business in career placements well god bless you I pray that the Lord would bless what He has called you to do Mahara dues rights I thank God for your ministry it's a great joy to learn more about God's kingdom they on rights thank you for sharing the in-depth meaning of God's words in John 3:30 he must increase and I must decrease this has impacted my everyday life I pray encounter TV can be a blessing here in Indonesia while watching all the way from Indonesia well god bless you we thank you for watching encounter TV or spiritual ear on encounter TV Alvira rights this brought me to tears this series really blessed me thank you David these teachings make me fall in love with Jesus more and more each time I am called to be an evangelist I pray that the name of Jesus will continue to be glorified as I walk in his will and tell the lost about the hope that saved me be blessed forever well Alvira god bless you and I pray he bless your call in to the Ministry of evangelism very excited to hear about that sinisa Rossell writes hallelujah to the lamb Pastor David all of your sermons have made my faith grow I'm always blessed by all of your messages thank God for your life I always include you in my prayers every day pastor well thank you so much I really do appreciate your prayers and to those of you who are praying for me thank you I love you and I appreciate it and finally patti gonzales right brother David my husband and I love your teaching it is a blessing from God I know he will bless you more and I'm so excited to be a part of your ministry campaign it's all for his kingdom will god Bless You patty and Patty you probably know where we are but I want to just update all of you on where we are with this campaign this is how far we are now look at the progress we have made praise the Lord we're almost there and in fact I estimate that this what you're seeing right here should be done within the next two or three months and I'm so excited for it for those you who don't know what I'm talking about let me try to give this to you as briefly and concisely as possible but but listen up here this is a to here because you can be a part of this okay here's what we're doing in short we are going to build a world evangelism Center that ministry Center will be the home of a 24/7 prayer room a television production studio that can house a studio audience so that you can come in and be a part of the tapings and you can be a part of the live broadcast it will be a production facility that can broadcast live it will be a production facility where we can produce multiple different programs and it will be a place where we can launch the brand new network that we're working on the encounter TV network and that is going to be taking advantage of the new media such as top box television sets Smart TV Apple TV Roku things like that and Android and Apple devices it's going to be the TV network of the future and that means we're basically going to reach more people in a more efficient way so the cost per person reach is going to be much lower than if we did a traditional television broadcast now in addition to this facility those monthly costs will also help us to do more events more often and in more locations and I know you're excited about that that means we can start coming to more countries and all of that now here's where it breaks down as far as the expenses go because I want to give you a little breakdown here I need you to understand what I mean by monthly support when I say become a $30 a month partner I mean that you sign up and that you become a supporting since I'm going to give $30 every month and I'm sticking with your ministry I'm with you now the people who give a one-time gift we appreciate that we love that we use that and it helps to fund what we're doing here but the monthly support is really what we're counting on we needed a thousand new $30 a month partners to help make up for the cost of the new hires we would have to make the facility costs and the cost of the events that we're going to start doing so a building has monthly costs there's rent there's air conditioning for studio audience definitely want that there's electricity there are utilities there is security security cameras alarm systems insurance office supplies all of that is in a monthly basis so that's why we need the monthly partners and also the events that we're going to be doing so thank you for sticking around for that explanation so to recap world evangelism Center brand new facility and events that we're going to be doing more often why we want to win more souls in a more effective manner so we need two things we need monthly partners and we need one-time donors you're going to sign on to become a monthly partner I'm going to send you either my book carriers of the glory or 25 truths about demons and spiritual warfare your choice I'm going to sign it for you as a thank you for becoming a $30 a month partner now do that today sign up help us take the gospel all around the world and we sure do appreciate what you do becoming a monthly partner with this ministry is what keeps this ministry going and helps us to plan for the future so here's what you're going to do if you're watching this on youtube wait until the end of the video and a link is going to appear you're going to see a red button on the video click that button sign up to become a $30 partner two day listen if you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit telling you to sign up obey his voice don't delay say I'm going to do it I'm going to sign it to become a $30 partner two day do that and then stick with us for the long term this is something we're going to do to Evangelos the world and I'm excited about everything that's happening it's going to be awesome so do that today thank you for those of you who have partnered they with us continue to partner don't stop your partnership we love you we are praying for you well that is it for this edition of spirit church until next time remember nothing is impossible with God thank you for watching encounter TV don't forget to subscribe also help me win Souls by spreading the gospel through events and media make a one-time donation or become a monthly supporter by clicking on the donate link now
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 836,471
Rating: 4.8669643 out of 5
Keywords: how to hear the voice of the holy spirit clearly, How to Hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit, holy spirit you are welcome here, how to hear the voice of god, how to hear the holy spirits voice, how to hear the holy spirit speak to you, how to hear the holy spirit speak, hear god speak to you, how do i hear god speak to me, how can you hear god speak to you, how to pray and hear god speak, david diga hernandez, encounter tv, how to hear the voice of the holy spirit, Holy spirit
Id: bKFj3od-d6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 54sec (3234 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2017
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