Carriers of the Glory: The Testimony of David Diga Hernandez

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[Music] hello David Igor Hernandez here and you are watching spiritual chair on the encounter TV network I'm going to do something a little bit different I want to have with you a casual chat I'm just going to share from my heart of course there will be some teaching I have a couple of scriptures ready to share with you but I want to share my personal testimony about what Jesus has done in my life and what he is accomplishing through my life of course all glory goes to him and as you listen to my story my hope is that you're inspired my hope is that you say if God can use him God can use me and I want you by the end of this to be praying and saying to the Lord Lord use my life to and I know this with certainty not only can God use your life too but I believe God could use your life in greater dimensions I'm going to share my heart in just a moment the first FIBA Moctezuma is here with me he's gonna lead you in some very anointing worship it then we're gonna get right into this testimony first let's go now to Steve Mizzou we place you on the highest place boy of the great high priests we please you I am [Music] we worship [Music] we place you on the highest for you are the green ivory we police you hi [Music] and we come to you and worship your [Music] and we come to you in worship your fear [Music] and we come to you and worship you [Music] [Music] I'm just going to share a portion of Scripture with you and then I'm going to get right into this first Corinthians chapter 1 verses 26 to 29 say this remember dear brothers and sisters that few of you were wise in the world's eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you instead God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise and he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful God chose things despised by the world things counted as nothing at all and use them to bring to nothing with the world considers important as a result no one can ever boast in the presence of God I love the way the King James Version words it that no flesh should glory in his presence as early as the age of seven I battled heavily with anxiety now I believe that the anxiety that came against me was purely demonic in fact generations ago my family had a very high position in the world of the occult and so there was a spiritual demonic influence that tried to re-enter at every generation now I don't necessarily believe in generational curses I believe that when you come to Jesus every curse is broken and you don't really have to do anything special to break that but of course generational curses do apply I believe to people who are not saved now I was not a born-again believer as a child obviously you're not born a Christian you have to accept Christ at a certain age that you recognize that you need him but this anxiety followed me everywhere listen I would have visions of demonic bings and I would see them physically manifest in my room as a kid I would see them in different places I would hear demonic whispers I would also hear audibly the voice of God and I knew that he had called me and I knew that there was something hovering about me there was a lot of spiritual activity that surrounded me my family has stories about this different things that would happen but I'll never forget a vision I had of hell I was I must have been around that age six or seven years old and I remember lying down on my bed and I looked over at the floor and the floor opened up and I could see this pit and it was a cave-like structure along the walls there were all of these people I knew they were lost souls that were embedded into the walls reaching up at me I was terrified by this I rolled over and I tried to ignore it and I remember when I turned my back I could feel the heat coming from that pit and to this day it's a memory I have now I don't know necessarily where the influence of the Holy Spirit began but I do remember constantly being sensitive to the spiritual realm my parents prayed a very special prayer over each and every one of their children for my older sister Raquel they prayed that she would be a worshipper and to this day she is a worshipper she passes the church with her husband in California they prayed for my younger brother Michael for a spirit of boldness and believe me he's very very bold but what they prayed for me was that I would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit now I didn't realize this till much later but that prayer has impacted everything about the ministry think about how the emphasis is on the person of the Holy Spirit well that was their prayer all along but you see when you're sensitive to the Holy Spirit people who are sensitive to the Holy Spirit are also sensitive to the spiritual realm in general so as a young boy I was very much susceptible I should say to demonic assaults one of those demonic assaults was anxiety and the way anxiety manifested in my life was a very very terrifying fear of Hell I don't necessarily believe that that fear came from God I think it was more like along the lines of what he did with job where he somewhat allowed something but it all worked out for his plan we know that God sent an evil spirit to Saul we know in the book of Kings that there was the prophets were tested with evil spirits but aside from all of that to simplify it all I know is that overall the guiding hand of God moved me along the plain of his will but still I battled heavily with anxiety and this again as I said manifested as a fear of hell fear of the demonic a fear of standing before God and one day I just picked up this book it was a thick book that my father had it was like a biblical commentary and I said Lord you have to speak to me about my fear of Hell and this is this I kid you not this is exactly how I said lord I need you to speak clearly about my fear of Hell I am tired of battling with this and I open the book and literally the first phrase there that I open to was highlight it says it said that we don't serve God simply because we're afraid of Hell but because He loves us and I believe that was one of the first ways God tried to get through to me about his love he wasn't calling me with his wrath he was calling me with his love the scripture says it's the goodness of God that leads men to repentance yes I believe in hell yes I believe sin leads leads there but God's love is what calls us and yes there is wrath to come so don't think I'm not preaching that that's the true gospel but fast-forward now I am sitting in a hotel room it's a Bible conference my whole family had gone there and I remember I stood out of this service I didn't want to be inside of the church service I believe there was some demonic influence there I didn't want to be in the church service I was 11 years old I stood in the hotel room and I was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling while my family was away at the conference which was just down the hall and I remember sweating because I was so afraid of Hell and I said I don't want to deal with this anymore I don't want to I don't want him I don't want to face the wrath of God and I remember as soon as my dad comes into the room I told him dad I I want to give my heart to Jesus I want to be sure that that I'm right with him now I believe it was the demonic that was for asking me in that way God God calls with His Holy Spirit but he doesn't torment people but God used with the enemy meant for evil for good and so I remember my dad sat across from me on the other bed there were two beds in the hotel room he sits across from me and I said dad I want to know Jesus I want to receive him he asked the rest of the family to leave so that it could be more personal and he took my hands and I began to pray with him and as we were praying I could sense Jesus walk into the room III just knew it I sensed this loving caring presence it was such a contrast to what was tormenting my mind and and he comes into the room and as he enters the room I felt all the anxiety all of the torment all of the shame all of the guilt completely lift from off of me It was as if a light was shining into the room and therefore expelling all of the darkness and I remember my dad is trying to leave me in this prayer and I was sobbing so uncontrollably as I was praying that I couldn't even get the words out but it wasn't the words that he needed to hear from me my heart was surrendered and from that moment on I knew Jesus and my prayer life began to grow many of you know that story some of you that's where I tell the story it takes off there my prayer life begins to grow for the next two years I'm locking myself in my room four to eight hours a day in the word 20 30 40 chapters sometimes 50 chapters of the word a day just totally immersed in the word totally obsessed with the presence of Jesus it was during that time that I also was introduced to the Holy Spirit now my prayer life began to grow and I remember praying this prayer right at about the peak of what was that what I would call a personal revival I prayed this prayer Lord let my hands be your hands heal through them let my eyes be your eyes allow me to see things people in situations the way you see them let my ears be your ears I want to hear your voice let my mouth be your mouth I want to speak your word let my feet be your feet take me wherever it is you want me to go let my heart be this one with yours let my being be your being crucify my will and in its place resurrect your own and when I prayed that I believe God anointed my life see I didn't really have anything special to offer him and that's why I read that portion of Scripture God chose the foolish things I was just a young Hispanic kid from the South Bay who would tie his shoes too tight who had too much gel in his hair who didn't really dress cool I wasn't one of the cool kids I wasn't on the in-crowd I didn't have really anything I could point to that I could say that's special about me all it was was I surrendered to God I said take my life and this is where I want to read to you another scripture this is found in Genesis chapter 5 verses 22 23 and 24 listen to this this is powerful and Enoch walked with God after he begat methuselah three hundred years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years and Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him you see there's not something special about me there's someone special about me Enoch walked with God and simply was not that's what I want to be I want to be a was not I want to be a portal through whom God can move you see when we worship and we pray that's a portal into the heavenly realm but when we surrender our lives we become gods to the earth we become the vessel through which he can live his life and that's all he's looking for he's not looking for special talent I used to have people make fun of everything about me I mean people made fun of the way my voice sounded it's got this different sound to it I know I've had people stop me in stores and go I recognized the voice from across the room and we watch you on YouTube I used to not like my hair because it was just it's so hard to do I felt like there's just this helmet I wear on my head and I what you looked at me you saw me you wouldn't say there is somebody God will use but you know it's interesting all those little things about myself the way my voice sounds the the lightness of my skin yes I understand it's a little little um a little sickly looking sometimes and this the look of my hair the sound of my voice the look of my skin tone all of it I used to get made fun of for at all but it's funny how God uses some of those things you realize this voice is what God has used to preach gospel the gospel to two nations to millions literally millions of people and it's funny believe it or not and I don't mean to be insulting there's I have some Asian in my blood but believe it or not this hair has Open Nations to me because they say you look like some of us and they'll accept you a little better and because of that I've been invited places I used to be insecure about being Hispanic because in certain parts of the country people treat you differently they look down on you because you're Hispanic my last name Hernandez I actually had people who would make fun of me and say well your name is is Hispanic so you're you know you're you're lesser then they wouldn't word it that way but in so many ways they would but there was a season in my life where God used the last name to give me free airtime on a TV network and I said why are you giving me free airtime they said well we have to meet this requirement and because your last name is Hispanic you get free airtime it's amazing what God will do he wants to use every little thing about you he wants to use every quality every every every character trait every look everything about you every detail he's worked on and of course there are some things that have to conform to the image of Jesus but this is what I pray let my hands be your hands let me be you just take me over flow and it begin to happen I asked the Lord for the gifts I asked him for the gift of healing I asked him for the gift of the word of knowledge the first time I used it I'd even know I was using it I was just hanging out with some friends at church and I just got this thought in my head and I told this girl very casually I didn't even realize that was prophesying I said hey do you have a friend at school who wants to commit suicide and you were talking to her on Friday and she told you that she wants to commit suicide because her father is verbally abusive she said yes and I said and she's sitting down holding her knees leaning up against her locker as she's telling you this and she's crying and the girl said yes how do you know that and I said I don't know it just flowed it was natural it just came out and that was a result of meeting Jesus and spending time with Jesus and it just flowed from there so the overflow begins never once please hear me never once did I have to call a pastor and say hey have me at your church never once did I have to pass out a business card and force my way through a door I simply ministered to the people in front of me I ministered wherever opportunity I had and every opportunity to minister that came away I took seriously I used to pray before stepping out on the platform and to this day I don't necessarily pray it all the time but I think it and I feel it and I know it I used to say out loud because I'd be so nervous I'd say Holy Spirit go out there with me when I step on that platform otherwise I can't do this so I was 14 my first book was published at 16 we shot our first television program and it was for local cable and chartered it failed miserably but we continued in 2007 I launched a YouTube channel and started doing live streams before live streaming was a thing so it was very difficult to do in 2011 that was my first television interview that aired all around the world in my early 20s we built our first television studio in Lawndale California and each step of the way I said Holy Spirit go with me each step of the way I was just saying Holy Spirit helped me stay out of the way anoint me use me I lay it all down do you realize that there were passions and ambitions I wanted to be a lawyer I wanted to be a businessman I wanted to go into politics there were so many other ambitions that I had that the Lord said you have to lay them down I wanted to go to college and study philosophy I wanted to be counted among the intellectuals but God called me God called me and I laid it all down there was a season of my life where I had like a crossroads and it was either pursue a professional path or pursue what God had for me I wanted to go the professional route because it was security it was certainty it was it was all based on my ability but God called me and I laid it all down and I don't regret a thing I don't regret a thing but I will say this deal salvation was free but the anointing will cost you everything John chapter 3 verse 30 says I must decrease he must increase and that's really the story of my life I'm a was not I'm a portal a porter for the glory of God means I just stay out of the way let him live his life through me and he grew the ministry from there and every step of the way he continues to grow the ministry he continues to bless my life I still have moments with him that are special and God wants to do the same with you God wants to use your life he'll just lay it down at the cross there's nothing the cross can't handle there's no one not a person exists that God can't use God is looking for the one who will yield and make themselves a bill I want to pray with you now father in Jesus name I pray for that one being inspired by your spirit now and I ask you to touch them anoint them and draw them into the depths of the Spirit in the name of Jesus we pray use them for your glory amen one more thing I want to say when you spend time with Jesus instead of trying to grow the ministry in your own strength and power God will do it for you when you spend time with Jesus you're aligning yourself with his will instead of trying to get God to align himself with yours what happens when you spend time with Jesus is that God begins to trust you and from there he puts more into your hands well that is it for the lesson I want to welcome now the new members of Spirit Church there you are up on the screen we love you and we are praying for you I always say that because I always mean it if you'd like to join the Spirit family 100% free go to David Hernandez slash Spirit Church when you sign up you get a brand-new fresh teaching from me every single week and a worship cover from Stephen Moctezuma the best part when you sign up to Spirit Church you can reply to that email for prayer support from our ministry staff join the Spirit family today now almost eight thousand members strong now to your comments and these comments are coming from last week's video how to know you have the Holy Spirit seven signs now if you're someone who's wondering if you have the Holy Spirit if you're someone who's constantly questioning your salvation go and watch this teaching even if you're not that person go and watch this teaching so that you can help others who are struggling in this area so that's where these testimonies are from and by the way if you'd like me to potentially read your comment next week then go ahead and leave a comment in the comment section right now and don't forget also to subscribe and when you do subscribe on youtube click that notification bell so that you're notified of when our new content is released okay so here are the comments from last week's teaching how to know you have the Holy Spirit seven signs capi copyrights character not charisma is the standard of the Holy Spirit Wow that had me thanks Lord I'm glad you were blessed by that this person was quoting a portion of the message and I encourage you to go watch it kid paver and wife writes I am bawling I know I'm saying thank you Jesus for loving me yes many people wrote to us saying that they were moved to tears as they heard the truths coming out of that message elma me she writes hey evangelist David I have been searching for the Holy Spirit inside me thank you for you are building me spiritually may God bless you and please thank Stephen for the beautiful music he has helped me with my spiritual growth as well be blessed well we know it's the Holy Spirit who's building you but Steve and I get to serve you and we're very very privileged to do that Kim Lee writes I am a new born Christian and I used to be very confident that I had the Holy Spirit within me but lately I have been afraid and doubting then this video popped up in my thread thank you for posting this video and reminding me that continuous growth is still evidence of God being in our lives we aren't perfect but we are striving for perfection and finally Quinton Evangeline writes praise be to God it was a confirmation from Jesus as I was praying and asking him for the same thank you brother David he has used you to tell me that he has given me the Holy Spirit god bless you and your ministry well these are just a few lives that are being impacted look the world needs the gospel and I mean the true gospel not the prosperity gospel not the not the watered-down gospel not the gospel where there's no power look there's there's a there's this idea right now that it's no longer cool to pray for the sick or it's no longer relevant to believe for deliverance from the demonic listen the gospel of Jesus Christ has not changed our methods may change but the message does not truth never changes we have to preach the gospel the cross the blood of Jesus repentance from sin the wrath of God the mercy of God through the cross all of it we have to preach it and it has to be backed by demonstration with the power of the Holy Spirit we cannot just preach the gospel message without the signs and wonders following because that's not how God designed it this is a supernatural message so we need both the gospel and we both the demonstration of the holy spirit to come together that has to come together so if you believe that it's time to show the world the power of God if you believe that they need to be told that Jesus is Lord if you want someone who's going to proclaim that truth boldly and stand up and not I look I'm never going to apologize for preaching the gospel I'm never going to back down I'm never going to water it down and and so that the world can be accepting of me look they can take us off their platforms they can bully us all they want but I'm gonna preach Jesus even if it means giving my life for it and if you want to be a part of that you want to see a difference made in this world and I need your help we want to spread this message further than ever before and my goodness is this ministry experiencing growth we're literally reaching millions every month through media and our events are growing rapidly most of our events now are standing room only and we need to move to larger venues in fact we're looking at some convention centers soon so God is doing something attach yourself to where there's favor attach yourself to this maybe you're someone who's saying god I want you to use my life then let God use you first to serve in someone else's vineyard when you support the gospel God pays attention to them when you do for others when you want others to do for you God pays attention to that so here's my challenge to you I want you to sow into this ministry not for me not for Steve for the gospel 100 percent of what you give goes to the Gospel message and I will not apologize for taking an offering so those of you who have comments about that make your comments I'm just going to ignore them the gospel needs to be preached the world is in desperate need and we cannot be bickering about all of these things that don't matter we need to fund the most important message the world has ever heard there is no greater cause than this this is the greatest cause in the world there's nothing you can support that's more important than that of eternal matters Souls hang in the balance urgency must be felt we must tell them that Jesus is Lord we must tell them that only Jesus safe so and you give a one-time gift or become a monthly supporter right now don't wait go to David Hernandez / donate go and do that now one-time gifts of any amount will help us and monthly gifts of any amount will help us but if you will partner with me for $30 or more a month that means you sign up to the automatic giving planet 30 dollars or more a month I will send you either carriers of the glory encountering the Holy Spirit and every book of the Bible or 25 truths about demons and spiritual warfare when you sign up I will sign one of those books for you as my initiation gift I'll send it off to you to say thank you and those of you who are waiting on carriers of the glory they're coming soon as we sold out of those but I'm gonna go and sign a bunch more this weekend so partner with us today don't wait if you've been saying you know I'm thinking about doing it I've been on the fence about it now is the time this is the moment let's do this let's win souls by the millions thank you for doing that I appreciate your support and that is it for this edition of spiritual cheer on the encounter TV network until next time remember nothing is impossible with God thank you for watching encounter TV don't forget to subscribe also help me win Souls by spreading the gospel through events and media make a one-time donation or become a monthly supporter by clicking on the donate link now
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 120,526
Rating: 4.9494162 out of 5
Keywords: david diga hernandez, holy spirit, encounter tv, holy spirit explained, healing evangelist, jesus christ, healing ministry, personal story, personal salvation testimony, powerful testimonies of salvation, christian testimonies, i am second testimony, i am second story, cbn testimonies, powerful transformation stories, salvation stories, stories of meeting god, miracle testimony, christian testimony videos, salvation testimony stories, conversion stories to christianity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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