How to Spend More Time in Prayer and STRENGTHEN Your Prayer Life

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hello David Igor Hernandez here you're watching spirit church today I'm going to be talking about how you can spend more time with God I often hear sermons about that we should spend more time with God and that it's important to spend time with God but I'm gonna give you some practical keys that will take you into the depths of the Spirit as you spend more time with God every single day no matter your work situation no matter if you're in school or whether you're full-time school or partner whatever your your circumstances in life I'm going to teach you and show you how to spend more time with God every single day you're going to want to stick around and hear that with me today david hara be daeun my guest is joining me and he'll be also adding to the message as well stephen Moctezuma is now going to lead you in some worship father we just thank you God for this moment this opportunity of worship god father I pray that you prepare our minds our hearts Scott and Jesus name you know wherever you're at just begin to seek God and just thank him father we thank you God for what you're doing uh father you're good guy Jesus you're worthy of it all you are worthy of it all you are worthy of it all for from you are all things and to you are all things you deserve the glory you're worthy you are worthy of it all you are worthy of it all father you're worthy for from you are Rafi's to you are rough eats you deserve the quarry father dispraise and where you're at father we love you God crazy God you worthy a pillow y'all you swarthy got cheese oh yeah I'll just say again you're worthy of it all you are worthy of it all you are worthy of it all yes you are God for from URL fees to you are all things you deserve the glory sky I'm crazy gah thank you God for this loving the sky you we praise You God thank you Jesus today we're gonna talk to you about keys to getting closer to God indirectly because as you spend more time with him there's gonna be something that fresh that comes on your life and you know pastor David is with me here today and many of you remember him from maybe I think it's been depending on how we air these will either be a week ago or a couple weeks ago um but I was thinking and I was praying as I was putting this together so many people right now in this time in where we are in the spirit so many people just want to be refreshed and they're looking for a freshness to come upon their life and that might be you you might be one who's saying I'm looking for God to endow me with a fresh touch from heaven well this is what's going to happen for you today on the broadcast we're going to pray for the sick we're going to prophesy as we as we normally do but today I'm going to talk to you about three keys to spending more time with God now you've heard the messages on the fact that you need to spend more time with God you've heard the messages on how important it is to spend time with God and you know you may have heard those message go manna hunger I thirst or something more I want to be that one who spends time in the presence of God I want to be a person who's friends with the Holy Spirit who reads the word who's close with Jesus who hears the voice of God with such clarity that there is hardly any doubt in their mind I mean there are all these benefits that come from walking in a relationship with the Holy Spirit but I want to talk to you on how to spend more time with God and so my friend pastor David Harvey lien is going to be commenting I threw out the license I told you ahead of time don't don't don't hesitate feel free to just just jump in every now and then anything you want to say to our viewers just as we're beginning this lesson here just the God's going to move in a powerful way today there's going to be impartation you're going to feel the presence in an unusual way today and there's going to be an import station for intercession and prayer and to be able to walk and practice the presence of God that's it that's funny that you use that terminology because there's a really good book I recommend right now just right in this moment the name just escape my mind but the practice of the presence of God do you know that the author I don't mean to put you on the spot now I don't know it but it's it's interesting because I just spoke with a friend of mine yesterday about this book really practicing the presence of God brother Andrew brother Andrew okay that that's just a side note and we I'm not connected with that Minister in any way but that book is a powerful book and that's one of the keys that we're gonna be talking about but first I want you to understand that likely you've been taught that man is trifle which is true and there's the scripture that the scripture does support all through the existence of all three body soul and spirit and often it's correlated as they say that man is trifle just as his creator is trifled and you've heard that it's the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and the Lord spoke to me and this was just a few years ago about the expressions of his presence in fact we put out a teaching just on that alone the three expressions of the presence of God and I realized that just as God exists in three persons so his presence is expressed in three ways there is the omnipresence of God the indwelling presence of God and the manifested presence of God God the Father is expressed in the omnipresence God the Spirit is expressed in the indwelling presence God the Son is expressed in the manifest presence Jesus was is and will always be the manifested presence of God I mean all throughout the Old Testament you look I mean you think of stories such as Shadrach Meshach and Abednego when the thrown into the fire for not bowing to the king and the king says the fourth looks like the Son of God and this is referenced to Jesus I mean he was there at the beginning John chapter 1 verse 1 says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God in the Word was God then John after one verse 14 tells us and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory full of grace and truth we know that Jesus is the expressed image of God God the Father is incomprehensible you couldn't understand him if you tried with this brain for us to try to understand the father it would be easier for an ant to try to understand the workings of this iPad however God the Father is explained through the Sun God the Sun is applied through the spirit God the Father is the the posture or the pose or the subject he's the one who who is the very image and Christ Himself reflects that for us as he Jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father so we understand that they all work together so God the Father is the image Jesus though God the Father is incomprehensible Jesus is the explanation of the Father the Spirit is the application of the son so God is putting that image in you God is the one who commissioned the piece of art the son is the one who posed for the art the Holy Spirit is the one who paints the art and you your life is the canvas for that art the image of Jesus impressed on you the image of Jesus reflected in you you know often we talk about reincarnation we believers actually do believe in reincarnation and now that sounds ok so there's Jesus was incarnated that's good he was incarnated because the word became flesh he said ok I have to go and my brother pointed out it was very humorous he said it's interesting because Jesus said I'll be with you always and then he left he ascended right after he said that my brother Michael pointed that out I thought that was such a good point but really as my brother later later claimed was Jesus would come through the Holy Spirit it's like Jesus was the upload and the Holy Spirit is the information I was listening to a commercial yesterday on a computer company that's putting out what they called the cloud and they were talking about the cloud knows no limitations because any can access the cloud from anywhere in the world at any time that a multiplicity of people and companies could be on the cloud and using the cloud at the same time the cloud can be aware of all things all the time it can upload and download and they can synchronize that they can communicate to one another through the cloud Jesus ascended on a cloud when Jesus ascended it was the upload of the Sun onto the servers of heaven now the Holy Spirit is Jesus on the cloud and we can download that prayer that is not an upload it's a download and so Christ who was incarnated now is reincarnated in you and that information comes on you you see the issue with man is not a hardware issue it's a software issue and when you get saved you get upgraded you get a new software and that new software begins to work indifferently with you your hardware that's why you know that hardware can become damaged by bad software you know sickness was caused by sin at the very beginning I'm not saying everyone who sick is in sin I'm saying that the root of it all came at the fall so we understand God in this way so when you understand that God the Father is this working with the Holy Spirit and this working with the Sun you see how they all correlate and I can go on for another we could both go on for hours and hours and hours about the threes and how they work together and where you see them together and the first time they're seen in the New Testament is when God the Father spoke the Holy Spirit descended like I mean we can go on and on and on and it would be an amazing teaching which we probably should do it at some point but I just want you to know that God expresses himself in three ways and this has led us to the three keys of spending more time with God number one it's spirit now what I mean by that I'm not talking about spirituality which is belief or even possibly a way of looking at life I'm talking about the conversation that takes place between you and God the spirit 24/7 whether you are aware of it or not I'm talking about in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 I'm going to go there now 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and again pastor David at any point you have a thought because I know you have a lot of rich teaching on the Holy Spirit and and at any of these points I want you to feel free so 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse number 10 the scripture says this these things God has revealed to us through the spirit for the spirit searches everything even the depths of God for who knows a person's thoughts except the spirit of that person which is in him so also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God that we might understand the things freely given us by God and we impart this in this and we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the spirit interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual verse 14 the natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God for they are folly to him and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned the Holy Spirit lives in you because he communes with your spirit you've heard me teach on the body the soul in the spirit you've heard me teach on that the Spirit comes to life when you're safe and the Spirit is like your antenna your spirit is like your antenna and God the Holy Spirit is like the radio waves so when people can't communicate with God it's not that there are no radio waves that's there that their antenna is broken their ability to receive the connection is broken so when you are fellowshipping with God when you are a believer this takes place 24/7 whether you're aware of it or not whether you're conscious of it whether you're trying to do it the scripture says pray without ceasing some people say how do I do that well it's not literally saying every moment needs to be filled it's just saying whatever you can fill with prayer fill with prayer whatever moment you can pray pray but this conversation is 24/7 fellowship happening on the plains of heavenly realms outside of your understanding outside of your comprehension outside of your awareness even at moments is occurring right now as you sit there watching this as you stand there watching this the Holy Spirit he's taking the word the truth the things that the natural men can't receive he's imparting that truth into you and your fellowshipping with God even when you feel guilty for sin you've committed even when you haven't prayed and read your Bible even when you haven't done things that you think that you should be doing to be counted as a good Christian the scripture says that he is faithful even when we are not for he cannot deny who he is that is the grace of God that is the mercy of God in your spirit there is this conversation happening the problem comes not that there is no conversation not that there was no relationship the problem comes of getting the effects of what's happening in Word to manifest outward in your life but in the spirit realm you need to understand that you are connected with God I would liken it to this when you were saved you walk through the door of justification and into the hallway of sanctification at the end of the hallway is another door called glorification glorification is when you're just like Jesus as he wants you to be and so when you're saved you open the door of justification and it's slammed shut behind you no matter where you are in the hallway of sanctification on your way to glorification it doesn't change the fact that you live in justification my progress in sanctification does not affect my in immediate right standing with God through justification the moment I say Jesus come into my life that's when he justifies you that's when he takes your sin puts it on the cross takes his holiness puts it on your life you're justified it's done there's nothing that can be done about it you move through that sanctification so being a Christian is not about being perfect but being perfected so long as I'm in the hallway I'm on my way to glory so long as I'm in the hallway I'm counted righteous so the door of justification the hallway of sanctification leads to the other door which is glorification and by the way the Holy Spirit's the one who laid out the local man and we enter that place and we begin to move toward it and this conversation is happening right now I hear people ask me all the time pastor David what happens if well I'm lying or while I'm thinking a bad thought I die do I go to heaven or hell I say well you're confusing sanctification for justification and so the Holy Spirit is communing with you you say but I feel so guilty that's your emotions you emotions are in the soul they're not in the spirit inside the truth is there and the truth can set you free so this is happening all the time so you need to have faith in that you need to understand that when you pray it's not about begging God to hear you it's about believing that he already does hear you now when you approach the throne room of God you will save so much time if instead of begging him to hear you you believe he already does if instead of begging him to accept you you believe you're already his child if instead of begging for him to forgive you you know that the scripture says that he does not deal with us according to our sins if you can overcome the mind battles of guilt of doubt of skepticism of not knowing your identity of not living in the place that you know you should live in your mind and your heart and believing the truth that you know is true if you can come out of that then you can enjoy the fellowship that is 24/7 so when this fellowship is happening it doesn't matter what's going on in your life he's there with you he's inside you he's communing with you he's working on you he that begun a good work is faithful to complete that work we are at his mercy you see not only could I not be spiritual without the Holy Spirit but I couldn't even want to be spiritual without the Holy Spirit so he brings that to life in me so that's number one the spirit and let me tell you the good news about that it's done it is being done there's nothing you could do in fact Romans chapter 8 verse 11 tells us that the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you the Holy Spirit is the indwelling presence and we fellowship with the Holy Spirit spirit to spirit all the time now I can teach other lessons on how to receive the effects of it that's the Bachelors of the Holy Spirit it's releasing them into the rest of your life you can pray in tongues and when you pray in tongues you release into the physical realm the benefits that rest in the spiritual realm within you in the outward expressions of your life so that's number one is spirit you are in constant 24/7 fellowship with God see that wasn't so hard you're already spending more time with him or at least you're becoming more aware of it and that's often what I find about the presence of God is it's not about bringing him closer it's about becoming more aware of the fact that he's already near he can't get any closer than within you and God when he gives the Holy Spirit cannot deal him in portions he doesn't give some of the holy spirit and then as you become more spiritual he gives you more no that would be the reverse okay there are no spiritual elite that get rewarded with power rewarded with the holy spirit that's the only way we can become spiritual and so that fellowship is ongoing number two is spontaneity and this is what we talked about in the practice of the presence of God Colossians chapter 3 verse 23 says in everything you do do it as unto the Lord you know Christians often say to me well how much time should I spend with God how much time do I give them for it to be a good relationship and I think the mix-up is that we look at God as if he's systematic when he's relational mm-hmm and we say well if I spend an hour we're good right I can go on the way my wife is sitting here watching me tape this I don't think she feel too good if I said Jess if I spent an hour with you can I just go about my day after that no Jess and I spend time with each other throughout the day a little call here a little text there I score a lot of points when I text her like a smiley face or something because and that's what I'm learning is there there's not just the living together in existing and and sharing your life that's part of it but there's more to which I'll touch on more but but but that spontaneity that enjoying the every moment that you do you realize that when you're driving in your car he is there when you're at work he is there in fact I want to read this a psalm chapter 139 Psalm chapter 139 and I'm going to read at verse number 7 this is what the scripture says beginning at verse 7 this is King David asking a rhetorical question which to the answer is nowhere he says where shall I go from your spirit or where shall I free from flee from your presence if I ascend to heaven you are there if I make my bed in hell you are there if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there your hand shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me if I say surely the darkness shall cover me in the light about me but and a light and the light about me be night you even the darkness is not dark to you the night is bright as the day for darkness is light as light with you David is talking about the omnipresence of God you know what's funny is that God is the great mind behind the universe he's the great awareness he's not it's not the collective awareness I was he's only one Bing he's one there's only one God and we're not him and he's that one God so I don't want to sound like I'm getting a new age stuff but he is that mind in fact there's they're there they're beginning to look into cosmology and you'll love this have you ever heard of biocentrism biocentrism is I don't know if it's a new thought in physics I'm not a much of authority to say either way but I was listening to this this this man give a talk on bio centrist ISM where right now they're asking the question in cosmology you know how did consciousness what we have arise from the universe and biocentrism is now asking the question how did the universe arise from consciousness oh nice so the model is beginning to be flipped and switched God the Father is that great genius mind working throughout the universe and the cosmos the mind that brought it all together the mind that designed it on the mind that when you make a mistake or I make a mistake he can reconfigure everyone's life your life and everyone's life around you to make sure that you stay in your destiny and not only that with having made those changes to the people around you that they also don't miss their destiny so that manage freewill constantly going all around the words of us making thousands of decisions a day that God is able to reconfigure all of that on the fly as we go that is a super genius mind he is that great consciousness aware of all things you see to experience the fellowship with the spirit you just have to be saved and you have to cultivate that inner fellowship you live from it you become aware of it you acknowledge it you pray in tongues you you know so that that fellowship is constantly ongoing but to experience the greatest of God you simply have to become aware of him walking with God can be as simple as being a of God I'm gonna say that again because that's going to set some of you frame we have this performance-based religious Christianity that says if I don't spend X amount of time I'm not a good Christian that's like me time of life I don't spend you know I spent my three hours I got those in the day am I good am I good husband no it's more than that it's a relationship and that awareness of the great awareness is what causes you to become close to number one a spirit number two is spontaneity I'm talking about talking to him all throughout the day every people asked me how long do you pray I said I pray all day and I really do it's become to the point where I used to pray lord help me get through the week be with me this week and I'd start my week and I'd go about it and then the closer I got to him the more desperate my prayers became I said Lord help me get through this day be with me today my prayers now every moment of saying Lord be with me there's that song that goes I need the every hour every hour I need Thee and that's the prayer that's the odd moment by moment be near to me and as you're going about your day as you're aware of him you'll soon experience more time with him because you realize you're spending time with him in your car you're spending time with him when you go to work you're spending time with him when you go to school when you're around friends when you're with people not to mention that also helps you a little better Christian life because now you're living a life in such a way where you're going father that offended you didn't it the thing I'm watching right now that reminds you of something that breaks your heart doesn't it and it begins to change how you talk how you act how you how you go about your whole day and it's just beautiful cultivation of the Spirit of God in your life that begins to take place and and you begin to walk in it but it comes from being aware of his presence being aware so number one it's spirit number two is spontaneity spontaneous time with the Lord all throughout your day become aware of the presence of God walking is awareness number three seclusion now this is the one that we get confused they say well if I pray three hours exactly is that one hour as good now I spend time with my wife all throughout the day every day I communicate with her every day we also know that we're connected in spirit right so we we know that the the covenant of our marriage is what primarily keeps us and then after that is the time we spend together all throughout the day but then what adds to that is when I take her on a date mm-hmm now she doesn't want to date 24/7 she'd love that right God would love to spend 24/7 where we're just secluded but he realizes the scripture says he realizes that were weak that were does yeah God wants to spend every moment he possibly can in seclusion with you but he's also gracious and understanding he knows that we have responsibilities he knows that we're creation bound within the limitations of the dimension of time for now and so he's not going to demand all of your time but he is gonna appreciate when you give him and he that's how gracious and humble he is that he's God and he says you know what I will I will allow you to block out certain times for me even though I gave you life and so we shouldn't feel guilty for living life and having a life but we also should recognize that number one I'm follow shipping with them spirit to spirit number two I can fellowship with them all throughout the day every day and then number three I got a plan those special moments where I seclude myself now some seasons of your life you're going to get more of that than less just like some seasons of marriage you get more of that than less and as long as you're working and you're cultivating all three in tending to all three of these these expressions of God's presence it will amount to a relationship with God now somebody says well I'm not after quantity I'm after quality so I don't need to do that well if you truly have quality quantity will naturally follow because the quality of his presence the quality of seclusion I want to go and spend more time with God because I know the quality of that time Matthew 6:6 Jesus says when you pray go lock yourself away pull away get to some privacy there is power in private prayer and private prayer is revealed in public power some people they have no public power on the line because they don't have any private prayer um talk talk to us Pastor David a little bit about just just make you know finding those that secret place because I know the secret place I've heard you teach on it before the Bible says in Psalms 42 7 deep calls unto deep but the noise of his water spouts all all the waves and his billows of his presence wash over us were renewed in the secret place the most holy place we talked about the threes we talked about the father the son the spirit we talked about spirit soul body outer courts inner courts holy of Holy's ask seek knock thirty sixty hundred fold harvest those threes are everywhere yeah it's not her space tell of it it and it continues on Egypt wilderness Canaan land he talks about in the outer courts we have milk in the Holy of Holies we have strong meat and in between I think it's hamburgers and french fries you know we grow in the Lord from grace to grace and glory to glory but when we get into that glorification state we have left justification we move through sanctification and we get transformed if we if we suffer with him we'll also reign with him and that's where that manifest presence comes out I want to share this real quickly please about 1st Corinthians chapter 2 because it's one of my favorite passages as a young believer I just marked that thing up 1st Corinthians chapter 2 but in verse 16 it says but you have the mind of Christ I love that I love it but here's what else it says in Philippians 2:5 it says arm yourself I'm sorry it says let this mind be in you let this or allow this mind to be in you wait a second do we have the mind of Christ or do we allow it ah but first Peter 4:4 one says arm yourselves with this same mind well is God schizophrenic of course not it's an outer courts truth to allow ourselves to be justified coming into Christ it's a sanctification process of an inner courts truth to arm ourselves with this same mind and then it's a glorification process where we think like our Father and our father's thoughts lay hold on us and we have the mind of Christ so which is it do we allow it do we arm ourselves or do we have it and the answer is absolutely yes it's all three I love it I love it there's a there's a burst that a really skeleton prompted just share and it's for somebody out there and I was looking at it begins to play because we I feel like we're going to start prophesying now it's about King ASA and it says behold the acts of ASA first and last lower they not written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel second chronicles chapter 16 verse 11 it's also in second chronicles 14 - as a parallel story of it it says an ASA in the 39th year of his reign 39 is symbolic appealing in the 39th year of his reign he was diseased in his feet there was something wrong with his walk he was at dis ease in his walk until it was exceedingly great yet in his dis ease he sought not to the Lord but only the physicians there's somebody out here right now that has been seeking to the physicians they've been asking God to bless their medications they've been asking God to do this and that through the doctors God wants to do it personally for you it's time to look not at the physician but up to the great physician because he's about to release healing to many of you aces name and this is interesting ASA died in the 41st year of his reign after two years the Bible says he sought not to the Lord the great physician but he only sought to the earthly physicians nothing wrong with physicians go right don't clarify pastor David's not telling you to not order your medication or not go to the doctor what what what the Lord would have you to do is look to him as the source and if God works through the physician fine but he's wanting to work directly with you right now and this is what's interesting do you know what the name ASA means in the original Hebrew no it means physician ace was called the gila nation and he did that but in the thirty-ninth of a year of his reign he got off-base he threw one of the prophets in prison he didn't receive the word of the Lord and what happened was he became at dis ease in his walk God's wanting to get you back on track with your walk if you'll just look back up to him healing is going to flow that's awesome and you're going to be reconciled and the manifest presence is going to be released right now now I'm going to close up the thought of the message because then and then them and then we're going to begin to just kind of give words and pray for you but this idea of spending more time with God it's much easier to do from a perspective of grace we don't spend time with God as if we're checking in time and punching a card and all that it's it's not it's not like that it is a relationship we are we're not bound by legalism nor do we tread the extremes of Liberty or liberalism but we rest in the beautiful boundaries of love and so in other words I see Christians sometimes they make their whole Christianity about not sinning and that's like making a whole marriage about not cheating you don't do that but it's not just about not cheating it's about loving that person and with the Lord it's not about not sinning it's about loving him and that love draws you in deeper and the sense of obligation needs to be broken off of you yes there is some discipline to prayer I'm not going to say you can just lie there for an hour and say nothing yes there is some you know there's some habits that you have to do practically especially for that third key which is seclusion but overall you need to understand that you're playing from a place of acceptance not to be accepted you've already been accepted and so because of that respond so again number one it's the spirit 24/7 conversation constantly going number two spontaneity be aware of the presence of God and spontaneous moments all throughout your day and the number three seclusion those the special dates that you set aside that special time that goes to cultivate a greater out in the sphere now I want to pray with you and as we're praying we're just going to quickly I don't want to say we can't spend too much time per word of knowledge because we are drawing this to a close now but I do want to begin to prophesy and pray so father in Jesus name Lord we pray you begin to speak right now in Jesus name Pastor David Lloyd shows him anything just there's somebody with bursitis in his shoulder and it's been chronic and the Lord is healing you right now I command that thing to loose hold right now and to be recreated and the bursa sac to begin to function prosper Lee just move it around and you'll find that the pain starts to leave and as you say these words thank you Jesus more of the pain will go there's someone watching you injured I see that you fell and you're wearing a metal watch it's it's one of those bands it's almost like in a lattice elastic in the metals like tied together and you fell and when you went to fall you're you injured your regular wrist on your right hand God's telling you right now if you'll just begin to act in faith I pray in Jesus name that the pain completely go from you Jesus we give you the glory the Lord's doing some things in like joints and shoulders there's a joint there's a thing I had a word of knowledge my knee when I start to you know move my knee my hand goes to it that's where the Lord is we're in word of knowledge works in different ways so just begin to receive it just say I receive right now come and there goes just felt it pop in my own it's happening there if you'll get up and begin to walk on it you're going to find that the pain leaves and it's gone and God's doing something recreative in knees right now that's my right but he'll do it and either one and also ankles are being healed right now God is doing something in like you these words in someone you'll know because you got it something God spoke to you two and it's this confirmation happening right now I give you the glory lord I pray that's your presence and your power and your Holy Spirit I'm going to close it down let's go there's a neck area he's just doing things in in joints muscles ligaments tendons but right I don't know there's somebody watching you you were gonna switch this off as he's talking and you were just you in your heart you you scoffed at what he was saying and you said oh no it's it's it's something else hurts and you were gonna turn this off but God wants to talk to you God wants to touch you let his presence touch you right now continue with what you recite and so right up in this area of the neck be loosed in Jesus name I just want to share this we were in a service in Kansas City recently and there was a man who had 95% cartilage gone in one knee and 85 on the other and he was going to get two knee replacements and as he came up we laid hands on him and instantly God did a recreated miracle he began to step up and down on him he was on a tree crew and he went to work the next day this was on a Sunday Monday he went to the tree crew he's had no more problems cancelled surgery he has full mobility zero pain Wow and so God does recreated miracles and joints muscles we see it everywhere we go it is the normal Christian life to walk in the supernatural you are made to be supernatural Colossians 1:27 Christ in you the hope of glory so just go ahead and reach out if we didn't call out a word of knowledge your specific ailment the Holy Spirit is still moving you can just reach up yet and grab 19 of the Holy Spirit is definitely flowing right now and so that's it for this edition of spirit as you know we started this impartation for prayer in part again release impartation that they have a spirit of prayer coming oh that's right we forgot thank you for reminding I won't shake that so father in Jesus name for those who are watching who are requesting Lord that you use their life with the power of intercessory prayer Lord we impart actually pastor David why don't you go ahead because that's stronger on your life and it is on mine release that on them thank you Lord I released that Psalms 42 seven secret place lord I thank you for beginning to visit them in the wee hours of the night and literally causing your angel to touch them on the shoulder and to wake them up to roll them over to pray where they can just get out of bed on their knees and begin to prayer thank you for drawing them in your name is like ointment that's why all the Virgin's love me draw us Lord and we will run after you is what the scripture says in the Song of Solomon so I thank you for releasing your drawing presence for intercession in the wee hours of the night visiting and dreams and viral ease dreams and visions put a pen and paper by your bed God's going to speak to you in the language of the night of dreams and visions and when you wake up you're going to seek Him for interpretation and you're going to begin to have a whole new experience with him as you have accelerated growth and intimacy with Jesus remember you can join the spirit family by becoming a member of the spirit church go to spirit church everything you have there you can look at all the past services you can watch you might be watching it from there you can become a member you can submit prayer requests it's all their spirit charge now if you are a spirit church member or your support of this ministry or someone who's blessed by our videos and whatnot you've got to go check out the ministry David Hernandez ministries comm check it out because this is more than just a youtube channel that we do that we do worldwide ministry we do television that's not internet that's cable and satellite in over 60 million homes worldwide the television ministry is available we do international events we disciple believers globally I have an itinerant minister we travel we do radio we do blogs we do all sorts of different things and you can help be a part of that by becoming a world changer partner for monthly gifts or making a one-time donation so you can join spirit search help support them if you get involved get connected support what we're doing and God will bless you for it I know that and he's going to bless you I pray in Jesus name over the top that you would receive abundantly above all that you could ask or think well that's it for this edition of spiritual thank you Pastor David for being here appreciate you being on set with me until next time remember nothing is impossible with God
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 364,596
Rating: 4.8801646 out of 5
Keywords: How to Spend More Time in Prayer, how to spend more time in prayer encounter tv, how to spend more time with god, how to pray more often, how to pray more consistently, how to pray more deeply, how to increase your prayer life, how to boost your prayer life, how to dedicate more time to prayer, how do i pray more often, how do i pray more consistently, how to spend moreso time in prayer, how to spend more tiem in prayer, How to spend more soso tiem in prayer
Id: kAbgKVylrCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 54sec (2454 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2015
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