Putting Weird Things In A Meat Grinder (TEST)

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I was so disturbed by whole ingredients for guac being stuffed in there until it seemed to turn out

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SwissMyCheeseYet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yaaaas. This is the episode I need in my life.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/plant_lady90 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I loved the glow sticks! That was awesome, it looked like a rave in a meat grinder (which would be a pretty sweet name for a club, don’t ya thinkβ€”The Meat Grinder?). Part of why I love GMM is getting to live vicariously through Rhett and Link as they do cool things I’d either never be able to or never think of. πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/panoramic_soul πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Can we find new things to grind? - Let's talk about that. (groovy electronic music) Good Mythical Morning. - We're touring just one more short stretch this year so for your last chance to see us live on stage in Phoenix, Albuquerque, Sacramento and the LA area, check out RhettAndLinkLive.com for tickets. - Mm-hmm, behold. The meat grinder or as it's more commonly known, the kitchen paper shredder. Now this is a brilliant invention but much like me in my freshman year of high school, meat grinders having been living up to their full potential. - I remember that. Now, how far can grinding go? Well let's grind some weird stuff and find out. It's time for Putting Things In Things: Meat Grinder Edition. Now this thing is called the LEM Big Bite Meat Grinder. Not a sponsor. It has a one half horse power which may not sound like a whole lot but I mean it's just a meat grinder. We got half a horse in this thing. - It's plenty. - It can grind up to seven pounds per minute. - But we're not gonna be putting horse in it. Or meat of any kind. - True. - We're gonna be putting a bunch of other stupid stuff, you know, for internet science. - Yeah. - [Rhett and Link] Round one. - Okay, making guacamole can be very cumbersome and over complicated. You gotta mash things, mix things, it makes a mess. So-- - Hate the mess. - We're gonna use this grinder to make a very quick and clean guacamole making process. - And look, we put a nose on it. - Yeah, this is the sausage making-- - Sausage nose. - Attachment but it's the guac-making attachment right now. - So we got the avocado, the-- - Jalapeno. - Jalapeno, onions, the lime. - [Rhett] I don't know what that is. - Uh. We got this-- - Tomato. - This hellish fruit. - You know what, we can also talk about it as we do it. - Veggie, I don't care what it is. Pars, I mean cilantro. All right so-- - Give me some more. - We will add a little bit of stuff. Go ahead and add the tomato and just a whole lime. And then, a little bit of the-- - [Rhett] Whoop. - A little bit of cilantro. Here you go. - Here we go. - And then-- - There it comes, there it comes. - And then let's go with another avocado, let's start the process again. Big ol' onion. Tomato. - Here it comes Link, look at it, look at it. - Whoa! - Whoa! - [Link] Whoa, it looks pretty good. Pepper. - Whoa. - It's kinda like it's, kinda like guacamole dookey. It's not pleasant. - I need more, I need more-- - Oh you need more, grab some stuff. - I need more, keep pushing it out. - Grab, put that in there. Another one of those green things and this green thing. And some of this stuff, this red thing. - [Rhett] We're making our dreams come true. - [Link] It's really workin'! And do we have salt and pepper? - Forgot that. - We gotta get some of that. - Okay hold on, I think we can taste this, man. - Okay. - Look at that. I'm just gonna eat the chip that it fell on. - You know, I thought the grinder would make more noise when it encountered the avocado skin but it didn't phase it. Ooh that's fresh. - I mean would you know that there was a whole avocado skin in there if I didn't tell you? - I wouldn't. I mean that's what the really dark parts are. And the jalapeno's a bit spicy. - Hold on, see if you can just put your mouth right on it. Why are we doing chips when we can do this? - You gonna put your mouth on that? - You're going to, pucker up. (Link chuckles) Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes. - I don't, I-- - Oh! You missed the opportunity! - I just, I just-- - You missed the opportunity, man. - I just can't bring myself to do it, Rhett. I'm sorry to disappoint you but-- - When your buddy starts shooting guacamole out of a sausage-making stick, you gotta... You gotta take it like a man. - [Rhett and Link] Round two. - I love ants on a log but the name is pretty disingenuous. I mean no real ants, no real log, but we think that with this meat grinder, we can go literal ants on a log. - We could just put ants on that log but you can't eat wood like this. You gotta grind it. - Yeah, we got some balsa wood. - You wanna throw some ants in there first? - And we have a whole bowl of ants. Now they're dead, they just look like they're crawling because of the motion of gravity over the spoon. - Why don't you just load up some before I even turn the grinder on? - Okay. You're saying just-- - Yeah just go ahead and pre-load the ants. - Here-- - Doesn't smell great. - Well let's load it at the same time. Load a few of those. And then, that way it'll, you know you shove it down in there. - Here we go. - Oh. I didn't know you were gonna hit it. Now the ants are pretty much coming out the same way they went in. - [Rhett] This thing just takes wood. Takes wood like a champ. - A little more wood, hit another. - [Rhett] Look at that. - Oh look at that, bunch of wood chips coming through here. Two of these have peanut butter, two of them don't because we wanna try both options. - [Rhett] Woo! - Ants have a scent to them. - You don't think that's the wood? - You tell me. - Oh there it goes. - I mean that, I mean this is basically like refuse from a wood shop. You could sweep the floor of any high school shop, put it on your celery. - [Rhett] I think I wanna go with the peanut butter one just because it's more authentic and it-- - [Link] It kinda sticks. - It stuck to it. - Ladies and gentlemen, literal ants on a log. - Well it's really log on ants on a log. Log and ants on ants and log. - Now we should taste this but I don't know if we wanna consume this much actual wood. - Your mama didn't make it like this. I think there's a reason for that. - Well I just kinda think of it as what mama would make plus more fiber. - Yeah, there's a lot of fiber in that. - Mm-hmm, I think you might have an esophagus puncture hazard happening. - I think I probably shouldn't swallow. - Yeah we shouldn't swallow but it doesn't taste bad. - It's fun to chew. If you just wanna chew and not swallow-- (Link grunts) We've got an idea for you. Balsa wood. - Ants on a log on a log. - [Rhett and Link] Round three. - So snap pops are named after the sound they make just like a howler monkey or a giraffe. You know this but what you don't know is what happens when you put 'em in a meat grinder. - Right and just to refresh your memory, if you just (snap pop pops) throw it like that, that thing's gonna snap. - Whoa. - And it says use only under close adult supervision. - I'm an adult. - I'm clearly an adult. - Okay, got that covered. - For outdoor use only. - Uh, well, we've got outdoors represented on the set back there. - Right, keep away from eyes. Do not put in mouth. Throw on ground. Let's just emphasize ground and grind 'em up. (meat grinder whirs) You know you can also do like a twinkle twinkle in your own hand, don't try this at home. - Here we go, I'm do it-- - Woo yeah. - [Rhett] I'm doing a handful, here. (snap pop pops) - Whoa, yeah. (snap pops popping) Whoa yeah! Smokin'. - There's like real rocks in there. - It's kinda like kitty litter. (snap pops popping) You're missing a lot. Don't waste the snap 'n' pops now. (snap pops popping) Oh yeah. Really testing the limits of the grinder and making quite a dust cloud in here. (snap pops popping) - They all go at the same time. - [Link] That's a satisfying sound. (snap pops popping) - Should we be breathing that in? - (claps) Yes. (both clapping) (Rhett chuckles) - We've made history. - That was great. - [Rhett and Link] Round four. - Barbie and Ken, America's tiny plastic sweethearts. And listen, any kid would be lying to you if they said they didn't let the two of 'em grind on each other occasionally. At least I'd be lying. - Okay, Barbie and Ken have been canoeing together, off-roading together, they even jet ski together. - Uh-huh. - So the natural next step in their relationship is to have their heads grinded up into little pieces together which then get ejected into their convertible. - Yeah. Look at that, that's the Barbie Corvette, man. Woo! - So you're gonna need to shorn her hair a little bit because I think that it might create problems. You know, give her an update. Give Barbie, give her an update. - [Link] Give her a bob. - [Rhett] She's got a job interview. - Here she is. - Wow. - Charlize Theron. (chuckles) Okay. - Okay. - Keep this for later. (meat grinder whirs) There she goes. There, ope. Results, we're getting some results. - [Rhett] Not to be outdone, Ken. (meat grinder squeaks) Whoa! Ken made different noises. - Ken and Barbie are grinding in there. You wanna add Bob or whoever this guy is? - Oh! - Oh! - [Link] Turn it off. We've reached an impasse. - Ken? Look what Ken did. Hold on, hold on I think-- - Now you're gonna put your fingers in there? (meat grinder buzzes) - No! Ken, would you believe it? Ken has broken the grinder. - Why do you think it's Ken? Maybe they got in an altercation in there, a little one of the chips. - I think Barbie got all the way out and then Ken with his stupid plastic hair got in there and screwed the whole thing up. - (grunts) How does this-- - Barbie, she never needed Ken. She didn't need Ken. She was okay by herself. That's the moral of the story, kids. - Where does this come off, there we go. - She's an independent woman, she can drive around in her frickin' convertible without Ken. He screws everything up. And then he wants to bring his friend Glen along? (chuckles) - Ken and Glen. Hold on, do we need to, do you want me to put this in there? - Hold on I'm gonna try again. - Shake it. (metal clangs) Oh there, see that works. - Oh, look at that. Look at Ken's profile. - [Link] Look at his other profile. - See this is what's inside of a man's head, ladies. Nothing. Nothing. - Well look, I mean, here's, I think this is what's left of the back of Barbie's head. - Yeah but that ruins the analogy. - [Rhett and Link] Round five. - Recent studies show that glow sticks are not meat. Which makes them perfect for today's experiment. - [Rhett] Okay. - All right Rhett, so-- - Here here. - Some of these are already glowing. Here's some green ones, some yellow ones. - Green and yellow. - We can throw in a red and an orange. Now you're gonna throw these things in a few at a time? See what happens? - Yeah I'm gonna start with five. But in order to set the mood, let's dim the lights. - So we've got a glass splatter protector in front of it. (meat grinder whirs) Oh it's glowing in there. Look down that shaft, man. It's like a frickin' kaleidoscope in there. - Oh, oh, oh. - This is like, this is like a rave for people who don't like dancing and just like meat grinding. Look at it! It's like an angry dragon spitting out glow stick pieces. - [Rhett] Look how much fun it looks in there. I wanna get inside there! - [Link] Oh yeah if it wasn't for that glass case, you'd be crawling in here. Some more. See if we can get a little-- - Whoa! - Oh there's some blue. - Oh, oh, oh, oh! - Throw some red, throw some red. Here's a blue-dee. Here's another red and a yellow. This is like creating a firework display. I mean I could be in the corner at Taco Bell, I could be in one corner making guacamole and you could be in the other corner turning the lights off, hitting 'em with this thing. - Why does it have to be a Taco Bell? - 'Cause that's where I'm making the guacamole. - I just think we should just have a party and instead of a DJ we just-- - Grind 'em. - Bring one of these. - Did you bring a DJ? No but we have a meat grinder. - Get ready to grind! That was nice and then what do we do with this? - Ah, I think you just eat it, you just eat it all. I'm pretty sure you eat it, right kids? Don't eat it! - It smells unsafe to eat. - And I don't think you should be smelling it. Okay well you know what? I'd say we learned a lot about meat grinding today but more importantly, well that's about it actually. - Thank you for liking, commenting and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hey I'm Carl. - And I'm Megan. - And we are celebrating our fifth year wedding anniversary on the big island of Hawaii. - And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - [Both] Aloha! - Aloha. Congratulations. - Yes click the top link to find out if we can make s'mores with a meat grinder in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Feeling groovy? Head over to Mythical.com and grab some of our Mythical tie dye tees.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,969,385
Rating: 4.9108024 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, Making S'mores With A Meat Grinder, Putting Weird Things In A Meat Grinder, meat grinder, rhett and link experiment, meat grinder test, rhett and link food, good mythical morning food, glow sticks, guacamole, barbie
Id: p2asguzWKVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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