5 Weird Microwave Experiments

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Wow round 5 is so fantastic. How it could be????? Boiled water can light up the bulb?????

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jellyfishman94 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2017 🗫︎ replies
- What happens when you microwave a light bulb? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical morning! - I'm dumb as a frying pan when it comes to cooking, but I will say I am pretty great at recooking, the lost art of microwaving. - Yes. - I pretty much always know which button to press, button to push, and I always drape my food with a paper towel to minimize the explosive food residue that could get everywhere. My drape game is fire. - Well, today the drapes are coming off (laughter) because we're going to make things explode, or not. We don't know. That's the whole point. We're going to be putting things into a microwave and trying to guess what will happen to them. It's time for What'll Happen When We Get Zappin'? - Here we have our Rhett and Link official microwave available for purchase at Mythical.store. - Not true. - The Mythical crew has gone off into a secret location - Gone off. - and they have come back with items that we're going to put in this microwave along with two options of what might happen. - Right. - We have to work together to agree on what we think is going to happen to each object when microwaved. - [Both] Round 1! - Here we go! - Okay, what happens when we zappens an egg? Does it pop and splatter like a zit on a roller coaster or crack and ooze like Rhett's psoriasis on a bad day? - Hey! (laughter) Hey! I've got my psoriasis under control. - Not on a bad day. - Healthy eating. - I think crack and ooze is-- I hope it doesn't do that. That's kind of underwhelming. - That doesn't mean explode, right? - It pops like a balloon and goes everywhere. That's what I'm hoping happens. - No, there's no way 'cuz they would say explode. I think it's going to crack and ooze. This is a cracker and an oozer, man. I think you need to be on team crack and ooze. - No, no! It pops and it splatters. - You think it's going-- it wouldn't be pop! That would be explode. If this thing was exploded, they'd say it. - It pops, okay? I believe that this thing pops like a balloon, man. - [Rhett] Okay, you can be wrong. - It even make the-- but you agree with me? We're in this together. - I'm team crack and ooze. - All right. You're on the losing team. I'm throwing it in there. - I don't know what they mean by pop, I will say that. - Now, let's dim the lights so we can get a good shot of this thing. It's rolling. Is it okay if it rolls? - I'd say just leave it in there and see what happens. - I'm pushing three. She's rolling around. - Oh, it's like a treadmill. It's like an egg treadmill. It's an egg-mill! - It's spinning on its axis. - It's rotating its position. - That thing dancing everywhere. - It's so wants to crack and ooze. - Now, with this black protective covering on the front of the window, my eyes keep trying to focus on that. - I'm focusing on the egg. - [Link] After a while, I just get lazy, and I start looking at the front of the microwave. - If thing explodes-- - You mean pop? - The door is going to hit me right in the face. Are you prepared for that? - Absolutely! - And it's going to burn you. - [Link] I heard a little crack! - That was a crack! What was that? - I did hear a crack. - Yep, there is a lateral crack, Link. - Yes, there is. (egg bursting and laughter) That was a pop! - That was an explosion. You should stop it. - Oh, my gosh. - You should stop it. That was way more than a pop! That was an explosion! - That was a pop. - I think it's just a question of terminology everybody. - Oh, I was right, but I'm so afraid right now that I don't really care. - It smells good. - That's one way to boil an egg. - [Both] Round 2! - Okay, what happens when we zappens a marshmallow? - She's a big one! - Does it melt and get limp like me watching The Notebook or expand and get big like me watching The Notebook? Oh, come on guys! Who do you think I am? I mean, he's cute, but-- (laughter) - I just wither in a pile of tears when I watch the Notebook. So, that's melt. - I think that this is -- - Expand and get big. - It's got gel in there. It's gelatinous. It's got, like, horse parts in it. That's why vegans don't eat marshmallows because they put like horse hooves and make the gelatin out of them. - And you know what horse parts do. - All this is is a bleached horse hoof. That's all a marshmallow is is a bleached marshmallow. - That spongy part that makes it easy for them to walk. It's like the pads on a dog's foot. Okay - Dim the lights. - So, we're going with expand and get big. - [Link] Here it goes. - Oh, yeah, It's already bigger. - [Link] Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! - [Rhett] Ho! Look at that Ryan Gosling! (excited chatter and talking) It's jumbo! - What? - [Rhett] It's a big horse hoof now. - [Link] It's turned into a Cabbage Patch doll head. - [Rhett] Holy Moley, look at it. - That thing's gonna fill up the whole microwave box. It's as big as a pair of binoculars. - All right, let's stop it and hope for the best. Don't go left. - Oh, it looks like a mushroom. - No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. Can I touch it? - Is it solid or hollow now? - I wanna eat the whole thing. - You're trying to pick it all up? Oh, my goodness, you did pick it up. Is it hollow in there? So, we were right, but more importantly, we're delighted. Does it taste like it's been nuked? - It's wonderful. - It's hanging from you mouth right now. - Come on, Lady and the Tramp. - Very good. - [Both] Round three. - I'm not a big fan of tomato soup, but it's because I've felt like I can't heat it up inside of a balloon, but maybe I can. - Look at here, Link. - Here's our options for what will happen when we zappen this tomato soup in a balloon. - It smells nice. - Will it pop and squirt like a prepubescent boy in a shirtless water gun fight. (crew giggling) - I don't even understand that. - I think we're talking about back zits bursting. - Oh, got it. - Or will it melt and puddle like a hot, old Russian man's bod-- What? (crew giggling) Like a hot, old Russian man? - There's no uh, you're adding something. - Like a hot, old Russian man's-- - Nope, you're adding it again. (crew laughing) - Melt and puddle like hot, old Russian men's bodies. - Yes. - In a hot, old Russian men's sauna. - There you go. - I think that's what's gonna happen. I don't think there's gonna be any popping with this. It's gonna be a lot of melting. What do you think? - I think that this thing has got to explode. You can't put a balloon with soup into a microwave and not expect it to explode. - And by explode, you mean pop? - Pop. - No. - Pop. - It's gonna melt and puddle, my brother. - You think so? - It's not gonna taste great afterward either. - Hold on, let's agree on-- You want to go with melt and puddle? - No, I'm not gonna-- You didn't agree with me the first time. - You were right last time, so I'm gonna trust you, man. - All right. - It's gonna melt and puddle. - There you go. - You're right. You're the microwave expert. - That's right. - You can cook with a microwave. - That's right. - I trust you. - My drape game is - [Both] Fire. - Dim the lights. Go. All right. - I'm cautious because of what happened with that egg. - Are you optimistic though? Is it getting bigger? - It's already boiling inside. You can hear it. - That's it. - It's getting bigger, man. The balloon's getting bigger. - It is, but then it's gonna start melting. It's got to. Come on, melt, baby. I went out on a limb for you. - Oh, gosh. - It's getting bigger. What the heck is it gonna do? - It almost has like a heart quality to it at this point, like we're watching an alien heart, like the mother alien. - [Link] It's rotating, but it looks like it's pulsing. - The mother alien's heart breaks for her home planet, Zondor. My heart beats for Zondo. Oh. (explosion and laughing) - I was wrong. You were wrong too 'cuz you agreed with me. - Exactly. - We were collectively wrong. - Learned my lesson. - It's good to be in this together. Let's stop it though. Open it up. Ooh, that is-- Well, sorry Zondor. - [Both] Round four. - Now, what happens when we zappens a bar of soap? Does it cave in and bubble like my stomach after a bowl of Wendy's chili or protrude outward and get fluffy like a maternity milk tub photo sesh? (laughing) - Oh, yeah. - I have to believe that this things expands. - Yeah, there's no-- - It gets bigger. - I mean, it's so-- - I mean, it's sudsy. It's got sudsy. It's sudsy. It's airy, like, feel it. It's Ivory. - Smells so fresh. - It's airy, but I don't know how it could even cave in. It's so solid. - Right, I mean, it can't even cave in, man. It's too solid. - Protrude outward and get fluffy. - Maybe on Zondor. Maybe on Zondor, where the rules are different, it would cave in, but not on earth. - Nope. Slam it. Dim it. - We should go to Zondor, me and you, now that the mother alien's dead. - [Link] How much are tickets? - I don't know. - Are you defraying the cost of my Zondor ticket? - We'll make up for it 'cuz there's a power vacuum. Now that she's dead, we go, we take control. We can get big loans to get there and make all our money back in Zondor currency, the Zondollar. (laughing) Zondollars, man. - Whoa. Something's happening. It's bubbling on the-- What? There's a big bubble coming out of the butt. - Whoa, that's magic. It's like magic. Did you see what just happened? - [Link] It's like it's creating it's own ice world out of the bottom of it. - But the bar is completely intact. - What? - The bar is completely-- It has created new matter. - Underneath. From underneath. - Matter cannot be created or destroyed except in a microwave. - [Link] Yeah. - Look at that. - What? It smells clean, too. - But hold on, the bar is completely intact! - Where is it coming from? - [Rhett] It's pulling things out of the air. - [Link] Look at that! - The bar is pulling things out of the air and making new soap. Hold on, we don't need to go to Zondor, we need to open a soap factory. - Oh, my goodness. - Get one bar of soap, put it in a microwave, and make five. - Okay. Good gosh, hit the lights, people. Look at that. That's a fluffy bag of tissues. (chime) Hold on, this right here. I don't know. - Is that the bar? Is it too hot? You can place it in my hand. - Look at that bar. It's kinda hot. Let's take this whole thing out. - Okay. - Look at that. The bar stayed in freakin' tact. - [Rhett] Completely. - Don't touch it. Don't mess it up. I'm gonna touch it. It's really strong smelling. It smells like a lot of soap. - It's nice, but look, we can make little soap balls out of this. - What the Hades? Look, it's so fluffy. I wanna taste it, but something about the way it smells makes me not wanna taste it. - You don't wanna smell like that. - Like soap. - But you know what-- - It just, it came up out of the bottom. - We were right. I think that's the moral here is that we were right about another thing. - [Both] Round five. - Okay, this is not just a light bulb, this is a light bulb in a shot glass with water in it. - [Rhett] It's like a fancy drink in west Hollywood. - Uh. - I can't get to the liquid. - Well, you gotta swallow the light bulb first. If you're cool, that's what you'll do. All right, here are our options. Boy, this seems so smart and safe. Our options are, will it light up like an electric eel on a blind date? Light up? - Light up? That can't happen. - Shatter like that eel's heart when it found out it's been kitten-fished by a literal kitten fish. - Oh. - This is gonna shatter. I don't know if I wanna be here for it. - We were right last time we went with the explode. - I'd love for it to light up. - Let's continue the streak. - All right, throw it in there. Slam it shut. Dim the lights and let's get safe. Three, two, one, bang. (shouting) - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - What? What? What? - We can light up all of Gondor with this. - You mean Zandor. - Zondor. Zondor. - Oh, it's doing it again! What? - The water's boiling. That doesn't seem good. - Let's stop it. - Yeah. - Let's leave it closed. The water is boiling in there, but the thing lit up three or four times. - How did we make electricity? We've made soap, we've made electricity, - I'm gonna open this. - We've made marshmallows. - We defied all laws of physics today, Link. - I'm gonna open this. Move your head back. - See if you can make it happen again. - Did it just-- What happened? Is that water or something else? - [Crew] It's water. - So, it just burned the filament? Okay. What the? Wow. - Now, if we just take this with us to Zondor, and we take a microwave and we do that and we demonstrate it for the natives, - Gather round. - They will all worship us. - But, we're not gonna accept worship. We're just gonna accept money. - Okay. - Thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - I'm Grace and this is Layla. - We're in our AG Science class. - You know what time it is. - It's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - You shouldn't stare directly into your microwave, but if you do, you should be wearing shades. That is not correct medical advice, but you can get these shades and those shades at mythical.store. - Uh huh. - Complete with the Rhett and Link signature. - Signature and the Mythical logo. Click through to Mythical More because we are going to microwave some shirts after tie dying them. It's a trick. - It's a trick, guys. Lonely hashtag, this is when we find a very lonely hashtag on Instagram and then we add to it. This one is hashtag mysterious balloon. Post your photo. - Add to that. - That makes sense with that hashtag, so it's not lonely anymore. - Poor, mysterious balloon. - [Rhett] Thanks for clicking subscribe. - [Link] Click on the left to watch the show after the show, Good Mythical More. - [Rhett] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Link] And be sure to check out our other channel, This is Mythical, by clicking the video on the bottom. - [Rhett] Thanks for being your Mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,060,757
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, gmm will it, good mythical morning will it, Rhett, rhett and link, Rhett link, mythical morning, mythical, season 12, 5 weird microwave experiments, rhett link microwave, gmm microwave, in microwave, microwave a microwave, microwave this, microwave oven, microwave cell phone, microwave phone, microwave iphone, microwave, egg microwave, microwave hack, microwave lightbulb, marshmallow microwave, microwave experiment, lightbulb microwave, explosion
Id: CyxtQCcgmMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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