Putting Weird Things In A Toaster (TEST)

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- What happens if you put Pop Rocks in a toaster? - Let's talk about that. (alarm rings) (playful theme music) (fire blasts) - Good Mythical Morning! - In previous episodes, we've made amazing discoveries by putting weird things through a water filter. Glug glug glug glug glug. - [Rhett] It took the green out. - Yeah, it's clear. And a coffee maker. We're basically making coffee with hot sauce. - Basically. - There's a coffee-- - Aftertaste. - Aftertaste, yes. - It's like, I thought I was eating hot sauce. It must have been coffee. - And today, toasters! - Yes! Now The Brave Little Toaster is an inspiring film where a young appliance and all his appliance buddies nearly die trying to reunite with their former owner. I have not seen it but the IMDB synopsis is absolutely riveting! - Ooh I'm gonna read that. - We've got a bunch of Brave Little Toasters with us today but unlike in the movie, they're probably not going to make it. It's time for Putting Things in Things: Toaster Edition. - [Link] First up, Play-Doh. - Now kids are given Play-Doh to be creative, but at the end of the day their creations become gross little balls mushed back into their cages. (Link makes fart sound) We say no more! Perhaps using a toaster as a kiln, we can turn temporary Play-Doh art into permanent artistic statements. - Yes, it's a kiln for kid pottery! - Yes. - Here you go. - Oh! - All right, so, you can make anything that we can hope to keep for posterity. - Now I'm going simple because I don't wanna confuse the toaster, I'm making a piece of bread. Okay. - I'm gonna make a smiley face with, I don't know, with a purple snake smile. Oh, you've got the-- - [Rhett] This kinda looks more like a butterfly. Eh, it's pretty bread-like. - That's kinda bread-y. - [Rhett] It's bread-y. This is bread-y as Play-Doh can get. Oh that's nice. - How's that? - I think that's adequate. - That's pretty good, huh? I wanna keep this forever, Rhett. - Well the thing is is that yours is going to show us what kind of integrity this thing has when it gets hot, because if your face stays together, this could be a new thing for the kids. All right I'm gonna put mine on this side because yours is more interesting, so. - All right there and then shove her down. And let it toast. - Just wait. This is the fun part. (clock ticking) - [Link] Woo! (blowing on toaster) - You got gloves right there if you want it. I got gloves right here as well. - Okay, this is a great idea. All right so we got some-- (coughs) (Rhett mimics cough) Some smoking action. - If you push that up, you get like... - [Link] Ope, it went in. Get back in there. Okay. - [Rhett] Okay, there's Link's face. That's not bad, I mean-- - This is not gonna be permanent. - If your kid can do something like this, you should be proud, they're going places. - Can I, is it, but it-- - Put it on the refrigerator. - It's so soft. (grunts) It's still-- - (chuckles) Nyeh nyeh! - It's still soft in the middle, man. This is not the face of success, oh it's hot. But it kinda, I mean, because it-- - It smells so good, have you noticed how good it's been smelling? - You know you wanna taste. Taste that bread, I'll taste this face. - My goodness. That's better than any Play-Doh I've ever had. You don't like it? - That's burnt. - Here eat mine. It tastes like a cookie, an undercooked cookie, you like that. - Really? - [Rhett] Yeah, really. - Wow your flavor tastes a lot better than my flavor. - Yeah 'cause I shaped it like bread. Oh gosh! - It does get bad. - I got a salty part. Next up, popcorn. - And you probably know that you need a stove top for Jiffy Pop and there are approximately 8000 kinds of microwave popcorn, some of which actually taste like popcorn, but can we pop popcorn in a toaster? Oh you're getting all goggled up? - Yeah you should get ready. - Okay. - Now for this one-- - Who knows how it's gon' pop. - If you put the kernels into the toaster and then you try to engage the toaster-- - The clampers won't-- - The clampers won't go all the way down and so therefore it won't turn on. So you actually want to turn the toaster on. And then drop. (kernels clanging) Just a good layering. - You hear that? It's the sound of danger. - You basically have a layer of like, one layer of kernels all in the bottom there. - [Stevie] Speaking of danger, you're doing this so no one else has to, right? - That's right. We do not advise you to put anything other than-- - Breads. - Bread. - [Both] Poptarts. - Toaster strudels, an occasional cookie. No, I wouldn't even. - The tongues of toddlers. - No, no-- - [Stevie] No, Eggo Waffle, Ellie said. - Eggo! Eggo, I thought you said egg rolls, and I was like, she's getting crazy already. Don't put things in toasters that shouldn't go in toasters. Let us do that on the internet. - Unless it's awesome. Just kidding, don't do it. (clock ticking) - Look at it, it's popping! It's not necessarily impressive. - It smells like it's burning. - Yeah I think it is. - It's not gonna be good tasting popcorn probably. - This is like when your mom doesn't read the directions on the microwave popcorn and my mom still does it for me. (chuckles) - She flies into town. Makes you some popcorn, flies back. - Yeah, like, Mom, you're not supposed to hit the large popcorn button for the small popcorn. Okay, all right you wanna-- - Just go a little bit more and then we'll turn it over in here. - They're still going. I actually have turned off the toaster. They're continuing to go on their own. (Link coughs) Okay, here we go. I'm gonna turn this over so you can see what all the fuss was about in there. (kernels clattering) - Okay. (whacks toaster) - There we go, there's the good stuff. - There it is. Okay now-- - Dig in, Link. - Like this one right here. See that looks pretty good, look at that. Well it looks burnt, but. - I got a perfect one. I got a perfect kernel. - Very burnt tasting. - [Rhett] The fact that it doesn't completely pop-- - [Link] Yeah, bad. - If you're one of those people that likes to eat the sorta half popped kernels at the bottom of the popcorn. - And you also like to taste like, ow! Burntness. - There's a great way for you to experience that. Just throw some popcorn into a taster. - [Link] Next up, nachos. - A toaster's original purpose is culinary, primarily to turn bread into toast in a magic process I still don't fully understand. - Me neither. - But we think we can make better stuff than dry, scratchy toast. Enter toaster nachos! - Yeah, so we got the nachos over here. We're not gonna toast those, we're gonna toast the cheese. - Oh yes we are! - And then after being patient, I am hoping that we can just do a drizzle, drizzle, drizzle. - Use the toaster as a dispenser. - Yes. - Yes. Something I've always dreamed of. - [Link] Oh my goodness, this is a bit wide. - Just break it off there. - And this one right here. Put this right in there, and then set it and forget it. - I don't think we can use that slogan. - It's getting kinda smoky. All right, whoo! I mean, okay, so I've released the hounds and now... - Welcome to the future. - Nacho daddy! Look at it go! - Man, we could go to basketball games, like middle school basketball games. The nacho boys are here! - Pat it like making a baby burp. - They're gonna need 64 toasters, but they make the best nachos. - Oh. - [Crew] Aw! - Dang man, you patted too hard, too long. - You're gonna get us fired from the middle school basketball game. The nacho boys can't be dropping them toasters into the nachos. Nobody's gonna buy 'em! - Look at that! And look, I think you can re-use that. - You might be able to. - Look at that! - Now I'm gonna get an extra cheesy one. Look at that. Mm. Smells a little smoky. - That's perfect! - Well actually, there's quite a few chips that have no cheese on them at all. But, it's the first time the nacho boys ever became the nacho boys. - This is the beginning of the toaster revolution. The shelves are gonna be filled with toasters and then they're gonna be empty because everyone's gonna be buying the toasters. It's gonna be like-- - No they're gonna be buying more because of the toasters that they ruin. - Exactly. - So we should go into the toaster business. - Oh yes. (Rhett and crew chuckle) - [Rhett] Next up, nail polish. - One of the tedious things about becoming beautiful is waiting for the nail polish to dry. Can a toaster help with that perhaps? - Probably. - And because we are a beauty company who refuses to test on animals which includes ourselves, we will be using my mannequin arm (clicks tongue) for this experiment. - Oh my goodness! I thought I was gonna say something. I was gonna say something, your arm looked a little-- - Hey, hey, hey, gimme five! - Okay, so what we're gonna do is, oh golly, don't hit my face, man. Okay, we're gonna re-paint, we got one that doesn't have any on it and I'm gonna re-paint this purple just so we have some fresh nail polish. This is actually color changing nail polish that changes when exposed to heat, so not only will we get to see these two fingers dry-- - Oh yeah. - But we're gonna get to see the color change on all of them. - [Link] I mean we can put it all the way up this finger. Who cares? - Okay, that's-- - Just to remember this is the green one, 'cause it's gonna change color. - Okay, that's an interesting-- - Some people have a green thumb. - Are you ready? - Other people don't. - Lemme heat it up for ya. - Well I gotta put this in there first, and then you clamp it. Okay. I mean if we lose a finger in the process-- - All right, why don't you bring it up. Let's just check in on it. - Okay, bringing it up. Look at that. - And look at that, it completely dried. It changed color. It went from green to yellow. - And then, these two went to pink, and the blue didn't, I don't remember what color that was. - The ring finger got the worst of it. - Oh wow look at that. - There's definitely at least a third degree burn there. But again, the price of beauty is sometimes you gotta put yourself in uncomfortable situations. - I think we can probably flick that off. - Maybe I should use this glove that we have. - Well, if you're a nail tech. Oh, you've squished the whole, you've just pulled the fingertip off-- - Yep. - Entirely. Well. - What did we learn, Link? - We shouldn't work in nail salons. - Nope. - [Link] Next up, Pop Rocks. - Pop Rocks are a mysterious candy. No one knows what they are. People in the comments will claim, they're just carbon dioxide infused sugar, but they don't know. Nobody knows. But we're about to know what happens to Pop Rocks in a dang toaster! - Sh'yeah! - Let's ride, Link. - Boop! All right. - Okay. - They told us to wear these, but I guess 'cause they could pop a rock. - Yeah, rip open four packs. We're gonna do four packs and just like the popcorn kernels, you're gonna wanna put these down and then unload them and I'll do this side, you do the far side, you do your side. - Okay, you ready? Okay so that's down. - And-- (candy clattering) I got a lot of smoke. Can't get that in there. - All right we got a little popping. Got a little rockin' and a lot of smokin'. - Oh look, look, they're going everywhere! Look at that! Pop Rocks pop inside of a toaster! - Oh, getting a little hot down in there. - Is that a flame? - It's on fire. It's on fire. It's on fire. - Okay. The Pop Rocks-- - Unplug, unplug it! Unplug it! - Is on fire. Okay, well, can't say we recommend that one either. (extinguisher blasts) - [Link] What's that noise? (extinguisher blasts) - [Rhett] It sounds like somebody solving a problem. - I think we got it. - It sounds like he's making our Pop Rocks inedible. - Oh you wanted to get a taste, huh? - I was like, boy it's getting hot and you're like, "Is that flames?" (Rhett chuckles) - [Simon] We froze them for you. I don't know if it-- - Is that cold? - Super cold. - Okay. Oh. Where are the Pop Rocks, Simon? - [Simon] You gotta find 'em. - It's gonna be really cold if you touch it. He froze it. That's just ice. - [Rhett] No Pop Rocks in there? - [Link] Uh, there's some Pop Rocks. - Oh, they're still popping! - [Link] Once they pop, they don't-- - [Rhett] Pop Rocks just can't stop popping! (whacks toaster) - Oh, thank you. (chuckles) (whacking toaster) - Oh. - Yeah-hea, look at that! - Oh there we go, we got... Okay yeah. - Look at that right there. - You know what, if you're gonna put Pop Rocks inside of a toaster, it's gonna catch on fire and then you're gonna put it out and freeze the toaster. Always touch what comes out of it with a mannequin's hand. - Look at that. - That's just safety. - [Link] It's like a Pop Rock wafer. Totally inedible, of course. - What did we learn today? - Pop Rocks, they'll start a fire in a toaster. (chuckling) That's pretty much my takeaway. - That's true. I think we learned that a toaster can be used for other things but it's not necessarily recommended by the manufacturer of said toasters. - Thanks for liking, commenting and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Emma. This is Hardy, Pluto, Helvetica, Venus, Neptune, Satan, Princess. This is Toaster, Starry, Vlad, and this is Alfie. Ant it's time to spin the Mythicality. - I don't know whether to comment on the fact that she has a snake named Toaster or a snake named Satan. (Link chuckles) - Hmm. - But you know what, I'm glad she's being her Mythical best. Click the top link to watch us crisp soggy fries in Good Mythical More. - Is that gonna work? - Nyeh. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Move at the speed of conversation with us. Subscribe to Ear Biscuits wherever you listen to podcasts.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 5,284,907
Rating: 4.9158869 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 14, Putting Weird Things In A Toaster (TEST), putting weird things in a water filter, putting weird things through a coffee maker, putting weird things through, putting weird things in, gmm putting weird things, rhett and link putting weird things in, toaster, pop rocks, play doh, toast, experiment, gmm experiment, good mythical morning experiments, rhett and link experiment, fire
Id: xl96OgXwUBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 01 2018
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