Leaving Things In Glow Sticks For A Month (Experiment)

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Gotta wear green or y'all gon get peenched!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/JoeTheMagicalHobo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I just dislike the leaving things in _____ segment. I won't even watch it. Please enlighten me why this segment is fรบuny I want to enjoy it but I just don't

Edit: I'm enjoying reading the responses but I don't understand the down votes for being honest and not dismissive.

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places youโ€™ll go.โ€ โ€“ Dr. ย Seus

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mmcmah3 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Not gonna lie, whenever I see glow sticks, I'm reminded of how DARE would come to my middle school every year, from grades six through eight and talk to us about the dangers of drinking and driving and of drugs, before throwing glow sticks at us kids sitting on the bleachers as if we were going to attend a rave.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MontanaDukes ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

GMMore was a hoot today.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Deadpoolisms ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- Can we agree on what happens to things in neon? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) (swooshing) Good Mythical Morning to ya! - Happy St. Paddy's Day, everybody! And look out! If you're not wearing at least one stick of glowing green goop, you're gonna get pinched. - Pinched, that's how we say it. For many people, this holiday is just an excuse to chug green beer and speak in bad Irish accents all day, but here at GMM, we take things a bit more seriously. - That's right. We shove stuff in green glow stick goo for a month, and today, we get to find out what happened to that stuff. And we may do the occasional bad accent. (laughing) - Yes, we might. (laughs) It's worth noting that glow sticks contain several reactive ingredients that can be dangerous when not handled properly. - Right. - Or when mixed with certain other ingredients. - Aye. - We definitely don't recommend trying this at home. Just watch us do it. - So, now, let's follow that glowing green light coming from the basement and check the shelf that we leave things on. Or, as we like to call it, (dramatic music) the shelf that we leave things on! - We've done coke, bleach, air, Guinness, salt, pool water, nail polish remover, mouthwash, champagne, shamrock shakes, an Irish whiskey, a '93 Infiniti G20, margaritas, dirt and wine, hoo! And today, we party. It's time for, (ominous music) left on a shelf! Glow stick edition. (screaming) The Mythical Crew has filled jars with glow stick juice and left a variety of items in those jars for a month, all in the name of internet science and St. Paddy. So, now, we must guess what happened to those items. - If we can guess more than half the rounds correctly, we'll receive a bottle of Glow. That's right, J-Lo's 2002 perfume, available at Walgreens, not a sponsor. (gasping) And if we can't guess more than half the rounds correctly, we'll receive a bottle of Glow, J-Lo's 2002 perfume, available at Walgreens, not a sponsor. - Okay, now, anyone who's cracked a glow stick knows that those suckers eventually fade out, right? - Uh-huh. - So, in the spirit of St. Paddy, they've added a fresh glow stick and a little green light to every jar, to maximize the Emerald Isle effect. Okay? - All right, it's glow time, baby. Let's see our first items left in glow sticks. - I can't help but notice that there is a, a cat, this is, (purring) that's purring and moving. - Look, it's moving. - Y'all put this, y'all put a cat, a lifelike cat in glow sticks? - And then this is a doll of sorts? - Bratz doll. - It's a Bratz doll. - Bratz, with a Z, man. - Bratz doll. Okay. - All right, so, here's our options. Which one's face melted down like Ashley Simpson when caught lip-syncing on SNL? #NeverForget. - Yeah, never forget. - Come on, guys, I had forgotten. - 'Cause that's been a while. - I'd forgotten, guys. - And she does kind of like an Irish jig to get out of there too, if you remember. - That's true. - I'd blocked it out, Stevie, thanks. - Yeah, she was like... And then she, like. (laughing) Oh, gosh. Okay, so we gotta choose which one. - Or both. - Is it, A, the cat, is it the Bratz doll or is it both? That the face melted down. - Well. (rattling) - I feel like-- - You see the face on that thing? I think that there's paint. - Is that-- - That may have. - [Link] It's hard. It's not a soft face though. - But, what if the face just melted off. - Yeah. - What if the details melted off? I mean. - Yeah. - This cat. (purring) Well, sure, you know what? I could have a cat like this. (laughing) I'd do that, I'd play that game. - I think you can go to sleep and you can put the cat on your chest, and it will, like, purr and, you know. Soothe you. - Yeah, I'll do that later, on my own time. - [Link] Just soothe you. - But, anything that would happen to that cat's face-- - No. - Would also happen to its whole body, right? - Yeah. - We're gonna say Bratz doll. - Just the Bratz doll. - B. (purring) - So, let's look, I guess the cat's in here, let's look at the cat first. You want to? - Cat, cat first. - 'Cause I don't, oh, my gosh. What a poor cat. So, it's even blocking much of the glow situation. Oh, my gosh, the freaking face melted off. (dribbling) Do you see that? - Oh, it, oh! - We were wrong. - [Rhett] Just the face. - What? - Just completely, just came right off of it. I mean, all the hair just came right off of it. - [Link] It's just exposed skull and you can see its poor nose. Oh, my gosh. - You feel very sorry for this fake cat. - Well, it's moving as if it's alive. - Then I guess what we're saying is that nothing happened to the Bratz doll, or maybe both? (rattling) Can something happen to both of them? (thumping) - I'm not gonna move that. - There's her face. - She is totally intact. (buzzing) - She looks good. (laughs) I mean, she looks like a month in a glow stick did her right! - Don't make this weird. We're just wrong, let's leave it at that. - Okay. (screaming) (creepy music) - So, we've got uterus and a foot, both from a pig. - All right! - Good job, guys. - Yeah! We did it! Uterus and foot! (sighing) - What? What do you mean, we did it? (laughing) - I'm just trying to celebrate a little bit. - Okay, yeah, hey, it's-- 'Tis the season. - It's a day of celebration. - It stinks a little. - Okay, which pig part turned undeniably white, like a sports bar during a televised polo match? (laughing) - Oh, gosh. - Anybody ever been to one of those? - And, it's either A or B, but there's no option for both on this one. (disgusted sighing) - Well, this one's already more white. - Yeah, but did it go undeniably white? - Undeniably white. - Now. - This is pretty uniform. - That baby balloon there is, you know, it's very tenacious. You know, it's got that baby big pushing on it. I don't wanna make this graphic, I should shut up. - I mean, well, I just kinda wanna get an idea of what we're dealing with. Oh. - [Link] No, let's not. - Is there, like, a little baby pig in each part of it? - Stop, stop, stop. - Like, why does it look like a thing of grapes? (laughing) - Here's what I'm gonna do. - Gosh, it's horrible. Why, what? - I'm thinking about you, 'cause you're eating and I'm gonna push that outta frame. I'm also gonna push this outta frame, because you're eating. - Yeah, let's just-- And I plan to eat at some point. - Let's just turn to the ones that have been left in glow sticks for a month. - I think that-- - I think this turned white. Is that what you're thinking? - Yeah, 'cause it's-- - 'Cause I've seen pickled, like, pickled pigs feet. - Yeah, that's a good point. - They've been pickling forever. Like, there's pickled pigs feet at the Duncan Junction. - I agree. - That are like, (scoffs) been in there for probably 40 to 50 years. - So, we're saying the uterus. - 'Cause they keep getting pushed to the bottom. - Oh, gosh. Is that yellow? (shifting) Is that undeniably white? - Oh, you gotta open it up and pull it out and see. (metal scraping) (metal clanging) (disgusted grunting) - It stinks. It's yellow. - That's undeniably yellow, but I think that maybe that's also-- - Were y'all calling that undeniably white? - I think that's white. - Yeah. (buzzing) - Okay, put it back. - Okay. I would call it undeniably yellow, but if that's what-- - So, that means this uterus-- (metal clanging) - Oh, gosh. - It definitely didn't turn white. - [Stevie] Sorry. Please, do not open that. Because, if you think that smells bad, that smells really bad. - Oh, really? - So, please, just look at it through the glass. - [Rhett] And just imagine what it would smell like? - [Stevie] Yes. - What a nightmare. Okay. - God. I mean, this thing, uterus turned the water dark. - Green, almost. And then it, it's not undeniably white, because there's some pinkness hanging around. Let's end this round. - Please, take it away. - Okay. So, we were wrong, we don't care. (screaming) (creepy music) - Speaking of glowing, you know who's been glowing lately? - Josh. - Mythical Chef, Josh! I think he might be pregnant. - He's not. - Be sure to check out The Mythical Kitchen's latest episode of Snack Smash, where Josh smashes together a brand new snack. Takis Pocky! - Takis, Pocky! How creative. Mythical Kitchen channel, check it. All right, so this is gonna be the final round, specifically of leaving things in glow sticks, because in the next round, we're gonna be doing something different. - But right now, The Mythical Crew has carefully injected raw eggs and green grapes with a heaping dose of glow stick fluid. - Okay, they're asking us, which one will glow bright, like Link, that one time he accidentally sat on a lava lamp? - Right, yeah. (laughing) You weren't experimenting or anything. (laughing) - Was it the eggs or the grapes? All right, so you injected. - It would have to come through the shell of the egg, in order to glow. - Well, you know if you put a backlight and you-- - Hush. (chewing) Yeah, what were you-- - This is really helping my process. - What were you saying about back lights? - You can see, like, a baby chicken being formed sometimes. - Right. Yeah, I've seen that. I've seen that, and then with, like, a green grape, I mean-- - That's always translucent. - I mean, there's a skin. (grunting) There's a skin that you'd have to come through on the grapes as well. I don't know. Something about the eggs, not just, I feel like the eggs are gonna be the one to glow. I don't know why. - What? This is translucent. - I agree that, my intuition says that these are gonna glow, but, you know, eggs that glow, that just feels like something that would happen on the internet. - That would be crazy. Well, I hope it does. - And we're on the internet, right? Is this on the internet? - For the sake of our show and the internet at large, I hope that this happens, but-- - We've already lost. - All right, we've already lost, okay. We're gonna go with the eggs. But, we're gonna reveal at the same time. - Hold on, but we gotta-- - And you're gonna hit the, you're gonna hit some lights? - We gotta bring the lights down, we're gonna bring the lights down. - Here we go. - [Both] Three, two, one. - [Link] Oh, it's the eggs! (laughing) Look at that! - What are those things called? Eggs! - It's the eggs! And it's not the grapes at all! What in the world! - [Rhett] There's a very, very tiny, you're not gonna be able to see that on camera, but you can see that with the naked eye. You see, there's a very tiny, little peak of glow on one of the grapes, but it doesn't make it through the skin at all. - Okay, bring the lights up. Oh, 'cause those eggs are haunted. Now, in your shot here, even with the lights down, you couldn't see the glow. Casey had to, like, change the sensitivity of her camera in order to show you what we were seeing with our naked eye, which is a haunted egg! - The naked eye! Well, it was so impressive with the naked eye! - It's the wrong season for haunted eggs, my friend. - We got one right. That's what I know, but we still got less than half right, so we get J-Lo's Glow. - Yeah, there it is. Take a whiff of that to get rid of the pigs feet smell. (spraying) Okay, okay, that's enough. I mean-- - Ooh, it smells like J-Lo. - A lot better than pigs feet. (screaming) (creepy music) Okay, we have no idea what this stuff is for, but we appear to have some toothpaste and I think this is blood? - Looks like blood. Okay, all we know is that in this round, instead of working together to find the answer, we're competing against one another. - Okay. - Oh, top of the Mythical Morning to ya! - Hello. - Hello! - Hi, Mr. Leprechaun. - Leprechaun Chase. - Yes, that's me, yeah. - You're back. - I am back. - Been a whole year. - It's been a while, yeah. - You've got the same outfit. - He's got a better accent than we do. - Not better than last year, though. (laughing) - I'm a little offended. - What are we doing? - So, I'm gonna give you guys a riddle, and then whoever can answer it gets the power of choice. You get to decide which one of those will you put in the jar of glow sticks, because one of them has a very strong reaction. Are you ready for the riddle? - The other one does not? Okay, ready? - Okay, okay. One has a strong reaction. - And then-- - I'm ready for the riddle, yes. - whichever one of you gets it right gets a special prize. - Oh, a special prize? - A special prize, yeah. - A special prize. Okay. - All right. - What's your riddle? - I always have to work with something in my eye. What am I? - An optometrist. (laughing) - That's not correct. - Always have to work with something in my eye. - I always have to work with something in my eye. What am I? - A needle. - There we go! (cheering) - Yeah! - That was good, you've got the power of choice. - Yeah, I'm like, what else has an eye? You know? That's just my thought process, you know, when I'm talking to leprechauns. - Which one do you want? - Okay, so, am I allowed to squirt this or do I have to put the whole thing? 'Cause that would be stupid. - Squirt a little bit. - I can squirt if I choose this. - Are you choosing the toothpaste? - Or, what's this blood from? - It's from a pot of gold. (laughing) I got a pot of gold and a pot of blood. - Well, this is a weird leprechaun situation. - That's with a double rainbow. Two pots, double rainbow. - I'm gonna go with the thinner, nastier material, I'm gonna give you the-- - Oh. I believe that, I think you chose incorrectly. - I think that's thick. I think that's thick and it's not gonna react. I think this blood is thinner than toothpaste. Why are you stepping back? Get on up, come on, we're up here! - I just wanted to do a leprechaun dance back here. You guys, just do your thing. - I'm assuming there's something in toothpaste that's gonna make something happen. - All right, we gonna do this in unison? - Yeah. Three, two, one, go. - Three, two, one. (pouring) (shifting) - Whoa! Whoa! - Whoa! I was right! Look at that. Look at those octagonal bubbles. - Oh, you know what? This is like-- - That's crazy. - When you put something on a cut and it bubbles up. - Right, yeah. - Look at that, look at that network of bubbles. - [Rhett] It's a network of bubbles! - It's like a hive. Oh, it's still-- - Oh, it's still coming up, put it down! Okay, what's his special prize? - All right, are you ready for your special prize, Link? - Oh, it's still coming up! Look at that! - Yeah? - You get a bottle of Glow by J-Lo. (laughing) - Seriously? - Oh, yeah. - Thank you. - You know what? Now, we each get our own. Nice. - All right. - Thank you, J-Lo, for not sponsoring this episode. Spray it on your bubbles there. Spray some J-Lo on your bubbles to get them to go down. - Okay. - What if the whole studio just blew up? (laughing) What if that was the end of everything? Glow mixed with beef blood. - Oh, it works. Look at that. It works. - Oh, we also left Link's glasses in glow stick fluid for a month. (metal scraping) (metal clanging) (tapping) - So, that's where those have been. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, my name is Sophia Mueller. I'm the pterodactyl from Topeka, Kansas, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality! (mimicking pterodactyl) - Oh, my goodness! Oh, gosh, girl! - You need to see a doctor, Sophia. Click the top link to watch us make glow-in-the-dark balloon animals in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - All right, Trevor. - All right. - Gently, you missed all of it, you missed literally all of it, just get it on the chocolate. - I can't. - Angle it! - [Trevor] You gotta hold it at an angle! - Okay, don't yell at me, I'm sensitive! Do it like your breadsticks, that's great, I think it's great, right? - It's good, yeah. - All right.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,040,533
Rating: 4.9053521 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Leaving Things In Glow Sticks For A Month (Experiment), glow stick, liquid, leaving things in things, eggs, black light, glow in the dark
Id: tYC8DU3olEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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