Today we stop, drop,
and roll that clip! Let's talk about that. <i> ( music playing )</i> Good mythical morning! This is our last week
of Season 13 which means Friday
is our finale! After that, we're going
to be taking a short
three week break and then we'll be back
on May 28th for - our Good Mythical Summer.
- Summer! - But our season ain't
over yet. No.
- Nope. Today we're gonna see
if we can tell the
difference between designer gowns and
Forever 21 dresses. And then we're gonna
look at some of the worst
yearbook quotes ever. Mm-hmm, but first, the internet
is filled with people
who do dumb things, like eat Tide Pods,
put salt and ice on their skin, - and drink their
best friend's urine.
- Oh, who would do that? But there's a whole
other world of dumb
on the internet. And that is pyromaniacs. These are people who love
to set things on fire, ( raspy voice )
just to see how
it will burn. They may be stupid,
but they're very
entertaining. Both: It's time for... ( tune of "Ring of Fire" ) All right, here's how
this is gonna work. We're gonna look at a video
of someone who is about to light
something on fire. We have to guess
between two options of how exactly that
thing will burn. We're gonna be working
together as a team so we have to agree
on our prediction of
what's gonna happen. If we don't get
the majority of these right, we will be punished
with our very own - bag of flaming dog poop.
- Whoo! All right, let's get going
with the first one. Okay, we have them on cards here
'cause we have no clue what's coming,
but the first one is "A pyromaniac who decided
to light his balls on fire." - Okay. Good.
- Seriously? "YouTube channel,
The Action Lab, uploaded a video where
he attempts to set fire to a bucket filled with
100 ping pong balls." - Okay. Let's see it.
- Okay. ( loud rattling ) Lighting our 100 ping pong balls
on fire. Okay, three, two,
one... Nicely groomed lawn.
The options that we
are given to choose from are, "A, is it going to
disintegrate the balls into tiny charred morsels
like both of us after our
vasectomies?" - Hey, that's not what happened.
- That's not how it works. - ( laughter )
- It's a common misconception! Didn't you watch
the unedited video? - I can prove it!
- I know you did, Kevin. It's awkward,
but you watched it. "B, slowly melting
the balls like Stedman once
he started dating Oprah." - ( laughter )
- Over time, - she's just melting
his balls down.
- Yeah, yeah she is. - She's hot!
- Disintegrate into
charred morsels, or slowly melt? Their--it's plastic.
I've seen plastic burn before. And it--it turns black. - They eventually become--
- I thought they'd slowly melt. they become tiny
charred morsels at the end. It seems like
we're saying A and B.
We have to choose. I think they're
gonna slowly melt.
I don't think they're - gonna disintegrate.
- Plastic does melt.
Okay, B. - B is our answer.
- We're going with B.
Let's see what happened. And there goes one... We have some holes in
the bottom to bring in the air. - Man: Whoa! ( chuckles )
- Rhett:<i> Good gracious!</i> - Link:<i> That is a lot of fire. </i>
- Man: You can feel the heat. ( blows at fire )
All gone. I think that's tiny
charred morsels. Yeah, but they slowly
melted at some point before--
okay, whatever. All right, we got that one
wrong, that's on me. All right,
Round Two. - Mm-hmm.
- "YouTube user,
Hard the Test, bought a brand-new
iPhone and strapped it - to fireworks."
- Okay. - Great idea! Let's see
what happens.
- The old... destroying a highly
valuable object for views. - Yes, we've never done that.
- Love it. Goodness. ( lighter flicks ) ( fuse hisses ) What? Uh, now a couple
of observations
right off the bat. ( splutters )
Did you see how close
the camera was to that? Before it cut to the
camera, it was a camera
filming the camera. - And then it's three
freakin' sticks of--
- It's not dynamite. What--it looks
like dynamite. - It's fireworks.
- Well, it looks like dynamite. Here's the options:
"Is this going to, A, explode into a bazillion
pieces like Mark Zuckerberg when he was trying to
understand human love?" ( sputters ) "Or B, remain mostly
unscathed like Tom Cruise in every 'Mission Impossible'
movie, no matter how many
times his motorcycle
explodes?" Mmm. He is a
resilient man. Here's what I'll say--
this is not personal
experience, but I remember one of
my teenage friends when I was growing up told me,
"Listen, as long as you don't put your fist around
a firework, you'll be
all right, man." - ( laughter )
- Somebody told you that? Yeah. Like a guy we
went to high school with. I don't remember exactly
who it was, so I'm not
gonna name any names. But basically we were
talking about people who had lost their fingers
in fireworks accidents. He's like, "If you
just hold it like this--" It's a common
conversation topic. "If you hold it like
this, nothin'll happen." So because the iPhone
isn't holding, but it's just
next to it, I'm almost positive
that it is "B," it is not going to break
into a million pieces. But that's just based
on one redneck from
Harnett Central. - ( laughter )
- Not a million-- So, I could
be wrong. - And it's not a million,
it's a bazillion pieces.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's no way that
could be broken into
a bazillion pieces. All right, I'm gonna
go with you since I was
wrong on the last one. - B. Let's see.
- Okay. Aah! Link:<i> It's gone!</i> <i> Nope, it's
right over there.</i> Rhett:<i>
Yep. ( laughs )</i> - Link:<i> Nothing happened--ooh! </i>
- Rhett:<i> I tell ya.</i> - Mostly unscathed.
- Well, except for that big
black streak in the middle. I'm tellin' ya, man,
rednecks--you can trust
a redneck, man. They tell ya something
about fireworks, you can take it to
the freakin' bank! - We got that one right!
- What else we got? Let's move on to this next one.
Our prompt is... "YouTuber, Mr. Gear, decided to put a blowtorch
against an unopened bottle of champagne."
All right, let's watch it. Ah, so like
concentrated fire... - I love the internet.
- one spot. That's one thing
I'm reminded of. - Because you--okay, here
are our options.
- I love that this stuff happens on the internet. "Is this champagne
bottle going to, A, blow its top and crack
like Gordon Ramsay when the stuffed pork tenderloin
was raw in the center?" Hmmm. He's a volatile person. It's all an act. "Or B, tip over
and fall to the ground like that guy who's
been drinking alone at the TGI Fridays bar
since two in the afternoon?" Tip over? - Uh...I think--
- So what you're saying is-- I don't think it's going to
build up enough pressure to pop the top--
well, of course,
he has unfurled the top. It doesn't have a cage
on it anymore. I hope it blows its top.
And cracks. Because it's going to start
to boil the champagne? Is it going to melt
the glass or...
boil the champagne? - It's not going to
boil the champagne.
- Before it melts the glass? Is it gonna increase
the pressure of the
champagne such that the pop tops off?
The top pops off?
Whatever. - A.
- Yeah. - That's what you're saying? A?
- I'm hoping it's A. So, I hope this is
wish fulfillment.
Is it A? - Rhett:<i> Whoa! </i>
- Link:<i> Yeah!</i> - Link:<i> Look! </i>
- Rhett:<i> Oh!</i> And then it made the hole
in the side after it bursted. So that's it.
We got that one right. - That was a bottle
of Odessa Gold.
- Odessa. - You know I--
- Can't believe he
"dessagrated" it. My poppa had a
sister named Odessa. - Are you making that up?
- No. Oh, wow. Did she start
a champagne company? Why would I make it up?
It's not even worth making up. Well... - Okay.
- ( laughs ) "There is a thing called
a 'fire extinguisher ball' which is something you throw
into a fire to help it... - go out."
- Have you heard of this? - Uh, naw. I'm just
reading off of this.
- ( laughter ) I know, but I had not
heard of that. "The guy behind the
YouTube channel,
What's Inside!--" - I've seen that channel.
- Cool. Always cuttin' stuff open. "...lit one on fire
while holding it in his hand." - Open hand,
redneck fashion?
- Well, let's see. I'm just waiting for it
to blow up right now.
( chuckles ) "Is it A, going to
split open and release streaks of foam,
like my uncle Daryl after doing the
Tide Pod challenge?" - ( laughs )
- Oy. "Or B, explode
like my uncle Daryl
after challenging himself to eat 20 Jack in the Box
tacos?" - You know uncle Daryl.
- I think it's gonna
release foam, - because that's what's
gonna extinguish the fire.
- Yeah, yeah. - It's supposed to come
in contact with fire.
- It's not going to explode. - I'm pretty certain
about this. A.
- A. - But it's kind of crazy
he's holding it.
- Yes. Rhett:<i> Oh!</i> Link:<i> What the--?
Are you--?</i> - ( applause )
- Link:<i> What the crap?</i> - Child: You did not--
you didn't lose any fingers.
- No, it felt like someone smacked me
so hard, though. - Great work, Dad.
- ( laughter ) We got the kid on the camera?
What in the world? That's a model father
if I've ever seen one.
And who am I to talk? So we are 50/50
leading into this one. "YouTuber,
76hotrodF250--" - That's a good user name.
- ( laughter ) I like it. "--took his frustrations
out on a Tickle Me Elmo"? ( chattering ) - He's putting a lighter
in his mouth.
- Oh, my gosh. - Ah, he deserves it.
- "Is this Tickle Me Elmo going to burn and A,
make loud popping noises and spark all over the place
like that time I accidentally made Jiffy Pop
in the microwave?" Yeah, don't do that. "Or B, keep on talking
and laughing even in the
face of death, like that annoying co-worker
with no self-awareness?" Just let me get
my work done, Jessie! - Huh. Jessie.
- You work with my wife? - ( laughter )
- I don't know.
That's they wrote. You and my wife got a business
together I don't know about? - Yeah, we're
- 'Cause she's the only
person named Jessie! We take two-sided tape,
and we make it just tape. - Okay.
- ( laughter ) I don't think
that's gonna work. Um... - Loud popping noises--
- I mean, it's got
electronics in it, so loud popping
noises is sparking
all over the place. I think these things--
Elmo is so annoying... that I think that that
is the kind of thing that
would just break through any sort of hardship. I think he's gonna continue
to laugh and talk as he disintegrates. Sparking and that?
That's for the movies, man. - That doesn't happen
in the real world.
- Good point. Both: B. Link:<i> Oh, gosh!</i> - ( electric whirring )
- ( laughs ) Elmo's got it! If Elmo doesn't get his
nose back, Elmo has to talk
like this all day. ( laughs ) ( farts )
Excuse Elmo. ( laughs ) ( crackling ) - Woo-hoo-hoo!
-<i> ( laughter )</i> ( sizzling ) - Wow. He--
- ( laughter ) He kept going! - That--
- That was satisfying to watch. That-- - I don't like Elmo, man.
- I don't--I'm not-- I'm not comfortable
being around someone who relished so much in that.
That was wicked! Elmo does not have
a friend in me. - No, no, no.
- Well, I'm just saying it was like--I mean,
he like farted and
said "Excuse me." Were things coming out
of him that without the fire - he wouldn't have said?
- I don't think he knew
he was on fire. - I don't think that's
how it works. Okay, Link...
- Oh, gosh. - One more.
If we get this one right...
- Yes! we don't have to
expose ourselves... - to that flaming dog of--
- ( laughter ) flaming bag of dog poo.
Okay. "The 386th Expeditionary
Civil Engineer Squadron conducted a burn to dispose
of 18,974 pieces of unserviceable
ammunition." - Let's see what happened.
- Oh, no. Link:<i> What on earth?</i> How is this a good idea? - What are our options?
- I should've never left
civil engineering. Okay, "Is it going to end
in a very underwhelming display like the night I got married?"
Oh, come on! ( laughter ) ( laughs ) - "Or put on--"
- It's well-documented. "Or put on--"
( chuckles ) No,
it wasn't documented. Thank goodness.
"Put on one heck
of a firework show like Aunt Debbie after she's had
one too many vodka cranberries?" Well, it says
"unserviceable." So they wouldn't be burning it
if it would go up, but they wouldn't put it at
the end of this segment - if it was a dud.
- Oh! Now you're playing
the psychological game. - The producer. The producer.
- How they're thinking about it. So even though I was gonna think
that they're just inert-- 'cause I think that
they're out in the desert and this thing's gonna
go kaplooie. Why would they burn
that much ammunition if it was unserviceable.
Why don't you just-- That's a question for them
that we are not gonna be able
to answer. I don't think that
it's a fireworks show. - I think it's--
- It's a fireworks show, man! Because of what?
Because of the producer in you? Yes. - Okay, if--
- I wanna see it bad. How 'bout this,
how 'bout this? Whoever is wrong has to stick
his nose in the dog poop. - That's fine.
- Has to open it up - and get your face in it.
- That's fine. I'm going with
"It was underwhelming," and I'm willing to put
my nose in there knowing there's a good chance
I'm wrong. All right. Here it is,
right here. All right.
Let's watch. - So nothing happened.
Nothing happened at all.
- Whoa! - Kaplooie, baby!
- That's totally inert. You put the right music
underneath that, and boy, it's almost patriotic.
Which is odd. All right,
there you go. - There's Flaming
Hot Cheetos in there.
- Kaplooie! What? Dump it out. Oh, gosh! ( clatters ) Ugh! It's-- Flaming Hot
Cheeto covered-- Ugh! - What dog donated that?
- ( laughter ) It's real poop, man. - Oh, my gosh.
- Nothing but the best for us. - Ugh!
- Okay. You earned it. Now stick around to see
if we can tell the difference between designer gowns
and dresses from Forever 21. Rhett:<i>
Don't get down
because we're going down under.</i> <i> We're taking
the Tour of Mythicality
to Australia in July.</i> <i> Get tickets and details
on the VIP package</i> <i> at</i>