Pushing aircraft engineering TO THE LIMIT in Kerbal Space Program 2!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to Kerbal Space Program 2. now airplanes are pretty standard looking these days whether it's airliners or combat Jets there does seem to be a standard design but that wasn't always the case and today we'll be looking at some of the weirdest aircraft ever built and recreating them in Kerbal Space Program too to see how they fly but first a word from the people who made this weird flying machine this video is sponsored by Star Trek Fleet command a free-to-play open world strategy MMO that will not only put your skills and strategies for the tests but will deliver you an amazing experience which allows you to boldly go when no man has gone before all from the palm of your hand if you boost my link in the description you can download through the Amazon app store then you can save 20 on Star Trek Fleet command in-game app purchases and use Amazon coins to push your savings even further in both this game and other games on there anyway my favorite thing about Star Trek Fleet command is gaining new blueprints to iconic Star Trek ships and then upgrading them like adding more powerful weapons or a stronger Shield you're then ready to join friends in an alliance to take on the toughest of missions I also like that as the commander of a star base on the edge of civilized space you can recruit iconic officers like James T Kirk and of course Spock of course you wouldn't be able to see that much detail if it wasn't for the frankly ridiculous Graphics it's easy to forget that this is just a mobile game so boost the link in my description and join millions of players and download Star Trek Fleet command and make sure you have Amazon app store downloaded first if you want to save a bit more cash anyway back to today's video so let's head into single player we'll start a new campaign called Matt's planes were fine of course we're not the Kerbal Space Agency we are the UK space agency everyone's favorite space agency all right and then we're in the VAB ready to create our first aircraft and we're going to be trying to recreate this the kayushu j7w jindan which apparently translates to magnificent lightning now it was an experiment Japanese World War II fighter and kind of unusual looking so I reckon to make this we probably want that cockpit and what weighs always the chair face okay so this is the front so I think we've got a bit of a nose cone like that and wait why doesn't that paint job line up that's really that's actually bugging me quite a lot I'm gonna have to yeah that'll do that'll do I think out the front we have a little air intake so like that oh look at that actually looks decent you've then got some control surfaces so let's Wang them there but of course they need to be much much smaller so we'll make the span smaller it would definitely make the length smaller so that looks pretty spot-on I've noticed underneath we've got this like well sort of strutty thing so you know I love strutting I mean an I-beam seems quite excessive is there not like something a bit smaller guess not but I can at least move these to make them a little bit smaller so it will rotate you like that move you up and then cue that sexy music because we are strutting our stuff oh yeah yeah okay that was it that was that was the strutting done uh presumably that's just to like give it a bit more strength so it doesn't Bend because I assume this is going to go pretty fast this thing anyway next we need some fuel so I think we'll go with a methane fuel tank because we're probably gonna have a jet engine this thing did actually have a propeller on the back but sadly the game doesn't have propellers it's also got a fair amount of air intakes so we'll shove two there and then one on the top as well and we'll wagon jet engine at the back and we'll shove These Wings on so these need to go down a bit so they look a bit like that but I think these control surfaces are way too long because we've got these sort of tail fins in between them so control surface van needs to be a lot less and then position I guess shove them on the end of the plane Wing like that so then we can put our Tail Fins there perfect right so now stabilizers if I shove them on the ends of the Wings can I then move them to where I want them yeah there we go there we go do that so I think that's sort of the plane done we just need to add some Wheels then we're good to go little wheels under there I don't actually know where the front wheel is I guess I guess we can just have one at the front Okay quickly name this the kaiyushu then let's launch so here it is it hasn't blown up yet so that is good you're right in there built nice okay let's go so it has plenty of fuel I mean I don't know I was gonna say I don't know what's happening with the wheels okay let's try that again quickly again pretty sure that SAS is my weakness so I have to turn that off at least for takeoff man those Wheels what is going on okay final attempts I feel like having wheels at the bottom of wing tips is probably not the best idea maybe that's why this thing failed it's just not gonna happen so I guess that's why planes don't look like this let's move on to the next one right so this next one is a biplane which means it's got two Wings it's called The Bell Fogo the belfagor and it was one of the only jet-powered biplanes ever built let's find out why no more exists so we got a cockpit got a bit of fuel but on top of that that's where our jet engine sits so I could either server jet engine on top but it's huge so we're gonna have to go with one of these smaller ones which I don't yeah we can't attach that on its own it can only go on the back of something so what I'm gonna do we're gonna add a very very small fuel tank on the top with an air intake on the front then that on the back so we have our jet engine so behind this we just need some sort of cone I think I'll just use a nose cone but put it backwards and then we're just going to try and add the wings to this thing so as it's a biplane we're gonna need two sets so we'll go with those and these are sort of angled forwards a bit so I guess we'll do that we're moving down to the right spot and we'll copy the second Wing up and that's going on the engine remember but again sort of sits above it so let's move it above and touch our tips or our bases in that case his top Wing is a bit longer than the bottom so let's do that we then need the tail and that sort of comes off not in the middle but around the sides so if I do that in fuel tanks like that then got a wing there so so I can just copy that to the other side perfect sort of this looks very dodgy yeah that's nose cone those up that makes sense to me probably do the same out the back and again lots of upside down tail fins on these so I guess that used to be the way this is the way making that sort of shape that doesn't seem to be a thing anymore at all but uh yeah anyway finally we just need some Wheels yeah if I can just about get that Center of mass in the middle and it shouldn't lean back are you swearing yourself close together this is gonna end in tears but still that's sort of what Raymond thought you just need a bit of stratage so go from there down to there from up there down to there so let's see why the jet powered fly planes not exist anymore okay it hasn't exploded it hasn't fallen over the wheels are doing fine so let's fire the engine up oh my goodness this is actually this is actually looking okay I'm not gonna say good I'm just gonna say okay but if we pull back when we get to about 100 meters a second then yes we're up we are up okay G but the little bit I thought I was up I wasn't up I just bounced I put the wheels away slightly too early there okay this time I think we're actually up you may have noticed we lost one of our landing gear that did explode on takeoff now also struggling to pull up actually I guess because there's so much Wing going on this thing actually weighs at oh no hang on as a building going towards me hang on Android how do I turn we gotta turn I'm trying to turn come on oh no we're losing so much speed we're losing altitude right put the wheels back down put the wheels back down quick what did we learn I mean perhaps we learned that biplanes aren't twice as good just because they have twice as many wings all right so we'll delete that out of existence because we are on to the next vehicle the ladakh that's not French duck although this was actually a French craft so maybe it was so for this one I think we need an inline cockpit basically this plane was just like or one of these ones was like a huge nose cone intake thing so again very small wing angle these all seem to have like straight Wings rather than pointy back ones so they've got these little fuel tanks on the end and this is where the wheels go as well so we'll just nose cone them up then shove the wheels on for some reason everything seems to be a bit wonky on this build like the wheels are like that but in the photo that is actually the angle of the wheels I think so that's fine we've got a little wheel at the back again that just wants to snap in the most random orientation ever whatever I'm sure that's fine so this had a jet capable of 64 kilonewtons of thrust well this one is 85 so I guess that's the closest so we'll shove that on the back this one is a bit more similar to what we're used to in terms of control surfaces there a single tail fin that wants to snap at the most random angle possible what is going on so yeah I won't leave that angle I will rotate it myself manually because the game won't do it for me cheers game not sure if it's perfectly straight but I'm sure that will do right and then let's get the French duck into the sky to the runway so sort of drifting but I'm sure it'd be fine let's try and straighten up and then say oh my God oh my God it says straight up it's straight up no I mean technically my most successful flight so far uh perhaps we should try that again with SAS on yeah so so much lift out the front that's because the wings are right at the front I mean technically the real craft wasn't like that because this point was a lot longer so I guess if I remove that swap it with another fuel tank and then shove it on I guess that's a bit more true to the real life layout Center of mass right in the middle now so we will have to move our Wheels forwards a little bit that should be fine all right this thing is going up like straight up I'm not sure if it's meant to work like that I think we're meant to go along the runway a bit first anyway we'll pop the landing gear away and then see if this thing can actually fly any better look how wonky that wheel is at the back anyway you know what this is sort of flying okay so since this is the only one that has flown the real one when 0.87 Mac which is 298 meters a second ours is up to oh 270 say what if this can go 298 yes it has 300 meters a second okay so this is the most accurate aircraft I've ever built in this game Let's Celebrate by doing spins isn't that nice built yeah I thought so yeah maybe the French were onto something because I guess this looks pretty similar to a real plane actually and that's probably why it flies so well anyway bill is loving life but that is the end of the duck so let's just send him straight down into the sea where a duck belongs I think right so this next craft is probably the weirdest one of them oh it's actually an airliner and it's called the ring wing I mean look at this thing it's like it's like the game's broken or something but we're gonna do our best to try and build it in Kerbal Space Program so I guess to start with go with a shuttle cockpit as that's the most sort of airliner you want we'll then do a large fuel tank but I'll probably empty this with fuel because I don't think we're gonna get too much lift then we got that at the back and I tell you what I might make this longer and put a cargo you know put a cargo bay like that so it's quite long but the weight is at the front I think that's going to be important but if I need to move the weights about I can replace this cargo bay with a fuel tank and just change how much fuels in it but yeah for now I think that's pretty good got a little nose cone at the front front landing gear and then I think we're pretty much good to try and do the wing so how how is this even gonna work I have no idea first off we want a wing sort of in the middle and then we're gonna have to tweak this to hell so it's got to be a very small span the root length I think we'll do 0.3 which means the tip length has to be the same 0.3 but actually look that does that does get smaller right no it doesn't it doesn't okay that's fine okay we'll make it the same thickness as well so not point four so we've ended up with that let's see now can I copy this and shove another one yes I can although it's gone why have you gone upside down anyway I can probably rotate that yeah okay okay this is gonna work I think this is actually gonna work so we just keep copying and then keep rotating I think I'm going to gonna do two clicks we want to every single time that should make a nice Circle I think okay it's not gonna like probably one of the most ambitious looking things I've ever made we are pretty much there though I'm just wondering what I need to do in the middle to make this work I think it's probably worth shrinking these a bit so we'll make the wingspan not Point yeah not point two so they fit together perfectly look at this thing oh please work I really really want this to work I'm likely gonna have to strut those two together because they're not actually gonna fit as they are the other thing I need to do is the tail fin so for that we need a stabilizer and basically it goes from the sort of back of the craft about about there but then the span has to go high enough to do that it angles forwards to go over there and yes sort of looks like that oh this looks incredible and next up we need some big old wheels so we'll shove them like that that should be good I might actually add a bit of a a bit of a safety wheel at the back just so we don't accidentally scrape our bum on the floor there we go now then finally we need some thrust so if this one two jet engines they're sort of set like in there like that oh look at this thing right so this is the ring wing I have no idea how it's gonna work I'm probably gonna have to like change the flaps and stuff so they don't all go but uh before this thing blows up let's just double check the center of mass that's there Center of lift oh all the way up there you know wheels are just behind the mask so it should be fine I'm sure some of you are smart enough to know how this is going to go before I hit launch but I'm I'm a trial and error sort of guy so we're on the runway all right fell backwards it fell backwards now what I wanted to check though if I were to pull up okay I'll tell you what actually the wings they sort of they know like what orientation they are so it does sort of work the ones on top actually I feel like they're all going the opposite direction apart from the ones on top so we basically ought to go around these and invert controls for most of them I mean to be honest these Edge ones I probably probably don't want to control surface at all so we'll turn those off on that one on that one and on that one let's move the system mass forward I am just adding a bit more fuel to that front fuel tank as well so we're up to try 10 tons of fuel and I will move the whip the wheels back as well just to doubly make sure we're good all right so now we are much more settled let's turn SAS off and just check our yeah okay they look good they actually look decent so let's fire up the jet engines and see if this thing takes off look at it it's insane I'm a bit worried how bouncy oh I didn't do the I didn't do the friction thing on the front wheel oh well I'm sure it'll be fine I'm sure it'll be fine let's just try and get some speed oh no I've inverted them I inverted the steering all right pull up pull up yeah oh my goodness it's flying it's actually flying no way look at this thing it's incredible what why don't these exist these are amazing oh hang on hang on we're rolling how do I stop rolling oh I see oh hang on hang on hang on struggle pull up pull up pull up pull up okay we're good we're good never in doubt never until I can't believe this thing actually flies this might be the best plane I've made today yeah I will say it's sort of tricky to get any sort of altitude in this thing I'm trying to pull up uh really not it's not keen on that but at this altitude I mean look how cool it looks no that's all about looks it's about engineering remember I'm not being an architect so that's how long it took me to turn around taking off from the runway which is all the way over there ah it's really bright I can't see anything sort of unusual steering if you try and steer left or right it just corkscrews oh no we might be in trouble now we are literally in trouble oh Poo I wanted to land this thing but yeah honestly the ring ring they should bring it back I want to see this in production and to be fair I think they were actually planning to I think Lockheed me this or at least thought about making it and I'm guessing theirs didn't have inverted controls oh and probably probably didn't do that as often or maybe it did maybe that's why they never made them but yeah I am absolutely in love with this design it's so cool I can't believe it actually works in this game as well like yes we are taking off get those landing gear away look at it oh it's so cool yeah I hope you guys enjoyed the video remember check out Star Trek Fleet command using the link in my description thanks once again to them for sponsoring but I'm going to spend the rest of my day flying this around but that is for sure I'll say peace love and ring Wings bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 803,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kerbal space program 2, ksp, ksp2, ksp 2 land speed record, ksp2 land speed, ksp2 fastest, ksp2 record, ksp2 challenge, rce, real civil engineer, setting the land speed record, land speed record, ksp 2, kerbal space program, ksp2 widest plane, ksp2 widest airplane, ksp2 wide plane glitch, ksp2 wing glitch, ksp2 longest plane, ksp2 longest airplane, kerbal space program 2 gameplay, ksp2 tallest plane
Id: OjRYOpzztnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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