Annihilating the LAND SPEED RECORD in Kerbal Space Program 2!

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on the 26th of February 2023 I set the land speed record in Kerbal Space Program 2. unfortunately I did not hold on to that record for very long it was beaten by blitz's intern who's called intern before Blitz then beat it himself with a speed of 615 meters a second however this was actually a big brain move by myself as I intentionally went low with my speed record initially to lore these two architects into doing my trial and error for me meaning I can use the power of engineering to take back the record and hopefully hold on to it a little bit longer this time so hello fellow engineers and welcome back to Kerbal Space Program two let's get into single player we are gonna start a new campaign called Lance bed record it's not a typo it's just happened in the past if you're watching this now technically and we will not be playing as the UK space agency this time no no no no no you will be playing as the UK speed agency so studying both their designs it seems that size isn't everything I know I've been lied to my whole life so we're gonna start with something reasonably small at least to start maybe we will go larger because I don't think those guys tried yet large but we're gonna start with one of these small cockpits and it doesn't actually say anything about like how much aerodynamic drag it has or anything like that so I guess we'll just go with this one now I do want to change the color design to be the UK space agency's official colors uh which for now until we can add a third color are just white and red I mean Scotland want to leave anyway so technically I'm not too far but for now the UK speed agency does represent Great Britain so I will try and add some blue somewhere if I can anyway next up we need fuel and I've actually learned I shouldn't use the methylocks fuels I can actually go down and there's a methane one which is good for our jet engines and I guess that's the next question do I want methylocks rocket engines or do I want to try Jets because when I tried my widest plane I got some serious speed I guess it just comes down to to the sort of the weight to thrust ratio and I don't think that's written anywhere on here so I actually have to do some maths so I think this is probably the engine want to go for the vector engine gives us 769 nice thrust at one atmosphere so that should be good we do need some methylocks fuel for that so we will use the methyl Ox fuel tanks so we're not going to go super large I don't think I think we'll go medium sized probably just like that for now we'll shove that on the back I'm then going to add some fairly big wings to be sort of sturdy so although we will lower our aerodynamics here I think the sturdiness is probably more important so we'll go quite wide with those wings so we basically have a plane at the moment we just need some wheels and that's why the wings are so wide because I'm going to put the wheels out there just to sort of give us a bit of stability so if I put them sort of far back I'm hoping when I turn on the center of mass here you may need our Wheels a little bit further back I'll tell you what it could do you could just reduce the wing angle so they're pointed back more and then just move the wheels like that so it Wheels behind Center of mass we've also got tiny wheel at the front another thing that I have learned turn off auto friction control I assume turn it down to zero as well don't really know I mean perhaps I will actually do like two wings and then we have a like four-wheel drive or not four wheel drive we're driven by a rocket map but a four-wheeled car rather than a three I mean I feel like this land speed record is like it's we're doing a trike the trike speed record and we're gonna pick a sensible name for this not the fly safe because we're not flying I feel like that's a perfect representation of the UK speed agency right let's launch so first off SAS goes off now we have a quick check on Bill everything looking right in there mate yep thought so and then we go oh my goodness that's quite fast that's actually quite fast I don't want to take off I don't want to take off all right so now we'll slow it down we nearly beat it already oh we blew up I don't know if anyone saw that speed though that was over 600 right so I'm gonna go again but I am actually oh no no no no no no no I left SAS on sorry sorry oh look fuel ran out straight away oh you could potentially put more fuel in uh which is exactly what we learned flight status right so just confirm what we did learn is we can potentially use more field but we probably want more stability I'm not sure this will at the front is going to do it so what I might do what I'm sort of thinking we take the wing off well we take everything off actually and then we add more methylocks so did we use okay so we used that one which has two tons of methyl oh my goodness you got through that quick so yeah if we double the amount of methylocks in there I mean I don't think we got even halfway along the runway so we'll try that one instead then what I would rather do if possible I mean it's still quite short but if I put these Wings sort of at the back then can I put more up there and then change the angle so they go forwards like that then get rid of that wheel which you don't need and I'll tell you what I might actually make these wheels get rid of the old friction control on them I don't actually know what friction control does apparently I just don't want it they on auto adjust steering no we don't want that we don't want that so let's see if this is more stable so oh it's looking good look at the speed to 300 400 500 I can't slow down now it's a 550 easy oh no oh wait what the 171 G's it went five kilometers just about yeah okay let's uh so structural failure on the linkage between the Lapua 250 and the flute 800 so I think that's the wing and the fuel tank so basically my wings came off essentially but what I'm thinking I might do I might use my old my old flippy flappies just to give me some downforce so I think if I do if I do that okay oh wow oh wow oh wow didn't quite work as intended but if I do the other way then we'll take off when we oh no we'll just head straight to what interesting oh yeah that's that's not what I wanted it to do hang on hang on oh wait wait we survived we survived we set our record we recover vehicle what was our speed 114 meters a second well we'll get there we'll get there so what I'm thinking we pull up like that essentially I met I thought this would just take off but it seemed pretty sturdy before so we definitely haven't taken off or we are bouncing we are bouncing and we're we're out of fuel okay if we can just not crash what's break B we'll hold B to break okay so this will actually be a legit speed so recover vessel yes I've beaten my own record I've beaten my own record with that 384 meters a second however if I just don't use any flaps at all and it just doesn't blow up then we can go way way faster I'd say oh it's shaking it's shaking we're up to 500 six cent rate slow down slow down no why does it take off when I slow down so I think I just need to make this aerodynamically worse so if I make the ring angle even cheaper like that and then do the same with the rear one and what if we put the wheels like right on the end that's going to be more stable right sort of you just slide these back a bit as well right I'm actually feeling reasonably confident about this although I'm a bit worried the extra length we've got we might actually like Flex our body into the ground but let's see what happens so I've got a stair left a little bit it is it's wobbling I'm not going to touch up or down or change the speed we're just gonna see man we oh we got over 800 and then Kerbal physics took hold and we went up to 14 but that was over 800. we just need to not take off my question will SAS actually help me the stability assist system I mean typically I found it more of a hindrance than I hope but let's see if it does actually help I mean at high speeds it it might it might we are wibbling Bill looks happy he's enjoying himself as long as we don't take up I think that fizzled right so before we go back to drone board I'm going to do one more attempt and I'm just gonna try and get to 6 15 if I can and then stop if I can slow down after that we're good so we're up to 6 15 easy slowing down brakes on oh no we might need parachutes we might need parachutes um oh that's the C that's the seat okay I think we're gonna add some parachutes now this will add a bit of weight but I think it should be fine do I just go do I go with drogue shoots or normal I don't actually have a node for the novel to fit which is a little bit annoying or we can do these though we can do these okay let's wank two of those on probably like that one on either side then we put those up there so hopefully that should slow us down come back keep it straight keep it straight keep it straight all right good uh I fired the parachute why didn't they come out why didn't they come out ah because they're set to altitudes and stuff okay I tell you what maybe they're not the ones for me I think drogue shoots they're like I feel like they're like The Apprentice shoot but they actually they do work like just stick them on and they'll they'll come out right shoots why are they not coming out is it because they're like a little bit in the wing so that's all that's left a wheel that was really unfortunate all I can think is because they're sort of in the wing that they're not coming out so if we just shove them up there why don't my parachutes work all right let's have a look at this settings of these deploy mode safe well that's probably not helping it's got to be risky just won't happen for some reason I can't slow down with parachutes I mean alternatively there is another way of doing this so first I want to check that it is actually the parachute's fault if that makes sense so I could swap that cockpit if I if I grab those and the wings and then we delete that we swap it with let's say that one and then on the front we can probably just shove a big parachute I'd rather it not be on the front but um it is what it is so I think I'll try a drogue shoot first because they're meant to slow you down so maybe that can be launched at higher speed oh man we are a lot slower wheel that wasn't very good was it so it turns out the lack of points on the front massively slowed us down due to the aerodynamics I imagine so let's just try that parachute compared to this one I mean it's slightly pointier probably not enough I mean we'll try the slightly pointy one I might just actually do deploy it first and just see if it actually does work yep no parachute has been deployed oh they do just at a lower speed ah so I'm going too fast for the parachutes to do anything and from the looks at the big parachute came out at the same time as these drogue ones on the back so I guess for now I'm just going to do a speed test on this with the pointier parachute see how fast we go so we're up to six and then it goes up in the air okay I think I'm going back to the more aerodynamic design then to add some slow I'm gonna need some thrusters facing forward I guess because I assume do they still have air brakes don't see an air brake so I want to break from the back or from the front I feel like the back actually if I do four times symmetry but rotate so we're that way around I feel like this is gonna actually make us a lot slower so we've now got that question is will the bottom actually touch the ground it might do oh no it should be financially it might bounce late but let's see they're up to 350 400 oh we're going a lot slower we're going so much slower we only got to four four hundred ish and not only that we now don't have fuel to fire the other Rockets uh oh there's some shoots there's some shoots a little a little bit too late and it exploded again so Rockets to slow down not ideal what I'm thinking now maybe if I do just fly and then land that will sort of be fine now these Wings keep falling off so if I once again my voice to get the struts going on oh yeah strutting those wings make that structural sound yeah I imagine this front end is where a lot of the issues are happening so if that's connected there perhaps they can't get ripped off only one way to find out if he made this thing stronger let's launch whoa whoa whoa oh it worked it worked it sort of worked I mean we went up into the air but if we land and we don't die that counts as a success uh where's where's Bill oh my God hang on hang on I can see Bill that was fine he's skiving off work it says he's not there anymore but he's there but he's smiling dirty skiver bill right all I'm gonna do I'm gonna swap these shoots with the like the proper shoots and I'm actually thinking if I put these on each corner I can technically land on my on my wheels right so if these just go like there and two more up on those Corners this could work right parachutes away I think we got a hell of a speed there but this is the real test that I was aiming for oh oh why are we why are we that orientation I thought the parachutes would like level us out a bit look at Bill's face by the way he is absolutely loving life and as long as this is a soft Landing I'm not actually gonna complain I mean we're we're upside down I'll give you that but UK speed agency they've done it let's recover The Vessel and check our speed oh he's only gonna done it 760 meters a second and we're only just getting started now we know that struts will stop our wings coming off we can go faster trust me I'm an engineer and if you like terrible engineering puns check out my merch store where we've got loads of them use code boost for 10 off right so what I'm thinking next is we go we go way bigger than this so let's just we'll take what we've learned but we will completely delete everything so we need aerodynamics but then I want to get to a bigger fuel tank as possible so if we try that with the biggest engine there is in the game the mammoth 2. that will give us 3700 kilonewtons of thrust oh man that is a big boy that is a big boy right and then we just try and do you similar what we did with the wings previously so if we come out there with those do that then go to the back the trouble with this is they're gonna be slightly higher so I might need to angle them down a little bit or actually I could probably just move them down by doing that yeah there we go so tip these ones backwards I'm going to use slightly larger Wheels this time so let's try this sort of looks like an F1 car of the future perhaps uh maybe not with those Wheels but let's call this the f69 so it's loading up oh the wings just came off okay maybe I need to strut the wings first okay front ones are stitched on rear ones are nearly stitched on okay so this time when we load up oh boy it's got some Flex it has some flex and a half let's turn SAS off I feel like that's probably because this is full of fuel and we're definitely not gonna gonna need it um let's launch anyway and then see sort of how our fuel gets on and I guess also try and see how the actual speed looks I mean it's going for it it hasn't taken off yet I think it's got too much weight to take off we're about a third of the way through the fuel and there's the end of the runway so we can we can use a lot of it right parachute parachute yay saved Bill's life for some reason though I can't recover the vehicle don't know why so let's make this thing lighter by going into the field and we're just gonna turn it down to like that now you see still bending but I don't know more power might work this is the only way to find out by doing an actual test oh it's really really wanting to drift or did it no it just wanted to go on the other Runway just want to go on the other run me speed actually picking up quite nicely we're up to 600 okay we died yeah so 586 before it all went wrong right so we learned the big isn't always better but I do have one more idea before we try try and tweak the original design I just I feel like it's worth trying lots of different designs that haven't been tried by others yet so that involves one of these adding mono propellant I feel like it's something I haven't really fiddled with yet but the name of this next vessel is the fastest shape and we'll be seeing just how fast we can go so first off oh no the ball fell off oh no they're both oh dear so here it is it's it's exciting let's turn SAS off let's calm it down a bit so monopropellant go that's that's a little bit of movement but then the main Thruster let's make the fastest shape set the land speed record come on Bill you got this mate oh no oh what did we learn perhaps strong and speed are not mutually beneficial let's revert to the VAB so another possible solution is using what I've learned today plus with what I learned last time which is adding loads of wheels for safety could really help us so we know one of those bodies is sort of enough for you to get us down the line so let's just up the Symmetry to eight let's add those at the front and then those at the back the vector engine there and then that might actually be enough we might not need the parachutes and everything else although maybe we will okay first thoughts there's a bit too much weight at the back compared to the front anyway oh wait what the frig it just launched straight up how is this thing so state is that because SAS is on let's turn SAS off no it just look there's so much power okay so I reck I can probably just grab these wheels and then rotate them that way because then that's sitting behind the center of mass that should be way better yeah that looks good that looks good okay so first launch with SAS on let's Sort of hope that this doesn't set the land speed right okay it doesn't it doesn't at all it is safe though it is or it might not be safe now it might not be safe now what you're doing bill what you're doing bill if you're Landing your wheels okay never mind so this time without SAS because I think SAS sort of tries to like keep you flat that was better we're definitely missing the downforce for this design so potentially we add a load of wings because we know it's gonna rock around but if we do that it just might help it stay like straight and perhaps not take off as much so off we go okay I'm thinking longer it really needs to be longer so if we go for that instead and no we don't want the name to fly safe why does it always revert to that don't fly safe because we don't want it to fly at all and look at SAS trying to control this thing no SAS turn yourself off calm down calm down right this is looking a lot better oh my goodness it's actually it was working well what I'm thinking longer perhaps lose the wings or maybe do less wings like this actually looks pretty decent in my opinion I don't mind it bouncing I don't mind it bouncing it's when it does the big spin I don't like so I've put four-way stabilizer at the front and the back I don't really want to try and control them though I just want it to help it stay true let's see if it helps the other thing I might want to do as well is turn the friction control off on the wheels this is this is not going great actually it really didn't go great and after my pun the game has completely Frozen oh my bad so we're gonna go back to original design we're gonna make it twice as long because I want twice the fuel because then I want to shove one of those down and shoved twice the thrust at the back so we've got two Vector engines like that we've then got our wheels and parachutes I'm not gonna I'm not gonna have a tail Wing this time we'll see how that pans out but we will have a fancy new name for this one as well I've just realized I made a fatal mistake in that we launched the parachutes on the same stage as the Rockets So one second I was so busy thinking about Architects by abusing intern that I became one myself not fair anyway oh look at the speed look at the speed 700 oh so we are well and truly going down the runway 800 900. oh that was so close I parachuted we didn't quite didn't quite survive it's like so stable at low speeds like it's pretty crazy yes yes okay parachutes parachutes save Bill save bill this could count wait the parachutes aren't connected to bill um he's okay though the UK speed agency has done it you could say we winged it get it because there's a Wing we winged it never mind let's recover the entire vessel yep okay recovered oh and there we go the new land speed record 910 meters a second however you'll notice we're not quite at the end of the runway so if we can make it go a little bit further we might be okay let's revert to the VAB let's try some other tweaks like perhaps we should try making these Wings point the the other direction right so front wings are like that now rear ones are gonna stay further back just because the center of mass I want it to be sort of in the middle of these wheels I am worried though that's going to give us a lot more lift because it's trying to find the balance between providing us downforce but not taking off I don't know let's see what happens so is this going to be more or less stable than before tell you what I tell you what until that point it was way more stable and I haven't even I haven't even stitched These Wings on by the way they are literally just staying on through the power of engineering so let's make these narrower and thinner which I imagine will make them cut through the air better so we'll go with that where we now have paper thin Wings will that give us more speed but less stability there's only one way to find out in this game and that is to go for it so you're up to six seven eight hundred no we had a really good shot sorry I'm gonna stop using that one if we could just stay on the runway I think we're looking good I think we're looking good right pull up parachutes okay we're actually in one piece nothing broke off yet I don't think Bill's happy I'm happy parachutes are happy I think as long as we don't go in the water this is a legit land speed record attempt the question would be what is our speed so recover vessel confirm 1064 meters a second bravo bravo indeed so here we have it the land speed record vehicle what an absolute Beast although we've gone off the track we've gone off the track stay on the track stay on the track oh no oh no it's hard to steer we're not looking where you're going still if you guys enjoyed boost like button but for now I'll say peace love and land speed records bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,352,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kerbal space program 2, ksp, ksp2, ksp 2 land speed record, ksp2 land speed, ksp2 fastest, ksp2 record, ksp2 challenge, rce, real civil engineer, setting the land speed record, land speed record, ksp 2, kerbal space program
Id: 7mxdCfrSceo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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