Building a HUGE NAVAL SHIP was a mistake in Kerbal Space Program 2!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to Kerbal Space Program 2. now we've had a lot of fun in this already I mean about as much fun as this guy's having look how happy he is so we're gonna go into single player we're gonna continue with this will be fine our sandbox playthrough and we're in the vehicle building you're gonna just remembered what we did last time oh I did last time I reset the world land speed record of 78 miles an hour so yeah sadly we will be deleting thrusty McGee so let's just grab that and press delete because if you remember I discovered this last time you can launch on various different launch pads and runways but you can also launch boats so we're going to be building a ship and seeing how the hell that works today um I guess first off I actually let's let's have a look at the boat launch oh we need to actually build a boat first okay we'll build a boat first oh and by the way I've just launched a brand new merch store check it out at super high quality products with brand new and returning designs use code boost for 10 off but anyway I'm not exactly sure what parts I need I assume something Hollow rate so like these cargo Bays so if we shove that on the back seal it up with a nose cone I imagine that's just gonna fill with water but I don't know let's just do that for now I just want to see like what the what the thing looks like so boat launch yep let's have a look oh man okay so we do actually go underwater and I guess actually it's fine because as long as our as long as our cabin is like pressurized then we're all good I was honestly I was a little bit worried I was gonna be like ripped off this episode uh someone in the comments they told me the the boat area was just like you know what those launch pads out at Sea like a rocket launch pad I think SpaceX they've landed a few like they've taken rockets off and then land them back down on them uh they told me it was that so I was a little bit worried but yeah you're completely wrong commenter you scared me but I knew it was going to be a boat so anyway back to the VAB and then to check my buoyancy thing if I delete these and actually go with something Hollow that actually fits on the back of that so like a small Hollow cargo bay like that yeah so if I just make this like really long that's going to be lots of air so that should be fairly buoyant or at least like the the back end of it will be so super long tube I then saw we've got like I just shoved one of these tails on the end so then we've got the world's pointiest Hollow tube and I'm hoping that will float um so I guess we'll just see if it does for now so there it is and I'll tell you what I think I'm right I mean Jeff's not in the best of places at the front of that spinning around quite a lot but look at it it's floating okay so we know that actually that's how you make a boat so if we I want to know if I open this does it fill it up with water so that's now open I mean the fact it's like it's like above the water where's it going no don't crash into that right okay like it won't sink at all what if I open what if I open all of these okay well that is 100 floating man look how much space we have to build a ship as well one more test before we get building properly if I build these methyl locks fuel tanks my question is will that flute is this fuel less dense than water meaning it will float or is it more dense meaning it will sink I assume that's how this will work right it's just got a way less than the water so there you oh my goodness what is it doing what is it doing um I think it might be sinking yeah so I think it sank but like the front of it was heavier hence it's gone down like that Jeb is like is he laughing I don't know what's going on up there he's loving life that's all I know yeah if we go under the water you can see physics uh well they're going a little bit mental let's put it that way sort of made a dancing pencil get some disco music behind that isn't it so I feel like we've sort of learned enough that we can potentially make a floating vessel um now what I like about this cab is can you see it's got like two nodes coming off it so we can also build down as well as backwards and presumably if I get like a Bend which I think we can probably do with one of these structures right yes we can shove a part like that underneath oh man then we have like nodes for days we can go every direction okay that's good that is actually quite good because uh what I'm thinking we have the fuel down low and we have the buoyancy up above uh so actually I might make this more like more like an actual ship to be honest so if we just put these down there this is to link everything together so we need cargo Bays high up so we have that sort of thing and then we have the fuel load down so we got that sort of thing then I'm just thinking I probably want to connect these together at this end trouble is I'm not really sure this game works like that I think you can really make loops unless you use struts to stitch it all together so I can shove that there and I think as I add these I think that one and that one like they're not actually connected together or are they so yeah although that is a t and it should all be connected I think like if we if we go back there we'll connect it together like that but like if we go that way that they're separate parts and like down here they're separate parts so I'd have to stitch those together with struts but I think for now let's just actually see if this floats uh so let's launch so here we are in the water and we've gone I mean we we've gone straight to the sea floor okay never mind I probably went a bit too heavy on the fuel tank to be honest we we shouldn't need that much fuel we're not like we're not sailing around the globe or are we that could be a challenge anyway for now perhaps we'll reduce our fuel load by a half then maybe fill in these other nodes with like smaller ones seems like the more buoyant we are the better so we're just gonna fill all these nodes with cargo bits I know it didn't matter before but I am slightly concerned perhaps we do just need nose cones on these so we got this now looks sort of submarine-ish to be honest now I will have to strut the ends together I just wanna I don't want to strut anything before I know that it floats so it will shove it in the sea and see what happens oh it's close it is close it wants to roll over though oh God game is not happy with this frame rate is gone everything's gone Jeb is giggling away all right I found us we're in a pile of rubble in the corner fine revert to the VAB now all I'm thinking we we just go wider so essentially copy everything under there over this way delete that arm and then we should just be able to shove that on the side there we go then do the same on this side right so now we're much wider and we should be more buoyant and less likely to roll as well yeah we can always swap we do have remember we got three fuel tanks down there we could just swap them so we only have like one or two so here we go into the water and are we oh we're so close to floating so close but we're we're definitely we are definitely thinking fair enough and sadly the game crashed so let's try again okay I think the trouble is there's quite a lot of parts on this so what I'm thinking if I just go bigger instead and I can use less parts right so this is the connect we used before it weighs 1.5 tonnes if I upgrade to a large one it actually weighs less I mean it's pretty insane but this boat is gonna be insane I mean let's not call a boat either it's a ship so long large cargo holds just how we like it at the UK space agency I think I'll do five oh my goodness what has happened to that okay let's not copy them we'll do them all manually and then for the front perhaps cargo ramps like that that looks way more boatish yeah I like that and as we know if it looks bootish it should probably act bootish now what I'm thinking as well actually I probably I'm trying to think of my aerodynamics or Aqua Dynamic no what's it called anyway it doesn't matter what's called the fact is it's done um I haven't I haven't gone deep this time we're just gonna try and do that see if it works I am gonna head into the struts though I'm we're going to strut our stuff so cue that sexy music oh yeah get right under that with your struts that's it strut it yes attached together all right well that was weird and I've also I've just launched this onto a Runway not quite what I intended still it looks sort of boatish and you can only assume when we put it onto the boat launch it'll be even better oh no why is it sinking wait what I thought we did a small scale test and this didn't sink well this is less than ideal I am wondering if it's because of these because we now have holes everywhere that would be really annoying if that was the case I'm wondering though if I take that off can I put like an engine mount is that gonna help so if I put that there and then put this back on that's now that's now water type right probably not how it works but it's how I'm going to assume it works for now now the worst thing is me doing all this if it doesn't actually work I've just added loads of weight to my vessel uh not ideal when I want it to float anyway we're back in and yep it it still sinks oh come on game so what if I grab all of these shove them on what does it turn to into it's just like a jumbled mess what is that oh game what are you doing how is that copying what have you done to it so what if we just do this simply I'll just use that one on the end yeah so I just want to copy that so I'll hold copy grab that why have you broken it okay so apparently that on the right is that copied yep nice one game all right well I've got one underneath so let's just move it to the side so yeah like that can I then just copy that one oh well that took about 10 times as long as I hoped it would but we're finally there let's see will this thing floats right we're in the water we are we're still sinking we're still sinking okay I just have to make it longer I think alternatively perhaps some propulsion would help us out so what if we swap these rear nose cones shove some engine mounts on the back and then we need to try and work out which one of these will work under water I don't want to go too heavy with these so I think I might go for this one so we've got those next up we just need some video so I've shoved some fuel under there hopefully that's all connected otherwise you may have to use fuel pipes but with the weights at the bottom of the boat right so we're in the water let's hit fight oh man they actually fired we have thrust okay we have thrust and we have movement out the back as well oh no we are rolling we are rolling I put the weight underneath why is it buoyant that way around anyway I feel like we don't have enough rust so let's swap these piddly things for these ones which are called the main sail as well so that's actually that's quite good in terms of boating I think we're definitely on to something the trouble is how am I actually gonna say with this it's just sinking every time like I honestly thought this would float let's make this top section longer so that's good at the back I mean the front longer as well and I've just launched it onto the runway but now we're back in the sea and now oh did it nearly float maybe let's hit the engines then let's oh man this seems to be really struggling to move underwater I mean not just not struggling it's literally it's not moving right I've had an idea I've had an idea perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way because I've just realized like what has air in them in the game definitely 100 there's gonna be Wheels right so if I can cover it in perhaps like these wheels like that could act as buoyancy right so we'll just cover the ship in these start to question away all your designs require everything to be covered in wheels and then I guess we'll launch this thing and see if there's any logic behind this Theory right frame rate a lot slower I will say that but who are we floating or was it just oh it's just slave it's just slow frames I think we're still thinking all right well starboard launched the rudder I'm sure that's a ship saying right so I just got off the blower with a UK space agency uh which are which are my boss of course and uh they said Matt you're obviously struggling with boats why don't we try something a little bit a little bit more unusual so I've I've had a little Google I found there's something called Anna Karana plan which is basically like a low flying plane that sort of sticks to just above water yeah so I'm doing my best to recreate that so what we need up the front we need our engines I mean I feel like these oh yeah they're pretty big they might be okay though so we've got four jet engines at the front they sort of sit up there we then need some like short stubby wings but they need to be big so yeah I think that looks pretty good put it somewhere in the middle of our craft then these want to be sort of a little bit stubbies they do want to be longer so make the span a bit bigger here but the tip needs to be pretty fat so we then need a very very big tail because then we have more Wings on top of here all right so we end up with something like this the trouble now we don't actually have any fuel for these engines so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put the center of Mass on and because of these engines that's way at the front so if I swap the back pieces and put fuel there instead and you can see where our Center of mass is compared to our Center of lift so if I just move the wings a bit then I think we should be good the only question is will this thing sink before it even gets moving only one way to find out let's launch right so unfortunately yes night time and we'll say we're not in the seat how many times we're gonna make that mistake so let's see if we float and shock oh my goodness okay not only did we think we also exploded man I feel a little bit sorry for Jeb in there that's got some movement on it all right all right well let's as you see on a Runway does it have the power to take off I mean it's trying I could actually I could add some Wheels right so this time with wheels we are at least moving I I guess I shouldn't go and try and land on water instead yeah this thing not meant to have wheels it's meant to float doesn't float at all haven't quite worked out the old floating mechanism in this game yet and but yeah let's try and take off oh and we've done it we've blooming done it right I've talked to my landing gear away so now we are just a plane right now and this thing was designed to just cruise at low altitudes literally meters above the water so I guess that's what we'll try and do I might actually turn the old speed down all right so there we go we're Landing in oh we we blew hey Jeff's okay though I don't know where he is he's apparently spinning quite viciously he's actually loving life does it tell you his G-Force if we recover vessel oh yeah he experienced 70 6g's in that lovely yeah in real life these were used in like the late 80s early 90s by the Soviet Union I don't think their engines fell off as often as these ones seem to be what is going on and yeah it flew at four meters above the ground level because that gives you something called the ground effects which basically means the the vertices you see at the end of wings they don't actually occur at that level yeah because if you go too height apparently all your engines fall off around your front oh and you explode into a fireball but yeah with the ground effect in play these are like super efficient in terms of like the aerodynamics not necessarily the one I've built but in real life at least and they're not actually classed as aircraft they're classed officially as the maritime ship so technically I've made a boat in Kerbal Space Program too what I would love to do though is sort of not just fly this realistically but sort of land it on sea as well 192 meters a second which as far as I'm aware is fast I guess that's the trouble having so many engines is uh they produce so much power you can see my engine power down there our throttle is on two so hopefully we will start slowing down a bit yeah there we go there we go we're sort of Landing sort of Landing we've definitely slowed down right ready ready we've landed yes and we're not sinking oh Poo we're thinking no Jeff Jeb why are you always so happy about this I think we're fine Graphics gun mental physics gone mental everything's gone mental sorry Jeb you're not gonna like starting to think this game's a little bit buggy for the things I want to try and the games used to agreed with me because it says accident you didn't crash cheers game well anyway it looks like I've got some practice to do I really want to actually build a boat I'm not sure whether it's not actually possible or whether it's beyond me let me know in the comments but for now I'll say peace love and break dancing fuselage bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 447,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kerbal space program 2, ksp, ksp2, ksp 2 land speed record, ksp2 land speed, ksp2 fastest, ksp2 record, ksp2 challenge, rce, real civil engineer, setting the land speed record, land speed record, ksp 2, kerbal space program
Id: KxOOz7E9Ij4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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