I took mining to EXTREME levels...

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hello fellow Engineers today I'm selecting my favorite rock this one sort of looks like a strong shape if you squint and tilt your head a bit but in this game I have one soulle objective get to the core now before we get into it quick warning this game is very very addictive I did a little a little trial that I like to do before I play every game and I looked down and I've been playing it for over an hour right so basically we have an entire solar system and we are responsible for mining it if we head in here you can see there is a planet there um and circling that presumably that's moon but it has a question mark so we're not sure we can click on this we can see a lot of details about it it's got 20 iron 10 silicon five aluminium so they are the resources we can get so let's travel and basically this is us we we literally just crash into the surface sort of drilling a little hole as we go um and you'll notice in the bottom left we not only have fuel but the bar underneath that's our health every time we hit the planet we are losing health and and the deeper we get the the sort of harder each bit is until you die now as remind that we were in the this white layer and that gave us a load of iron we've got 106 so if we head into the shop this is our upgrade tree now the green icons are ones that we can afford to upgrade so if we click on this you can see this is or extraction it will increase the drop rates of blocks uh so we increase those by 10% and it cost us 20 iron I've got 106 so we'll buy a couple of those and you'll see look it's unlocked two New Paths now we can't see what either of those are until we upgrade this a little bit further uh so let's spend our remaining iron on that yeah we didn't get far enough I think we need like probably to get to five and then 10 to unlock both of those uh We've also got this one down here which is the fuel tank it increases our fuel tank size so it cost 10 iron let's do that once that's unlocked another little stick down here but again we need to upgrade this further before we can get that so we need to upgrade it probably 20 times maybe less anyway we can go back to the solar system back to the home planet travel again and then bo b just try and work our way down and you'll notice we really don't get very far until everything's destroyed but remember we're getting more iron now I think did we get 106 last time this time we got 357 so back in the shop let's do the or extraction I think the the earlier we do this the sort of more more resources we'll get any remaining we'll go do some fuel tank size that sounds good so I did a bit more mining there we got 769 now the other thing you can do with resources if you come up to this resource tab you can sell them for money so we get 854 quid if I sell all of them so let's do that head back to the skill tree because look at this one this is drill damage and that requires money to upgrade 25 quid for the first level so let's just buy that you can see this is how much it's going up by each time so basically I'm just going to shove all my money into this and now we've we've got we got seven levels out of the 10 already unlocked which hopefully means as we drill down this time we should be able to get a little bit further before we die hopefully I mean not not really I think we need to try and work on this one down here silicon plating cuz this will give us armor now you'll notice we need silicon for that this top layer of crust that we're currently in this is just like an iron layer if I zoom out you can actually see like the different layers so that yellow that's the Silicon that we need beneath that in the red that is aluminium and then beyond that is the core remember that's the objective of this get to the core anyway we'll zoom in just so we can sort of focus on boing these blocks out a little bit we got quite a lot there I'm going to sell all of that and then hope I can unlock this next one it's called a gravity lock basically you can toggle shift and not get knock back when you break a block uh that requires two grand though so I think for now let's just see what else we can spend our money on this other green one it sort of looks like a bridge so I'm sort of sold it's a coin siphon so basically we get a percentage of coins from blocks uh we'll get 10% so I think that is well worth worth doing you can see that's unlocked three more upgrades this game just throws upgrades at you it gets quite hard to keep track of everything and but I think with a coin siphon it means we're always getting coins we don't have to constantly sell resources um I might just increase my drill damage while I'm here all right so you can see now as I'm Drilling in the top right we are getting money and that's on top of our normal resource which is lovely I would imagine if I keep increasing this ore extraction that will probably help because I'm getting more ore and I get a percentage of money based on the ore so yeah let's upgrade that that's like 50% increase beautiful and then going to add a load of fuel cuz the more fuel I have the the longer we can drill for and we need to be able to drill for longer so we can get down to that silicon layer cuz then we can increase our armor and then we'll be much better off so I think I'll just I'll just do a bit of grinding for a little bit and I'll see you guys when I have a load of cash to spend few moments later all right so I've done a few more rounds I got a load of money so we can finally unlock this gravity lock for 2 Grand we'll buy that then increase our coin siphon so we're getting more money and then check this out if I hold shift we now drop straight down we no longer we no longer get flung back so that is awesome but you'll notice as soon as I hit that that silicon layer I pretty much died instantly yeah that's cuz we're not strong enough but we just got some silicon from there so we can upgrade to Silicon plating yeah you actually got 158 silicon we did all right considering we only like barely touched it before we died so our armor goes from 0 to one and then I may as well just SP all my silicon on that cuz the stronger we are the deeper we'll be able to dig I think the rest will go on my fuel tank and then oh we've got this one as well so the original one used iron to increase our fuel tank this one uses money so yeah we'll just upgrade that a few times then back at our planet B we've look how much look at look at the look at the fuel Bar it's like it's not going down at all anymore so we can probably head into the Silicon layer oh no silicon really does rinse it still yeah look at that bar going down look at that bar going down when I going there but still that was a good hole I think I'll increase my armor quite a lot oh we got a new upgrade up here what's that or refine increased drop rates of blocks 25% just for a bit of silicon okay we'll do that a couple of times there is a brand new one up here the Silicon plated drill increased drill damage that just uses silicon and money increases it by three this original one just uses money and increases it by three as well so yeah I'll do one of each on those oh man this Tory is getting quite big can I zoom out oh no oh no oh no I can zoom out this far something tells me there's going to be a lot of upgrades in this game anyway give me a sec to zoom back in there we go all right we'll spend the rest on just a fuel tank and then B oh man I'm loving the holding shift thing like look at me I'm just drilling through the planet look how fast we're going I've been dreaming of this moment since I started playing yeah the Silicon layer still Rines us but we're getting a lot more Sil silicon before we die out so that's quite a good positive yeah I think I'm going to upgrade my coin siphon cuz I want to get coins quicker I'll get that all refine as well just so we're getting way more resources per hit increase our armor increase our fuel all the different ways of doing it man I can upgrade everything this time this is awesome okay so after lots of upgrades let's just drill straight down and see can we get through the Silicon layer that's what I want to know yeah armor is not going down that much so we may be able to get to the red right here we go here we go we yes we got some we got some aluminium we have some aluminum and we died look we got 284 aluminium nice so we could sell that for quite a lot of money it's worth almost 10 times what the other ones are worth but I think it's probably going to be worth holding on to I imagine there'll be some upgrades we need that use aluminium in the meantime let's just do the usual upgrades right and then this time I'm going to mine like just loads of iron I'm going to try and stay sort of high you can see me just literally doing the world's longest tunnel but uh the fuel Bar is insane still I've actually I've tunneled around the entire Earth that is literally the world's longest tunnel that is awesome and then I'm just doing the layer underneath now so strip mining an entire planet love to see it and then I'm not really sure how like gravity works or like how movement works like if I just like wiggle my mouse and I do start sort of get moving and then eventually like I start foing like that building up speed oh my goodness oh yeah okay this is quite good just building up speed I'm sort of orbiting like within the Earth's crust oh dear right anyway should probably get back to mining that was far too much fun okay we've fallen into the Silicon layer I don't think I can get back out but a bit of silicon ain't bad this is going to be my biggest ho to date I mean look at the planet like I've I've eaten all of it so we got nearly 100,000 iron 10,000 silicon look at the top right we've even got 43,000 quid as well so we're just going to upgrade all the stuff I want to upgrade like these early ones sort of Max if I can all right so I've pretty much upgraded all those I'm I've got to a point where I can almost I mean actually maybe I can get to the core come on come on we just got a little bit of aluminum to get through please come on fuel yes yes are we in we're not quite in come on one more hit yes we're in oh I died still all these grade out ones they're the ones I've completely Max upgraded so this is the last fuel tank upgrade buy this is the last or refine one so we get 400% more resources when we hit stuff now then fuel tank size just takes a load of money and but I think instead of doing that look how look at all these other green ones we've got unlocked so what have we got down here we've got regeneration recover percentage of Health that costs aluminium only 800 though I got 24,000 now so yes please so I can keep upgrading this if I want to try and aim to that what's this other one aluminium foil oh makes it stronger two armor for aluminium yes please again that will lead to two more upgrades as well they all lead to more upgrades the coin siph oh yes coin siphon that's an extra 10% is this another one yeah this one cost aluminium but another 10% another or pfy that sounds good okay so I think this top right group that basically gives you more like resource and coins bottom right is armor bottom left is fuel and then top left this is sort of like the drilling strength so what is this oh thrusters I'll be able to Li yes please it takes like resources of every type but let's buy it I should have bought those ages ago now we can also make our drill better as well oh man look at the amount of upgrades I'm getting overwhelmed already anyway I've also noticed in the middle this is called a vision upgrade allows you to see level two planets so we can go somewhere else we need 200 grand for that 50,000 iron and 20,000 silicon uh so perhaps I should focus on that this time so with oh my thrusters I can like wait can I just like fly to another planet see you later Planet I'm going to another planet okay I'm not actually sure it works like that let's uh let's head down I'm going to put my shift thing on so I should just fall straight through this planet oh really that's all I did I thought I was going straight for it then anyway the fact I now have thrusters means I can actually I can go upwards as well as downwards before I was I was just stuck I think whatever the gravity of the planet was that's sort of the direction I felt oh my good okay I honestly that on the right I did not mean to do that 100% that is an accident I was just mining as I do I I assume everyone else sees that right do you see that anyway for that upgrade I need a bit of everything so I should probably make sure I get enough iron cuz iron does get missed cuz uh cuz I fool through it so quick I was sort of missing it recently but now I can jetp pack up that should be fine my god I've pretty much I've just made another one what is wrong with me any aluminium I can't remember how much was it 20,000 we've only got 7,000 so that could be a little bit tricky we are definitely a lot stronger now though I'm I'm definitely mining a lot more before the health bar is going down okay we got 20,000 that's good we need 100,000 iron I think we did let's try and get that up to 100,000 all right so we have done much much better look at all these resources we collected so back in the shop we can do the vision upgrade so we'll buy that and then H what what have we got here oh they're just like the next the next upgrades next Vision upgrade I need gunpowder and coal wait is that an m 1 million coal and 30 million coins okay I don't think I'm ready to do those yet let's do this last fuel tank upgrade as well B up here I feel like getting the the coin siphon is sensible as well and then drill damage yes please okay so now this is our planet I can see that Moon that was floating around in the question mark oh I need to buy it for a million coins okay that's not ideal down there is another planet I assume that's level three cuz it's blacked out though so I guess then we've just got to well we just got to do a lot more grinding try try and get to a million coins at the same time I I want to try and get to the core can I like take out the core or does it just always kill me instantly cuz I got a lot of armor now I can get down to the core pretty easily let's oh look oh I did damage to it I did damage to it so I've just got to get stronger I've just got to get stronger more drill damage and this blue one damage booster increase the drill damage anyway I think I should focus on this all purify cuz that really increases the uh the amount of resources we get what do I need for that alum minum let's so let's head straight down and then we'll just mine out like all the red remember the red is aluminum and that is our most valuable Resource as well we can sell that for a lot of money but for now I just want those sweet sweet upgrades tell you what I am I am precise with it look at this if I was like at school coloring in I'd get like really high grades I swear oh actually it looks like Navi in the middle like from from Zelda anyway we're up to 300,000 aluminium so that should do us pretty well should I ever go at the core ready oh come on you're going to need more strength I think for now let's just keep upgrading oh I could only do one upgrade I need 329,000 to upgrade the drop boost again well I can always upgrade this or siphon that's an extra 50% then I've just done armor and health regen down here and then that is everything everything upgraded that I can so I need another 100,000 aluminum oh I tell you what we are getting that fast this time those AA miners really do help like we're already up to 200,000 aluminium got to love multipliers right and then yes we can upgrade it one more time so from 91% increase to 134% increase we then increase our drill damage maybe we can try and take down the core this time oh what's what's this upgrade Milestones unlock the block broken Milestone cost 800 Grand that's half of my money I got 1.69 nice million uh shall I do it yeah let's do it so we now have milestone up here oh so the the amount of blocks we break we get like different rewards okay I'm glad I did that early so this time we're going for a number of blocks broken to get some Milestones unlocked and I mean this is racking up the money like look in the top right remember I'm not selling this all I'm literally just getting that for smashing through all right so we're we're getting there I'm literally taking off this top layer yeah we should unlock quite a few Milestones I think all right and now we're into the Silicon which for some reason always seems to be a little bit faster even the aluminium we are absolutely blitzing through it the iron seem to take longer for some reason maybe just cuz it's like bigger way way more spread out anyway my fuel Bar literally hasn't gone down so presumably I'm pretty much like Invincible I could do this forever so let's have a go yes we got it I was going to say let's have a go at taking down the planet so we can Prestige to get times three the block health and time three the resources uh do do I want to do that it seems like I do don't have a choice I can only Prestige or I can Prestige and restart so let's just let's Prestige and restart and see oh no look at our health well actually this isn't terrible look my Health's regening so my fuel Bar is going up let's head down into silicon oh yeah silicon is hard work silicon is hard work oh po I'm not sure I should have destroyed the court well at least we know now at least we know so with my new upgrades what have we got up here we have Critical Strike chance to multiply damage it costs a million quid for 1% chance and we then can increase our drill damage let's do that down here using aluminium we can do the same and then damage booster in the middle yeah let's increase that and S it increase our Critical Strike as well right Milestones oh look every core you break you get a milestone as well okay so that added loads of stuff on okay so that's good that is actually good um with our remaining million shall we shall we go to the Moon let's buy the moon so what has the moon got it's got rock on top probably not too much of a surprise the the layer below is coal so we'll have some coal and then the final layer which is actually rinsing my fuel that is sulfur and with those look we can get new upgrades so we can increase the speed of our drill yes please and then what's this one down here oh we can unlock gunpowder yes please and what's that led to grenades we'll be able to shoot grenades okay so we need to we need to invest in gunpowder so basically for a little while I'm just going to mine the moon so I'll try and do like the outer layer first this Moon's so small compared to like the Earth well I'm not sure it was technically called the earth I think it was just called home planet but still this is H's Moon we got a lot of mining to do so I'll focus on coal this time I'll try and do all of this layer till our fuel runs out okay that's that done I didn't unlock any of these wait I need gunpowder I need gunpowder to do that how do I get gunpowder I've unlocked it oh we got a crafting tab so we turn sulfur and coal into gunpowder Okay so I can see that bar is going up so that's crafting now I can upgrade for 10 gems I assume I don't have any gems ah here we go look we now have gunpowder we got 12 so let's get a grenade I hope these aren't going to be like one use but uh we can shoot grenade by pressing space so let's uh press space oh there it goes oh I did a little explosion okay maybe I should have saved that for like when I got deeper in here so if we go like down to there then press space that it doesn't do a lot it doesn't do a lot perhaps when we upgrade it it will so this one we can increase the grenade damage it does 6.9 nice damage but it can go up to 12 if I upgrade so we'll do that we'll increase the number of grenades we get as well yeah that would be useful then meanwhile let's just keep upgrading our sort of reinforcement our fuel levels and oh what is that electricity tank be able to gain electricity from electrical blocks I don't know what they do but I think I want it us leading to more stuff so more fuel oh stop giving me upgrades the game's overwhelming the game's overwhelming eling all right anyway let's try and get some resource so down to this layer double grenade yeah grenades do like almost nothing I'm not going to be rude and say they're useless but um I mean come on right anyway let's get some more grenades and then oh yeah maybe we need to focus on this increasing the grenade explosion size so we need 25 gunpowder for that so that's just going to take some time to craft so in the meantime we'll do this electrical stuff which I don't really know what it does oh look shoots lightning around the player I need 200 gunpowder okay I got to get more gunpowder so I need sulfur and coal so sulfur is the the sort of center of the Moon I think basically I'm just going to have to grind getting down to here and doing that and we'll just keep on going so after a few more runs we can increase the grenade size that is cool that's unlocked something else later on so maybe I need to get to level five maybe 10 up there grenade damage yeah let's do it and then I just got to remember to keep crafting right this this is a new upgrade it sort of looks like a toilet to me shock wave cause an explosion when you're going fast that's going to cost 50 gunpowder which I was trying to save s it let's do it question is how fast is fast so I'm not seeing any explosions I think if we head out and then head back in can you boost oh yeah okay okay so I just got to pick up some speed and then boost it's a bit of an explosion not sure it's that worthwhile maybe if I can like get an explosion down to the bottom layer is that doing anything boo I'm not sure that was worth it anyway if we head back to Earth we can actually select between the prestige 2 and the prestige 1 so as I need some aluminum for some other upgrades I think I'll stay on Prestige one so we don't get the multiplier but we do get to go all the way to the middle and this time remember we've got like our grenades and stuff like that and they're getting better I am upgrading them they're definitely getting more valuable I just destroyed the core I don't think the core does anything now it's just for the ban to yeah let's get a load of aluminium so we can upgrade some of the earlier stuff that I did miss cuz some of that is like strength and we're going to need that cuz I want to take down the moon so down here we can do aluminum foil yep we can do the health regen as well that is now maxed out yeah unlock circuit boards allows you to craft circuit boards we need a million silicon hey come here yellow layer I needi let's have a go with the grenades they are doing oh they are doing big damage the grenades I need to try and get more ades if I can anyway a couple of restarts a couple more grenades in the silicon and we have over a million which means back in the shop let's see crafting circuit boards what is that going to get us orbital lasers we need 50,000 circuit boards and uranium I don't know where that's going to be there's also drones that can help us they need five circuit boards also glass okay meanwhile oh top left there's quite a lot to unlock here what have we got explosive drill when you break a block it will explode yes please okay so we'll head back to the moon and oh every hit is now explosive oh this has just got easier okay let's gain a load of rock and Co oh man why didn't I do this one earlier this is so much easier up here acid coating inflict percentage of drill damage as poison okay then I can add another grenade nice uh let's get Crafting two of those as well and then we'll see oh man we are so strong now can I get to the core now if I grenade I can but the core kills me instantly so I think for now if I draw around here then use the grenades to destroy the harder material boost then we are destroying some blocks now that probably means we're unlocking Milestones which is getting us loads of stuff as well this is this is very very satisfying suddenly look at the Moon there's like nothing left of it all right so I can now do the final acid coating one this was the poison one so that's fully unlocked and then I need oh I need 1.5 million sulfur to keep keep that one going okay we're not going to be doing that for a while what is that though unlock steel allows me to craft steel and I needed steel for something else I mean if I get 10 steel I unlock the strongest shape I don't know if those bits are just really small or if the rest is really big anyway anyway distracted so in crafting to make steel I need iron and coal so we get coal from the Moon that's this middle layer I'll just boost my way around all of this I think the green by the way is like the acid so that's doing like damage over time which I love to see and then if I go to Earth I need iron so I may as well Prestige two this one and then just stay in this layer cuz I'm getting like a big multiplier of resource yeah look at the bottom right we're up to 500,000 already how do we cope in the red or not very well we can do the yellow okay but red bit beyond me at the moment still we can now craft a load of Steel looks like I need more coal so we'll go back on the moon trying to get that right then we can craft more steel and then we got enough steel but the gunpowder is pretty hard to come by I'm crafting it as fast as I can I'm just struggling to get coal so what I might do we head over this way and focus on like this if I get a load of aluminium I can increase my drop rate by good like 40% and that will lead to these two upgrades I don't know what they do yet so back to here we've got grenades now so we can get through this red stuff pretty quick yeah I think it's a case of just doing this for a few minutes then hopefully got enough aluminum to unlock that nice ni and then we can unlock this next one as well which is Gem chance we can finally get some gems although at 0.2% chance of finding one it's not going to be very common right I've increased up to a 1% chance we need gems to get all the upgrades after that uh let's trying let's keep getting aluminium for this I need oh 2.5 million that's quite a lot thankfully I have explosives on my side now I mean to be fair I've got nearly a million just from that one round so if I head back in again yeah now we're well over a million oh look at at the gems we got 26 gems I didn't realize how many blocks I destroy probably with my grenades so in the crafting menu I can spend them to upgrade we can make gunpowder quicker oh that's doubled the incre oh yeah that is good that is good we'll upgrade the steel one as well all right and then I'm having to go Prestige 2 cuz we get the multiplier I'm quite strong yeah I'm getting pushed back in here but my my grenades do destroy this so aluminium you can see we're nearly up to 2.5 million that we need there we go we' got it so back to the shop and then look we can get this again so this increases the number of resources we get by a big percentage thank you very much now we can increase the number of gems we get as well yeah quite like I'm liking the gems and oh and look over here we finally have the missiles as well we got enough gunpowder bite now we shoot a missile out of the drill every second and we can increase the size of them with steel and gunpowder so to make steel and gunpowder we're just lacking the coal so we're back on the moon and if I don't move you can see we're shooting knobs out I mean we're shooting missiles everywhere that is cool that's good toight the explosions are nowhere near as big as like like look at the explosion of those compared to my grenade B grenade for the win anyway we can now craft gunpowder and steel and I can actually upgrade that again so we're getting four gunpowder every time now man there's something about watching numbers go up bigger I just love it I love it question is can I destroy a core now let's have a go I got full health I can't but remember my health is regening so if I just do a bit more mining get my health bar my fuel Bar sorry back to the top then second hit yes we prestiged it so that's good stuff in the meantime let's add another grenade then we'll have a go at the prestiged moon what is our health going to be like as we get lower down oh it's brutal down there it is brutal down there I think I may drop back to prestige one not cuz I'm scared just cuz I am right okay we finally got enough gunpowder that we can get that lightning static so we'll do that and then look if I stay still you can see my lightning sort of going at it I mean Amo missiles as well so the lightning just does it just does a little bit of damage I think later on when we upgrade it'll be way better and my grenades now are really good if I just keep upgrading the grenades I'll be fine I just want everything I see an upgrade I can afford I just want to buy it oh look I can upgrade the grenade size as well yeah let's do it let's do it right come on then grenades oh grenades are good now grenades are fantastic okay explosive size then upgrade the gun capacity that's we're making 20 now we were just making one to start with so now we're making gunpowder way quicker which means we can add another grenade then when we go back to the Moon to get more resource for that ready oh look how big the explosions are and we got six of them as well oh what's this one up here lens enhancer adds a laser onto my drill yes please anyway we can increase the grenade size which I'm definitely going to do and we'll just hope as we spam grenades oh oh man I die so quick I stay up in the safer layer just use my grenades to get to the Deep stuff they weren't very powerful getting through those if I'm honest anyway oh we've now got an equipment tab oh this is the lens enhancer so if I equip that I can shoot lasers from my drill so is that is that happening I'm not sure I think we've we've like gained like a little little drone thing there I got a click I got a click okay oh it does use up fuel though that's quite annoying oh man oh man it gets through the upper layer like anything okay yeah I quite I quite like this actually I quite like this quite a lot and we oh man look at the laser oh it's just rinsing through everything I can literally I can literally just orbit the planet and look at the damage it's doing oh this is fantastic okay the laser is probably my favorite thing now this is this is incredible it's just eating everything I was wondering if I was ever going to destroy a whole planet and I think I've done it all right well anyway that is that is an entire planet destroyed I've destroyed my home I've destroyed my home anyway I could play this for hours and hours if you want to see more boost the like button but for now I'll say peace love and orbital lasers bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 983,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer, to the core, mining planets, to the core game, addictive mining game
Id: 1c5fNb-eMBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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