Using ROPE to save airplanes from disaster!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to rope savior the game where you have to use rope to become a savior and stop people from being flattened as a car doesn't see the crossing so nice we got three stars we got 45 coins let's go to the next challenge so this time looks like there's two people crossing I don't know if the car's going faster or something but we've done oh no it's not a car it's not a code so yeah that was a cement Lorry so we might want to do let's try doing a doubler like that so we'll see how that gets on that should have twice the stopping oh just about but one did snap right and now there's ads along the bottom uh it's not actually for my merch we've just changed that so give me a second let me just go play to win yeah so question rather than doing straight across what if we were to do like diagonals does that does that help with the situation oh my goodness there's two people with mohawks that are loving life I don't think you should be dancing after you've just done that so what about three straight liners I assume that will oh no it didn't it hit one okay so what if we were to do like a crisscross and a straight line up because I've done it all back here that should stop stop early oh no they all snapped they almost okay perhaps we need to go like that so we've literally got we got four ropes on there all early on and oh there we go I swear that bit of rape would have like taken their legs off but for now it seems okay so we've got six six quid we can go on to a new map alright so this time we have a train and it is flying toward oh no there's a truck in the way there's a guy trying to push a truck out of the way I shouldn't laugh oh look we've got chains also check out the chain physics I was not expecting that like proper ripples hey look at this whoop that what that's crazy I mean what we should have done is probably do that across the road so that people don't drive when there's a train coming because uh what happens boosh truck gets nailed oh I actually got some dented physics in there as well anyway with these chains let's go for we'll try a similar solution as we did before it might be Overkill but it more that was close that was actually close 71 quid in the bank oh we've got a bridge is that Bridge it is a bridge it wants me to do that with a chain okay let's press ready all right it falls down we've got to build a bridge oh wait that that made it across that wasn't a bridge but it was a bridge apparently okay let's go back because we need a bridge review a bridge that if used all four chains it would hold the train in place as it travels across but because we're an efficient engineer we always do the minimum to meet the safety standards so with one chain the rail doesn't look secure but it actually is oh wait it's not that time it's not that time although after a couple of steps I have made it across again so do I give that an additional score or remove some score I don't know because I'm confused I only give this a 6.9 out of 10. bridge review well so yeah that was confusing this we got a double bridge here so I imagine because it's longer I can't just do the same that's not a bridge that is not a bridge yeah so if we do have those in the middle I'm guessing if I just go to that side there and that side there technically that should stay in place right yeah it's a bit rickety but if we stay on the track okay maybe not okay so I've done it the proper way we've got a chain on every corner so that gets across nicely fair play I'm quite impressed by the physics on this um oh we've unlocked candy so this time we have a single train going very fast there is a cliff so we've got to use are we using the candy now I could do that sort of thing because am I trying to like bounce it over I don't know let's see what happens if we do I imagine it will just fall down the gaps will it yeah I mean it's saved yeah okay it was saved but yeah okay okay I get the point game you don't have to show me the pits of hell that it's falling into uh so if we did crisscross instead then we've made the gaps in the middle much less I mean I could add like straight acrosses there but I wanna let's just see if that works so yes nope okay so are we trying to get across or are you just trying to support the train I'm not entirely sure but if we're trying to support we know that that doesn't work but if we were to put Chris crosses in perhaps do that so that is way more and it catches the train is that is that complete yes okay so that's what we have to do so next up there is oh no it's a plane and it's crashing into the sea and it's gonna land towards a beach where there's people playing in the seat so we've got to protect them why why are we using candy I'm so confused is it actually candy or is it just is it just candy colored oh that's coming in fast he just got chopped up by the blade everyone else was fine though so I'm wondering if I just did the three that end instead rather than that end I assume the propeller would stop before it hits the person yes it does that propeller wasn't even spinning though so maybe I didn't need any of that all right so this guy he's gonna do a water bomb but there's sharks so we've got to stop them it would be a shame if I forgot to do anything and I just gave them like a red carpet so they have to go straight to the end which means Cannonball boost they're in and then wait they just died they didn't get eaten by the sharks they just died as soon as they hit the water okay anyway let's stop these guys today I'm wondering because there's three of them do I need like three ropes I don't really know the the strength of each oh they're just mashed through all the way through so three stickmen sure have some stopping power so if we do that instead we got the same amount of rope but it's all sort of working in the one place so it's that strong enough to stop these they're determined they are determined yes we stopped them get back on dry land all right so now we got is that joker like laughing and then there's someone in a cannon so if we just decorated this so it actually looks like a bullseye and a Target that's gonna be way more impressive which is the aim of this level right surely Bullseye yay we did it uh apparently we didn't do it we actually have to save this person okay fine we want to try and catch them somehow so if we do that they'll probably fall forward see Eric can just like star shape it's already they launch they land in the middle perfect three stars 140 quid let's go oh there's a shop so we can put Vine oh yeah we're using Vines we're using mother nature to save lives wait if I just drawn a pentagram I didn't mean to anyway Cannon he oh he went left he went left I think we just about saved him somehow uh so this time is that a rugby sorry an American football it's definitely not rugby it's got a place in the middle so if we gotta stop him from scoring I guess it depends on like what he aims at I feel like I'm just making this look like it's from a apocalypse I went straight through the middle you've missed all of them but yeah presumably now I've put all my all my vines in the middle that should stop it right ready yes yes no goal for you we've unlocked Wheels what okay so on this level joke is up there I think he's about to push an air conditioning unit so will three ropes stop that these are wheel ropes whatever they are so ready no no oh dear oh that was right on the head sorry guys again they feel like going back to the vines is the best solution for this then probably doing that sort of thing is that enough so that's more than last time yes we stocked it high up I mean that's still very dangerous a big old air conditioning unit precariously hanging from Vines like halfway up the building rather than all the way up the top uh but anyway on to this level so there's a guy sleeping on a boat oh no it's heading towards that there's a lighthouse but the captain's falling asleep so what if I do two diagonals and a straight so ready our boat is coming in hot oh that was enough though that was enough all right so now there's three people are they just having a little chat in the middle so if I try and protect them with vines what's gonna happen oh there's a book came completely tricked me there I did not see that coming so we probably want to Loop all the way around with these then is that everyone saved so those two coming in hot boost boost nice they can continue having their chat right so what we got here we got quite a few anchor points dotted around I mean I've done a c I don't know why I've done a c maybe because we're in the C is that a clue oh my good look at the size this boat oh God nailed okay so I reckon we probably want to do like that sort of thing and that that's used up pretty much all of our rope but I think we've got like double the strength that we had before so ready yes we stopped we didn't need that last one okay and now the boat is it's got sprung a leak and there's the Joker coming with loads of sticks of dynamite I mean if it's if it's sprung a leak it's probably an insurance Joby anyway right so shouldn't we just let it blow up or maybe it's filled with RC merch so we need to save it real civil if you want to check it out yourself seems a bit excessive to me but Bush saved much for everyone all right and now apparently our car has no brake you can see the brake pedal flapping yeah for this one I'm using do not enter tape so I don't know what way it's coming oh look oh oh we're moving the bricks out of the way we saved the day okay so this type yeah so we've just got to save we're just gonna make it so that we clear the road so I've just done that so that should drag all them all not quick enough oh no okay so we probably want to use these front anchors instead uh so I assume that's probably just enough is it all right so go pull them out the way go on although it stopped oh sorry but combining the two should work because it can't snap anymore yes the car is saved I mean until it goes and crashes into the next thing anyway this time there has been an accident looks like a pickup truck has rolled over it's been pierced by the rail so we're not gonna be able to move it at all still they want us to try and drag it out the way because there is a train coming so is it possible wait did that work yeah we did it nice so it can run over the Rope fine decent good to note now this also go upset and angry they are and now there is a train coming I don't know where the people have gone I thought the people were there I was hoping I could like swipe them up as well but I reckon let's do that that and that and then attach those together I reckon because we've used a trust there the truss is the second strongest shape and then yeah that's moved everything out the way easy I'm so glad my engineering skills have come in handy anyway now there is a plane oh there's loads of fire trucks about to cross the road where a plane's about to land so diagonals there straight across there I'm gonna need something early on to slow it down look you can see the do not enter tape now yeah so this first one is designed to slow it down the rear ones to actually stop it I worked a treat similar sort of layout but less nodes to use so oh no it's not it's not a plane there's trucks and then a play oh the explosions so does that count that counted okay all I had to do was save the fire trucks screw everyone else they can explode life lesson right there oh no so this one there is a plane already crashed on a Crossroads pretty unbelievable but even worse there's now a second plane crash landing onto the same Crossroads who'da thought it thankfully I saved the day whereas this time there is a fighter jet oh no heading he comes up with these heading towards an airliner and a load of balloons thankfully we can tie rope between the balloons to save the day so uh let's try that so it smashes into those two and then Falls to its Doom oh so we did just deflect it interesting and then is anyone else seeing that I can't be the only person to see that and I can't stop thinking about it and I'm obsessing about I want to think about anything else but that but it's making me crazy yay this is meant to be for like kids you're not allowed to show you that surely yeah but anyway I feel like I probably want to move the iceberg with the chains that direction and then pull that boat that way right now I don't know if they'll Collide into each other or whether that will be fine or the chains are stretching up the top and at the bottom are we good are we good okay we're good I don't actually know what we were dodging out the way of though all right so this one there's two boats so if we pull them opposite directions we can just about make a gap for him to pass three now this one they're playing raft that guy's freaking out because the Joker is coming again so if we got to use these boots to try and save them so if we do something like that surely as the boat comes down we've yeah we've saved their lives then this time someone's driving a truck a water bottle's gone under the brake and no there's someone crossing the road with a pane of glass okay so it looks like we've got like I think these are like ank joints that don't move whereas these ones because they've got like a little black thing underneath I think that means they can like move about so let's just try that and I imagine that probably won't work no we smashed the glass those two are gonna get sacked what about just going mental like that I feel like that's actually pretty good yeah there we go there we go all right so this one we've got loads and loads of bollards so I'm just gonna do a load at the start so let's try that I've sort of like done a half undone zipper so oh look at that my degree was actually useful I swear we gotta make this thing like dangled to the place block so if we attach both sides is it gonna stop at 100 yes okay so as long as we stop in that area it's fine I assume if I do the same thing as before is that gonna like dangle too low close close we need to how do we go lower I mean surely doing that is that gonna go lower because they're like longer cables yes I think it will I think it will okay yeah so with like a stretchy old bit of elastic the the longer it is the more it will stretch so that is good to know so for this one I reckon we probably need to do that right then it hangs that direction yeah look at that look at that which means we've unlocked a new mechanic so what is that I don't understand what's going on I've drawn that does that mean this is gonna spin say oh wow okay that is spinning a lot what is that is that a person or we just took him out is it a zombie I think they might be zombies or they're like Luigi rip-offs but basically like copywriters we will protect our trademarks all right so once we need to connect down to that then if I do ready I assume so the bottom one spins I've got to make the top one spin in order to do that okay so we're basically doing like a pulley system so if I do that as this one spins that one will spin then we've got like the wire from the streamer so yeah that is spinning around see you later fake Luigi yeah then same on this one so I want to connect all of these all this is going to be a lot of rope this is going to be a lot of root then connect all of those so now when the middle one spins that will spin everything and then none of those Luigi's gang get close right so what do we have here we have a bloke inside a ball what so if we just play this to see what happens he just so we're just trying to stop this thing breaking by doing like that so if that blings up we okay we just oh he's guessing Millard in there is that okay that was a success that ball now has a liquid Center because he's just mush with this level we can create a wrecking ball so looking at the angles I think we want to smash over the bricks not whatever's below it so I probably just want to go from there to there right or maybe maybe it was the bottom one let's see what happens if we swing this it might not be strong enough oh yeah so it hit the bottom so we've got to hit the bricks dead we add two like that and then that should keep it higher and boosh smash into the bricks we get our three stars of 570 quid I don't actually know what these coins do why did I spend real life money on them when they have no purpose all right so now we have the pulley system so if we do that then I assume connect with that one then this should spin around so as it comes down boosh see you later bricks oh and what is going on here what is going on here so we don't have any movement so we've got to generate it ourselves so I assume if I connect that to that and then pulley these two together so the Shelf moves the ball falls down the bricks get annihilated does it actually work like that so that no there wasn't enough movement from there okay oh wait yeah there was oh I did game you stopped too early I still think pulley like that maybe if I just connect this to that one then we've got more like down Pull so ready boost give it a kick start there we go there we go bit of extra movement there's still some bricks on there but it's still a pass which means eventually we're rewarded with a new level where we've got drones that need to lift up things so I think we've got that box there so if they both lift up together with the new Amazon delivery service so this one has more weight on the left so if we've got three drones I feel like we do that and then connect that one to that side right sort of nice and level yeah I think so I think so don't cut his don't cut his candy rope with your blades mate right now we really need to use our engineering brain does a cube weigh more than a cylinder I don't know but presumably is that a hinge in the middle so they'll just float to the middle right yeah easy I reckon that counts game says fail all right can we tie the Dr oh we can tie the drones together and then just tie those together so we've made a house but I think that should give us more strength to lift everything up yes there we go so a nice three stars there 570 quid and next up I'll go lift up a tank I mean I could connect those together as well then that is the optimal way to increase your lifting capacity yeah get that tank out of there all right so now we're looking down we got we got drones on the edge of all the corners and I think something's dropping so if we do that we should be able to catch it yeah so brick drops down but then we're lifting it up nice then this one mode in the middle so I assume we can just do that right yeah lovely double it and we're back to these really annoying levels so I think we're gonna leave that there for today they're not gonna lie quite impressed with the physics for a mobile game and the fact we used engineering to save lives is only a good thing right anyway for now I'll say peace love and dangly Vines bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 949,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rope saviour, rope savior, rce, real civil engineer, rope savior 3d, rope saviour 3d
Id: foTV0D3di9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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