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[Music] oh okay it's meme time baby it's mean time it's mean time gather all your friends it's meme time it's been time it's mean time the only cure for sadness oh meme dreamers it's been quite a while it's been so long since we did it meme time and i'm so very apologetic for it uh samima said i am down on my knees begging for forgiveness i know the sadness has set in quite a bit since i have left while i've still been here um but no other series on this channel quite kill sadness like this one i'll tell you what happened we're back so let's see what memes have been uploaded onto the subreddit in the month that i haven't uploaded one of these so last time i posted a fan art here and everyone was so nice and supportive though it wasn't so good so i tried to do a better one oh still awesome 2 000 10 million or 25 million geez we've come a long way lads we've come a long way since this gossen in the cabins now look at this gaelic gladiator sitting in front here ready to do the business i appreciate that thank you i i would love to know what your other fan art was gosh you got so many awards holy frickalula what's this one the masterpiece award you got the heartwarming award someone needed this today we've done a lot of crazy stuff in this channel in between all of these things but i'm glad that you're still here thank you penis honestly this could literally just be a picture that i've taken if i was walking along and i saw this i would legitimately take a picture of this wait i have a picture on my phone that i took recently of some graffiti that i saw girls drool boys rule i saw this on a wall somewhere in brighton it just made me crack up that this is still stuff that's been written girls drool boys rule i haven't heard that since i was seven anyway penis very funny brain go ha remember these guys here's them now ah still the same i have no idea who these guys are remember zoboo mafu the show before wildcrats oh my god i'm so old oh kratz creatures okay this is just something that i didn't get then i have no idea what this is kratz creatures our favorite creatures by martin kratt and kris kratt that's a tongue twister country of origin united states and canada yes see i didn't get this i don't have that show so i don't get the reference i will admit that we kind of look similar except the height difference is not accurate all right it looks off here but it's only because he's leaning in up on his toes to look all cute all right we're very similar heights he's very insecure about his i'm not insecure about mine petition for a jack pewdiepier minecraft series as soon as the caves and cliffs update drops i can tell you right now that that is likely never going to happen also jack pewdiepier what a garbage ship name my god that just like immediately sucked me back into like 2015. oh mama i've been doing this for a long time eight years in azkaban how ironic and i'd always say that i'd make a terrible actor or something i'm in a movie with ryan reynolds look you can judge for yourselves when it's out i said i'm in a movie with ryan reynolds i didn't say that i'm a good actor now i'll show you that i'm a good actor the world's greatest actor gracing your presence with youtube all this time my name's not even jack that's how good of an actor i am i have fooled you all dumb just wait free guy december 2020 i don't know if that's actually going to happen because you know uh everything that's going on in the world is kind of crazy out there but someday you're going to be able to see that movie and i'm very excited for it thank you watch out for them they seem nice god my face came out of nowhere it kind of scared me this is cute can we get these in the game can we upload our own i would love this just uh like cut out around the outside to make it transparent that'd be dope i would love to be imposter and kill people by smashing them against a whiteboard all right i don't get imposter often whenever it happens i'm usually playing with people who are very very smart at the game and i don't get away with anything just let me win i haven't won an imposter game in like three weeks but if i had this now we're cooking then i'd win see you don't need to be good at the game when you got your own stuff in the game come on puffballs i know you want to hey you see this graph it's not okay this is the people who watch this channel who are not subscribed how dare you hit subscribe now 99.99 can't beat this game this game the 0.01 percent every time this is such like a typical meme format anytime there's someone in the foreground and someone in the background it's like okay instant meme that's a template right there two people in the picture boom baby meme stocks are going up forever invest now this one is quite nice i like this it should be me doing wires the imposter or something like that yeah i've just spitballed i'm just getting meme ideas out there you know the templates there my brain is firing on like not all cylinders but at least one of them i hope this gets in meme time well say no more fam here you go enjoy it i'll give you a second okay celebration over 1080p in 2015 1080p in 2020. what look in 2015 did we have a pandemic where everyone was at home and on their internet at all times no the internet is not an infinite resource there's bandwidth to be uh thought about and now that you go to youtube or twitch i think they've like put stuff down to 480p immediately even if you're on you have to like pick 1080p because you know the internet's struggling can only do so much for you i don't know how the codec works i don't know how bitrate works on their their site but good meme me realizing sean's subscriber count is five times higher than the population of ireland surprised irish noises you should have put like a little uh ginger wig on a little leprechaun this is just me being like look your memes could be better here's what i would do differently i critique your memes it's like you're an interior designer and i come in and go hmm no i wouldn't put that color with that now no and that railing i would change yeah the population of ireland is 4.9 million that's not that many people for a land mass of that size look we don't we we live on the island but we don't live near each other like it's dublin and then you have cork and then galway and then donegal and then everybody else in the middle is like look i like you but i just don't want to live next door to you so we'll keep our distance and then whenever we need to see each other like we'll we'll come around and see what's going on but other than that like keep keep out of my backyard if i see your kids in here playing football i call the cops that's just the republic of ireland all right little irish history lesson here uh or geography lesson so this is the republic of ireland everything south of this line republic of ireland whenever people talk about ireland it's usually the republic this is northern ireland um so they're separate places all right so the population of ireland is uh donegal and then everything below here which is the 4.9 million all in here and then there's about what did it say 1.8 million in northern ireland so the entire landmass has about about seven million close to uh there you go well it's seven six seven million you know there you go all right that's ireland a great place i moved away so this is where my acting comes into place because i have not been mr nice youtuber man i have been accruing an army getting ready to go back and storm the shores of ireland to take the country back from who doesn't matter it's about to become jackland sharon land my land we might not all fit so some of you are going to have to share bring sleeping bags and bring a pillow if you need it game has shiny reflections sean look it's not the shiny reflections so much as it is everything that works in tandem to make that happen in real time okay it's very cool to see modern video game graphics and see how far they've come lighting is awesome textures are cool motion capture character design character models reflection it all works in tandem to give me that sweet old nipple twisting feeling of goodness i'm not just a bird in a cage looking at myself in the mirror and going oh shiny me turning off the fan because i was cold everyone else in the helicopter guys guys guys it's still going up almost 10 000 of you have upvoted this meme are you proud of yourselves are you proud of that the fact that you went away and you went mom mom stop cooking dinner okay mom no put my brother down i have upvoted a meme today and i'll i'll i'll tell you what it is hold on see it all right you can go back to cooking dinner all right cool yeah it's trying to let you know that your son is going places new format there we go mom said it's my turn on the xbox that's exactly what this one is are you walking and someone watching porn or something like that there has to be somebody has to have done that that my voice is crack god i hope whoever's editing this doesn't replay that in an embarrassing format be somebody has to have done that has to be somebody has to have done that custom system the system is oh my god i'm so old somebody has to have done that there has to be somebody has to have done that somebody has to have done that hydration intensifies human brain is 73 water potato spelled wrong is 80 water we are seven percent away from being potato heads are we i will have you know that i am 110 potato egg i'm proud of it not in here only mashed potatoes live footage of sean choking corpse i'm not sorry so corpse wrote choke me like you choke me when you choke me and i said can do you knew at the end of 2020 we were bringing back this meme the the naruto meme that's pretty damn impressive my face went choking people by the way choke me like you joke me when you choke me loki wanna joke me no corpse i'd rather love me like you love me when you love me you know [Laughter] what are you doing stepladder oh my god that's a good one jesus excellent well done these are the memes that i feel like i've been missing out on since i haven't been here for a while i'm very glad that i've missed out on some key essential material on this subreddit i'm very proud of you what's with three different pictures of me green hair man bun brown hair why is this shawn in corpses relationship it's really just romance i'm just tired of the word bromance let's just call it what like it is a straight up romance between me and jake oh it's full on in love we're getting married where is he where's my husband you know what i cannot deny that that is the way it is and throw in cycuno there as well it's a full-on a full-on throttle going on why not let's just all love each other like we should in 2020 we're coming up towards the end of it if you do you really want to just live in the shadows like this no we come out and we play among us and we all love each other i love you jack there oh again hold on hold on love you jack oh yeah that's the stuff love you jack that's that's good [ __ ] everyone i became friends with through among us has just been ridiculously supportive i love you jack it's not just music to your ears oh you've heard of elf on the shelf now get ready for mclaughlin on a coffin guys guys we gotta [ __ ] talk man all right dad's home and he's seen the subreddit and he knows what you've been up to and he's not happy about it this is not good do better please fred how are you able to pay off your debt with only minimum wage i'll let you in on a little secret the secret ingredient is crying how'd you pay for that new bed oh ideal drugs sell a little bit of crack here and there ding ding ding good shot it's easy to get money when you rob a bank come on it's not crime if you don't get caught you know then it's just a moral choice then it's just ethically weird we're hitting stonk levels that shouldn't even be possible going to try a thousand iq marketing strategy for top of the morning coffee buy my coffee marketing you know what i think it worked our sales went through the roof that day all right top of the morning coffee is the hip new coffee that everybody should be drinking everyone's talking about it if you're not drinking top of the morning coffee and you're a coffee drinker what are you even doing with yourself drink coffee stupid it's back in stock we got brand new beans not only do we have beans now we come some sweet new tasty mugs look at that hand crafted beautiful clay mugs top of the morning coffee cone and the shamrock on it oh multiple chef's kisses but wait there's more hot chocolate mix baby didn't see that one coming did you no post that in or unexpected we've got hot chocolate mix now peppermint double chocolate it's coming up to the winter season cozy nice cold put on a blanket make some hot chocolate and get nice watch these videos with hot chocolate in your hand if you don't oh stinky and see now this came back you guys all saw it it got posted on reddit and here i am talking about it again i'm a marketing genius no one is even on my level my mom praising me because i spoke in english with the tourist just like an american me an indian who learned english from jack that's kind of wholesome actually i was going to say oh god your english must be terrible then but this is actually really sweet i've heard that from a bunch of people when i met them at conventions actually saying that or when i went on tour as well because i traveled all around europe as well they said that they learned some english from watching me and that's really nice see i'm not just a loudmouth who swears all the time all right you when your parents say tell you that or your friends tell you isn't that all he does no i'm educating i'm giving the people what they need i'm providing a service just call me scuffed duolingo rosetta sean pimsleur i don't know how to make i don't know how to turn that anyway well done proud of you sean doesn't record a series for a while community yeah i see this all the time somebody's like oh he hasn't uploaded this in like a couple days and everyone else is like oh you missed that series well how about this a million games that i've like stopped recording look sometimes if a game is gone and it's been months it's probably not coming back except minecraft i still actually actively want to record that again that's just how it goes everything i start doesn't mean everything i'm gonna finish don't put that much pressure on the channel to record every single episode on every single part of every single game that i start because that's just not the most fun way of doing it if a game just gets boring and i don't want to record it anymore i won't now this is epic that looks really cool i love that i mean you made me way more handsome in the picture than i am in real life wait hold on do i look cool do i look epic i think so would you follow me into battle had like an axe in my hand hold on right yeah would you come pillage a village with me follow me across the shores okay thank you look what's the point of having subscribers on youtube if they're not going to raid a country with you it's just stupid otherwise i do intend on actually recording some drum covers where are they i've uploaded two i've done some it's just that they get claimed all the time anytime i do a drum cover they're all like a ton of publishing companies come out of the woodwork and they're like oh that's mine now which to be fair it is their music that i'm putting in the video it's just hard to do covers of music without getting bombarded by copyright stuff so it's a little few and far between maybe he could start a second channel of just drumming content playthroughs crash courses musical collaborations with other content creators i i i stopped uploading every day so i would have more time for myself and to be happier and so far it's been working out great i love the upload pattern that i have now because it's way more enjoyable and i get a lot more energy and effort put into the things that i'm doing making more channels is not my way of doing that i appreciate that people want more content from me it's it's very flattering in a way um that you want more drum covers because you like the other ones or you want more content because you like what i do but i i'm just one guy i'm not a machine and i like i like my life outside of youtube as well jack i'm playing both sides so i always come out on top that's what this is a real gamer right here not arguing with each other on twitter because you like a piece of plastic and silicone more than somebody else look i get it i was 16 once and very angry that i couldn't afford an xbox and so i had to double down on the fact that i loved sony and uncharted baby you guys don't get the last of us you idiots well that was 2013 not when i was 16. you get the point i see i see so much arguing over these online people going at each other like man people still do that it's games bro just enjoy yourself be happy if you can get either of them people fighting over which one is better some people can't even get either of them i've had both for a while i've been playing games on both for a while i enjoy both for very different reasons they're both terrific consoles also playstation 5 is absolutely gigantic anyone how other people sneeze how obviously i do have some very dad sneezes um every now and then it's fun you don't get the sneeze very often you might as well make the most out of it if you're going to sneeze why would you try and cover it up no let everyone else know that you have sneezed in that vicinity well maybe not these days because someone sneezing somewhere usually means that everyone's going to report you and run away but like if you're gonna sneeze like let out a nice like like just just go for it be a sneezer that people remember you don't want to just blend in with the crowd all right well that does it for this episode of meme time you sweet baby mimi dreamers i hope you enjoyed it it's good to be back um i in all honesty i kind of gave the series a little bit of a break just because it felt like the same sort of jokes were recurring over and over again and so every time i would sit down to record i was like okay it just feels like the same stuff that i did last time so it's nice to take it take a little bit of a break and then come back and see like fresh new stuff um so i'll i'll do it more regularly from now on but any of you who are out there who are worried that meantime was gone forever oh no no no no no sweet baby child no go asleep put that milk bottle in your mouth it's back baby but until next time i will see you guys in the future go to the subreddit join it we're at 453 000 members you don't want to feel left out do you you don't feel stinky and until next time
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,793,103
Rating: 4.9810653 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, meme time, reddit
Id: 9q_FdvLjUCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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