Pt 5. The Final search for treasures! estate unboxing

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hi I'm Alex Archbold and I've been buying and selling antiques since I was nine years old from basements to scrap yards I'll look just about anywhere I can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes I'll go big and buy everything I never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc [Music] hi guys and welcome back to another sorting video might be the last one from this stuff I'm only down to maybe like six or seven boxes here depends on how big these boxes are what's inside and how much tape is left on this camera like I'm filming with the Super 8 or something we're going to start going through these boxes continuation of this little mini series of a giant a state of toys and antiques that I picked up and I've been meaning to get this out of the garage and get this all cleaned up and this has got to happen because uh well I have a car coming home soon my old Daimler limo if you've been watching my series from before you're probably wondering what happened in that car it's been out of the shop getting some stuff sorted and it's supposed to be back it's meant to be back soon and all of this stuff is in the way so it's got to get out of here before long so I have got a hop to it get this stuff sorted organized and inventory because it's going to auction in December uh December 18th I believe anyway I'll firm up the date for sure but anyway it's going off to an auction and I have a deadline to hit to try and get the stuff all there and set up so follow along today as I do some unboxing I do some inventory and we get this stuff organized but let's see what Treasures we can find in the boxes today where do I even start where do I begin well the first thing I'm going to do is look in the box that's right next to me and this has some antique children's little Japanese made tea sets see what the cups and saucers are you ready for your little tea party you can have a proper set of tiny little China isn't that cute and there's multiple sets in here from the looks of things there's that one there's another one there um that other set looked like it probably a few sets at least in here so I'll probably separate a couple of those out and get those inventoried and off to sale I'm gonna move this box out of the way because it's just at this point it's just getting in the way of me getting to other stuff I feel like this other tea set here has maybe a Holly Hobby or some kind of uh theme on I'll check that out okay okay magic auto race I don't know what the cars look like for this I should probably look it up online and see uh because I probably have the cars for this somewhere I've been keeping little little tin cars and and such could have been plastic even um so I'll come back to that well looky here nice little Oldsmobile tin plate with working headlights so working tail lights no it's got working headlights though and it looks like maybe um you can adjust the headlights through the switch or maybe it honks a horn or something neat I I say need probably too much I'm trying to be cautious of that but that's the thing that's what comes to mind when I see something like that is it's super neat it's cool um and the condition on that's quite nice that's a good one Nice condition there circa 1950 well probably the same as a car 53 to 55 somewhere in there foreign [Music] this I would love to say that I'll have a chance to keep it this Speedy fix it toy dates to the 1930s that's uh Felix the Cat in his little Roadster and it's wooden it might be wartime has the uh sticker still on the bottom George borgfelt and Company New York borgfelt's actually still around forefeld Industries is still in business to this day as a wholesaler of uh toys and and such they've been in business a while um this was given as a gift to the lady that I bought all this estate stuff from this was all her dad stuff and she said if you come across it please keep it aside for me so I am going to do that unfortunately that can't be sold it's got some reasonable value but it's more important it goes back um to the to the owner and I'm sure there's gonna be other things in here that I can do something with like this uh 19 40s General toy product Canada weird Canadian little uh Donald Duck toy now he looks like he's he would have had two most people have two arms but as he goes around I guess he does a little bit of that action right there and oh maybe yeah now he probably had two arms and as you go dick and drum on it but still cool even with just the one arm and you know for a Disney collector it's a neat thing to have on your shelf with your other Donald duckery another of these Holly Hobby little General Store scales that's not the same I found one of these earlier so I guess I've got a couple of them another one that's mint on card for those Holly Hobby collectors which I'm sure there are out there what do we have light up Santa glow Tree Top and wall plaque because it is fun looking as the Box implies he looks more nervous than anything but that's kind of a neat Christmas piece and you don't often put Santa on the top of your tree usually it's an angel or something like that but sure Santa Claus why why not have a uh Jolly what is he German oh he should bring beer for Christmas I think that'd be more in fitting or like a handful of barley um so Santa glow illuminated unbreakable unbreakable now there's I don't want to test that out cool that it's in its original packaging too Canadian made and uh yeah basically like new and original box what was the price brand new 75 cents down from 1.98 so it was on sale apparently not a lot of people wanted to have a Santa Claus on top of their tree but there are many Christmas collectors out there so I'm sure something like that could sell for the you know the right couple people bidding on that I wouldn't be surprised if that went between 75 and 100 so uh a big markup from the 75 cents it was originally where are you gonna find another one other than right here digging continues we have a little uh we've got a clown whose code has come unbuttoned but look how detailed it's all string and spring work and stuff and you can actually make him move with these little knobs on the side to go forward or back or make his arms move in and out quite the articulated little toy really that's uh quite a bit of engineering that's gone into this so we'll get his coat done back up and then get him back out for sale it's a very neat little uh if it was mechanized you might call it a automaton but it's not it's just a hand operated wooden articulated toy and probably from the 40s somewhere in there this is actually kind of a big box I'm expecting to be quite a number of things in here what do we have here it says Sandy Andy number 101 patented 1917. I was reporting sand in it's part of a bigger toy perhaps oh no there's a little dude that must be Andy there and maybe he pulled a string and it would dump sand on occasion oh I get it you probably spike it in a sandbox and you would have had a string attached and as he wiggled the string it dumped sand down well that's an odd little toy but I've never seen a Sandy Andy toy from 1917 before what else is in here here's a bigger one they sure like they're smoking and drinking kind of toys didn't they there's another that uh looks almost like a Laurel and Hardy kind of set up there but it says uh he's sitting on a dust bin and I'm guessing the lantern would light up and you'd probably bring that to a cigar that's in his fallen out of his hand not to go back in his hand and I recall not just yesterday I think we have the missing hand for this because it's holding a thing of alcohol we found this random hand in a box and I said that looks like it's off one of those battery toys and I'll be darned if I think I know where it is could it be a perfect fit I had your little hand I'll get that fix on there a little bit better later but uh what are the odds digging through all those boxes I found this dude's hand in amongst a bunch of other stuff pays to look through bins of doll hands I guess I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for other parts so anything that's missing a piece I'm kind of setting aside for now in case I find it later I was digging around in there and I found this which is a little space man and look he's got propellers on his hands I guess that's how he goes along but he's designed to clip on the handlebars of your bicycle so I guess as you go along you'd see this little dude in front of you with his little prop spinning away in the wind kind of a fun novelty piece and still in reasonably good shape like you could wear them his a fashion accessory you like my new ring it's all the rage I don't know who talks like that whoever wears this talks like that Carousel here give it a wind and see if it works I mean these are pretty basic I'm running out of table space running out of table space here I don't know if that Springs didn't hold any tension might need a new spring so the spring is had its its Medics match but that's the idea this is what it did I just turned that crank the other way the Bell would ring and it would go all around a simple fix for someone who's got a little bit of mechanical skills and you can redo the little gears or whatever it needs on that Clockwork mechanism and it looks like it uh might have had the original price tag on so that could have been like that since the very beginning who's to say either way it'll go out the auction oh to auction just as it is we'll we'll put it uh as in a need for repair it's still a cool thing somebody might want well I looked it up and it turns out Sandy Andy was once a much more complex toy that had a ramp that ran from there down to the bottom and a little uh car that would fill with sand and Scoot its way down so a little bit more going on than what we see here this is just part of the Sandy Andy set so it will be set aside in case I come across the rest of it like I found the hand for the other guy maybe the rest of Sandy Andy's around too just fold this one out of the box look it's beauty contest fashion show and you open it up and apparently that's just what it is judging from the swimsuits I'm going to guess this is 1940s and the fact that her name is Betty Rita and Rosland but uh yeah it looks like you've got a blonde a brunette and a redhead typical seems like every Archie comic alluded to all that and there's no alternate dress-up clothes I guess it literally just makes a stage and maybe you walk them around like little puppets look at me I'm the prettiest who have social issues you're awkward stop saying that I don't know I've got to put that away I'm starting to hear voices in my head uh okay put that aside and we'll keep on going I think I actually did get to the bottom of this box just about the only thing in here was a couple little playsets and a snake charmer toy which would be super cool if he actually had the Snake Charmer basket with him again another one of these toys where I'm gonna have to go through my baskets of parts and see if I can find it but I am finding things I am finding parts for these things so I'm not giving up just yet it just means a little extra work to dig around and find the stuff another one of these sort of um heart spins it's got bits and pieces you know that needs its figures as does that I think that would put on like a little show that looks like a boxing match probably two little Boxers that went there a horrifying armless baby that rolled around nope but I do think I saw the arms for that thing I mean just because I think it's awful doesn't mean somebody else wouldn't like it the little bats what else is in here wooden box is it full of treasure did you find the buried treasure no I found a top hat probably for a little guy like that and some sort of space accessory likely off of uh spaceship robot type toy or something or is it a pet as a pencil sharpener well I guess that is just what it is it's a little uh Spacey looking pencil sharpener it's kind of cool but we do have some thermoses that are complete with their tops we've got Hopalong Cassidy one of the most marketed Cowboys in history in fact he's so well marketed look these people had two of his thermoses gotta get that hoppy stuff and we've got another Fall Guy here found one of those the other day there's another Fall Guy and something's all wrapped up in here something's very carefully wrapped up in here I don't know what it could be it is a set of pool balls not even particularly old just pull pull balls I mean uh sure you got a pool table there you go or maybe you want to make these into shift knobs for your car lucky 13. anyway well that's another box done I'm down to just basically one two three run out of there's still a whole bunch left so we'll keep on going and hope to find a few more Treasures in here I was just about to uh shut the box back up again and move along to the next one I found this bundle I thought oh it's just much paper you flip it over and look J.E Patterson Quality Bakery and it's all coupons for one loaf of free bread but there are thousands of loaves of free bread if J.E Patterson Quality Bakery was still in business I could go cash in big time I could have such I could build a loaf house a bread house not a gingerbread house like a Pumpernickel House of loaves of bread um so that's a lot of bread coupons too bad they were never used it looks like this was a Salesman sheet and uh looks like you would probably sign up at the door and they'd go door-to-door likely and they'd issue it to Mrs so and so and you see how it's presumptuous it doesn't even say Mr or Mrs it's assuming that the lady of the house is going to be dealing with the bread order and so it only has a spot for misses and then the salesman number and so I guess uh they would probably have a day-to-day um bread delivery service and she'd give him one of the coupons every time they came by uh something along those lines but there are bundles of them here so at one point in time this would have made somebody really happy to have all that now sort of a novelty of days gone by miscellaneous antique toys rather cast iron looking at the screw with Flathead screw it's a good sign I feel like it's been repainted at some point but that's neat airplane engine possibly out of a Cox no it's a McCoy it's The Real McCoy it's a McCoy engine that's good or not but that's what it is little phone booth foreign but it's right there there so it is all there and we have a oh Mickey Mouse portable record player I can't it's like his DJ hand what DJ Mickey scratching those discs what is this from probably the 70s I'm going to say it's pretty it's pretty cool actually not only is Sears not around but it's a Disney record player well those 45s I had at the other auction sale I'll place 33s and 45s I guess you're in luck oh that's that's pretty cool and then uh then I've got more well I've got a bunch of trailers this Superior Spaceport well that's probably off of something kind of neat wherever the rest of it is oh there's so much sorting with the little bits and pieces that I have to do oh wait hang on there's another Spacey looking piece it's like a whole maybe it builds like a little town like those old marks towns I bet you put it together and it builds like a little playset Spaceport playset okay all right I'm down with that that's cool all right we've got a Mickey Mouse shooting Target yeah pull Pluto out of the way or is he putting him in front of it it's a firing range get the dog off the firing range but don't put your head near a firing range oh these wacky characters don't know the dangers and the perils it seems a little off-brand actually to have a shooting game for Disney but still still it's still cool sold tin plate dump truck likely battery operated or friction this one is friction can kind of feel the Friction Motor kicking in there a little bit needs a good cleaning but it has a little articulated dumping action on it not an overall bad condition it's got all the tires and the graphics are decent it's just a little dirty that's all it's been in the toy box what do you expect well I gave it a little bit of a cleaning it's a bit better but the patina sort of look is kind of charming really fun little piece it's underneath the dump truck was this old it looks like a Ford station wagon almost it has three out of four wheels and so it goes in the neat but where is your wheels pile where's your wheels cool toy though there are people actually Park these things out and sell the bits and pieces separately I was trying to find a trunk lid if you recall on a video a little while ago I said oh man I love this mustang uh Johnny zawa I can't remember the name of it anyways Japanese worth about 500 when it's complete and working um this is complete except for the trunk lid which apparently goes missing really often because it's a piece that flips around somebody has one online they want a hundred bucks just for the trunk lid now that would take that from being you know probably like 150 car up to being maybe like a 400 car but then I'm gonna have to get the hubcap for it and I'm going to have to take it apart anyway to put that engine cover in correctly and make it work so I'm debating it I just don't like spending and I I haven't ordered it or anything yet because I'm still hoping that maybe it'll surface in one of these boxes that maybe one of these parts boxes I will find the missing trunk lid another Shooting Gallery Target and we have a Dennis the Menace Goes to School set a little chalkboard notebook wallet pencils from Chapman's Variety Store looks like he needs to go a little longer advertising thermometers these are always nice out of Quebec we've got another one these are wood thermometers blood heals summer heat temperature freezing oh weird I guess it has like reference points of different things on it parish and heimbecker Grain and Feed there's another one here oh it's Coca-Cola wooden Coca-Cola delicious and refreshing five cents unfortunately it's missing the thermometer part that is an original Rochester New York Coca-Cola stuff always super popular and being wood that's got to be actually quite a bit older because the 1950s Coke thermometers were they were metal they weren't wood there's a toy pump action scatter gun shoot some kind of giant projectile and some toy rockets United States from the Top Flight Models Incorporated in Chicago astronaut's name on there and I guess you have a little fun with that send that off into the stratosphere oh wait there's a little Volkswagen a tin plate Volkswagen press steel it's Tonka it's a Tonka Volkswagen Beetle oh isn't that ever cute it's missing a headlight find something neat it's missing a wheel or missing a headlight well here's a another oldie what company is this nylent pressed steel rumble seat Roadster with the rumble seat still intact I am making a certain amount of progress but I have to admit I'm gonna go worn out from going through all this stuff and accessory uh probably do a little mechanical car it says bump to open so your wind-up car would drive into that and go into the garage push to close it says it's built by met toy you look at the inside you've got your garage type stuff you got an extra tire tube up top there or calendar maybe some blueprints for building a car or a race car tools and battery chargers and stuff so kind of a neat little diorama piece you put that sideways on your shelf put a little car in there Nifty even though it looks like it attached to something there was maybe another panel or something else that went on the side there but anywho some various trailers and Matchbox toys some older than ours some in better shape than others too that one still has its tracks on it on this one has one track left that is a little Matchbox that's just say uh like an imitation sort of Matchbox it's missing its roof set that aside to put together as a lot we've got a classic body Buick Limited reliable geez I used to own a car almost exactly like that I had a 58 Buick you can tell from his toothy Grill that's a 58. Holden power pack for a race set turret from a tank in Castle's polyethylene oh Unbreakable polyethylene cars of the world 20 cars just on their little baggie another one of those headdress sets another old Disney toy the uh Mickey Mouse with Donald Duck in the back dates about the 1930s or so reliable Rubber Company I can see that I'm gonna have my work cut out for me just basically seeing all of the stuff back together it's part of a train set piecing everything back together I mean it's good that they kept all the bits and pieces even if they did come off I'm sure I'll find most of the parts that I'm missing it's just going to be a matter of really taking my time to go through it all this little pressed steel truck with the little sand bucket on the back there 10 battery operated tractor toy where it's made in Japan they made this um as a variation for with a robot riding on it too I don't think this is the robot one I think the robot one was more like a Bluey gray sort of color but we've got a few more army tanks a little Missile Command uh launcher battery operated U.S army truck it looks like a um maybe like a power wagon or something and it's got the big rocket launchers on the back there it's pretty neat and this guy's wrapped up in plastic I'm gonna take that out and have a look at it well this looks like it was taken right out of the sandbox you've got the dirt still stuck on the wheels would have had a little turret on the back there but the gun itself is missing again probably something kind of like that but the driver is there the shifter's there it's got all four of its tires only missing one hubcap so generally not too bad needs a good dusting a good cleaning but it's all a fun little toy this box proved to have some reasonably decent stuff inside of it oh that's the cap for the anti-aircraft or the missile launcher and the back of this big bunny L tractor trailer we've got uh some tires a little Corgi uh truck tank treads oh actually that might come in handy for some of those uh Tank toys that I found that are missing their Treads and all tin plated friction uh Yellow Cab okay I'll get that inventoried and organized and move on to the Xbox moving right along we've got a bin labeled toy trains [Music] well that's a child's iron in the original package it's a little soft so I guess it's a little bit more than toy trains yep there's some train stuff in here oh that's a nice little um is that possibly a British wind-up LMS if that's trying or what that is it's a nice little Clockwork engine though see if the rest of the sets in here too part of a Lionel maybe there's more in here too streamlined Clockwork because it's marks Hafner Hefner Railway Clockwork well see how many complete sets I can actually put together from in here and uh hopefully it's just more than parts and pieces but you never know part of that set actually that might be because I don't know how this is all organized I don't that's the thing is I don't think it was it's no more organized than any of the other stuff you got a battery operated train engine with a Lionel tender foreign that's a little battery operated set actually a couple sets in there on that tray and maybe some Lionel down to the bottom okay tin plate stuff some neat things I mean that's a nice engine for a taco Canyon I guess this is pretty much anything that was trained kind of train related it's my job now to see if I can piece together what goes with what toy belongs before good thing I mostly have an idea and you can tell a lot of times what belongs together by what type of coupler was used and of course the coupler is the piece that is on the end of the car so that's like a Lionel or Mark style that's Lionel yeah three rail track Lionel likely well I'm gonna put together as much as I can in their appropriate uh sections and see what I've got here 's kind of an oddball from likely the 70s or early 80s it's a Commodore computer but it's a video game system so you've got your joysticks this cassette deck that plays video games so it's a video game system that works off of cassette and then the keyboard to the main system right there technology that's old technology like this is actually getting and continues to be collectible as people look for these old systems that really are getting tough to find and but people actually stream them online I had somebody contact me maybe he'll watch his video who's looking for old stuff like this so we'll put that one through the auction as well as the Mattel and television system that came to early forms of video game history but somebody's going to think that's pretty wacky and cool well now for I guess what should be the fun part which is organizing stuff all these times and I was finding a vehicle missing a tire missing wheel I got to start separating stuff out uh getting this all cleared off so far I found the original tracks for this gamma tank so that was pretty good I found both of them so that's back together uh need to find an arm for a little dancer guy there and found a couple neat space toys like this it's a little mechanical toy that this tiny little car which I found actually in a bag separately but that is the proper car for it goes in and it goes around and around basically just making it go on this continual Loop and speaking of space toys we've got the sky robot this is uh vintage made in Japan but as plastic it's a tin plate ones that are typically worth a little bit more and we have an original Lost in Space Robbie the robot but he's missing his little claw arms they've reproduced this exact model as a wind-up for quite a few years so getting parts of this is actually fairly easy I could just order one brand new and it's got the exact same arms I need and little antenna and whatever but that was there the little uh space Explorer rocket car and we've got another little battery operated robot that has maybe smoke came out of his ears and he's got light up eyes construction robot all 50s Japan and of course uh space Band a nice little variety and the condition not bad really now he I think oh he's got most of his battery uh pack there but I was keeping aside um I did find a couple little extra remotes that were designed for that type of toy that type of deal there I've been keeping some things aside so I can actually re-solder and give them new remotes and try and get them put back together again oh nice little collection of vintage robots neat little space toys some cars so bit by bit I will continue pressing on getting things pieced back together until I've got enough for this entire auction sale um yeah and of course this little guy there I'm like oh we'll go to Clara is that early is so neat it's a Porsche I should have known uh I might hang on to that to Yoni Zao Mustang and see if I can get the trunk lid for it because it is a pretty neat piece oh a few fun items in the mix and um a lot of sorting ahead of me but uh like I said I can't complain too much because my uh my job is kind of a fun one sorting toys that's my job not the worst way to spend an afternoon so that's it for now guys um everything is almost sorted ready to go I've got my boxes full of stuff ready go to the auction I'm gonna get that set up and then we're gonna do a big sale um the middle of December I guess we'll see uh we'll see how we do this is a lot of neat vintage toys you don't see too terribly often it would be enough to fill up a toy store for sure or a vintage you could reproduce a 1950s toy shop with all the stuff that's here from the tin toys and the little remote control people and the tanks and the tin robots lots of fun stuff so guys um I'm gonna get I guess the next time you'll see me uh about this batch of stuff that'll be over at the auction house getting stuff set up and uh hopefully I'll get my garage space back here just in time before my other car has to come back so wish me luck um I'm gonna get back to work get the rest of this stuff patched together pieced together and uh get it out the door thanks very much for watching guys we'll see you all soon and as always bye for now [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 64,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 8sec (2228 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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