I bought buckets of Ca$h at an estate sale!

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hi I'm Alex Archbold and I've been buying and selling antiques since I was nine years old from basements to scrap yards I'll look just about anywhere I can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes I'll go big and buy everything I never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc [Music] good morning guys it is New Year's Eve right now and while I do have to go home uh later and get supplies for supper and everything and whatever festivities are going to be happening later on uh I've decided this morning to come out about an hour outside of town and meet up with a lady who's got an estate a house with a bunch of stuff in it and I'm gonna go dig around I don't know if I'll be able to film inside the house or not that I don't know um but here I am I'm almost there and I guess we'll see if there's any Treasures today it's been uh about a month or so since I went out on a pick kind of like this so excited to see what I might be able to find and hopefully get some things that are going to be cool to uh John bail or watch on the show so keep uh keep watching guys and we'll do a little unboxing a little Discovery and have a little fun today now in summertime we'd be looking at a sandy beach with people swimming and having fun and doing stuff but now if you look way out on the water those are people ice fishing out there so still making uh use of the lake they're doing a little fishing but this time they can actually drive out onto it and they they take their Little Campers their little um like trailers with them or in England I guess you'd say Caravans and they cut a hole in the floor and they fish right through that and you've got heat you've got somewhere to sit and hang out maybe drink a couple beers see there goes one now there goes another fishing shack um I am very close I'm here a little I'm always early but I'm here a little bit early right now and uh I've got about a half hour to kill so I guess I'm just gonna kind of Mosey around town and see what there is to see and then we'll head on to the house and uh hopefully buy a few goodies well there's a quirky Place they've got Bigfoot on the front yard and they've got giant Pine air fresheners yard fresheners weird hey guys as you can see I'm back home now and I didn't get a chance to film the house because it just wasn't the right situation for that so I'm at my home now and I ended up purchasing this that pile of stuff right there and a little box of other stuff there what did I pay for it all two thousand dollars uh it's a lot of money to throw out kind of on a whim but um I had a quick look through some of the bins and I think it's gonna be uh swinging a hit here um let's start going through the bins and doing unboxing and we'll show you why I paid a couple grand for all of this stuff right here it was kind of like a hoarding situation and I kind of dug around and I pulled the bins that I thought would have some potential value and I think I might have done okay the first thing I noticed you might see that these are little empty holders but specifically those are for coins and when we start going through the boxes you can see there's um supplies for organizing collections there's Bill holders nothing in those but we do have one specimen set here and 1990 and the specimen sets in case you uh didn't know when you get them at least for Canadian currencies uh even the coins that are meant to be made of nickel are sometimes silver in a specimen set but we'll see um in this set it is just the one dollar coin which is silver and then the 50 cent pieces are nickel but there are specimen sets um that do have them as all silver but we've got one silver dollar in there in this nice sealed set and of course somebody born in 1990 might think that's a cool thing to have so I know I'm dealing with a uh with a collector here we've got price guides a minute we've got money American money Canadian ten dollar bill Mexican pesos Canadian ones one dollar bills U.S and Canadian oh there's an old 20 for the 1950s so I've got bills right off the bat right in this coin book so you got to flip the pages of the book because you might find something hidden inside like that another coin set more these are collector quarters that probably special edition yeah Centennial quarter set silver dollar what year is it from oh this I believe is a 1976 yeah Montreal 76 five dollar silver coin now um a couple thousand dollars is a fair bit of money to spend looking at bags of Dimes and stuff here but if I end up coming across some silver coins in here and you know that's just pennies but Canada doesn't make pennies anymore when you get into the really old coins the silver coins and stuff they can be worth you know fifteen twenty dollars each so you know silver dollars twenty thirty dollars each you start adding that up and you start to see your money coming back to you pretty quick here this was a buy based purely on volume and I'm looking through what I consider to be probably the least interesting of the boxes and buckets here um even if I roll some of these if this is just generic dimes even if I roll some of this stuff I'll get money back right away lots of holders you see there's coins on the bottom there too so let's get some of the other bins and boxes out and see exactly what I got okay second box we have really pretty little inlaid box here inside why coins of course and it looks like kind of a mix I see some that are silver you can always spot the Silvery looking ones right off the top there silver looking anyway so this might be some foreign coins mixed in some certificates there's little token coins I'm gonna have to go through each and every single one of these it's Klondike dollars so maybe not anything too valuable in there but the case itself is really cool that's a good little case got some Millennium sets so we've got quarters and these are all pennies so they're labeled 1951 pennies there's 38 of them and I opened one of these to see what was inside this was uh one was labeled 1948. so they were collecting their pennies foreign labeled based on what uh what year they were from now um vintage pennies like that don't hold a huge amount of value this says it's quarters and if these quarters are pre-1967 era we might have some silver these are all Mountain quarters oh no so summer silver yeah we've got some silver quarters that's silver right there and some mountie quarters so these would be collectible quarters and some that are silver too so pretty good I'm gonna keep on digging through and see what there is you know every every one of these rolls every one of these um coin rolls it's probably something old Canadian nickels 1940-1979. they kept them for a reason and I've got to figure out why I mean obviously they thought they were cool but I also have to figure out where is the real value here and try and get my my money back as quick as possible uh oh look at this Edmonton rally Club license plate for a rally Club that's pretty nifty probably from the 1980s it's inside box number three that's a foreign currency it looks like a mix of English and Spanish and all sorts of stuff probably because there's a 50 cent piece it looks like in the binder here we have a what appears to be foreign coins tons and tons and tons oh look there's there's some bills those are Mexican provisional dollars more foreign currency foreign bills quite a few of them actually World War II era German Deutsche marks New Zealand coin sets look at all this New Zealand pennies going way back New Zealand Mexico it looks like so I wonder if it's me organized by country or or how this was done here's another binder tape so let's see what we got uh Argentinian okay you know as interesting as foreign coins can be sometimes there's not an awful lot of value so with what I'm seeing right now it would take uh take a bit of time to get my money back off of this uh German currency and we've got some British three Pence there's some British silver coins kind of cool and some Shilling coins half pennies oh 1746 King George the third half penny 1928 farthings okay how thick that binder is too inside another bin rolls of pennies 1959 so I see a Mercury American dime down to the bottom there vintage nickels going back to the 50s but again it's the it's the stuff of silver content that actually has the most value what do we got going on here these dollars that one is yeah Canadian dollar coins silver dollars well those aren't silver but that is 1966 that's still a silver dollar and again these can be you know 20 to 30 dollars each at auction so two four six eight a hundred if you got more there starts adding up there's another one 1958. and we've got silver quarters over 50 cent pieces more silver dollars so we've got hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth just in this bin alone I do a lot of these look to be newer um 1970 that's there's no silver content in that but 68 quarters but people are still you know if I can probably put some of these um newer coins up by the lot 1941 U.S nickel okay I'm gonna try and keep them somewhat as they were because uh like I said there's probably a reason why things are the way they are more bins oh okay specimen says I'm getting quite the collection of these Rubbermaid totes too it seems like every house I go to I end up bringing a whole pile of these back 2004 specimen set to say about it we're all Canadian Mint okay 2004 set 2002 set 2003 I wonder if we've got like all of them going back a number of years 2009 excuse me it's an empty box that last one 2010 Royal Canadian Mint specimen set again so these are uncirculated never before touched by human beings or coins anyway but it's the specimen sets that are silver Elegant Style book 35 000 sets Limited it's numbered oh there we go that tells us what it is steel steel finish plated steel and then you got to polar bear that has some silver content aluminum nickel so I mean actually no silver content in that but specimen sets are still neat though and there's still value there so you know I I don't know that I'm up to getting a couple thousand bucks back yet but um yeah this might end up being sort of a break-even situation I guess we'll see oh yeah I forgot that I have all the stuff in the Box over here I'll come back to that in a second last bin I might have overpaid I might have just you know been caught up in the moment here we go binders full of OverWatch coins okay looks like they're oh yeah we've got some sets 57 it's over silver silver or silver complete sets yeah 63 63 . so okay now we're talking like you know probably close to 100 I'm talking Canadian per page here so one two three four five six seven yeah there's probably a thousand bucks worth of stuff just in this one book until you get into the newer ones they're not worth quite as much there we go more specimen sets from the 1960s 62 63 61. so this one binder might be half my money back right there because it's got the silver specimen section there's a lot of them but look this whole bin is full of coins 1951 big nickel and a giant Penny must be a novelty thing so oh these are like um uh tokens there's that King George I've had one of those before that's the Mad King George oh this one might be good I can barely lift it out of here actually I'll come back to that in a sec we've got pennies and it is starting 1859 it says uncirculated that'd be hard to prove but it's in pretty good shape any that would say that they're uncirculated or very fine might be worthwhile for me to send off to auction or ah sorry not to auction send off to get up um oh my goodness my Bernie and I have brain fog today uh to get them checked over by a company that basically does grading because a high grade coin is worth an awful lot more but look we've got going Canadian coins Canadian pennies going back to 1859 pre-confederacy so in 18 that says uncirculated 1859 Canadian penny extra fine even very fine there are some high-grade pennies in here Jim so it looks like they were collecting kind of almost every year and then you start getting the small pennies and yeah so this goes all right all the way up and then randomly there's a U.S silver 50 cent piece in here but I might have to send some of these out to get graded is the word I was looking for earlier to get those checked over so some good pennies what do we have here Newfoundland Nova Scotia Pei so before Confederation um the Eastern provinces actually had their own currency and this is what we have here this is um pei and Newfoundland so we've got uh this is all dimes but look at the ages 1914 1917. 1870. I don't some of these I've never even actually owned before because they're not really easy to find you'd have to really go tracking them down and actually um these might be five cents yeah these are five cent not dimes I apologize um nickels were small like a dime uh up until what about 1920 yeah and then they got to the uh um the normal size we're used to now around 22. so we've got all sorts some are saying uncirculated extra fine but um yeah geez there's an awful lot of good uh five cent pieces in here and I wonder okay this one says 50 cents in dollar pieces I'm pretty interested to see oh look at this 1900 pretty worn out and then that one says it's a 1903 uncirculated scarce it's surprising what um condition does to help the value of a coin when you get them like this and it says I don't know if you can see that uncirculated and you're going back to a coin that's about 100 years old it's kind of a rare thing to find so we have 50 cent pieces all silver at minimum these 1960s and 50s 50 cent pieces are like 15 to 20 bucks so kind of do the math here I think I'm getting into the profit zone now and when you start getting to the dollar coins 1935. gem Choice proof proof like uncirculated there are some premium uh coins in the mix here so so not too shabby now what I don't see is a 1948 silver dollar they're actually quite scarce maybe it's a 48 that's a little tougher to find and then they did a 47 um but I think they weren't they made them in 48 but they stamped them with a little Maple Leaf on them uh which that is actually it's got a little Maple Leaf Nexus so that's a 47 that's a 1948 silver dollar but it's got the little Maple Leaf stamp next to the date so if you can kind of see that tiny it's itsy bitsy but it's right there and that's a little bit more rare I'm not a coin expert by any means um but I know that this will definitely get me my money back just out of this one binder and there's more boundaries in here too there's two more binders in here 50 Cent we've got dimes oh man there's a lot of coins I'm trying to understand how this is organized because you've got some coins that are really not worth anything like tokens they're not really worth a whole lot mixed in with very old coins mixed in and you get it go a little further and I found the American section which is not very big but we've got um some let's see 23 22 27. U.S liberty silver dollars and we've got 50 cent pieces from the US going back to the 1920s so aside from all these coins which there's plenty of and some bills Morinville one dollar for the day some novelty stuff in here um I ended up finding some things that were in the showcase that uh I was able to pick up like these solid Jade carved statues so that is Jade Little Birds and I'm very gently lying them down in there it looks like it's kind of haphazardly tossed but you know old Canadian dollar bill from the 30s a shin plaster note uh soap stones and these are real these are real and probably quite old as well so we've got some genuine Inuit soapstone uh some Asian carved Jade pieces it's a cool little bowl container and we got the lid for it as well just carved ever so delicately and our friend Buddha hanging out so pretty interesting little uh selection of stuff here today I have my work cut out for me going through these binders though um I've set myself up a date to do an auction sale for the coins and we're gonna let a lot of this stuff ride but I want to make sure that I kind of get the better stuff separated out and um and I may send it in to get graded but what fun this will be going through excited to look at this binder and it says US coin paper and tokens look open up right off the bat we've got some 1885 1886 uh dollar coins but that one's list is being uncirculated oh the camera's having a hard time focusing but look 1886 uncirculated I don't know about that looks like there's a little bit of wear but pretty nice shape either way lots of silver dollars and then we get into there's pennies of course and nickels a lot of this is U.S currency I think almost this whole binder is books of Interest me as I'm kind of going through we see we've got one dollar bills yeah okay 1962 1963. um but there are some that actually say that they are silver certificates and that would be um that the note was guaranteed against its value in silver and they don't they don't put that on a bill anymore but uh the silver certificate notes are actually uh fairly collectible two dollar bill U.S two dollar bill look at this New England Commercial Bank and U.S two dollar bills a lot of very unique currency in here very very cool well between the sheets of uncut sports cards the bins full of coins silver dollars and bills I'm bound to make my money back and then some on this lot now um since I don't have a store anymore and plus I don't think I would want to put this stuff at a store and I deal with auctions um I'm gonna have to book myself another auction sale just to unload all this stuff which is going to be what I have to do next it's gonna be a lot of work to get this ordered and organized but uh I think this means we're going to do another maybe a Coin and Collectibles maybe some jewelry and seven other auction sales so uh stay tuned for more um if you're a coin collector and you're interested well this stuff will be up for grabs as most things you see on the video are as for me I've got to get my butt in gear and get this stuff inventoried lauded and over to the auction house ASAP so thanks so much for watching today's episode guys I hope you're all doing very well and as for me and I'm back to work we'll see you all soon and bye for now foreign [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 243,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: btamHidC1Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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