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john gotti was the most famous gangster since alcabo his picture's on page one of newspapers his name is all over tv he's uh he's a headline figure this could be all history he brutally murdered his way to become head of the most powerful crime family in america john gotti took charge of what's called the gambino crime family shortly after his reputed predecessor was gunned down addicted to fame he adored the attention of the world's media dude there's another saint and became america's most high profile criminal he was moby dick in the organized crime world everybody wanted to prosecute john gotti in new york the gaudy trial is the hottest show off broadway but what he did didn't just spell his end but the ruination of america's most powerful crime family oh my god we just found gotti's secret room [Music] what's up everyone welcome back to another video and welcome back to my first explorer back to exploring abandoned stuff i have a bunch of videos saved and stacked but this one was new and just happened and this is newly abandoned so i was like let's get over there and film it this is actually john gotti's mansion that was passed down to his daughter victoria we're outside the house this is a legendary video and i don't want to waste no time and let's just jump into it so guys this is literally the front of the goddy mansion look at all these pillars coming down how prestigious this looks this is wrapped around the whole entire property by the way so you guys can get a real idea of how this place looks all right we're in the backyard right now you can see we walked right up to like some old cages right here and this is his old basketball court and uh tennis court right here we'll get to all that a little bit later i wanted to stick on my house all right guys so we're officially inside the house as you can see we kind of walk in to an old living room right here things are all still set up some couches things are kind of thrown around and sitting for a good bit this is the kitchen right here that we're leading into you can see this kitchen is pretty torn apart pretty uh demolished look at this little game of chess right here oh yeah also if you guys didn't know i got my buddy christian here on the video but uh yeah we're just in here exploring this trying to shoot it while we have the chance um it's really not even that destroyed yet even though it kind of looks it but usually abandoned places are completely demolished very quickly and this place is still in really good shape oh that's awesome is that a huge library over there yeah all right guys so i'm back in the original room that we started off in before i went to the kitchen this is like an office space right here maybe an office or maybe just a hangout it's doing more of an office but look at this you have the old bottles still set up little office area i know it's uh daughter moved in i believe after he passed when he was in jail got given to her now just sitting here like this it's all mirrors right there all the empty liquor bottles there's ton of books you can see even got the old tvs but you gotta remember these tvs and phones were you know top notch back in the day and we even got this chair right here wow this room is awesome house kind of has a different layout that i didn't expect but it's really spacious in here this is the second library i believe it's really just crazy being in a house like this anytime you see a house with uh with this type of background to it you have to get there and explore it immediately because you never know how long this place could be abandoned for and with such a name and hyped up around this i had to drive up here immediately and i'm happy this will be my first video back this is one for like the record books for me probably top five coolest places i'll ever explore we're just getting started it's gonna be a long video i'm gonna try to keep it raw and uncut so you guys can see everything all right guys we just left that room now coming back into the kitchen uh where should i oh this is all one room oh so i should hit this one first uh this is wild look at the floors look at all these bucks big chandelier hanging so many books did you see that other closet over there yeah that was like filled in too bernie mac there's so many books this room will be awesome for the pictures and stuff i thought that was a tv doesn't kind of look like a tv yeah it's just like a marble this is cool though you could hang out in this room and have this big window to go ahead see who's in the kitchen hanging out i kind of just want to give you guys like an idea of how big this place is because i have a wide angle lens and i'm shooting and it just looks like wide it looks long but these rooms are really big even that kitchen is like massive like it's nothing like crazy but like this is a very big house i think it's like 6 000 square foot and out front everything which you guys are going to see are all you know huge columns even outside when we were just walking past them to come in here like massive columns the guest house and the pool is like unbelievable and i'm going to show this area right here and then jump over to the front staircase which is like a big beautiful butterfly staircase and hit upstairs so let's go ahead and check out just look at all these like there's something like new books but there's also some really old ones too whatever these are but let's go ahead and check out this side i've never really had anyone film for me before but it's almost kind of awkward being in front of the camera i guess these are just smaller that make it better here's a bathroom a little shower oh my gosh dude look at this painting look at this that's huge that has to be like five foot tall five and a half foot tall shower it's a smaller shower actually this is just like a wing of it you can see all the trash out there look they're just like thrown all out look at the old suitcase over there it sounds cliche like kind of corny but like they literally could have been like john or like someone you know it's a gaudy suitcase it's just the level of expectation for this house is unreal i was going here just a small bedroom really nothing to it but there's massive columns i was talking about are all over the house it just makes it look so green all right let's walk out here and then dude let's head over to that like grand staircase all right so now we're approaching the front door i'm not going to show you the staircase just yet because i'm going to show you like this fish tank the front door stuff that's all here and then well it's a it's a butterfly staircase but the floor drops down and it's not tall enough with the ceiling so you can't really see it it's almost like there shouldn't be a butterfly staircase in this house like it's almost as if there shouldn't be a butterfly staircase here but they made it work even with two steps dropping into like a closet area it's kind of like small still something i'd really like to have and it's awesome to see [Music] take this side up they're actually really steep stairs i guess they had to make it like that i guess they're gonna be doing some construction work to it or maybe trying to fix it up to then put it on the market and try to get rid of it but right now they've got a lot of work to do used to all be carpet obviously up here so this is definitely the master bedroom right here uh it's kind of empty you know not too much to see looks like they're just trying to paint the walls but if you come over into here this would have been a huge walk-in closet right here really spacious comes over here this is just like a small area back here we can get an idea so it's tall ceilings in here probably eight or nine foot tall and a ton of space yeah a lot of space in here to you know store all your designer clothes and gold belts and this right here is more clearly the master bathroom i didn't even mention but out there there's a deck if you're going to see and there's a door right here going outside to a deck area and this is the master bathroom with a huge hot tub shower it's all golden kind of gaudy looking hell but i'm sure back in the day this was beautiful um you got the endless mirrors either way look at this massive tub these big steps and they leave right out this probably would have been his and her sink right here and then you would head out to your yard so yeah here's the sinks that would have been up here this deck looks really uh unsafe but this is the backyard area and that's the guest house right there next to the pool so yeah let's keep going this is awesome i would love to just have this spot this is like a huge deck for just having it your bathroom another one yeah i know there's another deck for just having this in your bathroom you get that massive deck right there close that up and let's just keep going around i'm excited to hit that guest house and finishing up getting some exterior shots of this house and so much more so this is definitely a little closet the bedrooms are actually kind of small yeah yeah i thought it would have been like way bigger to be honest yeah they all have their own deck we're noticing there's a connecting bathroom oh yeah what's it called jack and jordan yeah so it's a connecting bathroom right here they each have their own patio or deck i don't know why i keep saying patio but this is a bathroom obviously definitely like the kid bathroom and another you know matching bedroom with the deck that connects and you just wrap back out around to here and what's over here let me look for this okay and this is a bit of a bigger bedroom so this has a detached so this has a detached bathroom that is a bit nicer i would say and it goes into a bigger bedroom right here this is bigger than the last two and this face is the front yard of the house all kind of small though i can't lie even the master bedroom was like maybe the master bedroom which was overly big and then i had to take away from the rest of the rooms because yeah it is a weird layout isn't it because look ready this is the front room we have to like walk around this weird little bend here kind of like a tight area to get to this side but then that's not matching on that side because it's the master and then there's just two bedrooms right here so it's four bedrooms total but it's really the master bedroom that's a big one so i'm up here in this smaller bedroom right here i keep mentioning the columns and there's just so much detail on there and there's probably i couldn't even tell you you probably seen the beginning of the video but there has to be i don't even know 20 around the whole house there's so many of them when you're even up here that staircase it kind of looks odd up here doesn't it like being from this area it's like almost like like they forced this butterfly staircase or something it's still really nice i wouldn't complain about it but when you're up here it makes this look like real small almost like cheap looking yeah they should have cut this whole wall out yeah they probably couldn't go because it's like supporting something i don't know like i said maybe for being such a huge mafia boss with tons of money you assume they have something maybe a little bit crazier [Music] of course so we're back in the master so like i said we wrapped back around this is the other deck area right here same exact thing you get the idea this one's actually smaller than their bathroom one the bedroom deck is smaller look at the level changes though of like that pool house and pool isn't that crazy like the stone walls i can't wait to get out there and film that the outside of the houses are like real pretty well they're beat up now but it's like prestigious looking it looks like a resort and then once you get inside you get still a beautiful house but it yeah it's almost just it's still awesome in here everything oh yeah and it's just cool to be in a house like of this yeah this caliber and like all the railings are still in you know kids come in here and ruin that stuff quick so you know this place is still new there's no spray paint not enough of that so it's just awesome this is chandelier that i never even showed yet definitely outdated but still really nice so let's head down you guys can probably see of how steep these steps are they go a lot of steps really quick so you guys know that was the original office area family area i've never came down these steps right here through the front door i'm guessing it's a bathroom in a basement no it's a closet in the basement yeah it is it's a weird closet it's almost like the house was made like wrong or something but yeah everyone this we're back in the kitchen let's waste no time let's jump down into this basement with the curved walls right here that looks sick so we're in the basement you guys can see this is the part that's going to be getting a lot of work done this is just an industrial closet some rc cars nothing really crazy but you can see this is where it looks like they left off or they essentially started neglecting this place from when they started doing work to it it's like a closet right here obviously having a house this new you're going to have a lot of power on there's a lot of good features of having an abandoned house that's newly abandoned because it still has power on this is like a weight room right here still got the equipment in there do you think this goes to a garage i think this goes too and this goes out to the garage area right here which is just filled with stuff old bed frames old bed frames it's really dark in here they got boondock saints pictures got all old pictures in here for some bed frames like i mentioned computer and mostly just junk just all stuff being ripped out from i guess the gutting of this house this is where you can really smell the abandonness doesn't every abandoned house have this smell just like all rotting wood and stuff they actually have some tires before i walk out we have old cadillac tires right here so i'm sure this is to one of their cadillacs from back in the day mafia is the old cadillac right there there's the wheels to them just neglected making our way over here there's a bunch of checkbooks here with all information and stuff on that we're not going to show they're not filled out or anything like that all right everyone so you can see that this is just like a little extra closet area i'm doing the voice over here just because i stopped recording audio because we thought we heard someone upstairs so we were just kind of filming some extra rooms and trying to be a little quiet trying to figure out what it was but this is just an extra closet area that leads back out into the main basement this is like another bathroom in here so cool to come through and take pictures and just explore a place like this of this caliber like i said we don't touch anything we don't do anything in these places just come to strictly document for you guys on the internet and you can see just what a beautiful place this really is all right let's adventure back upstairs to go ahead and just show you guys the outside of this place all right everyone so we're officially outside the gotti residence house um as you can see the basketball courts over there we're in the backyard this is where the pool is it's just a really really beautiful house we're lucky enough to come here and explore it and i want to go ahead and get so many shots for you guys just imagine how much this like brick or stone is to have around your house and have everywhere and to have a yard like this in new york is just honestly not normal at all it's very massive you guys can then see the whole back side of the house all right everyone now we're around the pool area the infamous pool right here you can see it's literally destroyed it's disgusting looking but over there you can see the schools because they had a bar inside the pool area and there would have been like a little hot tub right there with the like twin staircase coming in they have like the multiple pools coming down and that's like the guest house right there up on the hill when you're outside it can really yeah when you're outside you can really see how big this place is not to mention i think i might like the guest house better than the main house just because of this waterfall section that leads up [Music] so this clearly would have been like the hot tub area and this is the bar seats right here i showed that leads up to that guest house that's like on a mountain it seems like so this is the side of the house you guys never seen yet let's waste no time oh their yard goes over there too this whole place is surrounded by this wall which is just awesome has like old outdated broken uh cameras everywhere around the house which i'm sure he wanted definitely took home security very serious being in that lifestyle uh this is like a little storage area maybe [Music] that goes underneath probably to keep like cool stuff burning stuff whatever but this it's just like a little pool or infinity pool that would have led into that and just waterfall all the way down all right so let's climb up these steps and go and check out this pool house which looks like i said a thousand times just as cool if not in the main house oh so here's where the hot tub is i was actually probably wrong this is the hot tub up here and that is a bar area with the bar stools so you would walk down just have drinks people hanging out in there and then you'd have to climb all the way up here to go to the hot tub now officially heading into the pool house or the guest house people in the pool house just because there's a pool here and it is like a cool house but it's also as big as someone's real house so this is like a storage area this would have been the bathroom i guess if you're in the pool or in that hot tub you come here it's really not even in the house you know you have a little shower area really tall ceilings go up really high but um yeah you don't even make it in the house this is like a outdoor bathroom almost and then you carry into this spot looks like a ton of printers there's a money counting machine right there that's a money counter that's actually really cool there's a money counter in there a bunch of video games that we're going to all go through closet another yeah this place did get destroyed out of all the house and stuff nothing was really destroyed but this this is actually pretty beat up in here this is sick though this is an all-black bathroom that is definitely outdated but black toilet another big jacuzzi multiple shower heads a handheld all gold everything really nice in here definitely outdated but it gives you that mob style feel of what an old gaudy like scarface looking bathroom would kind of look like [Music] and this is the living room of this guest house you can see this is a little stove that they had the plates are all still set up and oh my god look at this right here an unopened safe it's literally still locked i'm assuming there's nothing in it but with knowing who owned this house it just really makes you wonder so this is the kitchen right here it almost looks like an in-law suite because it's a bit of a smaller kitchen but this is still awesome and we also have to go upstairs and check that out because we still have way more to come over here as you guys know there's still more on the property this was like their playground this is all their property there's another house right there that's abandoned that's all connected to the gotti family and they even have their own car over there abandoned in the woods so let's keep going that's it cut up the steps see what else we can find i'm guessing this would probably be like a one bedroom was that you know like a little in-law suite if there's even a bedroom yeah i guess this would have been a bedroom up here another desk with a lot of information on it i'm not going to show a bunch of these skylights coming in and this is awesome so guys look at this go ahead do what you just did look just my buddy just noticed there's hinges here and he's like what is that for like look if you just look at the big bookcase but look this is an attach at the top this is a big door this is literally a hidden room right here that's so sweet yeah it's like a big door you can see how this slides out i don't know how it opens exactly but we gotta get in there look at it it's like a door right there with a lock guys this is literally a hidden room in this guest house oh yeah is it big in there there's stuff in there it's like an elevator or something i think really all right we're gonna have to figure this out all right guys so we mentioned that there was a bookcase and we found the little hinges look that looks like a door why isn't it connected right there so we just figure this out you have to pull this board out it's miscolored you pull this board out like this because that locks it in place this right here then this should be able to swing right on open it's a whole secret room right here behind this bookshelf literally lord knows who like what could be in this so this is inside that room right here it's all dvd storage some uggs there's a bunch of stuff left over you can see so i got a odd little staircase little step to get in right here that you can walk in and see some of their old stuff looks like there's some christmas stuff some leftover clothes just all neglected stuff and this is a walk-in closet oh so this was just essentially their hidden secret room closet look it's all joseph abood shirts still got the tag on them gucci boxes this is the stuff i thought we were gonna get some gucci stuff this just goes into like an attic type area this gucci bag that's like a gucci strap right there [Music] just left over clothes from look they've been sitting so long because the white shirts are like yellow now how long do you think they could have been in here it's hot still got the tags on one and everything it's a little gucci box right there this is sick dude we just found like a little hidden jackpot right here some gucci shoes down there a lot of designer stuff and look there's another safe in here that's opened up so there's a little letter in here from victoria john gotti's daughter and it says dear john so proud of you and you're a wonderful kid so this is probably about john jr i love you always mom i love you always mom that's sweet it's like an embroidered card victoria gotti even the cards look luxurious here let me get a close-up on that that's so sweet put it it was upside down too so put it down upside down back in so we don't really touch anything that's awesome though guys all right guys so we are leaving the secret gaudy room i'm gonna close that back up so you can see how it works from here just like that you would never know i can't stress enough how cool that was as if this whole entire tour wasn't cool enough we came across a literally gotti's secret room one of the gotti's maybe it was used as a closet but i don't care that's cool enough and this is literally a perfectly normal bookcase we noticed that there was uh hinges there and we're like what and then we saw this swing you can see where something drags that wheels drag along the floor and we're like that definitely opens up that's so sweet [Music] it looks just like it was a closet or something out all right so i think we explored this guest house now let's hit this playground and i want to show you the cars that are abandoned here all right so there's the pool house we have the playground area you can see the uh circle driveway over there to gotti's main house this is like a schools playground set it's literally like looks like you're at a park with a playground it's on a bunch of land here i'm assuming i could be wrong but i think it's on about five acres of land yeah four acres of land something like that so it's actually two houses and there's multiple cars here left behind let's go ahead and pop into them so this is like a big detached garage right here everything's big here [Music] they probably stored stuff for like the pools i'm guessing as well uh yeah this is all just uh essentially extra pieces to their surrounding house some extra brick uh some tile for the patio some doors but yeah you could walk back here i'm sure they had uh some cool stuff back here makes you wonder if anything ever happened in this house what illegal things might have gone on in here i know it's a bit later in the time but still just dealing with families like that it's so awesome so cool to watch all the history of these places and just the stories that were told so here's an old bronco right here [Music] this is like an old bronco left behind in the woods and i want to go over here and show you this the cool car in the woods right here [Music] look at that that is awesome look at that thing stretched all the way out just sitting here and look at this this is like an old model t hiding in the woods i'm not sure if you guys can see but that's literally a model tape just sitting in the woods left abandoned i got to get a ton of videos of this and that's also a matching car right there a black version of this in the woods so let's see here there's a total of one two three four five cars that i can see right now let's go to a five this is an old bel air everyone it looks like it has a couple fellaires this is a little cadillac right here [Music] there's an old chrysler new yorker it says on it look at that just hidden in the woods here this is literally like a time capsule like what who knows what could have went on in these cars whose cars these really were uh and the families it makes you wonder too makes you wonder if anyone's ever ended up in one of these trunks sitting back here this is awesome though literally a car graveyard next to the house [Music] something i find the coolest though is this old car right here they're old they're all really old but this is especially old and this is sorry it's loud right here there's a road look how old this thing is look how skinny the tires are up there i wonder if you just had these as like collectibles just hanging out back here that uh just over the years have been sitting so long just getting weathered this thing's like a bike wheel so amazing to find something like this and while we're over here this one's way more covered in but we might as well get as good of a shot as we can of this car that's just been taken over by nature literally just pulled right back into the ground almost i said it so many times we're really gonna keep moving you could sit here all day and just wonder stories that happen here what are some things that were told here in this house some phone calls that left this house that like determined you know people's lives back in the day i don't know it's just it's so wild to think about this bronco is actually in the best condition out of all of them but it's so wild to think about and uh if you watch all documentaries if you're into that whole mafia category then i'm sure you guys are loving this house because it's such a piece of history whether you agree with it or not and it's just such a good explorer either way so you have to go through like a jungle to get into this one right here i'm really in here i'm really getting after it for you guys guys slap a like right now in the video if you guys are enjoying this oh this is an old horse stable oh my god i thought it was a guest house i just been saying that the whole time this is for like animals ah that's awesome multiple stalls multiple like stables right here this one looks like it's filled with something shopping cart just some old bags nothing really to it so let's go over here looks like there's an upstairs section now we should definitely hit see what's going on upstairs whether it's like just storage area or in-wall suite or something like that looks like this could have been like an in-law suite that was just never done this is definitely a big bathroom right here it's not finished and none of this is finished up here this could have been another bedroom wow tall ceilings too let's check this room out the actual main house i mentioned that looks really massive and grand on the outside but wasn't anything too crazy on the inside it was definitely beautiful on the inside back in its heyday but something i was wrong about is that the rooms kind of look small besides the master that's probably because they had all these rooms and plans to make this into something as well and then just more leftover stuff sitting outside you can see this really got taken over bed this place has been neglected back here for a while so the property goes all the way over there you can even see there's an old tow truck over there but this is the stable this is the detached garage that's the guest house and all the way over there is the main house gives you an idea of how much land this is really on [Music] so it's like a big pond or something right here it's so covered up you probably won't really even be able to see it it has like a big gazebo in there it's a pond that goes out to a gazebo but it's so covered i literally don't think we're even able to get to it this is the pathway that would go to uh yeah it's like totally beat up and falling in i don't know if you guys can tell but the bridge collapsed but it is like a gazebo that goes out to a pond with like used to be probably well maintained professional like gardening around it there's so much here there's so much like little extra things that we didn't even know to come up here give it a roll explore or it's not that hot out but it's really hot in those attics and stuff that we're going through so now we are back to the pool house right here making our way down eventually back at that main house right there here's the hot tub and yeah let's get a lot of exterior shots shots i'm going to show in the beginning of this video and more in-depth shots of tennis court and whatever's on that side of the yard as well so now we're walking on this pathway around the if you're on the back of the house the right side of the gaudy mansion passing through it looks like this the ground fell in right here actually looks pretty dangerous now rounding around to the front side of the house so this is the front of the gaudy house right here the infamous shots that we were all looking for of this place wow look how amazing this is so guys this is literally the front of the goddy mansion look at all these pillars coming down how prestigious this looks this is wrapped around the whole entire property by the way so you guys can get a real idea of how this place looks [Music] all right everyone i think that's going to wrap this video up this is the notorious mob boss john gotti's mansion this was one for the record books such a cool explorer so much hype around the name i'm thankful that you guys got to see it and i'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Kyle McGran
Views: 1,439,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mafia boss, John gotti, gotti, Victoria gotti, Gambino crime family, la cosa nostra, Sammy the bull, Michael franzese, John alite, John gotti house, gotti mansion, John gotti abandoned mansion, Lynwood hall, titanic mansion, abandoned, abandon, mansion, abandoned mansion, abandoned house, mafia mansion, mob boss, mafia, kyle mcgran, kylemcgran, mansion abandoned, house abandoned, treasure, cosa nostra, New York city, New York mafia, dapper don, teflon don, american gangster
Id: UetTosPXbzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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