what's in the trunk? Buried in a hoarded basement for 70 years! what's inside?!?

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hi I'm Alex Archbold and I've been buying and selling antiques since I was nine years old from basements to scrap yards I'll look just about anywhere I can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes I'll go big and buy everything I never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc [Music] hey guys and welcome to today's episode if you've been following the channel for a little bit you know that we've been clearing out the contents of a house and amongst those contents was a cedar trunk that we found in the basement I don't think anybody had been through it like 60 probably 70 years anyway we're going to go through it today we're going to see what's inside of it I had a quick peek on camera I don't know maybe 10 episodes ago or so but we're going to have a proper look through it right now so buckle up stay tuned let's dig through a trunk that nobody's been through in a really long time and see what's inside let's go for starters I have to say the trunk itself is actually in really nice shape um surprising considering that basement had flooded but this thing survived very well Cedar obviously a good material to use for a trunk like this so when we open it up um right we have this bedazzled seahorse and some earrings a piece of paper a letter perhaps boxes a little basketball card post Great Moments in Sports basketball layup shot 1965. it's labeled and I guess you would uh stand it up and it's like three-dimensional that's kind of cool silver fork and looks like a silver 4K knife in there is that oh tiny little Clippers gold-plated Clippers why would you need gold-plated Dorko brand they actually uh as funny as the name might sound they made really good quality uh really good quality straight razors back in the day a bow off of some gift nice little uh bound looks like a lady's sort of keepsake pouch of some kind as a zipper on it let's open it up and see what's in there and oh it looks like it's maybe for putting coins in dimes pennies nickels and quarters it's a little uh I think I'm pretty sure that's what this is it looks to me like a coin organizer and then you can put your bills and bigger stuff in there well that's pretty nifty you know honestly sometimes I just take my best wild gasp at what something is and sometimes I'm wrong and trust me people let me know when I'm wrong on a video and I don't know everything I just am learning so that's a drawing like a kid's drawing if they did a little night oh doilies fancy Exquisite handmade lace from Belgium that's kind of cool and it's still in its original packaging too I am busy out here recording and uh Melissa popped her head out and she's kind of watching from the sidelines to see I've just so far I've only gone through the top area here Red Seal moth and shirts oh I see that was part of the trunk it still has its insurance are you sentimental about your woolens that's funny so this is to do with the Cedar Chest I guess maybe that little sheep came with it too and it was new maybe a nice little doll set the opening eyes looking to the side what's going on the lower level maybe Melissa will get you to unwrap this one she looks like kind of a special doll like a little bit better a little bit nicer put together they had her all wrapped up in plastic oh it's a little sheep in there or goat a ram this uh jacket we determined from the last video was University of Toronto and as it turns out uh this family is descended from the former finance minister of Canada going way back so that would have made sense that they were in Ontario at some point that's actually a quite a spiffy little jacket oh that's stife oh cool enough in here yeah it's got the button in the air made in Germany wow and it even has look at this still has all the tags and everything on it too Snooki that's its name is Snooki oh she's very well kept that must have been a very special doll for her are you looking for the marks yeah I can the joints on the neck look a little bit loose yeah it's it's marked for sure love to take it inside maybe have a closer look that's pretty neat though nice to find a stiff and nicer yet to find a doll like that maybe there's other stuff I think oh it's got some weight to it ah there's these little Bambi looking uh Christmas characters oh yeah fountain pen a Christmas lamp oh look at this Andrew Stewart Shetland Tweed said wool on the box Shetland Tweed oh it's for making a jumper yeah look it not only that it has the tag for the it's like a whole set to make a sweater yeah make your own sweater everything you need to make your own jumper did somebody make it I don't know if this is like or maybe that's extra material look how happy she is with her sweater yeah you can even sew the no that's just material maybe liner or something that's a neat kit though oh there's actually Vancouver golden jubilee 1936. and bath these things have been in here for a little while there's a whole bunch of uh mohair wool and yarn it's all bundled up um this looks like more forks and knives you're going in yeah oh Melissa has something on the stove so there's a bunch of those in there all-purpose talc borated still full this uh oh yeah like 1940s side button shorts ladies shorts Reynolds garments Edmonton you know it's old when they're made in not just in Canada but in the town I live in somebody would probably still wear those in fine shape what is this it couldn't be done Edgar a gas it's a poem and it has Nazi fighter jets being shot down by the allies so obviously a little bit of wartime paraphernalia oh you came back out all right still filming look at these 1940 shorts that were in there their side button hold them up see the buttons on the side oh yeah so nice yeah like I said somebody would wear them Tartan material hey you worked at Eaton's Melissa that just looks like it's a bunch of bows a bunch of bows uh looks like a like a little jumper or a sweater yeah sure yeah and it I'm guessing 40s era something like that is a shell be sure to place these bars behind your present shelves oh is this a chalk oh lownie cherry blossom box boy those have been around for a while if you've never had a lownie cherry blossom it's an experience hmm do you want to see what's what's in there it looks to me like it is yeah sure let's see what it is looks like a pelt yeah is it a rabbit pelt perhaps it looks like it might be rabbit fur I'm not really sure what happened to Sparky mom [Music] yeah it's so soft they were probably gonna make like a little handbag out of it or something okay so a little Pelt I mean if you told me that there was a dead animal in here I probably would have believed you anyway even if it wasn't just a pelt maybe oh yeah there's some more here I think pelts probably for crafting or whatever legal and clerical tailors there's like a it's oh is that like a graduation gown it looks like a graduation gown yeah yeah so I wonder if the Hat's in here too hard to say ah we've been saving that nice bottle of chiante for a special occasion 1949 vintage yeah chiante does not last they were using it actually as a candle candy doesn't last but well I know I don't think chiante is one of the wines you want to hang on to look at little tiny washing washer and dryer machine cute well some pretty neat stuff in the trunk but at the end of the day that's got to go off to auction so it's loaded up in the last car I'll take that into the auction tomorrow and that'll be that thanks very much for watching today's little unboxing video guys it was short but sweet found some cool stuff the dolls the uh vintage clothing gosh all sorts of stuff came out of there the silver forks and knives anyways I'm getting this loaded up and I'm heading out so have a wonderful day guys stay tuned for more episodes and as always bye for now oh and subscribe if you haven't done that okay bye guys
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 88,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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