Psychological Secrets: How To Read Anyone Instantly - 7 Body Language | Psychology & Attraction

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dealer workshop is to make things easy to give you a framework that once you understand the parameters the outliers the extremes so to speak that you can look at any interaction between one or more human beings and extrapolate exactly what's probably going on does that make sense right that's nama I'm not gonna teach you every little nook and cranny every little micro expression first of all if you try if you're coming in here looking for information on micro expressions no for most the average human being micro expressions how many people note the hell I'm saying mean when I say a micro expression okay if you haven't you should read up all of Paul Ekman's work a lot of his material that I'm working from that pull from his work I'm a very big fan of his micro expressions by and large are far too subtle for the average untrained person to catch consciously but there are much larger behavioral processes that if we look we can look and and you know you have the perfect laboratory right now to apply what we learned in our last training which is the speed attraction three magic questions process right matter of fact I have guys in here who were tell me last night when they were walking the strip doing walk-up hypnosis and all these other things they were using three magic questions protocol and they had mobs of people following them up and down the street all right because the three magic questions protocol will generate that kind of comfort very very quickly comfort and discomfort are two of the big things that we need to look at when we start to work with body language okay you know you have three brains right and it's not the one you're thinking of men although it's connected right they put my little signal up here I always people every time people see this they go I guess it's officially start time right okay welcome to Bob people reading for fun and profit aka body language secrets my name is David Schneider and today we're gonna do a deep dive into the wonderful world of nonverbal influence my intention is again wants to show you a framework with which you can organize everything you want you see and understand about body language okay and other types of non linguistic phenomena tonality we would consider also a nonverbal right tonality aside from the actual physical body you're walking around in is the single biggest hypnotic operator that you have okay your tonality will change everything the fastest way to change your tonality congruently that's a big word when we get into the lie detection segment on Sunday you're gonna hear that a lot because that is how you catch Liars you have to look almost exclusively for the incongruity the things that don't line up so on one side I'm teaching you how to be completely congruent no matter what you're doing on the other side I'm teaching you how to spot people who aren't okay everything that human beings do every behavior they generate every belief that they have comes down to one thing feelings feelings nothing seriously body feelings up all of our behaviors all of our beliefs are in real light in response to something we we would want more of or a feeling that we want a whole lot less of all of your clients who come in are there because of a feeling they don't like right and there's a feeling they want more of all of our behaviors are geared this way at the reptilian level or the Paleo coordinate the paleo cortex level which is the oldest part of you that runs the meat your Paleo cortex thinks in primal drives okay as far as its concerned oh and if I latched into jargon smack me I'm trying to keep this by the way that's the single biggest way to keep people with you is to use smaller words right look it nevermind when he mentioned his name but the reptile brain sorts for what is familiar okay it's pleasure driven and it's looking for friends now if it's familiar it's good if it's pleasurable it's good if it's friendly it's good we move towards those things this is true at every level of human neurology every level of human experience okay conversely of course if it's unfamiliar it's bad all right if it's painful unless you're in San Francisco or some weird fetish community it's bad right if it's unfriendly it's bad human beings always pretty much without exception in spite of what NLP training may have taught you human beings almost always move away from pain and towards pleasure the distinction is which do they do first right if you have I need I need two human beings for this come on up here human being come on up here human being and it's great it's a man and a woman so we have the perfect mating context you're not in the mating we could fix that here oh that's all right then all right so what I'm gonna share with you is again these are this is the world according to David if what I say conflicts or does not resonate with something that you've accepted is true tough [ __ ] know if it works we use it right I how many people have never been in a workshop with me just right raise your hands okay very cool let me just give you my disclaimer really really quick if politically incorrect metaphors colorful colorful language profanity or the word boobies offends you there's the [ __ ] door I'm really believe in just cutting through the BS and to give you real-world practical things that you can learn right now and go out and start using it and you'll be able to start using this today right now the moment you walk out of this room you'll be able to look at any group of people and know who's the who's the prize who's the seeker who's the repor leader who's following who and once you know how to do that you can control it you can influence it okay massive massive skill to have I'll leave also show you some body language tweaks things that you can do with your body that will automatically generate trust in other people I'll also show you how to flirt I won't give you my pedigree because they've only given me 50 minutes so let's start by establishing let's start by establishing that the reptile brain which is controlling the meat suit it's my flying term I watch way too much supernatural controls everything that these people do consciously and unconsciously all right they if you if you want a reference embodied cognition studies or object relations theory you'll find the analogues for what I'm talking about but here's how it works what's your name sir Rick Rick place back to me here move over here a little bit Jill's back here okay what you see here is the the outliers of the repor continuum we're talking about connection we're talking about rapport we're talking about away from these are two people who have absolutely no connection to one another moving away that is the outlier for the rapport continuum follow me that's our parameter this is what we don't want things are starting to evolve let's bring Rick up Rick nicely will bring up Rick up nicely Oh big jewels up lovin together almost PP touching there you go this is what we call the other end of the report spectrum where one plus one equals three all right thank you back up a little bit don't get so intimate in my place damn it this is where all social interactions fall every form of interaction between one person and another or group within a group are going to fall within that spectrum they're either going to be more oriented towards sameness or more oriented towards away from or difference everything you see can be extrapolated from those two extremes does that make sense now the two big outliers Rick you back up just a little bit here again the two big outliers in this process our distance and orientation when the orient ventral line to ventral line they're in more in report when they orient away from their lesson rapport the common dating dynamic looks something like this if Jules is sitting at the bar she's like this does this look familiar now based on what we just learned based on what we've just learned who has more power why who's more invested in this relationship remember attention which is often equivalent to direction of focus is the currency of relationships the reptile brain even regardless of how erudite and logical you think you are is always running the show it just sublimates its primal drives with rationales and emotions okay so in this dynamic if if Rick is making an approach he has something she has something he wants but it could just as easily be this which we almost never seen well actually the men almost never see 60% of all approaches are initiated by women didn't know that did you but you see women are much more cagey than we aren't men we're stupid okay women are going hey why because a woman's social radar a woman's socialization and her sensory acuity is far more finely tuned to subtle social and nonverbal dynamics when you get a woman a group of women together and one guy right everyone knows in the group and the conversations over and they're gone the guys like I'm [ __ ] alone right this is also and again I'm gonna actually Kelly woods asked me to sit in on a panel tomorrow that she's holding on some of the things going on here at the convention in terms of people being approached when there wasn't wanted and things like that so I'm gonna I'm gonna give my input on some of those things one of the gaps in female socialization by the way is the inability to extract themselves from an interaction that's going south without going from nice girl to [ __ ] mode there's no in-between all right see guys we're terrified of the approach it's not so much with women what's happen on with women is word for it they're afraid there's we my sex change is coming what they're afraid of guys is that they're you're not going to get the message when there relates when the the process isn't going where you want it to go and they don't have those subtler areas between all the all the signals that a woman would recognize versus what a man would recognize because guys are we're completely different in terms of what we sort for all right a woman can literally go up to a man and go and a man would go wonder what she meant by that right women not so much rights but the problem is is that both of you are projecting your internal map of the world on to the opposite gender and when they don't match you make them wrong you see the set the signs that women are sending out are obvious to women but not to men the signs that men send out our way obvious to women but they're too blatant they're not subtle enough to not be threatening you follow me guys we beat it over the head we take it home we eat it sometimes not in that order remember painful unfriendly bad reptile moves away right if what you're presenting doesn't fit the map of the person receiving that's the response that you get that is the unconscious response that you get does that make sense so now in the relationship dynamic we've got Jules is the prize Ric is the seeker ideally if we have time we can go through the seven stages of mating if you want but it's it's every social dynamic you're going to work with whether it's a negotiation whether it's a mediation a client hypnotist interaction is going to fall in this paradigm how long how many of us when we work with our clients are here right a better angle to be is here because when we align we align if we align somatically we align emotionally when we align emotionally we align cognitively if you ever watch some of the best piece in the world like best guy I can think of right now in terms of doing this day's a guy named Apollo Robbins he actually performs here in Las Vegas he's a pickpocket he's a professional he gets a bust agent picks people's pockets great job right but Apollo did a show called brain games he talked about how people's attention can be easily diverted allowing you to move into their personal space so if I'm approaching Jules and I looked down and I walk in I can walk right into her personal space and it's it's actually quite natural right because once we make eye contact she'll fall her attention will follow where I go and I can slip in I don't come in I don't come in directly like I'm on an approach vector I looked down I slip around that point of contact and now I'm in alright when you're approaching people on the street for your street hypnosis don't approach them straight on come at them from a side vector this is peripheral influence and as you do align yourself eventually with where they're going the neurology always seeks Alliance it happens on every level of human experience I understand okay so this is what I mean when I say this is the outlier if we understand that this is where all body language positioning comes in we can look at a group dynamic and extrapolate based on what we know is true you don't need to know every single gesture and this is true for every human being on the planet you can be in New Guinea you can be in Africa you can be in Italy you can be in Alaska it won't matter right spatial social distances can change orientations don't orientations don't okay it's hardwired into us so thank you Rick Thank You Jules giving a big round of applause [Applause] what you see in the continuum is that as people move towards connection they move towards pleasure they move towards pleasure now I talked about ventral orientation that's the front the frontal line the more oriented towards each other there are the more connected they are the more trusting they are okay it'll almost never start there though does that make sense okay when you approach and again this carries into anything any kind of cold call any kind of cold walk up whether you're doing networking all you guys are in being a B and I and all these other networking groups you do speaking you talk to groups a lot of you like to do the street have no sister walk outs where you start talking to people remember the approach vectors that you take and the orientation that you take on will change how people process you in their world your physiological proxemic position around their body will change their psychological positioning it's embodied cognition neuroscience can't not happen if you want people to like you more if the right hand dominant stand on the right side don't like you more when we start looking at interpreting body language everybody here anybody here not have a face raise your hands if you don't have a face okay raise your hands if you have a face all right very cool here's the thing we need to understand we are we are hardwired for facial recognition we're hardwired to look people in the eyes and study the face we'll cover this more in lie detection that is the last place we look for information as to what's going on so if the face which is the place is we pay the most attention to is in fact the most is the least useful at this point what do you think would be the most useful fee it's the thing we pay attention to the least it's the thing TSA agents are taught to screen for for potential terrorists the orientation of your feet will tell you how invested in that interaction the person is so can right so again if you can I don't know if you can get you guys can see my feet or not but if I'm talking to right now we're eventually oriented so our feet are kind of almost pointing the same way right so we're talking if we were in that love relationship little Barry White playing around right right this would happen you see proxy as the proximity shifts eventual orientation will shift to this is connection this is absolute trust that's why somebody somebody approaching from out here in this way is very threatening but you'll literally see in in in most social and and and bonding interactions a subtle shift and a shift a shift and a shift and you'll just see them come there I had a I had a student who ran a wine bar and I was teaching her that so she goes you don't want it you were totally right I would watch guys women men and women come in for their dates and at the beginning of the the night there they're sitting on opposite sides of the table by the end of the night their wine glasses are right next to each other okay there's a whole process of two becoming one that's being played out non-verbally we call it the mating dance there's a free video about it on YouTube but all of your social entry interactions fall within that the first thing I want to know when I look at somebody's feet especially I'm looking at a group who where are all the feet pointing where all the feet pointing because the feet almost always orient towards the rapport leader of the group if you want to influence a group I'm not saying that just cuz I teach the jury-selection I don't actually teach jury selection I teach persuasion and influence to people who do jury selection it's a difference but what I want to know is who is who are their feet pointing at who are their feet pointing at because more often than not that's the rapport leader of the group and if you want to control or influence the dynamics of the group you must access the neurology of the rapport leader you can't go in and just try to work your way into the group you've got to match the energy of the group you've got to look at who the rapport leader is and if you can effectively synchronize your neurology with theirs their authority becomes yours in a non-threatening way as long as you don't do anything stupid right the other thing we want to look at is who's half in and who's half out so if I'm all-in my feet are this way right now in the pickup in seduction world they have this thing known as a false time constraint a false time constraint is telling somebody I only got a few minutes takes the pressure off that they're not gonna they're gonna be stuck in an interaction by the way it doesn't have to be a seduction it can be a business exchange especially a networking function if you want to if you want to make sure you have a practically unlimited amount of somebody's time you say hey I only got a few minutes look at my feet Stano me look one foot is pointed towards him where's the other foot so I'm half in half out right now in normally unwritten untrained people this is what when you see this that person's only barely listening to you they're giving you face they're giving you a face but they're not giving you the system they're ready to be fee no pun intended all right so when you see this either let them go or find something to grab them and make them want to invest in that relationship right if you see this [Music] now you see I didn't have to teach you that did I because you know what the parameters are and you can extrapolate don't believe me go observe right when you talk to another human being expand your peripheral vision look at where their feet are if you can match or mirror the angle of their feet you'll fall into rapport faster because that's the part they're paying a least amount of attention to it's also the part where you're connected to the earth so all kinds of really cool vibrational stuff happens which is not the parameter of this class right so thank you right give the run applause there's a lot of cool stuff about the legs that we need to understand and unfortunately I don't have a big old stool so I have to kind of mimic this asbestos it's useful by the way okay so the first thing we want to look at is their feet and their legs the legs remember at the end of the day the reptile runs towards things that make it feel good runs away from the things that make it feel bad right it's you can take it to the bank even if you think you're a towards person is if you're way too much NLP training right like me right amongst the ranks of the chronically over trained July but towards person I don't respond to away from trust me everyone in this everyone in this room responds to away from okay there's this thing known as the Zeigarnik effect you give a guy shouldn't know anything about this it's it's more commonly referred used in marketing what it means is if points of pain and points of pleasure are have the same value you will experience more pain from losing the dollar in your pocket then the pleasure you will get from finding one on the ground you will fight harder to keep what you have and experience more pain if you lose it than you will forgetting something new so you will and it's evolutionary you are weighted this way you are programmed this way it's reptilian which means it's pre conscious and when you get affects somebody at the reptilian level all the other levels of the neurology align it changes the perceptual filters that you bring to bear on the situation you guys know what I mean when I say a perceptual filter okay an easier way to understand that is the order and priority that your nervous system gives to information in your environment in in Paul's book dr. Edmunds book emotions revealed he talks about behavior called the emotional refractory period the emotional refractory period is a behavior that your neurology engages in every time you have an emotional state shift you never realize you've had a shift in emotion until you're in it you don't get like a two-minute warning from Leawood Dillinger Will Robinson danger you're about to get pissed off doesn't work that way okay what does happen though is that you have both of this state change and the information in the environment that you sort for pay attention to changes to it changes to anything that a tree ignites or reinstalls or keeps the state you're in going anybody here ever buy a car okay I went through this whole hellacious I'm David's gonna buy a bit a minivan phase it was really traumatic for my self-image right for obvious reason great great vehicle you know TJ actually help me find it he's wandering around back there but anybody here we're buying new car okay anybody have new for you hey maybe when you're growing up you played that game slug bug or punch buggy right you guys know this is where you to brutalize your best friend for no reason every time you see a Volkswagen Beetle right do you ever notice something interesting after you played that game for about 20-30 minutes even after use do you see him everywhere right you go and you cut this great deal on this van and in our colored card exactly the color you want exactly the make and model almost the price you wanted you're driving at home radio blasting you look in the mirror look out the side mirror and every [ __ ] on a planet bought the same car on the same day right what's up with that emotional refractory period you become highly sensitized to the information in your environment that correlates to the state you're currently in every human being on the planet works this way that's why when I talk to I started at the beginning of this and combining that with what you've learned in speed attraction everything human beings do is in response to a feeling in their body it's either a feeling they want more of or a feeling they want less of the emotional refractory period makes that happen it makes that happen because it tweaks what you pay attention to first right if there's ten things that make you happy and two things that will piss you off all units of information being equal and you're in a pissed-off mood guess what you'll pay attention to first that's how it works now in my advanced trainings where we talk about covert in we talk about conversation hypnosis we actually teach you how to utilize that how to literally tap into somebody's neurology generate a feeling state in them so that they're already predisposed to parsing whatever comes out of your mouth and the most preferable way possible it's a really cool we obviously don't have time to do it here but it was in my curriculum it's like I said this is from a two-day workshop that I teach so I'm gonna go as fast as I can and try and point out the things that you can start using most off so remember orientation eventually tells you how invested they are in the dynamic right proximity tells you how much trust they have okay the angle of the feet half in half out eptein in right okay the other thing that happens with the feet is you engage in these behaviors and whoever we can see me the feet are the first to run away so a lot of times when you see people who are going in to stress and that could be positive stress or it can be negative just one of the one of the things you'll see most often is this this little bouncy leg thing that annoys the hell out of us right this is a sign of stress could be pleasurable stress could be negative stress all biome all body language cues with very few exceptions especially in the realms of Attraction and lie detection I am trained in kinesics interview and interrogation actually was going to be a behavioral profiler for this that looked at how much they made versus helmet and the stress level versus and chose healthcare right so this is something that we need to look at when people that when this leg is going there's some level of stress that they're trying to vent in the system so that's the first thing we want to notice right second thing is what will happen many times is if somebody is interested is fascinated when you go got not even ever seen a movie all right very cool now ever watch people who are like really into their movie look they're delivering a baby right ventral orientation leans body leans towards neutral away from if it's familiar it's good if it's pleasurable it's good if it's friendly it's good we lean towards always rarely will you see somebody who is having a really good time this is a [ __ ] you pose by the way when you see people like never get seen people getting into tough guys or the kids who were too cool for school get called down to the principal's office maybe we have been a principal or a teacher right they sit in the chair in the first thing to us this is the body language equivalent of this is what it means now I'm flouting your authority you can't ruffle me right however in terms of social status and social dynamics people who tend to be more stout have more status tend to take up more vertical and horizontal space if you're not feeling confident but you or you but you would like to have more social status and have that feeling in your body take up more space and hold it your body within two minutes will start to go into that state it can't not happen okay the fastest way to change any body feeling that you have any psycho emotional state that you have is to change your posture and your breathing let's try that so everybody stand up again and if you how many people deal with people who are like chronic have chronic anxieties or things like that all right how many people have ever tried to do self-hypnosis immediately after be getting the [ __ ] out of them or something like that nobody will admit to it right nobody's done that stupid [ __ ] like me okay all right first things first I want you to remember a time in your life when you you were like you feel like an absolute total winner you saw something you wanted you made a decision right then and there that you were gonna get it you played up you made a plan you put the plan into operation and you nailed it homerun I want you to see what you saw here what you heard feel what you felt in that moment of victory and I want you to just step into it I just want you to be there in that moment let it come flooding back yeah for the next part I want you to keep this exact posture this exact breathing pattern and consciously try to feel bad what you mean our willpower isn't the be-all end-all we thought it was no all right so now once you turn around look at Zack because I don't want you looking at me when you go for this next part all right Zack if that has a strong self-image you can take it I want you to do something I want you to do something a little bit different now I want you to remember a time in your life when you made up when you saw something you wanted you went for it but it didn't work out I want you to remember and I want you let that feeling come back I want you to go into that posture go into that breathing pattern we're not going to stay there too long I did but I I want to show you how this can make you emotionally bulletproof okay I don't use I want you to go into that feeling as far as you can in the time you have go into the body posture go into the feelings now while holding that posture while holding that breathing rate try to feel good you that's depressing all right now use all your willpower summon up every ounce of willpower that you have hold on to that negative state but move your body back to the positive winter state and notice what happens what do you notice I mean you can't [ __ ] follow instructions I told you a whole lot of that [ __ ] that's good give yourselves a big round of applause good how to see the posture and the breathing will make you bulletproof in any situation environment context can overwhelm your critical factor the unexpected can overwhelm your critical factor the moment your critical factor of faculty sorry sorry Mike the moment your critical faculty the moment your critical faculty goes out your willpower's done your will power is a finite resource but the most powerful hypnotic operator you have is your body the energy behind your persuasion message is generated from your body if the feelings in your body is right are right your posture will be right if your posture is right your breathing is right if you're breathing is right your tonality x' rights when those things are right it's very hard to do something wrong the problem is we're taught as hypnotic operators to do things in reverse order to consciously monitor what we say consciously monitor everything consciously monitor their breathing constantly monitor the states they're in and control our own state we're trying to do it from the top down well your critical faculty can't pack can process that to that level of information that's why we can catch people lying right you guys are from are you and some of you are some aren't who is it my last training okay guys remember I talked about little loops oo da loops this is a term from the Korean War and if you're gonna be a hypnotic operator which is what I call anybody who utilizes hypnosis anywhere right observe orient decide act this comes from Korean airplane battling and people in the Air Force they they would have dogfights and people would fight and they discovered that the more complex the maneuvers the more information the pilots had to process in combat the slower their reaction speed was so they develop maneuvers that were that they could they could create by rote that were very hard for the other pilots to follow and they took advantage of this this Oda loop you have this same process going on this is why many times when we try to use conversational hypnosis techniques and other things that we learn in NLP class or whatever we try to go out into the field and use it and we choke because we're using the wrong part of our brain and we're starting in the wrong place it's too much information to monitor there's a simpler way change your body state if 93 percent that's not an exact figure but if 93 percent of all communication is nonverbal which means it's not linguistically based if I got all of that right and all the words wrong the words being the other 7 percent if it were a test a hundred question test what would my score be ninety-three percent that's an A in those people's world right if I got all the body language wrong but I got all the words right what's that score that's my point ladies and gentlemen what you do with your body what you teach your clients to do with their body will dramatically change your treatment outcomes it'll dramatically change the results you produce in the field with the same technique every technique that you already know you apply this material to it it will work at least 31% better probably even more okay don't believe me go play okay how we doing on time about twenty minutes I got a while your asses okay yes sir observe orient decide act in other words something gets our attention we observe it we focus on it which is the Orient we have to decide what to do about it which is the harder process that's where the most of the time is taken up and then I have to actually do the action the more the more information I have to track the slower that process takes which means my windows of opportunity in terms of my response time and taking advantage of things drops dramatically the more things I have to pay attention to right but there's a primary language a principle language that every neurology has pre-loaded in it it's the language you had with your mother in the womb it's a kinetic language it's a kinesthetic language every part of your neurology is trying to connect with every other part of your neurology that's in Melissa's book if you've ever read keeping the brain in mind I believe that's a direct quote every part of your neurology is trying to connect with every other part that is a prime directive of all human all organic material anything that grows is seeking to become more than it is seeking to connect this is why we band together in groups this is why all the cells of your body are working together this is why we learn in our brains evolved over time there's a primal fundamental directive and when we feel connection when we feel understood and we feel accepted this happens to the degree that it's threatened this happens this is what speed attraction was about but it's happening on a somatic level too and we can read it we can read it okay I'm gonna give you guys some cool stuff to play with there's a couple of things that I teach of workshops for both genders on flirting and attraction I also teach obviously personal injury attorneys how to do these things I teach hypnosis and hypnotherapy I teach Channel The Awl context my cup my my clinic specialty is organic illness that has as its root I'm physiologic us to motion so I don't get a lot of smoke cessation clients I don't get a lot of weight-loss clients believe it or not I get Oh CDs I get post-traumatic stress not for me personally but Parkinson's and I mean a lot of chronic cancer a lot of terminal cancer patients come through these are the things I deal with on a daily basis okay I don't I get what I call the cool stuff right and I need technique that doesn't rely on the person's belief system I need technique that will get through and to the the issues and get them to follow my instructions because none of the good work that you do happens until the client does what you say your job ladies and gentlemen whether it will book regardless of what your feelings about it are your job is not belief your job is compliance none of the good you have to give can happen until the client does what you tell them it's just the way it is so every part of your repertoire every tool in your toolbox has to be geared towards maximizing and facilitating compliance in an ethical way right but at the end of the day if the client didn't do what you say you weren't successful actually you were they weren't right this will gain tremendous tremendous compliance voluntarily you have four big categories of hypnotic operator that we play with Authority attractivity affinity and acquiescence I call it the Four Horsemen of covert hypnosis right and there are categories of influence if you want to have more authority in a person's role Authority is the king hypnotic operator when you want to have more authority you need social status social status even though we think of it even though it has the term social in it social status is a reptilian response it activates the reptile brain because to the reptile brain acceptance our rejection by the group is analogous to survival or extinction that's why we feel pain when we aren't accepted or kicked out of a group societies protect their high status members when you demonstrate more status in a person's world they become more suggestible even if they don't want to be okay is that useful one of the fastest ways to gain Authority in a person's world is to know things about them they couldn't possibly have known unless they told you we do that through observation and calibration and other way is this their body postures what will happen over time as you play with this is think of it like two Bluetooth sinking up okay how many people have ever heard of a system called heart math org okay heart math org has done some tremendous tremendous research on the human heart and its internal nervous system they discovered that if they took a dog and his boy and sent them out into the into the yard to play within 15 minutes their heartbeats could synchronize okay everything I'm telling okay I'll shut up now nothing I'm telling you is mumbo-jumbo it's all science you have a proprioceptive nervous system that monitors pre consciously at least six different types of information one of which is electromagnetic fields okay it also monitors Kenny's kinesthesia Meccano reception gnosis session and Tarot session these are feelings in your body and out where your body is in time and space right I went up when I reach into my pocket and I feel thumb something in my pocket it's the part of me that knows what I'm touching without me having to look can identify it by its shape or size this is what you're learning to develop this is where really really powerful influence can come in when you can start to approximate a person's posture orientation and direction your heart beats will start to synchronize when your heart beats start to synchronize the meat suits start to synchronize and all of your cortex is will - and you will gain information you all a lot of you already have this experience in trance with people but you can do it anywhere but there's a kinesthetic sensation that manifests in the body when that change happens once you recognize it if you generate a certain feeling State in your body they're mirror neurons will mirror it they will go there - the difference will be because they it's happening pre consciously outside of their conscious awareness they'll think it's done they won't realize you've primed them to do that their perceptual filters will shift we talked about that emotional refractory period and they will become highly predisposed to parsing whatever words come out of your mouth in the most appropriate way possible for them to act on the feelings in their body that's where we start okay we got to understand what we're looking at we got to know who they're if we're gonna control a group we're gonna influence a group we got to know who the report leaders are we got to know when we walk up to somebody based on their body orientation how hot or cold are we in their world right and again if you I don't have ten minutes huh all right I just want to download it into you so TJ do we have those business cards can we hand those out before people go usually I try to prepare materials beforehand but there was so much I wanted to share with you is this been useful all right I didn't get to throw all the feet stuff that I wanted to but I'm going to give you two more things that I that I want you to go out and play with and you can use this in your street hypnosis you can use this when you're presenting to groups it's called the open heart trust trigger certain physiologies are hard-wired into every human being certain physiologies are hardwired into every human being if can I use you is it okay to be on camera awesome come on here so this is a really really cool body language just face forward to swing okay so first things first you guys know that flirting has a has a posture right you guys know that flirting has a posture oh I'll tell you next week now I'm gonna give you that so if somebody is honest and upright all right I just give it to you if people are honest and trustworthy and loyal when we describe them how do we describe them stand up guy up right straight shooter you notice the symmetry when we say someone is evil or nasty right they're crooked they're bent they're twisted what if somebody's naughty look what happened all I did was trying to take the posture and you got funny I didn't say a word except naughty right now I just said no again it didn't have the same effect is that hypnosis you bet your ass if I want somebody to get playful if I want somebody to be flirtatious if I want somebody to view me as somebody to have fun with which is gonna be more effective this this you see you can't help yourself the contrast that's right right would you and again that I don't I don't I think I don't think playboy does any we don't actually put women in their videos they just put articles in something but they actually if you ever look at the girlie pictures or the are those adult oriented things you never see a model on swimsuit Illustrated going they're always asymmetrical asymmetry is flirtation body language it triggers an entirely different set of feelings and perceptual filters in the body which means anything that comes out of my mouth is gonna be processed differently then if I'm standing like this or like this right yes no it's half and half right this is up right you think Quasimodo all right you look at the old you look at the old television shows of the early 20s and 30s and 40s right you look at a lot of the old comic book store the villains good-looking say no all right all the buildings were evil they would bent they were literally characters of what they were inside now we've we've embraced the concept of the antihero more than we have the villain so now even our even our villains are hot because there's a formula that Hollywood follows and programs you with that's another class okay I mean I'm a human influence technician that's what I do so in terms of human beings understanding how all these things come together that's what I do professionally I'm a hypnotist and an ER linguistic program or I teach people how to do these things if you want to be more fun you want to be more playful you want to put somebody else in that state get a symmetrical yeah it's and it puts you in that state you ever notice you can't you can't assume that physiology without feeling that way right so if I get rapport with Deena right and we're just oriented all right and I go all I did was shift right so you think she's watching right yes if you're congruent anything yeah if you if you change your physiology and you're breathing this is the big takeaway you can change everything all right I referenced a video don't go away I'm not telling you I'm not done with you yet all right I referenced the video five minutes I know I referenced a video called power poses by Amy Cuddy if you haven't watched that TED talk it's free watch it there is so much gold in there we're actually she validates a lot of things we've been teaching for 10 or 15 years but it's a power poses by Amy Cuddy the last technique I'm gonna leave you with a couple of things they're gonna hand out some anybody give the read there's there's some red notebook pads back there they're my gift to you there's also a card in there that's a VIP gift pass to any product or training that I hold in 2017 it's a 50% off coupon that's my gift to you for just coming out and sitting through my [ __ ] all right for those of you who are interested if you want to go deep dive into the world according to David we have a full-blown training at the end of the convention it's called secrets of personality transformation see Stefanie and it's three whole days of me just drilling you on how to change personalities get rid of stuff we'll show you how to spin things I'll show you some of the latest developments we've done clinically in terms of removing rapid trauma it's all in the form of self-directed trance work so you'll be learning how to do this in terms of hypnotherapy but at the long the last day you'll transition to doing all of the processes that you've learned up to that point on on yourself by yourself in under seven minutes it's deep deep alchemical stuff I don't have a lot of time to go into the details I just I'm gonna get this last piece out to you if you want more stuff talk to Stephanie and tell you you want more time in bigger rooms with more chairs right the last body technique I want to give you is called the open heart trust trigger this is a very and it's kind of weird when I explain it but the feeling that you generate in people in the response that you get is well worth it if you go up and you talk to somebody right I'm just talking to Dina like this right and we're having a nice conversation but if I imagine that over my chest is a clear plexiglass screen that she can view a cute she could actually look into it and see my heart if she wanted to if I stand that way like I'm sure I'm trying to show her my heart what do you feel now i generate instant trust instant openness in the person it's just a shift from this to this see what happened look at her she her whole physiology shifted I don't believe me go play with it right normally in these kind of things I don't get the time to do the hands-on that I normally do we do three times as much hands-on as any other trainer in the industry with this stuff so if you really want to get it track me down a track Zak down how many people have in one of my trainings before talk to these people talk to these people they can tell you much more than I can give Dina a big round of applause I want to thank you all for coming I'll be doing a little panel with Kelly woods on some stuff tomorrow at 1:30 I'm just a guest like everybody else but I'll be fielding questions if you had a good time let everybody know spread the word we've got one last workshop for the convention Sunday it's a three hour workshop on lie detection called lie to me if you dare we're gonna go deeper into this stuff and if you had a good time tell everybody if you didn't have a good time shut your [ __ ] mouth we'll see you thank you all so much for coming out
Channel: Dr. David Snyder
Views: 360,092
Rating: 4.8051724 out of 5
Keywords: body language, how to read people, seduction, approaching, charisma on command, psycholgical tricks, lie detection, how to catch a liar, attraction, success, flirting, self help, self improvement, self hypnosis, nlp, face reading, kinesics, hypnosis, neuro linguistic programming, street hypnosis, cold approach, networking, mind control skills, mind power, bandler, robbins, proctor, law of attraction, dating, psychology, interview
Id: RihJfZ4sXR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 28sec (3088 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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