27 Body Language Interpretations - The Most Useful Power Moves and Confidence Signs in Body Language

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I would like to share with you about some rules that I think will help you to understand what are the differences between the open gestures and those gestures that have something to do with emotions or hiding something so the general rule is the same for humans and animals probably you have a cat or a dog or you experience how to play with a cat or dog so when you are close to a cat that cat will just lay down and show your belly to have more kalos a meal and this is the moment when when your cat is really open and trusting and vulnerable because the cat is showing the inner parts you know that are a real sensitive and when a when a cat is feeling that danger maybe so the cat will be on four paths and really hiding the house maybe under the belly so we do the same we don't have paths but we also show our body our front part of our body which is very sensitive to people when we feel open when we trust when we feel safe when we feel unsafe we will cover our body to protect so we use different protection different barriers so we can put hands here we put heads here we we are scratching our face we are hiding ourselves somehow because this is our instinct to tell us that we need to hide because we are not safe or we don't like to be there so we want to disappear so this is the general rule that will help you to understand what what's going on if you see that the hands of the arms are here or there's something around the face around this part of the body it means that the person is not feeling secure and there are some emotions going up if the person is open relaxed and showing more of the body it means that the person is safe in some Eastern philosophies we talk about the chakras so it could be that somehow we want to cover the tracklist as well if we don't want to talk of somebody or if we are not interested in something on the top of the cards that you see on your slides you see a symbol there are different symbols that help you to categorize those different movements there could be a + which means positive bad language movements a - which is negative movements there could be a dollar sign these are movements that could be used in negotiations there could be a face which means that it's about facial expressions a heart about emotions and there could be also a star which means that it's related to confidence so these are different categories that help you to categorize those movements quickly and easily maybe about the face so the sign for the face is not only for micro expressions but also for other signs that are related to the face so different emotions that we also show not only through micro expressions so let's get started with the first one the first one is when somebody's drawing with their hands they're illustrating what they're telling and if it's connected with their words then obviously you know they're congruent they're connected to the topic yeah engage when somebody tilts their head like this it means they're interested actually you saw President Obama doing this regularly during negotiations when he was face to face with his opponent he was doing this and his opponent had feeling at the impression at least their limbic system in their brain had a feeling that they were convincing President Obama doesn't mean that they were really convincing but President Obama was showing their main artery vulnerability and feeling empathetic with what they're telling and the other person yeah put star guard down so if you want to show that you're interested in what the other person your client or your negotiation partner is telling you do slightly this and that will help to give that information to the other person or the other way around when persons feel this way really they do this automatically so for example if you feel that you are studying arguing with somebody to put this person at ease you can tilt your head and this the other person will have the experience that you are listening and becoming softer yeah and will become softer this helps same is with like a small animal or like a cat when the cat is looking straight at you you know that's cute but if it does this it's cuter right [Laughter] when somebody is showing their wrists during your presentation they're obviously open they're honest accepting if your customer is doing this it's a good sign we just spoke of somebody from Saudi Arabia and for them it's still a sign that they are not wearing weapons so this is a sign that okay I'm here not to kill you but still have a nice conversation when your body is directed at who you're listening to it's a good sign it means that you're attentive that you're interested and eager to hear what they're telling you if somebody is looking at you right now I'm looking at you Megan but my body is somewhere else it means that I have more attention to this direction than to what you're telling me so shoot when somebody's quickly rubbing their hands like this it's a good sign they're really enthusiastic they're happy they like what you're proposing later on will cover also the slow rubbing hands which is not such a good sign we'll cover it back then so for example if you would like to buy a real estate and somebody's your real estate agents rubbing their hands quickly so this means that this is a good deal for everybody but if the same person is rubbing the hands slowly it means that it might be a good deal for him but not for you when you talk to somebody and somebody's leaning forward then they're interested pretty obvious however pay attention to those little movements especially when it happens in a crucial moment a crucial moment when you discuss something important or mention the price when at that moment somebody leans forward even slightly it's a good sign that they're curious they're positive about your what you're saying this is a interesting thing to look for when somebody's mirroring consciously or subconsciously most of the time it happens subconsciously your body language what you're doing how you're sitting even a part of that it's a good sign it means you're in rapport they're interested in what you're saying they're agreeing they are like connected to you so for example if you would have a negotiation meeting and you have five people and three of them are mirroring each other so it means that they probably showed their opinion so you would need to convince only the two of them about your proposal or to leave those two away and focus on the three ones you can use this also yourself strategically in meetings for example if I would go and sit at the table with Stan in the same way as he does if I would sit like this you know that's a good sign or a rapport we're mirroring each other and Stan will feel that I'm similar to him we feel like a partner if I would sit to the back like this it would be different right and and Stan would feel were were not matching the same energy about handshakes when somebody's giving you a vertical handshake let's exercise with cash so like this it means we're equal it's a good sign we're partners right here are some tips for giving a good handshake when you want to be in a partnership with somebody and at the same time stay in control of the meeting I suggest to squeeze like 10% more than the other person which means that when you're usually women have a slightly weaker or a small smaller handshake then it means that men need to adapt to squeeze only ten percent more than what they're doing if you have a big guy in front of you you know and you're slightly smaller then you need to squeeze more to be equal and have some kind of control in this meeting because that first impression that will give a lot of a lot of results for later on depending on how you talk but that the first impression is very very important so let me squeeze your hint yeah no it was fine it was fine just okay so when you have a big man in front of you four women need to squeeze firmly the hand only for like kind of two three seconds and this would be a sign that you are confident and you know you want to have a good relationship we're going to cover different handshakes later on when somebody smiles we cover this partly already in a micro-expressions even a small smile without orbicularis oculi muscle without our muscles around the eye contracting that's a good sign of pleasure somebody being friendly and that our agree this is your green light in negotiations when somebody is listening to you and they're putting their hands like this on the side of their head they're probably interested it's a good sign later on you'll see when they're leaning their head like this and they're supporting their head it's rather not such a good sign because they're getting bored less interested watch out for these little movements when somebody is not in their head yes while you're talking while you're giving your proposal it's the good sign later on we're going to exercise together with the blink conversation technique this is one of the elements you'll be looking for while you're talking observe the bad language of the other person and this is also a green light that will give you the answer yes they agree with what I'm saying they like what they're hearing be careful when you travel to Japan because they tends to use this sign only to agree that they are listening to you not to they are not agreeing to what you are saying but they just show you that they they have respect to your words so they can still say no at the end of the conversation so we need to watch out for the micro-expressions and other signs when somebody's nodding their heads several times in a short amount of time they're confirming they're enthusiastic they're green they're listening it means exactly this seems quite obvious however when you're talking or when you're listening you're most of the time trying to pay attention on what's being said it's very important to keep in mind these kind of little movements because from experience we know even it looks obvious people tend to miss those movements and this is again a green sign that the person is agreeing to what they're hearing to what you're saying the clinton box has been developed for Bill Clinton originally Bill Clinton was moving a lot with his hands very very wide however his career started to took off when he was a little bit more moving in front of his chest in front of his belly in the Clinton box that's the persons who have been coaching mentoring him have developed the Clinton box for him if he stays with his hands in front of him instead of making big movements which made people feel that he stopped telling the truth as it is like exaggerating that is not the kind of scary if a big man is doing a lot of big movements around you yes yeah out of control exactly so if you want to give a presentation and you want to be perceived confident then stay inside the Clinton box it doesn't mean that you have to do this always because sometimes when you're illustrating something big a big car it's okay but in most of the time it's good to stay inside unless you are a rock star when somebody's putting their feet wide actually on shoulder-width that's a good sign didn't you when you stand in front in the beginning of your presentation with your feet wide like this you're grounded you're in control you know what you're talking about seems obvious however many presenters when they're stressed when they're coming on stage we see them standing like this and are kind of shaky or or like like this it's not very confident or not helpful for giving a good first impression so this is a good way firm on both feet shoulder-width to sell to show confidence to your public another good tip when you're talking to somebody negotiations keep good eye contact it means that you're trustworthy you're open you're interested like in Western culture and North America usually around seventy percent of the time when you're talking observing the other person that's perfectly fine so you're not staring at somebody all the time because it's too intrusive you are looking for nice eye contact to make sure that the person is following you and listening to your words when you see somebody sitting like this with their hands behind their head they know better their superior their dominance and note as well that this is a nonverbal sign of the micro expression of contempt so if the micro expression of contempt matches also the panelling which it makes even stronger when somebody's standing with their hands relaxed on their back then it's it's fine it's okay it's a good sign however when they start to squeeze their hands we'll cover that later and they're starting to squeeze their hand or hand goes up higher then it's not such a good sign we'll cover that later and this is also how you can distinguish between the boss and somebody who is interfering in the company so the person who is confident and feeling good now would have the hand like this could be for example in a company a manager somebody who's in position police they always walk with hands like this you know protecting the concert they will stand with feet wide and hands like this so this is this is the the natural position for somebody who feels yeah this movement you saw regularly Steve Jobs doing he was holding the ball holding an imaginary basketball innocence while he was talking and that's kind of a derivative of the pyramid hands we'll cover later on that is less intrusive less dominant this one is a really good movement to use in presentations to show confidence and that you know what you're talking about this this movement helps you to show confidence and you are at the same time still equal with other people when you show this movement simple hands this is showing a little bit super of superiority which is not good because if you want to connect he wants to be equal for people not to show them that he also be real when somebody's making large jaw movements they're confident they're expressive when somebody's making small movements with her speaking then the sitting position of legs wide mainly for men shows power being relaxed confidence it's good when they're really relaxed when there's kind of showing contempt additionally or leaning to the back it starts to be a little bit dominant and this is mostly for men because for women be women they were skirts or dresses a lot and it yeah doesn't work and I also feel that it's also not so good for women to have legs so white because this is something you know that men normally do so I think this is a small cultural differences between women and men when somebody's having you relaxed shoulders they are comfortable confident courageous they're fine they're okay especially during presentations when you're talking like this with stress shoulders it's not a good sign showing confidence is also shown by the position of the body how straight is the back is a person slouching or not obviously when they're standing straight they're proud they're open they're confident this is a good movement to keep people call palms facing downwards it shows also dominance so if you would like to calm down a group of people yeah this would work if you would say hey could you please calm down you know you're actually asking them to do more noise this position with thumps out of pockets it's perceived as arrogance or flirting like a cowboy oh yeah so be war when you are sitting in a bar and you are from the opposite sex that it might be some sign a flood it's usually for men this but just be aware you're a man and you're standing like this because you're just comfortable like that the temp is a sign of ego yeah this is ego other persons especially women might perceive you as if you're trying to flirt with them even though this is just comfortable for you it's just how you're being perceived this you might also see in army hands on hips persons are already ready to go they're prepared it could be also slightly aggressive depending on the context and how you're standing or what you're doing with the face and here there's a difference because if you say okay so let's sign the contract and the person showing I'm ready that's good at the same time if you say okay so let's continue the meeting and discuss the details and the person is ready to go it's not a good sign yeah when somebody's sitting like this with legs and an angle of 90 percent again mostly for men you can expect that they're going to resist what you're saying they're going to be ready for a debate argument with it with you and to disagree unless we see that in the USA people do it more than in Europe so you can see that it could be in some cases for example with younger people that's it's it's a habit so make sure that this is not a habit speaking about five criteria that we discussed before when you see the change of somebody moving into this position then even though they're not yet argumentative with their words we can predict that you know you need to change something in what you're saying to be able to get out of that situation and be able to make sure that you don't get any resistance with the words because this is your opportunity gap this is your opportunity to still change there mind before they verbalize it once they say they're not interested it could be too late so this is a warning sign before they say it we discussed a little bit the pyramid hands already this is being confidence dominance commanding self-assured and it's good to pay attention to that when somebody's trying to convince you of something when they're doing this then they're very convinced of what they're trying to say these are the most common positions that you can see in daily life in negotiations and business meetings everywhere if you know these you're well-equipped to know exactly what other persons are feeling or thinking it's kind of reading minds
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Views: 100,112
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Keywords: Impact, Body Language, Micro Expressions, Facial Expressions, 4K, Non-verbal, Presentations, Leadership, Presentation skills, Charisma, Sales, HR, Recruitment, Lie To Me, Cal Lightman, Paul Ekman, Matsumoto, Dalai Lama, Charisma On Command, Masterclass, Emotions, Emotional Intelligence, Vanessa Van Edwards, Influence, Lie Detection, Training, Coaching, bodylanguagetv1, coachingmovietv1, TED, TEDx, Amy Cuddy, Harvard University
Id: NxZh_WLH8uQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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