Mind Control Skills: Face Reading How To Read Anyone Instantly Through Body Language Psychology

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all right welcome to the first day of the rest of your life all right well I think you guys know who I am and yes I brought my little red wagon and I poss-eye you know many years ago not many - I did it I did a training in this room called erotic hypnosis made easy it was a nightmare not because of the content because of the room see these low ceilings they tend to press down on your the energy coming up and so it makes you kind of it's hard to get your energy level up sometimes how do people fall asleep in a neurotic hypnosis class I don't know but we had that going on so I specifically requested never use this room again so much for negation anyway so today we're going to be talking about face reading how to read people's faces and know things about them that sometimes even their best friends don't know and they may not want you to know you know a lot of you are familiar with my work on youth oh man we gonna can we fix this it's a little bit leave a scream just all everybody should have a TJ so for those of you who ever dream of being a presenter see the man in pink he'll make you sound good okay perfect so people some people asked me who who attended the face reading program last year I know I just opened a loop but you'll have to deal with that god that's bright okay some people asked me last year or this year who attended my face reading last year if I was gonna do the same stuff No a couple of a couple administrative details for those how many of you is this your first time in a class with me raise your hand okay cool I'm sorry all right off the bat is no anyway so a couple of things if politically incorrect language colorful metaphors swearing or the word boobies offends anyone probably not the best use of the next two hours for you my intention is never to offend anyone although sometimes that's inevitable but I do kind of be very provocative in the way I speak and the reason for that is a it's fun for me and B it also tends to help you find your demons so to speak so if I say something else then you have this normally emotional response it's a signal that that's something that needs to be explored for you okay I'm just putting that out there this means yes this means no there will be a test okay this means I know the answer this means I don't this means oh [ __ ] I hope he doesn't call on me next right if this is the scope and I do this with every training but it's true especially with this one if this is the scope of everything there is to learn about the art and science of face reading and Chinese face reading specifically we have time for this so I commit mentalis rabbit-hole and point you in the direction of where to go to take the next step if that's something you feel you want to do is that is that fair is that a fair trade excellent now those are all with all but a few of you have a handout the handouts are so you can follow along with what we're doing you are not allowed to reproduce these okay these are taken from my teachers my teacher Lily and bridges book face reading in Chinese medicine we did have copies but they also doubt during the pre conference lily and Brigitte my teacher Lillian bridges is the world's leading authority on Chinese face reading and she's uh her father was an ex-cia agent her mother is Chinese and and she was taught through her lineage going back several hundred years and Lillian's we being courted by two security agencies one of which begins with CIA to actually bring her face reading systems into into the intelligence field she's torn about doing it because she's afraid it's gonna be misused I said too late because if the CIA wants your stuff if you're not gonna give it to them they'll find someone else who will so at least if you if you say yes then at least you can control to a certain degree you know how it's delivered and how it's disseminated the other one I think is it is in Canada but I don't know what to which security agency that is Lillian is so good she can look at your face and tell you your myers-briggs profile yeah the woman radiates an energy that will just melt your heart and make you love her instantly I've never met a woman who has this kind of an effect on people that wasn't a supermodel but anyway it's a different kind of love trust me when I for those who don't know I have a license I'm a licensed acupuncturist in the state of California I have a master's degree in oriental medicine I'm currently have one whole class left in my doctorate program and then I'll get my doctorate in oriental medicine from Pacific College of Universal oriental energy they totally off the red bull before class I have a degree black belt in the martial arts I've been doing martial arts that have an energetic basis to them for almost 40 years I spent a lot of time reverse engineering a lot of the things that people finger just legends and myths and trying to find out what is actually the truth behind the myth and we managed to reverse-engineer off a lot of cool stuff like that so I thought I knew an awful lot and I was what are the number two NLP trainer in the world last 3 years in a row by global gurus calm so yeah I've been certifying and training people have off over 15 different products on various forms of human influence everything from sexuality and relationships all the way up to advanced sales and sales tactics and actually yeah I consult with personal injury attorneys on how to influence juries and things like that so when I went into the Pacific College symposium 6er sets it's going on probably six years ago I thought I was pretty smart I thought I'd seen just about everything there was to see and then Lillian starts talking about markings in the face and I'm like my Snider sense started tingling I'm like oh my god hypnotists need to know this now and even if you're not a hypnotist you're just interested in understanding people better you need to know this but one of the the most exciting and simultaneously frustrating things about face reading when I went to the trainings cut me a few years to get to the trainings actually was that this stuff is amazingly accurate at diagnosing personality lifestyle trauma history personality temperament they use it in in matchmaking they use it in sex for sexual compatibility training they use it in business to figure out what kind of a personality type you need for a specific job it's used extensively in the Orient it's used in jury selection Oh in Asia but it's all diagnostic mostly which means you get to talk about their problems but you don't actually get to fix them which to me is like because if you know me if I see a problem I got to fix it right so I went through like six weeks out of four five weeks of intense training everybody's pointing out problems everybody's pointing out stuff and I'm not allowed to fix any of it right I lasted about three days then I just start grabbing people and pulling off the side and fixing them now I Lillian calls me a wizard now because I just point at you and it goes away but there is a therapeutic component just to the face reading and that's one thing I want to share with you because when they took when Lillian first told me about this I did not believe that I'm actually quite a skeptic with a lot of stuff I'm kind of guy come from the kind of show me school right and so that's how I trained my hypnotist like hypnosis anytime anywhere for any reason under any circumstances and we we are documented as having an entire class of students doing deep level therapy work in a hotel lobby under renovations right next to an active deck jackhammer right hundred percent success rate all right because you don't need quiet you just need a good state control right so with this what an interesting thing that happens it's a vibrational I call it Chinese vibrational psychotherapy so if you think if you can think of it as a as a form of energy psychology and there's a transformation that happens to the practitioner when they go through the training I don't know if it's just something unconsciously that Lillian does if these spirits are going you have been anointed my friend I don't know but when you start to unpack a facial feature and you reframe it and resolve it the marking goes away oh yeah same way all right I didn't believe it either I didn't believe it either on the last day of every training they bring people in off the street just random people and they take it before picture person does the face reading and they take an after picture and the faces are different same lighting same wall same everything right first time that happened to me I was like it's just it's amazing right so I taught a three-day face reading in Chinese medical hypnotherapy last year which is a hybrid class it combines our energy therapy techniques if you came to speed healing on on Friday with the Chinese with the Chinese stuff and people's faces were changing left and right right the students were how many were in that class raise your hands how many people had a face change from the start to the finish all right that admits it right okay people were going out and just doing some cool stuff so for us as hypnotists as therapists this is something that is tremendously useful it has well over 3,000 years of observational science behind it now we shouldn't confuse this with some of the more the modern facial reading stuff like micro exposures how many people are familiar with Paul Ekman's micro-expressions okay this is not about that directly micro-expressions are moments where we try to suppress an emotion and they sneak out right you understand that rage grief anger or whatever this if you want to think about it as a corollary is actually the consequence of a lifetime of microexpression okay so what I'm going to do is we're going to start where I start every class with understanding what is immediately the most important things that you can go out and start reading today if we can we'll have you break up into groups and maybe do some readings on each other then what I'd like to do is I'd like to actually translate or transition through some of the other ways of looking at the face and then I'd like to end if Ike if we have time with some specific applications for the business world we call it the five-minute face reading we'll talk about the key features to look at what things to unfortunate that stuff isn't in your manual I didn't have time to collate it but these are things that you can just start to look at but the emot-- the the emotional map to me is the most immediately useful representation for what we do and if you want to gain a profound influence over another human beings neurology read their face because an interesting thing happens is that when you express knowledge about somebody that they couldn't possibly know any other way you generate a level of authority in their world that causes them to view you as their if the authority in their life on everything which means they become hyper suggestible and hyper compliant to you now for what we do do that is a tremendous tremendous power to have and it takes us from the realm of cold reading to the realm of warm read and we're actually instead of making gross generalizations and guesses about what's going on with that person we actually know and don't be surprised when you start doing this out in the field you go to somebody say what happened when you were five and they burst out in tears because every time you have a trauma it marks it marks in a slightly different way the Chinese looked at can you guys see this okay if not you have your your sheet okay the Chinese anytime you see a horizontal marking across an area you're seeing the now the analogy of a crack in the riverbed you know when a river is running and it dries up the cracks go everywhere this is kind of how that works the Jack the Chinese look at the face like an ecosystem with mouth and valleys and rivers and lakes so they call this area the river of life and that's one of the primary places that we look at for general health and lifestyle and Constitution we're not going to be paying as much attention to the lifestyle and Constitution part we will be talking about traumas a bit though and we'll be talking about when people have certain types of emotions that predominate within them these are the places they mark for those emotions we have over 3,000 years of observational science that this is what happens in the vast majority of cases now keep in mind like any system there will be exceptions to the rule when you're seeking to learn influence and profiling you can't focus on the exceptions to the rule first you have to focus on the commonalities and the generalities first otherwise you get law you you you actually get overwhelmed much more quickly okay so what I'm gonna do is we're gonna start from the upper right hand corner we're gonna work clockwise we're gonna go from scepticism to transformation okay and then we'll end we will start with the center with the 12 o'clock position which is not on it's at the top of your sheet hold on say this has got irritation annoyance and impatience but I want to start which is what I have a lot so let's start with skepticism skepticism when people are chronically skeptical in its big part of their nature you're going to see a line right here around the islands anybody have those maybe what would you got a little bit no you're good you got some he's got some pigment he's a lawyer I'm writing okay you got a little bit you got you got any wings Botox will paralyze the muscle so the reco goes away and so that part won't move so you have to look at other things we recommend that you avoid injecting neurotoxins into your body not just because the obvious local effect but we gotta remember something about that about Chinese medicines each of these areas of the body in addition I'm teaching you in a more westernized approach but every part of the face corresponds to an organ system in your body which corresponds to an energy or a vibrational continuum that has certain effects if you're coming to the vibrational influence three-day post I'm doing tomorrow you will understand this intimately if anybody's interested we may have a few seats left see Stephanie if after this you decide you want to go rep further down the rabbit hole cuz we're gonna do a bunch with this and then we're gonna go even more into how to manipulate these energies and do really cool things with sound and make people heavier lighter turn water into wine you know you know this is the basic stuff right so well because I because I want you guys interactive what I'd like to do is I'm gonna take I'm gonna try and do this in like groups of five I'm gonna tell you teach you five traits out of shot and then I want you to break up into we got how many people in this room okay so here's what I'd like to again this room is gonna be hot it's gonna get oppressive so here's what I'd like us to do when I break you up into groups go out into the hall go out into the library into the lobby specifically cluster around the front desk just saying if you might find yourself there waving these things around and reading random people's faces that might you know send a message what I'd like to do is I like to go in groups of five or six will show you the traits we'll have you break up into groups and you'll read each other then you'll come and by the way how many people know how to handle a Bree actions and know how to do a reframing okay if you know how to handle add reactions and do reframing and somebody just goes reframing but um vent and then reframe it right because what happens is when you do a face reading you don't I'm teaching a very systematic approach it's actually quite intuitive once you know what all the gestures mean is when you're talking to somebody you you focus on the first thing that jumps out like him he hit his seat of the stamp which is right here it's huge which means he's had good experiences with people in power he's learned how to get along in corporate environments true not true right it just his third eye effect wide open right he's got really good eyebrows you see a little sign up for this is it's it's in here it's in the business section of your thing we'll see how they kind of come up and then down he thinks about things for a while that makes a business decision and then he just acts on the decision people who are very impatient they're like ready fire aim there are other eye bogos don't that's a straight up right these people like the light turns yellow or green or red or whatever and they're just like their current they're tramping on the accelerator train that's not him okay his eyebrow is actually a little bit longer than his eyes so he casts actually has he catch it has energy for friends me I have almost no eyebrows so I [ __ ] hate people one last thing you wouldn't know it right this is something you'll be able to play with later this is called the pen test not to be confused with the version by Neil Strauss but anyway you see how deep-set his eyes are okay if I place a pen here close your eyes open your eyes he's very much an introvert yeah when you when you can I may be getting this wrong but I was told that if you have if you can open your eye that makes your more introverted and what that means necessarily daddy hah that he doesn't like people but he's very much into his thoughts he's very contemplative he's got a lot of water energy alright if you give if for if for example ya come see uh let me have a look I'm your sweetie I'm just going off on a tangent here okay another introvert okay I'm trying to find like maybe I got it backwards cuz I'm an introvert and I can't open my [ __ ] eye but do you see how with me so switch that I got it I was Lex Dixit for a moment okay all right all right so and I know she is right so I started forgive me I got that backwards introvert extrovert right so these are just little little things right and and it goes to the water element in your body we're gonna stay up we're gonna do our best for the sake of this training to stay away from this concept of elements because most people that everything about the Chinese medical system the way I was taught it presupposes and a background in Chinese medicine yes so I am to medical esthetics so as women we do Botox Restylane I brought it to a lot of other things feelers so how that will affect the normal process of attributes about it I don't think it will affect I don't think it will affect anything immediately but if you do it over a period of time I think it most probably will to some degree affect the organ systems and the energy systems connected to that feature I'll tell you a real quick story I was gonna do it when we got to jaw bones but I'll just tell it now someone with a really really big strong jaw has a lot of the wood element they're usually very very driven there that's wood energy is to get it done energy contrast that with fire energy which is like you can always tell a fire person because as soon as they get home from work there's a trail of clothing leading from the door to their bedroom is they're all over the place what people like but the wood energy is like is is is geared towards athleticism they they're very physical very goal-oriented driven people not that other elements can't be goal oriented but the strength of the wood element really is designed for athletes soldiers things like that there was this one once client that Lillian had who had this huge you know these guys with these massive cro-magnon jaws right they're usually really strong really terrifying to look at sometimes right and he was like on a fast track to a copper to an NFL career he would they recruited him from college or from high school to to play college ball full scholarship and as a high school graduation present his mom got in plastic surgery remove his big chunk of that bone from the job as he looked he didn't look he wanted they wanted he was very self-conscious about it he lost his ability to play football now this was before they knew they'd gone to William he lost his ability to play football so adding things isn't it doesn't seem to be quite as bad as we're moving things like if you go in and you get a big chunk of bone remove that bone is is part of your your fuel source for whatever talents or skills or abilities that you have okay and so you want to be very very careful I'm not saying don't do it when and it will change it will change you will change you fat just for hulis sake and for you guys when I open when I was training half the class half the class that I was with or acupuncturist the other half were s tested estheticians so so you may want to incorporate this into your and you may actually when you're giving people suggestions about what shape to take right if you want somebody who to be a little bit more precision oriented a little bit more finesse e a little bit more finicky have give them a very streamlined nose if you want someone to be a little bit more pioneering look how far the nose extends from the face itself we call that a Pioneers nose okay the further out it extends the more these people need to be entrepreneurial alright okay okay useful right that's just the stuff they do off the top of my head we're not even on the list yet alright so skepticism lines first second thing we're gonna look at is joy now joy comes in in two varieties classic joy starts at the outer canthus and it circles up to about the eyebrow just right at the eyebrow tip that's about the average joy line when this line starts to travel higher your move you start moving into what we call mania or hyperactive what's that what's that what you say use your fault just turn the camera around right Yeah right but yeah so you can go you can see a prime example of mania hyperactivity by just watching the annual public State of the Union address people like this tend to stay up and be tweeting at 3 o'clock in the mornings they're a little maniacal but when you see one if you get clients who are bipolar or ABV especially their older check out these lines chances are they're marks hi hi sadness is the inverse sadness again starts at the outer campus and begins to descend to about to about here these will be deep if you got clients suffering from grief you'll see way beyond this but it just goes to about here when it starts to go longer we start moving into what we call sorrow right so you think about it as acute well uh chronic really bad like internalized okay so when it starts coming down the I this is by the way this is the lung area on your face so you guys know if you guys have ever treated any any lung issues there's almost always some kind of grief involved right sadness gravitates to the lungs sadness sorrow and grief sorry I've got that wrong sadness sorrow grief are all Continuum's of intensity and repression right so if you've got someone who lost a spouse or a mate or a loved one five six years ago and they're still grieving I mean like visibly grieving and just can't get past it you might you may see these lines here okay and if you if you talk about them they may start to AB react which to me is not a bad thing because it's it triggers a venting process okay in my world AB reactions are not abnormal emotional responses generated by the client they're normal emotional responses that freak out the hypnotist all right my our people are trained to go searching for AB reactions because it's the clothes it's the fastest route to the problem and most of the time that energy just needs to be vented right now you still as a hypnotist need to be in control the session and make sure your clients safe but you need to manage the AB reaction not put the genie back in the bottle and hope it goes away understand the difference okay so these thing and when you start telling people about these things they start to go you're a witch doctor right but they will start to become very very very suggestible and compliant to you we can look at pictures but let's just get through these first okay so it starts on a continue we have joy sadness sorrow grief so right about the filter when you start and you'll see this a lot you see this a lot interestingly I don't get as much grief from anybody but um I don't get as much grief clinically as I do anger resentment bitterness shame guilt those kinds of things it's just most of what I get is very very trump trauma-related which may have agree for a sorrow component but it's usually anger and fear and rage and some of the other stuff but I'm that's just me right now okay so humor this is kind of fun if you've got a little line in your lip it sent it indicates you have a good sense of humor both in terms of getting jokes and telling them right one of the one of my favorite pastimes when I'm watching television is I read their lips and I look home I'll bet she's funny offset right or he's funny offset or whatever it's a little line right down the center I don't know what would happen if you surgically put one in if you know somebody who just tells really bad jokes it never seems to get yours yeah go see Voula anyway I think you alright bitterness you see this a lot with cancer patients see us a lot with cancer patients internalize bitterness resentment there are little lines right down here they a lot of these don't normally manifest till after about I have noticed especially with my clinical demographic that a lot of these things first of all we don't start manifesting a lot of the pathology the pathological aspects of disease you know the bitterness the rage the trauma the fear a lot of these we have a pretty good tolerance of until we hit about thirty five ish and we've kind of hit our limit and then we start to manifest chronic illness symptoms and the studies are there that 80% or more of chronic illness is related to early adverse childhood experiences there was a study did like 10 or 15 years ago and it's still it's still valid today they've traced the epidemiology of things like Parkinson's and cancer and most grossest not to mention drug addictions and stuff like that to adverse childhood experiences okay so that's this is where we live is hypnotists right this is what we clean up and so but I think the body has a certain tolerance each of you it's unique based on you what Chinese call your Jing or your Constitution but I think about 35-ish that you start hitting your limit and we start to break down because our stem cells are no longer reproducing at the same rate we can't keep those emotional bundles of energy in check okay so that's why the vast majority of our clients tend to be about 35 ish or over using about 45 50 60 that's when we're start to really feel the effects of these debilitating and most toxic emotions right we can start reading the face we may be able to preempt a lot of that but if you do a facial Invitational marking inventory at the beginning of your session you may notice at the end of your session your clients face is significantly different okay and if you demonstrate these things with a client they'll pass every suggest ability test you give them okay yes hold on so the line here can change if their demeanor and attitude and oh yeah the base of it the reason I asked that is that I went through a really rough time the last couple years and our last year with some family things and I noticed that some lines that disappeared off my face and at my age are usually getting them okay oh you actually the more you engage in the face reading process the younger you'll get facially well it was interesting and it was like I tribute it to the product I was using but maybe not there's probably an attribution effect to that book well I have I like I just we just did a I'm a golden path facilitator and I'll talk about golden path otherwise because if I start talking about golden path that's all you want to know about but one of the things that that Lillian shows she should like her assistant Kelly who's been with her now for ten years we have before and picked after pictures of Kelly when she started face reading and how she looks now and 80% of her wrinkles are gone because she's been doing the unpacking you said the business lines are common and cancer patients cause or effect yes Chinese medicine is cyclic all if you if you if you go in there and dig something you'll probably wind up feeling more bitter especially towards the person who did it to you okay but usually that's if you for this you want to think of it as an effect it's it's it's a it's the effect rather than the cause but it's a marker that you can use especially if it jumps out at you and that's what I was trying to get at early when I say it's intuitive when you look at somebody what ever facial feet like his eyebrows just jumped out at me and is and he's got a very open third eye right that's what you talked about like Darrin may look at David and and then focus on his nose or his literary around his mouth right and that's what you talk about first there's a we talked about those of you who've been to killer charisma and killer influence we talked about the Bluetooth synchronization right talk about how the proprioceptive neurology lines up well the minute I look at you as a face reader that sync happens and now I start getting the information and I'm intuitively drawn to the facial feature that most eyes most open to being influenced by me that makes sense if you're a psychic as a brick you just go around the clock that's being systematic as opposed to intuitive and human beings prefer systems so when I start we stew our certifications we're doing it in a way that's specific to how Westerners think who don't so you don't need a background in Chinese medicine so you can get out from the training and to start reading people and if you want to come back later on and do the classic old energetics and things like that then we'll teach you that stuff too but I think for right now we just need to know what these cues mean not whether it's a wood energy or a fire energy although this stuff is really cool it just doesn't get us professed and if we can get lost in the sauce so if we just be very very systematic we look at the face like a clock when we go around we want to start to gallop or calibrate their emotional history this tells us the feelings they've been holding most predominantly up to that point understand and some of these are very very telling all right so skepticism joy sadness sorrow grief humor bitterness huh depression is going to be a liver thing you're going to see that probably in the eyebrows usually the eyebrows that tilt down you'll see some eyebrows kind of go up some kind of go lateral some go down that's usually someone who's prone to depression oh yeah I'm the poster child for depressive would energy right but actually they don't go down I use eyebrow shadow you see your eyebrows are actually one of the most important facial features that you have for social interaction you ever want to see somebody freak out shave your eyebrows and walk around yes is about the pigmentation after you know people sometimes under the hormone treatment like after they put the microphone they use lots of a hormone drugs in the shots and there they haven't pregnant but they already have this liver spots and also some people with the birthmark on the somewhere it accounts like yeah well actually most birthmarks are a good thing actually freckles freckles are a sign of extra fire energy fire energy fire if fire people are fun they're big they're just happy-go-lucky party my my my my nine year old cassia she's maybe the Chinese term is young wah wah right it's kind of a mixed breed kind of a thing for a Japanese Chinese said she's got little she's this beautiful white alabaster like skin I don't know where she got it from cuz I'm just the pale kid not as pale as Scott sailin like guy who was in the dark but anyway I can say that but she's got these little freckles and if you've ever seen Cassie she's like oh she's like she never stops not just because she's a you know a kid but she also has this energy about her the Chinese call it peach locked in them and they've actually taken this concept of charisma and divided it by the elements so each type of there's different types of charisma she's got a she's very much got this fire charisma stage she just stops traffic wherever she goes which means I'm in deep [ __ ] when she gets old gods that they're going on you thought attraction and seduction as a young man huh daughters anybody tell you the Karma doesn't exist [ __ ] you Darwin anyway all right so here's what we're gonna fear the last one I want to talk about is fear now fear sometimes sometimes it'll be very obvious they'll be like little dimples in the chin like when you're done right and sometimes it'll only be there when they're afraid but over a lifetime you'll see it my wife has them because she grew up actually her first nine months of her life was in a Chinese prison her mother was arrested as a political prisoner while she was pregnant so yeah I have my work cut out for me for futures right but every now and then you can see the little dimples right we again we can force it and if we feel fear we'll start this is where we'll start to activate right but if you see them just blatantly they just jump out at you you can pretty much guess this guy's but this person has been holding on to a lot of fear with that the same thing as in a cleft chin if you saw no no no you talk about a little divot in the chin no that's actually quite a different a different trait I don't know if you'll get well it's yeah people you ever see the John Travolta chin all right or if you've ever watched me myself and Irene you remember at the end of the movie when you went and got plastic surgery had a butt on his chin right people have this this indentation is dimple in the chin tend to like to be the center of attention so you'll see it a lot in actors public speakers teachers things like that they have this kind of a need for the attention it's not necessarily a bad thing but you see it a lot in in very dramatic personalities okay so what I'd like us to do now is I like us to take 15 minutes I'd like you to break up into no more than groups of five and I want you to just take turns reading read at least three people and get read three times and what you do is is what what a lot of times when people are first learning this and I learned this act I learned this particular approach from from Bart Baggett when I was studying handwriting analysis and actually if we get to the the three level the face there's a huge correlation I'm finding between what's coming out what's what what we're [ __ ] what's done in graph analysis and the way the face is organized it's really cool what you want to do is you want to describe the behavior more so than a label right describe how that behavior might manifest sometimes you get feel you start you know a lot of times you feel pretty down you know you're kind of prone to dealing a little depressed from something be very gentle and loving and warm and validating with your approach because if you walk up somebody and say you're manic it's like that old joke you know be careful of sitting you know saying the word [ __ ] when you're hiking the sizing a subject because they might write but Lee Ann for example she's her third eye is actually quite open but there's been some there's been some some loss in her life there's been some some sad times for her right and you can see that because you see the lines that go down here she's had some joyful times she's actually pretty happy but there's been some stuff that's marked her a little bit her kidneys are a little bit tired all right well it's interrupts rate on your face JB oh there's lots of kidney areas but you want to look at the ears for kidney energy you want to look at the area right under the eyes yeah if it's really late white or puffy you've got you've got tired kidneys or or or sometimes if they're black it could be one of the other or sometimes you're repressing some group some tears you haven't shed okay so that's that's a behavior point where you feel I'm sorry intuition is right here right in front of the ear these are like gills when you when you see people with these don't try to lie to them they're gonna catch it I crave a treat to have as a hypnotist right because you've got great [ __ ] detectors Autocar your tuition right they got a little I haven't I had I'm so deep it good you can see through the other side because of the things that I do oh is a bully kid I grew up and it was an emotionally abusive household and I was manipulated by anyone who could find me I mean that was my perception at least and so it's true but and so III developed these as a way to protect myself and a lot of you especially you know have them I can see I can just by talking to you right if he a lot of lawyers will have huge ones right the lifestyle you lead will mark your face understand and as you change your lifestyle as you change your internal environment your face will change because it's just a projection anyway if you were at my speed healing class I talked about vibration of data coming through the nervous the the body like a like a light through a prism and it's refracted out well your face is a refracted hologram and so the minute you change the internal filters the external projection changes that's why the face is change because we're just Holograms we're just solid Holograms that make sense even if it doesn't that's how it works right right doesn't half you don't have to believe me for this [ __ ] to be true alright there wasn't one question over here I saw it helps take the glasses off just to have a clear line of sight but what I'd like us to do is I'd like us to take I said 15 minutes read as many people as you can and just ask them we well again if it gets oppressive in this room with all that milling about so fan out into the hallway fan out into the common area and read people okay where am i where am i certified face meter where are you guys okay walk around and help them point stuff out to them show them how this works you guys got 15 minutes I'm watching back at 5 after 11 by that's 11 go
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Views: 210,006
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Keywords: david snyder, charisma on command, how to read people, body language, charisma breakdown, charisma, self improvement, self help, self development, eye contact, communication, personal development, how to, read anyone, mind control, nlp, face reading, conversational hypnosis, dating, covert hypnosis, hypnosis, attraction, seduction, neuro linguistic programming, Richard Bandler, Tony Robbins, psychological tricks, success
Id: MIllrWugvRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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