Miracles & Aimee Semple-McPherson | Nancy Dufresne

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Oh father we thank you tonight we thank you for your ability that we're not left to live this life in our ability but it's by your might your power your spirit so we draw on that tonight we yield to that and father we thank you that we shall leave this place changed because of the difference your word and your spirit makes in our lives and we give you all the thanks and all the praise and everybody said you can be seated I I learned a long time ago never to get disturbed by when God wanted to change the direction of the service from the way I thought it would go because I've just learned it's better to when you approach it with faith you can just take your hands off the service quit trying to control it and just let him do what he wants to do and because of having been you know raised up under my husband's ministry who was so IRA's minister was so earmarked by the move of the Spirit and so many times over the years that he would be introduced while they're introducing him he had turned to me and saying you're preaching tonight and so you learned you better dip down real quick amen and that's really where the richest flow is is when you dip down you know my dad was a cotton and wheat farmer and I was talking to him one day just a couple years ago about his land and he was telling me the story of how he had acquired some of the land and he said I asked him if he still owned all the land that he had acquired or if he'd sold part of it offer and he said yeah I sold off some land but I kept the mineral rights the water rights he said I kept everything under the ground and he said I never bought land unless I could get what was under it I didn't just want the dirt on top he said I wanted what was under it because that's where you know in Oklahoma there could be oil and other things and water rights were huge things to farmers and even if he didn't own the land he could control the water on the water rights of land and others had to come to him for water so he didn't even have to own the land to be able to have an income you see because it was when you would dip down there was a another flow that the that the surface didn't hold well even so in the things of the Spirit there's another flow that your flesh doesn't hold your emotions don't hold your mind don't hold just didn't hold it and so you learn that the richest flow is when you dip down and I have a sermon called dipping down into the dipping down and and I would have that phrase often spoken to me by Ed because you know you would just get down because you had to to keep pace with what he was doing or what God was doing in a service and so I just encourage those of you who do minister and had that opportunity to stand behind the pulpit don't get frightened by or don't let your flesh get in the way of any change because it's because there's another bitter flow for the service a deeper flow for the service and you say well I don't know what it is well evidently you don't have to know what it is for it to come to pass he lets you know the part you need to know and if you don't oh it's because if you'll just do the part you know he knows the other part amen so it doesn't really concern me when he changes it at all but we do have to take the time to follow him in us in a service because I was just going to teach a certain direction tonight but listen you didn't come for what I have we came for what he has [Music] amen and so we want to make sure that we just all cooperate with that right and make a draw on that make a draw on that father we thank you tonight we thank you for that anointing we thank you that every single one of us are carriers of your anointing that anointing is in us to do a work and we refuse to live our lives without drawing on it so we purpose father to better draw on that which is within us to give attention to it because as we give attention to it that's when it will flow and we thank you Father for what you have in this service and father we're hungry for it we're ready for it and we're reaching for what this what this flow brings us tonight and we give you thanks and everybody said in Isaiah chapter 10 and verse 27 it says and it shall come to pass in that day don't you like the the certainty and their surety of these words and it shall come to pass and it shall come to pass in that day that his burdens shall be taken away from off thy shoulder and his yoke from off thy neck and the yoke shall be destroyed the yoke shall be destroyed it shall there's absolutely no question about it shall be destroyed because of the anointing so we value the anointing amen and because it's the anointing that destroys that which God has made you free from as I was sitting up there God began to tell me to rehearse some things and talk to you some of these things of course I've shared before and some of you have heard them before but we have to repeat these things over and over I'm so glad that these have been services of repetition I am so thankful for that because when God is wanting to work something particular he says it over and over and over and it helps us gain clarity of what he's endeavoring to work so pay attention to the repetition that comes out of your pastors pulpit too because it means that there's something that that holds for us that we wouldn't reach for without that repetition but he wanted me to tell some stories tonight of different miracles and things because he's wanting us to begin to have an appetite you know an appetite has to be stirred up how many times I have said to myself I am NOT going to eat desserts during the conference until this morning I walked in and they had a bowl of kettle corn sitting in the green room and it's like I haven't had breakfast yet that looks like breakfast to me and what you weren't even thinking about all of a sudden you gotta have a nanny cake and I just we excuse me but we finished the whole bowl it was her first time to have kettle corn and she agreed that it was the flow of mana yeah we ate I say we because I'm trying to deflect the blame the ho Bowl didn't intend to until somebody put it in front of me so tonight God's wanting to put some things in front of us so that we'll reach into it reach into it amen and so how about we maybe eat tonight what we didn't even maybe consider so God wanted me to tell some of these things because it stirs our faith it gets us to where we say you know what there's more and I'm going to extend my reach for it because sometimes we comfortably reach but sometimes we need to uncomfortably reach haven't you ever uncomfortably reached Edie used to talk about this it was comical and you know sometimes I know exactly what he was talking about when he said I know it's time to go on a diet when I lose my breath tying my shoes that you reach over and there's something in the way you couldn't reach as far as you could before and it's uncomfortable yet you ultimately get it done but it's uncomfortable in the reach well God wants us to reach past the comfort of the mind and the past the comfort of what we have known what we're familiar with so how about we start just reach within what's comfortable but we say wait a minute there's so much more and I'm going to put this stretch on it amen we were talking about it today at lunch pastor graves I don't I don't know what he said that brought it up but something to that effect and we were talking about the time when Ed and I had gone with dr. Roy Hicks to see Angeles Temple now Angeles temple is any simple Macpherson's Church that she built she built it in 1921 and started it she finished it in 1923 completely paid cash for it as she went one of the things that I have continually reminded myself of is something that she said to her contractor because she had $5,000 in cash after she got the property and she went to him and she said I have $5,000 in cash what will that get me and he said that will dig the hole because sometimes we want to get it all before we start moving towards something but faith doesn't need it all it only needs a word and so she went to him with what she had to get started know this go with what you have and get started go with what you have and get started don't go thinking about what you don't have because if you think about what you don't have you won't ever go and get started you'll wait for things to show up you don't have to wait for things to show up all you need is did God say it amen and know when the timing is of that that it's to it's to be moved upon it's his timing that we move by not bought not income we don't we're led by the spirit we're not led by the price we're not led by convenience we're not led by ease were led by the spirit and so she had this $5,000 that she took to her contractor and said what will this buy me he said that'll dig the hole the statement that she made that I love she said you dig the hole and God will fill it up and I see it as my job to be a hole digger give places for God to fill up that's my job have enough faith to start a hole and he has the power to fill it up amen and so she started that in 1921 it was finished in 1923 the building seated I believe fifty four hundred and it was the largest freestanding dome in the United States when she built it she didn't intend that when she started building it to it for it to become as lavish as it did but the supply kept coming and the direction kept coming and so it became a fabulous building and really is still stands out as a wonderful building so she filled it three times a day for the first six months because the revival was on so you're looking at well over 15,000 people a day coming to her church because the revival was on you see and so dr. Hicks was part of the Foursquare denomination as a young man him and Margaret Hicks his wife they were part of her church they were alive when she was the pastor their sister Amy performed their wedding ceremony and so he taught he got to tell us some more insightful things about her and then of course he and sister sister Hicks went as students to Life Bible College which was her Bible school that she had there Angeles Temple and so she would share stories with the students that maybe weren't so public or weren't recorded and you know people today if we think about some of the most publicized ministers that we would hear about they they're not near as publicized as she was and across the top of newspaper headings you know where they would have maybe New York Times they would had their newspaper name they would put above that Amy's back when she would come to their city because everyone knew of who she was in fact the home that God gave me you know was her vacation home here in Lake Elsinore that I'm in now and the men that bought that that entire area of land bought it to develop it they wanted it to become a resort area for the Hollywood people and so to get interest and get it promoted they thought and I tell you this to let you know the magnitude of of her notoriety they thought if we can get someone out here that is famous it will cause other famous people to come so they thought the cleveland realty company thought who is the most famous celebrity in Hollywood and they all agreed it was Amy simple McPherson and they donated or offered to her let her to lots and asked her if we donate these to you will you build a home and she said yes and that home she ended up paying for the home but they donated the land so I say that to you that there was no one more popular in celebrity status than her and I remember watching years ago I was a teenager and there was a talk show on and the actor Anthony was being interviewed and he had he had had leading roles with many famous leading ladies of Hollywood in movies and this interviewer asked him who was the greatest actress you ever worked with because he had worked with all the big names and he said the greatest one I ever worked with was Aimee Semple McPherson well he didn't mean in the movies but he was one of the band members when he in in the band there at her church he was part of her church as a young boy when the depression was on and the Mexican people that were here in the States from Mexico and they had come over to work the lands and there was no job there was and the government would not feed them because they were not citizens and so sister Amy took truckloads of food out to their camps where they were at and she would preach the gospel and feed him and people would say to her don't you know that they're not citizens you're not supposed to be feeding them she said all I know is they're hungry and so if they're hungry I'll feed them she didn't really care about citizenship and all that she just knew that there were people that were hungry and so what she did she took Anthony Quinn he said one day he was sitting in the band rehearsing and he said he felt the power of God behind him tangibly he turned around and sister Amy was standing there and spot and then tapped him on the shoulder and said I need you to come with me to be an interpreter and so she went out to the camp where all these Mexicans were and she preached and he was her interpreter as a 16 year old boy he interpreted for her and he said she was the greatest actress I'd ever been around we'll see he didn't understand this thing of anointing what he was really saying was there was an anointing and ability of power about her that the others didn't Isaiah and she told him she said you know you're called to preach well he to my knowledge never did that but you know anyway yeah so I tell you that to let you know how well-known she was and I and when I heard him in let interview when I was a teenager say that I never heard of her name but I always remembered it and so when I got saved several years later and heard of her of course then I remembered what he had said in that interview but when we were with dr. Hicks he we were walking through Angeles temple and he was telling us some stories that she had told either him or the students but they were not something that the media were not put in her books and he talked about he said whenever I was in any of her services he said I was never in any service without if there was a wheelchair in that service every wheelchair was emptied in any service that she conducted so she had an endowment to minister to those who had situations or difficulties that caused them to be in a wheelchair he said there was only one time that I ever saw a wheelchair unimpeded in one of her services and he said there were five wheelchairs sitting on the platform she had had them to bring them forward or sit coming up front rather and she went to the first one sitting in the wheelchair and said rise and walk in the name of Jesus and he said she said it in just a very normal conversational tone not a very dramatic bold way but just in a very conversational tone said rise and walk in the name of Jesus and that person got up and walked out that wheelchair she went to the second person and said rise and walk in the name of Jesus and that person got up and walked out she went to the third she went to the fourth and the same thing happened she stood in front of the fifth person she said rise and walk in the name of Jesus and the ladies sing in the chair said well I can't and sister Amy said neither could these other four but they did so she said rise and walk in the name of Jesus and this woman answered her back and said I can't you know it's not good to argue with the preacher because if they say something it's because they may know something you don't know and if you attach yourself to what they know you can get out of what you know and that's what really a preacher does we attach what we say to what God knows and so she said again to this fifth person sitting in the wheelchair rise and walk in the name of Jesus and again they argued you can argue yourself right out of a miracle you can argue yourself right out of the plan of God argue yourself right out of the will of God and she argued with her and she said I can't and this went on several times back and forth and finally sister and me said well then I have to walk off and leave you sitting there and too many times I that you think about it that's not just what she would have had to say that's what Jesus would have had to say that I have to walk off and leave you sitting there and so he told us another story that she told sister Amy got married to Robert simple that was her first husband when she was about 18 years old she married him he always was had it in his heart that he was to be a missionary to China he made a bit of a mistake that she even recorded in her book I don't she didn't record it as a mistake but as you read it you can see that the mistake of it but he used to make the statement to her wouldn't it be wonderful to go to China and be a martyr for Jesus well you can't you don't want to romanticize something like that and make it sound grand because you know you don't have to be the sacrifice that he is you don't have to die for him live for him yeah and so but he had made these romantic type statements in his zeal for what he felt like he was called to do was to be a missionary to China so they had they before they went to China they were traveling after they had gotten married here in the United States and they would minister and with these offerings is how they were going to be able to travel there and set up a home there and begin their ministry there in China and so Roberts simple was the one that had first preached to her about being filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues she got filled with the Holy Ghost under his ministry and then a relationship developed between the two of them and they were married so he was really the preacher of the family when they first began and as they would travel there was a there were a few times that they would have her to come and preach they would ask her to do morning meetings and so because she was new in all this she relied heavily upon the Spirit of God because she did not have notebooks full of sermons to draw from and so you know and in that era that time there was great emphasis on being filled with the spirit speaking in other tongues and following the Holy Spirit there was great emphasis on that so she was being trained under that float and so dr. Hicks said that she told the story that when she was around 19 years old because this would have been right before they went to China that Robert simple was conducting a conducting a crusade in a certain city and the pastor asked sister Amy he said I want you to do the service in the morning because she wasn't scheduled to but he asked her to and so when she got to the service she began of course she had spent time before the service waiting on God and when she got to service the Spirit of God spoke to her and said I want to perform a creative miracle this morning and so she said to the people exactly what the Spirit of God said to her God wants to perform a creative miracle this morning well a creative miracle will be in the order he's going to create something right and so she gave that call and no one came forward and she kept giving the call and no one came forward and she did something right just because not having this wealth of experience preaching behind her she didn't try to pull out a sermon she just stayed with what the spirit said and she said well if he wants to perform a creative miracle I can't do something else so she sat down on the steps that lead up that led up there to the platform and she said well let's just worship the Lord so they just worshiped the Lord and she kept calling and there were about 50 people in the service that morning and no one came forward so after about 30 minutes of them sitting there worshiping the Lord a man from the very back row got up and he's carrying a blanket and he comes to the front and he hands it to her and says I know you are calling for a creative miracle I didn't know if you meant this much of a creative miracle and she was sitting there on the steps and she took that blanket laid it on her lap and pulled the the folds of that blanket back and there was a completely undeveloped baby I don't know the age of it but the head was deformed it wasn't rounded as it ought to be it was misshaped there were no eyeballs in the sockets the eyelids were completely closed there was there were just vacant places there there were no arms and legs there were just flippers forearms flippers four legs I don't know if you've ever seen a person that had had that and so when she saw that she just said Jesus you're such a wonderful healer because you know you can't do anything about this you've been calling for 30 minutes and this is what you get you know and so she just began to worship Jesus for being such a wonderful healer and after about another 20 to 30 minutes she said she saw what seemed to be invisible fingers take and reshape that head like it was a ball of clay right in front of her she said the entire shape of the head changed it was like clay being worked right in front of her and then she saw what appeared to be whirlpools form and go right into the eye sockets and eyeballs formed and they just kept worshiping Jesus and then an arm popped out and they worshiped Jesus and another arm popped out and then a leg another leg and she said after 30 minutes of worshipping God now see they had worshiped for 30 minutes before he came up another 30 minutes of worshipping God and she handed that baby back to that man completely hope because God wanted to perform a creative miracle amen so we need to hear about these things and rehearse these things in the book of Psalms so much of Psalms is a rehearsal of what God had done why are they rehearsed so that people who read them may know what God wants to do and what he will do so that's why God wanted me to tell some of these things because now we can see if we could say this a direction sign in the spirit of what way to go amen and so in telling that God wants us to start reaching for some things I said he wants us to start reaching for some things amen how many of you know that's the time we're living in [Music] miracles that belong to this flow to this era we had a woman in her husband that came to our church in the early 1990s and they were part of our congregation for 10 years before they both went home to be with the Lord they were in their 80s when they came they were 80 years old both of them when they came they both died when they were 90 but the woman was a soloist that had traveled with sister Amy they were part of Life Bible school and so we I got to spend quite a lot of time talking to her at one point I interviewed her for an hour and a half just asking her about some things regarding sister Amy's ministry and we had some of our leaders over at the house one day and this woman was there and so one of our congregation members asked her said to what do you attribute sister Amy success and she said three things without reserve without hesitation she immediately said there's three things she number one she knew what she was called to number two she gave herself completely to what she was called to and then I liked the third thing that she said she said number three it was time you know in the plan of God there's times of refreshing there's times that certain things are assigned to happen but we have to know the times to flow without to flow with that and so she was on the scene at a time that it was so important to what God was doing in that era and to give you a bit of when we talk about the success of sister Amy somebody where I was was listening to a tape years ago of dad Hagen and I only heard him say this once I don't even remember which tape it was on what the title of it was but he said if you took all the healing ministers of the healing revival Oral Roberts William Branham hey Alan Jack Coe and he went on and listed some of them and they they they ministered to thousands and thousands of thousands of people and he said if you totaled all of their miracles together he said they would not total half the number she had alone in her ministry that's what dad Hagin made the statement of saying now that's a whole heap of miracles and down in San Diego is Balboa Park she had a three-day crusade down there she had so many people coming that she had to put out the stipulation that you had to be sick to even get in you could not just come because you were wanted to attend you had to be sick to get in or you had to be at in an attendant to someone who was sick and so there were 30,000 people that came each day she did not line them up like we would do she would take them one at a time pull them on the platform they would line up to the side and she would take them one at a time and find out what was the matter with him and pray for them at seven o'clock one morning she was supposed to have the meeting that was supposed to start at 10:00 a.m. there was a knock on her hotel room door at 7 a.m. that morning and it was policeman that said we have a problem because the traffic is so jammed up for miles in any direction we we can't get the people in you're going to have to come down and do something about this so she started the the meeting that morning at 8 o'clock instead of 10 and there were so many people that the policeman had to pass her overhead to get her through the crowd there was no room to walk they just picked her up and passed her and that's how she got in now we're talking about hunger we're talking about desire right and we're talking cards you know that were that everything blocked the streets they just couldn't get in and so she stood starting at 8 a.m. and ministered to the people one at a time and would stand there till 10 o'clock that night they said she would take off her shoe during it and pour water out of her shoes because of the sweat just standing there hour after hour they said there were several times she fainted collapsed and then she would revive and go at it again after three days of this they hauled away truckloads of wheelchairs crutches stretchers and that's listen what God is doing in this area is exactly what he did in other eras only more only more jesus said the works that I do shall you do also in other words he's not doing something different he's done what he's always done just more because the works that I do show you do and greater so that's the more amen and so this is this is the kind of flow that was operating now I know that Edie would say when we would go to services he would ask for the last I would say maybe four to five years he would ask in most congregations that he went to he would say who in here has ever seen a body part that was missing grow back on he said now he said it's it's of course a miracle sometimes somebody's back can be misaligned and you can see that God have ministered to them and that leg will grow but he said that leg was there it wasn't missing he said I'm not talking about that he says I'm talking about a body part that was missing and it grew on and in all those churches of all those years no one had seen it and so Ed said well I haven't seen it either but he said we want to and we have a right to every generation has a right to see the demonstrated power of God amen well about two years ago now I was having a meeting in Kansas and we had finished the last service and we were getting ready to get up that morning and catch a flight but that night before we were to leave I had a dream and in the dream I was in a big warehouse I would say it was about twice the size of this room there was nothing in the warehouse and I was standing back over to this side toward the back of the room and there was an elderly man an older man I would say 75 to 80 somewhere around there and not a man that I was familiar with I never seen a picture of this man or anything but when I saw the man I knew he was someone who walked with God that's just all I knew about him in that dream and in the dream he was standing back by by me and then he started walking so I followed him and we walked to the middle of the room and there was just wanna chair just sitting right in the middle of that big room and when we got up to it I saw the backs the back of a man sitting in that chair and then we walked around from behind him and like hey we came up on pastor Noel and then we walked around and when I got to the front then I saw the condition of the man the man had no lower legs and his well he had leg below his knees but it rounded off right above the ankle both feet I didn't know if he was born that way I didn't know if there was an accident that had caused him to have his feet removed or while and nothing was said this elderly man did not talk to me no one said anything to any the three of us there was no conversation but the elderly man walked over and stooped down just squatted down in front of this man and took those stumps in his hands and he just spoke and it I heard what he said just almost like it was in a distance because it wasn't the prayer God was wanting me to hear he just spoke but the thing that stood out to me that when he got done praying he didn't just let go of it of his legs to fall back down but the man took his legs as if this was you know the minute they were down like this he pulled him up like this and then after he got done he didn't just let him fall he held them in his hands and he planted them ah and I go he expected something to be there he didn't just drop it and see what's gonna happen let's see if something happens there was a total assurance that something was going to be different and he planted just like a just and when he did I saw something of course that I had never seen before and I watched that man's ankle and foot grow and it wasn't anything like you would maybe see in a movie when they do these deformity type things you know you see the whole top thing and I you know I remember on TV they used to have the Hulk show that's all I ever remember because I don't I don't really care for superhero movies stuff they're not real super to me and they're liking some super and and and so but you can see them it's almost like they bulge and you know they break out of their shirt and it's almost almost like a grotesque type transformation it wasn't any of that it was the the thing that stunned me so much was how elegant it was how graceful that action of the the ankles of the feet being created it just flowed and it was beautiful to watch it wasn't a contortionist looking thing like you know try something trying to be worked or blump bones and moving under the skin it wasn't a that it was just a smooth graceful elegant flow and it stopped right at the toes and then there was a pause from maybe one or two seconds and then that elegant move continued and the toes grew on and I stood there and I go and that was what I was struck by the elegance of it you know when someone is skillful they're elegant in their movement yeah haven't you ever seen a an athlete I mean that they're so skillful I mean sometimes you can have you can watch some runners they just have a certain stride there's a certain flow there's a beauty in the way they execute because of their skill level you know and this is what I saw this is what I got to watch and when I woke as soon as I woke up anytime God gives me a dream as soon as I wake up he talks to me about it and what he said to me was this scripture repeating what Jesus said only here I only say what I hear my father say I only do what I see my father do and God spoke to me and said because your generation has not seen this no man can show it to you because nothing no you haven't been around someone who has seen this so he said I had to show it to you so I could do it because you can't do it if you don't see it Jesus said I only do what I see no one can do what they haven't seen and if you haven't seen man do it you're gonna have to get with God and see God do it and that's what Jesus would do because there was no man doing what Jesus was doing right or what God was doing through Jesus there was no one doing it so God would show it to him then he would go out among the multitude and work it yes he had to see it first and I believe in God to help us see more things dad Hagen would call talk about the spirit of seeing and knowing that we're coming into that amen well I say that because now we know the flow that God wants to do in this era amen and we have to talk about them and we have to reach for them so that we can say that we don't want anything of what God has in this era to be lost just because we didn't know it was available amen praise the Lord well let's worship the Lord father we thank you we thank you tonight for your power we thank you Father for your anointing that destroys the yoke and father we believe we choose to believe we choose to believe in the supernatural we choose to believe in the miracle flow we choose to believe all that this era holds we give you thanks so we give you glory and father we purpose to flow with it just reach up your hands and let's worship Him tonight father we've we worship you we glorify you we magnify you we give you thanks we thank you Father we thank you Father Master kya the bezdikian master Chi at the poker table for Chiquitita taking a master at the portugee keke a master Chi addabbo Chicago a master Chi ash - cocoa Yoda - Kiki oh thank you Father we thank you Father we thank you Father we thank you Father we thank you Father now you can always tell when and my husband taught us this those of us those ministers of us who got to be with him in the back rooms and things he would say you can always tell when Jesus is in a service because of the weightiness of the atmosphere changes you can tell the weightiness of the anointing so he's here to minister amen hallelujah father we thank you we thank you pastor graves if you would just get up and stand it right there and just hold out your hand and you don't move back about one foot will keep right right there move that right no that was too far right there that's it you say why I don't know you just know that's where to be just reach your hands out Jesus has something for you Jesus we thank you we thank you we thank you for it we thank you for that impartation of miracles and healing power for this era for his life and ministry pastor Noel stand right there right right where his feet are go to right the side of him and put your toes right where his feet are right right yeah move over about six inches right there hold out your hands right there and receive what Jesus has for you Pastor Ruby right there right where his feet end just stand to the side of him then turn around and face me right there just hold out your hands and receive we thank you Jesus we thank you Jesus brother les stand up right there right there receive that help physically or see that receive that we thank your father Tiffany come here love just stand right back there by pastor Noelle's feet right there hold out your hands that that miracle ministry Tiffany shall flow it's time for you to come into some things that that had been passed to you we thank you Father we thank your father and there will be a rescue for your entire family because of your obedience I tell you it matters that your obedience can reach out as a safety net under your family amen we thank you Father we thank you brother Josh stand right next to where Tiffany's feet are there is a grace coming on you for for your assignment we thank you Father we thank you Father pastor Wan right here right where that concrete edge is I think you can see it right put your toes on that yeah hold out your hands now comes the assignment for the next leg of your race and the anointing and the grace to pick up the pace nothing lost nothing is lost this received that what he has for you we thank you Father we thank you for it father just stand there let that work past her just keep your hands out let that work receive that into your spirit receive that into your spirit I so appreciate something dad Hagin said one time oh my goodness that helped it I refer back to it so often he talked he was preaching and right in the middle of his preaching he stopped and he spoke in tongues and he said I received that father I received that and then he took a moment and he explained and he said God just said something to me he says I don't understand what he said but I still received it with my spirit and that was so instructional there are things that you can receive with your spirit that your mind cannot calculate your mind cannot compute because it has to go through your spirit first before your mind can ever receive it you know because it needs to come from your spirit up and enlighten your mind amen praise the Lord just keep standing there a pastor just keep staying there like this we thank you for it father we thank you for it father praise the Lord sister Pat can I ask you can you see would you stand right here because there's something added to the profits mantle upon you that you're going to flow in a greater degree of it we thank you for it father yeah come come up here brother Ken come up here yeah we thank you for it father thank you for it father just right there right where that concrete ends yet right there sister Pat just receive that Jesus we we thank you for thank you for it we thank you for it father oh my my the body of Christ needs that sister Pat the body of Christ needs that measure of the profits office flowing huh-huh maash Takaya DuBose Coco Coco yay sister Kendra come here love come stand right by where sister Pat was right there yeah Oh I thank you Father he's going to talk to you about your future in the plan and the purpose and the fulfilling of the call on your life uh-huh it's going to become clear to you because there's facets sister Kendra of what he has for you that you've not tapped into yet thank you Father thank you Father praise the Lord praise the Lord Mashti key key key brother Eric come here I want you to stand right here facing me it's in with your toes right there right there just hold out your hands in front of you receive restoration restoration we thank you for it father we thank you for thank your father sister Diana right right here right there back a little back about six inches about right come up come up a bit go right to your left about one foot over right there right there because your future is bright mm-hmm not passed over not passed over but he was if I could say this had you on reserve for a bit while he's working in you Pastor Heather right there just right there next to you right there receive that father we thank you revelation we thank you uh-huh thank you for it thank you for it father another degree of Revelation for her we think we thank you for it I'm sorry I don't is it sister Tiffany is that your sister's name amber yeah come here love sand right there right there exactly just hold up your hands receive what he has for your love he delights he delights up he one thing I was thinking about just a couple of days ago when the prodigal son came back the father ran he hadn't that prodigal son had not even said one word to the father yet but the father took off running I love the running mercies they run to meet us and when they reach us there's no condemnation in them no judgment just restoration God loves to run to those who just turn his way he loves to Amen sister Regina right over here that middle aisle yeah back up about right Brett no come forward right there right there a fresh another mantle coming on you another mantle so don't let your mind talk you out of it when he tells you to do something don't let your mind say I didn't know I didn't know you know surely you don't have that yes he does have that for you don't let your mind talk you out of it we thank you Father sister Chelsea stand up right next to the front leg a that's of your chair put your toe right right there receive that for your family Joseph had no idea when he was being carried off into slavery that it would become his family's rescue amen it was the rescue of a nation and didn't look like it so that's why we don't walk by what things look like because they slavery certainly did not look like deliverance but his slavery ended up being deliverance isn't that right it began with slavery but it ended up in the deliverance so of God's people from to rescue them in a time of famine amen we thank you Father we thank you Father we thank you Father Regina come your love right there right behind where that concrete starts right there move about four inches to your left touch more right there right there a revealing of your future your future coming very clear to you we thank you Father we thank you Father we thank you Jesus you say why do you have them the same in a certain place that's not I'm just doing what he says that's really not the important thing the important things just do what he says right sister Sharon right there go back go back go back a little bit now over to your left right there love restoration of all things that look to be lost master Gallia the best sticky key pastor Amy come here love right there we thank you Jesus forgive me I should know your name i ben de mer said so many times and burped yeah yeah yeah come here look yes love come here sister Donna come here you stand no move yeah right there my sister Donna you come over here right there back about 6 inches right there right there just hold out your hands and receive what he has for you love because of your faithfulness to your pastor in your local church divine funder he calls you a divine funder we thank you Father we thank you Father we thank you we thank you Father Rachelle sitting right there love back up back up right there right there we thank you Father miss amber right there baby back up about right there right there yeah okay go can I'll come back up and come back up stay planted right there because he's depositing something in you for your future we thank your father Sara come here love stand right there stop go to your left go to your left a little bit right there right there hold out your hands just receive what he has for you Claudine stand up love go stand right right right there put out your hands for for the mantle for the church and Sara that's part of what he has for your mantle the rest will come later is your faithful to prepare with this part then the rest comes later so you're the one that determines how quickly that comes the other part by how faithful you are to prepare with this part love right here right there move as close as you can't right there right there father we thank you for the right one don't settle for don't settle don't settle don't settle Lizzie stand up turn around and face your chair move up right there just reach out your hands and receive that hmm we thank you Father for that endowment huh that endowment that endowment we thank you for it father musta got a PhD Kiki Arina your mother's I'm sorry Ruth y'all come here love right out here right right next to sister Chelsea's chair for extended life extended life and when anything else tries to tell you different you say nope too late extended life has already been assigned to me too late nice tea keiki hmm pastor graves again right here I don't know what it is there's something more he has there's something mark mmm move over closer to her chair a little closer right there right there thank you okay help him back up Morgan c'mere love c'mere Morgenstein right here put your hand on my stomach now I want you to put your hand on her hand and deal with that that that healing anointing thank you pastor graves what endowments regarding healing does God work through you there are particular ones that you know of that where you get results knees okay anybody with knee conditions heart problems any condition with the lungs come up here thank you for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] am I on pastor graves there's an endowment that he's administered to administrated to you tonight four stomachs and digestive issues so anybody with that come up here and let him minister to you [Music] [Music] [Music] a pastor if that place doesn't receive you if it doesn't receive you and move with what God has it's okay if the candlestick moves you go with it because God I bless you and being where he tells you to be so it's up to how they respond it's up to how they respond amen you know what I'm talking about just he'll show you you'll know what to do how do you praise the Lord well let's just worship the Lord lift up your hands and worship Him [Music] pastor Debbie Simons you stand up go to about two feet in front of your chair that's too far that's too far go go back right there the mantel for the next phase comes upon you thank you for who is it that's been having problems with your feet you've been having severe problems with your feet stand up just right at your chair don't come forward to stand up at your chair there's one foot in particular that's been bothering you more than the other stand on that foot and lift up the other one just lift up the other one behind you and stand on hold on to the chair do whatever you have to but stand on that and receive that healing power just receive it thank you for there's somebody that there's been if I could say this way some kind of pressure around your middle around the abdomen that goes all the way around I don't know it seems to me almost like if somebody had a rope around your waist and kept tightening it and tightening it there's some kind of situation there does that describe somebody's whatever they've been dealing with does that describe yours ma'am over there yes right there where you're at just receive that and then if you've had if you have a lump in your breast it could be a cyst it could be benign or not benign I don't know but you've had lumps in your breast stand up raise up your hands receive that I speak to those lumps to dry up in Jesus name and you dissipate in Jesus name leave their bodies who is it that's been having a very severe throat condition that keeps recurring it's quite severe stand up to your feet who is that wave your hand at me so I can see you thank you Father where is there somebody over there I wear over here I speak to those throat conditions you'd be healed in Jesus name every bit of that leave leave your body in Jesus name that infection there's been an infection there I speak to that infection to dry up in Jesus name thank you who is it that you've been having problems in the ODE with your ovaries stand up to your feet something in the female organs are not it's not working right just raise up your hands and receive that healing I speak to those bodies to be healed speak to those ovaries to behold in Jesus name who is it that your sight in one eye seems to me you're losing your sight in one eye who is that several of you raise up your hands and I speak to those eyes to behold in Jesus name wholeness of sight in Jesus name sister autumn somebody would have to help me I'm not quite certain of the passage maybe somebody could tell me I wanted I want to say it's Psalms 92 but I could be wrong in that where it says those that are planted in the house the Lord shall be fat and flourishing your flourishing is connected to your planting so receive that instruction because that's where your flourishing is praise the Lord there's somebody else I don't know if it's your ovary or what maybe you didn't stand or respond but it seems like to me you've had pain in the right side around in the area where that ovary would be stand up if that's you I speak to that ovary to be whole I speak to that pain to leave in Jesus name every bit of it go somebody's been having problems with the arches of your feet seems like to me it's like fallen arches who is that raise up your hands and just receive healing for that in Jesus name speak to those feet to be whole somebody's had a some kind of a difficulty that's running down the right side of your neck I don't know if it's some muscle spasms or what something said you know I know straight up your hands and receive that love I speak that to be whole in Jesus name receive that healing in your neck in Jesus name who is it that you've had pains that come up in the back of the neck and it travels the neck gets tight and then that pain comes up and on the top of your head yeah just raise up your hands and receive that I speak to every bit of that leave their bodies in Jesus name [Music] somebody you've had a some kind of situation that runs across the Mira Morgan it runs across the top part of the shoulder from side to side just like that it's almost like if somebody were to strap a bar like a hard stick across there and put pressure on it I don't know if it's the muscles do something there or what but it's a real very painful tightening that happens there it affects your mobility there you go I speak to every bit of that you leave their bodies in Jesus name who is it that has the knee problem it's almost it almost makes you where you can't even walk that knee is in such a condition who is that stand to your feet I don't I don't know the word for it it's almost like something is disintegrated in there so you're missing something now it's been so broken down that's I don't know quite the way to word it receive healing for that knee in Jesus name that behold thank you for [Music] somebody has problems in with your internal organs and it's more than one of them more than one of your organs is affected said she stand up something with your internal organs you say well that sounds real general but when Jesus said to the said when that woman touched and said who touched me it sounded real general she knew exactly who he was talking about I speak to those those organs to function in Jesus name be made whole restored father I thank you for the Angels that bring bring bring spare body parts for them thank you just lift your hands right where you're sitting let's worship Him Jesus we thank you we thank you Jesus we thank you Jesus we thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus we worship you we praise you we thank you Jesus we thank you Jesus we thank you we thank you we thank you [Music] we praise you we praise you we praise thank you Jesus thank you Jesus you are worthy to be raised [Music] you you are worthy to be brave we give you we worship you you are worthy to read [Music] we worship You Lord you are worthy to lead [Music] you are worthy to be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah what a wonderful Savior what a wonderful Savior we have he's our Savior Mikey he's my deliverer he is everything amen well I would like to invite you if you would like to stay uh sure just keep the sanctuary doors closed if you would like to stay for a little bit longer you're welcome to and to spend time in the presence of God if not if you need to go we understand we love you thank you ladies for coming what a wonderful set of meetings we received so much wonderful instruction for us to take home and to revisit and rehearse amen and the impartation tonight know this that even if you didn't get called out even if Pastor Dan C didn't call you out there was still that present here that you can receive amen you just reach out and take what you need amen by faith by faith you believe you receive in the presence of the Lord amen so you can fellowship take time turn to somebody before you dismiss tell them you love them but if you'd like to state your seat you are more than welcome to and we love y'all have a wonderful trip home those of you who visited and good night everyone thank you for coming to the ladies conference here at world Harvest Church Dufresne ministries we will see y'all next time [Music]
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 34,984
Rating: 4.7610788 out of 5
Id: yNfl_ymaX2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 0sec (6480 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2017
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