Healing Service // Pastor Nancy Dufresne // August 4, 2021 PM

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i am so grateful to have pastor nancy with us we um for 18 years she's been coming to this congregation and uh um there's no replacing her there's no there's just no i don't i don't know of any gift in the body of christ like the supply she is to our lives amen let's just lift our hands and thank god for the gift inside of pastor nancy as she comes come pastor nancy hallelujah jesus we glorify you tonight we magnify you we glorify and give honor to your name father we thank you for the greatness of your plan and in that plan it contains gifts that jesus gave to the church thank you for these precious pastors that are here other ministers that stand in different offices we value those gifts no one blesses our lives like those who bring us the word those who preachers bless our lives in a very particular way ministers bless our lives but father we thank you for the blessing of the family [Music] join heirs co-laborers and i thank you for this precious congregation and those who came to be a part of this congregation this week and father i appreciate the part they have in the body it's it's so so important the part they bring and we thank you [Music] we thank you for our brethren how we love one another we prize and value one another we are so grateful for those who love what we love honor what we honor hold to what we hold to and we thank you father we're looking to you tonight for change we're changed from glory to glory so we're looking for the change you offer us thank you for that and we take it we change in our thinking we come up we change to come up in our believing in our doing in our saying and we thank you that divine changes that you offer us bring daily help and we thank you for your word we give you glory and honor and praise and everybody said amen turn around and give somebody around you great big god bless you then you can be seated tonight [Music] hallelujah we uh we have some items over at the book table um this one by my husband how to flow with anointings and mantles you know when someone has an anointing it's for an anointing upon their life it's so so it can make a difference in yours but you have to respond to that and receive of that and it's not enough that it be present in the room you have to know how to draw on it and uh we receive to the measure we draw amen and put a demand on that so how to flow with the anointings and mantles that's out there and then we have these books and their companion books together a sound discipline mind and living peace living free from worry how many of you know we're authorized to never worry again and not only that we're not only authorized we're commanded not to do it matthew 6 25 you said take no thought for your life and uh how many of you know worries a sin it's not just an option it's a sin why because jesus said not to do it and anything he says not to do and we do it becomes a sin so uh treat it that way in your life and when you do you'll treat it as you treat other sins you resist it you resist it and so we teach you to be skillful in your thought life because uh that's satan's arena and you have to be masterful you're authorized because he's been defeated be master amen then this one a good balance to keep people sound in their understanding of faith knowing your measure of faith knowing your measure of faith faith is measurable your faith measure should grow to all of us romans 12 talks about this that god has given unto us the measure of faith well what is that that's not the only measure we can ever have that's the beginning measure he gives to everyone the beginning measure and then we can grow that measure because the bible talks about different measures of faith and so uh when you operate within your measure of faith the holy spirit will never lead you beyond your measure of faith now the devil would love to push you out there because beyond your measure of faith is failure beyond your measure of faith is failure and that's why the devil would love to um compel you drive you to get beyond your measure but the holy spirit will always counsel you and lead you within your measure and so we teach you knowing your measure of faith and how to how to measure the your faith level today very it's very easy to do but if you don't know how to do it um you put yourself at risk in your faith life and then we have this worship and uh this is something that god said to me about picking up some of the things that he said to brother norvel hayes i didn't re-preach his sermons but i did spotlight what god said to him and because we don't want that lost just because the man left and so those things are out there and they'll be a blessing to you amen hallelujah you're believing with me tonight for utterance you know when you get a lot in your heart you have to make sure the right things come out and we're believing that tonight amen psalms chapter 8 let's begin there this has been something that god directed me to if i could say it um direction and so uh we're glad to do it because there's more light when god wants us to emphasize something it's because there's more light there's more light in it so uh psalms chapter eight hallelujah father we worship you just lift up your hands we worship you we worship you we glorify you that healing anointing is tangible in my hands so let's go ahead and let me just follow that for a moment before we go any further we could wait till the end but you want to you want to do it when it's in manifestation right father we thank you we thank you if i could ask everyone just stand up i know you've been standing and sitting throughout the night but let's uh let's let's cooperate with uh what what god is offering us and provided for us father we thank you we thank you jesus you're such a wonderful healer how you long for all of your children to walk in health yes jesus it cost you everything so that we could walk free from that which harms that which robs and so we receive tonight we've come to believe and receive i thank you so there's knees being healed right now somebody's knees so what i want you to do if that applies to you pick up your knees bend them squat do something that would have been a difficulty why we're not checking to see if it worked we're giving action to the anointing amen faith is an act yes how do you keep the devil from stealing because when a word comes remember how the seed sown the devil comes immediately to steal it how do you keep him from stealing act on it act on that word put in motion in your life and uh he can't steal it so whenever whenever the anointing comes into place to bless act on it amen hallelujah we thank you father we thank you those with uh heart conditions you've been diagnosed with some kind of heart condition come up here and we'll minister to you high blood pressure anything to do with the heart come up here we'll minister to you there's an endowment on us to minister to those with heart conditions and uh if need be angels will cooperate with that healing power amen they can bring parts and they can adjust things in the body if that's what's needed they're ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who are heirs of salvation amen congregation reach your hands out this way it matters to us it matters to us that these people receive what they need it matters to us amen just because it's not us standing up front we are one body and it matters to us we're interested in their well-being we thank you father we thank you that heart be whole in jesus name ah just take that in love there there it flows ah my shakya oh we thank you jesus we thank you jesus ah there it flows in we thank you jesus hut heart healed in jesus name at heart in jesus name we thank you father my son uh yeah there's an angel working on you love working on you mm-hmm adjusting some other things with the body too [Music] um mmm what's going on can you tell me yeah my sticky key is my sticky my sticky um oh thank you father thank you jesus hmm i hear these words mercy healing we know healing is a mercy but i just hear this phrase mercy healing and he's going to talk to you about some others and things for you personally about your health and isn't he so good to do that yes uh because he wants us whole he wants us all so uh just do what he tells you yeah he makes it so easy for us doesn't he just he helps us in that he's so good he's so good father i thank you i think thank you um no more no more i arrest that thing that aborted that that assignment aboard aborted in jesus name hmm [Music] um behold in jesus name i still got behold in jesus name be whole in jesus name what do you do for a living a dental technician dental tv yeah praise the lord hallelujah we thank you father hallelujah ah be whole in jesus name oh in jesus name holy in jesus name [Music] i thank you father for extended years extended years extended life and if anything shows up that challenges that now you know what to say he's telling you what to say amen yeah take it all hallelujah thank you hallelujah i stick ashtiki we thank you father hallelujah we thank you father we thank you we thank you uh stop that assignment that assignment aborted in jesus name ah you you desist in your maneuvers against her body in jesus name against her life we thank you we thank you father we thank you father we thank you uh yeah we thank you father hallelujah oh we worship you jesus we worship you jesus jesus thank you so much thank you so much there are backs being adjusted right now some things that have been misaligned in your back move it around do something things out of place they're adjusted now move that around do something that you couldn't do that might have been limiting or caused difficulty hallelujah we thank you oh we thank you ears ears being healed right now ears being healed ears being healed my pachaka if you'll check it out you'll realize ears being healed my um yes yes hi stepping yeah i remember those words yeah i remember them 35 years ago stepping in that yeah yeah i thank you for it's time i thank you for it [Music] yes yes i remember that night i remember those words how to say that of what you're wanting how how you're wanting to move with healing power in waves waves waves waves of healing waves of healing in the services yeah yeah and we give place to that flow we acknowledge we acknowledge that is your plan and we respond to it we'll not just assume it's done a certain way but there's a new demonstration of healing power a way of a way of it being ministered to the people in ways ah yes we thank you we thank you in this section anybody who needs healing just lift up your hands just lift up your hands just lift up your hands because every movement of god has to be responded to every move he makes in a service has to be responded to and the more we respond quiet the mind just quiet the mind and hook up to your heart i thank you father for healing waves healing waves ah [Laughter] healing waves ah healing waves ah one right after the other father we thank you we thank you hmm oh and i thank you you know if you go to uh if you go to the beach and you see the way the way waves roll they have a pace the pace changes due to conditions sometimes they come in larger or smaller faster or slower god's not limited to a pace like that and i've never heard this before he just said to me a way that will stay with one person and just keep until the why because he's endeavoring to help him cooperate he won't just wave and pass him by he'll work with them for a while that way will just keep washing just keep now others who know how to yield and respond they can he can move in a quicker but for people who don't know how and they're learning that we're able to stay right there on them you may sense that that it just stays right there and just backs around and comes back around and comes back around and comes back around [Laughter] well you're no help [Music] okay there's healing in these waves there's healing in them this isn't just so people can feel something so they can receive something receive it receive it don't just go beyond enjoy it take it in to do a work don't don't stand against it some just try to stand there and let it kind of knock against them yield to it yield to it yet raise your hands in this section if you need well just we thank you father for waves waves waves waves of healing power [Music] measured [Music] now those of you if there was something in your body that you could tell you needed healing and there's some kind of movement you can make now give action to that maybe it was something that was a a joint limited or an arm or leg or something do something you couldn't do before that power is there to do a work hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah receive that waves waves waves waves that come and stay with us to minister ministering mashtiki meshtikikiye this section receive that receive that re reach up your hand every flow of god has to be responded to every flow receive that waves wait receive that receive that flow let it keep washing let it keep moving and enveloping rolling respond to it not from your mind with your heart we thank you father we thank you father my sticky sticky ah thank you we thank you father when i was uh when those i was ministering to those with heart conditions god said there is an endowment of healing i have for a pastor here for hearts meaning you'll start you're to minister under that endowment to those with heart conditions that's you pastor philip you know stand up just give me your hands just hold out your hands we we thank you father for that endowment we thank you father we thank you father praise the lord haha remember what pastor jay refreshed me in this ed used to say with that tangible anointing he said i could push it back into the congregation how far did he say he said only yeah only so far and i don't remember do you remember pastor noel how far he would say i i don't remember he would say i can i can get it to go that this wave is to get past that that it it's it's an it continues to roll interesting i've never talked about this or discussed it or thought about it that's just what comes out there was only so far that it would go with that one operation that it had but there's other operations other operations you know dad hagin made a statement he said in this last day in the last day revival he said there are going to be manifestations the way the holy ghost manifests it's in line with the word but it's not exampled in the word he said in ways we've never seen before and he said and people will reject it because they've never seen it before or they've never found a specific scripture but it's still the holy ghost because there's last day manifestations amen well when dad hagan said that i began preaching along that lines and this is what came out of my spirit about it is and dad hagin said this about jesus he said jesus did things there was no scriptural basis for i mean no no blind man had ever been healed ever until jesus under that anointing of the messiah and uh he said jesus did things there was no scriptural precedence for making clay out of spittle and putting it on people's eyes so the answer to that is this the bible is full of firsts that's our scriptural basis the bible is full of something happening first so who said all the firsts are spent now don't misunderstand me they will be in line with the truth of the word but it's scriptural for there to be firsts we're going to see it i said we're going to see it and we're going to recognize it in our spirits bearing witness with our spirits and accept and not dismiss because we figured it out praise the lord we worship you father we worship you father who in here can you tell something has changed in your body physically raise your hand stand up the ones who say i can already tell something has changed in my body physically stand up hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah stay standing if you would stay standing just yell out a few of the things what about you love my sinuses your sinus is clear praise the lord what about you i i'm able to praise him a little better better praise the lord that's a big deal what about you lord thank you digestive uh-huh your back freed up what was the matter with it you had pain running down both legs it was locked up and now now it's good how long have that been happening years how many years five years 10 years what 20. move it around could you do that that before do it fast again like that yeah praise the lord what about you um last two months uh-huh all the pain gone i'd say 95 95 of it's all gone praise the lord [Applause] [Music] in pain constant pain for two or three weeks i couldn't really twist it or move it uh-huh now you praise the lord what about you love you what about you my knees your knees what was the matter that's all right we got time you're supposed to have both knees replaced they're bone on bone uh-huh for months uh-huh yeah and did you say your back too or just your in your back it just i mean just the crutches and a cane and everyone's just messed up my back yeah there's just pain everywhere yeah so did you have pain tonight yes is there pain now give me a microphone these the the people who aren't able to be here personally come here love come here come here come here well i know i know i know you're on the worship team because we saw you everyone saw you coming up on crutches and so you were on the you were on crutches because you're bone on bone in both knees and you're they're you're lying are you scheduled for knee replacements you just need them i need them and because of that with your knees it's affected your back yes and you've had pain in those with your knees and back for how long my back for a very long time what's a very long time two years my whole life your whole life but it's gotten worse um but my knees my knees i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't sleep i couldn't do anything i have to sit all day with my knees up my legs up to get the swelling to go down yeah so too i couldn't dance i couldn't do any exercise or anything for months so praise god so tonight tonight earlier there was pain yes is there pain now in the knees no pain in the knees no pain with bone on bone there's pain there's a lot of pain a lot yes it's it's great suffering and the pain's all gone and she doesn't she means in church right right in church i i couldn't run i can't do anything so crazy no i would see you getting up on the platform and on the crutches i i saw the struggle of that all gone all gone praise god [Laughter] [Applause] hallelujah well sister we rejoice with you i mean that's a big deal to us it's a i know it's a big deal to you i know it's a big deal to you but it's a big deal to us [Applause] hallelujah you know you know something i so love is dad hagan walked up to a wheelchair section and won service and he spoke basically healing words to them and different ones would struggle to get up and maybe an usher would help them or a family member help them getting up and walking and doing something they couldn't do and i saw one get up and walk and they were struggling to walk and dad hagan went and walked by him and he walked along with him and he said the more you walk the more you can walk the more you walk the more you can walk so let's do some walking let's do some walking [Applause] now that's of a creative order yes because when something's missing you can't heal it it has to be recreated i know my brother had both knee replacements and ultimately he died prematurely as a result of complications from it so i am so grateful to say you shouldn't have done that satan you shouldn't have done that [Laughter] praise the lord you know this is not something you just pass over quickly and give a nod too do a squat baby do a squat yeah i can imagine say that again i haven't done a squat in two years i miss him come on ah oh [Applause] say again i don't want to sit down i don't want you to sit down yeah you know the church has been believing god with you yeah i i met with you recently ann and i did and it was a pretty dire situation but we've been thanking god yeah and i've been reminding god too but anyway but i knew you were coming by faith because there have been some services she hasn't been able to come and she had mentioned well you probably don't want me to get up on the stage and say i'm like we don't care yeah let them hold you up there i don't care that's part of you using your faith so if you you come on and and and and she i know you came by faith this week but i just wanted to to mention that because i'm so i'm so proud of you just for using your faith yeah that's right that's right so it is life and death what church you go to it's a matter of life and death what church you go to yeah yeah praise the lord i don't know i'm just not ready to quit this [Applause] that's what i was gonna do that's that's what i was going to say everybody [Laughter] come on come on [Applause] hallelujah it cost jesus everything so she could do squats seriously it cost her cost him everything so she could run and rejoice and dance and and fulfill what she's born for hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] praise the lord praise the lord [Applause] and what i love what i what i appreciate about this is us and the previous services got to see where you were and now we get to see where you're at hallelujah praise the lord and can i say it thank you to the local church for providing an atmosphere where where jesus can do this praise god this is not just a one isolated moment of happening it's years of creating an atmosphere and teaching people how to use their faith this this is so connected to so many things so many a lifestyle a lifestyle that this congregation conducts so praise god praise the lord for this congregation these pastors that have uh set the place yes hallelujah taught me taught me taught me they taught me and they taught me and they taught me and they were patient with me and they taught me some more yeah praise god i wouldn't be here if i hadn't sat in church but i listened and our part is showing up and how we show up how we show up praise well i'm so thrilled i'm just so thrilled i'm thrilled and and if any difficulty tries to come back mean and ugly mean and ugly no you don't no you don't know if you don't from here no you don't no hallelujah god bless you it's almost like you want the praise team to come back up and her walk back up with them without the crutches you know it's like [Applause] all right sit back down except for the ones who said they were healed and we haven't heard what god did we want to hear so in this section there were more standing what about you love my shins it felt like shin splint one leg two legs one leg just one and my ankles and your ankle you pop it all the time yeah praise the lord no pain no pain anybody else in this section yes love knees are better your knees are better you can bend and you couldn't before or with without pain right without pain this whole week they just really have been you could barely walk today at daycare but now no pain praise the lord what about you love your prayer say again migraines in what seizures your headaches gone did you come tonight and there was a headache a migraine tonight when you came that's suffering but jesus suffered so we don't have to suffer hallelujah that's [Applause] that's a big deal to us that you're not in pain that's a big deal to us no more seizures no more seizures hallelujah let's just do this real quick because the thing is that i i i don't want people online not to get to hear these precious stories so come up here real quick line up just over to the side everybody else standing that hasn't told us yet come up here and line up because i just want them to be able to hear online because can i tell you what your testimony will set the stage for another healing hallelujah hallelujah and uh i'm so glad jesus stopped his journey going to jairus's house to hear a testimony because she gave her testimony how many countless multitudes have been healed reading her testimony testimonies matter don't ever treat it light tell your testimony when uh paul stood before king agrippa he didn't bring any deep revelation he just told him his testimony i was on the road to damascus and a lot shone and brother we're off to the races when he started that why your testimony is is god's movement in your life past strike what about it i was playing with the kids i think i pulled a muscle on my shoulder and it's kind of like restricted but tonight and how long had that been uh think about a week uh-huh and limited movement then and now and now complete movement praise the lord [Applause] come here pastor what about you so my elbow is healed what was the matter with it you know it has a i have a lot of pain on my bone right right in my elbow yes but it's going everything yes but god heal me on this other elbow on one of your life programs i remember reading the testimony hearing the testimony you were watching online and this elbow was healed and tonight this elbow got here how long have you had problems or pain or difficulty with us uh probably all this year second oh this year all this year yes uh-huh yes and no more pain no more pain was it was it a consistent pain or was it just something that coming would come and go or just that movement consistent consistent consistent pain yes yes and it's all gone it's all going crazy that was worth the trip come here love i had um intermittent jaw discomfort it would lock and it would pop and lock and pop so was it tmj i haven't been but it behaves like it behaves like it yes ma'am and so then when the wave went through it loosened up and there was no popping so i'm like move you said give action continue with that wave so as i kept moving no popping no popping no sliding no popping there's lighting praise amen we got to be able to eat i know praise the lord hallelujah thank you love come here pastor okay i had a told knee replacement left you had a total knee replacement on the left yeah and then he said i needed a hip replacement well i've been standing and actually tonight and also this is a knee is bone to bone but i could do a squat for the first time i've had in five years i used to teach exercise you used to teach exercise classes so this is the first time in five years you could do a squat yes i believe god's going to replace it yeah praise the lord and it doesn't yeah so did you have pain in your head a pen and oh yeah in and the back it was causing sciatica and pain in the back and is there pain now no no pain i love it praise god hallelujah all right everybody stand up we doing it we're doing it come on we're doing it with her here we go again one more they're gonna have you going back to teaching those uh exercise classes aren't they sisters pastor i'm so glad you came i am too hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord and yes there there's a precious congregation member of hers that brought her along with her kids i tell you it matters what supply you bring to someone else's life it matters we're so glad you're here we love you pastor jackie we rejoice with you thank god we're in this company i thank god i'm in this company i love you i love you come here love tell me what was going on um my heart would race like really fast up to 130 145 and how long has that been going on since 27 years after 27 so now now we told the age i was tacky when um and then it just happens at off and on and then um last year started getting really really bad and pastor preached a sermon called faith indicators and before then every time it will happen i would look at my fitbit to see what my heart was sitting and then that night it was like going 1 35 1 45 and i was like no i'm going to church i'm going to church and that was the night he preached it good and that was the night i don't have a fitbit anymore yeah so um i just stopped looking and i started claiming so sometimes i can lay down and you it will skip a beat i can feel it skipping and i would tell it no yeah um but i've been doing squats you see i'm not no i i go to i go to yoga but yeah yeah i do things because that's the faith indicator sure so yeah like i even helped shovel snow yeah and i don't yeah just just to defy you sure to violate it yes and one day i even went outside and shoveled by myself and just yeah [Applause] her family's rejoicing we have a snow blower about just so you know just to say no yes just to give movement right and um praise the lord amen hallelujah we rejoice with you love come here love god um i was having pain um in my left leg like my muscles were spasming and kind of locking up on me all the way down into my foot my arch was kind of falling um and it just kind of melted away and how long has that been going on um a couple months now on and off was the pain continual or just would it come and go it would come and it would be there for you know maybe anywhere from like half an hour to several hours did you have pain tonight at all um i did up until up until you could feel it with the breathing yeah every time i breathed in i felt that that rib was out of place and now it's back in back in place praise the lord we rejoice come here love what about you what what was going on my sinuses my sinuses they cleared up i tell you breathing's important sister right now and your right knee you was sprained on sunday any pain in it now just a little bit just a little bit but it's better yes praise the lord we're so glad with you love we rejoice with you thank you what about you lo come up here um i've been having back issues for a while and i've taken authority over it um but the past couple weeks it's decided when to flare up and i had really severe soreness in my shoulders and my neck to the point where it was painful to carry bags but today like right after the waves hit it was like just a lot of that pain just kind of like lifted off and yeah so you had pain in the earlier part of the service and it's not there not as much no praise the lord thank you thank the lord come here sir hi what's going on well uh about six months ago i started getting little pains right in your heart area and i went to see the doctor a couple weeks back and they did an ekg and i gotta go back friday i'm looking forward to getting that spark back and getting a wonderful report because the anointing went in when i laid hands on you that anointing destroys yokes amen amen thank you we rejoice with you come here love you come here love you had shoulder pain for about two years and it's gone so could you have moved your shoulder like that before it was painful it was pain listen ladies we got to carry our purses [Applause] i'm telling you what about you love um i've had a limited lung function for many many years and we've been when you say many many what's that to you over 10 to 15 years and um it's 37 or lower and um tonight i was able to take the deepest breath i've taken it all the way to the bottom without any wheezing without any wheezing yes for the first time everybody let's do it breathe it in all the way to the bottom all the way to the bottom no wheezing no wheezing and i haven't done that in a very very long time praise the lord we rejoice with you love come here about about like two years ago i hurt my back falling on my back really hard and when you said to check check i i checked like my lower back right here and then every time i used to bend over like this i used to have a lot of pain and every time i used to get in my back in my bed i would hurt for like five minutes yeah and i don't feel an ounce [Applause] and how long was how long did you have that about two years about two years now we bend over right all the way go ahead let's see come here all right is that the cue for the rest of home come on congregation you know the routine by now you know the routine by now all the way to the bottom here praise the lord i tell you what it matters that your body works right a body not functioning right is a distraction from your spirit it distracts you from the highest flow and i mean you praise the lord what about you love see i would say i've been distracted all week just because i've been like super tired and i had a pain back here in the back i couldn't breathe in deep and then anxiety would kick in and all this so tonight when we were up here in the line and you and you said about the hearts and stuff i thought you know just maybe i can't breathe in because my heart i better go up in case if it got anywhere near which i know that's right i know i and so i thought you know i'm going to believe i'm going to receive everything she's got and so i come up here and oh and i forgot to tell you my knee i had been limping my my knee had gone out and i had been limping i know what it's like to have that bone on bone and so forth and it had been limping no it had been hurting and so i get nervous up here no you're right and anyways so when i was down on the floor up here um working on my heart no guys were around to lift me up and i turned around and got on my i've been on the knee i got up and the knees healed i came for the heart i got the knee i then when you did the waves when you did the waves i was like i love the ocean and when you said the waves and the continuous waves something just connected and then you know i thought you know maybe i should fall back no i'll just stand here and and then all of a sudden it was like whoosh and some just knocked me right to the seat and the pain went away in my back i breathed in super deep and i'm all excited and i had i had i had dialysis this morning and so i was super tired and but i'm going to church because god loves god loves me being obedient so so i went ahead and came to church i came to church and i'm thinking okay now i can't go lay down to the side and go to sleep now i have all my energy i'm so excited i'm not tired at all praise the lord and thank you with you for wholeness in your kidneys yes praise the lord yeah thank you so much you're so welcome thank you jesus [Laughter] come here love you what was going on with you my left knee what's both my knees your left knee yes i have osteoarthritis in both my knees um i i'm how long have you had that arthritis in both knees how many years i'd say about two years but it just started getting kind of worse and i knew something was wrong so i wanted to get it checked out and they told me i need a full replacement on the left a partial on the right i have it scheduled for the left make a long story short i was praising god raising my hands believing you know for that wave and it came it came on me and then the soreness i had earlier at from standing yes is gone crazy so i'm just believing this is going to continue what could you not do or what was what was limited for you defending the bending yeah that was limited because she you understand she's going to do full knee replacement on one side partial knee replacement on the other is what she was lined up for so can you do this could you do the squats with us yeah i could do the squats with you guys and it wasn't hurting as bad on this side like it was yeah earlier it was like i was just like man what is this you know like the sharp pain you get and it just i'm like great here we go so if you do this if you do this any pain lifting lift your knees no no pain no no pain no no pain i tell you sister that is a big deal to us yes amen we rejoice with you thank you hallelujah you're welcome you want to do it together you're going to do a squat here we go sister [Applause] any pain no no pain no pain praise come here love what was it it was my knee and it started when my friend and i decided to come a week ago and i'm like uh sunday night it was really difficult to walk and i'm like this is enough so difficult to walk oh yeah and i was like this is enough i got a second plan for the enemy if if i can't if we can't come then i've got another plan but and things started getting a little better but i struggled all week and now it's gone completely when you came tonight was there pain in the knee oh yeah there was pain when you came in any pain right now no which knee is it the left knee let's lift it let's lift it no pain no pain if you wanna if you want to um stop it you tell the devil i've got another plan so don't it ain't you're not gonna stop us amen amen we'll rejoice with you love come here love what was going on with you well four or five months ago the neurosurgeon said oh nancy you have carpal tunnel syndrome and you have arthritis in your left shoulder and you need surgery and all that sort of stuff and i couldn't raise my arm up like that [Applause] see i could only get it up this far you could only do a partial yes yes praise the lord and how long has that been going on oh i have been probably about six months about six months all right everybody do your left one do your left one come on praise the lord [Applause] oh you're so welcome god bless you come here love come here tell me what's going on well i've had um multiple diagnosis over my eyes and on the one that i noticed today um was the floater the black floaters are gone and there's just kind of like a film yet that's there and um it's a healing power of god i've been standing on healing and i'm not i'm not giving up no i'm not gonna give up you're in the right place sister because god's power is working on me and working in and to other people too and we add our faith to yours um they said i had macular degeneration and then a detached retina and so um no i not have because they told me if i had surgery it would be dangerous and if i don't have surgery is dangerous because it's right in the middle of my eye i i'm not accepting it i'm not going to have surgery because i'm not going to no it's the lord god already today already there's there's there's the the black floaters are gone praise the lord praise the lord i don't know if that has anything to do praise the lord completely healed amen and the devil's not stopping me amen hallelujah that's exactly right that's the finished work absolutely we did it for bartimaeus and doing it for me [Applause] that's mine it's mine yeah right no that's right so we join with you we add our faith to you in jesus name amen amen praise the lord father we thank you for complete completing that work which you've already begun we thank you for it in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord pray i can see amen amen you may need to help her to her seat i don't know if she goes [Laughter] come on up here what was the problem you're back yeah right for how long uh about six years about six years back trouble oh yeah limited in mobility bending over matter of fact miss teresa wouldn't even let me lift up a chair she wouldn't even let you lift a chair because you were in that kind of condition that's kind of pain yeah continual pain yeah did you have pain when you came in the service tonight well let me tell you the story okay pastor jay last sunday i believe it was sunday before called people forward for back pain and i've come up here for healing and it was the first time in all those years that i didn't have any pain but i'm still fighting a little pain until tonight and now i'm totally totally pain-free only pain-free what what could you not do before with your back bending i i couldn't do anything i mean theresa should we hand him a chair no i'm teasing no i could do it all right you know the grill you know the grill [Applause] i saw you touch your toes no pain no pain no pain praise the lord praise the lord [Applause] so um my son back there was the kid who hurt his back uh-huh anyways um i didn't expect i don't know i'm freezing right now anyway so he started doing the bending and i was like okay i've had back pain for seven years i injured my back i slipped a disc i'm pretty sure um started camp meeting i had like sciatica like pain just shooting through my legs and i would just touch it and feel all kinds of tingling and weirdness and so he started bending over and i thought all right what do i have to lose here so i did the bend i ripped my jacket to show you know i don't know if this jacket's a little too tight but it ended up ripping but i could not touch my toes every time i'd get up out of the chair i sounded like an old grandpa i'd be like you know everybody knows the dad get out of the chair sound i even went in the lobby i was like okay let me check this out and so um i went in the foyer i was like i did this this morning yeah about as far as i could get i mean come up here wait wait wait come up here on the platform because we want the camera people at home to see you so sit down again and and so you could only go apart we go about here and it was very painful i was stretching this morning yeah because i've been trying to exercise just to defy it yeah and now yeah look at that no pain i mean it's a little tight but it's nothing like i could not do this even remotely close praise the lord hallelujah so i want to be obedient y'all can sit down here uh i've been having flare-ups with my back here uh and just speaking over it and such and it's much better and you are telling difference yeah i i definitely can tell a difference what was it if you moved a certain way was it limited or just a sharp pain and actually i like to lean uh-huh this way and it you know but the other very noticeable thing right now is i my neck has been cracking when i popped it when i would turn it and my range of motion was effectively limited i think this has been the last four or five months that i've actually and uh didn't think much of it but it just kept affecting and getting more painful and such other than i've just been speaking to it and it's not poppy and every time i would move it that way it would pop okay everybody do it do it you know why because you might find out you get you get what you need so i mean i mean the daddy didn't have any idea that the son getting it then he'd get it too but when he acted hallelujah stand with us jesus thank you jesus we give you glory and honor and praise we glorify you we glorify you we glorify you jesus we glorify you jesus we glorify you jesus we glorify you jesus [Applause] you're such a wonderful healer you so much thank you for the price you paid we thank you we thank you then i'm going to turn this over to pastor jay but um years ago my husband was having a healing crusade there at our church and at the end of men teaching that night he said you've got something and i didn't know i had something but i knew my husband that means if he says you got something just come on up you'll get it on the way [Laughter] so i just came up and i stood there and i didn't know i had something and i just prayed in the spirit for a moment then i interpreted it and that happened three times and god gave us that not three primary ways that we opened the door to sickness and disease number one was by losing our peace getting into fear doubt worry all of those are peace robbers remember what he told the woman that was healed of the issue of blood he said go into peace and be the amplified says be continually healed by guarding our peace she guarded her healing because when you step out of peace you step out of the flow that god is moving in amen amen and he said people number one way they open the door to sickness and disease is they step they lose their peace they yield to fear worry doubt the second thing he said is veering from the plan of god to step for to veer from the plan of god is to veer from health amen to veer from the plan of god is to veer from wholeness god said make my people know long life is connected to my plan amen amen and then the third thing surprised me but i so appreciated it he said the third way my children open the door primary way they open the door to sickness and disease is through lack of gratitude lack of gratitude remember the ten lepers that were healed as they went one turned back it says they were cleansed it says they were cleansed when one saw that he was cleansed he turned back and with a loud voice glorified god and he fell down at his feet and worshiped jesus and jesus said your faith made you whole his worship was his faith him returning to give worship and he was a samaritan he wasn't taught covenant rights they didn't belong to him he didn't know anything about the exercise of faith but he if he expressed gratitude and jesus called his worship of gratitude faith and then he said your faith has made you whole the others were cleansed process of leprosy stopped this one body parts put back worship and gratitude will put back body parts [Applause] but i want you to see another thing he didn't get everything the first time he was in jesus presence he came back again you can't get everything god has for you in one visit to church the more you come back the more you get the more you come back the more you get jesus was displeased where are the other nine not because he was being robbed of attention or gratitude but he had more form and he wanted him to have it and they didn't come back for wholeness if they would have just shown back up in gratitude they would have gotten the next they would have gotten a further blessing amen and they didn't show back up and i wonder my thought was this i wonder what the nines said when they saw the tenth you got your nose back frank your fingers came back how did you get back body parts i went back in gratitude [Applause] the way to keep what you receive tonight gratitude a lifestyle thank you not just a moment a lifestyle thank you jesus thank you jesus go to bed grateful wake up grateful drive the car grateful and voice gratitude [Applause] it will it will forbid the enemy's entrance amen praise the lord so i just told you the pro one of the primary ways to resist the devil is always be grateful what you're not grateful for you'll lose what you honor what you're grateful for you keep that's right amen praise the lord jesus we're grateful tonight we're grateful we don't just take your blessing and run off and live our life any way we want but we're interested in fulfilling your plan so every one of us tonight father we love your plan and our health is for your plan you heal our bodies and you make us whole so that we can fulfill your plan we're interested in your plan and jesus we're so so grateful we give you thanks and glory and honor thank you thank you thank you and jesus i want to say a special um i don't how to even voice this [Music] but that you're so longing that we receive that you're willing for your waves to keep flowing till we get it [Music] thank you for your patience with us thank you for your your mercy toward us thank you so much [Music] let's just thank him in other tongues [Music] [Music] is [Music] pastors i'm going to come to you there's another degree of healing power for you to operate under ministers so you receive it you receive it we thank you just hold out your hands in front of you and i'll come to you father i thank you for another another a greater measure a greater measure a greater measure a greater measure a greater measure a greater measure of healing anointing healing power a greater measure a greater measure oh we thank you father a greater measure a greater measure a greater measure a greater measure we thank you a greater measure a greater measure a greater measure a greater measure a greater measure we thank you a greater measure a greater measure [Music] are there any other ministers pastors there's pastor jackie st step back towards your chair i don't i don't want anything to just take us one step back yeah thank you thank you thank you father thank you thank you father thank you father thank you thank you father for a greater measure thank you thank you father for greater measure greater measure a greater measure did i miss anybody over here love pastor boobies we thank we thank you we thank you father we thank you father [Music] we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father we we thank you father hallelujah anybody else i missed any other pastors traveling ministers a full-time traveling minister hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah thank you jesus greater works what are greater works multiplied works in the sense of a greater number of works why because it's not just jesus doing it now he's got his body doing as he does amen jesus we thank you tonight we thank you we thank you we thank you we give you glory hallelujah hallelujah we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you miss deborah just give me your hand love we we thank you father thank you fresh fresh fresh fresh instructions from heaven fresh freshness in your mantle freshness in the anointing upon your life we thank you for it father of reviving some things that are even dormant that were in there coming out amen hallelujah we thank your father we thank you father hallelujah i'm glad i came to church tonight thank you for telling your testimonies do you know what that's going to mean to so many people they record these things thank the lord for the technology this will play again in somebody else somebody else that may be in a similar type situation they're going to see how you stood and you used your faith and yielded you reach your hands toward the camera this center camera and i speak to those in the viewing audience and it doesn't matter what day you're viewing this it doesn't have to be live it can be recorded because the power of god meets faith the power of god doesn't just flow on particular days and at certain events it meets faith you expect to receive what you need and satan i bind you i tell you take your hands off god's people you take your hands off god's property from the top of their head to the soles of their feet and we loose the power of god the healing power of god right where they're at the power of god is present right where you're at because the holy ghost is there and he is the power of god and you receive it and you say pastor nancy how do i receive it you say it i receive it you say it from your heart you say i receive my healing father and you behold from the top of your head to the soles of your feet and then you testify about it because somebody else is going to need to hear what god did for you hallelujah and then just lift your hands and say thank you father thank you father i receive it it's so good to be healed it's so good to be healed and and don't limit god to the instantaneous many times you heard instantaneous situations tonight but god is still moving when even just over time as they went they were healed [Music] amen however however that power begins to manifest and work for you i tell you what for every bit of it you're grateful amen hallelujah keep the switch of faith turned on hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord maybe we'll hit psalms 8 some other time but i'm so glad god got to do what he did tonight and i want you to know we're so thrilled with you because i tell you pain is a thief that's right it steals life it steals joy it steals finances time it steals purpose out of people and i i spent the last 11 days of my mother's life with her it was not easy to see certain things and god said turn her suffering into your skill amen amen that she suffered but if you'll become skillful others won't have to suffer amen so we rejoice with you tonight amen hallelujah thank you pastor i sense to that way went through the cameras when it went through here so you testified like pastor nancy said if you hooked up then or if you hooked up there at the end when she ministered put your testimony uh on that what's that thing called that below the video but the comments put your testimony on there or write us or something let us know praise god pastor nancy would you minister to one other person ann would you come forward ann helps us she ministers in a healing class here she helps us minister to the sixth she's part-time staff and uh called to the ministry thank you lord jesus we thank you for multiplied fruit in your life thank you father we thank you for the revelation and the light thank you lord jesus amen praise god bow your head just for a moment father if there's one person in here that has not made jesus the lord of their life or one person watching through live stream or they've once known you or they've backslid they've moved away from you and they're out in the world doing their own thing making their own plans doing their own plans they're not walking with you tonight they've experienced the power of god tonight they've seen your power thank you for the father for drawing them to you right now in jesus name with heads about no one looking around whether it's here or whether you're on live stream and you you are i was praying for you you either have never received jesus or your backslidden and you've gotten away from god i want you to have an opportunity tonight to come back to god or come to god would you just raise your hand wherever you are we can't see you there on the cameras but god sees you within the camera anyone in this room you're either out of fellowship with god you've never been saved and you want to come to god tonight raise your hand if that's you anyone at all anyone at all praise god everyone's right with god right in fellowship with god praise the lord father if there's one out there in live stream that has raised their hand you see their heart father we can't see them we can't see their hand but you see their heart you see they're reaching out towards you father in the name of jesus i say right now you meet them you visit them right where they are the presence of god come there and father god as they say this prayer after thank you for restoring them back to fellowship i've got that in my heart it's the restoration of fellowship just say this out there in the camera jesus forgive me i ask you to forgive me in jesus name i confess my sin and in jesus name i believe right now you're faithful and just to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me of all unrighteousness amen it's a faith thing amen right now just receive that cleansing receive the forgiveness that he that he offers you and let us know there on the comments or or somehow get in contact with us we want to send you something and help you get your life back on course amen praise the lord just have that in my heart so let's just thank god one more time praise the lord praise you jesus hallelujah
Channel: Jay Eberly Ministries
Views: 877
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: BoHk6LVh9b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 40sec (5560 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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