The BIRTH to DEATH of a Minecraft Bee!

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I love her birth to death videos, they’re some of her most entertaining content to me for some reason😅

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Wide_Active_8342 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is a minecraft bee and this is its life from birth forget i get to experience everything from being the cutest baby to the easiest of worker bees i get to go through every secret of a bee's life come with me inside of this nest to see what kind of life minecrafties leave it's simply beautiful oh and be sure to become one of my beautiful bun subscribers thanks what's happening oh oh that sound oh kawaii chant it's happening it's happening oh here comes our new little one i'm so excited what the what's going on hello there [Music] welcome to the hive our beautiful baby bee or should i say baby oh i can't help it [Music] don't worry we'll show you how to swim in the royal jelly later but for now we need to show you the rest of the hive i wonder what do you think we should call our new little one kauai-chan yay i like the sounds of that [Music] carefree [Music] my new home where are we going plenty of flowers and plenty of trees and lots of room and we have the most beautiful place in all this flower field oh do i go inside let me fly inside oh this is my new home oh my gosh everything as sweet as it could ever be home sweet home oh wow yay easy now don't go splashing around too much okay okay hey hey kawaii chang you think we should go ahead and show her her nursery oh i think that thinks you'd love it hey mom hey dad uh did you bring anything home sweet i'm really hungry hey baby sister right now but i said i wanted something to eat i that that would be really weird wait i thought you said something sweet uh oh i i guess maybe hello we got you a new baby sister and you're not going to eat her because you're a good little worker bee right wait what is why because okay okay i [Music] does this mean i have to share my stuff with her of course yep for all the time great fantastic um how soon can you return [Music] see pierce that's the whole reason she's part of our family so we can love her and give her a good place to live as one big happy family all right okay so wait but i don't want to marry her no no no no no no no of course not i don't like this maybe you should talk to him yeah i'll be right back maybe you need a more gentle touch sometimes wait is she going up to my room [Music] no it's it's come take a look i'm gonna share pierce but i don't want to share i was here first [Music] fine i'll give you a little extra room okay okay okay all right come on up yeah that's my rook first flower field oh yay yay i want to go wait can i go too yeah of course don't know this is a learning experience so we're going to share the experience of the flowers okay i'll try but i'm not gonna like it oh you will just wait until you find your favorite flower oh don't hurt your wings now yeah be careful wait she doesn't know how to fly yet oh come on you didn't know how to either when you just came out of the hive yeah but i was bad at things she's supposed to be good at things well nobody ever starts out automatically good at things you have to learn how to do it i guess i guess [Music] yeah i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it no tunneling want to fall down through there i just wanted to show you my favorite flower okay part of being a bee is you gotta get yourself a flower all right here i i figured i don't i don't know if you know about flowers yet but they're like the really the really nice things around us here's my favorite one take a look it's really nice right yeah isn't it so nice it's a sharing wait cheat she's eating my flower she put it in her mouth [Music] wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i found a new flower yeah okay this is a good one this is a good flower right here we go i found a good one stop eating the super cool flower look at this one dad dad look at this one yeah wait what piercings oh [Music] some flowers have a little more peppery pollen in them than others okay okay a little okay alpha we gotta go come on come on up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up all the way up let's go all right now hey hey hey leave the flowers alone they didn't do anything hey mom and dad told me to stop you from eating any more flowers okay you're allergic my goodness come on anyway so uh yeah so welcome to your new training ground okay yeah so you know so far you've been doing okay by hopping around but that's not how a bee does a bee's gotta be strong and you gotta learn how to be strong by getting and uh going on something this tall and make sure you don't squish on the ground uh okay so fly fly like i i fly really good look which i can fly like this yeah that's really good if you just want to hop around the rest of your life but you are a bee you got to do better than that and part of that is making sure that you face your fears and get out there and try something new which is why you should definitely jump off this cliff okay you you try you try i want to see you do it first okay okay okay ready all right here i go i go b go b go okay it's easy you just gotta make sure you pick up the wind as you go down okay okay i could do this i believe okay all right you got this you got this you got this or else i don't have a sister anymore you got this go go go go go oh look at you look at you go oh that's so great definitely not what my intent was but i'm glad it's working well you taught me so good mom and dad yes we should have called mom and dad here they said that flying around like this wasn't safe whoa yeah no that's why we didn't pull them over because otherwise you wouldn't be able to do it oh you're doing so good oh yeah be careful around the water bees can't fly in water you know with my little leggings oh that's so cute oh no oh no oh no i'll get it keep it distracted you've got to get out of here get mom and dad i'll go give him sad go stay away from my little sister don't chase me look at these flowers what's in here oh more don't you dare bird oh hi friends hello yeah whoa look at your beehives these are whoa these are full of where am i actually i gotta get out of here pierce pisses you're probably gonna eat it where can i huh why can't i ah hello guys are you ready to give me a little something sweet oh you've been busy i should say [Music] oh no are you a sweet pea are you a sweet little bee how you dance you want to make a little sweet sweet honey from mr noy yes yes oh we're gonna be best friends so you're gonna stay in here be nice and safe look at all these mom and dad she went this way i can get her i know we can save her come on all right all right let's just try and get her a quick please call home isn't it all right i'm gonna be bombed i'm gonna be puppy you're going to feel my stinging around no no i'm friendly this is great i love this show it's been on forever this is my favorite show can we watch another episode please please it's early morning it's super early in the morning yeah okay hey uh kauai chan what time is it anyway honey bee is it time for east school what i think it's time [Music] oh that's right you've never been because you're so tiny there'll be cartoons on bee's knee afternoon when you get home okay no i'm scared i don't want to go to school no no you you're getting older you gotta go to school duh pierce don't call your sister old she is she is getting old yeah well that's besides the point we all get old and crumpled into dust one day so we just what do i need to learn about wait we crumple it you didn't hear that you didn't hear that [Applause] [Music] [Music] but you gotta go to school you're old enough now to go to school come on hungry hun school is fun and you're going to learn so many things there you're gonna get so smart you'll be able to be a queen bee one day [Music] too bad you're getting old now so you got to go to school now she is she's getting older day by day but pierce that's not the thing i'm not old he's got old hair hey that's true dad's really old but you are i mean you're getting older you're probably almost as old as dad your mom loves me because i am mature age gracefully uh you you are getting bigger is that better is bigger better you can grow big and smart now and then when you're smart you can be cute about being smart oh yeah i'm gonna be the cutest smartest let's go oh you guys gotta oh no [Music] wait you took [Music] so are you going to school too i'm going to school this is my brother he's smelly uh um but i thought you said his name was smelly oh uh my name's not smelly my name is pierce uh uh i'm ian why did we i'm not smelly smelly at one point are you sure you're not smelly uh i i don't think so okay students what now pierce come on we're gonna be late ringing okay have fun at your first day sweetie i'm miss mac and i'm gonna be your bee teacher she's growing up so fast okay hi miss max we're gonna learn so much stuff about being a bee and pollen and flowers you're gonna love it it's right this way all right follow me and take your seat school time school time school time okay okay okay all right take your seats take your seats okay i'm sitting down there we go panda all right everybody i'm sitting in the back cause i'm cool my name is mac and bees please but you can call me miss mac hi mister okay [Applause] hi and today we're gonna learn all about pollen locations and how to locate flowers very very exciting stuff wait i i could little caves i thought that's better i found more that's better [Music] everything will be answered what's your question can we do something cool instead well i like you i'm going to sit over here because because pollen you know pollen's pretty pretty boring yeah maybe to you but as a worker bee it's really really really really really important okay now listen up okay but isn't it cool though no i don't know yeah all queens so do we have to go we have to see each other for being the queen like this oh sorry sorry sorry oh yeah i'm sorry here i'll give you a blast miss back miss mac apple hurt ian and you guys oh wait go through that you guys stop putting balls no no we need to learn about pollen structures we need to know about pollen guys you gotta you gotta listen to her hold on maybe this will be better outside to learn both of you guys stop we need to learn how to do the pollen and dance it when you guys come up to a flower you gotta do a little dance you gotta shake your little bee booty left and right left and right go in a big big circle what what what what's a bee booty a bee booty you do your little bee boo you gotta shake your little bee booty and then oh yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly so when you see a flower that's how you alert other bees that there's tons of flowers and pollen nearby let's go outside and do this in real life i think you guys are ready okay okay all right so what we gotta do is just fly around and when you see a flower that looks like it's ready to be pollinated you do the little dance aphmau you did a perfect dance in the classroom let's see what you got outside the classroom okay i'm gonna go find something don't worry i will find it um i look okay i could find something i said something over here [Music] oh perfect you found it lucky lucky can't believe five seconds and then the rest of the bees will come because we'll all know that this is where the pollen is dance i want to dance perfect i watch pine sing dance i want pods peace can you i'm not getting any i'm not getting any pollen get it i'm gonna go somewhere else i'm gonna go somewhere else i'm gonna get something else [Music] okay okay okay okay okay i got my own pollen here you go there it is there it is there's the pollen so much pollen there you go there you go there you go looks ugly that is not pollen that is uh maybe it's a powdery stuff that makes me sneeze just like pollen looks like where did you get this i i i would actually okay if i'm being honest i had to talk to some green bees that were kind of weird but they were over yeah yeah there was some green bees though earlier and i just wasn't sure about them hello hi how are you hi i'm doing good you look good as always you're looking really good too are you ready for work yeah i'm ready for work okay let's go down here whoa look at piers yeah took you long enough do you know how much i had to tell everybody that you were just uh running a little late come on you gotta be gotta be here a little bit more on time next time who's everybody's in back i'm here having your bike who else is here yeah this will be hey wait where's the where's every is everybody here did everybody get here uh i mean i think wait are we missing somebody let me count like we were gonna be late oh okay of course i get it i'm here i made it to work on time [Music] i hope you like honey robin bud you're gonna be eating it for a bit wait look what happened are you what did i get something like hey yeah i'm okay uh something a little bit close to your face you got a crown you fell in the royal jelly right guys i think i became the next queen i think you may have you're going to be the best queen ever all right it's a royalty oh my god we're both groupies my best friend is a queen oh my gosh all right so i guess i gotta i gotta find i guess i gotta find the the royal flower so we can get all the pollen flowers here oh my god so let me see guys i'm here whoa you're so big i'm a giant biggest bee i've ever seen [Applause] wait but i'm supposed to be your bigger brother i don't get there i am the bigger sister now okay all right come on guys let's go i can feel with a flower there's a big flower oh that's a huge it's ears to find this bees who ruin my honey [Music] well it's fine don't worry as a queen my reign will be long and you amazing these kids say their dances just aren't what they used to be when they came to get in the pollen oh they don't know how to dance like we do back in hours the trouble is they just don't get their booty into it you know i remember like this oh oh my back oh it's okay look at all the afm juniors and the the other kids that i don't remember their names so many you've forgotten the names of your grandkids already so many but you know what it's okay because i am the queen and i was young you were so proud of me yeah about that by the way you know you've been queen for a really really long time uh you say do you think it's gonna be about time for me to be a queen no it's not your turn to be queen i'm tweeting what do you mean you've been first for the longest time [Music] you have to chase me [Music] until i get this axe going no you're if you want to be queen you're gonna have to pry it off my old dead body and burst to death not dead dead [Music] queen after all these years i'm dead now hey pierce you're dead wait then i'm getting there what about you i'm getting there too but you know what what you were the bee ass brother ever and i was the best queen too you're only queen for like five seconds you won't coot just shut up but tell mom and dad when we get to heaven dead keister again tell mom and dad we get to have them dead
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,925,050
Rating: 4.872581 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau birth to death, birth to death bee, minecraft funny moments, minecraft pranks, pranks in minecraft, pranking my friends in minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft birth to death challenge, birth, death, funny birth to death, from birth to death, minecraft friends, aphmau friends, minecraft baby bee, baby bee aphmau, aphmau birth to death as bee, minecraft bee mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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