Pro's guide to CQB | Human Behaviour & Force on Force

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i also would have shot the one putting his hands up, great video

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Trismegistos519 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Hick's law: increasing the number of choices will increase the decision time.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cqbteam 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
all right stand by threat i remind you you can do whatever you want to three two one and go okay keep hold on keep the eye contact with the body from behind cover and then move in yeah and reset did you get hit somewhere nope you're safe you survived okay thread what did you get hit body sideways two times and also the right tip perfect good work guys work [Music] all right guys so we talked about the room anatomy geometry structures and all that kind of stuff and now i want to go a little bit away from all this uh geometrical stuff and talk about the man himself the human behind the gun the human behind the plate carrier the guy who is actually performing okay because fact is you can have all the type of equipment in the world and all the type of tactics in the world but if the human is not able to comply with all this stuff around him well our mission won't be achieved okay so let's talk about some human behavior in the same time it's important for me to highlight that all skills all techniques the entire approach in our system uh to to cqb training is based on human behavior okay rather than just running and gunning before we start i want to play a video uh it will be like one minute and a half it will have different contexts being shown in a very high tempo and in the end of this video we will start a very short dialogue and the objective of this dialogue is to allow me to understand what is your understanding of cqb and how deep is your level of understanding regarding the human performance in cqb okay and that this dialogue will open this lesson for us okay [Music] i got high i got high front door's open i'll get it i got it [Music] [Music] [Music] uh come on yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] what what was running in your head when you saw this video people behaving they can't adapt to the situation yeah like an overview of all of you for that very good it's like they are overwhelmed by the environment correct kind of chaos kind of chaos but is it so chaos is is a is a part of fighting right in the end it's a certain point right but is it a control controlled chaos in control right you recognize the flashbangs landing on the people from the back guns from the back okay back to your point which was actually really good um did you recognize that these people were often in mobility can we can we agree that this running through this often being in movement being a movement was forcing them into being exposed to too many problems at once okay this is one contributor a leading contributor for a person being overwhelmed with information too much what else did you recognize in this video i mean one very important part was was the environment because there was a lot of explosions and then for example things falling down from from the roof for example and that are situations you can influence exactly even if you have behaved perfectly you have done your drill perfectly but then something went totally wrong and you can't have any influence on it the environment reacts it's not only the paper target which we are used to or that role player with like i don't know blanks but it's the environment reacts to you whether it's humans for example there was a moment when the guy enters the room and there is literally a bed on the entry point he can't run to the corner he's forced not to run deeper into the room or you have three people like this laying in the corner of the room it has big implications right because for example in the military for years we are training to run along the wall to the corners if you looked in that video most of those corners were occupied by humans or by furniture which tomorrow will discuss it okay all right guys before we go into the force and force there is one more thing we have to talk about which is really important and that is extracting angles so think about it this way extracting angle is basically like slicing but in reverse why due to the following issue sometimes during our slice as we want to be proactive of course and secure the room someone will appear from whatever angle which i already secured during the time that that person will emerge i will not be communicating with that angle anymore because i cleared it already so a short frequent of of a time the person will appear in that angle will be able to see me completely because i'm not working with the apex against this angle because security secure them already let's do a quick demonstration so everybody will understand what i mean please sketch the 45 degrees so flashlight right right now he's communicating with this angle right here everybody see it good that's also what i see that means right now can you see me can you see my hand a little bit okay i'll move just a little bit you can see me right i can't see him completely so for example if you look here he's behind the cover or consumed i will take one step to the left and i can see all of his body you can even see how the shadow of his leg is casted on the floor that's what i see completely so now we have the following problem the slice is not working anymore right so this is where extracting angle is is coming into play he need to adjust his position to my position and instead of slicing forward more you'll have to go backwards so you will slice in reverse you ready so when i will say go or you know what when you will see me coming you will go naturally into the narrow angle are you ready you see what happens he's able to extract himself still a little bit of the leg is exposed but this is something that could happen why because you're reactive in nature you're not able to be perfect in movement and so and so on okay is this clear until now now why do we have to practice it very simple first of all the majority of people are used to paper a target shooting which means thanks to is stable what often we see in force and force is individuals who are basically not conditioned so they will slice and they will slice and all of a sudden the threat will jump from somewhere where they will lose the following pom pom pom pom pom pom pom they will eat also bullets and why because they are staying on the same angle instead of what you should do is fix your positioning according to the threat position so you are becoming a smaller target for him he needs to orient again around your position and you are able to give work in his direction but in the same time to reduce the chance of getting him makes sense again to make it clear in reality probably i will not take our consent behind us all right but right now this is just for the purpose of demonstration is this clear very good okay he will be standing inside okay can i see him can he see me no he can't right if there will be a wall he will not be able to same story right so now i'm kind of i'm getting closer and closer to him this area is left i i can't see it anymore right it's not control i'm slicing i'm slicing and at some point he will run to the to my right he said i saw movement someone something triggered and i bailed back okay now there is two options either you bet you bail completely back or you lock on so again two options either completely bail out which this is something i will do when for example i see someone with a vest i can't identify him but he's someone with a vest or something really weird or i can just lock on him and just stay on one line with them but still use this apex between me and that unknown person okay this is a little bit more proactive and often we don't see it often what we see is people just pom pom pom and going all the way back to the narrow why because they don't want to get hit make sense until now good footwork is very simple nothing changes so not only that in the system you learn how to be proactive and experience and so on you're also learning how to be able to set your feet to success in situations where you will be reactive or you will need to bail so if you pay attention to my fits if something happens i will push myself away but the legs are still prepared to work you see that it's like fighting okay so it's all about stability mobility and proper foot okay good um this is extremely extremely important okay this is what makes a difference in force and force because as we talk right lethal force engagements which are offensive are rare make sense you will be reactive you need to identify and if that guy just jumps out of nowhere or maybe open a door for my right side i need to adjust myself to his position because in the end i will be reactive okay so just think about it you will sit in the force and force okay let's do a small practice you will be here oh you know what you you will come over here number two you will be here okay you will be like an hour angle just slice hey hey golf so you see what happens right he is protected behind cover and he can be now proactive because he bailed back and now i need to come to him sun sunshine make sense good so here is a funny thing special forces infantry whatever we always learn to flow through the door and quicker and so on so there will be no situation of halting in the door what do you think is contributing to that situation that there is massing of people in the middle of a corridor or in front of doors what do you think is leading to this the movement the uncontrolled movement because the first one started and the other ones are following and the moment the first one are stopping because of their overwhelming situation or what else and the other ones are still pushing you have messing with people exactly because probably at some point the point man who is the human in the end of the day who has a family we have friends who well let's admit it during his entire life was probably not doing it every day you know being exposed to explosions in front of him and so on and so on he's well experiencing a very simple human behavior which is survival behavior of i don't want to go to that ultimate death over there because it was a loud noise or i saw a gun a guy with a gun and when he stops because he's used into running he stops everybody behind him which are also used in two dynamic countries of running in stops as well and then we have all of this crowding not just one example one of the issue we have with all of this uncontrolled violence is that it's driven out of the fact that people are fixated on the threat for example if someone is coming and punching you in the face unless you're like you know you're like we guy what will be your reaction like in a classroom for example like here if i will slap you in the face you will get your chest up and you will start fighting with me right you will punch me baby what are you doing right and sometimes you sit with people as they see a threat and they get all fixated on it completely in the previous video that you saw with the guys who made the entry on the negative corner fed when the guy made an entry with a shield he ran all the way down of the room he even exposed himself to the entire room but the only thing he did was kicking the the guy on the floor why human fixation i will get back to that later sydney county terrorism uh the coffee shop siege in 2014 the team enters in a dynamic entry and they receive fire flashbang doesn't go off as expected and at some point what happens to them is basically what you describe they fall into a situation which they never trained they improvised technically now this brings us to the following issue i want you to pay attention what is the problem here the one down there the student the one is exposing into the door right now so the one in the back is not able to have a control of the movement from the other guy in his front exactly exactly so one common issue that we have in relation to your point which is extremely critical is that primarily those tactics like for example dynamic entries are running through the door which have their time and place i'm not saying they don't they have primarily they are against the human behavior why because with these guys what happened was they entered the the structure over there the room they wanted to deploy the flashbangs like always but then the threat which was located just across the door open fire first so the flashbang lands on the door and they they are shifting into a situation where they don't want to run through the door and what happens is that you have an entire element fighting from outside and then it's pushing people who never been to situation to do stuff like this standing behind four people here and four people over there trying to hunt for the threat or the predator now these guys are trained to go through the door at some point right can he see them no way don't tell me stories even if they're gonna you can't see them alright let's do a nice drill so just to preview it works um just to make it clear this window here doesn't exist all right this is for you guys to see the interaction okay now here we have a corner fed and there will be one of you guys standing inside this room and you can do whatever you want to okay now the only thing i'm asking you to do is to hide in the corner as soon as you decide just print from left to right to surprise the guy here okay the guy here will have to adjust to the position of the runner make sense good you will be here in our angle you will be inside challenge him okay okay at some point during the whole sequence you are clear to move here and after that just challenge him just challenge him and afterwards we will ask you for your feedback what have you seen and so on all right you ready let's go let's see how it performs he can't see him okay searching for him again you see him again okay and so on again we're still not talking about getting back into the same angle and stuff like this doesn't matter right now right now we're talking about footwork okay so um 50 how was it for you pretty interesting this was pretty fast i saw him a second he bailed out and came back to me pretty pretty quick so all right so if you would try to attack him with a knife or just run through him with a pistol and put some shot will it be easy for you to no it looks pretty fast on the safety so okay make three fast plays just one thing i think about because i lost vision if i bail out to narrow i like very the the short bailouts to to the next angle when i can see but if i bail out to narrow it's it's not a good feeling to lose vision to the threat and give up my advantage or what feels like an advantage for me exactly so here comes the final point before we go force and force and this is a small tip for me to you okay you will go inside again over here no i'll just tell you with a pistol as we talk we have two types of bailing out basically either i stay on him walking on him you could do a small segments of losing contact with them back on him or that i'm going completely to the narrow angle okay so i'll just explain it very quick you ready okay let's go i'm slicing i still can't see him i still can't see him i still can't see him i got 90 degrees i still can't see him can't see did i see him in situations like this when when the threat was so sudden in such a close distance and so violent i would go back to another angle now i lost contact with them right in this case what i will do is i will hold an arrow reason for that is that if you if you will come out we will be proactive i will be productive and why because i have only one angle to watch well when he will come out he will have an entire set of angle to watch so situations like this i'm going to bail out in an hour and i'm going to use it productivity because could be that he's waiting for me here with a knife whatever so it's just an emergency emergency procedure to exactly in a very stressful situation exactly same with stoppages same with stoppages okay but that we'll talk about later okay let's let's say that you're just a civilian okay and you're not compliant right just something like that you ready of course i can't see him so don't be smart assess oh oh hey hey ends up ends up come to me hey come to me come to me come to me hey step back step back step back and so on now really quick what i did i tried to stay with him however i did something that was more realistic and that was getting away with the head and losing him for a few seconds why i was doing it because in reality human behavior probably i will try to protect myself from this sudden emerges of something that i don't know what it is makes sense but in the end i try to keep eye contact with him and so on and so on okay let's talk about the realities of lithium engagement in cqb we talked about geometry and all of that let's just really talk about engagement itself first of all it's really important to understand that offensive use of lethal force is rare why why is it rare because i need to identify primarily not only that i need to identify but in the same time often i will be the assaulter which means i will be coming from outside against someone who is already digged in with the defender he knows the area i don't know the area okay so often i will be reactive and i will not be able to be offensive this may vary between police context to military contacts but if you look into a recent conflicts and even if you go all the way back to the vietnam war often engagements turn to be into a reaction rather than offensive or proactive okay good with that being said often uh the initial response will be by default a defensive behavior rather rather than offensive what as defensive behavior means in few words going away from the threat going away from the predator rather rather than run into it we saw the videos right in the videos a good example for that will be how people were staying on a door or getting away from the door rather than continuing to run inside next point that we have is the poor visual conditions for example in the previous videos you recognize how flashbangs or dust that coming from the floor was empowering the ability of a person to sleep probably into the room correct or for example a police officer will work at night again i don't know home invasion or a call for a burglar or something like this he will often have to work with a flashlight right so already really poor conditions or in military conditions right you are raiding i don't know an open field you cross through it and then you have to clear a complex inside a complex it might be dark right so you will need time to readjust which again brings us to the point that we need more time to identify which again brings to the point that we can be offensive in identification and engagement next point is that often there will be short distance and time in this case distance and times are relatively the same anyone is familiar with higgs law go few words exactly the longer time i have the more options and the complex of options that i have making sense now the problem is in cqb obviously both distance and time are very short i mean this room is already short right your your home right the rooms are how wide normally but four meters three meters okay good so that distance in time is already by default brings me into a defensive behavior because anything that will appear all of the sudden will be probably so intense for me that i'm going to get away from it because my body will go into a default behavior okay but we'll get back to that later another issue that we see in cqb is often the duress and stress the rest is more of the physical fitness level of the operator okay people who are less fit will come faster into the limitations for example in foursome four something really interesting we see is that after like three minutes of fighting against each other and i'm not talking about running just fighting against each other you will hear guys breathing like this even though they were not running okay so a person who has lower endurance level will come to his uh limits much faster then we have the stress level which again uh uh it's pretty much in the eye of the beholder okay um every person is able to tolerate a certain amount of of stress but at some point that stress in close distance and in high intensity will be sometimes too much okay and that will cause uh for to people to shift into defensive behaviors and so on and above all we have mental conditions which affect our performance acute stress response threat fixation fixation and perceptual distortions those things are more among several stuff that affect our ability to perform normal so for example if we take into a daily life example i can sit in a classroom with no time limit whatever and i can write the test really perfectly but in the moment that the teacher will tell me you have only three minutes i will probably write it very quick with a shitty handwriting right that would be a good example okay okay all right we talked about terminology we gave you definitions we raised your awareness regarding what can kill you what is a danger for you and so on and so on and we talked a little bit about human behavior and how it can affect us okay um we will do in the next module force and force and several physical practices that will prove to you how all of these points connect together with the methods which you will learn okay we will prove everything to you we will validate it on a paper and you will be able to see what works and what's not okay good so let's go what kind of room do we have up ahead positive corner positive concept right so you can imagine where the thread is going to be and so on and so on i remind you in this force and force module as i said in the briefing um identify the threat you see a gun you're killed you're engaged okay engage him until he's down to the ground once the threat is down you can clear the corner and then i will cut it off okay um once the uh drill will be uh uh coming to an end i will ask you where did you get hit and everything and you will take you just told me okay all right let's go i'll be behind you and just stick to everything you learned and let's just do it you'll see by yourself all right stand by threat i remind you you can do whatever you want to three two one and go [Music] okay kip hold on keep eye contact with the body from behind cover and then move in yeah and reset did you get hit somewhere no you're safe you survived okay thread what did you get hit body sideways two times also the right hip i remind you identification work with the apex okay located threat once you engage the threat and he's on the ground don't get tempted into running into the room just hold it watch it slide slowly get the corner get stuff done okay breathe alright let's go slowly weapon straight weapon straight yeah weapon a little bit down close the elbow yeah exactly take your time yeah very good shoulder check slowly slowly you see the body see the body everything is fine okay the corner the corner the corner very good okay move to the body let's go and cease fire come to me did you get hit no all right point shooting or something shooting okay what did you get hit identify the threat engage him when when he falls to the ground just hold him don't get tempted into running into the room okay okay let's do it let's go slowly take your time search speed yeah shoulder check very good yeah be careful from telegraphing ceasefire all right did you get hit no you didn't felt anything okay threat what do you say did you get hit you think the only thing i saw was when he came to the 90 i always saw his barrel because i was in the corner right and as soon as he put the barrel here i got it stimulated so i was coming into the room right so just watch for it i saw it as well it was a small telegraphic moment you was able to see but you you were catching up the temple very good you extracted yourself and then you got it back again yeah very good work but you're getting ahead what do you think do you think you got him no no okay if you have a threat identify him address him get him down and then look for the hands waistline try to understand what's going on maybe you shot actually the wrong person right after that continue the next angle with a pistol don't forget to compress it okay good let's work very good very good yeah what it is take your [Music] break it time from your head wrap it away from your hand all right hold hold just stay like this get some press all right continue continue let's go okay good all right enemy up uh enemy where are you gonna hit arm shoulder to uh chest up were you that hit i don't know maybe on the do you feel like pain something like really hitting you nothing okay do you think you were able to eat them no no all right success just just focus on the movement take your time some of the guys when they had an engagement you know they bounced back and then they tried to push themselves into the room just take the time slice based injuries are like an ambush in motion okay let's go shoulder check very good take your time take your time and up to me where did you get hit pelvis how much where did you get hit okay first injury can you show me exactly where did you get hit ultra holster yeah i know that we'll go through it in the later in the ar okay good next eye protection on [Music] go take your time actually take your time prioritize good very good work stay here very good where did you get hit chest and how much just one where did you get hit finger okay i think it's from point shooting or like sighted shooting point butchering okay three two one let's go exactly police turn around turn around get on the ground get on the ground come to me all right stop all right stop stop stop stop stop all right guys get a little bit closer get a little bit closer what happened let's just go through it really quick come here just just let's go through it really quick explain like what just happened uh he was uh facing the wall and i told him to turn around and he turned around and he grabbed him made a movement like this and then i take the first shot okay did you saw a gun no all right identification we can argue this a lot identification is notification he could have took his his belt because his pens were about to fall down whatsoever okay in the end of the day if you would shoot someone and he doesn't have a gun it's problematic right okay one more thing we have to address here is the following let's assume that he was a threat okay at some point he shot him and uh he was still communicating with him because the threat was still alive probably or something like this right when he was yelling please please police he moved into his room into the room and he lost his high ground here then he told him come to me come to me wait you shot him maybe he's still up whatever hey on the ground on the ground come to me come to me yeah come to me come to me come to me come to me stop stop and you can start playing with it because here for example he's limited sound sounds and so on okay just think about it all right okay very cool troll check okay what are you looking for right now you see the thread what are you looking for on the left side of the gun all right what is the priority the corner or this guy right now now the corner in the moment i see the gun is away from him and he's not moving right exactly so you will try to get the corner but in the same time try to keep some kind of peripheral connection with the body all right so let's continue okay corner and bump the body very good okay let's do a feedback real quick did you get hit here okay finger finger and then i flinch out and make another okay good what do you get hit chest and side inside upward okay okay good [Music] you
Channel: UF PRO
Views: 271,205
Rating: 4.9625745 out of 5
Keywords: uf pro, uf pro gear, special forces, cqb training, cqb, cqb tactics, cqb training course, itcqb, force on force, cqb room shapes, force on force training, room breaching, breaching, close combat, close quarters combat, cqb techniques, room clearing, human behavior, human psychology, human psychology behavior, tactical shooting, tactical shooting drills, tactical clothing
Id: CXeuPwy8EEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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