Pro's Guide to Tactical Tracking | Tracks Tell A Story | Episode 1

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hello Delta to zero this is their alpha digital turn to $0.00 is their alpha a local nationals reported at potential hostile drop-off at grid 3 to 4 1 1 2 to 9 at time zero individual observe possibly more full stop Roger so far over at Delta 2 0 or over the juror alpha moves to instant location exploits any information and pursuit in order to intercept break time zero seven four six over [Music] zero seven four six [Music] all right guys closing hi my name is Boris Foss and I'm the senior trainer for the lead Ranger program the lead Ranger program delivers trainer training courses and leadership development to Park Rangers in Africa these park rangers need to protect the wildlife there and in order to do that they need to learn some hard skills and some soft skills one of these skills is tracking the ability to follow an individual or group of individuals by the sign that they leave behind in this video series we're going to explore how this ancient old technique that has been practiced by humans for thousands of years can be applied to contemporary tactical operations now in our scenario we received some information from a local national he reported that he saw some suspicious activity at a certain location now me and my team behind me are tasked to go to that location try to find out what happened and then pursue those responsible and make sure the perimeters set this is U of pro tactical tracking [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we now have arrived at the point of incident as reported by the local national as we were approaching I saw an area with increased sign okay and a lot of disturbance so we first did a cast around the area to identify any entry or exit points and we did identify an exit point and I'll get to that in a second but the first thing I want to find out is if the report was accurate and actually what was reported was taking place here the first thing of interest is this vehicle track coming in the right tire and the left tire and the thing that stands out is this area here so the thing I'm looking at is you have several sort of breaks in the sand as if it was pulled forward and that's indicative of a braking action and it really came to a conclusion here when you can see that the earth is pushed down there's disturbance earth pushed to the sides here this is the front right tire where they stopped front left is on that side rear right and rear left so we know now that at some point a vehicle stopped here quite abruptly and this so far collaborates the story that was told by the local national he also said that individual stepped out and went into the woods so I need to confirm that as well now if this is the front right tire I want to be looking at an area about a meter behind and that is where the passenger potentially got out so I'm going to be concentrating on that area here and actually I'm now looking at this area now there's a lot of false sign here there's a lot of other tracks there have been animals moving through the area different vehicles a motorbike so I have to be a hundred percent sure what I'm looking for and in between all that for sign it'd be very difficult to find a complete and full nice footprint as trackers we're not really looking for footprints we're looking for sign we're looking for evidence that someone or somewhat moves through and we're basically looking for the six characteristics of sine which is transfer color change flattening regularity disturbance or discardable now if I concentrate on the area that I mentioned before I can already see that there's a few things here that catch my interest first of all we got some small areas of regularity here so geometrical lines that are not found in nature normally and I'm looking at those and especially this one here which is sort of a nice triangular shape and that's very fine lines on the top and that is definitely made by the footwear impression of a person standing here the very fine lines also give me an indication about the time it's not very accurate but I know that if the rain comes over time those very fine lines will deteriorate okay so so far it fits in the time line that was given by the local national I can also see more of these areas around here there's more areas of regularity of these straight lines that you don't find in nature which means that someone not just walked through here but stood here for a second and moved around okay and that is also again indicative of someone getting out of the car stepping out and closing the door now after that I want to find out where he went did he go back into the car or did he actually walk somewhere so when I start scanning around this area now one of the thing that stands out is a bit further to the back of the vehicle is this leaf here this leaf has been turned recently because you can see that there's some sand on the bottom here okay and with some of the rain and the moisture that stuff will wash off and as you can see the leaf was like this but it was overturned and all the sand on the right side on the bottom of the color change so to me that's another little clue we go from that area there onto this little clue here now as I start walking backwards there's some more areas that stand out some more areas of flattening here you got the shape of the heel of the individual walking this way then a bit further down again we have an area flattening and a very fine straight line here which is not something you will find in a tire track that is really indicative for a tread pattern of a hue so from my observations now I can see that the vehicle stopped here fairly abruptly and the passenger sight an individual came out stood there for a very short time and then started making his or her way towards the back of the vehicle so I want to find out where that individual went so I'm going to try and see if I can link those clues together [Music] okay and then we when we come around the back of the vehicle here's another area that stands out to me it has those small regular shapes regularity that are indicative of a footprint geometrical shapes some disturbance some color change where the wet earth is being pushed forward into some flattening here some more disturbance color change regularity in here and that really leads towards that point that I marked as an exit moment then you can very clearly see those those little green plants being pushed down and then a lot of color change and disturbance going down this hill so from the information we have now I started to do is that where the person got out you walked around the back of the vehicle came to this site and then made his way down here now all I need to confirm is if there's other individuals involved because the local national was not very precise about numbers and this is obviously something that is of interest to us the next thing that stands out to me here is almost a repetition from the other side you see regularity geometrical shapes you see the color change this is definitely a different color than this or this where the earth has been moved you see it here as well as some disturbance those straight lines we didn't see in the other print which to me is indicative that this is potentially another individual and it does make sense because he got out of the passenger side of the left side stepped here closed the door then started making his way some more regularity there some more flattening down into that same location now I want to confirm that this is an exit exit point I've got two individuals male or female I don't know that exited this vehicle after it stopped and it seems like they're going down there so I need to investigate a little bit further so one individual came around the back of the vehicle one individual stepped out of the rear passenger left side came down this way they came together and it seems like they were making their way down this embankment a couple of things here that give me as a tracker warm fuzzy feeling I've got this regularity here definitely indicative of the individuals we're looking for as we go down here okay a lot of disturbance the other thing you see here is that you know there's a clear space around this stick it means it would move because normally with rain and over time the stick really gets embedded into the ground then when you touch it you get that contained shadow around it there's some scuff marks on the top there's a broken stick here and what's also nice is you can see these small little plants that have been pushed down through flattening now normally over time with the moisture they will try to sort of come back up again and try to live and catch the sunlight but they've been pushed down through flattening and what you see here is those breaks in those leaves and that really is indicative of the side of a boot that has pushed them down and made that break I don't see any animal tracks around this area and a straight edge like this often very indicative of this side of a shoe so again a thing that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling as a tracker I'm still on track now as we're going down some more regularity here you can see a lot of disturbance as it goes down and a little bit further down you can also see almost like a full perfect two prints of boot outlines as they were going down then a bit further down even one of the the branches on the tree has been pushed forward is showing the underside of the leaves which is color change and this makes me as a tracker very confident that the two individuals that exited this vehicle here now have left the main track have gone down into this thicket into that direction so what we're going to do now is we're going to record all relevant information this incident site we've got a contact HQ and when everybody's ready we're gonna pursue these guys or girls we don't know that yet so as we were searching around the incident site we were very fortunate to find a very good print of one of the people involved now this is really important to us and even though we are pressing for time and we want to follow up it pays dividend further down the track if we take the time now to record this information accurately so one of the things that sends out for me in this print is that it is a very new print because you can see the regularity on the sides is very sharp you can see that the edges of the threat pattern are very very sharp and very deep so this is not a very worn out shoe it is a it is a very new one in the middle you can see quite clearly the outline of the vibram brand that they put underneath there so so again this gives me an indication what type of boot this is I can also assess roughly what the height of the person is and I do that by measuring from the tip of the impression to the rear and multiply that by six now I took these measurements in 31 centimeters multiplied by six is 186 centimeters now this is not going to be very accurate and it is assuming that the person is wearing a well fitting boot but it can give me an indication about the height of the person that we're following I'm also looking for especially the areas around the heel because those ones are really important because that is mostly the best impression you're going to get when someone is walking so those details are important as well now the other thing that I'm that are found in this track and that is of importance is that although it is a very new boot a very fresh tread pattern there is some damage to it and one of the the shapes inside that tread pattern is damaged and you can see that it's cut off and that really distinguishes this specific print from any other print so even if the rest of the population here is wearing the same buuut I'll be able to tell that this one is actually the one we're following okay we collected all the relevant information I'm going to contact HQ now to tell them what's going on and then we're ready to move on hello 0-5 this is Delta to zero this is my office and I thought back to zero short-sleeve reference at the great three four to five six five four two individuals moving in itself with them directions hs-9 four to eight hours attracts one time stars a brown one time military type food i'm for actual break time 0 9 q 3 o clock [Music] [Music] there are four Roger times there are 93 out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: UF PRO
Views: 188,000
Rating: 4.9555945 out of 5
Keywords: ufpro, uf pro, ufprogear, tactical, tactical tracking, tracking, man tracking, tracking school, anti poaching, stop poaching, visual tracking, ranger, lead ranger, boris vos, tracking skills, tracking skills hunting, hunting, scout, combat tracking, tactical tracker, telltale signs, how to track, how to manhunt
Id: 7XsrHVdTy7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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