Pro's guide to CQB | Doors & Thresholds

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edit so I just saw all these points brought up later in the video. The demo also includes the instructor stacking up on what he just called the "weak" side. I think better nomenclature is in order. This comment is about the nomenclature, not the underlying tactics or considerations

I'm a scrub, and this usage of "strong" and "weak" side confuses me. I would expect the strong side to be the safest and therfore better side of the door to be on once it's opened, and weak the inverse. I think the underlying considerations of where the handle is are valid, but I don't think the nomenclature quite covers the content.

Surely the safety of the side you're standing on depends on how much of the room you'll be exposed to if the door is opened? To clarify:

1 may be able to see more of the room when the door is cracked and thus is able to "engage" the problems, but first look works both ways. The opfor needs to look only at one spot, that doorway, whereas #1 has many angles he's looking at and is exposed to at once. This seems to be a disavantage, not an advantage. Furthermore, if the handle's across the door, you're more into the frame than #2 would be to open it. This also applies to when you're eventually slicing the pie. Even if #1's not opening the door, every step exposes him to more of the room than the person on the other side, giving him more of an area to process at a time.

2 on the other hand has less angles he can be engaged from, and will have to slice less to control his (controllable) side of the room. If the door is standing open, the concealment is added to that. It seems to me #2 is in a safer place to be than #1 when the door gets cracked, even if it should open to the other side (bad building architects, lel).

This is even more pronounced in the context of working alone. Standing in #2's spot will give you the opportunity to control the speed at which you're exposed to parts of the room much more than #1, and it'll be easier to step back and be concealed from largers parts of the room of necessary.

The room at the end of the hallway is an even clearer example:, even not taking that other part of the hallway into consideration #1 will be safer when that door is opened than #2. Defined another way, #2 would have to be further away from the door to get as little exposure from the inside than #1. Another reason to pick this side would be that you have the entire right hand side cleared with the first part of the slice, and you don't need to worry about giving up ground as you slice (though this obviously applies only to cornerfed rooms where there are no dead corners on one side).

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/RPofkins 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

The real star of the show:

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/RPofkins 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

great video

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Trismegistos519 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
this is just consuming but in cqb everything here is consumed I have no idea I really what gives you cover makes sense but when I'm opening the door when I'm trying always to do is to open it gently and by doing so the door will stop around 90 to 150 degrees now since I'm alone we talked about it I'm exposed to a variety of angles and one of the problems with slice when you work alone that the more you slice and slice the more you start to give away by having the door like this you offer yourself consuming yes I know if someone will be there he could shoot me through the door but then already I will see it from this angle because I will I will hear the movement maybe I will see a shadow or maybe you will start moving because he wants to see as well if you see the door and he can't see me he will go around it you got a point but this comes into play in situations where I'm standing like this it gives me this consuming buffer in case when someone else started it comes into the room while I'm standing here makes sense [Music] [Music] okay so basically we talked about the angles different room shapes we talked about how we can manipulate those angles into our advantage right we focus primarily on clearing those rooms with open doors so what we're going to do now is we will focus on clearing these rooms with closed doors does it affect the angles or it remains the same angles in the finishes stays the same stays the same everything system stays the same the footwork stays the same but you will see okay there are two ways of clearing rooms the first one is what everybody referred to today is as dynamic entries or what we know primarily as dump entries in dynamic entries everything is done quickly and the consumption of the angles in the room is done inside meaning instead of trying to see the room from outside I'm literally going inside and I'm solving problems while being inside of the room okay then we have the other way of clearing rooms which is basically slice based entries probably the majority of you are familiar with that with terms like slicing the pie in criminal pie sliding doors stuff like this in slice based entry is basically the majority of the clearance is done from outside of the room meaning we try to avoid over committing the room until we really have to okay so for example if I can clear 80% from outside I will do it and only then I will go inside those are the two main concepts we have one is favouring movement the other one is a favoring safety between two concepts we have hybrid entries hybrid entries are basically for example entries like you slice 50% from outside and then you go dynamically into the room or stuff like the in criminal pie where people will do rainbow around the door and then will criss cross inside okay but primarily slice based entries dynamic based entries so first of all threshold that's the frame of the entry point okay it may dictate how fast I can go through it it may dictate how much I can control or expose for myself make sense in daily life or reality I have three types of thresholds tight standard wide let's go through it really quick standard I think it's pretty cool to everybody but a tighter threshold will allow me to see little into the room and it will not allow me to move two people at once through the doorway make sense good fun fact the the corners which the hard corners are becoming even deeper because from here I can slice less and less from the room okay but you will see it later then we have the wide threshold the wide thresholds are allowing us to move faster into the room with two people even three people it is easier to slice and control but the only big issue that we have is that with the wider threshold since I consist so much I'm also losing much more so much faster because for example if I'm slicing from here all the way here due to the fact that threshold is much longer I have much more information which is a way which is in very few of you and at some point I'm losing okay you'll see it later it's actually very interesting in force or force the next type of structure that we have is what we call a tabular shape or linear okay I think it's self-explanatory so we'll ask you the following question where do we have it in daily life bus is very good trains trams airplanes very good okay and of course tunnels which is in Israel also is a really big topic right okay let's go through it really quick the first issue I have where table rooms is the fact that it's a compressed environment okay as you can see it's a very narrow environment normally also it will be relatively free in the middle because obviously people have to move from A to B however it's still compressed which means if we will fight while running into this room a lot of guns will be compressed together okay so the probability of renfa is pretty high second issue that we have is that essentially essentially you have only two directions of fire like we talked about the L shape fun fact an L shape technically if if it's effective room it's basically two tubular shapes together you get it perception okay the directions of our next issue that's we have I actually covered it already there is no structural or furniture cover or concealment and the next issue that we have especially with inexperienced people is the issue of overpressure and friendly fire by overpressure I'm referring to situation where someone is shooting next to me it individuals especially in police environment who are not used to it for them it might be too much it will be a really high contributor for stress when they will experience it for the first time when they're fighting someone because after all when someone's shooting next to you especially we don't have like this fancy air protection it's not so comfortable right second in terms of friendly fire again we are looking here into a high probability of shooting each other as people are simply too too close to each other okay let's talk about direction of opening or mechanism okay we have two directions of opening okay push pull push as off the door goes into the room okay just went inside but okay then we have pool which means the door will go outside to me so inward outward make sense remember it as push pull okay perfect fun fact regarding corridors normally by far doors will open into the rooms rather than away from the room why because corridors and staircases are highways of buildings okay they are used for mobility just keep it in mind fun fact okay good it's a quick summary so we have three types of room shapes which have consistency in in reality right before we will summarize them visually on the wall I want to ask you for those shapes what others box shaped l-shape toddler shake what is an easy corner from outside you can find you can bail it in song what is a hard corner you can't see until it's too late right perfect okay now what we're gonna do is the following during my military timer was used to work a lot with flower plants that's also basically how I started to realize that there is consistency to these shapes but this is the point right I want to make sure that you're not thinking like robots that you're able to see a picture and manipulate it based on the information you just got from it okay good now this is a classical example where I looked into which was really important for me it's really nice we have this box shaped L shape and tabular but we all know as fighters that in reality just circumstances are going to expand a little bit beyond the clear definition we have in a classroom right so those three types of food shapes are really depending on the perspective you having to do small tip if you are able to understand that for example here that's from the moment the door is opening I can see that the area and therefore it remains for me just a box you will be able on the go to apply the tactic and adjust it to what is coming in front of you for example right here we will throw the running the rabbit tactic or the NDI eight concept and so on and so on yeah very good perfect that was the next point very good so for example if I'm coming here through the window which you can see right here the perspective changes tactically it's on the L shape for me anymore it's a boxer because from here I can control that area perspective but still the consistency of the three shapes remains always it just depends on the perspective ok strong weak side of the of the entry point or the door basic ok so it's more easier language wise ok primarily when we're looking into this working space I have a weak side and I have a strong side and this concept of strong and weak side is oriented around the idea how fast am i becoming exposed to any angle in the room from the moment the door is being interacted so for example for tea to come here you will be like let's say right here ok ok good he is right now on the weak side anyone knows why let me show you from the moment that's me as a teammate whatsoever or II will open the door and let's say the door is still here can anyone see him no correct so he has time to get controlling the gun again to bring the hand back right long story short it will take quite long long time until we will become exposed to the angles inside the room ok so weak side put your hand on the handle just open it you see by the time is opening he's still not exposed for anything and he has the time to regain control in the weapon and be prepared weak side okay why do we call it the weak side because in the end in a bigger team capacity it means that if I'm standing here I'm not able to react to the room as fast as possible because in the end when I'm opening a door doesn't matter what context you trigger the room in one way or another make sense okay okay guys I know that's probably is gonna be very clear to you but I would like to go through the level of danger that's individual can experience as he clear L shapes again it will be pretty simple and logical but the reason why I want to go through it is because I think it's really important for you to understand what level of danger means what to me okay so let's imagine that you breach the door over here it's broken over there you through a nuclear bomb everybody are dead and the only thing you need to clear is this area and that area make sense good windows are out of the game just to make it simple okay good as I'm entering the room and let's say I am standing here this area is still what we consider to be green wise safe it's still relatively safe for me why I can still dominate I can still maybe work here from the doorway all right what else reaction time right I still have a better reaction time especially if someone tries to attack me with the knife whatsoever okay let's say I progressed very close to the aplex it's still not ultimate danger why in few words I still got some cover and very good I still have room which I can bail to you see that room over here so for example if I will encounter a heavy resistant over there which I cannot see I can start advanced procedures of fighting from the depth for example stepping off and going here make sense perfect the next year will be of course the most dangerous which I think it's a very obvious to everybody the last point of cover and concealment from the moment I'm beyond that thing that okay but I think it's very clear why do I show you these colors like in a Kenyan army because later in force and force talking about my own failures you tend to neglect some of this stuff and you get focused into forward forward forward forward and that's where people getting hit and understanding where it's really dangerous for me and when it's not and being able to manipulate it it's half of the fight okay so just keep it in mind now here there is actual ittle bit of shadow so I think it could be it will be a really good example and pay attention I'm going to open the door you see how quick the light comes out right from the moment the door is interacted and slightly opened he can start working okay so strong and weak side why why is it important to define it thank you for the following reason it's important to understand a timid penetration or any kind of a slice bass entries are basically an ambush in motion and for many years across many units the doors were just kicked or just open and people ran through it the way I see it these doors are concealment they are not cover but they can allow me to manipulate the angles to my needs so for example in later in a bigger capacity is one of the things we do is the following if 42 come over here for example if I'm standing here and I know that there is such a thing as a weak and strong side I know that the guy who's opening here is able to open it and from here the guys are standing here can walk to him as fast as possible while here I have the time to regain my weapon and son and son okay thank you make sense until now this is really important because for years we saw it that of course different units that either they just open doors or just kicked it and run through it and often in force and force as soon as resistance starts around the door you'll see guys standing like this or whatsoever and then they're getting hit okay so this is really important we want to set ourselves to success make sense perfect so weak side as of I am coming from the handle side I'm opening the door and the door is still in front of me provides big concealed strong side means I'm away from the device that allows me to open the door in this case the handle and from the moment the door is open I can see into the room make sense when I can see someone else can see me as well good ok let's talk about door interaction in a one-man capacity so in other words we're going back to the one-man room clearance but with doors so right now just just for a second ignore the rest of the doors here and windows and so on and think about you working in this corridor and you needing needing to clear this room ok so you have to clear it but the door is closed right we didn't talked about it so I have two ways of clearing this room either I'm gonna kick it or just open it and do my thing or I can manipulate it to my need now here it's even more important than a four man capacity clearance and why because I'm alone if I'm alone what kind of a problem I'm facing exactly 360 plus working my objective correct what other kind of problems do I have when I work alone out number ok good so I have to be very selective and how much commitment I give to the problems at hand make sense ok in the following procedure what I will do is I will work on under the assumption that here I don't have a big threat and that I need to clear this room so think about it is like of kinds some kind of a search I'm looking for something makes sense all right I will start from there I will do demonstrations really quick slow just so you have a taste of what I'm going to of what I'm doing and then I will break it down ok good okay let's break down what I just did first of all I came from here and the reason why I came from here was because that I want to show you the most complicated approach to this problem to this procedure okay I could always come from there and just open it in few seconds but I want to show you how it's done when you're coming away from the handle okay good so in the procedure I came from here when I came I stopped in an hour angle I stopped it in hour angle because just like we learned before I have to do your orientation check when I'm orienting myself I am looking to this area I am hearing and I'm taking a breath I'm taking a decision if I want to clear this room but there is another thing that we haven't done it would open doors that's we have to do now and that is also check the door itself when I will look into the door I will collect information is there a glass here maybe the door is higher like broken below or cut it or whatever in attire is there smoke coming up is there some kind of wires here that I recognize on the handle because maybe someone was putting some electric behind it whatever you get it so pay attention to the door where does it swings does it has some box here maybe there is a CCTV camera whatever makes sense good so orientation check Plus check the door itself the mechanism okay now our angle I stopped at the top from here I rolled up a little bit checked it 45 degrees or 90 degrees you just look up like this doesn't look bad and then I'm gonna cross when I'm crossing I don't want to see people doing this stuff why because when you spend longer form the door to you make noise so what I want you to do is is to have the hips to the direction of travel and like a tank keep your turret towards the danger area so it will look like this make sense keep the movement leaner okay one direction not all of these rainbows stuff if I will do the rainbow stuff like this I am now will becoming exposed to the rest of the corner plus more doors up ahead and in addition to that I will spend more time around the doorway make sense so movement wise hips direction of travel weapon direction of danger the tank effect makes sense when I'm crossing I am not stopping at 90 degrees and I'm not stopping at 45 degrees I'm stopping in a narrow angle why again I'm wearing one man room clearance contract it could be the sound was waiting for me and he saw me through the CCTV for example there was a camera or something and he started to shoot but he missed me for whatever reason right if by nature right by default I will go to the narrow angle I'm already out of the way of danger and now I know that this room there is no way I'm going through that door anymore so now I can say okay I can start fighting from there whatever alternative point of entry but makes sense also another situation for example where maybe I feel that I exposed myself because of the window behind whatsoever oh [ __ ] could be that they show me by nature will be away from the now from from exposure because by default I'm going to the now make sense good another reason if by passing by someone heard me because right now he was cleaning his dishes from the other side of the of the wall he might go out so for example you will go now into the room ok you will stand here and from the moment you hear me passing you will open the door and you will go out ok you ready okay it's by nature I'm already here stop you see what happens he comes out naturally you have three three angles which we can look to well I have only one so I can ambush him furthermore if he wants to shoot me he has to turn around he has to see me first he has to come to me he have no freedom of movement I have make sense good thank you very much so thank effect narrow angle stop hasty rotation check just quick I for example just to show you in the demonstration I looked at that door because it was open see it everything is fine that's my objective or carats - it's from here 45 degrees 90 weapon goes up not down the weapon goes up why flagging and next thing that's what happened is boom shooting my own my own hand like whatever up another reason if someone will come out you can punch whatsoever make sense yeah exactly exactly okay from here weapon is up and the hand itself goes to the handle and just gently process it so you can fill in the mechanism as everything is fine and from here you will just open it's like slightly again one more time you will gently open the door why why for example we are not doing stuff like no like you often see with you know on YouTube with some cool music and guys with crap precision boom why this doesn't make any sense and losing my surprise like I'm taking so much time with the slowly opening though instead of very getting open the door having a shock effect they almost beat okay very good question so first of all why I will not kick the door bumping back if there will be for example a corner fed the door will come back to me second and listen to this everybody in the corridor none now no that's an anomaly took place something else the normal there is like a routine baseline or thing that happened in the building and all this and an acoustic signature indicate that something weird is going on here okay so I want to avoid it I'm alone right so if I open the door slowly I will be able to avoid the bumping and the noise in addition if someone will be triggered into the room the trigger will be much different think about it if you are inside even if you can't see me coming and there will be a surprise effect and you are just smoking and your gun is on the table and you hear someone kicking the door your reaction will be much more obvious right you know something is threatening me someone is in the building someone is searching for me but if maybe you will see the door here the door just open slightly it will trigger a reaction but your reaction will not be clear by definition because you will not know exactly what's happening here you will be interested in checking the door but open it you will come to the door but you will not be sure what's going on here maybe it was your partner we just went out for grocery shop maybe it's a neighbor who everyday comes to you in this hour in the morning whatever you get idea now it will trigger a reaction if therefore comes the next part as soon as I open the door I'm going backwards in our angle you can also 45 but now angle is the best and why because if you are a trigger and you want to check it out you have to come to the lower right you have to see now if you will come out I can start an identification I can start addressing the problem already from outside instead of doing it inside in addition even if you will not come into the corridor here just the fact that you will react and you will start moving around or you will do like hey what is this or whatever will allow me to locate where is the human in the room oh he's there you get it good so 90 degrees opening the door slightly forward going backwards in our angle orientation everything is right fine shoulder check and from here the slice is the same slice slice 90 degrees slice isolate isolate attack the corner shoulder check and walking around last question the door is like hanging in the 90 degrees why think about it concealment here's a small trick you don't have to do it but it worked very good for me this is just consuming but in CQB everything here is consumed and I have no idea I really what gives you cover makes sense but when I'm opening the door when I'm trying always to do is to open it gently and by doing so the door will stop around 90 to 150 degrees now since I'm alone we talked about it I'm exposed to a variety of angles and one of the problems with slice when you walk along it the more you slice and slice the more you start to give away by having the door like this you offer yourself concealment yes I know if someone will be there he could shoot me through the door but then already I will see it from this angle because I will I will hear the movement maybe I will see a shadow or maybe you will start moving because he wants to see as well if you see the door and he can't see me he will go around it you got a point but this comes into play in situations where I'm standing like this it gives me this consuming buffer in case when someone else started comes into the room while I'm standing here make sense small tip and the last question many questions there is a lot of things to it why is the interaction with the door is from the weak side another strong side because you know in our daily life we are wired to think always that the weaker stuff or the negative stuff right but why here the weak side is actually a force multiplier I have to open it from the wrong side of the door exactly so come here what I would like you to do is to open the door and in reality sometimes you really have to open the door from here but you try to avoid it okay good okay when I will say freeze just freeze ready okay open the door flip it up okay and stop you see it how much weight was going forward right plate carry the helm they had everything in a team capacity to another that sound will do something like this and he will fly into the room second if someone will bow will bounce from the side or from from the back and will attack him he will bring him down to the ground fast as possible okay so just think about it okay therefore we try to avoid it okay furthermore and that's the last point come here again open the door okay you saw how long it took him to get the weapon back into retention right that means he's already exposed for around three and a half to four seconds literally you can test it and by this time he's not able to shoot anyone which means if someone is ambushing him and even if someone just saw him he will not be able to address the threat because he's too working with his gun and you know how it works this is the moment where Murphy law steps in right are there any questions regarding this procedure no okay small tip narrow angles are used for orientation and for making sure if you decide whether you want to start think about it don't forget when you're interacting with the door weapon up and down they can get love it's okay good footwork so right okay it's get stuck you can move it right so primarily now you have another corner over there so what you will do you will slice and here you have to ask yourself do I hear anything sure I can sell you [ __ ] that you have to look through it but in reality sometimes I can't so at the more that say I can't see anything ask so priority do I hear there anything context why do I know that there is a likelihood for anyone to be there if yes take it very quick go around and just get that corner okay you have to put your ties of course if you hear something over there then it's becoming a higher priority but then ask yourself where will my thread have higher mobility over there or over here okay good yeah very good yeah exactly yeah comfortable this side because everything you put back two or three carbons here this side right yeah so you mean like if you're coming from here procedure wise you remember the shows to have to go around for the week sighs all right good we talked about it I actually write situations where you will have to so for example here also you don't have a working space right so there will be situations where you have to work from here so few things I want to keep in mind one you have to be faster - you have to be stable so you can get even closer but try to avoid stuff like doing things like this because later you see what happens with the with the handle the piece of for example right so get closer to it it's better one time and correct to open and then getting back now it could also be that the door will be lubricated or stuck whatever so you want to be stable if I have to fight with action here you see what happens to my tailing fit right it's not stable so one time correct get to the door open it and go backwards as much as possible it's much more offensive you make more noises you can also do it without noise but then it'll move much slower so it's context dependent okay [Music] exit very good you see it so he actually bailed back to the NAR way he saw that the door came back like an anomaly and he went through the narrow it's very good that's perfect because then he was able to foresee if there is any problem coming whatever okay good but that's why we have the strong side and weak side yeah good because you see what happens now you are aware about it you're aware about possibilities we are worried about what makes sense well and that's it okay [Music] [Music] you
Channel: UF PRO
Views: 689,739
Rating: 4.9627109 out of 5
Keywords: uf pro, uf pro gear, special forces, cqb training, cqb, cqb tactics, cqb training course, itcqb, force on force, cqb room shapes, force on force training, room breaching, breaching, close combat
Id: 6EDsIP5M0xA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 13sec (1993 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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