Prophetic Activation - Discerning The Times

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but today we want to gaze upon Jesus you and your prophetic office your prophetic mantle carrying prophetic authority and Dominion for all eternity and Lord that you've placed that prophetic gift that prophetic essence inside of us as your people and we want to unlock even more in Jesus name help us Lord go deeper with you deep calls to deep within our own hearts Lord we want to go deeper and deeper and deeper with you in Jesus name whoo amen well we want to welcome all of you who are on the online livestream and trust that this is going to be a great day as I said earlier to those in the house this is going to be mainly activation we're going to activate activate activate so that we can unlock that prophetic on the inside of us but we will have a little bit of just a little bit of teaching this morning how many of you are seasoned in the prophetic put up your hand your seasoned you've been prophesying you know how to prophesy you've been prophesying for a while you're seasoned okay how many of you would you would say that you're beginners okay so you know how to prophesy but you're you know you're stepping out into it how many of you would say you're kind of intermediate alright and then how many of you have never prophesied before anyone never prophesied before half and one couple of you okay well we're just gonna believe for a prophetic those of you who have never prophesied mainly this activation day is for those who have prophesied before but I'm gonna give you some insight that will help all of you and so if you haven't prophesied this will will help you tremendously because the prophetic is basically hearing from God specifically hearing from God Himself and then being his mouthpiece speaking out what he says so in a real simplified form that's what a prophecy is and we can all hear God's voice in John 10:27 it says my sheep hear my voice and they follow it's just a matter of learning how to identify the voice of the Lord how he speaks to you personally and so we'll be reviewing a few of those but what I'd like you to do before we get started and again if you're watching online feel free to fill in in the comment section anything that you know you want to engage with as you're working through the day with us and so we love to review those I'll be reviewing them later but we've got one of our staff members who's looking after you as well so so please do that so let's let's get in touch with our own desire for the prophetic where do you want to go in the prophetic and why do you want to get there right where do you want to go in the prophetic and why do you want to get there so you might want to just take note of those two questions and seek the Lord on it because he wants to give you the desires of your heart now God's been speaking to me recently on the area of the prophetic and he said I need you to be more like bolder and and and speak with with greater authority he said when you get my word I want you to be bolder with it I want you to to speak it with authority so there's like a tent peg that goes into the ground a stake that goes into the ground and so I'm pressing in for that I'm pressing in for further dreams and open visions and things like that pressing in so that I can have an increased precision in the prophetic okay so you need to kind of take note of what it is in your heart that you want to go after and why okay so first of all let's just cover quickly the value of the prophetic well for one one thing that we want to comment on is that we're in the decade of the mouth according to the Hebrew calendar so I think there's going to be a lot of prophesying going on within this next decade and so that's a good reason for us to get aligned with God for it so that we can be used of him when he's wanting to communicate things when he wants his heart okay he's looking for mouths he's looking for people to say I'll give you my mouth I'll give you my voice so that his voice can fill fill the earth and when you prophesy it releases the creative power of God it comes through the spoken word even like it did in Genesis in the very beginning of the Bible God spoke the word worlds into existence he spoke the universe into existence because there's creative power in his word in Hebrews 4:12 and the amplified version says God's Word is is-is-is operative it's energizing it's effective it's very very powerful okay so the prophetic has great value and also in Amos 3:7 it says God actually doesn't do anything in the earth except this prophetically revealed and spoken first Amos 3:7 he says I will do nothing except I reveal my secrets to my servants the prophets in other words before he activates in the earth there has to be a voice there has to be his prophetic purpose revealed and it's spoken out also when you prophesy it actually releases to those who hear success and prosperity we see that in 2nd chronicles 20 20 hear hear the voice of the prophets and succeed and of course it speaks forth destiny purpose not only for individuals but for nations for churches and so when you are connected to the prophetic you become a destiny giver and impart of people a revealer of destinies God's purposes ok now specifically today we want to focus because there's many things that we could activate today but we're going to activate specifically concerning the discerning of the times being able to understand the times and this is really important right now because we're in an era transition I'm gonna be sharing more about that tomorrow morning in Shiloh God's given me a whole message on what this looks like as far as the track of the last 70 years God's track and the enemy's track running simultaneously together and so it's really important that we understand where we're out because 1950 to 2020 is 70 years it was an era in the Bible the word 70 is is a completion number it's like seven seven decades and it's a completion of God's purposes and it's a indicates a new season coming and so we are in the beginning of a new era so it's important to discern what God's done in the in the previous era and to know how to position herself for the next one what is God gonna do because he will reveal it to you ahead of time now if you know ahead of time like for example if you know today that land prices are gonna increase 12 months from now by 30% guess what you're gonna do this afternoon you're gonna get your realtor and you're gonna go look at some properties right if you if you knew prophetically that that was coming if if you knew that there was a possibility of war in a nation coming and you knew why that war was gonna be called you could actually become a trumpet just like Jonah was when he went to Nineveh and he warned them about impending judgment they repented and position themselves align themselves with God and it lifted off the judgment right so if we know things ahead of time we can position ourselves for it and that's what God wants us to know all through the Bible starting in the book of Genesis he revealed what was to come and so that's what he wants to do for us because when there's an era transition there's change change that affects us personally it affects the church and the church's role in society how it manifests that role it affects the world and of course we we know that hindsight and the natural is better than foresight so prophetically we get foresight and then it's almost as well it's is as valuable as because we're going ahead into time and looking at what is there okay now let's just quickly talk about how to receive prophetic insights from God and most of you have had training in this but for those of you who haven't we'll just go through this really quickly in Revelation 19:10 it says the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy so there's a couple things I want to draw out of that number one is that Jesus is what it's all about everything's about him in the kingdom everything's about him it comes from him through him it's about him it's for him everything's about him so in the prophetic we we we are engaging in the prophetic because we have engaged with Jesus Christ because he is number one within our lives and and the prophetic will honor him now Jesus means the one who saves in other words the prophetic must be redemptive okay it's about New Testament New Testament prophetic is all about the completion of the Cross what was completed at the cross and so even if there's warning words or even if there's words about impending judgments like what we see about in the book of Revelation with God's letter to the church there was warning about judgments so that a redemptive act could be received and that they could be positioned for that so when we're prophesying on this side of the Cross it always has to be from that heart of redemption in other words it's solution-oriented and so even if and we're gonna have some heavy words in this and in these hours we're actually already receiving them and calling people to repentance warnings are being given and things like that but as always unto a redemptive purpose as always that way there's always an invitation for redemption that is Jesus the testimony of Jesus the one who saves is the spirit of prophecy see that's how it flows us out of that heart the one who saves if you can't save you can't judge right so only Jesus can judge because he's the only one who can completely save so we can be his mouthpiece for those things but we have to understand his heart and also the testimony of Jesus is like the power of testimony is amazing because when you give the testimony of Jesus which is his acts as words is heartbeat it actually brings out purpose to pass because Jesus is everything to the Father right so okay next so we are gonna draw close to Jesus when we're prophesying it's not just getting into our head thinking oh I wonder what God's saying maybe it says maybe is that not at all we draw close to Jesus as to the person of Jesus he is a spirit of prophecy so he is the one that speaks to us by his Spirit secondly we want to consecrate our vessels we are the temple of the Holy Spirit but we don't want clogged up pipes right so you can have like our spirit man when we're born again we are completely perfect in our spirit we're spirit soul and body and so our spirit man has been born again that's John 3 verse 6 it says that which is born of the flesh is flesh but that which is born of the Spirit is spirit so your spirit man is born again it is completed in Christ Jesus if you were to pull off your body pull off your soul and just walk with raw spirit man you would look exactly like Jesus glistening in glory absolutely perfect and flawless completely righteous everything done for you by Jesus is an absolute gift that is who you are and the more you focus on who you are the more you'll manifest that right so that is who you are and so when we're consecrating ourselves unto God we want to acknowledge who we are if we're gonna prophesy accurately now from your spirit man is gonna flow rivers of living water that are pure waters it's a pure reservoir in your spirit man but what about the soul your mind your will your emotions when you were born again the Bible says that if any man is in Christ he's a new creation old things have passed away and all things have become new but we know for sure that all of our emotions didn't change the moment we got born again our thinking didn't necessarily change our choices didn't necessarily change right away those are being renewed the soul is being renewed by the Word of God our spirit man it's already perfect the rest of us is in process right having that life of the Spirit just oozing into our soul taking over issues renewing ourselves right and then our body of course manifesting those works that's that's it from the inner to the outer religion is the outer to the inner you know you work your way from the outer courts to get into the inner courts but in Jesus because he rent the veil it's already done for you inside so you just let it out right so back to the reservoir the clean reservoir of water which is in your spirit let's say that as it's getting released like you know a reservoir of water goes through pipes to get into your sink but let's say there's rust in those pipes on the way to get to your sink the tap and you turn on that tap and you fill a glass of water but it's got contaminants in it see that water even though it started with a pure source is now contaminated you could drink that water and get poison so in the prophetic we want to make sure we consecrate our vessels body soul and spirit so that we are clean before God and that no rest is gonna fill fill the water right so we want to clean the pipes so how do we do that when we are are walking with God we allow the conviction of the Spirit to come to us and if the Holy Spirit convicts us of anything we repent that means turn away from that you don't do that anymore that would be a silly thing to keep doing what's gonna harm you okay and that's what sin is don't be afraid to use the word sin many people say it's not politically correct well you know one day those people are gonna stand before God and their argument isn't going to stand okay God calls things that are contrary to his well contrary to the word he calls sin so don't be afraid to use it and God isn't trying to condemn people with that he wants to just to be free from it because sin or the any sin will hurt you and hurt others through you anytime we partner with sin we are gonna get hurt and we will hurt others it is a given that's what the Bible says and don't be deceived God is not mocked whatever man shows us what he's gonna reap if you sort of the flooded flesh you'll reap corruption if you sow to the spirit you'll reap life so we want to sow properly right but the good news is is that if we have sinned and we turn away from that sin we are we we have the blood of Jesus who will cleanse us from all unrighteousness okay so then we can stand before God and receive his word and deliver it to the people in impurity right so we want to consecrate ourselves in the book of Joshua I think as chapter 3 it says consecrate yourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you right and so in preparation for the next move of God we want to consecrate ourselves set ourselves apart for God we don't want any blockages we don't want to have sin in the way we don't want to have demons in the way and we don't even want to have our own carnal thoughts in the way when we're waiting on God we only want to hear his voice right so we repent from sin we bind the enemy and we cast down any high thoughts imaginations anything that comes from our natural mind that are contrary to God we just take care of that in prayer first we're going to get those those options out of the way and that's how we do it so after we're consecrated and we've found the enemy we've taken care of the sin we've cast down our own imaginations desires things that we want then we ask God to fill us with His Holy Spirit of fresh so that we can see and hear as he sees so we're gonna look at three just three aspects this is not a full training or anything but just three simple ways that we can hear from God and it's very easy prophesying is actually very easy and it's very powerful even children little children prophesized so profoundly and it's easy for them you should hear the prophesy they're amazing you know and they they prophesy so accurately but it's that easy that even children can can prophesy okay first of all through seeing now ways that you can see in the most usual way people see is through faint little impressions in the mind's eye okay just it's just faint little things that come into your imagination I call it the mind's eye for example if I were to ask you to close your eyes and imagine a hamburger all of you would have just a different version of that hamburger do it for a moment just close your eyes and imagine a hamburger and when you can see that hamburger open your eyes and at home we want you to partake of these as well so okay how many of you had a hamburger with french fries in your vision anyone have french fries near vision that's what I saw right away what's a french fries okay how many of you had cheese on your hamburger how many of you had two two burgers don't just one anyone have a triple anyone see a triple how many of you had onions on your hamburger how many of you had tomatoes on your hamburger okay how many of you had lettuce wrap the protein style how many of you had a whole wheat bun anyone yeah a couple of you and how many of you had white buns how many of you had a McDonald's burger in your mind's eye how many of you had in-n-out burgers yeah that's my favorite that's my favorite burger actually okay so what I'm trying to prove there is those faint little images it's not like you've got a big vision in front of you it's just an impression in your mind's eye right that's how you can hear from God and see see through the spirit when he puts things in that same place and then there's open vision which is where you see a vision right out in front of you that's less common and it's not more powerful let me say that it is not more powerful it's more dramatic for sure but it's not more powerful or it doesn't necessarily carry more authority than the faint images that you receive in your mind's eye it's just a different way that the Holy Spirit will cause you to receive oftentimes we think you know the the more dramatic it is the more powerful it is and the more authority it carries and that's not true okay there's just different ways that God shows you things in a spirit and I remember when I was learning how to hear from God and and you know there was you know people saying well if you if you see an open vision then you're more mature you start out with a faint but then you grow into the others and if you have audible voices that's more powerful than just you know a still small voice in your mind and and the Lord said that's not true actually that's not true and he he proposed a question to me that was interesting he said when you were raising your sons and you had to discipline them I just lost my notes they disappeared on me or just SEC and you had to discipline them when did you have to speak loud and I said well when they weren't listening or if they were far away he said exactly so let that just be a release because some people feel like I'm not very spiritual because I don't see open visions I don't have trances and I don't hear audible sounds so I couldn't be very spiritual that's not true you're gonna receive from God in a special way and if it's just faint images or a still small voice thoughts in your mind that is powerful it's just make sure you know the source of it right that's what makes it powerful it's the source okay closed eye vision is when you have your eyes closed but it's stronger than a faint impression it's like you're like seeing very clearly almost like you're dreaming but you're awake right you've got your eyes closed but but it's daytime and then there's trances which is like when you're inside of the vision you're inside of the encounter and then there's dreams and they can be day or night or night dreams that can be daydreaming or night dreaming okay so in a daydream it's like you'll just kind of drift off and go into like a little dream state and those can be initiated by the spirit that's one ways God can speak to you I receive my call into preaching ministry through a daydream and then of course the word itself the word itself you can actually see the word and I like to encourage my prophetic students to look up the prophets especially the seer prophets like Ezekiel and go through all their vision and meditate on it and allow your imagination to be submitted to that vision to the authority of that visionary encounter because the more that you connect to it with your seer organs the more of that prophetic authority will come come inside of you okay the next way the first one is to see the next one is to hear now we hear mainly from God through our thoughts and those thoughts will feel like your own thoughts you'll just think well I think that's just me thinking well God will use your thoughts but if the source is him it'll it'll be his his voice but spoken into your thoughts so you know it'll feel like your your thoughts but it's God speaking and you can usually determine I can determine the the difference if it's my own natural thoughts and if it's God speaking something into those thoughts and we'll we'll look into testing the word in a moment and then there's the audible voice or audible sounds that you can hear God with you can hear them through an angelic messenger and you can hear him through the word the word the word the word I can't emphasize the word enough because the word is our plumb line so even if we receive a vision or a dream or whatever ultimately it still has to be confirmed by that word by the whole Council of God okay and the third way is to feel so it's seeing hearing and feeling and the feel is the sense you're you're sensing something that God is saying or you have an inner witness or even a physical feeling like sometimes you can actually feel the tangible presence of God touch your skin or your hair or whatever so there's an actual feeling involved okay so those are ways that you can hear from God the fourth thing that we want to talk about is how to test the word because when you receive words from God you need to test them to make sure they're from him right and that therefore the right time as well what what time are they for okay so first of all your word must be confirmed by the scripture it cannot conflict with the scripture if your word conflicts with the scripture it does not come from God it comes from either a natural source or it comes from a demonic source but it does not come from God because God's Word the scripture will confirm it and so I just had a a conversation recently you know with some interaction with different people about the whole subject of homosexuality and said no we don't call it sin we don't call it sin we don't believe it's in we believe that people are born that way and these are Christians sharing prophetic insight for homosexuals based on the fact that they are not in sin that they're the beloved of God and God is pleased with them and their lifestyle well obviously that does not come from God it might come from a compassionate natural heart it might come from a demonic deception but it doesn't come from God because his word clearly Old Testament New Testament says the same thing about that kind of lifestyle it would be the same as someone in fornication or someone in adultery the word is clear on it you cannot make it say what you want to and so when we're prophesying we need to prophesy in the fear of the Lord that it is confirmed by the Word of God I'm also another thing that is helpful is that your word is confirmed by two to three witnesses now there's like a new release of prophetic coming forth just different tone from God then what some of us have known in the past and so I had a prophet contact me recently and saying you know I've had such a shift in my words I've been up all night I hardly sleep you know just I'm agonizing in prayer and everything with these words I'm getting because there's such a different tone and she said can you review this word for me and let me know if you witnessed with this word because I don't want to misrepresent God and she had also submitted that word to a couple of other people now that is very good that is very good to do because the Word of God will be confirmed in the mouth of two or three witnesses now another thing that you can do to get the witness is when you receive something from the Lord these days you can go online and see what the prophets are saying and if it is the Lord it will be confirmed with other witnesses right and so one of the words that I got prior to Rosh Hashanah last fall I think it was about in June I started to get this shift of error era you know this is a new era not just a new year not just a new decade but a new era and it kept going over and over and over in my spirit and I wrote it down in my journal notes and I was sharing with some people but when I went online to see what the prophets were saying so many of them were saying the exact same thing in fact I was just watching something was Sid Roth today we're right on the headline it said not just a new year not just a new decade but a new era was almost word-for-word what I've been declaring so in the mouth of two or three witnesses that helps you confirm your word also the fruit is your word bearing good fruit jesus said a good tree cannot bear bad fruit so if something's bearing bad fruit it's not it's not from the Lord right so in our prophetic is a bearing good fruit is it bringing people closer to Jesus is it preparing them to walk with Him better is it giving them faith we want faith to be birthed in their heart all those things acknowledge the fruit of it also is it compliant to the character of God to the way that we know God according to Scripture it says that God is love that he is compassionate that he is righteous that he is true he has character attributes that need to be examined in the light of the word does a doesn't violate any of his character attributes so you know like if you know if you were to prophesy the Lord is angry with you and he's gonna wipe you off the face of the earth because he you know mean he doesn't love you as a son anymore like that would be totally contrary to what we know about God why would he sent his own son and loved the world so much that he would save the whole world and have that kind of attitude come forth and the prophetic it's it it doesn't represent him remember it has to have redemption in it there has to be a redemptive invitation now God does have wrath don't think he doesn't have wrath but when he has it it's directed towards unrighteousness it's not directed so much toward the people it's directed towards the unrighteousness but his word of redemption and invitation to come out of that would be towards the people right so you need to rightly divide that and then finally does it come to pass and so when you're getting futuristic words write them down and watch them come to pass you can gauge your accuracy that way and then and it'll help you grow okay now the next thing would be how to present your prophetic word there's different ways of presenting a prophetic word the first one is praying praying the word out in intercession God is revealing something and you want to give birth to it in prayer so you can pray it out you can intercede and that's probably step number one when you get a prophetic word almost every time would be to pray it through then the next thing it can be spoken out loud it can be spoken and there's different ways of expressing it even as you speak it out you could you know as as we see in the Bible it says the Lord says and then you speak it out in like a first-person right that's one way of giving a prophetic word like you could say the Lord says I have loved you with an everlasting love so your voice is being used to speak on his behalf but he is the I in it right the other way that you could present that one is by saying aye I hear the Lord saying he loves you with an everlasting love right it's the same word but it's just delivered a little bit differently and again we need there's three parts in the prophetic there's the revelation there's the interpretation and there's the application and all three parts of it need the leading of the Spirit to direct it right so of course when you receive the revelation then you want to make sure you have the accurate interpretation and then how does he want you to deliver it okay so he might want you to say of us says the Lord or he might want you to say I believe the Lord saying to you he loves you with an everlasting love and depending even on how you're speaking the word to is gonna change because some people that you would deliver the word of the Lord to it - they might not have any cultural like understanding of like I am the Lord and I'm saying to you right now like they might not understand that you might have to get it to them in a different way I've I've prophesied to unbelievers the will of God without using Christianese jargon or without saying thus says the Lord you are going to excel in business and there's a change coming and you know like that would probably freak them out but but I have been able to say you know I'm just sensing something right now about your business and then you deliver the word they'll say whoa that's amazing then you can tell them yeah you know I know God and he speaks to me that's what I feel he's saying over here then you can bring his name so you need wisdom right the leading of the Spirit on how to speak up forth and another part of the spoken word is the written word and it's interesting because jesus said to the devil when he was being tempted it is written it is written it is written right so God he writes his word he writes it on our hearts but he writes it in Scripture as well and Jesus referred to that written word so I would highly recommend writing your prophetic words out it's very very powerful because it will help you go back to them and it'll help keep you on track it'll help you with the accountability of that word and also you can delay like especially with all the portals we have available now we have the ability to put out over the Elijah list over Facebook over different blogs you can write blogs about what God's showing you because the earth is being filled with the voice of God of a whole prophetic company is being raised up in the body that is prophesying out words after word after word and it's very important because each one of those words as they're prophesied is releasing the will of God into the world so that's what God needs you for in this hour he needs more word because we're gonna create a tipping point when when the word of the Lord goes out there it doesn't return void it accomplishes what it's sent to do so when we have the pure Word of God going out it is actually going to manifest can you imagine if if there's going to be a culmination if you think of every prophetic word as a seed and all of a sudden the whole garden comes into harvest it's going to be amazing right so we want to make sure all the seed is out there so written is is another way that you can do it another way that we have today is through media especially everyone has access to social media so you can speak it you can video yourself or just do an audio or whatever you can get a prophetic word and then five minutes later you're delivering the word to the whole world just amazing although you should probably take some time to confirm that word if you're seasoned you'll know when you can release it or not okay the other thing that you can do is you can take the prophetic insight that God is giving you and deliver it in the form of a decree now job 22:28 says decree a thing and it will be established and light will shine on all your ways right so when you decree it and a decree is an official word spoken under the authority of a king so when King Jesus gives you the word you can decree it you can decree this word prophetically as well also through books which is writing of course you can write a book on a whole profile subject I'm writing one right now that will be out in the fall songs sometimes you can prophesy over people in songs or over nations and songs I think some of those songs that we have today are very very prophetic they're from the heart of God speaking over his people you can prophesy through art and we've seen a lot of prophetic artists rise up in this last 30 years or so in fact it's oftentimes a very normal part of worship is having a prophetic artist there to do it music prophetic music prophetic acting acting out the word and drama and even for entertainment media I think a lot of the movies and that are very prophetic right and I believe God breathed on those dances another way to release a prophetic interpretation is through dance so there's all different ways that you can you can deliver your word back to the area of art when you use prophetic journals one of the things that will really help activate your seer is to draw out what you see draw it out you know not just write it out you can write it out but then draw it out it'll take you deeper it'll season your seer anointing more if you can draw it oh and you don't have to be a good artist I'm a I'm a horrible artist but I find that when I draw things out that I see it it actually takes me deeper inside of it it opens up another layer okay and then as far as activations we we want to be very intentional with this because Hebrews 5:14 says solid food is for the mature who because of practice have their senses trained to discern both good and evil so because of practice we train our sentence we mature through reason of practice practice practice what is practice it positioning yourself to open yourself up to hear from God and to release it here and release here and release here and release here and release it is impossible for you to grow in prophetic maturity without practice in the same way as it is impossible to drive a car without getting behind the wheel no matter how much instruction you had no matter how many YouTube videos you watch you will not drive the car until you get in it and do it and you will not get good at driving that car until you do it over and over and over but eventually it becomes like second nature I learned on a gearshift back in the day and I know it was a three in the tree they called it you know and they have the big clutch and those cars were big and heavy back then you know big heavy cars and so the clutches were like you know I mean you you had to really learn how to do smooth transition between your gears but you know what after I practice practice practice I did it without even thinking without even thinking and so that's how it gets with the prophetic it just becomes a natural part of you but it's not just gonna land on you your growth is gonna be by activating and I would suggest prophesying every single day intentionally go before the Lord and say God give me a word for this person give me a word for this situation give me a word for what you're doing on the earth today and position yourself to hear from God God is more willing to speak most of time than we are to listen so if we position ourself to hear from God and then deliver deliver deliver deliver whether it's we sing it out into the spirit or pray and intercede through that word or write it out and send it to someone just practice practice practice is what is going to season you as a prophetic voice and I've been really convicted actually one of the reasons why I'm doing so much supernatural and prophetic activation right now is for myself because I know if I commit myself to helping others it'll-it'll ill stir me up as well because over the last of years I've moved more Apostolic Lee than prophetically but recently the prophetic mantle has gotten stronger and God's giving me more download so I know that I have to really focus on that aspect right now and that means activate activate activate right in order to get more seasoned you you should never stay in the same level you know if you had a tree in your yard that all of a sudden had stunted growth there's something wrong with it and we had a situation like that it's just in one of our houses that we have here the first house we bought when we came to Maricopa the builders planted a little tree in the front yard and one year later it was still the little tree in the front yard and the next year it was still the little tree in the front yard after ten years we it never grew we used to feel sorry for that little tree it just didn't grow there's something wrong right you know you know there's something wrong when there's no growth that poor little thing was still this spindly little thing all the other plants were growing around it but it never grew so we don't want to be like that tree we want to be able to grow grow grow grow grow all the days of our life in the Lord we're never going to be stagnant and the way that we move forward is to simply position ourself to here and then obey it's just that simple amen okay so we're gonna go into activation but before we do are there any questions or anything that you would like covered before we go into our first activation anyone yes yeah that is a good question so she's asking is there anything about about time frame on a word because many of the words that she's received as I'm sure many of your words haven't come to pass yet you know he got them maybe even 20 years ago and they haven't fully come to pass yeah so using the Bible as an example and using some of what we call the major prophets like Isaiah and and that who prophesied the birth of Jesus and it sure didn't happen in their lifetime you know it was like hundreds of years later finally their prophecies come to pass I guess they were relieved when they were in Abraham's bosom but finally the words were coming to pass but I mean really we just think that they probably had all this confidence but they're just like you and I I say it was no different than you and I God gave him certain revelation he's giving you certain revelation that we have to Stuart and so I'm sure that you know all the prophets struggle with the same thing we all struggle with right and I'm sure that as he's giving all these bold words and then not seeing anything come to pass he's he's wandering and as he's taking his last breath I'm wondering okay there's a lot of unfulfilled works out there right so so some of them do take long but sometimes it's it's it's gone by the times gone by my friend Clarice fluent she shared this story years ago I laughed my head off when I when when she shared it but it was about her having what she felt a word from God in her twenties that she was going to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader thus says the Lord now there was potential back in the day she's celebrating her 80th birthday this year and the times gone she's probably not gonna become the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader right oh me and her dreams may be right so that one for whatever reason you have to put that one the shelf because the times gone for and they have to move on and there's different reasons for words not coming to pass the first reason is it could have been just bogus it could have come from the flesh instead of the spirit that's one reason another thing is is that maybe choices weren't made to Stuart it to come into alignment for the fulfillment or faith activated it says faith without works is dead so some words you have to activate you know and some of them are just yet to come to pass so there's different different things there I had a word given to me in 1978 so that is like 40 years 42 years ago 40 years 42 years ago it was a five page prophecy and nothing got fulfilled for about three years no no none of it no no aspect of it God got fulfilled and then it started being fulfilled slowly until now there's just one aspect left to be fulfilled all the other ones have been fulfilled and that was before I mean I was a fairly new Christian so I wasn't in any ministry back then but it prophesied what I'm doing now at prophesied you know the the millions that we would be ministering to well back in the day is like how is that ever going to happen you know but there we are okay but it's been unfolding in stages so there might be some parts of the word maybe that are fulfilled earlier and then some parts later as well anyone else have a question yes yes they could have received the word but they didn't interpret it properly that is true yeah that could be another reason anyone else have anything you want to share before yes yeah yeah yeah if the word like everyone has a will okay so so the Bible says that God has whom he foreknew he also predestined in other words he determined a destiny but just because he determined a destiny doesn't mean people are gonna fulfill their destiny because he gave all of us a choice we're not robots we are not robots we all have free free will but the beauty of the prophetic is you can see God's will you know you can see things that you can align to but if it involves another person definitely there you know you can't usurp someone's will I've heard people say well the Lord showed me that I am to marry so-and-so but God never showed so-and-so that they weren't supposed to be married so there's an issue there right it definitely would take two people receiving the same same insight yes not just a resolution not just a resolution I don't remember saying that I'm just wondering in what context I would have said that warnings and judgments and solutions Oh solutions yes it's it's so that we can bring solutions I don't I'm sorry I don't remember saying that I'm so sorry yeah I don't know why I would have said that if I did say that I'm not sure why I would have said it because prophecies can bring solution definitely yeah mm-hmm okay anyone else yes yeah we for those of you that didn't hear especially for those online he's saying you know there's many words that we're hearing through social medium that where individuals are prophesying very negative negative things and some of them with very judgmental Bent's to them I think that's what you're referring to right Oh leaders in the body of Christ saying you don't need to be giving prophetic words all the time well I mean there's definitely wisdom on some levels in that but I I feel that God is desperate right now to have his true word out there one of the signs of the times that we're living in and you've probably noticed that you don't even need to be prophetic to discern this one is that the the truth of God's Word the Bible is actually being challenged from within the church we don't even need to be challenged outside the church you know because it's happening within the church and so I can feel the urgency of God to speak the truth and I had a vision recently within the last couple months I had a vision of a sort coming down out of heaven and piercing into the earth and the Lord says this is my plumb line it is the sword of truth and it was a two-edged sword and it was the kindness and the severity of God and so I feel that God really wants a lot of prophetic right now but as far as just I mean just for whatever reason does prophesying prophesying prophesying to every single person you see I do feel like maturity would connect you more to the leading of the Lord on that and but there are elements like in a class like this where we're going to activate activate right and and I know that when I first was learning the prophetic is that there was a whole group of us that we're learning together and we prophesied over each other all the time right and went out on the streets and look for people that were needy to prophesy over and so I believe practice practice practice I do believe in it but at the same time as a good point because there does need to be a maturity on learning how it says those that are led by the spirit are the mature sons of God right but God is needing more of his word out there today so does that cover what you're meaning Yeah right sure right yeah when you're stewarding a word that you receive personally so if someone brings to you a word and you don't bear witness with it on the first on the first take what do you do with that and usually you can pretty much trust your spirit like it might hit your mind like thinking I don't know if I understand that that's different an emotion might surface that's different but you know what I mean the check in your spirit where your spirit does not bear witness it's deeper than the thought deeper than the emotion it's it's it's in your spirit I have found that my spirit has been a hundred percent accurate in discernment and anytime anytime that I have doubted it and move contrary to that I've always been sorry I did right because it has just proven accurate so if your spirit is not bearing witness I would let them know that I would say thank you so much for your willingness to bring a blessing honestly I'm not bearing witness with that and let them know because that'll help them in their growth and the other thing is sometimes it just needs to be unpacked like I did that just recently just this last week there was a prophetic word that had been given and it was fairly directive on some aspects of the war it was a great word but I had concerns about the word because there was things in it that I didn't understand I definitely needed more clarity because if the person that word was for just went out and started acting on it right away it would have brought a lot of trouble to their lives and to their ministry so I contacted the person it was written out so I contacted the person who gave the word and asked them if they could help me understand more would you unpack this with me because I have a couple of concerns that I need you to speak into so that we can steward this word well and then they clarified certain things which helped tremendously it turned the interpretation of the word in a direction that could be grasped now if that hadn't happened and they gave me the interpretation but I couldn't bear witness I would have had to have told them you know unfortunately I cannot receive this and I would I when I cannot receive a word I do it OMS beer out loud just because sometimes it can be dangerous to let the word float so I want to stop the word I want to stop it I don't want it to activate if it's against God's will but in that particular case it was amazing and we've we discovered a few little extra pieces that were needed to understand the word and so that we could Stewart it and move into that word with confidence all right anyone else yes the difference between the office of the profit and the gift of prophecy well the office of the profit is found in Ephesians 4 and the main the main purpose of the fivefold ministry is to equip so profits will equip in the prophetic but also there's a supernatural equipping of impartation that will produce more profits actually but they carry Authority and the so they prophesy on different levels because it's a governmental anointing within the church so our governmental office within the church but everyone can prophesy not everyone is profits ok well are you ready to go into your first activation ready okay we're gonna pray on mass first and then I'm gonna give you your first activation because I want us to be positioned to hear accurately okay so let's just bow in prayer and if you're at home you can be doing this and then we're gonna put the activation up on the screen for you and then it'll be up there for 10 minutes for you to activate at home and then we'll have some interaction here and you can interact on your comments section okay okay so let's position our self before the Lord Lord we come before you right now and we want to consecrate ourselves afresh and so we invite you Holy Spirit to convict us of any rust in the pipes if there's any attitudes or actions or words that we've spoken that have not been repented of Lord God that you would bring those to mind so that we could turn from them and receive cleansing and just take a moment and wait on the Lord you don't have to go dig for things the Holy Spirit will bring them to your attention and if he does you just simply before him say I'm turning in the other direction I'm turning away from that and I receive forgiveness and I receive cleansing through the blood that's all you have to do we'll just take a few moments thank you father thank you for the cleansing blood of jesus christ who cleanses us and washes us clean and we acknowledge our righteousness which has been gifted to us in jesus christ thank you Lord for the gift of right standing before you and we accept that by faith right now as we consecrate ourselves we are righteous vessels okay so we have taken care of the sin issue now the next thing we're going to take care of is the enemy and the Bible says that we can bind what we bind on earth will be bound in heaven we have authority in the name of Jesus so we bind the enemy from interfering with our time of waiting on you we bind him and render him powerless and ineffective that he has no access at all to speak things into our mind or to to bring things to our attention that are not from you Lord we bind him and we give him no access in Jesus name so that gets him out of the way the next thing we're going to get out of the way is our own natural thinking our own natural perceptions and Lord you said that we are to cast down every imagination every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God and so we choose to cast down our own burdens our own natural imaginings in Jesus name we cast them down and we do not allow them access in this time of waiting on you and now Lord we ask you to fill us afresh Holy Spirit come and fill us afresh fill us with your insight the voice of a stranger we do not hear we only listen to the voice of our shepherd we only listen to your voice there's only one voice we want to hear from and we command every other voice to leave and we thank you Lord that you are making us sensitive to hear and to retain to get right interpretation and to know how to follow you into delivery in Jesus name Amen now when you believe that believe it and when you believe there's no room for doubt right so you can't say after well maybe that was just me or maybe it was this or because if you really believe this it's sealed it's done so you're filled with the Holy Spirit waiting to hear from God you have to have confidence that you are going to hear from God if you're fighting a lack of confidence you do exactly that fight it fight against it don't let that lie of the devil get in there because you need needs or have it need to have your confidence the Bible says throw not away your confidence which has great recompense of reward so we're gonna go in to waiting on God with great confidence okay the first activation Ben you can put up on the the screen we're gonna spend ten minutes right now on how is the Lord revealing himself in this era and why so we're going to go really specific we talked about how we're in a new era right now and we want to hear from God how he is revealing himself for example as a shepherd as a bridegroom as a healer as a deliverer as the resurrection as the life as thee as the Advocate and so you want to ask God to to speak to you on an aspect that he is revealing himself in this era and what does that look like you can ask him questions the prophetic a lot of times is about inquiring of the Lord saying how do you how do you want to be known in this era what aspects of who you are are going to be seen and activated in this era and how can I activate you in this era what what is what is the the the word the presentation and how do you want us to prepare for you so the first one is about him Jesus gazing upon him asking him to reveal himself in this next era how is he going to reveal himself what aspect is he going to reveal himself to us in so Lord we wait on you and you can just be quiet before the Lord as you ponder this and as you ask him questions in your heart and then write down what you get and then after about 10 minutes I'm going to have some of you share and those of you that are watching online you can write down what you're getting in the comment section if you want and also when I wait on the Lord for prophetic insight I always have my Bible always because he and variably turns me to scriptures to confirm so you know feel free to look up scriptures he prompts you to look at as well we have about one minute left how many of you feel that you need a bit more time than that put up your hand let me see okay we're good one more minute pen okay now we're gonna have you share again if you're watching online feel free to put what you're receiving in the comment section that'll be a blessing to others who are on the online portion as well because they'll be able to read what each of you are getting and and I'll take a look at those later as well but just so that you know in the room here is that you might all get something different from the Lord you don't have to get the same thing for it to be accurate because God is going to be revealing himself in different ways in this next era and so it could be all different facets of him and we'll know the purpose of that too right so I'm gonna have a number of you come forward and share into the mic what you're getting so who would like to be first come and share what the Lord's given you Barbie why don't you come forward so when I sat down just right after worship I just when we said fear the that's usually sometimes what will happen to me I'll see something and I just saw something just right over Patricia and what it was was you know the lucky terms the little rainbow with the pot of gold okay so it was a little faint thing like that so then as we kind of continued on I kind of started spraying into that and what what the Lord was really showing me was this pot of gold at the end of this rainbow but the focus that I started seeing was this earthen vessel and this rainbow was representing it was just full of glitter and it was just gorgeous and it just kind of kept expanding as I continued to pray into this and this glory it was just like this glory was pouring out over Patricia and then I kept seeing all these gold coins coming out from as the rainbow was pouring on her and as I continued then to pray into that and when we got to the question I was like Lord you know what is that you're showing me and it was saying that it's not only for Patricia or even Shiloh is the church but actually for the body of Christ that he is provider and so I'm like oh wow cool so yeah so it was like okay but then I was like okay Lord well what scripture goes with that and the one that he highlighted was in proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 and 10 let me go over to that I love it when God does this it says honor the Lord with your possessions and the firstfruits of all your increase so your barns may be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine so I really felt like that was the scripture attached to the vision that I was getting so yeah so that was it okay before you sit down let's ask another question okay the purpose for this next era what purpose does God have in revealing himself as provider yeah I'm sorry I didn't include that the purpose is that I think that there's this is what I was sensing there's gonna be a lot of shakings financially in the earth and there is going to be a lot of fear that will come with that because of the fact of lack and I've really felt like the Lord was showing that the body of Christ that he's going to take care of us that there's plenty of money and that we have nothing to fear but we will be well taken care of by our provider okay awesome did anyone else get something similar to that come on forward when I got is that God is revealing himself in this era as the god of the impossible and that there is nothing too difficult for him that we prepare by exercising faith trusting in him fasting and praying and being diligent to seek Him without faith it is impossible to please him because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek Him awesome so as God is giving these aspects of himself to you to carry you want to work those in yourself so the temptation can sometimes be okay this was just an activation and then we go on these are actually words that God is give so like on the provider aspect that is your word and the more you give it out to others the more it'll be built back into you as well and same with you know the god of the impossible that that is your word and as you take ownership of it and as you start to proclaim it and give it out speak it out over others than that it'll get built stronger in you to the more you get to take a prophetic word and preach it out speak it out write it out pray it out whatever it gains equity in the spirit because the word doesn't return void it accomplishes everything that's sent to do so once you receive it you want to give it out and work that word until it's fully established right and especially in a season when we have been in the body of Christ we have been in a season where we've been blessed with an open revelatory portal and I mean so many dreams visions visitations I mean there's been no other place in history you know the history of the church like this season so it's easy to say yeah yeah another word know we need to take those words and really steward them okay someone else wanna share come on forward actually the Lord spoke this word to me a couple days ago so strong and anyway mind I'm gonna cry he reminded me of it again today that he is I guess I see him as the loving gardener and he is I've really never heard this before but it was like such a direct word to me that the fruit of the Spirit it's the fruit of the Spirit that's in us and the word is to bear fruit the nutrients of love must saturate our soul and he's saying let me love you let me love you in the depths of your soul because we can't bear fruit unless those nutrients are in us and so what he's telling me is he just reminded me and it's just been such a wonderful revelation to take those fruits of the spirit and apply them to the Holy Spirit what he how he feels about us and he says to and I've just been taking there was nine fruits the Spirit in Galatians five and he's saying I love you I love living in you and then he goes on he says I have so much joy I just have so much joy I just love I have so much fun living in you you were so much fun and then he says you know it just gives me so much joy and I'm so peaceful in you I'm so at home and you I love to be with you you're so comfortable I rest in you I want you resting in me I rest in you and then he says and I patient with you I've not ever angry at you I'm patient with you I never give up I don't care how many times you blow up and I'm kind to you I love to give to you and I want a favorite favorite favorite you you know love joy peace patience kindness good I'm good to you I turned everything into good for you if you give it to me I'm gonna make it good I'm a good cook on good you love joy peace patience kindness goodness and I love this one I'm gentle with you you know what I speak your love language your unique love language I'm not gonna say something to you harsh I'm controlled I have no trauma for you ever I'm controlled and I never control you I never I never I'm not passive-aggressive to you I'm so controlled and I never control you let me love you let me fill your heart with the nutrients of my fruit so you because I want everybody in this harsh mean world to know I love you wonderful so in the days that we're coming into no because it's gonna be different there's gonna be tensions and and you know turmoil and things that we haven't sensed in this past era so this is going to be really important isn't it that God is making this real that I'm a guardian of love in the midst of everything that you see going on around you remember who I am in the midst of all this I am a guardian of love for my people anyone else oh sorry go ahead I'll get you no thank you what I did see immediately when I when my mind went to that word era I saw the picture that's circulating the the Facebook right with his mouth open and then I saw a mountain and you said take it to scripture right so that's what that's what I was getting and so I'm just gonna meet read mark 11:23 so should know it by heart but truly I tell you if anyone says to this mountain go through yourself into the sea and it does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen it will be done for them so he said to me I want to be known as the father as the king that gives you the authority grants you the authority to tell that mountain to move and it shall be done and then as I said okay I'll meditate that in my mind but then when I started typing it out I felt mercy in my heart and he said um I want a shift and I said God do you want to be known as a shifter we'll let it be I'm shifting Nations and I'm reestablishing and then I saw the picture of the world and it's like the the continents were shifting and even things within the continents were shifting but as I started typing what I was feeling in my heart and the vision he started saying mercy love judgment and mercy judgment and mercy and I did write this because it was going different places but he says I want to be known as a song over the earth as a blowing wind of mercy love I'm the deliverer and I'm reestablishing my voice will be like thunder in this era mercy and judgment judgment you know that's what I heard awesome I just want to say also like as you're getting these words I'd love for you to maybe we could take time even doing it but just sit down with your word and you'll find this this is a great activation is you take the word that he's given you and just do this for yourself at first do it for yourself and for the purpose of intercession you don't have to let it go beyond yourself unless the Lord lets you and wants you to but write it down in first person and so the Lord is speaking it to you directly saying like I am revealing myself to you in this next era as provider and then you you let your pen do the work like you let the spirit you know release those words on paper and it will be at the end you'll find that an anointing will just come down and it and it'll lift when it's over but you take you start with the revelation that you are getting and then start writing it out like the Lord says I will be a provider and then just keep writing it down or the Lord says I am the god of the impossible and in this next era or I am the God who is full of authority and I want to release my mercy and my judgment in this hour and you shall shift things and move mountains but you just keep writing as the Spirit inspires you it will be like almost by the time you finish one sentence the next one will come and it's a way of opening up the well and then you test that word because you've got it all written out test it spend time praying into it look up scriptures that confirm it and let that word become flesh in you until the reality of who God is and what he's revealed to you is living in you it becomes a part of you okay so that's a really good exercise that you can do sacred did you have what want to share what you got right I wanted to say tit I want to go off the other one with the gardener and the Lord has already given me before today all of this and he says I want you to be a supporter to the gardener and we had in Germany a little plum tree only this high but it probably had a hundred plums on it but the main thing about this Pompey is that it needed support on four sites if it didn't have any support that whole thing would be flopping down and this putting it into the kingdom right now I am to be a support to the plum trees like Patricia King is a plum tree everybody is a great bitterness and the much flute but there are he says I am to be a support to all of my leaders and there are several leaders in my mind that are bearing much fruit forward people in this era that we need to feed and so it's like my pastor and I have other pastors and then he says you're gonna come alongside of me to be the puna I'm the gardener Poona but I need a helper and that is to pull out the sin that so easy beset us in order not to land race of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus so I am to be a supporter of the gardener and and he said for that you need very great sensitivity you need to be able when I wink I need to guide you with my eyes I can't just pull on a big leash so you have to be very very sensitive when I say jump then you jump and then you only say how high so I just this just was the question that he was over working already exactly the stuff that you said thank you so he told you that he was going to reveal himself as gardener and pruner in this next season mm-hmm nobody what about him I'm not talking about what he told you would do but who is he in this era the gardener and the pruner right okay let's have one more Rita and why don't you come forward and then we'll take a break and then we'll come back and share some more I heard instantly it was I was asked a lot what he was doing he said it is the power of my love and my word that is going to break down the walls of our Parisian opposition and separation and when this is happening in my church my glory will be manifest with signs wonders and miracles in this era and meditate what can I do we can meditate more among parents in 13 so would you see him as revealing himself as a miracle worker as one who pours out miracles the Lord has been talking to me and and and praying for the church concerning a spirit of offense and he's wanting that broken off of his people and it's the love of God and the love within us that week preferring one another more important than ourselves that she's going to be able to do this thank you alright we're gonna take a break right now for 15 minutes we'll come back at 11:00 and we'll share some more of what you got in this plus any questions that you might help that are surfacing and then we'll go on to our next activation before lunch okay so there are some restrooms available if you need to to go and take a break there and come back at 11:00 okay everyone let's come back into the room okay and again we want to welcome those of you that are online with us and hope that you're enjoying this activation day a day of activation into the prophetic we are getting our prophetic juices bubbling away right that's also God needs us too okay before we hear any more words maybe just share a couple takeaways that you received this morning was there any thing that popped out that helped you I know someone said to me though they really appreciated the whole you know nugget about having confidence don't throw away your confidence just rise up in confidence how many of you thought that was important for you right okay anything else that spoke to you that you want to share because when you're in a mentoring position you know and you're receiving it's good to acknowledge everything good that's going on it says in Philemon six that your faith may become effectual by the acknowledgment of every good thing in you so when you hear good things and it's impacting you once you acknowledge it anchors it in you yes exactly and for those of you online she was saying that she really found it helpful to intentionally prophesy daily not just wait for the word to come to you but you go to the word right and yeah you know that's how you you know activation is how you mature according to Hebrews five okay anyone else yes right the word will always bear good fruit a true prophetic word will bear good fruit anyone else yes right right that helps me the same way she was saying that she really enjoyed the process you know the steps of process because what you're doing is you're eliminating any other option except for the Holy Spirit and and it really helps me get positioned to and centered so I'm glad that was helpful yes over here in the blue there well I'm sorry I'll come over with a microphone cuz I can't hear you just a sec thank you the question was about looking for confirmation and if you have if you receive what you believe is a prophecy that's about yourself how do you confirm that like you said your friend was thought she received the word that she was gonna become a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader and not to be but how do you so you're saying that you receive a word from someone else to you or or something you receive yourself for yourself right right exactly so how do you know how can you test it and one of the ways is for like with having two or three witnesses like if you submit that word to a couple of other people and say I receive this word do you have a witness to it tell me the truth pray into it let me know what you get that will sometimes help um they'll have a witness to it but some sometimes he has sometimes other people can get the same word but you can always present what you have to another person's eyes and an awesome do you bear witness with with this does this you know I received this from the word Lord I believe it's from the Lord I received it do you bear witness to this you know can you help me process the word out that I'm receiving yeah okay anyone else how many takeaways before we we go on anything that you took away from this teaching did it help you about writing it out and going deeper in it that way what about drawing out your prophecies does that help help you okay so excellent do you need to change a mic okay Oh for Q&A wonderful thank you man you're amazing okay so we're still on the first activation is there anyone else that would like to share what you received in that activation and the activation number one was how is the Lord revealing himself how does he want to reveal himself in this era and why and how does he want us to prepare for that I'll take this one over in the corner with the gray shirt come on up here and share and then yeah the lady in the teal over here okay so what I wrote down the Lord says I am Yahweh I am the breath I am the life I have gone before you into the unknown when you look I will be there when you seek you will find me and when you will it you will see the change that you've been asking for I seek to empower your will in this time I seek to empower the powerless to remind and restore the power and authority that comes and is given by my word my breath in the same way that I breathed into Adam with the yah of life I have breathed into you know and understand the breath of a yah within your being it is through this yah and the breathing out that comes the yah the power through spoken word I have given this to you as sons and daughters you are a part of me when your breath is my breath and he says that breath is like synonymous with the word word and it creates in it synonymous with power it was like not just one word it was like encompassing so wonderful so he wants to reveal himself as breath as he ah way and I would take that word now into prayer and start to ask him to show you what does it look like when he presents himself in that way maybe to a certain group of people or to large gatherings of people or to a church in certain nations and just inquire more just go into different levels what is it gonna look when he reveals himself like that to your family in the next era right and start gaining some more ground on that okay come on forward and then we'll we'll go on to the next one so it was what I saw and there really wasn't any speaking in it but what I saw was that the Lord was standing in front of his throne he had a bow and arrow and he was facing this way and pointing the arrow into darkness and then in a few more minutes all of us and I was watching and then he came up to me and gave me the bow and arrow and then he was positioning me to release the arrow so for me I think I saw him as warrior and and I also looked at some scriptures and saw Psalm 127 about like arrows in the hand of a warrior we are the children of one's youth so we are his children and we are his arrows and some arrows are in groups and some arrows are released individually and also in Isaiah where he talks about he has also made me a select arrow he has hidden me in his quiver and then in second Kings he talks about striking the ground you all would probably remember that scripture where he says strike the ground and he struck it three times and stopped but we're not to stop we're going to strike the ground and strike the ground and strike the ground until the ground is broken up awesome how many of you also received that Jesus was going to reveal himself as a warrior a number of you okay that's awesome okay I'm just gonna finish up with what I received and then we'll go onto the next one I received just as soon as I went before the Lord immediately it came to me King and judge King and judge came to me did anyone else get the King or judge yeah okay and and then I got the the the phrase the king of righteousness will arise and the King speaks to me of authority I feel that we're going to see more of the authority of the Lord in this next era and I got revelation 19 verse 11 to 16 it says and I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he who sat on it is called faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and wages war so there's a warrior word again his eyes are a flame of fire and on his head are many diadem's and he has a name written on him which no one knows except himself he is clothed with a robe dipped in blood and his name is called the Word of God and the armies which are in heaven clothed in fine linen white and clean were following him on white horses from his mouth comes a sharp sword so that with it he may strike down the nation's and he will rule them with a rod of iron and he treads the winepress of the fierce wrath of God the Almighty and on his robe and on his thigh he has a name written king of kings and Lord of lords and so I I believe that whoops just a sec even even in this last era this last seventy years God has revealed himself in his tenderness he has revealed himself as a true lover of our souls as a dear heavenly father who just adores his children and all that is absolutely true and it's not going away if anything the revelation of him in those ways will accelerate but we are gonna see a different emphasis in this next era we are because the awe of God is coming in and we have probably crossed some lines in some ways as far as getting so familiar with God that he is just our little you know our little buddy on the side that hangs out with us or whatever and we've lost the reverence for him so when I have a king and judge the moment it came to me this feeling of reverence hid my soul and I feel that that's what God's going to demand in this next season with his presence his presence will demand it it's not like he's going to shout at us demanding it his presence will demand it and and how we can position ourselves how does he want us to prepare I got personal repentance first of all both John the Baptist as he was preparing the way for Jesus he was a voice crying in the wilderness preparing the way of the Lord his message he didn't work miracles he was the greatest prophet but he didn't work any miracles but his message was was repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and that is how you prepare for the miracles he didn't he he was a prophet who didn't perform any miracles but he was called the greatest prophet and so his message was repent and so was Jesus before Jesus went and worked miracles he he said from this time forward repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and before that he was in the wilderness after his baptism he was in the wilderness combating the temptation of the enemy the enemy had been tempting him with the word they twisted the word and Jesus straightened out the word and he and he overcame all those temptations so that's what I feel God is calling the church to is to an alertness to areas where we need to come into alignment and to intercede with identification Ulrich's especially for leaders of nations and for things and I'll talk more about this tomorrow morning in the service what we need to do to position ourselves for the NextEra so those are the areas that that I received so you can go more you can go back into the presence of God and ask them for more insight on any of these activations because what you received is the beginning it's like a crack that opens the door and you can go inside that and get more and more and more you could probably write a whole journal of prophetic insights on every single activation that we're gonna do today that's how that's how fertile this revelatory season is there's so much that God wants to reveal to us and then speak it out get it out even if it's just prayer get it out decree in prayer because that word will not return void okay let's go to the second activation now what is God revealing regarding his message to the church in regards to this era specifically so if you were to go with Jesus to address his church to prepare them for the next era what specifically is he telling you to say those of you that are watching online will be engaging in this for 10 minutes and and then we'll we'll go back into sharing we have another minute and then we'll have you come and share all right again you can go back into your notes and go back with the Lord and go deeper or get more than what you have already received but we'll have some of you share right now the beauty of inquiring of the Lord is what David did right when David came up against a situation it said he would inquire of the Lord so the prophetic can come in different ways it could come like the word of the Lord coming to you where God sovereignly just gives you a word you didn't ask for it I got one in the night actually last night an assignment from the Lord I wasn't looking for it it just came to me I wasn't going after it I wasn't asking him about it he just came to me directly so that's a sovereign that's a sovereign engagement but anytime we can go to the Lord and make inquiry and that's how you'll grow in the prophetic if you just sit back and wait for well I'm just waiting for the prophetic to come chances are it might not but you could go for the prophetic anytime so every time you go and position yourself and invite the Lord to speak to regarding his purposes as well and that he will he will reveal it to you so the question on this activation was what is God revealing regarding his message to the church in this era what is he saying to his church what what are we going to hear being preached what is what message does he have to to get out there what is going to be the emphasis in this next era so who wants to start yes come on forward so I asked ask the Lord the question God what do you want to reveal your message to the church regarding this errand what I heard him say is I have set a mirror tall and wide before you I'm calling you as my bride to step before this mirror and look to see if you are ready the beard the mirror does not judge or condemn but only shows truths 3-foot excuse me reflected from me to you and then I ask him what's the blessing he said my blessing in this is to reveal to you early any inadequacies that you can address before your day of presentation now is your time to refresh renew and reorder that's that okay Lord how do we prepare he said your preparation in this time will be Russian actually I said why should we prepare repair for it he said your preparation in this time will begin to release my glory and will continue through eternity your fullness in my eternal Kingdom depends on your preparation choice and surrender now let the beauty of your holiness be seen now amazing word that's a mature word that one that has very powerful do you preach because I just saw you know a prophetic preaching anointing on you so it's an amazing word that was an amazing word that's one that we could all take and pray through right how many of you bore witness you know your spirit started leaping as you heard that word that's that's what will happen when you hear the real real true prophetic like that you know it'll it'll leap inside of you so you know is it's fun doing this together isn't it because the more we're in a prophetic environment the more prophetic will be seasoned in us amen and also that word is like if you take every every you know we talked about bringing it to the plumb line of the word so there's scriptures that you can bring it to but also correct theology is really important as well and you could hear in there the the correct theology it was you know born the finished work of the cross in the heart of God so just beautiful beautiful word okay anyone else come on down yeah mm-hmm what I got is I am revealing myself as community as brother and sister I'm going to the marketplace where the masses of people congregate it's time for the body to work together as family whether believers or not first Corinthians 13 through 14 for by one spirit we all were immersed and mingled into one single body and no matter our status whether we urge you or non-jew oppressed or free we are all privileged to drink deeply of the same Holy Spirit in fact the human body is not one single part but rather many parts mingled into one so we are to prepare by knowing what part we are whether we're a hand a foot ie Rett cetera and our willingness to operate in it just have you repeat the first part of the word again I am revealing myself as community as brother and sister I'm going to the marketplace where the masses of people congregate it's time for the body to work together as family whether believers or not so my question would be to you before you go my question would be and we should always be willing to have a question so that we can clarify right so if we're all to be family whether we believe or not can you explain more what the Lord was giving you there I I feel that you know we're moving to a place where the church is getting outside of the church so that's not really anything new but it's just another deeper level of whether we need to really love and work with people whether they're believers or not because we are all it's kind of like what I saw I'm a first generation Christian my family I love my family I work with my family even though we may not agree it's still important to do community and and be a family and I just really feel like he's bringing us to a place where where we're more joined together thank you for clarifying that the one thing that we want to be okay when we're talking about discerning the times this might help all of you here when we're discerning the times one of the enemy's agenda is universalism and it's and it's on the table even in the churches right now and so which basically in a nutshell is that you know everyone's already in you know just different expressions so what you want to do with words like that which is beautiful and the heartbeat of God so beautiful you you do need to clarify and define that or a word like that could could be misunderstood of you're saying well everyone's saved whether they believe or not they're just all family so even though we would want to you know love on people and let them you know see the love of God and include them in that love that's all really good language but you'll want to also as we're just learning the times realize okay what what are the snags in this hour and what could be taken in a wrong way so it's a very very beautiful word and I love how God's bringing us together okay someone else yes come on down come on down I wasn't planning on contributing very much I just wanted to be a spectator but the question was what does he want to give the church what is he speaking to his church and how does he want us to prepare so um I thought about that and this is gonna be pretty obvious to a lot of people but we need to know our testimony and why we're saved because if I can expand on that a little bit I'm gonna die for it it's honey bit the news media and pop culture the news media in pop culture there they have their agenda we spoke about universalism just now but their intent is to make Christians and conservatives look irrelevant and out-of-date out-of-touch they've got this fancy new word called being progressive the truth is though is disguised as tolerance and respect they are driving individuals further and further into their shame we've never seen a generation where people feel more isolated yet everyone has a cellphone how odd so if you know that you're saved and why then you can testify and a scripture of particular relevance is I believe it's Revelation 12:11 they overcame the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony who is the enemy having worked in the news media for a little while I can tell you that I've come the day of reckoning the news media are going to have a lot to answer for they're responsible for controlling public perceptions and so it's my personal opinion that the news media is probably one of the biggest enemies of society right now they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony if you know why you're saved and you can share the reasons why you got saved you don't know how many people you can release from their shame and guilt and lead into the kingdom of heaven that's all I got so there's gonna be a big invitation from the Lord to his body to open our mouth with testimony in this coming day someone else yes I appreciate all these questions I've recently been appointed as a pastor of a church in Oklahoma so there's a whole new depth of meaning in regard to the church for me and the question what is God revealing regarding his message to the church and regarding this era I think it's his sovereignty and its power his loving-kindness and his truth and there was an emphasis when I heard the word his truth and and also what comes with being an omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent God the authority that brings to his office on the earth and and what is he requiring at the church what I've been hearing recently is for the church to wake up wake up sleepyhead wake up and so there's I believe there's the emphasis on that whether you're a rural Church mega church whatever is we've gotten in a pattern I believe of doing things in a very rote way so to speak or something and then and to wake up and I believe that how he wants us to prepare for that is Joel chapter 2 fasting between the porch and the altar and not so much for the people in this room but people outside of the room when it comes to prayer and fasting and being between the porch and the author altar I think it's our responsibility to bring an understanding to that and the relevance and the importance of that to the body of Christ and and again in what he's speaking to the church I felt like first of all he was saying that to me to wake up wake up wake up and now then in to whether it's other believers other Christians and in the church itself and that were not in an area of complacency or apathy right on I was getting a word recently saying your complacency will kill you like if we are complacent in this season will we'll be sorry in the next right so definitely awakening okay someone else wanted to share yes come on forward off what she just said the Lord said that we would have an understanding of what a consecrated vessel is to declare and decree God's Word into the earth with power with authority and with immovable faith he said the world will know my bride by the pure word that they carry and the signs and wonders that follow them job 22:28 says thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established on to thee and the light shall shine upon thy ways thank you someone else yes come on down again this is you know I hope this is really comfortable for you just feel comfortable we're a family right so we're we're all learning and we're all growing and just being able to express is good and you know we help align each other it's just awesome so feel safe and free it's a pretty simple word mm-hmm kind of sounds like the other ones what it's like the simple version I heard the Lord say I am the bread of life so many have forsaken the bread for the pleasures oh so this is for the church so many have forsaken the bread for the pleasures and the tasty food of the world they believe it's exotic and unique and said it part but they've believed the first lie which is that I am NOT good and I asked what he required and he says surprisingly I just a sacrifice of praise he says when you're near me and when you're in my presence which is ushered in through praise you cannot help but see my goodness he says o taste and see that the Lord is good sacrifices praises from Hebrews 13:15 and then his blessings for the church he says after my church sees that sees my goodness they will long to repent from the idols that they've worshiped and his blessing is from Joel to verse 18 to 32 the he says I'm about to send you grain and new wine and fresh oil and you will be satiated with them and I will no longer make you a disgrace among the nation's he sees he's gonna repay us for the years that the swarming locust ate and then on you know I'm sure you guys know the verses and after this I will pour out my spirit on all humanity and then I got so how do we prepare and he says you know cuz I guess I expect the lawyer to require so much like I mean which he does but I guess I expect like a painful death a pain like a toiling you know the sweating of the brow and like you know I mean I just I expect I guess harshness and he says I just want you to come as you are - open your eyes ears and hearts towards me and he just wants us to see his goodness yeah thank you wonderful okay anyone else yes so I had a the Lord reminded me of a vision I had just during time with him and it was a it was like all black and then around the border of the the blackness was gold fire and so I heard the word fire and then I asked for the scripture and he says I am the door anyone who enters in through me will be saved will live he will come in and he will go out freely and will find pasture and so the question was what's he requiring and I you know just I think black represents Authority what are the blessings he wants to give and I believe it's him you know the pasture and in the vision like there was a being that walk through the door and so I believe you know just he's coming in what is he speaking to the church I felt more time with him you know and one more question how does he want us to prepare I just just that time I just keep hearing time Thank You anyone else yes I sense the Lord's saying what you see is not what is I prepare a table before you in the presence of my enemies and I asked him Lord what is on your table and he said my goodness that's much like the other word their taste and see that I am good even in the valley of the shadow of death I think he was telling us there are you know it's not happy times but he's there and he prepares a table for us and so I said what's on your table my goodness my excellence I saw the table had a beautiful white tablecloth in China and beautiful and I said so what are we eating and there was lamb you eat my body you drink my blood and guess what I totally satisfied you are not going to be hungry in these hard times you're not going to be dissatisfied because you are eating of me and I make you complete I equip you i strengthen you i empower you i anoint your head with oil and you are anointed to walk in my mercy and my goodness and wherever you go that follows you it drops behind you so anybody can find if they want mercy and goodness ain't nowhere they follow you and saying how do i how can I be happy in these horrible times and he says you know at the end of that song I live I live in his house and he lives in me he's in me I will not fear I am always safe thank you this is so cool you can almost see like a banquet table that the Lord has been been setting how many of you had similar words to what has been already shared that you think oh I've got words that confirm that or that are similar so that's also part of being mentored in the prophetic is to weigh what you're getting up against what other people are getting because it puts out that that freedom on the inside of you to go for more right so like I said if you're not in a meeting like this then get on the internet and check things out so I'm gonna share what I have and then we'll break for lunch what is God revealing regarding his message to the church in this era and before I share what I received I want to say this is a if you look back in church history like you can learn a lot by studying church history but if you look at what the church was doing in each era there were certain messages that came forth at that era there's things that God was saying that put the fabric of who he was the thread of who he was the revelation of who he is in that realm of time he just brought it into the earth so like in every era you can see the voice of Lord what was being highlighted concerning him and it's really helpful and there was a book written a years ago by Schafer who was a you know an intellectual but he studied throughout church history what was you know what was the church doing in each era and and it was just fascinating to see the different messages that were birthed and the different presentations of God the different activities that God was calling to his church and so I just want to encourage you to to do some study into church history is really helpful Schafer's book was how should we then live that's the name of it if you're interesting is quite enlightening actually but so if we look at the recent history in the church as I said earlier we see a message from 1950 to 2020 the 70 year period the main message of you wanted to put it in a quick nutshell it was it was grace and glory basically grace and glory there was a lot of the graces of the Holy Spirit the graces of God the gifts of the Holy Spirit that charismatic the the unconditional love of God the forgiveness of God the acceptance of God the you know adoring love of God these were themes within the last seventy years very clear themes and then the glory welcomed in All Saints can come you are all welcome at the father's table it was just like this big huge massive invite from God to enter his heart and so whenever you change eras you have to be careful to preserve what the Lord spoke in the last era because he doesn't do away with that message to create a new one he doesn't do away with a revelation of who he is to present a new aspect of who he is it's all this it's all one God right it's all who he is so it's really important that we we understand what he said in the last era to make sure we really got the message to really make sure that we received what the Spirit was saying to the church in that era and that we've matured in that that is part of our foundation so that when we go on so I just wanted to say that like when we're moving in the prophetic the prophetic is usually forward you know you're seeing forward but in order to see forward sometimes you really do have to look back and examine with the Holy Spirit what he is revealing and what what he was showing just to make sure that you've got the foundation because then as you go into the new era and understand what he's saying it'll it'll be built on the last one it doesn't dissolve the last one it builds upon it and the reason why I'm pointing that out and trying every time I preach practically I'm preaching on that the reason why it's so important is because we're in a drastic change of era where there's a drastic message change and we have to be very very careful that we build upon the last era and not abandon the last era but cleave to it and understand that everything God taught us on his Grace on his unconditional love on his father heart on the big invitation to come in on his kindness you know all of that needs to we need to hold it dearly and not let go okay but what I'm believing God is saying to the church and he's saying many things but this I believe embodies a lot of it is the the main word if I could say one word I would say love love and in that and this includes the blessings that he wants us to receive in that is the expanded revelation of his love and I feel that we have a perception of love in the church that needs adjustment because a lot of times we think as love is just letting things go love is just you know tolerating things love is covering things love is accepting everything that comes you know and that's not biblical love it's not how God presents himself within scripture and one of the things that I've been doing recently is looking through the Gospels verse by verse knowing that God is love and that Jesus was sent as an expression of the love of the Father which means everything he did and everything he said was in love nothing he did or nothing he said was outside of love impossible and so with Jesus being perfect love if you examine the Gospels in particular because it's his life you'll see very clearly what love looks like he like you'll see him opening blind eyes you'll see him healing the sick setting the oppressed free raising the dead you'll see love and action but you'll also see love speaking woe to you scribes Pharisees hypocrites you'll also see love saying get thee behind me saying when he was speaking to Peter there is nothing he did or said that was outside of love so we have a very narrow understanding of what love looks like and as a result as we're coming into this new era there's been a merge of the world's philosophies and mindsets coming inside the church and we are a job then concepts of love that are not accurate and so I believe that like even you know saying well you know we just accept and love everyone and I'm gonna use this just because it's a big deal in our day we can't escape it it's right in front of us is the gay agenda that actually started back in the 1960s and progress progress progress to a point where in 2004 same-sex marriages were legalized and all kinds of equality things on the table is that the church was forced to even use politically correct language concerning it when the Bible clearly says that homosexuality as well as other sexual sins are sin they are sin which means they will damage and hurt you that will damage and hurt not only use an individual it'll damage others around you and it will damage coming generations that is what we believe that's what the Bible says and we don't change the Bible it's consistent through the Old Testament the New Testament all the way through to the book of Revelation all the way through there is no there's no where where it says otherwise so we can be absolutely sure on that one particular thing but what you'll hear even in the churches well you just have to love them it's where they're at you just accept them and loving means wanting the highest good that's what love is is wanting the highest good for the sake of another the highest good is not to say it's okay to remain there it's not to tolerate or accept that the highest good is to reach out your hand to help right so like if I knew that I was sitting across the table from someone and I knew that someone had put poison in the water that they were going to drink I'm not gonna sit back and say go ahead and drink the poison water because I just love you and I know that you love poison water and you know I know that that poison is in there I know it'll kill you but I know you love the flavor of it so go ahead you know just go ahead and drink it and I'll watch you die you know that's not love love will bring an alert to it you kindness not in anger or anything like that but in kindness and in truth speaking the truth in love so without as an example I believe that one of the main themes that God is going to be speaking to his church is to love and to learn they expanded the expanded understanding of love and to bring alignment to what love is to what love really is and we're going to get that through through the word and part of this love emphasis is going to be to once again love the word to love the word and not to change the word and not to despise the word not to despise the scriptures we don't agree with or like because God's the author of it and so to not agree or not like it would be to not agree with him and not like what he's saying which is ludicrous when you think of who God is and also a return to first love and just giving God the first and the best because he gave us the first and the best it's like a love response and just making that adjustment because of the narcissism in society it's entered into the church but also entered into believers hearts for what I'm here to get as much as I can from you God but there hasn't been in you know some ways there hasn't been the unselfish response unto God alignment to the truth spoken in love how perfect love will casts out fear God does not want us to be fearful but strong in this next season and when we understand love that will do that and in the activation I just felt that we are in a love war and it's not a time to slumber it's a war season a love war and complacency on issues will kill his love has to be aggressive and also to love not the world it says in the Bible if you love the world the love of the father is not in you so we're not talking about the people in the world that God wants to redeem we're talking about the ways the Syst of the world that are our anti-biblical and that we are to love well in other words without compromise we are to love and we're going to be tested in our love and we have to ask on what does love look like Jesus what would you do in this situation so I feel that we have some very complicated issues to look at in this next era but they have to be addressed with love and if there is no love it's there's no God in the equation it has to be love but love is going to be tougher than we've known love to be in this next era it will be redefined for us what love looks like is not totally what we think it looks like in in some cases so we have to be on God's side with that and that's going to be an interesting discovery but the Holy Spirit's going to going to do it okay all right what are your takeaways from this session shout out some what are some of the things they that you feel out of this session yes right good you know to activate is so important yes it's not turned on he was saying you know everybody's different and and you were and there we do need to say those bold words and the only way we're gonna know how to say them to people because we don't know we don't know them we don't really know what's inside of them God does and he speaks their love language one person might need a really strong word you know you need to stop that another one that could just throw them into shame and and you need to be more gentle and I just thought it was so beautiful that it just touched me that God knows our love language and he knows their love language and every word that you give to somebody is going to be streamlined you know and even though his tone might change his love would never changes he he cannot be anything outside of love right but his tone his tone might change in this next season I think you might hear that so one of the things about the prophetic if you can think of it like a little capsule let's say a little egg and and then once it cracks open all that's inside of it comes out and so that's what you want to receive like when you're reviewing prophetic words saying God this is a beautiful capsule I want to receive it but I want to open up and I want it to fill me so when the Lord gives you those little capsules those little nuggets go inside of it and say I want every single little bit that you have for me I want to understand you I want to understand your heart because if we're gonna become a spokesman for God which he needs you to me is that it's going to come out of the abundance of your heart and so out of the abundance of your heart your mouth is going to speak right and so you want to speak the truth that God is revealing and the and the layers of of Revelation because when you get the understanding in your heart you could speak one word and you've got authority because of all all the understanding that's inside of that does that make sense so that when you deliver even one word it contains more than that one word it contains the understanding you have of that so when you're growing in prophetic go inside of God's heart and say God show me more and I want to activate this word I want to know this word I want this word to become so full in my understanding and that's what will give you the authority to be able to speak it it will be the the revelation the other thing is that I've I can maybe help you with is that when you get a word that is you know kind of like a whole bunch of little components with it try to find the one like try to take what God is saying and find one word that will describe it all and that's good training for you because sometimes we tend to be quite wordy I'm very wordy myself because of my personality type but but I've had to learn also if I'm going to release a word with authority few words are better oftentimes few words are better and so what will help help you is review the word that God gave you and ask him if I could say this in just one word what would that one word be and then speak that one word out and in your in your spirit know that all the you know all the little nuggets he gave you about that word are inside that one word so like for example everything I unpacked was about love so if I say love but I know that inside of that is all that understanding and then I say it again love love and just take time with that it'll get stronger and stronger so that when you actually say even that one word it'll carry weight because inside of you put inside all the little pieces that God has given you it's just a little exercise that might help you be really really precise in in what you're saying and you know be able to deliver your words with with less word okay we're going to receive an offering before we break for lunch and I believe that you have offering envelopes I'm not going to belabor this at all but I would encourage you to sow into the work of the Lord it's our privilege to serve you with these but there are expenses by the way we are taking responsibility for those expenses but if you can sew into the kingdom and sew into the lives of others who would be blessed that would be awesome and for those of you that are watching on the webcast we love making these available to you we want to fill you we want to to make sure that you're equipped and moving strong so we just highly recommend that you sow into this if you're watching online you can actually text your gift to a PKM just text PKM two seven seven nine seven seven and those of you in the room if you want to text your gift you can or you can make checks out payable to PKM and you can use your bank cards those of you that are watching online you can go to Patricia and there's a Giving portal there as well and we so appreciate your participation in the gospel and it is as I said it's our absolute honor to be able to serve you with these things and and see you grow so father we just ask for a blessing on the giver and on their seed lord god we thank you for their generous hearts and how giving is part of our worship Lord God and you've given so much to us and so we so back into you we want to fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord in these coming days we want to we want to partner with you Lord God to to make you so big in the earth to make you so magnified in the earth Lord God and so as we so today we're doing with that in mind because of our love for you and we thank you Lord for all that you've done and all that you're doing and all that you're going to do in Jesus name Amen and our Usher's will serve you in the receiving of the offering thank you so much let's give the Lord a big praise for our Usher's so you know they're just thank you so much just so many people behind the scenes servant and all those who have labored today to make this happen we're so grateful to you into your service unto the Lord okay we do have a book table that will be open now so please go out and pick up goodies so I highly recommend the Decree book and we've got the lux version and there's the new book that I wrote last year accessing riches of glory and there's some good material out there to feed your spirit so feel free to to browse that table we're going to take a two hour lunch break because you're going to have to probably go out for your lunch so they'll give you time to get to a restaurant get your meal and come back so we'll see you at two o'clock we'll start prompt at two so maybe get back in here a few minutes earlier thank you
Channel: Patricia King
Views: 21,989
Rating: 4.9369526 out of 5
Id: 37ZFmC0vMG0
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Length: 173min 22sec (10402 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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