Prophetic Secrets - Jennifer Eivaz // Supernatural Life // Patricia King

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[Music] well welcome to supernatural life my name is patricia king and i serve as your host for this program and today we're going to be covering a topic called prophetic secrets and it is the title of jennifer eva's brand new book and jennifer you are an apostle an apostolic leader out in california you've got an amazing church but you're also very very prophetic a prophet and you have written many books so we are so excited to have you on the program today thank you i'm so glad to be here so when i was looking at the cover i thought prophetic secrets okay what is what is this about what does that mean the secret so what prompted you actually to write the book well i've been teaching the prophetic um from a to z for several years and um you know i i guess it was really much just a very natural part of my life and then one day as i was training one of my online mentoring groups james galt just happened to be one of my guests and he began to prophesy that i was going to be a leading trainer in in the prophetic which is very it was very outstanding to me and so um my my publisher just happened to catch that word she says you need to write a book out of what prophet james just said and i said okay and so this book is actually the result of a prophetic word and where i wanted to give all the the nuts and bolts of what i have been teaching and i would say small bites for years now and really make things that seem like they're out of touch out of reach a secret to people and actually make it reachable from the simplistic to the very um multi-dimensional type of prophetic word the different ways god speaks because there's so much apprehension in the body and many believers especially if they haven't had training and if you haven't i just want to encourage you to get this book because it'll give you a great start but um you know they think well i don't know if i could be spiritual like that i don't know if i could hear god on that level i don't know maybe it's just for you know special people but it's for the whole body we're all to be prophetic people and so that's where you excel is being able to make that simple for people to understand and bring it down in a way that they can comprehend and activate it as well right and it really is it takes a simple impressions what do i do with that and then it also deals with the complex you know there's that group of people that they're hearing the lord in very unusual ways and they don't have anything that structurally tells them what to do with that difficult word so the simple how to get activated all the way to the complex i think it's going to hit all of those areas that's awesome now you are very uh fluent in the prophetic and and in the revelatory realm how did that come about in your life well when i became a christian um you know i i was already very supernatural you know so then i became a christian i actually got the holy spirit and it was just like the the prophetic was there um and it was it was uh manifesting and i would know things but i didn't know how i knew it i would think i had a conversation with you and i never had that conversation with you and i would start out um communication with you from a place of knowing that i didn't it's like i didn't realize what was going on it was getting me in trouble at first until people said oh you're prophetic and i said okay you know so i begin to realize that i'm hearing god right but but okay so you hear god but how do i communicate sure what do i communicate what do i release and what do i hold back those are the things i had to all learn how to do by trial and error there wasn't the teaching like we have now okay so you didn't have anyone to teach you and you had no mentor you just had to pave the way where i was from yes it was it was very much me trying to figure it out with the holy spirit much like a lot of things at that time we didn't we didn't have words like feeler feel or see or you know here you know we didn't have those terms to differentiate the different ways god was speaking right and so one of the things the holy spirit took me through as a training personalized training from the spirit of god he would ask me this question early on as a christian and he would say what do you see not what i saw naturally but what did i see spiritually and then he would say what do you know and that's how i began to draw out uh from him the knowing the information and so he trained me that way for a long time and then i realized it was real i was actually hearing god and i was actually speaking for him and pretty much was with a lot of trial and error um speaking to his heart and then i learned in the bible that's how he trained the other prophets what do you see so so would he tell you that when you were in a meeting or something or a prayer time um when did he speak that to you it was day after day after day it was like this ongoing exercise that he was taking me through and i would hear him several times a day he'd say what do you see and i just a person would be highlighted in front of me right and initially i didn't know really what was going on i just knew he's asking me questions i would just respond right and then i didn't realize until you know a few years into that that i was actually going to minister out of that and i did right it was mostly intercession at first then it became a verbal a verbalization of what he was saying i think that's so good for a lot of you that are watching the program right now a great um a great place to start is just allow the holy spirit to prompt you with you know what do you see what do you know what is it that you're in touch with by the spirit of god and that'll awaken help to awaken some of your prophetic senses and help you grow a little bit that's great so okay so you were massaging this prophetic anointing you're learning about i'm sure that you found books in that as well did you initially i didn't find books that were were as uh in depth as i need that i needed them to be because i was feeling as well highly sensory i was seen in the spiritual realm a lot of the prophetic books back then were just about hearing god right and so they didn't have the dimensions that i was operating in i'm sure it was out there somewhere it just wasn't where i had access or knew where to go and your book prophetic secrets it talks about all those realms of the prophetic so that's really neat because a lot of you will relate to different ways that you're receiving from the holy spirit and your own realms of sensitivity so it'll help you in whatever realm but also help you to know what other people are experiencing in that so it gives you a nice big picture of that there's a lot of different stories and a lot of different ways that god is speaking to people and then if you don't think that god is even speaking to you at all i'm going to show you in this book how to get activated in hearing god's voice using the scriptures right so anchoring yes absolutely very safe and so powerful because it's it's it's established in the heavens for eternity right it's amazing okay so you were a prophetic person uh but there's a difference from being prophetic and being a prophet so can you explain to us what the difference is well you know as many people have been saying you can prophesy but just because you prophesy doesn't make you a prophet and the gift of prophecy is so accessible and so it makes sense that not everybody would be a prophet or we would be everybody to be a prophet right so really it's a prophet is somebody called by jesus as one of the fivefold ministers apostle prophet pastor teacher evangelist ephesians 4 gift of prophecy comes from the holy spirit which is interesting and everyone can prophesy if you're a believer in jesus so as a prophet it's a governing role you're given a metron which means a sphere of authority a god-designed spirit of authority and in that spirit authority you're going to hear the lord times and seasons you're going to hear what's next you're going to appoint leaders um you're going to prophetically intercede you're going to know uh you're going to be you're going to be god's warning system and it's it's really it's very governmental it's at a whole other level then perhaps the ordinary prophetic person is very different and we see that in ephesians 4 and you can look that up in your bible and it gives you the list of all the fivefold ministry gifts and one of the things that points out there is that it's for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry so not only do prophets prophesy because of course you know that would be a primary role but they're also used in equipping the body to be prophetic too yeah so that passion yes yeah so all god's people will become prophetic right you know like when you've got a prophet doing their work then everyone in that realm that they're they're overseeing will be able to prophesy and it says until we all come into the full measure of the stature of christ right so it's like that's the goal is to become like jesus so yes so um how did you come to know that you were a prophet i had a vision and it started in a vision um i i really didn't aspire to be a prophet i came out of the mormon church prophets were very very limited and they were male you know right it was one prophet and so that was my paradigm even though you know i became a christian i believe the bible i just didn't understand it and i just had i came from that paradigm so next thing you know i'm already in ministry alongside my husband at a conference um it's an angel came in that conference and it was like you know the whole world went away it was a trance and this angel came with this this big scroll and there's writing on the scroll that i couldn't read and i knew intuitively that i needed to sign my name to the scrolls about 10 feet 10 feet high you know 4 feet wide something like that and i knew intuitively to sign it i knew intuitively i was signing on to be a prophet to the nations all intuitive and so i did that in the vision and when i came out of the vision i somehow ended up on the floor and my friend who was also ministering in her french accent accent she's shouting at the top of her lungs you're a prophet to the nation [Laughter] right there is so awesome you know you're called but then there's the processing that happens immediately after so definitely a different anointing came on me extraordinary adventures in god extraordinary warfare i just began going through the process not even really being recognized until years later a lot under my belt by then because the prophet's primary position is in the presence of the lord yes right and that's very important yes because otherwise the gifting can just put you out there but it's it's got to come from the presence of the lord so this is exciting isn't it and you know you're probably thinking hmm am i prophetic am i a prophet uh who am i what am i what can i do what do i have access to and we're going to talk more about that when we come back from this break [Music] well i know that many of you are already very prophetic and you've been cultivating the prophetic anointing in your life but there might be some of you who have never prophesied but you know what you can and jennifer's new book prophetic secrets can help you tremendously so i just want to encourage you to go to her website or go on amazon or other portals where you can uh get books and get this book it'll really help you and give you some great instruction and i think we're in um there's there's almost like a new generation of prophets that have emerged and of course both you and i work with young prophets and help them and cover them and encourage them and that so it's really an exciting season we're seeing the whole prophetic movement uh grow tremendously but why don't you share for a few moments about the stewardship that is required like when we receive a prophecy from someone or when we receive from the lord a prophecy that has to be given there's this whole thing of stewardship that we have to look at what's our responsibility well the majority of the time you have to actually do something with that prophetic word and you know you have to join your prophetic word with what i call prophetic wisdom and that means those that's the supernatural supernaturally revealed steps that god gives you to see that prophetic word come to pass so biblically the biblical best biblical example would be uh abraham and sarah you know they get a prophetic word sure and you know um it's not happening as fast as they're supposed it's supposed to happen so what does what does sarah do she takes control and she engages her own solution a human wisdom to see a god word come to pass so human wisdom has consequences which is why we need to have prophetic wisdom and we need to actually you know learn how to walk in the wisdom of god and that's a concept many of us have not really dived into is is how do i walk in the wisdom of god you know there's the spirit of wisdom sure right and and walking in that and so so there's general wisdom and then there's supernatural wisdom the the wisdom that's unpacked and you have to join that with your prophetic word if you're gonna see it come to pass and it's not just a cookie cutter thing because like in the example of abraham and sarah it was not wisdom to try to act on it right because you know it was acting on an inhuman strength without the word of the lord to act on it right but then there's other words we get where god calls us to act on it right and takes a step of faith because faith without works is dead so what makes a difference is getting that word of wisdom and getting that word of direction from the spirit of god right and if we bring everything back to relationship that's that's the thing about the prophetic is you cannot have you cannot prophesy outside of relationship with the holy spirit you cannot take the steps you can't get the wisdom right outside of relationship with the holy spirit it's not going to be a one-size-fits-all it's individualized right and what someone does because god told him you're not going to do the same thing right but you've got to hear the word of god right get the wisdom to see the prophetic word come to pass now when you prophesy you're actually um walking in a great responsibility because you're you're representing the lord's heart and his will and purpose for an individual or a situation and so it's nothing to be taken lightly although god wants us to enjoy the partnership with him and of course you know he always wants us to walk in his joy and that so um but you know we need to represent him well and so talk to us a little bit about prophetic character sure well when we prophesy we're not just what you said we're not just giving his words we're giving his heart and when there's an exhortation or an education i i feel pretty good if i don't know you that well i can exhort and comfort and edify you to the max and i feel pretty good like i can drop that and if i never see you again the lord will will you know marinate that in your spirit but when it's a directional word that one i'm really careful about because uh you know i'm i really want to make sure i've hurt god and i want to be ready to partner with that person and be there for them in a directional word because you know they're going to need support and all the all the things that go with that um myself i have to be a woman of my word you know i think that's that's important too otherwise my prophetic word has no credibility right and also own my mistakes and and own up to the times when i miss it we all will and and be integris that way yeah and that is so important and that's not something we've seen a lot of but we're you know i mean i've been talking with other prophets and that about really raising the bar on that level of being accountable for the words that are brought especially those that do not come to pass what do you do with those because the body is going to be wondering like what happened especially when they're very specific and you know time data and everything so yeah i just i'm so um careful about that and i'm not a person that's going to spit out prophetic words all the time because i just have a sense of of carefulness for me some people can do that it's not it's not for me i'm going to really i really want to hear god before i publicize it and put it out in for him right and also another thing that um i've observed is that of course there's so many people who are bringing prophetic words that have impeccable character but then there's others who um don't and yeah you know we just want to say if you're going to represent god in word let it also be in your character manifest the presence of god it's really really important you just can't be sloppy about that and that brings me to another issue that you cover in your book and that's about excesses that you have seen in the prophetic movement that need to be addressed in this hour right well one of the main things that i address in the book is how the hyper grace theology doctrine whatever you want to call it has affected our modern day prophetic movement of course there's the grace of god um we need his grace i have found his grace to sustain me in seasons where i feel like i have failed god and failed people you know i felt his grace cover me in those seasons but it's not a loophole it's not an excuse for sin and so with that um when we are uh hyper grace would be um there's no need for repentance there's no need to to really walk in that honor and that character because it's all about grace and there's really not that ownership of the character and progressive sanctification and so with that it has in my opinion has neutered the prophetic words a lot of them because now there's there's not a sharpness to it you're limited to edification exhortation and comfort which is which is true which is true but what about a word of warning what about a word of repentance our bishop shared when when a prophet called him uh and said you need to repent and he was in a situation where he was needing to repent he said it changed my life yeah absolutely and we've got to be faithful to that in love because that's part of the love of god and you know it talks about the watchmen yeah in the um book of ezekiel but that's also for the new testament and in the new testament jesus himself gave many warnings and then we see of course ananias and sapphira we see you know the letters to the churches in the book of revelation they're hard they are and paul is addressing some hard things peter is addressing some hard things and somehow we think well for us today we're just going to take what's soft but that's not always what's good for us no and i i call when it's really the lord especially when it comes from somebody i know cares about me i consider his rebukes beautiful mm-hmm absolutely beautiful because i can save you i can feel him like he he just drew me into his his nature in that moment and i don't feel chastised right so there's a there's a um there's a heartbeat behind it when it's really him wow and of course when you're delivering a word that is more difficult you have to have such love in your heart and you have to have his love yeah his love you have to see it through his love eyes and through his savior's heart too right and so um we have to be again so um careful to represent who he is and not just react out of our flesh so well this time has gone so fast hasn't it but you can get more insight out of the book prophetic secrets and you'll love this book because it'll help you grow in the prophetic if you're a beginner or even if you're advanced and so we're going to take a break right now and we're going to come back and minister to you best part of the program okay so we'll see you shortly [Music] well welcome back you know i believe that there's going to be a release of the holy spirit's oil all over you wherever you are in the world watching this right now because he longs for you to hear his voice and to be a voice piece for him so he's going to prepare you for that and we'll pray for that in a little while but we have a question from a viewer this is joyce from florida actually she said i have tried to prophesy but i keep getting it wrong how do i get on track to prophesy accurately okay janet there's a there's a few things um i would say to her that you want to be a woman of the word and you want to be a woman of prayer those those are your bases and then um i want you to pray this specific prayer out of ephesians 1 ephesians 1 that god will give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation because prophesying accuracy accurately is about a knowing there's a knowing to it and you begin to know like god knows right and so so really it's out of relationship with him and and walking with him in in such a dimension that you know what he knows and so is that relational element that's going to give you the accuracy yeah in the word so you know what he what his heart is it's so good prayer all of that it's so good and i just want to encourage you joyce and others that are watching that might relate to this question you keep pressing in yeah just draw close to the holy spirit because sometimes it's almost like you know like when you start out you know you're starting out by faith and the and the voice is faint but you're doing your best to hear it and to to deliver and if it's a little bit off if you just keep going deeper you'll find that stream once you find the current it's like woo you know so don't get discouraged don't stop seeking god on it and the other thing is get a good mentor you know have good accountability it's so so important prophetic environments really help as well yeah prophetic conferences yeah exactly you made it in training and getting your book okay well we want to bring some prophetic words over you yes now and some words of knowledge so we're actually going to activate the prophetic right now for you so you can get in position and say pick me lord put it on your forehead and i'm sure that we'll see it but anyways um jennifer do you have anything for me the first thing that just popped up in me and that's what will happen a pop-up um is that there is the lord wants to bring healing um and i believe your name is janet so i had two pop-ups a janet and a healing and and so janet i just um i just just come in partnership and agreement with the word of the lord over your life for healing of your physical body also healing of a relationship i'm also seeing a uh not for you janet but now this is for somebody in general there's a child that has been given like a diagnosis a medical diagnosis that's negative it's against the mind of the child and i want you to go to the word of god because who believes who whose report are we going to believe and begin to speak over that child that he has the mind of christ because that child is going to emerge brilliant wow that's awesome well i'm getting a vision in my mind right now and it's of a man and you are working in a garden i see a shovel in your hand and you're working in a yarn i think um the lord revealed that you actually worked for a landscape company but as you were shoveling the dirt you thought what am i doing here because i'm called by god i should you know be out doing this and the lord said that he has put that on your heart that he has revealed your calling but it's not time yet to walk into the fullness of it but to be faithful with what he's given you so far and there's some breakthroughs that are going to come for you and you'll see the path there's a gate that's going to open for you in the future as you remain faithful where you are right now this word has been something that i've had for many people it's more general but i'm going to i'm gonna drop it right now the lord spoke this to me and i've been speaking to others it's what be others won't beat you that psalm that says a thousand fell at one side and ten thousand at the other but uh it's not gonna come near you and so i want you to just stand in that that no matter what's happened to others and you have the same situation as others uh it's not going to happen to you you're going to rise out of this victoriously and it's an impossible thing but but you will have victory and you'll see it wow okay and also i'm getting a word for a pastor and you're hungry to see the prophetic in your church but you thought but i don't understand enough about it and you know what it's okay you don't have to understand everything but you can bring in a seasoned teacher in the prophetic a prophet to train yourself and your congregation and you can grow together and it's going to be beautiful and i see god opening the door for that for you i'm also getting a word about ukraine the ukraine the ukraine's going to bubble up in a new prophetic movement especially amongst the youth and so get ready the ukraine you are going to be visited by the spirit of god in an area of brand new prophetic winds okay well our time's up today we want to thank you so much for joining us on supernatural life but we don't want you to be just a spectator we want you to go out and manifest the supernatural life of the kingdom of god so all this week just go out and display him and we'll see you next time we hope you enjoyed this episode let us know how it impacted you send your feedback testimony or prayer request today or ask patricia a question for a future programme and don't forget you can continue growing in the supernatural with our premium e-courses connect with us at god dot tv forward slash patricia and join us next time for our next episode of supernatural life
Channel: Patricia King
Views: 6,227
Rating: 4.9431281 out of 5
Id: ECu6Oe6ELt8
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Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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