Prophetic Insights For The Head Of The Year // Women On The Rise // Patricia King & Michelle Burkett

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women on the rise with host patricia king and michelle burnett and welcome women on the rise we have a special show for you today to celebrate rosh hashanah and to celebrate the new year the head of the year patricia and i have asked some of our prophetic friends to join us and to speak into what they are seeing in this new year coming this jewish new year that we on the on the jewish calendar not the gregorian calendar but the jewish calendar and so they're here we've got some wonderful guests today to speak into prophetically this upcoming year so i know you're going to be really blessed and really encouraged and uh challenged by what our guests say today so enjoy sit back and let's hear what the lord has to say to us we're going to start with our wonderful friend dr clarice fluit and dr clarice is a she she wears so many hats i don't know how she fits them all in her closet she's got she's an entrepreneur she's a businesswoman she's a minister she's an author she's a coach a life coach and uh one and definitely a prophet one of my actually one of my favorite titles for dr clarice is she's a wonderful rapper and that's not christmas wrapping that's actual rapping so anyway dr clarice thank you for being with us today and uh i know that you're uh you're you wanted to be with us so you're kind of squeezing us in a little bit because you've got some other things you need to go do as well so we're going to start with you and i thank you for being with us and uh let us hear what you're hearing the lord saying to the body for this head of the year what a grand opportunity that we have to come together and collaborate you know the bible says together we have the mind of christ but i have the mind of christ but understanding the corporate christ the mini-member body as we keep our focus and understand y'all look at the human body and i say i've got this heart that's pumping blood and if heart just got upset one day and said if i just can't be a liver i won't work at all and the body begins to compete rather than to complete things that are different when when we see a different opinion different thought we it's like everybody gets together and we go to a convention and we go to a hand convention and if a toe shows up we have a nervous breakdown but we're learning in this day in this hour good gracious lord you have so many wonderful things that you're trying to speak to us and we look at this year this jewish year on the jewish calendar it's interesting because it's 5782 5782 so many of you believe that it was this time 5782 years ago that god created the earth and he worked for six days in the latter part of the sixth day he created his image and likeness and man's first full day on planet earth was a rest day god's best is people at rest ceasing from trying to get far into god i believe that the years have come into you take the numbers and they have symbolic understanding the jewish music not only has the alphabet signature but each one of the alphabet has numeric value and when we take the number five it is indicative of grace because of time constraints you can't explain how that means that but just by faith forever hold of this if five is grace and seven means perfection and eight mean new beginnings and two means witness i believe that we are about to move into an outpouring of a new day many people who are great scholars are finding out also that historically it is believed that on the 6th of september this year 21 that that was the time 5782 years ago that actually you know it both landed and the uh the the olive branch was brought in by the the beautiful dove and the indication was the flood was over they still were staying inside that ark because that ark is christ and we are finding out that god speaks in signs and peoples and wonders so i wanted to share with you this morning what i'm seeing for this year is that delight yourself in god and he will give you the desires of your heart now that doesn't mean a rolls royce in the new swimming pool what that means is that god is saying hey if you would just get ignited about me if you'll just get excited about me and just take me wherever you go i can just explode out of you it's like if you go in a room that's just filled with radiation and you say no thank you i don't think i'd care for any of that it doesn't matter just be a few days before your arms and legs start falling off because when you get in that atmosphere it penetrates your human body when we get in the atmosphere of the presence of god we do not just rearrange we change and the greater the change the greater the reward so delighting ourselves in the lord we're not getting all upset and we'll look at the government and there was oh this is so bad this is so sad and this is happening and that is happening the pendulum is swinging far to the left he'll say the time will come he will call good evil and evil good and the time will come this will happen and that will happen and that at any minute the appearing of the lord let me encourage you jesus is coming again and he is not just coming to us but he's coming through us he's coming for himself god's out looking for god we have read in the word of god that we have become new creatures heavenly species that we have been created to stand in the step of christ now i'm throwing a lot of things out there this is the year of true identity as you delight yourself in the lord and then the words of your mouth the countenance the conduct because the conversations that you have are going to be totally different it's be filled with life and not with doubt or fear or unbelief the moment you got born again thanks be to god you became a new creation and that we're going to see just as surely as in the latter part of the sixth day god created himself an image and a likeness and blew his breath the rule of god into it so that was the original plan that man and woman would live on planet earth and they would have dominion and power and authority and i can tell you right now god has not changed his mind and what we're doing is that the image of the likeness of the son of god is about to be seen on the face of the earth the manifestation of the sons and daughters of the living god i'm not here to preach but let me read let me just reach i recently i recently went on a trip to austin texas and my husband and i and i have my board of directors live in that area and we would just go visit and i said oh so much is happening in texas i got all excited about texas and you know heads talk to heads and when we got there i said y'all let's go to the capitol of texas we're in austin let's go to the capitol but i said you know what before we go i said that scripture had come to me if it says every place on which your foot is tried god says i'll give it to you but you have to walk by faith and so i said one of the things that i found out is that if the anointing destroys the yoke it doesn't break it it destroys it and the yoke speaks of sin and we who are the sons of god i said let's get some olive oil and then let's get some salt and i said the bible tells the story it says the city was beautiful but there was death in the water so the prophet came in took a vial of salt put in there in the water and everybody lived happily ever after y'all i'm telling you that god has chosen the weak and the foolish to confound the wise of the mightiest so i said let's pour out some olive oil let's put some salt we're not going to make a salad but we are going to walk on the authority pseudo authority of the devil and we're going to take texas for jesus there was four of us i mean that seems like a a crowd as far as god's concerned so we did we did the foolish thing we did you know god likes that god's chosen the weak and the foolish to confound the wise and the mighty so we poured a little oil and we put a little salt that we just took our feet with our shoes on and we just stomped around in it and says lord we're going to delight ourselves in you so we take off to the capitol we don't know what we're doing but we're walking and we're saying lord texas belongs to you anything that's not of you we just say get out of here in jesus name and we went in like james bond secret agents i'll tell you walking with god ought to be fun for you all the time well we followed around and we heard all the stories and that we got the tour and we're walking and we're walking there must be 995 000 steps in that place you know as far as stairs are concerned there were no elevators and i just got some great exercise and some great exorcism that was going on and so when we completed the tour you think well that's it you did your job and the the guy that was doing the the moderating that was teaching he says now he says uh you can all go out this way or that way and he dismissed us we're in a hallway that was like three football fields long i mean and people were all over the place and those people dispersed so quickly and the spirit of the lord spoke to me and said just be still and everybody left and my husband said he says what are you waiting for outside him i don't know i wish walking with god just where you had all the answers but just sometimes you just got to stand still wait upon the lord it'll be an amazing thing look down at the end of the hall and there were these three people couldn't distinguish because it was a long way down but the lord says just wait so they walked up to us and there was a a lady her husband and a young boy about 12 years old and that young man he was a cutest thing he had a three-piece suit on and he had a tie on he was dressed out and i said oh my goodness i said you're here at the state capitol you must going to be one of the senators someday and the lady turned to me and she said how prophetic and i thought hey now and she said his mother was 12 years old when i was elected to the senate 33 years ago and she says we're bringing him on a tour here today to show him that this is a field that he could be going in and i said and who are you and she introduced herself to me and she was the number one female representative of the republican party and the senator in the state capitol wow and i said hey i said i was back there in louisiana and the lord said that he just loved texas he says you go there and just pray for her and she reached her hand she said let's do it now and i'm telling you what all of us the three of them and the four of us seven uh oh there's that number again that's a perfected number and perfection means maturity and we said lord god we give you texas the seven of us we give you taxes i got so excited i was so happy about the oil salt on my feet i was so glad and i said lord help help us to understand if we'll delight ourselves in the lord it is an amazing thing your life gets so great and wonderful well while we're out shouting and having a good time and say wasn't that remarkable that we met this lady unless i could go on and tell you stories about the people that you meet as you go because the radiance of god's glory his presence wherever you go your countenance it just absolutely reaches out there and people say i don't know why i want to talk to you but i just want to talk to you and you just understand it's god reading out radiating out the light of god has come so we left and we're going to catch a plane to come back to monroe and the rain started coming in we got to the place just rushed like crazy to get the airport and they said flight's been canceled and because of inclement weather that means i've got to go find a hotel and so we because it was too far to go back to the guest house and we said no we're just going to go ahead because we had to leave four o'clock the next morning so he said okay we're going to do this so we're checking in what am i talking about delight yourself you think what's this new year about let me out i hear god say hey hey hey give me a turn let me out so we're checking in at the at the front desk and to the left of me on sunday night about 6 30 there were about six women and they there was the bar and they'd been there for quite a while they were loud they were raucous they were vulgar they were nasty it was just the awfulest thing i think i've ever seen in my life and they were so bold with their profanity and i'm just checking in thinking why in the world did my flight get canceled and the lord said and i looked over there and i said excuse me i'm going to run over to the bar i love it i love it there i was on sunday night i wasn't over at somebody's church singing and swinging i was over at the bar talking to a bunch of old mean women and this woman yells out across and she says hey i know you well she didn't know me but she you know god does that and i went over that she was 80 years old sitting in a bar celebrating her birthday and so we got to talking and the woman is sitting next to her mouth oh my goodness it was a sore and the lord says just put your hand on her and say how are you doing get chummy with you what are y'all celebrating and she said i'm not celebrating anything then blah blah blah blah she could not say good morning without saying 15 ugly words before she got there and she said this is so funny she said your face is shining she says what do you use and i said well my face didn't used to shine but i said when i quit cussing it just cleaned it so the lady said what are you trying to tell me she said you don't understand the trouble that i'm in and the crisis that i'm i want you to know with them i got to pray with all six of them and do you know what they were they were all school teachers and one of them was a high school principal and i we left and it was and i saw lord i just made the greatest altar call in the bar and i told him i said do y'all have any idea how much god loves you and then i use patricia's line god loves you he really loves you with an everlasting love and i figured it worked so good for her i tried out there they just loved it i mean they all wanted to hug me and we all exchanged information and so what am i telling you what this year's about let god out because where your focus goes where your focus goes the anointing flows and that we're not going to focus on how bad everything is you have the ability every act of gratitude is a refinement to your soul and i thought i told that lady i said do you know how important you are to god he sent rain and canceled my flight just so i could come here to a bar on sunday night and tell you that jesus loves you he really he really really loves you and the thing that had happened to this lady was something that i'd walk through with my own situation so a person with an experience becomes more valuable than a person that only has a doctrine we're not out just trying to beat people over the head with you know love god or i'll kill you but we're here to be able in this year you know where it's the year of the house and the fear of the mouth and you it's an open house so i believe we're about to be opened up there's going to be something incredible that's taking place a lot of resistance it's going to be there but it'll make you stronger tell you to act longer and i thank you so much that you would let me share with you today that what am i seeing at this time at the new year i see god saying wake up and focus on me delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of his heart i love all of you thank you so much for allowing me to share with you and i can't wait to hear what all of you have got to say let me just kind of tell you parenthetically here i've just built a studio a tv studio in my home and i have all the we're doing all the tv work right now in the house instead of going to north carolina we're doing it here and you think how old are you well older than dirt but you know what we're going to live full and die live live full die empty i believe that's the way you're supposed to do it so i want to encourage all of you get up and do something that you've never done before because that's that'll build the faith i'll be able to love and teach you to trust god keep on keeping on all of you be good amen [Music] so good uh dr clarice we really um so love your wisdom and your insight and your steadfastness and um you know for a woman in her 80s and i want to tell our audience that with with great pride actually uh you are a poster child and there's many of our of our audience who are in their later decades of life that might feel like just you know downsizing or withering a bit and i just want to encourage you all this is not the time to do that it's not the time to go to sleep it's not the time to sit at your pool decks and sip on lemonade all day it is a time to rise up and be a voice for the lord and especially in his presence and um i feel that with everything that's going on in the world there's so much darkness but this is our greatest opportunity to bring light and i love that emphasis that you brought clarisse that was so good and especially in texas right now yay texas for the stands texas is taking on the abortion issue and of course on on other issues that are on the table right now as well uh they're just forerunning in strength and being a voice for god in the midst of so much up evil so what a day we're living in thank you clarice thank you god bless you all what a great time to adjust focus at the head of the year right and to do a do a check and say where am i looking so excellent thank you dr clarice um patricia do you have anything that you would like to add right now or should we go to our texan yeah um yeah i mean i'm happy to share now or later but um i just so appreciate our guests michelle they're actually part of our women in ministry network and we're so excited to know them as dear friends as well uh we'll be hearing from them all julie meyer and and um we have jody hughes with us and also jamie lynn well now uh that we are so appreciative of but i'll just share something uh a small right now um that hopefully will have big impact and that was um an angelic visitation i had last month um and i was i was taken into a vision of looking at harvest fields and it was just like wheat as far as the eye could see and um and i was just delighting in this knowing that it meant a harvest of souls but then right as i'm gazing upon it this angel descended out of heaven and stood on the ground looking out towards the harvest they had a golden uh scepter in their hand and um i knew that it was an angel of increase i felt the holy spirit say this is an angel of increase and that if this next season especially in this next year it is time to call in your harvest it is time to believe for every seed that you have sown to come into its fullness so that it can be reaped and that's not only for souls although in particular souls because we're going to see an increase of souls coming into the kingdom but it's for anything that you've sown seed into it could be the sowing of seed into your dreams into the things that you have hoped for for the future and that you were you know determined to see the will of god move in in there it could be for your healing it could be for uh souls for finance it could be for anything but we're going to have to be tenacious with it but i saw the angel uh turn in the vision and took the scepter and stretched it out and wherever that scepter was stretched the increase came like that and i believe the scepter represents the favor of god that is on each of your lives if you're watching right now know that if you are a child of god you have favor on your life because you believe in jesus christ so there's favor on you but also it was the authority of his word and so i just want to encourage you to really look upon the word study the word decree the word concerning increase i believe that your anointing is going to increase in this season your opportunities to minister is going to increase in this season everything that you put your hand to can be subject to increase in this coming year and so the bible says in uh ii chronicles 20 20 that when you believe the the prophets you will succeed you will prosper and so when god gives a word of encouragement to you and you believe it that is what is going to um bring it to pass so um just uh really rejoice in what god's going to do it is an a a season of increase we're going to see an increase of god's manifestation in the earth we're also going to see an increase of the enemy's agenda but we're not to be moved by that we are to stand steadfast in the lord knowing that his power his glory will increase his light will increase in the midst of darkness so um that's my little nugget that i have for you today and um i just want to encourage you um that as you're listening to these prophetic insights take notes and go back to them and and receive them as your own personal word from the lord this is a very very important uh time of year to receive the prophetic and to align ourselves with god so good thank you patricia and i i love your word on increase and what and the heart of father and what he's wanting to do in us and the favor that is on us thank you what a great dream next i'd like to introduce you to as i said our texan this is jamie lynn wallnau and jamie is an artist she's an author she's a revivalist she's a prophetess and um just has is carrying such a beautiful message of living in the joy of purity before the lord and jamie lynn what what do you hear god speaking to you and what um what do you see that the the millennials and the zoomers are bringing uh what what's coming from their voice in this next season well hello thanks for having me i love being here with women there's a big call on women and so many of you who are listening right now um ladies i know there's been warfare over your voice many of your voices and i'm just saying it is the season for you to speak up courageously and be bold and um there's many things i've heard but praying for this particular sound in this particular time with you i really felt led to share um two things one is this is the season for the harvest for family salvations i really feel strongly that the harvest is very ripe and it's not just family but people all around you and we each have a testimony and we have a reason why we're following jesus and why he's liberated us from darkness from deception and so with loving kindness we can pray ask god for his heart for those who are on the streets crying out in a way that the kingdom of heaven would not be but they could be one prayer one conversation away from turning their heart completely to the lord and and receiving eternal life with jesus so the solution there i just want to encourage you to keep praying do not give up on those that you've been praying for um pray decree his word ask for divine conversations and be courageous and share jesus with others and be ready at all times to share the gospel with such love patience and humility to those around you and then the next is we do see what's happening in texas right now and it is something to be celebrated but i will also say we are nowhere near where we can be and when opportunity presents itself it is too late to prepare and so no matter what state you are from i want to encourage you to ask god i believe that god has given assignments to so many of us that many think are years from now and he's going to actually reveal that it's time i think there's a lot of plot to us coming what we thought was for years from now god wants to do now so for example you know we have the heart people that passed here in texas but what do we do with the moms as a church as the body of christ how do we mobilize the body of christ to be prepared to to make sure that we are opening our arms boldly to women who are getting pregnant who are pregnant who don't know any other different lifestyle than what they've lived maybe they've had a traumatic moment that's why they're pregnant whatever it is but there's so many men and women right now on the earth who have a different role for foster care for adoption for teaching purity whatever it is and i just want to say i do believe that texas is about to be like a beacon i do believe we are a forerunner right now for this but um i believe it was before covet the lord showed me that roe v wade was going to be overturned and then you know it goes down with the way our government set up it goes down from state to state making a decision so we are about to see a battle of light and dark like like let's first of all we're already seeing it in our nation but in the states we're gonna see a bottle of light and darkness and for us it just takes one person in a state to stand up and to speak and to be courageous and to obey the voice of god in what he's calling us to do and so i do see that there's going to be blessings and that there's going to be curses over different states and i do see like weather patterns actually showing that i see like tornadoes earthquakes i just think we're gonna see like hurricanes i think we're gonna see really unique weather patterns um responding to the blessing or responding to the curse of the land and it's nothing to fear when you are a daughter or a son of god and so i just wanted to share in this time i believe god is mobilizing us across the board i think the heartbeat bill is a great picture literally of what god is doing doing right now in different spheres like it could be sex trafficking for you it could be evangelism like ben and jody hughes going out to the middle of nowhere to minister to people whatever it is i just feel god is mobilizing so this is the key i like to give practical um solutions to what god's doing on the earth it says in proverbs 29 18 the passion translation when there's no clear prophetic vision people quickly wonder astray many people are battling right now because they don't have the clear prophetic vision and so practically right now we can get in the prayer room and listen and listen to the lord and pray and pray with your friends i love that jesus sent people in twos because you do not have to go forward alone we can find community i've really battled this myself and i feel it's a very prophetic picture find your community to run with and run with them um for example three of my friends all four of us met together yesterday we shared what god has put on our heart we laid out the vision and we each said how can we support you right now what do you need that i can help you with and if you need to gather women and do that then do that but we feel the fear of call in our life and we needed more support so we gathered together and not all of us are doing the same thing but we're able to support so we're not feeling like we're being sent out alone if that makes sense so um get it says but when you follow the revelation of the word heaven's bliss fills your soul so get in the place of reading his word it's so simple it's like baseline christianity millennials the word is not for the person teaching you at the front gen z the word is not just for people preaching it is for you to eat from daily and so i want to encourage you to get in the word of god and then listen to god and then go and do what he's called you to do he'll always provide for you so i believe we are god's solution to all of the problems that we see happening on the earth and he is just looking you could you could i love what jody i i think this was jody i don't remember if this was jody but you can tell me if it was or not but you could be called to the one or you could be called to many they're both just as valuable they're just they're both just as powerful so i encourage you to not don't look at don't look at your call the way that the world would right now because i see the enemy coming in that way too like the one person in front of you could be the one that ministers to millions like could be the next billy graham so your impact and the seeds you're planting are really important now so stay in the word ask for this is this is my closing ask for wisdom ask for favor and ask for increase and expect all three and rejoice as you move forward because god is going to move through you and he's going to win because plot twist god always wins yes he does thank you jamie lynn really good thank you and jamie's book that she's written is called holy revolution and that is available uh i believe through amazon is that right jamie yes yeah so um yeah thank you jamie and yes praying for wisdom and favor and it's i'm loving how all this is kind of coming together this morning it's a lot of fun can i share something michelle jamie lynn has just uh finished the all the artwork for a new book that we're going to be seeing in print in in november and it's called decrees for for kids and it's just brilliant and um i just want to affirm you jamie on your on your um artistic um uh blessing your gift um the way that you're reaching even the children of today through your artwork and so i'm i'm praying that there'll be a whole company of women ministries raised up to really reach the heart of children so god bless you and thank you for your your wonderful gift and talent making that book come to pass as a gift for the younger generation and uh for all of you that are watching look for that decree for kids book is coming out in november love it thank you patricia it's so exciting i can't wait for families to have this and you're so good at helping people speak life into their environment it's a game changer it keeps me out of depression i got delivered from depression and from a small age if we can teach kids the power of decrees it will be a game changer and can protect them moving forward so i'm excited for everyone to hold your book in their hand it was really fun illustrating it i had the pleasure of getting a sneak preview of this book that you're talking about and it is beautiful i love it and the decrees that are in there i i said patricia i said this book is a powerful book it will save kids lives there are things that are going to go into them from that book that even in their later in their youth and even adulthood those things are going to come back to them and it's going to it's if they're they're going to be entwined in who they are and it's it's going to save lives and help lives grow in a really beautiful way so i'm excited about it i i'm going to get at least one actually a few i've got some gifts i want to get with that book when it comes out um our next guest is the wonderful julie meyer and uh julie thank you for being with us today julie is a prophet and she is a psalmist a psalmist is someone who conveys the heart of god through song through melody and i was i was thinking about you julie and how that you you prophesy so beautifully and you swaddle the prophetic in song you swaddle it and melody and the beauty of that and how that you sing the psalms and so thank you again for being with us i know you travel internationally speaking on worship and the power of prayer and revival and what has what would you like to bring to us today for the head of the year well thank you so much patricia and michelle for having me on um today i'm excited because i actually just had the most prophetic what i feel experience um i was it was last weekend and i was going to mahesh and bonnie chavda's conference patricia you were there thursday uh per what video but as i was going to their conference um i left from santa barbara i live in california praying for revival in california but as i we we left santa barbara because of weather in denver um we our plane was delayed over an hour so by the time we got there i had five minutes to get to the next gate before the plane was taking off and i we all ran off the plane you know i didn't have that many gates but i s when i got to my gate i saw the plane was still parked there and but then i saw that the the door was shut you know going to the gate or to the gateway or to the bridge the door was shut and there was no attendant at the door and just so quickly i mean i just heard so it was like the holy spirit was right beside me saying decree decree an open door i heard it so clear but in reality i did this i i don't want to be here i mean because i was in denver and i just i just stood there looking at the door and i was like i don't want to be here i just want to get on the plane and and i have this i oh i have this quick thought it's like abc you know if you don't decree then god's just going to send somebody else that will and i i i didn't do it you know i just kind of i i didn't believe that i could actually do it unfortunately and behind me i hear this yelling you know in this corridor and and it's this this guy and he's going i gotta get on that plane i gotta get on that plane i gotta get on that plane and i turn around at because i you know i just hear in my head decree it and then i don't you know and i hear him and he's this guy maybe 33 34 and he's got this carriage with two infants and he goes running past me right up to the gate door that's closed and he starts pounding on it i gotta get on that plane i gotta get on that plane and i am like going oh is this real and and suddenly one of the people that drive the carts she just pulls up and nobody's at the gate except this guy and he's not stopping i gotta get on that plane i gotta get on that plane and this lady comes running up with the keys and she goes they'll never hear you from here and she goes up and she goes let me see if i can get you on she opens the door we get on the plane we take off wow and i am going is that did this really happen um and so we get to this amazing was an amazing weekend but you know when i begin to share that just the um the the matthew 7 7 you know it's it's matthew 7 7. ask seek and knock and when i began to share this story which i felt was i just felt like this is a moment in time you know when we think of asking or seeking or knocking you know it's kind of like the doorbell ding dong oh nobody's home i guess okay and just turn around and leave i felt like i saw the reality of what it means to knock and not stop and it was a pound it was a bang and literally on sunday morning you know worship just kind of went crazy it was steve swanson and he is just a chief musician a master worship leader in prophetic worship and we just shared this story again shared matthew and matthew 7 7 and barbara yoder just came up and said we've gotta we've gotta grab this this is our season if we knock we will get what we're asking for and people just ran up and they started just pounding the altar you know saying i gotta get on that plane what is the plane what the plane is what are you asking for it's healing it's revival it's family it's it's the answer to our prayers and and i have just been i feel like just so excited i feel like my prayer life has just went wham you know and i'm from the prayer movement i've been in the prayer movement since 83 but i feel like we're in this moment and i i saw this prophetic picture of what matthew 7 7 looks like and it's not a little it's not a little tiny knock and uh when sunday morning this man came up and he actually had which is beautiful isaiah 45 out of the amplified verses two and three i will go before you and level the mountains i will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through bars of iron i will give you the treasures of darkness the hoarded treasures and the hidden riches and secret places so that you may know that it is i the lord the god of israel who calls you and i believe that this is our season we need to knock and not stop i saw and that another man had actually said you know i think it's highly highly highly unlikely that anyone that they open the doors because they have to totally restart all their paperwork and uh i just felt like i saw a prophetic picture of you know what this is how david prayed he didn't give up we're too nice you know we got to start pounding those doors because this man was not going to stop until that door opened and we intercessor we have the ears of the lord he's listening and it's what david did you know david he he just went before the lord he never ever stopped he laid out his prayers one by one and he waited with an expectant hope of god answering but i feel like we're in a season even if you have a whisper god is answering our prayers and it's not a time to grow weary you know it it feels like you know here we are are we going to be shut down again who knows i think i think we're going to go back and forth and back and forth it's not going to be like it used to be we'll have meetings and we won't have meetings but we'll have one line for a while but it's time to strengthen ourselves and the lord and to get his word out i mean what he just shared decreeing his word that's what i saw a picture of what it looks like to knock and not stop and this is where we are and i feel i saw a picture of what it looks like to not and for the lord to say man and i'm encouraged i'm encouraged because of florida because of texas and i'm encouraged that california is going to join them in revival and i think it's an amazing season that we're headed into amen what a great picture you've painted what a great picture the lord painted for you and i you know as you're as you're talking julie i'm realizing the places where uh you know maybe i've been too polite in my knocking you know and it's it's time to pound on the ancient gates it's time to pound on that door and it in that place of uh the desperation and the understanding that we do this and the door will open yeah so how encouraging julie thank you yeah that was so amazing um i just love that encounter and in in the scripture in matthew 7 where it says knock and the door shall be opened to you it's actually written in continuous tense so it actually means keep on knocking keep on knocking until the door is open and julie i feel like that word is so important for some of our our viewers right now um that they have had issues in their life that they have hoped would break through that they hope the answer would open up to them but this is a word of the lord is saying you just knock and knock violently and continuously until until because we have that promise from jesus knock and the door shall be opened if you ask you will receive and that's all written in continuous tense keep on asking and you will receive keep on knocking and the door will be open you know it's like always continuous tense so uh that is such an important word for this hour and it's it's really ministering to me right now too for a situation that i've been kind of feeling like you did at the door oh no like the door is closed oh you know and it's so easy for us to get in that place all of us are subject to that from time to time and that's why we need one another but that word was so powerful thank you it really is yeah well our next friend that's joined us today is jody hughes and jody and her husband ben are the founders of pour it out ministries and they have come to the united states from the great south land of australia where they hosted what has become known as the pineapple revival and jody is a beautiful prophetess and revivalist revivalist and a carrier of fire so jody what are you hearing wow well well thank you first of all for for having me here i i'm i'm receiving so much this morning and that really was powerful julie what you shared and i want to add this straight up that i had a dream it was last year but it speaks into what you're speaking about and i saw as we were worshiping in a meeting i saw bows and ribbons dropping over the heads of every person in the room and i looked and i was like why am i just seeing the bows and ribbons because i was aware that there were gifts and presents that were meant to be being handed out and uh there was no gifts and presents and i went and i immediately heard the holy spirit say something to me it's because i'm waiting for you to ask me and so in that moment i knew the holy spirit was saying to add to what julie was sharing it's time for us as the body of christ to be specific and to ask and to knock and to not quit and get our roar on and get our bold persistent enduring faith on and to speak out over our nations and over our families and over our own prophetic words and continue to decree just like matthew 18 18 says that what you bind on the earth shall be bound in heaven what you release on the earth shall be released in heaven and i love that i love that that ends with releasing it's not just about binding the enemy it's about releasing what god is decreeing over this season and we're in a season i believe where and we all know this we're in a season where god is reminding us and highlighting the authority of the prophetic decree the authority of our own voices and to be able to speak out with authority and power i see darkness flee see legislation that is unrighteous drop to the ground and god's moving in this season there's a few things that i'm excited about that god's been highlighting to me and i want to speak first of all to everyone who's listening who feels overwhelmed by the season because i think but to discern that there is much going on but i want to speak hope to you on the front line stay of the lord say in his word focus on what god is speaking to you because on the front line is where you will find the greatest hope on the front line in the midst of what god's saying to you is where you are going to find the joy of the lord that will sustain you in this season and despite what the enemy is doing god is doing far more in this season and if you focus on what god is doing in this season this is the greatest season that we have ever stepped into as the body of christ and you are going to not be overwhelmed by the enemy you will be overwhelmed with what god is doing and it will sustain you it will fill you with hope and it will give you the boost that you're needing to open your mouth and decree of your own family and your own nation what god is saying amen so i know that in this season god is speaking to us about uh the activation of our own authority that comes through jesus and his blood and the resurrection of jesus amen he's speaking to us about activating that authority not just knowing it as head knowledge but walking in it on the earth that we walk on the earth with a god-given authority to speak to darkness and tell it to flee with a god-given authority to speak to the harvest and say come in it's time it's time for the harvest to come in it's time for revival that god is releasing acceleration and power in this season he's reminding us of the power and the fire of the holy ghost in this season he is reintroducing his people to the power and fire of the holy spirit he's reminding us that we're not just saved we walk in an authority to release the fire and call down the fire of heaven and he's reminding us that we walk in a uh authority to release heaven's goodness to release heaven's healing to release heaven's hope to release heaven's fire in our midst amen and so here's a couple of things god is reminding us in this season and raising up a gideon's army he's reminding us that we're in the army of the lord and he's reminding us and calling us up to be a part of gideon's army in this season and gideon's army was an elite specialist trained army that god chose and he's calling all of us to be a part of that and something that's significant about gideon's army when you read it in uh judges 12 is that one they rid themselves of fear and two god chose them if you remember he chose them from the river the story goes on to say that in the river the army of the lord was chosen and raised up i want to put that really clear for you so it's not just prophetic language what that means is this in the river of god in the midst of god's presence in the fire of the holy ghost god is raising up an elite specialist boots on the ground army of people who believe in jesus power who can go into situations and break off what the enemy is saying and release what god is saying they were chosen gideon's army of 300 were chosen by how they drunk from the river and it was real simple the bible says that gideon's army was chosen by they drank from a cupped hand and when they drank from a cupped hand what that meant was they knew that their sauce was the river their source was the presence of god but they also knew that i'm in the army so they knew that they had to be aware that i'm drinking because it gives me strength i'm drinking because i need the presence of god but i'm drinking because we're in a battle we're in a war and this is giving me the source of life right now to speak to that which the enemy is doing and release life amen two other things that i know god's um really speaking to me about in this season i woke up just last week from a dream and as i woke up i was speaking out some words uh i was just speaking these words as i woke up and it was tack your cloak into your belt tuck your cloak into your belt now that comes from one king's 18 and it's right down the end of the chapter after elijah stood on mount carmel he saw the small cloud which is representing the beginning of revival the beginning of the abundance of rain harvest season revival season we're in that season right now it's not a far off it's not four months off we're in harvest season that means souls are coming in the promises of god are coming in but we need to open our mouth and decree them we need to bend down what elijah did that means he consecrated himself to the lord he got rid of his own stuff and he didn't quit he kept saying i can see it i can see it in the spirit i'm not stopping till we see it in the natural i see the small cloud of revival but i'm not quitting until i see the tumultuous nationwide global outpouring of awakening and fire and harvest in our midst but it goes on to say this that elijah tucked his cloak into his belt and right after he tucked his cloak into his belt that's when acceleration came upon him and he ran faster than a chariot the tucking your cloak into a belt represents a few things traditionally in the bible they needed to do that because if they were going to run they'd trip over their cloak but it also means this because cloaks represent anointing belts represent uh the truth of the word it means that we are tucking in our anointing into truth it means that we're tidying ourselves up in this season we're allowing the holy spirit to speak to us about anything in our life that's out of order we're allowing the holy spirit to tighten us up to tighten up the belt and get rid of any offenses any open sins to search in mia you know search my heart make me a clean heart lord it also means getting ourselves ready for the season of harvest and revival that we're stepping into right now that means if your anointing needs some sharpening get equipped right now it means if you're not spending time in the word of god and his presence do it right now it means if there's things that god's been speaking to you about right now it's not a season to procrastinate it's a season to do what god is saying right now to tack your uh cloak your anointing your giftings your mandate what god's speaking to you about tuck it into his truth and the word of god right now get ready and don't put off till tomorrow what you need to do today because you're about to have acceleration come upon you and we need to focus and head in the direction of the things god is speaking to us about because when acceleration comes upon you upon the body of christ if you're even off target a little bit with what god's saying you're going to go very fast in the wrong direction and so it's time to focus and refine our call right now and to allow the fire of the holy ghost to purify us right now i hope that makes sense acceleration is coming upon us you know where elijah ended up he went so fast he went faster than is humanly possible that's about to happen in this year and increasingly in this season and he ended up in jezreel all i want to say about that is this jezreel is where jezebel was killed end of her life this season you know i don't want to go into anything about jezebel i just want to say this the uh acceleration is coming upon you and the body of christ for deliverance from that which the enemy has brought against the church to a hindu revival to hinder souls we need to tuck our belts our cloaks into our belts and refine ourselves refocus ourselves get in the fire get in his presence do what god is speaking to us about because acceleration is coming upon us to break off the chains amen and see the captives set free one last thing i want to say is this the lord has been speaking to me also about hearing again the need for us to hear again the voice from the fire to hear again the voice from the fire and i want to explain this and unpack it god is reminding us and reintroducing us to the fire of the holy ghost to the fire of the holy spirit we need the fire just like in the natural when a fire comes through it uh there's a regeneration that takes place there are seeds dna literally in a natural bush fire or forest fire bushfires is what aussies call it but in a forest fire there are seeds that can only be activated when the fire comes through there are seeds in the body of christ right now that will only be activated in revival fire we must have the fire of god the harvest needs those who are activated by the fire of god but let me mention this there is a prayer coming out of the body of christ right now where many are saying we need deliverers we need deliverers raised up in this hour and moses was activated as a deliverer of a nation in the fire of god he was activated from a burning bush encounter and if you read that story in the bible it says he heard a voice he heard a literal voice that called out to him from the fire from the fire he heard a voice that activated his call as a deliverer well then you fast forward to deuteronomy 5 and it talks about the israelites a whole nation standing at the base of a mountain and the fire of god is up the top of the mountain and i'm i'm saying this quick but the fire of god is there moses has been at the top of the mountain and the bible says in deuteronomy 5 in deuteronomy 5 24 i believe it is that uh the entire nation heard the voice from the fire now something sad happened in that moment the entire nation said we're too scared of the fire we don't want to hear the voice from the fire we don't want to hear it because it's too scary it's too confronting it's too in your face it's too raw we might have to change our lives just get moses to speak to us from the fire of god well i believe in this season that we're in right now god is giving an invitation again to all of us and he's saying i want you to hear the voice from the fire because deliverers that save nations that save the education system that save the judicial system that save the politics that save families that save the very things that people are crying out for right now the fire of god activates deliverers amen and so in this season i know i sense i've seen with my own eyes the harvest is coming in and god is raising up deliverers that are marked by the fire they are marked by courage they are marked by a righteousness and a purity and they are marked by an unbridled unashamed boldness for the fire and power of god we are going to see the fire and power of god again in our midst like we have not seen in this generation we can't afford another generation but by the fire of god amen and so i speak it over you i release it over you and i say over each and every one of us this is one of this is the greatest season that we've ever walked in so anything the enemy is saying to you i know this stuff but you are called to the fire you are called to harvest and you are called to revival and you are going to see things that blow your mind and wreck your heart in this season get ready tuck that cloak into your belt amen amen amen wow what a what a beautiful word thank you so much jody um patricia do you have any anything to add i i actually don't i'm just in of all the rich words that came forth today um we do want to make mention you know of just the handling of the prophetic for those of you that are watching when you hear these words um take note in fact you might want to re-watch and take some notes because there will be things that the holy spirit is highlighting to you and when you embrace those words when you believe those words when you activate those words they will bring fruit within your life i also wanted to make mention that at the time of this recording uh tomorrow night that's thursday starting at six o'clock p.m i am going to be teaching a beginner's prophetic class so for those of you that are not acquainted with the prophetic yet and you want to learn how to prophesy and get those foundations within your life this is a free course that i'm offering and we will maybe put in the comments section the link for how you can register it's absolutely free you can actually share that registration link with your friends as well because we're believing for a great company of prophets to be raised up in these days and how does that prophetic call begin by getting into the presence by hearing the voice of the lord learning how to walk with him and to prophesy and then it'll grow in authority i'd seen a vision a a week or two ago about these uh two companies of profits being raised up one was the ezekiel type of prophets and they were seers and they were those that went into spiritual encounter but they spoke resurrection life and called those things that are not as though they are like the dry bones coming up to life and then the other company of prophets was the um uh uh was the elijah type prophet sorry i had a little brain glitch there the the elijah prophets and malachi 4 came to my mind um as to the restoration of the generations running together and uh bringing blessing on the land and also confrontation like how he confronted the prophets of baal on mount carmel with great discernment and deliverance for nations so this is something god is going to do in this next season is raising up the prophetic we know that we were in a season for a couple years where um there was attack on the prophetic there was discipline brought to the prophetic movement and it's like so that we can go to the next level and so i'm looking forward to that so that's thursday night tomorrow night um at six o'clock p.m uh register for that course love to have you part of it and also michelle we want to tell them about the women's conference coming up we're going to host it in the studio so it's actually going to be a media conference we don't have very much room left on site but there's still probably a few places for you if you wanted to come live which we'd love you to and it's called the love roar and the line of the tribe of judah is rising up in women right now to release the love roar of god and settle issues within their home within the workplace within government we are going to see god do new things through women and so women in our ministry network will be with us we have some great speakers so make sure that you visit our ministry page michelle can tell you more about how to get that and we'll put a link on it in the comment section as well yeah i'm so excited about this event coming up that the women in ministry network is sponsoring and um you know this being the year 5782 and we're we're you know at the head of the year and it is the year of the release of the voice of the sun and as the pride comes together and we are speaking from that place of spirit that we are releasing the roar of the lord and the roar of the lord is a love roar so i am i'm really excited about this event we've got some great speakers that are bringing a heart of god into the event and it's it's going to be wonderful so it is a women in ministry network event but we wanted to open it up to anyone who would like to come so please join us and you can go to women w-i-m-n and you can go to the event page and see the love roar or you can just go to and click on events that would probably be easiest so hey this has been awesome thank you everyone for being with us and for releasing roars today from each of you for for uh the blueprints the the the map of where god is leading us into the future what god is saying to us and i have a decree to to top it all off and it is simply the lord's purposes will prevail and that's in your life that's in your nations in your homes god god will prevail so we love you and we will see you soon women on the rise rise up rise up rise up
Channel: Patricia King
Views: 7,570
Rating: 4.952239 out of 5
Id: e1-H5bwyhX8
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Length: 67min 26sec (4046 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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