A Prayer Meeting for Firewall USA

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hi my name is Patricia King and I want to lead you in a prayer meeting today for the nation on June 27th 2020 I woke up with a very foreboding alert an urgent call to prayer from the Lord concerning protecting the United States of America from external threats because of our internal vulnerability and he said you need a firewall you need a protective wall around the nation at such a time as this because of its vulnerability and so I began to work on it immediately and gathered together with a number of leaders of different ministries who also felt the same conviction and we came together to build a firewall and so if you want more information about that firewall of Prayer and you would like to take an hour of prayer on that wall on a regular basis please go to firewall usa.com and there's information there and I would love to have you sign up as one of our fervent intercessors for the nation in this hour we are in a critical hour and we the church need to tarry with Jesus for one hour and if you can do that and all the way through right now we're praying all the way through to the election and so that's from July the 4th which is a launch day all the way through to November 3rd and then we'll decide what we're going to do after that but we really are asking you to pray for one hour so right now I want to lead you into a one-hour prayer meeting these prayer points that I'm going through and the decrees you can actually get on firewall usa.com they are printable for you there and so you can get them from there or you can just follow along with me but let's give the Lord one hour in prayer right now just pray along with me we'll go through these points we'll go through a decrease because the Bible says if any two of you are in agreement as touching anything that they may ask it shall be done and so you are in agreement with me as we decree this word of God and pray according to his will we're going to see the nation change thank you for joining for this prayer meeting we're gonna take a few minutes on each point and the first one is to declare Jesus as the eternal king and Lord of the United States of America according to Psalm 24 in Psalm 24 it says that all the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof and all that dwell therein and so we declare that Jesus Christ owns America and that he is king and he is lord over this nation we decree that he is the king of glory and we open up this nation for him to come and fill it fill it with his goodness fill it with his truth fill it with his holiness as purity and his love in Jesus name we declare and decree that Jesus Christ is the eternal king not just a king for a moment not just a king for for an election year but King for all eternity over this nation the Bible says that the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our God and so we decree over America that this nation has become the kingdom of our God it is a nation that belongs to Jesus Christ we decree and declare it and if you have any more prayers to do with this just continue on and pray into that and I'm going to go to point number two the second point is to pray for America to continue to stand with Israel and pray for the Peace of Jerusalem according to Psalm 122 6 the scripture says that they prosper those who love her so God will prosper us as we take care of Israel Israel the apple of his eye Jerusalem the place of his habitation in the earth and if a nation partners with Israel and allies with Israel great blessing comes upon them the Bible says I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you so Lord we come before you right now and we pray for America to continue to be a strong ally of Israel and that America would be one of Israel's greatest blessings Lord that we would bless Israel in everything that she has need of in order to fulfill her destiny that we would be there that we would give prayer support that we would give governmental support that we would give financial support when needed what every ever Israel needs that we as a nation would stand with you in your heart for Israel so that Israel can come into the fullness of her destiny and Lord we know that as we look after what is important to you that you will look after us if we look after Israel you will look after the United States of America and so we decree and declare the the favor that is toward Israel from this nation and that you would secure that favour for all times and in all generations in Jesus powerful name the third prayer point is to prayer prayer pray prayers of identification Ulrika that means that we're going to take the place of those who have sinned and ask God to forgive us as we repent on their behalf so it says pray prayers of identification Ulrich's from sinful thoughts words and deeds in the church and in the nation according to 2nd chronicles 7:14 and Daniel 9 19 and 20 now in 2nd chronicles 7:14 and 15 it says that if God's people that's you and I if we will humble ourselves like we're doing right now and pray and seek his face and turn from our wicked ways then he will hear from heaven he will forgive our sin and he will heal our land that is a perpetual promise he is going to answer our prayer as we engage with him right now and in Daniel 9 19 and 20 we see Daniel doing that very thing that he was interceding and repenting on behalf of his own sins and the sins of the nation and then we see in first John chapter 1 verse 9 that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so the Lord might specific sins before you right now that you want to to take ownership of since that you've seen in the nation and that you want to take ownership of them and and and just repent on behalf of those who are sinning in the nation so you just go ahead and do that as I begin to pray you can go along with my prayer but you can also go off into your own prayers as well so Lord we come before you and that's a nation we humble ourselves before you and we admit that we have sinned against you and against each other we have sinned against you in issues of not loving the unborn by taking their lives Lord as an our own choice by being selfish and by being proud and arrogant and and by demonstrating hatred towards even other races that are different from our own a lord that we have been hard-hearted that we have had corruption in our myths even in the church there has been corruption and immorality and we have given ourselves over to all kinds of vices Lord and so we repent on behalf of these things we are truly sorry and we pray Lord God that your eyes would be toward us right now as we absorb the sin of the nation in this prayer of repentance and we repent on behalf of the church in the nation and on behalf of the nation itself and ask you to forgive us according to first John 1:9 that you would forgive us of our sin and that you would cleanse this nation from all unrighteousness in Jesus name the point number four in your prayer directives there is pray for the church in America to be aligned to God's Word his promises and the finished work of the cross and his ways and this is out of of course Ephesians 1:3 that says we've been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places through Christ Jesus through what Jesus did on the cross and also 2nd Peter chapter 1 verses 2 to 4 that says we have been ranted through what Jesus finished on the cross everything that pertains to life and to godliness but the church in many ways has swayed away they veered away from the Word of God and they've left the plumb line of that word so we're going to call it back so that we can live according to that word obeying the word and honoring the word and honoring the finished work of the Cross and living according to that so Lord we pray for the church in America and Lord that's every church every denomination every group no matter how small or how big for every believer in America to be aligned to your word and not to excuse it or to make it say things that it doesn't say but that they would embrace every believer every Church embracing the Word of God and aligning to the Word of God and that we would embrace your promises and live by your promises and even in difficult times that we would not go into unbelief but we would stand strong in faith that you would find a people of faith and perseverance in that faith believing in your promises because if you said it you would make it good and we honor the covenant the blood covenant the eternal covenant Lord that you established on the cross of Calvary two thousand years ago when you gave us a covenant of blessing and we pull on that covenant right now and we pull it into the church in America that we would stand strong in this hour in your ways and in your word your fifth directive in prayer is to pray for the love and honor of God to completely demolish and destroy strongholds of hate including hate and dishonor shown towards the unborn races genders Authority etc we're going to pray this according to first Corinthians 13:8 where it says love never fails love is the power that overcomes hate and in this hour we not only have hate brewing in the midst of the nation but we have hatred from the outside of the nation wanting to come in and conquer wanting to come in and subdue and oppress so this is very important that we in the United States of America take full responsibility for what's happening internally so we can break the power of what's happening externally now we know that we're not in a battle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and and works of wickedness and and deep darkness that are out there in the unseen dimension and even as God is love that is his makeup the atmosphere of the kingdom is love but the devil is the opposite he is hate and the atmosphere of his kingdom is hate and discord and chaos and all those things that we are seeing in the nation right now and so we're gonna fight this spiritual battle because we've got spiritual weapons the name of Jesus Christ is a weapon the blood of Jesus is a weapon the Word of God is a weapon and I'm asking you to rise up as a strong warrior on behalf of this nation and let's fight off the enemy's attacks and so Lord we thank you that you have instructed us saying it is the thief who comes to steal to kill and to destroy but you came that we would have life and that we would have in abundance and we're discerning Lord that a spirit of hatred has turned itself loose in our nation that the enemy has been strategizing turning our hearts against each other fighting one another hating one another offended with one another betraying one another and we ask Lord God for you to forgive us for these things and for any area where we have not valued life we ask that you would cleanse the slate with the power of your blood and we decree your name and the power of your name to bring down hatred in the nation the hatred towards the unborn that actually takes their life the hatred towards racial differences Lord that that lacks of value and the worth toward each human being Lord even all the gender contentions that we have right now we break the power of that hatred in Jesus name and we release love and honor and respect and Lord for the issues of rebellion against Authority and the anarchy that is raising his head that is rooted in hatred we break the power of that hatred and we release your love we release the power of your love into our nation for such a time as this come and feel our nation with love fill this nation every human being in this nation that you would fill it with love breaking down the power of hate breaking down the power of animosity not only within but Lord all around the nation for those that are outside the nation in other nations when they look upon America that they will not look upon us with 8 but that they will look upon us with love in Jesus name who Dharma shakaal Arabic and I just pray in tongues a little bit and pray for a saturation of baptism of love fire into the nation and then outside the nation as well Huell arabic i arabic ah bah bah bah robbery Ahmedabad sheikah namah she kill Arabic I Arabic on des and Lord we thank you that you are loved and we ask that you would stand in the midst of our nation as love stand in the midst of our church as love every church in the nation every believer in the nation having loved himself standing in our midst so that we can fight this battle against hate that we will diminish hate in our sphere of influence and we will be determined to walk in love in Jesus powerful name the sixth directive is to pray for righteousness and justice and the Bible says that that this is the foundation of the Lord's throne and we want that to be reestablished in America we want to pray for the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court judges we want to pray for law enforcement and according to Psalm 89 14 and Psalm 97 to that decrees that righteousness and justice is the foundation of the throne so if we want Jesus to rule and reign in the United States of America right now we need to establish that throne and so Lord we honor you Jesus Christ you are our chief justice you are the king you are the one on the throne you are the one who ultimately makes every final decision because all authority in heaven and in earth has been given unto you and Lord we just lift up your throne right now and we insert it into the nation we put it back into the foundation of the nation and that there will be respect for your righteousness and your justice not just what man says that they want to be righteous or the twisted nosov man's perceptions about justice we want your righteousness we want your justice and Lord we just lift up the Supreme Court right now and we ask Lord the righteous decisions and that just decisions would be made in and through the Supreme Court and that you would appoint your people not only in the federal Supreme Court but but in the courts in every state in every region Lord God you would appoint righteous people righteous people who will stand for what is right according to your righteousness and according to your justice and Lord even if they are thinking of making a different decision that would be contrary to your righteousness and justice we pray for conviction to come upon them now and for you to turn their minds that you would turn their minds turn their thoughts to align with your righteousness and justice and out of their mouths will come that truth in Jesus name and Lord we pray that even as Supreme Court justices are being appointed Lord in these coming years that you would carefully choose those and appoint them and anoint them to be your voice for righteousness and justice in the Supreme Court and Lord that their decisions would be honored in Jesus name we thank you Lord that you are filling the Supreme Court with your holiness you are you are filling the Supreme Court with your justice you are filling the Supreme Court and every decision that is being made Lord with your truth and that your truth will stand your word will stand the decisions will be made according to your word that will stand for eternity and Lord we pray for law enforcement agents Lord police officers and the Chief of Police and all those who are bringing about law enforcement in this hour we pray Lord God not only for their protection as they are out protecting people's lives and assets but you would protect their heart against evil thinking and evil actions Lord we pray that every single one of them would come to know you and your ways and that they would make decisions and actions based on your love that there would be no hate in any believer that you would literally weed out that you would you would pick out those and with a wrong heart those with an evil heart those that have corruption in them that you would remove them anyone in the justice system anyone in the law enforcement system that is of a corrupt mind or corrupt the actions or corrupt words or dishonest in any way or are full of hate in any way we ask that you would remove them and that only the righteous would remain only the righteous would remain and we pray Lord God that our our homes and our our businesses and our streets would be kept safe because of your righteousness and your justice that is being laid into the foundation of this nation according to Psalm 89 14 we thank you Lord God for every every citizen of this nation doing things justly and doing things rightly that there would be no oh well we'll just break the law here or break the law there it doesn't matter we bring everything into righteous alignment now in Jesus name and we speak a respect back into the nation for the law and Lord if there's any laws that have been made that are contrary to your righteousness and justice such as abortion laws and such as the definition of family and marriage and and drug laws including the legalization of marijuana if any of them need to be relooked upon and changed Lord we pray for change agents to be released into the legal system and into the lawmaking system and these things would be overturned in Jesus name whole lot about shunned I just pray in tongues for a while or if you have any personal issues that you want to pray into just go ahead and do that whole Arabic I Arabic Oh bah bah bah bah bah beyond a near mushy Kalibak Kalibak cobra baba ram ee ando kona magical arabic ayah your seventh prayer point is to pray for all government leaders to be filled with righteous and wives motives and for every decision to be pleasing to God according to 1st Timothy 2:2 and it says in in Timothy that if we pray for our government leaders if we pray for kings and those in authority then we will live a tranquil life and so Lord we pray for purifying fire to go now into government officials from local levels all the way up into federal levels Lord God from the president all the way down Lord God to the mayors and councilmen of cities that there would be all corruption would be burned up and removed in Jesus name if there's any corruption we put fire to it in Jesus name just take the baptism with fire and burn up the dross Lord God and and and address every proud and arrogant one that there would be humility amongst the leaders and is decisions and wise decisions would be made that every leader would embrace wisdom saying I need wisdom in order to lead well and Lord that there would be no under-the-table dishonesty going on Lord God that everything would be brought into proper alignment we pray for protection over everyone that is serving in the area of government Lord God protection over their own Souls from any corruption but also protection over their health protection over their lives the Lord God especially the president we pray for a hedge of protection around him in the name of Jesus Christ and we thank you Lord that you are watching over him his administration and all of those that are serving in this nation city state national level leadership Lord we bless them in Jesus mighty name Huell arabic i arabic o Umba just pray especially for any specific leader that's coming to your mind right now o namazi colada ba kya kool arab ashika la la boca brava veranda name our Shekinah mushy colada bak aroba Cobra Rhonda bondo color Ibaka ba Baba Ram dhaba rien de bourree Ando namazi kolobok kolobok cabron deberían de neige mushy collidable koruba conga and Lord we do bring before you all elections Lord God that all elections would be righteous and that you will expose any corruption that is going on and annihilate the corruption and remove at Lord God that it would not be operating in the elections in Jesus name and Lord that your hand would be on the leaders that you want to be in office and that there would be no lies being told about any of the candidates that there the lies would not prosper and that you would release great favor upon your candidates in Jesus name Lord put a hedge around all elections in Jesus name okay your eighth point is for all who live in the nation to respect and honor the Lord and His Word according to Psalm 116 57 and Psalm 33 verse 12 and Lord we want you honored more than anyone we want you worshipped Lord God and we pray for every single person in this nation but we begin with your church and we pray Lord God that those who attend church will not just be doing it because it's something to do that they will attend church because they want to worship you and honor you and that they would be faithful in their ties and in their offerings and in their their devotion before you their personal devotion before you that every leader every pastor every apostle prophet teacher evangelist Lord every single one would honor you with all their heart would love you with all their heart mind and strength and Lord we pray for those in our neighborhoods even that they would just be visited by you throughout their day that they have their their thoughts would turn toward you in an honoring way and that they would know that there is a Lord above all lords there's a God above all other gods that they would turn and worship and honor and respect and when your name is mentioned Lord God at any time at any time and when prayer to you is mentioned that there would be an honor and a respect but the fear of the Lord would come into the people of this land even those who do not know you yet even those who are worshiping according to two other religions that they would have revelation of you and respect and honor you and come to you in Jesus powerful name I thank you Lord that everyone in government positions will honor you that they will respect your name that they will respect prayer and that they will respect your word in Jesus name your ninth prayer point is to pray for a wall of protection protect of fire to surround America against invasion of any and every godly agenda of the enemy and that's according to Zechariah 2/5 Zechariah 2/5 says that the Lord is a fire around us and so I want you to get in your mind just in your mind's eye a picture of that fire just just all around the nation and all around not only the main body of America but around Hawaii around Alaska that every single border is protected by a wall of fire and the Lord is out fire in Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 27 I believe it is it says the Lord is a fire from the loins up and a fire from the loins down in Revelation 1 we see has fire in his eyes and his feet are like burnished bronze like that which comes out of fire and so I want you to see the Lord as the man of fire and see him igniting fire a fiery protection a fire wall all around this nation and you are part of that fire wall because he's called you to pray and your prayers are being heard and he is putting this this fiery wall of protection where the enemy cannot get through it the enemy of plagues and pestilence and war and famine will not come through the firewall in Jesus name and no mal-intent against the USA from the enemy or any way that he's using people are other nations it will not hit the USA because as fire wall is strong this fire wall is powerful because the Lord is our fire and he is putting fire around this nation right now in Jesus name Huell Arabic I Arabic Linda oh I want you to see that fiery wall and why don't you pray right now for the state that you live in to have fire around it I live in the state of Arizona and I put a firewall all around the state of Arizona that the Lord's fire will protect this state and put it around your city I live in Maricopa Arizona I put a firewall around my city because Jesus is a fire around us and put a firewall around your household around your family around your children and your grandchildren put a firewall around because our Lord is a fire around us and he is a fire around this nation Lord we put a firewall around Washington DC around the government buildings Lord that you are a fire of protection around our government you are a fire over this nation you are a fire of protection for us that our enemies will not prevail that we belong to you this nation belongs to you we belong to you we make that decree in the name of Jesus Christ we declare that this nation is your nation that you are our God that you are our fire and you will protect us we speak Shalom into the United States of America that your powerful piece will protect us Lord God at all times this is who you are because you put your hand on America and this nation belongs to you and we will stand as your Watchmen on the wall we will be a wall of fire for you you said that your ministers are flames of fire each and every one of us that is praying we are a flame of fire around this nation because we are standing watch for the nation in this hour in Jesus powerful name hallelujah hora Bach I Arabic obey Rhonda hoola no bikini McCoy ala bucco prabhavananda na ma sha Allah and I just pray over over specific regions that you have on your heart whole Arabic I Arabic over above around oh lord I thank you for our our southern border you are a fire on that border you are a fire and evil will not prevail against us it will not penetrate the border and Lord our western border our eastern border our northern borders are protected Lord God because you are a wall of fire around us and you have called us as your ministers of fire to build a wall and we build a wall and we particularly pray a wall of fire around Alaska and a onde Hawaii we speak your fire over the fire of your love the fire of your protection the fire of your power in Jesus mighty name honam a cycle arabic oí ala bucco baram the name ashika lillah baka baka barababa Rondo your 10th prayer directive is to pray for God's glory to fill the nation and this is according to the same scripture out of Zachariah to 5 in Sakura to 5 it says that the Lord is a fire around her and glory in the midst of her now the word glory is basically all that God is and all that he has it includes all of his promises and so just imagine for a moment the fullness of all that God is the heavenly environment you know Jesus said to pray in this way your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven imagine the glory of heaven coming in and saturating the air the atmosphere the soil of the United States of America the God's glory their very essence of all that he is and all that he has comes and fills this nation and brings his light and life into this nation so Lord we pray right now for your glory to fill America come and fill fill us according to the boundaries that that define us or come and fill us with your glory fill us with your glory let your glory your manifest glory fill every church in the nation every household in the nation every leader in the nation every business in the nation let your glory come and fill this nation oh that we would would have our eyes open to behold your glory to behold your ways to behold your truth that we would know you in all of your glory Lord God that there would be the glory of your healing fill this nation right now that there would be no sickness in our myths there would be no deception that the glory of your truth would come and this nation the glory of your supernatural power that you would come and fill this nation thank you Lord for filling this nation with supernatural power Dunamis power miracle working power the power that brings for signs and wonders into the nation and Lord we pray for the glory of wealth and wealth is one of the definitions of glory and when we're talking about wealth we're not just talking about money or provision in that sense but the wealth of wisdom the wealth of his peace the wealth of well-being the wealth of his strength the wealth of his provision for sure I want you to start seeing the glory the glory of his wealth coming into the nation Lord we call forth on filling the chlorine right now actually the weight of the glory of God is getting so heavy in this studio right now where I'm praying and I know it's getting heavy in your mitts as well and so Lord we just call forth the glory of your wealth into the United States we thank you Lord for every single state being visited with well we thank you Lord especially for provisional wealth coming into every state every city Lord that there will be work for everyone that every business will prosper in the nation that there will be no failures because your glory is going to fill it that every house of worship will be filled with glory and will be filled with success will be filled with provision that every government leader that every education system Lord God would be filled with glory the wealth of your intelligence the wealth of your truth the wealth of your righteousness the wealth of all that we can access in the heavenlies Lord we ask for angelic activity to come and invade our nation that angels of glory would come that high-ranking angels would come and invade our nation Lord God bringing forth righteous purposes into the nation in Jesus powerful name oh thank you for your glory Lord thank you for your glory thank you for your glory lord thank you for your glory filling every household filling every individual filling every church filling every workplace filling every business filling the streets let your glory fill the streets let there be let there be merry it's and myriads and Myriad's and Myriad's and Myriad's of angels and high-ranking angels coming to serve the people of this nation in the name of Jesus Christ thank you lord who died by shock Alana by just praying into that glory a little bit longer let's just linger here a little bit longer pray for the schools Lord that every school and every Institute of high level learning would be filled with glory and truth and every lie would be broken down in the midst of the manifestation of your glory o Lord every household every every family every marriage being visited by your glory O God in Jesus name oh thank you lord thank you lord okay number 11 we're gonna pray for the health and the prosperity of all Americans according to third John one two now America has been known to be one of the most generous nations in the whole world and we want to continue to be generous to meet the needs of the poor to help the suffering to help the oppressed to fight for for those who are worn torn and what war torn and give them the aid that they need and it says in third John 1 verse 2 it says beloved I pray that in every respect you will prosper and be in health as your soul prospers now our nation needs healing I know that there's many issues about the medical system in America but in God we have a great medical plan and it is healing through Jesus Christ and what I want to do right now is just pray that the healing power of Jesus Christ would sweep through our nation and that we would literally have a healing revival in past revivals such as John J Lake Spokane was the healthiest city in America because of his belief in the healing power of Jesus Christ so Lord we pray for a healing balm to come and hit America not only for physical illnesses Lord God and and diseases and sickness or God but for the Soul the the sin-sick soul the disturbed soul for for mental illness that your health and your healing would come into this nation the deliverance would come to those who are addicted to drugs Lord we have an epidemic of drug addiction but we we annihilate it with health from heaven in Jesus name Lord that you would set the captives free that there would be a mass of freedom for drug addicts and for those that are addicted to different substances like alcohol or or even gambling addictions and and different addictions that would afflict the souls of men and women Lord God we break the power we break the power of those strongholds in Jesus name and we release health and wholeness we release deliverance and healing and Jesus name and we thank you Lord for Prosperity for Prosperity which means more than enough that we as a nation will have more than enough not only will we have enough to be comfortable ourselves for every single person and Lord especially visit those who are underprivileged Lord God less privileged than others Lord that you would visit them with blessing and with wisdom and with prosperity and Lord that there would be a prosperity that fills every household and every business and every every place Lord God where where where there is provisional needs that there would be more than enough and that our nation would overflow and I'm just seeing a vision right now of the overflow of the abundance of God Jesus you came to give us life in its abundance and we thank you that not only are we going to be enriched as a nation but Lord God is going to overflow through our nation to other nations and other peoples that are in need in Jesus name o Lord I ask forgiveness for any entitlement issues that we have given ourselves over to for any lack of Thanksgiving for any pride we ask forgiveness for that we ask that you tear those things down and that you would create in us a grateful heart for your goodness Lord God for the way that you have supported us in health and in prosperity year after year decade upon decade century upon century you've been so good to us and we worship you we worship you as our health as our healer as the one who prospers us as a one who causes our soul to come into alignment to you we thank you Jesus we thank you Jesus for for pouring out grace upon us in this hour and for blessing our nation and for forgiving our land thank you Father and you can pray also for your own family's needs in this right now I'm going to pray in tongues a little bit more and as I do pray for your family's health issues or your loved ones the people that you know that need healing let's call them out by name right now and those that have financial needs or those that need prosperity to visit their families pray for your own families who'll Arabic Arabic abba-abba-abba Ron barbarian de neige Marcia cool Arabic Arabic Cobra Baba Rhonda Barry and a name Aashiqui lien double-coil abu kabra baba Ronde name ashika la la boqueria abu kabra baba Rhonda name asha colada boca brava very own table and adi ando Kuna Marcia colada booyah thank you Jesus thank you Lord for your health and for your prosperity in every aspect of life in America in Jesus name and Lord we do pray for recovery of the economy in Jesus name thank you for your mercy we bring our nation to the mercy seat and we thank you that your mercy triumphs over judgment and you will bless our economy in Jesus name all right you're 12 prayer point is to pray for a great harvest of souls in America and for labors to be thrust into the harvest fields according to John 4:35 and Luke 10:2 it says that the the fields are white with harvests right now but we need Labor's to go out so let's ignite the body to go out and be those Labor's and so Lord we do pray for the harvest in this nation we thank you Lord God that that there is a nation full of people who are hungry for you who are ripe right now who are crying out to know you but they've never heard the gospel yet and Lord you sub its gospel shall be preached to everyone and so we release the gospel right now into the nation and we thank you Lord that you are preparing people to hear the gospel and to have faith when they hear it and to receive the gospel to receive you as their personal Savior and Lord and father that there will be household salvations that many would come to know you that many would be brought into the kingdom for such a time as this that parents and grandparents and children and aunts and uncles and brothers and sisters Lord we thank you that your word says that if we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved we and our house and so I decree household salvations in America right now and I pray for everyone's neighbors Lord for whole neighborhoods to be saved and Lord for for unreached people like even into the nursing homes and maybe into areas of the nation that have not yet heard the gospel Lord we pray right now for the outpouring of your spirit Lord in this nation to - to bring souls into the kingdom and we thank you for the anointing and we decree and declare Isaiah 60:1 upon your labors Lord that says the Spirit of the Lord God is upon them to bring good news to the afflicted to bind up the brokenhearted to set captives free Lord to proclaim the favorable day of the Lord and to comfort those who mourn Lord God to bring about a a spirit of praise for the spirit of heaviness we just release that anointing into our nation now we pray for great gatherings Lord where people will come and hear your gospel and be saved and that miracles signs and wonders will accompany it we pray Lord God for government leaders to be born again and spirit-filled we pray for business leaders to be born again in spirit field we pray for educational leaders to be born again in spirit field we pray for households every household to be born again and spirit field and we pray for our nation to know you the one true God and so we release the name of Jesus Christ over our loved ones now and I'm gonna pray in tongues and as I do I want you to lift up specific names of people that you are burdened for their salvation and pray them into the kingdom right now who'll Arabic il Ibaka barababa barababa Rondo Cunha Marcia collidable coy Arabic labra Baba Rhonda nebbishy Kalibak Kalibak Cobra Barbara and a body and a name Ashoka Larabee Cobra bavarian debris and a name a cycle arabic oí arabic o Rabab arundo no mo shan doppelheuer Ibaka ba Baba Rhonda name Asha kolobok kolobok Avenue Bob around a name ishiki Lee and EDD Ando Hoonah Marshall Cole Arabic Arabic Ando pour out the conviction of your spirit pour out a spirit of faith Lord God upon those who do not know you in Jesus mighty name in Jesus mighty name Amen well you are doing such a great job and this prayer meeting we are we are taking ground this nation is being touched and impacted because God listens to every single prayer it says in first John 5 verse 14 and 15 the if we pray according to his will he hears us and if we know that he hears us we can have confidence that we have the request that we asked of him that is a sure promise and you have been praying according to God's will according to his word we've been praying so every prayer is going to be answered that we have prayed today and we have intercessors all all around this nation praying they're taking their place on the wall we are building a firewall around this nation to protect them for such a time as this from enemy forces that would want to come in and conquer for for demonic forces that would want to bring us down we are protecting this nation and bring in bringing it into the fulfillment of its destiny and the purposes that God has for us and this is not just for you and I but this is for coming generations we are protecting our children our grandchildren our great-grandchildren by taking a stand in this hour to protect the nation I want you to get so stirred in prayer we're going to go through a decrease in a few moments because decreases is authoritative word from the King of Kings that we can decree into the nation it's very powerful in Isaiah 55 verse 11 it says that when that word goes forth it doesn't return void it accomplishes everything that it is sent to do this is powerful prayer time and you are being a part of saving our nation for such a time as this okay let's finish up now with these decrees there's 12 of them that we want to decree over the United States of America and we've only got less than about 15 minutes left in this prayer time and so we're going to finish strong with the Word of God now the first decree is this and you can read it these are printable formats for you or you can read them right off the firewall usa.com website but it says in jesus name i decree that the USA is turning to God embracing the truth of his word and lawfulness respecting Authority let's say it again let's say it together you can read it off your list at the same time I am in Jesus name I decree that the USA is turning to God embracing the truth of his word and lawfulness respecting Authority see this is so powerful that every time we say in Jesus name that means with the highest authority in Matthew 28 verse 18 jesus said all authority in heaven and in earth has been given to me so we're making a decree in the name of the king and it says in Esther 8 8 that if you make a decree in the name of the king it will not be revoked and so we're believing that as we send that word out into the nation it's not returning void it is going forth and it is bringing itself to pass this is so powerful okay the next decree in Jesus name remember we're making it in the name of the king of kings in Jesus name I decree that the active holy and powerful conviction of the Holy Spirit is visiting every individual in the USA drawing Souls into true encounters with Christ isn't that amazing I want you to imagine that for a moment that the Holy Spirit the powerful conviction of the Holy Spirit just like in past revivals like Phineas revivals are the first great awakening the Welsh revival that that power of conviction is visiting every single individual imagine in your own city that conviction of the Spirit coming let's say it again in Jesus name I decree that the active holy and powerful conviction of the Holy Spirit is visiting every individual in the USA drawing Souls into true encounters with Christ amen so we're reading every word as though we really mean it why because we do and we're speaking in faith the third decree in Jesus name I decree that all who serve the USA in government positions are visited by the righteousness truth and justice of God and that they live in the fullness of Christ wisdom in all they do i decree that any corruption in government will be exposed and dealt with in wisdom and righteousness in order for the nation to be cleansed did you hear that decree let's decree it one more time with a lot of strength and a lot of focus in Jesus name I decree that all who serve the USA in government positions are visited by the righteousness truth and justice of God and that they live in the fullness of Christ wisdom and all they do I decree that any corruption in government will be exposed and dealt with in wisdom and righteousness in order for the nation to be cleansed let it be so amen that's what amen means so be it your fourth decree in Jesus name I decree that the education leaders systems and institutions in the USA are being filled with Kingdom values wisdom conviction and truth and this is so important that we releases because our children and our young people the next generations leaders are being taught things right now that need to be shifted to godly truth and so I want you to stay on this one this is so important that the truth comes back into place in the education systems so let's say it one more time number four in Jesus name I decree that the education leaders systems and institutions in the USA are being filled right now with Kingdom values wisdom conviction and truth amen so be it decree number five in Jesus name I decree that the body of Christ in the USA is actively walking with and serving the Lord with fullness of focus sincerity of faith and in the demonstration of the power of the spirit we're not just going to hold to a form of godliness and deny the power we are going to embrace the power and demonstrate the power of the Spirit every believer walking in the fullness of all that God has for them number six in Jesus name I decree that those who live in the USA are kept in good health and are offered excellent health services and care i decree that all will live in the health and strength of the Lord amen number seven in Jesus name I decree that the media come on now that the media in the USA communicates godly morals values and truth and that the gospel is favored in media amen now this is very very important this one from media because the devil is trying to use media to change mindsets towards his deception rather than God's truth let's say it again in Jesus name I decree that the media in the USA communicates godly morals values and truth and that the gospel is favored in media let it be so in Jesus name when you're making these decrees you want to hang on every word and just see in in your mind's eye even those words going out and being established like tent pegs in the nation number eight in Jesus name I decree that every godly business and enterprise flourishes in the USA and every corrupt business and enterprise is exposed and false i decree prosperity and fruitfulness in my nation as a result of godliness in order for every individual to have all they we decree and declare it and give it our Amen number nine in Jesus name I decree that the marriages and families in the USA are blessed with love joy and peace and that every home is filled with the goodness of God I decree that every life conceived is honored embraced and protected with love and respect amen this is an important decree for the family that we will have our families our marriages our children our grandchildren all of our families bonded together in the Lord living according to him okay number 10 in Jesus name I decree that the body of Christ is mobilized into the harvest fields in the USA to bring forth much fruit to bring forth much fruit and we've already prayed into this but now we've decreed it that the body of Christ is mobilized into the harvest fields they're going to preach the gospel and many shall be saved decree number 11 in Jesus name I decree that righteousness thrives in my nation in every realm of life and that lawlessness and corruption have no place amen we're gonna get rid of this corruption we're not going to tolerate it anymore let's say it again in Jesus name this is in the name of the king of all Kings the one who has all authority this is what we are decree in his name on his behalf i decree that righteousness through wives in the USA in every realm of life and that lawlessness and corruption have no place so be it and then our final decree in Jesus name I decree that love is the great aim of all Americans and mutual love honor and respect is shown to all people amen when we have that kind of love and honor and respect there won't be anymore aborted babies there won't be anymore racial tensions there won't be any more gender slams or people stealing from each other or anything like that it just won't happen when love and honor and respect are at work that's what we're decree into our nation we're gonna annihilate the darkness that is in the nation and let's decree together Jesus is the Lord over my nation amen he is Lord over the United States of America may God bless the United States of America I want to thank you so much for joining me for the prayer meeting today and for praying through these prayer points if you are not on our firewall yet go to firewall usa.com and sign up put yourself on the wall let's build a wall of protection around our nation right now and bless our nation for generations to come and on that site you will be able to print out the prayer points that we just prayed through and the decrees that we just prayed through and you can be a vital part of bringing transformation protection and fulfilled destiny to this nation thank you so much and have a great day thank you for giving your hour in prayer the Lord says will you not tarry for one hour and you just did god bless you
Channel: Patricia King
Views: 107,199
Rating: 4.8972712 out of 5
Id: JcYZrMxLGbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 36sec (3576 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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