POWERFUL revelation from Eric Gilmour

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hi everybody i just wanted to jump on quickly i am right now behind the scenes of our international mentoring community with the amazing eric gilmore who has just delivered the most powerful message to us and i wanted to just bless you guys just with a little clip one of the sound bites of nuggets of wisdom that eric bought today so eric i know we were just chatting can you just share some of that revelation that you brought today sure i would love to and it is always an honor and a pleasure to to be connected with you because of the bridal slash love sickness that you live in uh it's inspiring to me but in song like you do psalm 84 it says passing through the valley of sorrow they make it a spring passing through the valley of sorrow they make it a spring and the verse just before this it says in whose heart is the highways to zion talking about those that are conscious of god's presence and i was seeing as i was staring at that that passing through the valley of sorrow it becomes a spring when you're aware of god's presence and it hit me that the difficulty of the road ahead of us will always be inferior to the highway within us because that highway is the presence of god it is the inside of the heart that's so powerful sorry to interrupt your flow when you just say that again for everybody watching because that's so you know honestly meditate on that for the rest of your life guys i mean that's just a nugget you say it again yes the difficulty of the road ahead of us will always be inferior to the highway within us wow man what a word for now wow okay wow okay there's something very similar that comes out of the mouth of jesus at the end of luke 6. he gives this imagery as you know jesus loves to do this to really help you understand what's going on he talked about this guy that digs deep and builds a house on a solid foundation on a rock and when the torrent comes the scripture says at the end of luke 6 when not if but when the torrent comes and the waves or the rain bash against the house it says it could not shake it because it had been well built so jesus creates this image for you to see a house being rained on tornado storm doesn't doesn't move because it's well built so then the question then becomes how do i get well built because he he puts a second picture next to this one for emphasis and he says there's another guy builds a house doesn't have a strong foundation it's not well built and it collapses immediately so you have two houses one of them stands the other one falls the difference between the two is how they were built so the question then becomes how do i build well well he says it at the very beginning everyone who comes to me oh to me this was it was just so rest filled because you think of building like digging hard or like making something happen or fighting or striving or getting all your ducks in a row and he's saying no no no just come to me it's like he is using the same words he said earlier when he says come to me all ye who are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for i am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls he's almost saying come to me and i'll give you rest which means come to me and i'll do the rest but he does connect two things to coming to him the first one is we'll hear my words and the third one is sorry the first one is come to me second one is hear my words third is obey but i believe that there is a kind of hearing that only happens in his presence that's why come to me is first if you you turn your back on everything else and come into the presence of jesus there is a hearing that takes place and we know according to the scriptures in first thessalonians that the word works in us and in philippians 2 it says that that he works in us both to will and to do for his good pleasure so we have this coming into his presence that causes us to hear his word and his word then works obedience out of us because obedience is when a man's life is yielded to the extent that god can perform through the man the things he spoke into the man that's the essence of the things that god rewards because he performed them himself through yielded vessels all this to say i believe storms are coming are already are already are upon us in some ways and unless we are built well we will collapse immediately maybe you feel like you are collapsing i tell you the lord can build you well all you have to do is choose to come to him and he will cause your ears to open and those words that he speaks to you there will create inside of you this current of work of god performing things through you that's called obedience and i just uh i just feel it's very important very significant for this time that we realize the difficulty of the road ahead is inferior to the highway that is within us coming to jesus wow that is absolutely an essential word for right now you know when you were speaking then eric i was reminded of when the ver the first time when jesus physically visited me who fell for his presence when he physically visited me the first thing he said to me was he reached out his hands and the light was shining out of his eyes pouring off his skin and shining out of his eyes and just hitting me in waves and transforming forming me and healing me and he said come with me wow come to me come with me always come and rest with me a while so it's what you're saying and when uh years later i came across when i was studying the words and scriptures pray without ceasing you know um and so for so many people it's a mystery like how do you pray without ceasing you know and and when i looked at the original language what it could be also translated into from the greek was come and rest with me so praying without ceasing is coming to the lord and resting abiding in his presence and like just everything you've just said literally i mean it's taken me decades and i will probably be understanding this for forever you know it'll be like the lord's word isn't linear is it it's infinite and it's meaning and depth and multifaceted and we get we inherit more and more of it as we go on in life but this is what he wants he's inviting us into the grace of being able to live sensitized to the indwelling presence of christ within us of god within us and living from the strength of that of him being the core strength of our life living from the interior rest like you said so that the house of our life can be built strong immovable on the rock of christ and that's the invitation i believe that he's issuing through you right now and through me right now and it's what we're doing you know that like with the international mentoring community it's one of the places that jesus has commissioned to be set up right now for an accelerated preparation of the bride it's gathering around his presence you know and those of us that are privileged to walk this way and can articulate a little bit of our journey to the others to strengthen the bride that's what we're doing and that's why obviously eric speaks in in the international community is part of us because you walk the walk eric you you know you are absolutely in passionate pursuit of him obviously the way you've experienced jesus you have no off button now there's nothing else is that he ruins us for everything else true and we need to be beautifully obsessed with god right now it's our protection isn't it just coming coming to rest with him a while and so just quickly in finishing eric i want to ask you how do you come and rest with him when you hit when you're hearing this invitation that he's extending to you and through you to the bride right now to come and let let our the house of our life be built on the rock how did you do it how did you go there and prioritize his presence oh i'll say there's two different kinds of the same thing first there is the withdrawal from people and then there's a withdrawal around people and the first one is i believe the foundation the one on which the other one is built and it consists in getting away from everybody and shutting the door and in that place pulling away from all thoughts all concerns all cares of this world in this life and myself and just letting my heart go up to love god and enjoy his worth and just be in enveloped in his presence through adoration through adoration so that's the first one just lingering there with him alone away from everybody re removed from outward noise and inward noise that's the first one but that creates on the inside a connection that is then maintained throughout the day by withdrawing even in the midst of people so in the midst of responsibilities and things that are going on and i know you practiced this so well thanks so good but i find that if i can keep a song in my heart and i not necessarily an actual song i'm using that as a as a way to express love going up it can be connected to a song but it's more so a heart awareness upon him that at times i have to withdraw back into because i come out of it sometimes getting uh just distracted by other things or multiplicities or responsibilities and i have to make sure that i pull back in and keep that heart song going up unto the lord you know very similar to things that i've heard you say as well right right right but it's so these are the questions that we get asked all the time hey it's like how do you practice his presence how do you enter in how do you maintain the connection and protect the connection and people want the how to's right not just and our passion is also to to share the how to's that we've learned you know that work from the scriptures and we've practiced it and it works and it is it's about you know turning the affection and the attention of your heart back onto the indwelling christ isn't it and journeying along the pathway within like you said yes we walk we walk this is the ancient path this is what the mystics this is what the saints of old all learn right it's that we don't find god out there somewhere randomly one day you know we we get exhausted looking externally for god we look within i mean of course we can see him in creation in the wonder of his design and his beautiful world that he's created but actually the person of christ as well is dwelling within us and inside our spirit and is accessible all the time and wants to be wants to be discovered by us and known by us and once he wants to this is one of the invitations i'm feeling at the moment eric so i've been actually undone by it where i've been feeling jesus as yearning his desire to be known by us not not just for us to know about him but he wants to rest his head in our hearts he wants to share the the secret things and i mean just saying those words it's the most holy holy invitation of all isn't it it's beyond comprehension really but this is the invitation and to live in this the divine romance and this this holy obsession right now with who our god is and he wants to prepare us to be the wife of the lamb forever right we're moving towards the culmination of the ages as a bride without spot blemish or wrinkle in it the transformation happens right in that place of connection to the reality of the union that we have with him now you know moving away from that sense of that sensation of separateness that is actually a deception it's it's not real we are we are one with him hey and he's tuning us back into the to being able to experience the reality of our oneness and actually how safe we really are and to prioritize this is our way of life oh my goodness we could talk and talk and talk oh man oh man ah so we just we pray that you will know this afresh today in your life you know and that fresh grace to just take moments let's steward you know spiritually regulate your internal life to use that language you know like emotional regulation to spiritually regulate just refocus the attention of your heart take time throughout the day if you feel yourself spinning or in overwhelm or confusion just take that moment and walk the ancient path eric's talking about because it's within you it's the pathway of your attention as the gaze as you always say i love i always use your phrases like the gazing just gazing on the presence of god within and the beauty of who he is and you'll re-sensitize and reconnect and if before you know it you'll stop striving and freaking out and that flow of his presence will be moving through you yeah and yeah the house of your life right will be built strong here so oh just amazing is there anything that you want to share and finishing eric i just feel like what you're doing right now is unlike anything i'm seeing no no the tenderness with which you reveal jesus is more like the tenderness i find in jesus than anywhere else and i even like when you were saying the word holy it's like something happens when you when you speak out in the tenderness of your voice and there's something very special just on you and i'm i'm proud to be connected with you ah i feel exactly the same way about you as you know huge fan we love eric but no i think it's it's when it's when you know him isn't it by his grace when you know him and you're speaking and internally when you you're not speaking about him from a distance you're speaking about the one you love yes and and i think that releases a frequency in our voice you know i remember i remember when i did an album i did reflecting god with alberto rivera which was just a joy he remember he composed and put together his music around the recording of the book and we were talking one day and he said i think the frequency of peace is in your voice and i was like oh yes jesus yeah oh man so i went amen do it jesus but i think it's all of us isn't it as you're consciously aware of him what comes out of you is an overflow like your words become a container through which the the intention of the heart of god begins to flow communicate you know him him so yeah oh man amen amen and if any of you feel that this is a journey you'd like to be part of in in in the international mentoring community we are open now on if you can jump onto listright.org and come and try us out you would be so welcome we just are all crazy for jesus people sitting at his feet and being prepared as the bride and we're just trying to create a safe environment in which to do that where you can be at home and feel like you belong and it's a criticism's free zone in a judgment-free zone and just a place of love and the pursuit of jesus and we bring in international speakers including of course eric and others who love jesus and are are part of this journey also and in their own ministries of course are pouring out and preparing the bride as well and releasing releasing the heart of jesus to change this earth and bring the kingdom so so yeah so we would love to have you on board and of course you know eric where can they find you is it sonship international is that the easiest place yeah our youtube channel is probably our biggest uh uh you know medium but eric if you just look up eric gilmore on youtube we'll be the first one but our website is s-o-n-s-h-i-p sunship intl short for international dot org brilliant brilliant brilliant yeah the bride is making herself ready we are choosing to sit at the feet of jesus you know from heaven's perspective it's a glorious time right now i know the world didn't freak out and melt down quite largely but and the the light is shining the light is the bride is rising and the great unveiling of jesus is underway in from the midst of his people to our hearts and through our hearts so anyway we love you guys and we're so grateful that you follow the ministry and jump on board if you want to be part of imc for a season and see if it's a good fit for your life but yay so good to be with you all and we'll talk to you again soon love you guys bye
Channel: Liz Wright
Views: 1,968
Rating: 4.9475985 out of 5
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Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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