The Courts of Heaven

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everyone is looking for love and they're desperate to find it we must show them we must introduce them to love to Jesus Jesus for this is true revival [Music] love is all they need everlasting love rise up and go and show them love revival love supernatural love Jesus is love love did you know that as a believer you can actually access the courts of heaven and settle issues in your life through a spiritual encounter with God well today I have with me the author of operating in the courts of heaven Robert Anderson it's so good to have you with us today Robert my gosh I've been all around the world you know sharing this message and training and equipping Saints and and you know this is kind of very shocking to some believer saying what just a minute what's this about the courts of heaven and going before the courts and having court in heaven over issues what's this all about and of course you've been an intercessor on very strategic levels for a long time and worked a lot which with Dutch sheets and other very strategic intercessors and so a lot of times people would say well what's with this intercession in the courts of heaven why do we need that yeah yeah I mean you know that was probably been my question a few years ago I needed breakthrough in my own life and out of my own desperation this revelation actually came because I used to think well we just approached God in prayer we go to him as our Father and then the Lord began to show me that there were other dimensions of prayer that we could step into and one of those dimension um well whenever Jesus's disciples said teach us to pray in the Book of Luke he actually unlocked three different dimensions he said first you approach God his father which is the basis of all prayer but then he said but which of you having a friend so he put prayer in the second dimension of approaching God his friend which is all about the counsel of the Lord and some issues there but then in Luke 18 he finishes up by saying by talking about a parable of a widow going before an unjust judge but in and he was not saying that God was an unjust judge that we have to convince he was saying if this Widow could get a verdict from the unjust judge how much more can we come before the right judge and see him render verdicts in our behalf and judges rule over judicial systems which is the court of heaven it's so awesome isn't it yeah it just makes sense like you know when you when you put it all together I love the way that you unpacked it how the Lord revealed those three different levels of Prayer and I know that a lot of you that are watching this is new you're thinking what what's this well you're going to hear more about this in this program but I really encourage you to get operating in the courts of heaven this is his first book and then the next one is unlocking destiny from the courts of heaven which we'll talk about in the second half of the program but you've had some great breakthroughs through this kind of protocols you're all over the place teaching on this so of course you're activating it yes and so there's more and more testimony but can can you give us maybe three examples of breakthroughs that people have had from training this way yeah you know the first one was my own life I mean I've had many but the first one was my own son was in deep depression for two years because of some situations that he had walked through and different things up and I couldn't get him out of it and I was crying out to God I was binding I was losing I was opening I was shutting everything I did everything I do to do everything every formula I ever heard everything that had worked for me in the past how many of you have experienced how where you're in that place right now actually I can feel in my spirit that you say hey that's me I've just done everything I'm still not getting my breakthrough and I'll never forget after two years going to prayer one more time because my attitude was well I just haven't done enough of something right which was not the truth yeah I just hadn't done the right religious pressure that was that way that's right when it's all on us and we have to find the right thing and absolutely in that morning the Lord said to me bring bring Adam my son bring Adam to my courts I heard him say that and I had started to have an idea but I didn't understand it and I saw the Lord you're gonna have to help me and so I did I I just said Lord I just bring Adam to your courts in and I began by repenting for anything to I thought he might have done wrong well I mean he'd gone through a divorce you know some different things it wasn't his doings but he had walked through it and any anyway I just repented for about five minutes no you talked about the courts of course in Daniel chapter 7 we see that the books were open and tongues about you know that whole Court scenario and there's other places in the Bible - yes absolutely like it's totally biblical that there is an actual court in that's right and in and so when I stepped in there for Adam I repented for that I repented for some things concerning myself in relation to Adam and the long story short was after about 15 minutes of Prayer I was done well a week and a half later my son calls me out of the blue and he says dad I don't know what happened but a week and a half ago all the depression left me and I suddenly realized that I had done in 15 minutes in the courts of heaven what I had not been able to do in two years on the battlefield a prayer Wow and that's where I started realizing we're not on a battlefield wow the conflict is in a court come on and if I could go into the court and get legal things in place yeah I can start having breakthrough Jesus is our advocate he's already settled the issue 2000 years ago that's right our behalf and when you just love to go in a situation like this and and just go before the courts of heaven having full confidence that you can bring a case before God and he will judge in favor of His Word and give an edict according to to the benefits of the blood of Jesus Christ in your behalf oh my god is awesome they just changed our life it our life was a mess I mean we were under such attack and I was loved the Lord absolutely we're in ministry love God serving him doing a lot of stuff but what happened was I know now the Lord was saying I'm gonna dry this thing up so that I can teach him what I need to teach him because I want him to teach everybody else I believe and so so it's like the Lord walked us through this process because I was amazed to find that Jesus never actually put prayer on a battlefield when he taught on prayer come on but he did put it in a courtroom come on we are in a conflict but it's the conflict of a courtroom so we saw that happened then we saw absolutely seen lots of tests but I was just in in Amsterdam and a guy walked up to and he's I gotta tell you a testimony I got to tell you what happened he said I had prostrate cancer prostrate cancer and he said uh he said I went into the courts week I couldn't get healed from it I went to the courts and then he said I dealt with sexual sins in my bloodline and he said an immediately healing came what the prostate cancer and he said I am everything and he had tried with all other means beforehand couldn't get healed the moment he goes into the courts and settle said that's right the blood of Jesus Christ and through the the Edict of God it's it leaves his body absolutely absolutely in that situation when Jesus died on the cross yeah he paid for the exactly he did everything is legally required and all those sins are forgiven that's right that's not so when you receive that by faith that's right it starts to activate within your your liability in the verdict are the are the rendering of the court was was able to work effectively in his life now I know that you've got more books in the series that are stirring in you you're going to do one on healing released over the course of heaven and one on well that's right and you've been seeing testimonies already emerging for people who are going into the courts of heaven and taking back what the devil stole in the area of properties and finance and yeah we we just had a conference actually called unlocking wealth on the courts of heaven because I'm finding out that this principle is applicable in almost any way any area of life Eddie here and so when we when we did this conference there was a lady that was in the conference and she went home and she had not been able to secure a home and instantly having been in that conference learning the principles she saw something beginning to be released that was released and she saw her home come into her possession the money was released everything came into order and she began to have a home that she never had before in her entire life and so we began to we began to realize that the transference of wealth that we've all talked about for years all of a sudden we began to deal with any legal thing the enemy was using to stop that transference our wealth from occurring and when we began to move those things out of the way everything God promised is now free to come into our possession I love it and you know I'm just sensing that there's someone I can feel it in the spirit that you are so desperate because you're in a real-estate tension it's over some kind of an estate thing going on there's been so much conflict and there's been court cases in the in the natural realm involving that particular real estate situation the Lord's going to settle it in the courts of heaven absolutely he's going to settle it for you in the courts of heaven and you've been wondering what is the key what do I need this is it and you can actually if you wanted to get a quick copy of this just go on Amazon you can get it in Kindle format you can get it right this very minute if you go on Amazon but the courts of heaven this gives good teaching and insight into even the the biblical foundation for going into the courts of heaven and this will help you tremendously but also to go on your website that is on the screen right now so that they can get teachings because you've got all kinds of audio teachings and yes and videos and things like that that was hours and hours of it and so this is really exciting well I just wanted to mention before we take a break is that Jesus he actually lived in this himself didn't he yes because when he came to earth he came as a man he didn't you know even though he was God that's right he wasn't God when he came into the earth because he left the god part of image was separate and came as a man so that when we read the Gospels everything that Jesus did he did as perfect man destroy sinless man and that's what people always have to remember because I hear them say yes but he's different he was God no Jesus said verily verily I say to you the works that I do shall you do also greater works than these shall you do because I go to the Father and so he came as man and he came to live for us as US and on behalf of us but it says in John 3:13 and Bill Johnson first first gave me this revelation I hadn't seen it previously I've carried it for years now but Jesus said no one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from heaven the son of man who is in heaven now that's taken out of the King James Version other versions such as a new American Standard leave out who is in heaven maybe the they just didn't get it right but when Bill Johnson did the research on it he told me no this is the accurate thing who is in heaven now the thing is Jesus was talking to Nicodemus in the earth when he's saying it so he's saying of himself I'm in the earth talking to you Nicodemus but I'm also in heaven yes and in John 5 we see Jesus saying you know I only do the things I see my father do so he lived in a by located state two realms the natural realm and the invisible realm at the same time and you can too yes you can't by faith we are called according to Hebrews by faith we enter into the holy place which is heaven itself by faith you have access and we're going to talk more about that right after this break the glory school by Patricia King is a journey into the supernatural realms of the glory of God is practical easy to understand anointed and we'll invite you into personal encounter with the Lord and his kingdom all I can say is I met the love of God in a way I've never experienced it before the glory school explores the supernatural realms of the cross and the covenant new creation realities and the person of the Holy Spirit it invites you in to encounter with God it will completely change your life for the first time really got the love of God uncover the truth of hearing the voice of God experiencing the third heaven and gellick Majesties the fire and the glory embark on a faith adventure today Patricia Kings biblically-based 18 DVD teaching the glory school be prepared for God to invade your life in a personal way like you've never seen before well welcome back I don't know about you but I'm flipped out excited about this subject and everything that Roberts been sharing we have Robert Henderson with us Robert this is so good of course I'm a I'm a glory junkie and so I like a third heaven encounter and all of that and and I also love very solid biblical foundations because God is introducing the supernatural dimension of the kingdom of God to his people in fact when Jesus was in the earth he said there are many things that I would like to tell you that's what he said to his disciples but you're not ready to bear them right now but when the Spirit comes he'll bring the revelation goes so he's unlocking all this revelation concerning supernatural encounter the heavenly dimension but it's all it always has been in a Word of God as though he's he's allowing us to see the word revealed and you know in Deuteronomy 29:29 it says the things that are secret you know are one thing but the things he reveals are ours as well okay the secret things belong to God now you were saying to me during the break that you've actually had many situations where literal court cases in the earth were resolved yes by settling them in heaven first the we have seen literally to take take natural court cases that are pending that are coming up to to the courts of heaven and a verdict would come out of the courts of heaven which would then be played out in the natural course and and so because well one of the first one happened with my own with one of my own sons we have six children and my oldest son because of some situations had gotten in trouble you know and so he I won't go into all the details don't have time but but the judge could have senate's him to actual jail time and he thought that was going to happen and and when we took it to court and I walked him through issues of repentance in reading violence that was in our bloodline but also that he had been involved in long story short was we knew that God had rendered a verdict from the courts we knew that when we went to the natural court first of all they got the judge they did not want to get which was not good because he was a very hard Street judge so that just builds a bigger test absolutely and so so I'm sitting in the court behind and I'm look watching him and his lawyer and the DA that's there and the judge looks at what the DA is asking for which was some jail time and the judge looked at this he says I don't like this he said this is nothing more than a slap on the wrist for what's involved here and I'm thinking oh this isn't going the way we thought it was going to go and I'm I'm sitting there thinking what's happening here and all of a sudden the judge just made an about-face and he looks at my son and he says young man let me tell you what we're going to do he said I'm giving everything back to you I want you to go home to your wife I want you to finish your schooling he said I'm not going to do anything to you other than set you free you're gonna have some fines to pay I'm going to set you free and if I ever see you in this court again will be unto you and he never has been I mean he really every I said turn around point absolutely that God had literally intervened and what in the verdict that had been rendered out of heaven which was a verdict of mercy actually was made manifest in a natural Court I know I know of cases of financial restitution that have come major I mean big big money because they won the case in the court of heaven first and so I'm a firm believer in this and we've had many other case in many other cases like now you might think as you're watching yes but you know Patricia if they're guilty they're guilty do you know what that's the beauty of the gospel that's right the mercy of God triumphs over judgment so when you go into the courts of heaven you appeal for mercy because mercy has triumphed over that's what God wants us to do is to look at the cross he settled everything of the cross 2,000 years ago love settled it for you and when you come into alignment with God in his merci starts to get activated I'm not talking about getting off the hook and continuing on in sin I'm not talking about that I'm talking about realizing the the wickedness of the action or the heart and making a peel according to what repentance turning back to God gives you it's as mercy and it works I mean that's what the courts of heaven when you come before God you're not going to be judged on all your behaviors you're going to be judged on your faith in His mercy I mean ah the gospel is so amazing there were there was a yeah let me tell you this testimony there was a letter that came to the ministry and some inmates from a father whose son was in prison yeah and the inmate somehow or another had gotten ahold of the book and they were passing it around the prison and the father said this these guys are getting uh early releases come on because they are finding I had to go to the courts event heaven because they have discovered God is more merciful than man which is what David said let no fall into the hands of God he's more merciful it's more mercy lies to show mercy and mercy of God the kindness of God leads you to repentance that's why it's so beautiful when he gives you those those merciful chances it's just so awesome now in unlocking destinies look in the courts of heaven and we want to talk about unlocking destinies but you also cover the whole thing of curses yes and I was wondering I mean you've got a great testimony yeah it's something that that spearheaded your your journey into this so why don't you share that with them my wife won one of the many testimonies we have is I had a dream and in the dream I had a heavenly visitation and what happened was I was told that my wife was gonna die prematurely well I that thought had never crossed my mind long story short I went home and I shared it whether I was off on a trip somewhere and I shared it with her and she said and I say you know your mom died when she was 58 and she said yeah and she told me something I didn't know she said my grandmother died at 40 and and I certainly realized I knew in the dream that there was a scheme against the women of the family line there was a cursed race the Lord well you got the god woman but I knew see this was the deal before I understood the courts I would have been binding loosing screaming at the devil all those kind of things because I wouldn't know what else today but but now I knew there's a legal case in the spirit realm that the enemy says gives him a right to take my wife out prematurely I need to deal with that so long story short was we discovered what that case was through prayer and through through to dealing with some prophetic people that we deal with - some intercessors and we took that into the courts of heaven and that case was undone and and everything as far as we understand has now been put to rest and there is no more threat of early of early death because we know that that curse was broken and we're my life and I were both in great health and all these kind of things but we knew the enemy had a curse that he wanted to land against her because of the Cayce curses are a result of something legal in the spirit realm that the enemy claims he has a right to operate from exactly yeah I mean he's a legal sy he just goes with where he has legal right and so we destroy that went through through the blood of Christ absolutely I can feel in my spirit many of you wondering well how do you do this heaven stuff how do you stand before the Lord how do you get there what is what are the rules for this you know what are the instructions on how to get in we're we're not going to be able to do a full teaching obviously on this program but we'll get you hungry and I just do want to sincerely invite you to go to Robert's website that's on the screen right now and also get this book operating in the courts of heaven this will give you good foundation and background and then this is his second book unlocking destinies and just keep following it through and also on his website you'll find a lot of good training materials teaching materials because it's really important if you're going to grow to be a strong believer in Christ that you get good biblical foundations you need to to know why you believe what what the instruction God has in is in his word for you and you want to be able to give an account for what you believe so we as a ministry are very much behind getting into that word knowing the word and have the word in the spirit leading your life and you're going to be great but many of you are going to just escalate into the courts of heaven is is it's going to be amazing to see what God's going to do in your life so let's talk about the breaking of curses then we talked about this one the curse of of early death got broken but there's some times people will say to me yeah but I've had a witchcraft curse against me in fact I just prayed for someone yesterday and broke that and especially today when there's so many people who are operating in spiritual confusion there's other cults in that so so what do you have to say about that what kind of of what occurs I believe that God given his authority over all I tell people this I say the devil operates from two from two rounds he operates from a legal realm and he operates from an illegal round yep said from the legal realm the Greek word for adversary is ante decos which means one who brings a lawsuit that's illegal right Wow okay accuser is categorize in revelation 12:10 that means a complainant in a judicial system so both of those are legal positions so he he operates from the position of I have a legal right to do this against you but he's also a thief and a robber and he's a liar and he's a liar that's the illegal position so so we have to discover okay does he have a legal case if he does then we take the blood of Jesus through repentance and we take that legal right away if he doesn't have a legal position then we just take our authority and say you're not doing this you're such a good future you make a complicated issue so simple oh my god she chosen you to do this okay now very quickly we've just got a couple minutes left but I mean the time goes so fast can can you talk about destiny because I hear people all the time saying I know I've got a destiny to fulfill but I don't know I feel trapped and every time I move forward nothing happens yeah I will the reason I connected destiny and curses is because curses are used to stop us from getting our destiny and every one of us according to Psalms 139 16 has a book in heaven that what we were me four was written out in heaven before time began and what we are here to do is to bring heaven into Earth which is to live out in fullness everything was written about us and everywhere I go I ask people I said how many of you have a sense that you were created for something more than what you're actually experiencing every hand goes out come on every hand goes up because we all carry a sense of destiny and yet most people are frustrated because they can't seem to get into it that's what this book is about it's about getting the curses removed that are operating against us trying to stop us from getting into the fullness of what I'm actually here for and so so we we deal with a lot of different issues from the courts of heaven the legal issues the enemy would use I don't know we have time but in Luke 22:31 when when Pete Jesus said to Peter Satan has desired to have you that word desire did the Greek means he's demanded you be put on trial Satan said I have a case against him he can't have what's written in his book yeah but Jesus said as a man not as God I pray for you wow I feel so much light coming on that in fact as you're watching this and listening to this right now you can feel that light enter your heart and you want to know more about this so operating in the courts of heaven unlocking destinies and you can just get ready for the next books coming out because they'll be able or we know it and that'll be healing from the courts of heaven and unlocking well unlocking well from the courts of heaven so there thank you so much for for your faithfulness to the Lord and for the way that you serve the body and give them the teaching that they need we'll be right back just after this message the glory school by Patricia King is a journey into the supernatural realms of the glory of God is practical easy-to-understand anointed and will invite you into personal encounter with the Lord in his kingdom all I can say is I met the love of God in a way I've never experienced it before the glory school explores the supernatural realms of the cross and the covenant new creation realities and the person of the Holy Spirit it invites you in to encounter with God it will completely change your life for the first time really got the love of God uncover the truth of hearing the voice of God experiencing the third heaven angelic Majesties the fire and the glory embark on a faith adventure today with Patricia Kings biblically-based 18 DVD teaching the glory school be prepared for God to invade your life in a personal way like you've never seen before I know that for many of you when you hear a subject such as you know having access to the courts of heaven and doing all these shifts that is new for you and you might have questions and some of you might even have fear sometimes we just fear the unknown and I want to put your fear to rest we have the Bible as our handbook we have the Word of God to test the spirits to test doctrine and I want to encourage you that God is inviting you to the more that he has for you there's always more it's going to take all eternity to discover the fullness of all who God is and all that he has available and you are on a journey invite the Holy Spirit to teach you to reveal to you the things that he has for you and you'll be amazed of what he opens up for you may you be blessed and may you always remember this that you are loved with an everlasting of you really really are we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Patricia King
Views: 57,355
Rating: 4.766129 out of 5
Id: ebUcmRnZLho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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