NEW ANIMATION UPDATE BUILD 41! | Project Zomboid - 1

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a distant scream briefly pierces the unearthly silence during a cold spring morning like a sharp needle plunged into his eardrums it shatters the gentle dreams of our new survivor well new might be a misnomer the world his world has been gone for countless days he tried truly to count them kept up with it for some time even he knows it's been longer than two months now but has it been three for the notebook he kept his personal count in his long gone lost when he threw his bag on the ground when one of his neighbors had stumbled their way into his path and grabbed hold it wasn't worth the risk the scream was gone now lost in his own thoughts realising that pleasant dreams are now just dreams of his past life he hadn't even noticed the scream stopped no gunshots had gone off nor shouting from other survivors whoever it was is gone I hope it was quick he mutters to himself as the blankets haphazardly are thrown off the bed taking a quick accounting for his supplies he realizes he's running low this house his home is no longer able to keep him safe and sustained food is low but in the shuffling outside has been getting louder and louder there are certainly more than there once were but as supplies are all but gone it's time to step into the world once again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what can be said about Project Zomboid that hasn't already been said whether by others or by myself this is an early access game that has been in development since 2012 and I have been along for the ride the entire time I've played this game for over a thousand hours easily and have truly figured this game out inside and out making difficulty in survival less of a challenge but now build 41 has been released an update that has been in the works for literal years that changes everything about how the game is played and if you know anything about me or anything about Project Zomboid then you should know what to expect but if you are new then let me lay this out very quickly Project Zomboid is one of the most pure zombie apocalypse simulation games it can be played in both single and multiplayer though a big multiplayer update is currently next in line and I love to tell stories in games like Zomboid where there's no end no story it is a sandbox game for you to create your own fun until you do eventually die lend itself to fantastic stories and now a new book is about to open who knows what chapters await or how long the book of lasts but we can't find that out without starting to tell the story in the first place so join me as we create a new character and jump back into the world of Kentucky post zombie apocalypse and see what this game now has to offer so let's play this was his dream home the place he worked and saved for countless years to be able to take for himself and have a place of stability life before this was tumultuous constantly on the move always looking for that next job to make sure he can pay his next bill and continue feeding himself until one day out in Muldrow our dear Malthus Gamson found a steady job but that would only last so long months after he purchased his first home the world died and now after finding freedom he feels trapped again in Malthus Gamson story could be as long as months or years or as short as a few short hours welcome to Project Zomboid everybody and welcome to the first chapter the first day the first few words of Malthus Gamson story and build 41 now we've taken a look at build 41 I've probably put a few hours into it but not too much I could have put more but I decided not to mostly because I wanted to not walk in and be an immediate expert I figured a lot of my knowledge from the older versions is gonna carry but there's still a good number of new things to learn and that's what we're gonna do we have started in Muldrow you might be asking yourself why I'm all drought Malthus Muldrow isn't exactly the most resource rich area and while you're right it holds a special place in my heart it was the first town introduced into this game it was a fully first town you could play in West Point came afterward and this is where I had my first steps in this game in this town with a character by the name of I believe it was math the Starcraft and then in the true real first season I kind of considered anyway his name turned to Malthus game sin' so this while the name is kind of silly and doesn't really fit completely this is my way of starting anew bringing things full circle and who knows he may not last so let's take a look at who we are we are Malthus Gamson and we are a mechanic or at least we were a mechanic certain things are gonna help carry this over and I tried to make him look as close to me IRL as possible my hair is not that long but I can kind of tie it into a little knot his skills start with 3 in mechanic's in 1 in short blunt look at all these new weapons spear short blade long blade short blunt long blunt that's crazy cool and he gets a little bit of a nice bonus he's also the high [ __ ] hypo contract and a bit of a slow reader doesn't mean he's not one to learn not learn quickly it just means that he himself takes a while to go through books and as always we'll start by seeing what's left and what's useful in our own home it may be valuable for us to just get the hell out of here if things are particularly nasty in the nearby area but in the meanwhile we're just gonna go through our house and make sure everything's good I want to make sure everything is clear so if you're new to Zomboid welcome I'm probably gonna avoid talking a lot about the absolute bake basics but we will cover things as we play with them of course let's go ahead and close some curtains up so we can't be seen if there's any zombies nearby close curtains man look at all all that there we go if you don't know what Zomboid is let me put it very clearly and concisely Project Zomboid is a zombie apocalypse survival simulator that doesn't have an ending it goes until you die it is your job to last as long as possible ooh this is what is this light impact when used in one hand and a wooden mallet all right let's grab the wooden mallet that's cool-looking and I'll absolutely grab the crowbar if you've played anything like Cataclysm dark days ahead or dwarf fortress then you already understand there is no real ending here it's until you in a multiplayer you know that could be a lot a lot more simple they have to to those since they could shoot you and take what you have and a single player it's an extremely extremely pure experience nobody here to stop you nobody here to tell you how to live it's up to you so I'll be trying to put my zomboid knowledge to good use as we attempt to establish some sort of basic base I wouldn't say that where we are is where we're gonna be forever very unlikely that that's the case you're starting house while very valuable in a lot of different ways it's never really one you want to stay in two too long eventually the hordes will come and you will be forced to make some adjustments and how you make those adjustments and what you do after that is what will determine your success in this game so for us it's just the simple stuff baby we're just looking to get established you might be seeing me grabbing a few things ignoring mostly everything else ooh trapper for beginners this is kind of on purpose I I basically am looking to grab some just very basic setup so crowbar I think will let us and I some houses as well as being a decent weapon a hammer is always good as a rolling pin is a good backup a can opener for when we get chaos stuff and a sheet that could be used for emergency bandages or covering a window that doesn't have curtains and the ripped sheets can be used as kind of ad hoc bandages homemade bandages and is that it looks like that might be it so the house is safe we're gonna do is gonna go around the house and turn off all the lights [Music] there's a light on in here no we watch on up all the lights because if we are going to be sticking around and staying in this house for any significant length of time then we need to make sure that we are keeping ourselves as safe as possible and one of the things aam beats are very good at is telling where people are simply by there we go looking zombies have you know a site and a hearing and a smell stat and lights will attract them if there's lights and me moving around and they see me moving around and certainly that will attract them we've got some ham a canned potatoes I don't think I'll be leaving soon the issue here let's drink is that we have very little to put water and we've got a cooking pot but the cooking pot will become incredibly heavy if we put water in it and if we look outside 1 2 3 4 4 just outside across the road let's peep across the street here and just use our house to our advantage before we go anywhere and I would love to use the TV but zombies being as close as they are it's a little dangerous it looks like we've got a shed out there I'd like to hit that shed before we get out of here there is potential for an axe or any sort of useful tools to us now we're not starting as a carpenter like we did the last time around which is not a big deal but it does mean whoa it does mean there's a lot of moving trees series that's wind or that zombies it just means that our carpentry skills gonna be a pain to get up again but we'll make it work alright let's actually do a little bit of fighting here just one gertle zombie what cracker in the face push on the ground balk her in the head and she instantly died perfect she had a friend think I'm gonna reel back and try to take care of that friend because if we need to go back inside I'd like minimal eyes on me as I do it now I think I saw somebody else out there but that's fine in the in the forest there we go that ballot is doing God's work yep we've got more so let's go into stealth mode here I like how I hit see I think I can jog yeah can jogging in stealth mode but if I hit C it brings up my character sheet as well as put me in a crouched mode if it's just him I'm gonna try and take him out three in the trees is a little bit more than I was expecting but we should be fine he's not moving very quickly hey buddy down down come on get on the ground yeah there we go any chance I can grab one of them he is looking at me there we go perfect we got lucky with the ones back being faced oh whatever okay I thought for a minute they were going right for the house I thought maybe she saw zombies moving through the windows gave her a little bit of a line of sight through both windows but no just kind of getting sprinting ahead for no good reason really I don't know if I like this mallet but short blunt is what we're good at oh that guy was taking an absolute beating and I'm assuming yes is going right into a short blunt skill and if we scroll in you can see his head has been beaten to a bloody pulp as we relentlessly bida and our weapon is all bloody as well all right one more will already have five zombies under our belt here quick clean up another one in the trees where is that just wind rustling them keeping our nerves on end and are keeping our wits about us as well I want to go in here [Music] now who there's a generator is there any zombies in the area none [Music] okay inside will slip first aid for intermediates you know I'll take it I don't know if we have any first aid for beginners anywhere but that's fine Oh in a mug I'd love to take this with me right now but if I can I'm gonna I'm gonna shut this door on the off chance that we need to come back for this and I don't want the zombies to get ahold of it now I don't know if they fixed it it looks like they may have fixed the sprinting in place and turning around and running from a zombie because they used to be able he used to have to go back like a couple steps before he'd run I think that was just carryover from hard changing your direction while you're sprinting in one direction then hard changing to the next all right we have a a mug so I'm gonna swing back in here real quick I'm just gonna go ahead and drink real fast nothing - we have no soap unfortunately but we're gonna fill our empty mug up and I'm gonna go ahead and grab this fresh ham we're gonna eat the peas frozen and all well frozen green treats and we're gonna get out of here is this where we want to start I don't know I think we're just gonna maybe hit up some nearby houses see how difficult and dangerous it is for us and then make a judgment call from there we have a vehicle here too let's get them the sneak mode and the big big danger ooh broken windows is gonna be zombies I think the car moved but that just might be me I hear one definitely hear one ooh - she looks like she saw me who three alright what we're gonna do it's gonna line a cite them try to anyway just the one I can get one come on hello that's fine okay now it's not fine I'm I'm gonna check to make sure there's no zombies on the wall over here dang it all right you know what her first get up get on the ground stay down quick and clean she never even saw me coming which is nice one of them didn't even make it around the corner so let's go ahead and up to her hello down on the ground thank you and your dad perfect who an annotated map that's huge okay now we want to clear her out good good get on the ground swing up to her head basher in the face dead okay let's keep our backs to the wall crouch down for a minute and let's see what this annotated map says it might not be Muldrow it is Mulder there's a gun in spit foes and there's trouble near the motel with drugs here don't know what this cross means if this means anything all right so if we can orient ourselves we could find our way at least to getting a gun in spiff OHS the problem is it's just a block away from the motel and I know the motel well we'll keep this on us just in case but let's keep moving for now locked door I'd love okay somebody's he's trying to get out of here she is trying to get out of here I wonder if the windows open okay we're just gonna pop out and it's cracker on the head oh god there's another man there but that's okay hello sir can I interest you in stop hammer time it's a song it's someone that you know from the 90s right well actually is it out yet I don't know this game takes place in what 91 yeah it's it out it's gotta be is it a 90 song or an 80 song it's been so long it should be at least one more look at the blood on the ground from the broken glass I'd love to clean all that up now I swear there was another but I could have gotten them all we'll do a quick search and we'll have the two houses that we started next to safe clean and secure I'd like to get in here yeah without having to go through the broken glass now I don't know can I clean the broken glass without cutting myself I hope so remove broken glass now I've got two windows [Music] just going to turn this off we've got two windows we can escape out of three actually that are clean and safe I'm nervous about going through the rest of this house though Kenny we're just gonna go through very very slowly before we worry about looting anything okay clear on the first floor the two busted windows immediately mean we do not want to spend any long-term time here no overnights none of that but slowly making our way through with stealth is exhausting us bizarrely but is going to be the way to do this let's turn this off what I'd like to find sooner rather than later would be some sort of backpack I thought that showerhead was a zombie for a minute anything to be able to store my stuff if I can carry it and remove this fairly heavy load it's gonna not exhaust us nearly as quickly and there we go hiking bag at our beck and calls that's fantastic has a space of 20 how much does it lower by weight reduction 70 ok let's start throwing things in our bag we have a mug of water all books can just go right in there I'm gonna keep the crowbar out the rolling pin will go in the annotated map for certain the ham will go in for now I don't know if a belt would be good but like a tourniquet you would think she can go in there too okay let's keep looking already we have ourselves a nice backpack though and that goes a long way into making me feel a lot safer about everything tweezers plunger I don't know what a plunger would be for beyond a very bad weapon but tweezers are gonna be good if we need to pull glass out of our body in case we do have to power through a window in a panic mode that apparently is off already and everything seems to be relatively clear here I don't know I can wear headphone I mean I can equip headphones how bizarre and know that clothes that we've come across or at least the first bit that I have looked at are any better than what we've got now our Blunt is already heading well on its way to level 2 I'd love to find some stuff to repair this if I could and we're gonna have to start disassembling sooner rather than later as well if we do want to start working on our carpentry skill but in the meantime grab a couple forks because we could do some Spears out of them saucepan is gonna be great for some water turn on a light no no no no turn off Phil let's get the saucepan filled beautiful and we'll drink how our clothes are right now all looking all right a little bloody and a little dirty but if we take a look at our protection stats it's really our legs and our feet that are best protected our shirt isn't doing anything for us so if we could find something I'm gonna take the bleach as well if we could find something to clean it with or rather to wear his arm or not clean it with we'd be in a good in good shape all right get all the basics I think we can bounce out of here now feeling a little bit more confident in our situation I want to make sure each one of these zombies has been fully searched to make sure I don't leave a key to that car because cars are also incredibly useful we are mechanics as well so working on getting our electrical skill up so we can immediately start hot wiring is going to be good we could become nomadic very very quickly and it might be the way we want to go okay we have ism you're kidding me there's a friggin key in this thing okay hold on we're gonna have a working car right away let's take a look at the mechanics or quick I want to see what this car is like what kind of shape we're in here wow this car is an incredible shape it's all just vein damage it's all vane decoration oh we want this really badly a - elite okay well let's start moving we might as well use what little gas is here whoo I haven't used vehicles in the new build yet there's some batch of zombies all right let's pull out here it feels different better less sluggish maybe I don't know if it's just cause of the car and I'm just not used to it the news and the new noise is great too yeah we've got some zombies kind of everywhere all right we've got enough gas to kind of pull us far enough away so I think what I want to do is get a few blocks out Park and then maybe try and loot that area hello whoa there's so many the other good thing is by driving the car through here we'll start clumping some of these guys all together as well all right all right this is good at the medical office I think that's are we near where I think we are killed one had to try had to give it a shot I think we're gonna go down here where the fence is mostly because I think this is gonna be a little bit less occupied and as a police car are you kidding me there's so many cars look at them all there these guys are chomping away we've got a big ol group on us so here's the plan I'm gonna whip around the corner here go around the block back up we're fine we're absolutely fine this car is disposable to me I'm gonna Park this here Matt that's why you're getting out here well mostly because I think we're gonna be fine and I want to clean up what stragglers I could see and we're getting real good real quick kills with this mallet so we're able to we bashed your skin right off and exposed your skull instantly beta-blockers is such a good grab beta-blockers will help me deal with my panic I'll take the baseball cap just cuz it's cool run speed modifier scratch defense compared to what my jeans bite 10 20 10 20 even I'll take the vitamins I'll take the jacket for sure well throw it in our bag for now though it's bloody and we might want to wash it before we put it on hello sirs and Madam's I am going to try and clear you out back up this is fine two is gonna be a bit much for us right now I think so what I'm gonna do leaving that car there and we're just gonna walk I don't want to tire myself too much out where's my hand did I eat my hand I know there it is well just getting half the ham and we're gonna walk from here on out to the north a bit this is the motel so this is dangerous I believe but we are near where I thought we were so we need to go north a bit and I think the trouble was the where the police car was we're just gonna sneak a bit and just jog I'd love to really peep this map again if I can yeah we gotta keep going north so we're gonna keep going north and we might be able to end this with a gun in our hands on Episode one I'm just gonna keep sneaking got a big old group pretty much everywhere a solo a nurse with scrubs on we might fight her just to see maybe she's not me he's just a dress still my fighter though come on I don't like that he bops and then he pushes I wish he would just keep bopping like that okay we got to move I didn't realize I was drawing so much attention keep going keep going keep going sorry how's this leveling up I'll see you later yeah we got stragglers look at these pockets zombies so I am playing in case you curious I figured for the first run we'd play on the new survival mode there's three modes survival survival builder and something else and they all are varying different degrees of difficulty spiff OHS so there's a gun in here and I decided to play obviously on the survivor mode though what is the most difficult but also what I feel like is gonna provide me a fair enough challenge with my level of experience in the old base game all right if I can get in to spiff foes here without drawing much or even any attention this could be good alright let's see if we can get in the front door quietly if we have to hopefully we could just blast through the back door I hate it let's move forward they've been slightly aware of my presence so we're gonna we're gonna do a wide loop I think we're gonna hit the woods bang I left these trees look great and we're gonna try again in a bit here we're just gonna try and lose them in the trees try not to touch any of the tree trunks because if we do that's when he starts having to push through them like that and it causing noise there's a zombie right there just barely see the legs of the trees there's another one coming up on this side so we're gonna go over here hello say goodbye for now were they eating this one or to this one I hit everybody's moving I'd love to just run in and get that gun if I could but I'm not sure I don't think it's gonna be possible maybe we'll just mill north a tiny tiny bit and if we go north we'll find a place we can hole up for a tiny maybe a day or two and slowly whittling might have our first objective here in spiff owes a gun is infinitely useful especially in the new build so I'd love to make that work all right so we got three after us a bakery and a quick zippy Mart here I look inside the window looks like it's clear so I want to kind of just keep going away from it man all right let's pop up and let's just walk stell thing is is not working out for us right now our skill just isn't high enough for it to be valuable in this very specific situation there's too many zombies if we were dealing with one or two maybe but the amount that we're dealing with the packs and packs and packs and packs of them that's gonna be a problem we're playing on survival like I said so this means the zombie apocalypse has been going on for months now I hate that this gate doesn't do anything it doesn't disappear when I walk next to it I want that garbage bag very quickly thank you uh-huh there's a banging at the door let's go and there's a fence here which we're probably gonna end up using oh god oh god that was almost the end there was another one around the corner they grabbed on to me but we got out apparently if I sprint if you sprint towards fences you'll climb them now nope incorrect I thought okay we can climb and normally maybe just uh hip-hip tall fences or something okay locked there's one there but what are you what are the chances is the only one I'm gonna go with incredibly low it's a pack and a half let's move what does this look like when you open it nothing shakes like it's locked let's see if I run there we go he will hop over it sprinting if he if it's a hapa bulb asically bunch of storage units [Music] [Music] get up get down sorry nothing personnel but this houses over here and it's getting I imagine kind of late the Sun definitely looks like it's starting to go down so I want to get into a place that I can at least call mine for the night all right are you coming over there he is all right let's see if we can take this one out first she seems like eager to go down okay walkie talkie I'll just take because we can at least disassemble it for electronic skills pop that back in my bag did he just okay let's come over here let's grab his attention it looks like we'll be able to have a relatively safe spot for the evening come on get on the ground God Jesus back up okay please don't be many over here if I wheel this corner there's like a pack of them again I mean mad as hell there's so many still one two three four five six seven Jesus Christ man that house is mostly clear so what I'm trying to do is I'm gonna swing over here pop this fence walk wide back and try and just take that house for the night actually you know what come here let's pull as many of them as I can away Louise got a cowboy hat on that's neat Oh God we're good we're good we're good we're good we have beta blockers so let's take a beta blocker quickly popping open to think of pills just to pop another one bring that panic down we're getting a little on the tired side so this is gonna be a problem for me okay we felt we fell get up get up get up I really I scraped my knee and I'm starting to limp okay here's what the plan is get up huh I can't see [Music] up down hell yes okay crouch slowly slowly make our way over here now we haven't been able to peep the windows yet so it's possible there's a zombie in here come on get that window open we might [Applause] let's get this in our primary you know what while we've got blood going we really need to be bandaging this up so let's bandage our knee I can't be leaving blood trails come on really and then there's a dude there come on I'll take you out real quick come up okay good it's a stop kidding what an intense first day surviving it's far from over it's a couple more still around one at least two but this one's going over there I was kind of hoping we'd see maybe she'd plopped down an olive for us and start eating the body but maybe because it's not fresh meat can't have you around unfortunately a girl come on get on the ground get on the ground madam thank you I'll take the pen because I think we can use that an emergency as well I need to get into this house the exhaustion is starting to dictate how much further I can do and push this so let's really try and get inside here okay wearing wearing wearing wearing rendering I would love to add a sheet to this window real quick just to close it thank you as a light on No okay we're just gonna have to play it safe I'm gonna use the refrigerator while I can we're gonna keep the ham as fresh as possible let's go ahead and wear the baseball cap can we wear it in Reverse I think it's I think I saw it says reverse reverse cap oh yeah any bathroom zombies I need to be aware of fill my empty mug and the fact that we're getting tired is is a good kind of sign as to where we are in the day if we honestly if we can just get a watch let's turn this off let's take that light bulb ooh look at this this is actually great so I'm actually gonna go ahead and toss this jacket and we'll take the better look the bid the clean one for now there we go still no watch or anything unfortunately was the bathroom light off looks on I don't know I'm assuming it's on let's just close it so we can't have the light filling this room and I think we'll have the tomatoes for dinner fruits and veggies they're good for you well mr. Jamison we survived our first day in the new built together looks like we've got quite a busy few days ahead of us as we desperately attempt to find something safe in the neighborhood but for now our mallet levels are almost up in our base sneaking and stuff is starting to go up and as this goes up the safer will get but for now let's go and remove this let's make sure we do not get an infection scratched by the way is not from the zombie it's from the landing on the ground and ripping our leg across I think we'll just go ahead and maybe do a little bit of reading while we still can one packet throw the light bulb in there ooh the key doesn't have a keyring anymore I just realized I wonder if we can find a keyring then all right let's start to read a little bit oh and he actually has a nice little reading animation but he's a lot slower of a reader then our old boy used to be I think for now sleep time to get to bed mr. Jameson it's been a long day let's hope the zombies don't break in overnight [Music]
Channel: Mathas
Views: 367,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid build 41 gameplay, project zomboid, project zomboid walkthrough, let's play build 41, project zomboid part 1, let's play project zomboid build 41, project zomboid game, project zomboid episode 1, lets play project zomboid, project zomboid review, project zomboid let's play, project zomboid lets play, project zomboid build 41 episode 1, project zomboid download, project zomboid build 41, build 41, zomboid build 41
Id: v5AV-bbr7QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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