Project Zomboid | 12 Beginner tips I wish I knew when I started playing!

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so you just started playing project zomboid but you most likely died quite quickly i feel you because i died a few times as well okay maybe a lot but i've learned some new things as well so hi i'm epoch from indie game guides and these are my 12 tips for project zomboid first off watch tv whenever you can during the first nine in-game danes that you play to there will be educational shows at fixed times that will increase certain skills by merely watching tv at 6 00 am at 12 and 6 p.m there will always be an educational show on the channel life and living these shows in the morning and noon are always cooking and carpentry while in the evening it can be either fishing farming foraging or trapping this is a great way to level up your skills but you will just need to be in front of your tv at those times if your character doesn't have a watch just yet try looting one from a dead zombie and be sure to set an alarm so you won't sleep in for the morning show if you're just starting out play on builder difficulty it's basically easy mode as there will be a lot less zombies but it's a great place to start learning combat mechanics how the ui works and just generally test things out i personally played a few hours on this difficulty when i started out and i probably wouldn't have kept playing the game if i didn't project zomboid can be very frustrating at first when you do not understand the basics so just take it easy and play on easy but always be quiet guys when you're watching tv or listening to the radio two bars at max if you see zombies banging on doors or windows of empty houses it's probably because there's a tv screaming inside of it just be sure to also block the line of sight of zombies inside your base close the curtains if you do not have any curtains go steal some of the neighbor's house and install them into your house but be sure to also turn off the lights because that may also attract zombies and that's the last thing you will want if you're unsure where to head next pause the game and go to project zomboid project map it's a great online website where you can figure out where you are by using landmarks like stores or public buildings and decide which direction you should go next you can find a link to this great tool in the description down below you've probably already figured out that the best way to take down a zombie is by pushing him over and just stomping on his head with a weapon or your foot but did you actually notice that you can prevent him from getting up if you just simply stand on top of his chest this is a great way to deal with two zombies at the same time just go stand on one guy's chest while you're pushing over the other one if you need to clear a small group of zets and there's a short fence nearby attract your attention and jump over the fence they'll stumble over it and giving you the opportunity to just one shot them right away however some zets may use this opportunity to crawl towards you instead of getting up if they succeed you'll be stunned and when dealing with multiple enemies this can pretty much be a death sentence [Music] if you attract a lot of zombies for whichever reason like an alarm going off don't panic just walk away without looking behind you like a cool guy does with explosions if you walk on normal speed they can't catch up to you and they have a fairly short attention span if they can't see you so just try to break their line of sight by going through trees or taking short turns around buildings before you enter a house check to see if there are any zombies inside if a window is broken there are probably a few of them inside when entering a building you can lure any zombie to come out just by pressing the shout button but only when sneaking your character will quietly whisper but if you're not sneaking while doing this you will actually shout normally and every zombie outside will know where you are as well you can also just press the spacebar against the door it'll make him do the shove animation which plainly comes down to knocking on the door just wait a second after to see if someone answers look for a radio with an automated emergency broadcast not all radios have access to it but it's worth looking for one essentially every hour on the hour a broadcast will sound and it will give you the current day and tomorrow's temperature weather events and cloud conditions along with the power grid status now if they mention something like a severe weather alert that means a blizzard or tropical storm is heading you away if they announce air activity detected a helicopter is inbound to your location knowing these things ahead of time will save you trust me on that i guarantee you will die in this game it's just a matter of time but when you do you can make a new character in the same world and go find your previous character you can go loot his or her body you can still use the same base the same card they will still all be there personally i do not do this because i think the scrambling for resources is just so much fun that i just start a new world each time a working car is a lifesaver for many reasons not only can you transport a lot of supplies or traverse huge distances but there are also some in-game events that may force you to relocate as quickly as possible just look around at huge parking lots for keys on the floor if you see a nice car in front of a house go look for the key inside of the house now cars increase your survivability a lot but do not use them to mow down enemies because they break down just as easy and they are quite annoying to repair especially if you do not have the skills the supplies or the gear slow and take your time don't get arrogant and enter houses before scouting them from outside don't fight zombies without looking behind you don't take any unnecessary risks if things are starting to get dangerous just get out of there the loot will still be there later just be fully prepared by bringing bandages an empty backpack and a weapon check the durability on the weapon arrogance can get you killed and end the character with quite some play time behind it in just a few seconds [Music] okay now that you've got the basics down you're good to go well except if you want to know about the best character traits base locations and so on just check this playlist out to prolong your debt in project zomboid just a little longer i want to thank you for watching and i'll see in the next one
Channel: Indie Game Guides
Views: 12,780
Rating: 4.9498434 out of 5
Keywords: Epokk, Indie, Indie Games, Steam, Epic games store, indie game guides, project zomboid, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid tutorial, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid guide, project zomboid how to play, project zomboid build 41 tips, project zomboid getting started, project zomboid tips, project zomboid multiplayer, build 41, project zomboid gameplay build 41, project zomboid gameplay 2021
Id: q-5-4I109OA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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