Can I survive 7 days in the DESERT in Project Zomboid?

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today I will be attempting to survive the scorching heat of the Arizona desert in project zomboid in this scenario the desert heat is just as dangerous as the zombies as staying outside too long will cause heat stroke and Rapid dehydration not only that but the water shut off is instant making it a very scarce resource will I be able to become self- sustainable and survive the harsh climate or will my luck run dry with all that in mind I created my character I tailored their skills to best suit the dangerous environment making sure to select low thirst as consuming as little water as possible with would be essential to My overall survival I spawned in a dilapidated little house first order of business was to find a source of food and water the cabinets were bare and the house was empty besides this lone juice box in the fridge it would have to do for now on the short walk to the neighboring house I ran into my first zombie and took him down immediately checking the fridge it was a stark difference from the last I filled myself up and left what I couldn't consume food spoil rate is very fast on this desert map and it would be imperative to my survival to acquire canned food when I entered the next house I found a body with bleach bottles littered all around around him a sad reminder of how cruel this world really is I still took these cigarettes off his body though moving on I took an empty bottle and filled it up with water from what little was left inside the house to sink the water problem was solved for now but food was still an issue a few hours later I ran into my first group of the undead carefully taking down these first two I turned my attention to the zombies at the window they poured out through the now broken window and I was able to take them down as well entering the room they had been in it looked like they took off their clothes in an effort to escape the heat but ended up succumbing to the harsh climate and end shortly after I made my way across the street keeping in mind that I would need to stay close to shelter to avoid heat stroke inside the next house the bathroom had a towel inside this little pink towel was actually a really good find staying in wet clothes would surely give me a cold and I can now stay dry from the buckets of sweat pouring out of me it was getting late in the afternoon and I was going to need to find a place to sleep soon so I headed out again and was able to momentarily fix my food Problem by finding a can opener and some canned food I ran into some trouble soon after though trying to take this group out I quickly became overwhelmed dashing inside the house and slaming the the door behind me I jumped through a window on the other end of the house I sprinted to a residence a few houses down and closed the door I decided to settle here for the night and began reading this magazine I was very anxious undoubtedly because I haven't found a lighter for my cigarette addicted character day turned night quickly and I settled into the bedroom for the night I awoke to discover some zombies had gathered in the area overnight managed to take out two the rest were a little more than I could handle especially without a weapon I was able to evade the group by sneaking my way across the road the house that entered next had some inhabitants and after taking out the first one I got injured by the other almost ending the run with one stupid mistake thankfully it was just some scratches and after patching my wound up I searched the bodies one of them had a butter knife I equipped it at least it's better than having nothing nope after looting the next few houses I managed to find this red truck the mechanics looked fine I just need to find gas and a gas can I read some more magazines in the next house granting me some useful skills for the future another run through the neighborhood did not reveal much but some new injuries from some zombies I don't even know what happened here now I had a last re on one arm and a scratch on the other thankfully I was able to make it to safety and discovered quite a bit of food I was going to need to take a rest here until some of my wounds healed so that's what I did had to read some books to cure my boredom changing my bandages periodically and going to the kitchen for food when hunger nodded me and hoped I would be up for another long day tomorrow I woke up early on the third day two of the four injuries had healed overnight giving me hope for today there were still a few things I needed for this run that would greatly increase my chances of survival a weapon a book bag and some more water so that's what we would be working towards today after taking out the zombie I found a bread knife in another house I found a first aid kit this had everything I would need to heal myself properly which was perfect timing since I had an infection on one of my wounds after disinfecting my arm I had it out again soon after I came across the house with a small group inside usually when there are a lot of zombies in the house it means more loot so I decided to take them out only to discover there was literally nothing inside this place thankfully in the next house there was a handaxe after a quick midday nap I arrived at a residence with some zombies and a police car the handex from earlier was super helpful in taking this group out May became pretty apparent by now that I need to find something other than a residential area to find some real Loot and begin stockpiling the desert heat had not been a problem so far since shelter was super common tomorrow though that would not be the case I decided I was tired of the residential area the loot was poor because it was so rare a shopping area would have a much better chance of providing me with the things I need the only problem is I had no idea if this road would lead to anything because the only map was the one in the workshop and it wasn't very detailed at all I had to try though and about halfway down the road I realized this is going to be an issue struck and nauseous if I turned back now I definitely would not make it thankfully just when I thought this room was over I found a small Diner I could barely walk and I immediately made my way to the sink and drank as much as possible after a short rest I left at the back and went to the motel next door there were not many zombies in the motel itself and not much loot either after sweeping through all of the rooms I drew the attention of a small group behind the building there was some regular zombies and then this rather large one one of them had a satchel which is great cuz at this point I had so much stuff on me I was constantly over encumbered through this Cactus Forest I arrived at this abandoned bar upon entering I found a crawl bar in the back while I am proudly on team fire ax this will just have to do for now surprisingly upon searching the place I didn't find much alcohol but I did find two more craw bars in the bathroom I was getting pretty depressed and I decided to sit down and do some crosswords in the middle of the Gammy bar eventually I got pretty tired and fell asleep in this chair after the stressful day I immediately head out today and start running across this big field after taking out a few zombies I arrive at a large Supermarket all the doors are locked and there are a lot zombies in the area I was only outside for a short period of time and dehydration was getting me so I ran over to the neighboring house and hid out in the bathroom then I read a book until I was able to leave again slowly I began to chip away at the zombies in the area and they just kept coming at one point I got injured and had to take a small break from all the killing though shortly after I was back at it again once the group was dead I had to take out the group at the supermarket carefully I led the group over and did away with them one by one by the time I was done with them it was late and upon searching the bodies I found a lighter now my character could stop being anxious is constantly there were a few more stragglers in the area I had to take out but after I could finally enter the store it was full of lots of loot but it's all super random and desperately needed to be organized as I settled into the supermarket I decided to take out stragglers that were roaming in the parking lot after this I was getting pretty tired so I went back across the street to try to get some sleep in a real bed it was during this I had to take out one of the biggest groups yet I'm not really sure where they came from considering I already cleaned out this house luckily I was able to take the horde out and slept until pretty late in the day when I woke up I went back over to Supermarket then I began organizing the shelves the best I could putting some pots outside in hopes that I would get lucky and it would rain I decided this would be my home base until I found a better base location when I was finally done sorting I decided to go out on a looting run immediately I found a way better base location and already wanted to move there were quite a bit of zombies in the area I had to take down it was pretty active here I found a small shed in the back of the yard and to my surprise it had a generator so I could find the gas and the how to use generators magazine we would be set I searched the first two houses saving the big one for L upon entering the the two-story house the alarm went off not good I ran back to the house on the left and locked myself in a room and just hop that the zombies wouldn't hear me hiding in here stuck in here for the rest of the night I could hear lots of zombies moving around me eventually I fell asleep and hoped that by morning the zombies would stumble away it only been a couple hours and I was awakened by the sound of pounding on my window on opening the curtains I discovered multiple zombies outside I was going to have to make a run for it running through the house I made it to a fence and jumped over there were zombies everywhere my dream based location had been overrun and all I could do was run away running until most of the zombies were off my trail I entered a building and hid in the darkness with only the faint glow from my cigarette to brighten my surroundings when I felt it was safe I left eventually making it to a residential area I didn't bring much with me from the supermarket so I was going to need to find some food and water to help me make it back home in the backyard of one of the homes I found some seats this was going to be really helpful if I wanted to become self-sustainable soon after I ran into a shopping center inside a bakery I found some food and water that would Aid me in the hot weather because I still had quite a bit of running to if I wanted to make it back home to the supermarket leaving out the back I ran into some zombies and took them out I entered another store and took out two more of the undead one of them had a large hiking bag inside the store I was able to find the magazine I would need to operate generators things were looking a lot better but I need to find a way to clear out all the zombies from where I wanted to eventually live at this point I was getting super exerted from all the running I was doing and the elements were starting to get to me I was on my last leg when I enter this yard and barely able to take out this small group making inside the house it was obviously almost died from my stupidity it would be essential that I didn't get so displaced from home again because it was obvious all the running from today had taken a toll after sorting my loot from today into my new hiking bag I fell asleep started off my morning with a plan lead the zombies away from my newfound base location by yellan and then try to loop around and start fixing the place up in other words we're just going to wing it and hope for the best heading outside I took out a group that had gathered in the front yard and made my run over to the place and started yelling there were a lot of them more than I had seen this whole playthrough I used some of basic tactics and it seemed like I led most of the group from the house I ended up leading them to an industrial area across the street taking out a few that I couldn't avoid I took a small break in a trailer and drink some water so I wouldn't get heat stroke like yesterday when I felt ready I ran over to the supermarket my first base location I took all the items I could carry and that I had sorted earlier hoping that the new base location would be empty if not completely empty just not overrun arriving at the house there weren't many zombies rubbing around there were a few zombies inside but not really anything I couldn't handle I was getting pretty dehydrated again though so I had to take another small break inside I heard some banging on the doors downstairs but I figured it just one zombie little did I know as I headed downstairs the banging was drawing a lot of attention a group of zombies had gathered and I had to begin fighting I was leing in through the whole yard through a house and it was taking a lot of energy at one point I got injured and I healed myself up as I could The Horde kept growing and I was just barely surviving very close encounters time was ticking and if I didn't find safety soon I would die if not from the zombies from the heat stroke so I tried to run I jumped over the fence and slowly tried to walk away my slow pace couldn't outr run all the zombies and eventually I was overrun thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed the video because this was really tough and it took me like 10 runs to even make it to the week
Channel: ninabug
Views: 8,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c7pS_vWDcEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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