Basics of Individual First Aid Kits / Boo Boo kits

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[Music] if you've ever been to a combat lifesaver course the most Awkward part of it wasn't the NPA tube but a group of full men watching you cry and telling you to just swallow go ahead and hit that subscribe button like comment do all those good things they help me out quite a bit as far as supporting the channel guys multiple venues to do that you can you can buy t-shirts from Alonso defense group as well as belts discount code is garand thumb and that will get you all that goodness if you're not looking for that you're looking for ammo you have two venues you have freedom you nisshin's and of course lax ammo discount code is Grantham with no spaces put that stuff out of the way we're going to do a video that has been much requested but I've been very hesitant to make and that is basics of individual first aid kits and the reason being is that I'm not a medical professional so I don't feel completely comfortable giving you guys with medical advice so I'm not going to do that what I'm going to do is tell you about some of the basic contents you should have in an individual first-aid kit that you should carry with you and I've verified these from both myself and then from other combat medics in all the different various branches all they're from corpsman to army combat medics so I've referenced different sources to get their opinions everybody's a little bit different on what they prefer and what they like to carry and how they like to carry it so just realize that there there's not specifically a right way but there is there is a wrong way as far as not carrying enough equipment so let's talk a little bit about individual first-aid kits so first off why should you carry one because your life matters and you don't want to die you might have all the coolest most Gucci airsofting slash shooting gear in the world but if you have a niggling discharge on the range if somebody has a negligent discharge and that round goes through a leg and it suffers from your femoral or whatever what have you and you don't have the implements and the tools to save your own life you're gonna die so make sure that you carry those I do know that individual first-aid kits can get a little bit pricey but at the same time if you're buying like thousand-dollar ers and stuff you should take a little bit of those funds and put them into a good individual first-aid kit to insure that you don't die so I carry two individual first-aid kits on me typically so one of those is always on my belt and then one of those is going to be on my plate carrier and they both have different purposes so everybody's gonna carry a slightly kind of different individual first-aid gift as far as what company they're gonna get it from a couple great companies out there CRO medical dark angel medical and blue force gear with their micro trauma now kit so on my belt I've carried the micro trauma now kit you can see it right here now looks a little bunched up being close to everything kind of on the belt but when it's around your body it's bent and that type of thing so it's easier to get to it now with these all the contents are contained right in here has to pull tabs on either side that way I can get to it from either side of my body and that's kind of a general theme we want to look at with our individual first aid kits make sure that you can get to it with both hands if one one's disabled or eat a weird angle and that type of stuff now this particular IFAC does not have a tourniquet in or on it my tourniquets are carry typically carried in the front of my pants pocket in the dip pocket so if I go to the front of my pants right here you can see this is where I have my tourniquet now as far as what tourniquet to get I have most of my experience with the cat tourniquets but the Softee wide tourniquets are much vetted and have a lot of experience behind them a lot of people have really good things to say about them so I would say carry either probably the softy wide is a better option in most cases now I haven't used a softy wide in in real life I've only used the cat so the cat has served me well and again if you're gonna put a tourniquet on is probably unhurt unless they're unconscious so tourniquet I always keep it in my front pocket or in an ankle pocket sometimes they carry two and then another tool in one plate carrier so again it's gonna depend on what you do and what you need in that type of thing if you're a cop you might not need so many tourniquets you might opt to carry this in some type of belt mounted holster or something like that so tourniquet now going back to my first-aid kit so blue for ski or micro trauma now some people have a problem there's one piece of velcro at the back that retains it and sometimes these have a tendency to pop out usually that happens to people who have not bought the med kit that comes from blue force gear because it's kind of made to put enough pressure to where this thing's not going anywhere so I've never had this pop out but buddies who did not buy the supplied medical kit from blue force gear have had that problem and I do know that it's expensive so that does suck but at the same time I think that this kid is really worth it so when you pull it out you get you a nice little package and then from there you can get into it and get what you need as far as typical products that you want inside your individual first aid kits I'm gonna read it off because it's a good list and typically what was recommended to me is that you have at least one combat gauze one Israeli bandage two chest seals one decompression needle one nasopharyngeal airway one casualty card to say what you've done especially like a tourniquet some like that you don't want to have some type of medical worker get there not realize there's a tourniquet on some appendage some type of tape usually I use frog tape but there's many others out there and then two tourniquets either a cat or a softy wide so that's the typical list now within the blue force gear micro trauma kit it has a couple things in it now there are advanced kits and there are basic kits the particular kit that I have is the advanced kit that's because of what I do that type of thing but if you're doing something different the basic kit might work pretty well for you but let's talk about the advanced kit which i think is a little bit more robust and good for what most people are typically doing so first off it does not have a tourniquet on it so for me personally I carry my tourniquet in my front dip pocket on my cry pants now depending on your uniform you might carry it at a different location some different locations that you might carry your tourniquet you might carry it at the front of your plate carrée now right here I have a small tourniquet holder from tightened tack innovations cool little company but anyhow it rides right below my mag pouches on my plate carrier so that is one option that you have alright so once you have tourniquet placement out of the way the blue force gear micro trauma now kit is pretty good so now a couple things that you have on it first off you have quick cloth which is always necessary so we have QuikClot folded down pretty small again that's kind of cool thing about the micro trauma now is how small it is now easily if it's on your belt so we have a quick clot we have to - venture chest seals always have - uh - czar my favorite now I know every medics gonna be a little bit different and I'm sure some people will disagree with me but these worked pretty well besides that we also have a medical trauma bandage right here again it packs down pretty small we of course have our tan gloves non-latex always on latex we have our nasal pharyngeal tube right just swallow it's gonna work out for my a corpsman - my Navy guys and we have frog tape so there are lots of different types of medical tape and sure a medic will hop in there and yell at me or something like that but I've been a big fan of FrogTape from focus research group so I'll make sure to put a link down there and it for you guys now that's some great medical tape right there now so that is a basic medical kit that we have from blue force gear pretty good pretty robust gets a lot of things done now is it the best no but it does work for the most part now and something that you'd wear on your plate carrier you can probably ask something a little bit more robust something that's easier to organize again make sure that's organized that way if you have to get away from your equipment like your medic has to drag you that it's not just all spilled on the ground that it's retained to some extent or another that way you're not losing all that kit because then the medic has to use more of his kit and then you're just screwing the medic so again based on SOPs a lot of other things you might have your eye pack on your plate carrier set up a lot differently than how I have mine set up on my belt or hell you might just have one IFAC and that might just be on your plate carrier due to the amount of space that you have in that type of thing so again tailor the needs of your individual first-aid kit to precisely what you do now besides first-aid kits I wanted to touch them very quickly on boo-boo kits so a boo-boo kit is going to differ from a first individual first-aid kit and that the individual first-aid kit is pretty much making sure that I'm not dying from some insane trauma that occurred like I got shot or an IAD went off and suffered something terrible but with the boo-boo kit it's more of the problems that you encounter from just living in the field and living in kind of more austere conditions and that type of thing so bowls will kill you and bombs will kill you and about type stuff but also infection will also put you out of the fight and that type of thing so it's important to be prepared for those types of issues and of everything that I've ever done I use the booboo kit the most of course because military is about 99% boredom let's be honest here so anbu kit typical things that I carry is you carry small triangular bandage I usually carry some gauze pads to soak up blood that type of stuff like you slice your finger dude all the time right don't let military eighteen-year-old kids play it nice but we do so make sure you carry those band-aids I always carry a ton of band-aids I'll say carry a minimum of ten I usually probably carry up close to 20 because buddies are always bumming them for me so band-aids easy carry like 10 to 15 large ones and maybe you know five or six small ones or something along those lines a lot of guys also carried the butterfly bandages to kind of pull the skin together those are really good for any type of head wound in that type of thing so I carry a couple of those as well besides that um here's where Mexican argue with me is super glue so I like using super glue especially unlike my cuticles and they crack and that type of thing it's not the best it does kind of damage the tissue a little bit but it works if you can get some of the actual skin surgical glue that's used in emergency rooms and that type of thing if you have that hookup then get that kind of stuff cuz it works really well but I always carry super glue or if I can get that dermabond yeah I use that suffice that's awesome besides that alcohol prep pads you can never have enough usually I carry about ten I also carry some iodine prep pads as well depending on the situation so capable for those the biggest lifesaver is going to be triple antibiotic ointment so always always always carry that because if you've been in the field for any amount of time you know how easy it is to get some type of infection from a cut so that augment will save your life and make sure that you prevent infections there's nothing less cool than dying of a blood infection that just sucks right we're just done in general just suck so don't don't let it happen if you can try to prevent it be still die at least you look cool because you tried to prevent it but always triple antibiotic ointment highly recommended um a couple other things are gonna help you out burn gel you're always gonna burn yourself you don't know how hot those emery pads can get you know be careful muskan you're always gonna get some jacked-up feet out there probably not even your own usually it's other people but always carry it just in case you know it's R it's worth it doesn't weigh that much and it's absolutely worth it it's so small lip ointments you know I'm a huge fan of those little girl like egg blue chapstick things I just love them I don't know why they're they feel so good on your lips so highly recommend the recommended take care your lips they're important besides that a couple of other things that you might want to have our electrolyte packets so I get those little rice ones that the medics can just give you but uh just carry some type of electrolyte packet those things are a huge pick me up when you out in the field and then of course anti diarrheal antihistamines and some type of aspirin some guys carry ibuprofen talk to your medics about carrying ibuprofen before you do it in the field there might be some situations where it's not a good idea to take that so make sure you consult with them as much as I do love ibuprofen when I'm at home there can be some issues with it so guys those are kind of some very basics of individual first-aid kits and a little bit about boo-boo kits there are so much so much more we can go into as far as organization and retention and prepping these medical supplies for actual use actually using them so we'll be doing some more courses we're gonna be talking with a couple more combat medics we're gonna be getting into this more over the next couple months but I wanted to do a small prep and a small primer on some of the items that you might want to get your hands on to at least prepare yourself and again guys with all this training really matters if you don't have the training to use these items you're gonna be screwed so make sure you get that training I will be recommending some medical training group so I'll be doing some work with them over the next couple months so I'll be recommending those to you soon and as always guys I appreciate you watching stay tuned for next week I know there's some craziness with the youtubes going on with firearms and don't worry we're staying around we might have to kind of readjust fire a lot of the things that we talked about but don't worry I'm not going anywhere guys and that firearm content will be hosted elsewhere so it's not going away you're just gonna get more grantham just more of me it's gonna be great I got nothing else for you take care guys wool socks highly recommend wool socks if you need type of field events or anything like that there's nothing better I don't know why they feel so good even in high heat wool is just the way to go they have saved my feed multiple times a couple various brands I'd recommend smart wool or darn tough both are excellent and will serve you well so don't forget about those wool socks
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Views: 350,459
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Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, med kits, medkit, first aid kit, emergency first aid, ifak, how to put together ifak, best ifak, trauma kit, how to put together a trauma kit, best trauma kit, basics of first aid kits, best medkit setup, bug out medical kit
Id: XCzIqgzT390
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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