Navy SEAL Mark "Coch" Cochiolo Talks Plate Carriers

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hey it's coach attack oh hi and today I want to talk to you a little bit about plate carriers see a lot of guys with a lot of stuff on there's a lot of cool stuff out there now you don't have to wear it all at once alright one of the things about you plate carriers you want to keep it as light as possible what's the mission these are things you got to ask yourself there's certain certain things that you're gonna have all the time but you know lot of stuff that you may not need ok every time you wanna be just just because there's exposed Molly doesn't mean I need to put another pouch on there right good basic setup here you want to have your three magazines right up here in the that's tight of fitting closest fitting can thiru pouch that you can get I always like to have a fixed blade knife that I can get to fairly quickly and easily mounted right about here and right in front of that you have your multi-tool these are things that you can get to right away because you're gonna need them without having to dig through your kit to find them right knife magazines this pouch here is just left there for when I'm not wearing a battle belt sometimes that's all you'll have is your plate carrier and you're actually going to mount your pistol to your plate carrier okay it may be rare but you know it's there just in case now you want to have a bag something here on the side out of the way if your draw for your pistol so I'm use the opposite side if I'm if I take my nods off during the day and those knives roll around and your helmet all day long give your neck a break okay take your nods off you still want them on you you don't want to leave the wire without having your nods on you because hey guess what happens then every day it gets dark okay you want to be all that on the night right okay keeping that as slim as possible obviously you got your plates underneath here and then I always have the behind the plate first-aid kit so if you do get whacked you've got something to play the whole on you or your buddy you want that behind the armor not in front of it because if you take one in there you're gonna put a hole in all your all your repair stuff okay gotta have that patch kit blowout kit somewhere on ya all the time just makes sense okay coms there's usually a pouch in here you shove your comms in here run the wires up you know have it permanently attached here and then no comms I always like to have this vs 17 panel with the orange so you could throw out there and get the attention of aircraft so the good guys know where you are so they can drop the bombs on the bad guys okay not if I'm running this without any battle belt then this is where I'm gonna mount the the pistol it's gonna roll up right in here just slips in there and that just stays right there I'm not using this Molly anyway cuz if I do have a battle belt on that's where my drawers gonna come through I want to keep this nice and slick you want to be drawn around a bunch of [ __ ] okay just keeping that again clean as possible now that's for your plates if you want plates if you if you're going someplace where plates are gonna be too heavy don't even bring the damn plate carrier go with your rhodesian it's nice it's light you can put almost same stuff on it it's got a few pouches but this weighs a whole lot less and if you're humping around the hills of Afghanistan you got a way you know the weight of your protection against what you're actually you know doing okay now this this get up here this is the last thing I went to war with I invaded Iraq with that on and at your gas masks back here just in case that WMD was a real we thought it was real so this is an older setup they don't they didn't have kangaroo pouches back then so you had your your add-on pouches here and at admin pouch with chem-lights and whatever else you shoved in there but again still had that same fixed blade knife and bought the same spot I liked having this on here cut a man dress off real fast with that bad boy just zip him down and then searches over again coms would go in this pouch here this the comlink runs up same spot the small nav light I had a backpack because we didn't know how long we were gonna be out it was a lot a lot less resupply back then so we carry a lot more with us normally I would have breaching charges back here some water whatever Possible's but it stayed back in here and then I had the extra just blow out kit and your kit for atropine 2-pam chloride in case you get hit with a bio weapon so we had carry more stuff just because we didn't we didn't know what we're gonna encounter so again what I rather have gone with something really really like hell yeah this thing's get this gets old but you got to have enough pouches to to carry what you need but you don't have too many pouches on guys you put an extra pouch on you're gonna fill it with something you're not leaving the wire without and whether it's just you know snacks for later or extra warm ease or [ __ ] throw more mags in there all right and last minute a lot of those things seemed like a good idea but through some experience and you'll learn what you what you need and what you don't need and you don't need at home take just what you need and that's pretty much all I got for you today with the plate carriers I mean oh well one other thing so this is another setup I did for a a cop friend of mine but play carries are expensive it cost a lot of money if you're just going to train whether you just run around with it you want to you know one you just beat up airsoft I think this one I'm not sure even who makes it the airsoft guys they make some good stuff it'll last a while it's not quite as comfortable it's not quite as cool the materials not quite as good but you can beat the hell out of it and doesn't cost you as much you know and it lasts approximately well you know ballistic nylons ballistic nylon I guess but you notice you know again the knife's in the same spot the multi-tool stays in the same spot everything stays as close as you can so you get used to work in that same gear if you're moving from one platform and to another even if it's just a Rhodesian you still want to keep as much stuff as the as similar as possible between your platforms so that you don't have to retrain and under stress you're not going to be making mistakes all right that's pretty much all I got for you today but that's your plate carriers this is the old busted and this is a semi new hotness there's the Jaypee see if there's a bunch of good ones out there mmm and they cost some money but how much is your life worth
Channel: Tactical Hyve
Views: 256,236
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Keywords: tactical hyve, tactical hive, hive tactical, hyve tactical, navy seals, seal team 6, plate carriers, crye precision
Id: YsIPo670N2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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