TREX TALK: Plate Carrier Dos and Don'ts

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[Music] welcome today we're going to be talking about one of my favorite subjects i'm going into my i'm into my second reign so this could become a little wild we could get a little opinionated we could talk about a few manufacturers we could talk about companies that make things across the border and then say it's made in america you talk about all that stuff on this particular life but we'll we'll see how the rain hits and like where we go but the subject for this particular live that we're doing is talking about plate carriers do's and don'ts understanding why plate carriers and i also want to go over some of the uh modifications to ac ones you can make because as some of you all may have noticed the ac one is back uh this is after a lawsuit dealing with a really crummy vendor at the beginning of the year with our first shipment of ac ones the whole ac uno debacle essentially the vendor promised a bunch of things to us they signed certificates saying it'd be made in america very compliant all that great stuff they ultimately subbed stuff out to shops that took smuggled the material across the border to get made in mexico smuggled it back tore the main mexico tags out sewed t-rex arms labels in then shipped it to us and then we fit through various means we figured out what was going on shut that whole thing down uh we didn't have ac ones for about seven months uh with the exception of some ac uno drops where we told all of you guys hey here's what's going on we're selling them for dirt cheap and if you're okay with having a plate carrier that might be made in mexico have at it so we did two drops of those and we are done none of them are getting made in mexico they're all made in america there was a vendor that we went out and visited we have two actual two american vendors that are making the ac one now and we launched with over four thousand with the restock this monday and they're still in stock medium range for green medium multicam and you can kind of see it over there medium arid they're being made in batches so the smalls will come in at some point the larges will come in the gray the black the coyote all that good stuff although coyotes going the way of the dodo we are just going to focus on arid for those of you who live out in the desert or for those of you that want a little more drip as the kids are saying these days so no more coyote we're not doing that so i'm sorry to marines out there but you can get play cares from other people so let's talk about plate carrier philosophy real quick so the number one fundamental purpose of a plate carrier and there's a lot of people out there who just they take a plate here and they think man i got to maximize how much crap i put on it you know every single square space i'm going to put carabiners gloves kim lights magazines hydration frag grenades like they try to maximize every single space on the plate carrier but the ultimate goal of a plate carrier isn't necessarily for carrying gear the ultimate goal of a plate carrier is to hold plates body armor hard plates or soft armor if you have like a soft armor vest so uh these are hesco plates for for you know demonstration but that is the ultimate goal of a plate carrier if your goal is to simply carry gear you may actually be better served just having something like a chest rig something much more lightweight something that you can actually put into a bag a little bit easier than something like a plate carrier and plate carriers without plates inside of them kind of suck like they don't work real well you don't have a lot of structure and form and whatnot it's just it's not great it all like spills forward in the front so the ultimate goal of a plate care is to hold plates after that you can layer them up and build them out now i want to go over a couple things and it's taken me a little bit to come to some of these conclusions and i've had conversations with grand thumb and a few other people on hey what are you finding using all these different kinds of plate carriers what do you use for what when do you use it kind of what's your philosophy and what's going on and we had a really good conversation a few months ago on the cry avs style of plate carrier versus stuff like the spiritus lv119 and other minimalist carriers on the market so basically what you have and this is kind of what i explained to people you have sort of what i classify is three types of plate carriers you've got super low vis slick carriers where the primary objective is holding plates you know like i stated earlier they're super slick with literally nothing on them and in this case this is a mayflower an old mayflower velocity you know this is a plate carry you wear under your shirt you know it's white so you maybe you know don't see it as easily and the purpose of this is just armor in a concealed setting the straps are super thin material i mean look at that you won't see it through a shirt you're not going to load this up with a bunch of mags and a bunch of other stuff then you have plate carriers that are kind of in the middle and that's what i would classify as you know something a little more like this an ac1 style a minimalist style a spiritus a ferro a slickster a fill in the blank it's got two plate pockets it's got an elastic cummerbund most likely two shoulder straps and it can take a little more gear it's not quite as covert as something like that but it's also not a full load-bearing plate carrier if you want to actually run a ton of crap and what you want for that is something like this this is a cry cpc it's the older version of the acs or the avs not the acs but on the inside i want to open the sucker up these are pricey they're about 900 bucks to build out but on the inside you have a full harness with pads and all kinds of stuff going on and this thing's comfortable i mean i put this on add plates in here put it on had a bunch of crap on it and it was it's pretty nice but as you can see this thing is also huge so concealing this putting this in a duffel bag is a little more tricky than say one of these minimalist style plate carriers or the super slick you know mayflower style right here so there's a purpose i kind of classify them into three types you've got your slick low vis you've got your sort of medium load out minimalist you know you can scale it down to slick you can scale it up a little bit for some stuff and then you've got like a full load-bearing rig such as the cpc avs uh eagle mpcr or whatever it's called and there's a few others out there and this is actually a this is pretty cool guys this is a double cummerbund this is actually kind of rad this one is all structured it's got the little tab that slips on the inside and then there's the external cummerbund right here with all the molle and the internal cummerbund has a radio pouch right here so you can run your radio then run all this stuff there's just a lot going on with this carrier but it's extremely comfortable a very nice setup so without understanding what t-rex arms is offering is the middle of the road slick you can build it slick you could build it out a little bit but i see a lot of folks out there and i'm guilty of this too that took select carriers like this and we tried to build them out to the max you know back panels you know placards fully loaded cummerbund all this crap and the reality is it these carriers don't hold the weight real well they don't dis disperse the load of all the gear as well as something like that cpc can you do it yes is it going to be as good absolutely not so i want to be really upfront about that for folks that don't understand plate carrier use why these exist why these exist why little slick carriers exist that's why different missions different whatnot now in this case uh let's run over an ac one i do want to cover questions i do want to want to talk about questions uh we'll go through here real quick uh eagle yeah i've got one of those one of those old school carriers uh how many mags do you recommend to carry on your plate here for home defense well here's the best part guys the reality is you are probably not putting on a plate carrier for home defense if you look at home defense studies if you look at what common scenarios are in a home defense situation they occur within like a minute 60 seconds or so you know if late at night you get out of bed do you have time to put on a plate carrier night vision and cut the power to your home and turn on all the ir motion sensor lights the answer is probably not if you actually look at realistic scenarios odds are all you have time to do is literally grab your rifle and that's all you have because you don't know exactly what's going on um you don't get up like i've drawn my gun and gone through my house uh three or four times now i don't instinctively put on my plate carrier because i'm like oh shoot i don't know what's happening quickly kid up and panos cut the power like no i'm not doing that i have no idea what's going on and one of the times it was mormons at the front door and i went out the side door and had my pistol and i was like what's going on oh hey what's up and then you know i had to talk to them didn't put on my plate carrier for that so for home defense not the most realistic scenario where this stuff plays in is something in my opinion a lot worse that the second amendment is intended for and that is civil unrest potentially a government you're holding accountable foreign invasion and whatnot it's not for home defense this stuff is not for home defense home defense is a rifle with a light or a pistol with a light or a shotgun you know so you don't have to aim you just do this just kidding that's a myth you have to aim with shotguns that's a much more likely scenario for home defense and you can go and read studies about it you can read police reports you can go read first-hand accounts of how long did it take how much time did you have to prepare were you able to prepare did you know it was going to happen purely reactive you're not able to put on kid in time so i think that's something that really needs to be understood because there are people out there that think oh home defense i'll hop down and put this on the answer is no you won't uh it's just not going to happen hope that makes sense so red dawn yeah exactly so ac1 let's cover this real quick because you know we do have these and you know they're pretty cool they're pretty cool it's a nice little setup so i've used a lot of carriers we go and use buy carriers from everyone and i mean everyone spiritus pharaoh cry eagle we go and collect plate carriers from every company out there we try them out we play with them first spear like all these different companies and over the years of using them there were features to different plate carriers that i really liked and there were some features that were lacking that i wanted to put into our own carrier so the ac-1 is like i specified before it is more or less a minimalist plate carrier this is you don't get the flag patch although you should get one this is what you get right here you get two plate pockets an elastic cummerbund two buckles for your swift clip placard style setups padded shoulder pads although they're light you know it's not for like a full load it's just but there is foam on the inside and this is what you get for 190 made in america now there's a couple things about this plate here that make it a little different some of the other ones on the market the first is the cummerbund is not simply you know the little slots the cells are not just size four five five six there are a lot of cummerbunds out there i think pretty much everyone just does 556 for the entire thing and the downside to that is if i want to carry other stuff like a multi-tool a flashlight a you know whatever or in this case a medical kit in the larger one i can't do that you know i i'm not going to be able to fit a medical kit into a 556 pouch that is this big but if i go up to the next size which is right behind it i can fit one of our little itr k's or you know even another med kit from another company in this pouch right here so what we do with the five five this particular cummerbund on the ac one is we have small medium big big for big items medium for radios or five five six mags small for small small is what we have going on the other thing that's really big and this i think this is pretty important we do not have a cummerbund on the back that is exposed the cummerbund is covered by the rear flap of the plate carrier now there's kind of two styles of plate carriers out there on the market uh we have this one uh to demonstrate well actually this isn't the best demonstration but it works you've got let me come here you've got traditional velcro cummerbunds which are my favorite let's do this and simply the way they work is they attach in the back of the plate carrier just like so and then you're like it's it's being stuck back here and so then you have the cummerbund right that's like a very traditional way of doing it but then you had companies like cry come along and they were like yeah we don't like that we're going to do this like three strand kind of a system and in this case with the mbav these little strands route through the sides of the plate bag they attach to each other and they're internal inside of the plate carrier and then you have uh the jpc for example where the cummerbund kind of does this action and you actually weave shock cord through the entire cummerbund so you get a little bit of stretch but ultimately you're having to tie a bunch of knots and do a bunch of weird stuff asparagus did the same thing with the lv-119 in my opinion it's one of the worst things about the plate carrier when you set it up initially because you have to literally tie some like crazy knots inside the plate carrier and set your cummerbund and use their little grid system inside of the plate carrier it's not something you could just like open up do and then shut it's very difficult when you're first setting up the plate carrier so i wanted something a little more simple but not just a cummerbund that is exposed to the elements because i've had issues with carriers in the past where my cummerbund is exposed like this and stuff catches and pulls it i've had a current bond literally pull off of me because i was in a car went to bail out there you know uh seats of vehicles are sometimes a little uh sticky and because the corner of my velcro was opened up that literally caught inside the car and as i bailed because velcro you know it shears away you can't like like you can't defeat velcro side to side but it literally just peeled off of my carrier like this as i bailed from the vehicle so i think it's pretty important to have your cummerbund protected because that's literally the thing that's holding the plate carrier to your body because in the front usually it's pretty adhered by like your placard and you know everything else so we simply just have this nice little flap you know like on kids pajamas you know with the little flat back there uh we have this little flap right here and you're set and you're good to go you're yeah you know what never mind i was gonna charles is gonna ask you a question so that's what we have so your cummerbund is fully protected but the cool thing is because of this it's very simple velcro hook and loop there's a lot of cummerbunds from other companies that can work with this plate carrier velocity has one uh you can retrofit a cry and bath cummerbund one of my favorites to work on here and the entire thing is protected back here and i think that's something that's super important we also have padded shoulder pads cool whatnot and that's just uh that's how it is questions other placard variations coming possibly let's run over a few ammunition styles for plate carriers i have a bunch of options right here we've got the obviously they have a i need to stop saying obviously as much i'm catching myself saying that i've been saying i'm a lot i said that a lot in the vortex podcast and i just really wanted to you know like jump off a bridge basically so we have a swift clip buckles here on the front of the carrier so that means any traditional swift clip style placard not like the lbx which has their own like proprietary thing for whatever reason but uh this particular haley micro can work on there just fine boom it's set spiritus little elastic thingy you know this little guy right here this works on there too if you want to you know have a slick front you've also got if you want to go a little bigger you've got the mayflowers these are really nice this is a 7621 it is a little wider than the plate carrier itself but it still adheres just fine hold it over here this is the 762 one i use it for my scar mags and stuff like that uh what else do we have uh this is the actually this is the velocity four mag this one's pretty cool although it is you know four magazines and it's you know he's trying to put a little bit of weight in the front you know with four mags and then you also have what we offer something a little bit different is we had s-tac make us this uh exclusive little uh placard it does come with swift clip buckles although i prefer using it without and this is just three kydex inserts with loop for on the front hook on the back there are chest rig little uh tabs so if you do want to wear it as a little chester you can although i'd recommend getting an actual chest rig for that but but what i the way i like to use this is i've ditched the buckles so i run slick in the front nothing ditch the buckles on the top completely slick run this guy right in the front leave one side velcroed and then when i go to put this on all i have to do is go in from one side velcro to the front and that keeps everything nice and tight to the body three mags in the front whatever i need in the cummerbund and i'm done this is one of my favorite like setups and ways of doing things however i have very much enjoyed if i want a little more kit you know i want a little more stuff going on taking this guy which i also wear these on their own so like mayflower ready to go take the mayflower which the cool thing with this rig is it's also swift clip compatible because this clips into their harness i literally buckle this in because you will want to use the buckles for this buckle this to the front and obviously the problem with this guy i just said it again through the scope the problem with this is i've got some overhang on each side so how do we prevent this from flopping out because this is not going to work real well well we take the rear strap that it comes with because it's a standard chest rig flip over these and this is where having a flap in the back of the plate carrier is absolute money so let's go ahead and actually velcro this to the the front here i ran this setup at this big airsoft thing i went to recently and man it was it was nice then chad used my setup and uh i think he told me it was the best chest the best plate carry ever used in his life and now he has his own he didn't quite say that but he did immediately go and buy one that night a chest rig so what you do is you route the rear strap for the chest rig underneath the flap then you shut the flap now that ain't going nowhere and now i can use the rear strap to help retain the chest rig to my carrier then when i go to put the plate carrier on i attach the cummerbund in the front take my strap attach it and obviously you'll want to set the the tightness of this and whatnot based on what you're wearing and all that good stuff but now i have a full chest rig that gives me a little bit more options four magazines all my gb pouches the load is kind of spread out it's not like all in the front tipping forward i can still shoot prone with this and whatnot and i have that rear strap here in the back that is keeping the chest rig tight to my body now this is a little more traditional kind of a way of running a chest rig on a plate carrier the other method which is even more traditional is you just wear the chest ring completely on top of it which on an ac1 is actually pretty good the only issue is you're starting to add a harness on top of your plate carrier so there's a little bit of extra stuff going on this right here is a real money setup right there and can it support the weight yes it can although if i really wanted to wear this for like weeks on end you know all this stuff right here i would definitely upgrade the shoulder pads or potentially go to something like this cpc so don't think i'm trying to tell you guys like hey get this and you'll be done you'll have everything you need forever not necessarily but it is a great little setup obviously well obvious yes okay quiet quiet um [Music] all right so let's let's go through some let's go through some questions real quick you're listening to this on your way home well hopefully you're not driving and watching because that's a good way to get into a what's called a situation so don't do that listen but you know don't do anything else uh did we see aig live about this exact setup uh i did a ig uh video on instagram yeah kind of going through the whole thing and whatnot how can these be cleaned well you can put them in the washer i'm pretty sure but i don't actually clean my gear like that you could also just do a traditional little uh scrubby leave it in the rain uh but no i actually don't like clean my gear i'm disgusting okay like i know i know but i haven't done that uh that's why i like more mags on belt so going prone is an issue yeah prone is a really interesting conversation because you get shooters on two sides of the fence and and i've i've been there i've been like prone's overrated it's stupid nobody ever does it and then i talk to other people who are like no we absolutely go prone like if we can go prone we take it we're flat to the deck we're a smaller target we have more stability we can shoot faster which if you're shooting a single target without having to transition that's absolutely correct monopod it down hand on the rail you can rattle rounds off prone super fast we're going to do some of that tomorrow i've got a very particular drill we're going to be running it's going to be a lot of fun but it's going to require target transitioning which in the prone sucks when you're actually having to move your entire body to actually like transition in the prone so in talking to guys they're like no we like prone other guys are like no we don't i think it is important to train i think it is important for people to do know how to do know how to get really flat know how to control the gun but yes there are issues when you start loading up a ton of stuff in the front when it comes to going prone now i haven't had issues going prone with a setup like this where i have one row of magazines and a little bit of other stuff in the front i think some people kind of moan and gripe a little more than maybe they need to and it probably just comes down to a training thing being used to it and actually doing it the worst thing to do from prone is shooting with night vision that really sucks trying to keep your head upright and get on your laser and everything that sucks from prone pretty much no matter what but the reality is with all this stuff right here you can make it work and that's what we're going to be doing tomorrow so nice little setup right there in multicam so obvious motherless goat yes mayflower apc worth it the answer is yes it is mayflower makes some really nice plate carriers in fact i need to go get one of their um they're a little slick like they have a slicker one and they have like a bigger one and i need to go get one of the slick ones different yeah exactly so uh any advice so advice for newbie on what to buy and how to know what plate care size you need so we have a great little guide on our website about plate carrier sizing and how that works and you know you measure from like you know your body and you like figure some stuff out the reality is medium-sized plates are the size for most people and the way it comes down to buying plate carriers you do not buy the plate carrier you feel matches the proportions of your body you buy the plate carrier based on the size of the plate and i see people and this is that this is the this is the funniest thing ever they'll see a slick carrier like this that's small right so maybe not this one because i have a huge chest rig on it actually i'll just ditch it take the whole thing off i love this this is great i remember i went to a swap medic course uh five years ago and i remember people gave me crap for having a jpc but you have this little carrier right here right and dudes see it and they go oh that carrier that's a baby carrier that thing's tiny and it's like hey what size plates you have in your plate carrier they go mediums and i go oh well i got mediums too so who's the chump now because the reality is there are some plate carriers out there that are bigger they have more material they're obviously built larger but that isn't giving you any extra protection it only gives you extra protection if you have extra armor plates like side plates or deltoid armor or like a groin protector like if it's just a carrier that takes this then it doesn't matter how big the plate carrier is you're still only getting this amount of protection it's all like aesthetic at that point where people are like oh baby plate carrier but they literally have the same plates protecting their body that i have i just have a slicker slimmer less material lighter weight dries quicker plate carrier which in some ways is possibly better than whatever huge bulky chinese made piece of crap they have looks like something from 2002. so that's always funny when people kind of approach that subject because you know it's really obvious it's really easy to see just you know they don't know what they're talking about but there is a time to place like i said for a larger plate care such as the cpc versus a smaller carrier like this but ultimately size medium plates size medium plates they will have the exact same protection the exact same ballistic-ness unless i go to start adding side armor and you know a bunch of other crap to it it's always fun so what to wear on the back of a plate carrier this is a great conversation to have because i think people really oh man what's the right word i think people aren't realistic about it and i'm guilty of this too so i want to tell you all kind of what i was thinking so i've got a really slick plate carrier here well it's not slick well it sort of can be uh i might need help finding it oh here it is so back panels so the real question is what is your goal what is the goal of putting stuff back here because the reality is you can't get to it unless you take your plate carrier off or you have a buddy do it so if you're a solo dude you probably don't want to back panel on your plate carrier because you aren't getting anything out of that unless you actually ditch your entire carrier what will be much more effective will be this a backpack a nice tradition i know it's not as cool and like high speed and awesome and operator and all that but it's literally a backpack you wear this on top of your plate carrier that has a slick back you're doing your thing you're like oh man i want some munchies i want to you know get my food out so then you literally take your bag off you still have your plate carrier on you get your munchies out you get your snickers your calorie whatever stuff because you need 5 000 calories because you're in antarctica or whatever and then you know what you do you put your backpack back on see how easy and awesome that was granted without a flicker on but if i have this back panel on this jpc 2.0 i can't i i can't i can't get to it like i have to go to a buddy and go hey uh top right pocket i've got some munchies i need them like get them out for me i need some peas and cues get them out for me um so the issue with back panels when people you know are looking at buying plate carriers is they see the cool guys running this and i'm guilty of it too and they go well i just need this i just need that really awesome 200 cry back panel because i want to put some crap back here and probably medical and i want to put like some some maps and then an extra water and then oh we'll put some flash bangs up here oh but i don't have flash bangs oh i'll put 20 round magazines i'll put 20 around ar mags because they fit oh that's what i'll do but you can't get any of this unless you take the rig off and then the other best part this is the really the best part right people buy these back panels saying oh they're super modular i've got zippers i can you know i can i can pop this zipper pop this zipper pull the 200 placard off or the back panel and then i can add my assaulter back panel with all the frag pouches on the top and or i can put my little helmet one on there well the reality is are you actually building out three different back panel loadouts because the reality is most of us probably aren't doing that we're going to be carrying basically the same stuff at all times we're not doing three different back panel loadouts for gear that we can't even get to unless we take the plate carrier off so this stuff is really cool but is it actually that realistic for the average joe and in my opinion probably not a backpack that you can actually get to yourself as an individual so you're not having to rely on a team element may actually be more effective you also pay a lot of money for these systems having all the zippers and if you're not going to go modular don't do the zippers anyway because you don't need them so i think it's really funny when people you know they see photos online of guys and they go man i just i gotta have what they have but they don't understand what those guys are doing what their mission is how much gear they actually have to have modular gear for how they operate as a team and this setup right here may actually uh not be effective for you as an individual compared to a dude who's on a team who trains with that team all year is always with the same guys and they know what's going on so you really got to think about the why like why do you want this stuff on your back and what do you actually need to put there so i'm of the opinion right now that the majority of people would be better served with a backpack that is completely separate and then you have a plate carrier i hope my logic is making sense but some of you will probably disagree and then having a plate carrier that's slick on the back so when i wear this i'm having no problems at all i don't have a bunch of pouches back here that are getting in the way and making it all uncomfortable slick back plate carrier on top hope that makes sense but it's something i thought through a lot and i've really tried to figure out like what do i actually need to put back there night vision cool have that water extra mags some other stuff and then it's like well i can fit way more of that in a bag that i can actually dump and hit z twice drop my bag on the ground you know little tarkov reference for those of you don't know so what about a camelback uh that can be pretty cool if you slip it back there it's usually small enough you can wear a pack on top that's what i have on uh this guy right here so this is an ac one built up a little bit more i have the wtf we don't have a back panel like adapter right now but this is from a company called whiskey tango whiskey tango foxtrot wtf i know right um but they uh they make this back panel adapter for the ac one that gives you laser cut molly now laser cut molly is it's okay it's it's i mean i like standard molle more than laser cut really but uh but it works and so what i have on here is a ss precision uh water little pack thing so it's pretty slick back here i could still still wear a plate a backpack on top if i needed to got a little gp pouch right here and that's it so if you do want to put stuff on your back and not have a modular panel because i don't need that like i just i don't have tons of like loadouts like that if i need to i just grab a different plate carrier just have like two different ac ones that i swap between um and that's how i have it set up so nice and slick camera button is good to go three seven six two mags in the front and uh and i'm set this is an arid and the plates are broken get back there just kidding they don't break that easily questions questions whiskey two four thank you whiskey tango for i don't know whatever so milsimcom set up i had a hytera disco 32 and uh non-amped ptt going to a modified sword ins so let's actually talk about that real quick so i have so for the the big airsoft event that we went to recently it was a lot of fun if you guys haven't seen my video that i did earlier this year airsoft is one of the most underrated training experiences you can do right now if you can't afford ammo and you're bored of the flat range and i'll be honest the flat range gets a little boring now i'm going to start sounding like a psychopath uh but the reality is when you're just shooting on a flat range and you're shooting the same drills over and over and there's not a lot of differences you can add to shooting i mean it's just targets you know non-threat targets threat targets speed and accuracy like it gets old like it's always the same right but if you actually want to go and train some other stuff stuff you're never going to get on the flat range because you're never going to replicate it like shooting people or target identification stuff like that you have to either go do force on force go to war and hope you actually get into a gunfight which right now is very very very very few people or you can go to an airsoft event where you actually get lots of reps of running around wearing your kit longer than two hours using a radio using maps and then also having to do target identification and so the thing that i tell people who are wanting to get to go to these events they're large like organized events and i say the same thing folks that want to start shooting competition if you can go to a match your first match and shoot the whole thing and not get a dq that's awesome if you can go to a milsim event an airsoft event and go through the whole match without a team kill that's a win that's awesome and uh thankfully at this event i didn't team kill anyone the one before earlier this year uh pretty sure i shot a few people without doing good enough pid so that's a big thing to work on and the only way you can really work on it is going to one of these events so this was the rig that i ran for that so i kind of knew like hey here's here's what i'm going to be doing i'm going to be wearing all my kit all day i will be able to resupply water pretty often so i don't need to carry a ton of water on my body to slow me down so what i had is the exact same setup mayflower set up with a prototype little thingy here in the back to keep this uh stuck to my body water bottle in the front so i just reloaded this you know every time i was at our little little base resupply point suck that down dump it add a new one so i always had water right here accessible i don't really like bladders and stuff like that and the big camelbacks i prefer having something like this four magazines in the front batteries uh i had a multi-tool head lamp my little dead rag to indicate when i've been shot and i'm you know dead medical radio ptt i had pharaoh shoulder pads on here and then i had nothing on the back and the benefit to that is and i had this with me i didn't need to use it but if i absolutely needed to i then add my backpack and because i'm slick on the back i can wear that sucker just fine dump it when i don't need it now i'm nice and slick can sit in a vehicle and i'm set so this is my rig that i ran don't ask this is a prototype atac cogworks adapter that uh derrick made for me that we probably are not making because i don't know i don't know so i have a way of running a phone here which i did use for maps and stuff because i wanted to play with it i thought it'd be it'd be cool be fun uh but yeah this is my loadout it worked great it ran awesome uh we're gonna be playing with more shoulder pads here in the future adding them to the ac one yeah cheater yeah people don't call their hits on airsoft i mean it happens and it's stupid um i probably called hits on myself too much from like ricochets and stuff because technically you're not supposed to you don't have to call hits for ricochets but it's just like i have no idea i'm dead it's fine it's a game who cares um nobody gets to win in airsoft the winners i love this this is always hilarious i'm going to touch on this especially for people that want to go to airsoft and milsim and compete against people we got the question when we were done with it hey did your team beat haley's team did haley's team beat yours did you win this you win that and the reality is the winner of a melson event or a training type of situation the winner is the one that had their brain turned on the most and learned the most you can lose at a milsam like scenario right just get completely just rolled up and absolutely steamrolled and destroyed right but if you take stuff from that that you learn you want like it's the exact same thing with shooting if i'm shooting a drill and i'm self-analyzing like oh yeah i you know i that's a delta on the left i did this the results in that i had a mic on this target because i rushed my sights that's a win even though you failed the drill it was a win because you called it and you had a hypothesis for what went wrong and you know what went wrong and it's the exact same thing with any training scenario four sun four simulation utm airsoft it doesn't matter who wins the scenario because the winner of the scenario is the one who learns the most so for the the night scenario we did against haley's team his team technically won 16 defenders against seven attackers they all had night vision we had five sets of nods two dudes that didn't uh not great odds although i'm very happy with how our team did but we learned a lot so for me it was like where were winners we learned a ton from this we snuck up took an hour and a half they didn't know we were there we actually got into their compound which is kind of incredible since they had 16 defenders we learned stuff even though we lost technically and that's how people need to be viewing training even if you lose at a competition or you lose a drill against your buddy or you you know fail a drill that you're shooting at the range provided you are understanding why you lost and what you can do to get better that's the win right there but people don't understand that they just want to get all competitive because they like watching football on sunday and it's a stupid paradigm and whatever so that's how it is losing is great failing forward is the term if you want to get all businessy so um the world okay cool i'm trying to get some questions in here keep hiring in real life yeah it's usually pretty evident when you're dead though because like you get rolled up on and just get absolutely smoked so you usually know when you're dead in airsoft nods protection yeah so night vision so i ran my 31s one night my panos the next night uh i'm not doing anything to protect them they're certain night vision user serviceable night vision you can add sacrificial caps to the front uh pbs31s have that built in which kind of sucks because you have to send it in and if it gets broken panos don't have that either so i'm just running them unprotected and hoping for the best and if they break i'll get them repaired because it's a training situation and i'll use them again that's just how it is so saving up for my first ar 500 can't wait to get it awesome i recommend and i i was wanting to start filming the video this week but we haven't gotten to it american recommendation for an ar keep saving is an arrow lower for like 250 bucks and a bcm upper that is the t-rex arms rifle that is the rifle we've been recommending to people for years we're going to keep recommending it i've got one over here that i'm building out uh for some stuff because i've been shooting a lot of mark 18's and mcx's and i'm going to go back to shooting bcm because this setup right here arrow lower bcm upper is the chad setup so if you could save up for that it's around a thousand fifty dollars depending on shipping and whatnot uh you'll be squared away with a grade a rifle for cheap monies not too expensive bye trying to sneak out so uh we have some footage that's going up yes ah use clear tape to protect nods uh don't think that really works the bb will still go basically the the energy will still transfer the night vision i don't think clear tape will work but you may know something i don't so uh reselling le guns for cheap that's really cool questions questions questions i'm looking at questions is the vertis worth it not for four thousand dollars is it worth it for 2000 yeah i think so for four grand no unless it makes you happy and if things make you happy then buy them not always but yeah the vertis at four thousand dollars absolutely not what was the biggest flaw with my kit that i found um the radio actually uh the kit itself ran great i love it i'm going to be running this tomorrow it's exact set up tomorrow on the range for some drills that we're doing the prone stuff i've got a really cool drill um actually yeah because uh we do fun things i got some some stuff i've been working on and uh printing these off but to really oh geez they're not gonna be able to see it yeah just go to close just go to close so we're going to be running this tomorrow with a bunch of setups you doing the zoom in oh geez basically i've got 50 meters three different barriers you run out the first barrier you shoot at prone but here's the best part instead of just shooting one target from prone which is super easy it's three targets they both two have no shoots one doesn't because i like i'm currently using no shoot targets to help work on my visualization game really dialing in on the center of a target not being super sloppy but from prone you have to transition between all three targets which sucks because you're having to move your entire body and you get all this friction and stuff happening with the ground attack mag from behind that low barrier so from a low position you know chest straight get in there load it stick it move to another barrier from crouched shoot all three targets again two rounds on each attack mag again from your chest rig move to uh the next barrier standing position two on each again attack mag again and then you move up and shoot all three on the move so for a total of 18 rounds with three tack mags working from prone standing prone crouched standing it's basically a drill that kind of encompasses everything but also works through your kit and i really like drills like that i do them every once in a while i usually do drills where it's like they're over in five seconds because i'm just repping you know a certain thing out like you know visualization for my peripheral or something like that but this drill we're gonna do tomorrow is gonna be a little more a little more intensive a little more i guess dealing with a little bit more stuff and uh kind of drew it up right here so anyway that's for tomorrow where was i going with that oh i can't remember maybe one of the guys can remind me kit oh yeah the biggest problem with kit yeah so the biggest problem with my radio uh my theory is so this is a hytera um oh jeez i'll read off the title this is my theory and i'm kind of done i think i'm kind of done using radios more or less like this although it does appear i think the batteries that came with these because these are used the batteries on these are absolutely fried because even with it on the charger and then running it on my kit this died eight hours in being on all day uh and i'm pretty sure it's just because these batteries are kind of fried because these are used radios so i want a radio and in this one you can sort of pop the battery off but i want a radio with uh loadable batteries so if i do actually go dead i can pull one out of a pouch and i'm good to go and i'm set so uh i definitely want radios with external batteries because that's something you can actually fix like in the field uh versus getting you know back to your little base and then like putting it in the charging station so this was actually the biggest problem that i had uh was with this hytera pd 782 with the battery dying about eight hours in that sucked that really sucked and then i didn't have comms for the night scenario which would have been great uh but again you wouldn't learn that and this is the great thing about these vents you wouldn't learn that at the flat range because the issue with the flat range is you go out there for four hours you put on your plate carrier for four hours which isn't really enough time to you know really notice some issues uh you know you put on your radio you do some comms checks with your buddies you do your drills you do your slow-mo video for instagram you you know put goon in the name and you know wear multicam black you do all that really cool stuff that everyone does on instagram right now but you're not actually getting like a little bit more of the experience i guess you could say or a little bit more of the factors that you actually need to like pay attention to doing something a little bit longer that's why we did that night hike recently it's why we go to these milsim events it's why we go to stuff where we can spend more time in the kit with the kit in determining some issues add another issue that i ran into i'll uh give this to you guys with our plate backer now i think this is with my particular set of plates i have 4 800 lvs size small they're kind of curving up into my sternum uh i guess a little bit sooner because you know i'm i'm technically between a size medium and a small i'm not actually a small but i had a whole lot of pressure from this pad right here up here at the top now i don't think this will be an issue with like the l210s because the l210s are so flat that there's really none of that curve that's occurring once you add the back panel but what i actually did when i got home is i was like that was a lot of pressure it was really uncomfortable i'm just going to chop this sucker right out of here and sure enough that alleviated the problem i went to the range war for a little bit was like wow this feels a whole lot better so again using your kit longer than just a couple hours you learn some stuff and you learn like what sucks and what doesn't it's great all right okay uh can you put a backpack on the ac one the answer is yes but at what cost but yes you can uh wtf has a back panel that is molly that you could slip right onto it i have that on a few plate carriers i may have one that's exposed i can show you all uh or chad maybe you could try to find one never mind a back panel that's uh exposed jeez or there's a coyote one there's a coyote one yeah that one right here i've got one to show you all it's actually pretty cool he came out with this right after we launched straight to jail right away but this is basically how it works you put this over the plate carrier shoulder straps go through this tucks up underneath where the plate backer uh the plate bag shuts and then you have laser cut molly and a loop field on the back of your carrier so it'll be just like this then you can put your pouches on there's a little lbt pouch that someone put on there don't know why uh what true or your hydration and your sat and these are things 70 bucks or something i can't remember something like that they work pretty well i've been using them off and on oh shoot okay um do you guys make sell the 762 placards so we have coming well soon i have no idea how much time that that's gonna take but we do have stack is going to be making for us a 762 version of the 556 placards size 4762 mag so in this case this is uh these are all three scar mags slap straight onto an ac-1 or other similar sort of a plate carrier cummerbund can go on top or you can have cummerbund underneath traditional-like and then you can velcro other stuff to the front but i have been using these and it works well so yes in the future we'll have a 762 panel for you fal users scar enjoyers and uh sr25 cloner crybabies okay just kidding um not always but sometimes so yeah 762 will be on the way are scar 16 is worth it uh yeah it really depends on the money the new ones are non-reciprocating it sounds like which is really cool you cannot attach a med1 to the ac one at least not right now because the med one is a dedicated beltworn medical kit if you want a medical kit to go on an ac-1 honestly what i would recommend i think i've got one on the back of here this is a very cool med kit it's a little big it's a little big but on the back of a plate carrier that's fine from so tech not soe this is so tech this is has pull handles on either side so you can deploy it very easily from either side of the plate carrier this one as you can see is a little large it spans the entire width of like a standard medium-sized plate carrier but if you want a med kit like on your plate carrier like a full one like ready to use that's you know accessible super fast um this setup right here is actually really nice you will need to put a molle back panel on there obviously to put it on there but you know you can do that you can also just spread medical gear out in the cummerbund on the sides with the two larger cells and then you're set pharaoh roll one that one's also really cool uh i think people put them in the back usually so you can kind of like get to it and you uh velcro it underneath kind of like a double mag pouch such as this one this is from cry you have two extra mags back here which is super cool not really for speed reloads there's there for supply will the 762 placard fit 762 by 39 yes actually might be a little big but yes it will fit those talk about the shingle i don't even have one here um well there's a tan one over there but we don't sell those um i don't have one right here but the shingles really dope and i'm hoping they'll be in stock again soon in the meantime if you need a shingle here's a company you can buy from if you can't buy from us i just got these once again from wtf this is basically like a pharaoh style turnover very simple it's just hook velcro here on the back attaches to the plate carrier cummerbund then goes on top you will have to run the carbon bond on top of this kind of like the shingle and now i have three mags and i'm set uh just got these today in fact and they're pretty dope they're pretty cool so if you can't wait for our placard which has the side pouches and is a little slimmer this is a pretty pretty dope little option it'll just simply go right here on the front boom cummerbund oh and this is a really cool trick i'm going to show you this uh buddy of mine was telling me about this um nate nate stastowicz from amu because he recently took a a class and did this for his cummerbund so what you do is you flip the cummerbund on your ac-1 you bring it around to the front because it is kind of ambiguous right and then the big pouch in the back of an ac-1 is sized to fit 762 mags so and i've done this before as well like if i have three mags in the front but i want like four i flip my cummerbund and now i can run an extra mag on each side and then i have my medium pouch right here and my small pouch in the back which then i just don't even use so nice little trick you could do with the ac one if you want to run a little bit more 762 action but right here you can see the wtf insert and then i can just take my 556 mag so pmag it will be a tight-ish fit once everything's pulling on it but there i'm set and i'm good to go so product from another company not us that works why not ac1 and coyote it is our least popular color it's also disgusting uh coyote brown is a sort of a vomit color uh in reality if we were to focus on a tan color that was not like arid uh it would be khaki i've got a khaki plate carrier right here from lbt again we use stuff from everyone and this color right here blends a lot better with a lot of different clothing than the yellow brown of coyote brown so if we were to do tan we would go with something like this it blends better with multicam it blends better with jeans it blends better with lighter colored clothing obviously contrasts you know pretty bright on like black clothing stuff like that oh that can be a bit of a bit of a vibe right there but uh this is this is what we'd be going with something that's khaki colored federal 499 i think is the uh the spec name but i don't know when that's going to happen for now we're just going to do arid such as this right here for those of you desert folk which is also again much more khaki and blends much better with stuff but still gives you that tan color that you i guess want desire or need so no more coyote i think we have one batch left coming in and then we are done done coyote is out gone straight to jail right away so this is extremely discriminatory towards nate it is nate for those who don't know nate's a guy who complains about us not doing county brown on my twitch streams constantly it's okay though we're not doing people are asking i'm gonna go off on a little rant people are asking us to make weird camos and by weird camos i mean multicam black dnc dcu acu actually nobody's asked that thankfully uh woodland m81 and i'm here to tell you we are not making camo patterns that people buy to look cool we're not going to do that the ac one was not a product we designed to just be this like hypebeast product this is a product that we designed and made because people needed a plate carrier especially in 2020 our armor sales were through the roof in 2020. people just wanted a way to put plates on their body they didn't care if it was m81 they didn't care if it was aor1 they didn't they didn't care they would buy anything i mean trust me when we put ac ones up they didn't care what color it was they were buying them they sold out instantly we sold 2000 plate carriers at launch within like it was something like four hours or something in 2020 it was nuts every election year is absolutely nuts and next election year is going to be even crazier i think you all know that the year before especially so no we're not going to spend time and effort and energy into making ac1 into frankly stupid colors like multicam black which is a horrible cam it's not a camo pattern it's a it's a cool pattern that doesn't look very good under night vision uh it's very bright at night compared to ranger green and even gray um dcu i mean lots of or desert dnc uh lots of people ask for that even though 100 people ask only 10 would actually buy because that's usually how it goes down woodland the problem with woodland velcro loop is very bright with woodland woodland generally looks best when it's in a clothing form so the material they make clothing out of and then as soon as it gets a little bit faded woodland is i mean great pattern when you get both of those factors but woodland kit the loop fields are super bright green the black is super contrasted it's just a really a really high contrast pattern with the velcro loop and with cordura fabrics itself so like woodland gear unless it's really faded looks really bright not a big fan of it and the reality is what really matters is your whole body right if we're talking camouflage i got all these appendages right that is uncovered by my kit so i actually need to think more about camouflaging all this than what's right here i mean i can wear a full woodland like woodland top woodland bottom and then ranger green middle and i'm good i'm like 80 percent woodland i don't need a woodland plate carrier to be completely camouflaged because the ranger green coyote and even multicam are going to blend just fine so at the end of the day the question is what is the goal what is the objective what what is the objective of you wanting multicam black or wanting multicam or wanting woodland is it just to look cool and impress your friends or is it you actually want to be fully camouflaged and i'm fully guilty of this too okay like you know i'm a flat ranged ninja all right people like to say that about me and they're not wrong they're not wrong i shoot on the flat range a lot i shoot a lot of ammo 50-ish thousand rounds this year i spend more time on the flat range than i do doing field problems in the woods and hurrying up and waiting uh but the question still remains what is the purpose of the gear what is the purpose of the color i mean there's a reason ranger green is our top selling product because it looks very professional uh it can blend in the woods but it also looks great in an urban setting ranger green is is really the professional color you know like straight black can look really good too but ranger green is just a very effective color for you know wearing full woodland bdus even multicam btus uh and then wearing jeans and a button shirt if you're at your local city protecting your friend's business because things are getting weird in 2023 and 2024. so anyway multicam black no i will say i will say though my belt is multi-cam black because it's a little fun uh it is not multi-cam black because it's a good camouflage pattern it's multi-cam black because it's a little fun my little uh day bag yeah you want me to show that yeah give me this my day bag is multicam black to be fun this is not camouflage that is not to hide in the woods that is my fun bag to come to work i also have one in aried so just give us black black's on the way at some point in the next month a month or two we'll have black but it is funny we get this all the time and i was talking to a derrick about a similar issue where people go make this color make this product in this thing and it's only like 10 percent of the people that ask for that follow through and actually like put money where their mouth is so like you can't always take like the pressure of the community because very few actually end up paying the money and so it's like crap i just bought you know 2 000 of this carrier in this color and only 200 people bought it and that really sucks gilly suits yeah i'd love to get into some of that stuff and stocking and whatnot who made that bag that is a prototype from us it's very nice isn't it so anyway um any experience with the strand hog uh it's a very cool plate carrier pricey it's about 450 dollars uh maritime got the tubes it's a great plate carrier but i haven't used it a ton but you wouldn't you wouldn't go wrong in owning one and having one it's just a little pricey talk about the eagle yolt no i will not no i don't think i will a very great it's a great bag you can pick up used ones that's what uh where is it my multicam one is it on the desk yeah you can pick these up on ebay for like 200 and uh i think 240 dollars something like that i went and bought a bunch of these um just a great bag it's got a beaver tail so you can run your helmet right here that's what these are called kind of an expanded little like cover outside of the bag itself these can support i'm pretty sure they can support yeah hydration got a loop right here and then you have all your pockets and mesh pockets and all that good stuff exterior pockets side pockets for rifle magazines water bottles just a nice obviously not a low viz bag for wearing you know downtown portland or anything but a nice bag to wear with your kit that can scale up to fit your helmet scale down and all that good stuff it's one of my favorites but i'm not an expert on bags because like i don't go and buy like everyone's bag to play with but that one really it gets done what i need it to do so how do you like the haley dcrm on the micro uh or micro uh i like it a lot the only thing about it that i don't like is uh it feels like the front of the pouch is constantly like wanting to peel away but part of that is just due to the nature of this kind of setup i've got three mags and a pouch in the front like it's going to be a certain amount of width that's just how it is but it does kind of feel like it wants to you know pull away from me a little bit i don't like how loose the little uh tabs are here that buckle up into the carrier but other than that it's a good rig it works i actually like the layout two pouches on the sides kind of tucked away and kind of hidden off to the side a big gp in the front which you can keep flat so that you can like go prone and do all your stuff or you can load it up it also opens up like all the way which is pretty cool and then it has kydex inserts which are a little tight i'd probably try to loosen them a little bit but then you have three inserts right here for mags it's a good little rig i think availability is improving and they're becoming much more available because i spent like 250 on that one on ebay and i think they sell for like 180 160 something like that so i paid a little bit of extra coin on that kind of like my 30 90 and but i think it's all right i think it's good but i think it's coming back um oh geez any opinion on hrt can't remember which one those are any experience with the lbt plate carriage the 6094 was one of the first plate carriers or plate carriers i had uh it's a good plate carrier it's very tried and true and proven uh it's a little like long in the front and on the back even though it's not really necessary for the plates that it holds but otherwise it's a good carrier i think there's something like 300 something dollar oh actually it might be like 400 they're a little a little pricey the new shell back's really cool i used the old one a long time ago and it was like but at the time that was like at the time the shell back was like the civilian plate carrier that was like 200 bucks everything else was like lbt 6094 back then the cry jpc wasn't even out yet so they had whatever it was that they had actually i think the jpc had just come out um this was back in like 2012 2011 um and so the shell back was like the only carrier civilians could really get because so many companies back then were only selling to government which sucks for us and uh so the shell back was like the first like massive like plate carrier to go out to people which is pretty cool avs uh yeah uh well best i mean they make the spc which is really cool the jpc 2.0 and i think they still make the 1.0 probably because of contract stuff and then the abs no multicam black no no no no if you see multicam black ac ones they will be fake i have no intention of making multi cam uh black ac ones unless for some weird reason it's for a giveaway or it's going to someone am i ever going to own one no i'm not i don't even own a dnc one those got given away pistol mags on war belts uh yes you should do it a lot of different options we're not talking about that right now i have a bunch of belts down there jpc was around 2012 yeah i think it had just come out and i was like oh and it was like 300 bucks 200 280 i think which at the time was like quite a bit of money now it's you know not quite as much mayflower lupc they're good they're good i actually i need to go get one i've played with them before but i need to have one in here for stuff for demos uh will the 556 shingles restock the answer is yes but i don't know when i don't know when should you run armor less than 3a uh not really there's not really a point the only thing you really get with armor less than 3a which is soft armor so only pistol calibers is weight is really all you're going to get you're going to get some weight savings i have a 3a armor vest around here though and it's very lightweight usually just comes down to a comfort thing making sure it's sized to you appropriately excuse me but yeah i i don't know why you would want to wear level two or even like level one soft armor 3a is like the highest you can go with soft armor and then you have level three which is hard armor i know it gets like it's confusing but that's just how it is um so scarab very good plate carrier very good very good plate carry i've got one around here what do you think of the agolite why something's going on with them because people love to bring them up i haven't used one it looks pretty cool it look i think it's uh it's one of the it's a larger style plate carrier but i don't have one no people are bringing them up a lot maybe they're having a super aggressive marketing campaign or something thoughts on swat heavy rigs uh so i've got i've got buddies in swat who do they kind of do one or the other right they're either going super slick with a plate carrier like an ac one with like two mags their radio their whatever and then they're like duty belts or like their their two-piece belt and then i've got buddies on teams where they run everything they got groin protectors they got like like stuff out here it's they're like a samurai right and there's a lot of different thought process for that and uh i've actually been wanting to build out a heavy loadout so a full built cry or whatever with all the armor to run with some drills um it's big and bulky you know you're gonna move slower with it i've done uh training with guys who are issued that stuff and it's definitely slower when it comes to doing stuff but it kind of depends on what you're doing for them it's like well we're stacked up about to go in the door we're basically sitting ducks unless you know because we have to knock and say hey police it's us and if they're just sitting there with a gun i mean you know they want the extra protection but then i talk to other guys we're like oh no we're going to go fully slick and high speed and you know whatever so it fluctuates but i've talked to and worked with guys who run both setups and they both have their pros and cons i would like to build a heavy loadout out i already have a i've got a soft armor groin protector i can add to a carrier i just need the the neck and the shoulder stuffs they're big it's a big setup you're basically a juggernaut what do you think of companies okay yeah let's talk about that companies that sell their plate carriers by the piece versus plate carrier companies that sell plate carriers completed there are pros and cons to both now as a consumer i personally detest companies that sell all the parts separately because here's what often happens these parts over here in stock these parts over here aren't so you buy and i talked to guys last year who are like man i got my front panel i got my cummerbund i'm just waiting on the rear and i'm like that's great you have two thirds of the plate carrier that you can't even use like that's like buying a gun but not having a barrel and being like hi i'm a gun owner and it's like well you don't have the barrel for it so it's kind of useless just sitting right there that's exactly how it is so but the the benefit to being able to buy pieces individually is then if you want to modify something right so let's say our cummerbund i know a lot of people are asking hey can i buy your cummerbund because i like everything sized to add to my slickster add to my lv109 or whatever that's where the benefit comes in if you can go to someone's website and buy pieces individually kind of like the uh the m-bath cummerbund op tacticals i shouldn't have said it because now i could probably never be able to get one again but op tactical sells these individually and boy am i glad i can go and buy one of these on its own i don't have to buy an mba for 300 harvest the cummerbund off and then try to sell the plate bags on ebay for like 200 no i can go and buy this on its own so there's pros and cons to both but when when demand goes up you know through the roof if you are a company selling all the pieces individually you're going to end up screwing customers over because certain stuff will get bought up and then other stuff is going to sit there and people will end up only having half of a plate carrier that's useless and some people only have a front bag and we'll have nothing else they got to run in holding it like this or like duct tape it to their body and just doesn't work so there's pros and cons to both i highly doubt we will ever sell all the pieces individually the ac one is sold as a kit it's sold done built set all you have to do is add a placard or some other like system and that's it magazine system or whatever so pros and cons to both as a consumer because i buy stuff i mean i like buying stuff you know like i shop for things in gear and some of the stuff here we literally just got today and then stuff we got last week uh i have a hard time buying from companies that sell everything individually because it's usually out of stock so i don't like that so uh let's see scrolling down it's going down large ac one i'm not sure not sure when those are coming in but they're happening even the chest streaks back in stock yep yep it sucks it sucks and when we sold plate carriers from them we actually and again it was tough we got all the parts and then we put it in a bag as a kit like we tried to piece the plate carrier together done this is spurious take all the parts you know front bag rear bag shoulder pads and cummerbund and we actually like put it into a bag and sold that already kitted and it was hard to get all the parts it was hard to get stuff but that's what we were trying to do back when you sold their plate carrier cry isn't that funny their website's been down like a month i know it's crazy they're their stuff's great they've done some really great stuff for the community and for our nation but uh the way they run their business is pretty funny to me to me as a consumer as a civilian consumer it's amusing how companies like that will will uh operate sometimes in the public sphere just really funny um what what's going on people talking about lead time holster lead times i'm not exactly sure it's one to five weeks some people get holsters a little sooner some people don't although it sounds like based on a conversation today it actually they're all getting made chronologically so everyone's getting their holsters in the same amount of time where some of the confusion i think has occurred was the first week we launched the sidecar we pre-made a bunch of stuff in the most common configuration that stuff shipped really fast but if you ordered orange left-hand glock x300 well we didn't pre-make that so we have to send that through the pipeline you know it'll take two weeks or whatever so there's a little bit of confusion at the beginning and some people got sidecars within like five days three days but those were glock 19 you know tlr1 right hand black and it was like it's already done just put the clips on it put the thing on it put it in the box at the beginning so i answered it you're welcome oh and then the other confusing part for people i think i'm going to do a video on this there's people who buy retail items from us and the shipping team over there i brag on them a lot although it has screwed us a little bit because people get confused if you order say a sling you order a slang and two qd swivels those are going to get pulled off the line in the building next door and put into a box right away like straight to jail right away like they'll get go into a box and you'll have it within probably it'll ship probably within a day or less depending on when you order it if you order a holster that's over in this building and that has to go get made if you order a holster and a sling at the same time i don't think we split that shipment we only split shipments for armor i believe so the sling isn't going to ship until the holster is done so that's kind of how it's working out right now so there's some people who are like why is my holster taking two weeks when customers are saying they're getting their stuff within three days like people have been getting ac ones already well that's because it's over there in that building it's not getting produced and like made to order so uh there's some confusion we're gonna have to talk about it so the only people who bought holsters in the first who got holsters in the first week were the guys who bought holsters in the first 10 minutes thank you t-rex arms so uh yeah that it really does help to buy early and by first including ac ones just how it is ready rig coming soon coming soon i think a lot more of them too than what we were previously making your ac one shipped in less than 24 hours exactly you ordered an ac one which we already have next door ready to go ready to put into a box side cars have to get made that's just how because we're not a holster company anymore i mean we are but we also do a lot of other stuff so it is what it is but anyway so guys here's what we're gonna do youtube and grantham's been telling me otherwise but youtube doesn't like showing guns on live streams unless they've changed some of their policies or whatnot so i can't do my traditional armory streams that i love to do so what i've been doing for months has been i've been doing them on twitch because for whatever reason a left leaning gaming streaming service is actually fine with guns more than youtube is so what i'm going to be doing for the next hour and a half is i'm going to be going to twitch with my phone and we're going to run around here and talk about guns and talk more about kit and answer some more questions and i want to drink a little bit more rain and talk a little bit slower that's actually not going to happen but i'm going to drink a little bit more rain so if you guys want to pop over there we're going to be streaming over there for the next hour and a half or so showing guns talking about guns but this has been a lot of fun i hope it answers some questions for you all on plate carriers we do have medium ac ones in stock as of this video right now ranger green multicam multicam arid and various accessories so i'll see you on twitch if you guys pop over thanks and uh i guess that's it
Channel: T.REX ARMS
Views: 459,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plate carriers, ac-1, ac-uno, trex-arms, body armor, armor plates, l210s, hesco, hesco plates, ceramic plates, load bearing equipment, lbe, load beading gear, lucas botkin, trex arms, armor carrier, airsoft, copperhead
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 54sec (4494 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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