Minimalist Civ/LEO Plate Carrier Setup / Ferro Concepts Slickster

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[Music] if you've ever gotten your uniform allowance and you did not spend it on your uniform gonna need that subscribe button if you've ever had an important fund and you blew it on something let me know I'm always interested to find out for any III and below that's pretty much just any Camaro off-base I don't know why you guys do this way combat stuff helps me out quite a bit if you guys are looking to support the channel there's a couple of different ways to do that alonzo defense group we make belts we make awesome shirts that show that you're afraid of the dark and slightly afraid of the girls kind of both but give take discount code Grantham get you some money off they're only for the belts on for the shirts sorry about that we also have vertex if you want to get some sick plat and look awesome because let's be honest girls love plaid and if you're a girl then you just love plaid so get in there it's getting a little hotter not the time to wear flannels during this point and our though eyes you gonna smell weird I just count Coda's grantham 25% off love their stuff if you're looking to get a mo trained all that kind of stuff then you know you have you have le X and you have freedom you nisshin's discount code garand thumb and you'll get out there in just training because we know that training is important otherwise you don't look cool so make sure you do that okay a quick shout out over my time doing this I've had a couple buddies who have been influenced to go into the military mostly because of them but maybe a little influence for me some of those poor souls are currently at Medina so I want to give a quick shout out to you guys Downton Medina getting your feet jacked up and getting water con to death and to let you know that nothing lasts forever and in fact it lasts a lot less long if you quit don't quit I'm just kidding I don't quit unless I you don't want to do the job then quit but if you want to do it stick through it I promise it will end and your life will get much better so the way let's talk a little bit about the video today so we're gonna be talking about minimalist plate carrier setups now the reason for that is I've made another video about plate carrier setups about maybe a year plus ago and a lot of people liked it but a lot of people were like hey I'm not in the military and this is kind of applicable to me but kind of not can you make a video kind of more specific to maybe a law enforcement setup or you know concerned citizen just wanted to make sure he's prepared because we're in America and you can do whatever the hell you want awesome yeah I can definitely do that or god forbid airsoft just kidding I I think airsofters are fine I have no problem with them psi it's like giving them a hard time if airsofting were bigger when I was younger and more robust I probably would have done it cuz it looks actually pretty fun maybe I will do it will see more on that so look those things come out of the way the question is what play care would we use for this type of setup and it's something more minimalist and now there's a lot of really great minimalist designs out there and I'm gonna be doing reviews comparisons with those play carriers in the future but I do want to mention Pireaus with their plate carrier setups which are really well done today we're gonna be doing the video on the Faro concepts slickster now if you know I love the sling stir which is their sling for rifles now this is their plate carrier and it is just as well thought out and made so let's talk a little bit about the Faro concepts slickster and then we'll talk about kind of my philosophy of minimal you set up so this right here is the slickster now what's so cool about it is it's a very minimal design it's very lightweight but it's very well made specifically what I really like about it is a cummerbund so there's a couple different cumberbund options now the cummerbund is what wraps around kind of your race waist attaches to the front so when it comes to that what I really like is this has a whole lot of elasticity to it now that could be a problem you know I was kind of anticipating problems maybe it wouldn't be tight enough but because it's so easily adjustable at the back you simply just pull the velcro off and then readjust super simple if you've used a crepe eehhh see you know how hard it is to readjust the cummerbund to make it fit right so I was a huge fan of that immediately and then also the cummerbund itself on the slickster it has to that elasticity to that because of that it kind of conforms to you and you breathe and that types up and it's incredibly comfortable now there's a lot of different cover buttons that they've made so this particular one has these little pockets in it now not old map pockets some have Molly so if you're the type of guy where you don't just want plates at your front in the back but you also want plates on the side you should probably get the Molly one that way you can Molly in some of those you know plate pouches on the side now if you don't need that for whatever reason then I think that this is a really good option because their size really well they're sized perfectly for five five six magazines but besides that I've kind of made them into a multi-use item so right here on the one that's closest to my right side I have a tourniquet and then to the back right there I have my individual first-aid kit these are all important things to have on a plate carrier otherwise you die right so this particular individual first-aid kit is from I TS they make some great individual first-aid kits that are just prepackaged and come with everything you need highly recommended now on the other side I have this is on my left side I have five five six magazines on there right big fan of these I had them angled forward into me that way when I reach back to grab them I just kind of can't my hand back and rotate that in some people have them facing back we're like they do this weird like they spin it like around their hand and flip it in I don't know I hadn't prestiged yet I'm not at that point so I couldn't tell you right here at the back a lot of people have been asking me about calm setups so I did a kind of simple little setup right here I have a bail thing radio uvr five or whatever you v5r I think it is sorry not familiar with these so the prick 152 and the n bitter those radios aren't easily had by civilians because of laws and that type thing so people are asking me about civilian radio setups so these pouches on the slickster will fit like Motorola's and bail things and that type thing now if you're running like a larger radio like a 152 or an bitter probably recommend going to the Molly panels that we can mullion in actual pouch for that because those things are kind of heavy and need a little bit more support to be held into place just a quick thought there I do have this router with a wire up to the front I'm running an a little push-to-talk right at the front there as far as the setup at the front and back the front is has velcro all along the front so you can put in whatever chess ring you want or if you want to run this slick and you're just looking to have some protection then you can do that as well now this one of course has these Spiritist systems micro chestrig a huge fan of that we'll talk about that in a second here let me detach this just for a moment so you can see what these look sir looks like so you can see this really simple setup really lightweight design on the back you have mesh what I like about the meshes that has a slight bit of padding one to help circulation that way you're not just sweating your balls off when you have this thing on army guys I know you guys have felt this all the time especially I don't know why it is but combat engineers I don't know why you guys sweat so much I mean I know you guys are carrying a lot of gear but I don't know something about common injuries also bad things happen whenever I'm near a combat engineer like the only time I ever witness like a full parachute malfunction when there was a it was it happened to a combat engineer I know I like you guys though but you're crazy just you know quick note they're running up from the plate carry right here sorry from the front panel right here we have these little laser-cut panels I had the Swift clip system from Mayflower right here that way I can hook in any type of chess rig that takes that type of attachment and most chest rigs do the Haley rig does the spirit of system rig does the mayflower rigs do so it's a good idea to have some on hand running up from there we have our shoulder straps now what I really like about the shoulder straps is how easy it is to adjust them you simply pull the velcro out at the back and it's really secure you kind of have to get a screwdriver in there loosen it up and then you can adjust the length to make sure that you have these size properly really well done now the shoulder straps I know are kind of thin and that is a problem for a lot of people but they're also wide so that tends to work pretty well for me now if you're a super you know you got like no shoulders you like super hunched in might be a little bit of a problem but for everybody else that's gonna be pretty much good for my battle gnomes out there mostly the army guys I don't know why you guys are always like short and stuff I'm just ragging on the army today this is gonna be perfect for Gumby looking guys like me hey okay because you know route through the back here I'm sure some of you have noticed it but the back does not have Molly so if that's a problem for you one you can get another back pouch that has Molly on it because it's easily detached by just undoing the two velcro straps here and then the velcro cumberbund to the back and then you can put on a whole new backer so if you need you know having a bunch of bang pouches and all that type of stuff so you can do your room clearing during airsoft and all that kind of stuff you can do that you actually need it for real stuff then it's definitely doable now for the rest of us if you're just having this for a concerned citizen setup or something like that he'll you can just run it back back off this thing and do hydration off of that or maybe you don't even need a backpack or something like that and that's gonna work fine so that's the back right there so that is kind of the slickster in a nutshell is one of my favorite carriers that I have currently now regarding the plates that I have in there I am running place from army armament they are the ultra highway to molecular polythene plates I'm testing out a lot of different plates right now so I have no kind of opinions yet but we'll be talking about that in a future video here just a little bit quick note on the chest rig this is the Spiritist systems chest rig huge fan of it because it's easily scalable by putting in different inserts I can easily change out from flat five six mags to FAL mags that's our twenty five mags to whatever I want a huge fan of it everything is just easily configurable with Velcro just like the slicksters I felt like they just went together at the back here I have a little sock pea dagger as far as how you set this thing up use put in the little shingles or whatever you want at the front here you can see this little pouch that simply velcro tin I can pull that out whenever I want and if I wanted to I could add in five five six shingles up at the front right here instead of this pouch this large pouch right here and then I got a triple double sac now the only problem with doing a double stack on HS rig is that the further out from your body you know those magazines are the kind of not as close to the ground you can get that can be a problem because when you're getting shot at you want to get really low to the ground you know just a quick thought so charts sack things too far out but this is kind of cool that it allows you have those admin features because you might not may need to carry more than just magazines on you so with those things out of the way let's talk a little bit about philosophy behind a plate carrier first off how are you gonna wear it a lot of people wear play care really weird so typically what you want is you want the top of the plate of the first play care approximate the angle Louie so that's just below your collar bones right here the other plate is going to be sitting at about the level of t1 so I'm gonna put up a little diagram right here that will show you approximately where you want your place that on your body to make sure that's fitting right a lot of people wear their plates too low and I've definitely been a victim of this I've definitely done in the past but I try to get better and do better and be better so try to be better because the three functions of a play carrier are one to stop holes plates to plug holes you know first aid gets that tap thing and finally make holes so again when it comes to stop stopping holes make sure that you don't skimp on armor now as far as what armor to get I wish I had a video on that right now I don't at the moment I will be doing a video soon so don't you worry abut make sure you do something that's good I prefer ceramic personally I know a lot of people are fans of ar500 I am not sold on that at all and we'll talk more about that in a later video finally plug holes make sure that you have an individual first aid kit on you I just did a video on individual first aid kits so if you want to look at that go ahead and follow my channel through and find that video because it rocks I'll pipe it up a little link for you right here for you click on get to that video and crush it because if you don't have an individual first-aid kit you can't screw in yourself just fought finally make holes and I know my Marines are getting super like pumped right now X and this talking about holes so making holes mags make sure you carry enough mags on you typically the loadout is about 210 rounds so split between a couple different 30 round magazines make sure you have enough that's kind of the guideline you might be different depending on what you do in that type of stuff but anyhow the ferret concepts linkster and the setup that I have allows me to do that so find a setup that works for you I remember those three things in that priority list stop holes plug holes and make holes and make sure that you get your setup well I biggest thing keep it lightweight keep it simple don't have too much crap flying off there otherwise you're gonna get it caught up and it's gonna be a huge pain in the ass and as with anything trained in it if you don't train in your gear then it there's gonna be no point and again people always like oh I hate people who training gear who the hell cares it's America you can do over the hell you want I mean long not like infringing on someone else's rights and do anything crazy there but the point is we can do what we want especially when it comes to the Second Amendment so make sure the exercise those rights that's about as political so I'm never gonna get on my channel for reasons but get training guys if you're looking for training there are multiple different options out there you have esoteric you have grey hive you have drew from bare solutions and you have Garrett from cog works all highly recommended from me take a look at them you'll be happy at that training guys lost different ways to set up a play carrier I'm like I tell you that there's one perfect way to do it this is just a one of the many that you can do take care guys thank you for watching and as always stay looking cool like getting training and all that kind of stuff I've got nothing else for you okay so I do have something else for you a hair take care of your hair if you're losing body wash for your hair that's not correct you know there are hair products specific to hair to make sure that it's nice and soft and luscious and that type of thing because girls like that now if you're a girl you probably want your hair to be nice soft and luscious - I think about about 5% girl viewership so if you're watching I don't know comment or something but in any case I didn't know what was good for hair I had to do some research I had to talk some to some girls cuz they're crazy about that stuff I now use like a tea tree oil shampoo conditioner thing and you know a little bit more expensive than you know body wash but at the same time the hair is so much softer now that matters so guys take care of your hair if you don't have any hair polish it up
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 707,245
Rating: 4.9450307 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, plate carrier, ferro concepts, plate carrier setup, minimalist setup, civillian plate carrier setup, plate carrier ferro, best plate carrier, what plate carrier is best, ferro concepts slickster
Id: 05yJpFw-sR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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