Suppressors Will Save Your Life

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Did him and BDU breakup? It's weird hearing him plug brownells

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/panda1876 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
if you've ever been watching a movie and you heard a suppressed gunshot and it was super unrealistic so you complain to your eso or your friend about it go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys comment with the movie or tv show or video game with the worst suppressed sounds of gunshots the comment section will get me banned at some point but that day is on today ladies and gentlemen the biggest support of the channel right now is brownells brownells is the hero that we deserve but not the one that we need they are bringing ancient guns back from the grave to haunt us and we can't thank them enough for it go ahead and give brownells a shout out a big thank you to them and of course a big thank you to our other sponsors no name armory typically has ammunition the sonoran desert institute to learn that gun trade gunsmithing craft and of course cac industries with their stabilizing braces go check them out ladies gentlemen am i often forgotten most certainly not by me browning high powers welcome to the channel so today we're gonna be talking about a very interesting topic how a suppressor could save your life kevin owens very famously in my fighting rifle video talked about how he was on a rooftop about to engage some insurgents when as he fired his rifle a short barreled mark 18 much like the one that we have right here he did not have a suppressor on it was at night and the fireball from his mark 18 immediately alerted nearby enemy who began to engage him with accurate and heavy suppressive fire now kevin owens walked away from that day because he is a goddamn animal but the point being is that a suppressor in that case could have made it much harder for an enemy to detect him just like it could be important for us in the various types of situations you might find yourself in so we're going to assume for a moment that things are bad fallout new vegas type bed and that we need a suppressor for a fighting rifle so we're going to be talking about the different types of suppressors that we need for that fighting rifle and how those can protect you and save your life so let's get into without further ado a quick note should be made that if you are looking for a suppressor for not a fighting rifle for like a precision rifle or for a pistol that your considerations will be slightly different because uh different suppressors are for different types of uses but we're talking about fighting suppressors or fighting rifles so let's go and let's get into it now if you're looking for a history of suppressors and why they're so heavily regulated i would highly recommend t-rex arms and his brother isaac with a great video on how we were screwed out of having easy to get suppressors and uh they did a great job on it so go and check that out but today we're gonna be talking about what we're good at the practical and tactical uses and applications of suppressors so a lot of people when they are trying to find a suppressor like this one right here we have a surefire rc2 sorry rc they get lost on the sauce they're not sure what to look at what's important and what doesn't matter so today we're gonna try to clear that up a little bit talk about how these different categories within a suppressor will save your life to start off with one of the most important things you should be looking at when you're looking for a suppressor a silencer a can fyi no one gives a [ __ ] what you call it is sound suppression if your suppressor can't suppress sound then you don't have a sound suppressor so you should have a can that does a relatively good job now understand on a 556 gun uh or even a 300 blackout gun that's shooting supers uh you still need to wear hearing protection while you're fighting with a suppressor because they don't bring it to a level that is safe to listen to without hearing protection on but the whole point of that sound suppression is to make it difficult to locate where your shots are coming from specifically and to make it more pleasant for you when you're shooting so to illustrate that point we have a couple different oda guys different raiders who have been into various engagements and they've been in situations firing from a mountaintop from a hillside onto various people that they were engaging and when they were firing at the suppressor mounted to their weapon it was very difficult for those individuals to ascertain where they were firing from because a sound suppressor by attenuating and uh reducing the decibel level and also kind of changing the tone which changes how the sound is traveling through the air made it difficult for them to precisely locate where their shots are coming from so if you're engaging somebody having that suppressor on will make it more difficult to ascertain precisely where your shots are coming from simply due to the sound attenuation now a lot of people when they start getting suppressors they go crazy chasing the decibels how low can they go but i'm here to tell you that you shouldn't be chasing decibels because many of the tests that you see i don't believe are scientifically valid testing things in your backyard at peak decibel level really doesn't matter there's a whole lot that goes into sound if you've studied the human ear you know that there's a lot more than just peak decibel level as far as what your ear is actually perceiving and how that sound is actually traveling there's tone frequency a whole lot of different things so if we're talking about a good way to measure sound on a suppressor i would highly recommend that you check out pew science he has a great website where he has a controlled environment and he's specifically looking at the entire waveform and then with a mathematical model is able to emulate what the human ear is perceiving as it travels through the air depending on air density and that type of stuff he's at the end he's an engineer he knows what he's doing and i'd highly recommend you take a look at that as opposed to looking at pure decibel levels because they don't tell the entire story certain suppressors have very pleasant tones such as the surefire rc2 in his testing he showed that the deeper tone uh is is better and easier to listen to and is makes it more difficult to place and is just easier on you as a shooter versus tone of certain other suppressors which is not as good so there's a lot more than peak decibel level so don't go chasing decibels go to pew science and go check that out as far as the sound levels that are concerned another thing to look at is going to be flash suppression just like we talked about with kevin owens when your weapon fires there's going to be unburnt powder that unburned powder is going to come out ignite you're going to have that nice little fireball coming out along with other things such as back pressure and hot gases and all that kind of stuff and that causes that visible fireball that could possibly give you away and get you killed so you want to make sure that you have a suppressor that can reduce the amount of fireball and flash that is seen at night especially if you have some type of thing going on at night you don't want to give yourself away by firing and putting on a huge fireball so suppressors do a really good job of reducing that fireball now suppressor designs come a whole long way um in addition to the baffle design along with the end cap design can drastically reduce that firewall that you see with military type suppressors like the surefire the cac the dead air right here they're made specifically with signature reduction in mine which is they paid a lot of attention to the type of fireball that was coming out of these suppressors because no matter what you're still going to get a little jet of flame coming out of there especially as these guns heat up because you're still trying to control an explosion with those baffles inside the suppressor so when you're looking at a suppressor ensure that your suppressor does a fairly good job and also a thing to think about is going to be your barrel length the shorter the barrel you go with the more problems it could possibly run into because the shorter the barrel the more unburnt powder that you're going to have and then you're going to have more blasts if you've ever fired a you know a 10 inch or a 10 three inch ar with a break on there or even a flashlight you still get that big muzzle flash coming out of there so understand that if you're going to be running a 10 threes ar make sure that you have a suppressor that is rated to be able to handle uh that barrel length because not every suppressor is going to be in the case of cac and surefire which is what i typically recommend for a fighting kind of suppressor they do a pretty good job of handling that fireball but a note must be made at this point that the longer you go on your barrel the less fireball you're going to get so going up to a you know 14 and a half a 16 and a half inch barrel such as what we have on this eur gi right here um you're gonna have much less flash compared to the mark 18 and then of course put a suppressor on there and you're gonna have even less so again this also comes down to a conversation of what are you comfortable with right because a short barreled ar of course is really nice it's very easy to maneuver with the sky it's easy to get in and outdoors but depending on your environment if you're going to be out in the woods or something like that you know there is a lot of merit to be using a longer rifle because not only do you get less flash and bang coming out of there so it can make it harder for people to uh simply tell where you are but you also get increased muzzle velocity on your slugs so compared to the mark 18 10 3 barrel typically getting around 26 to 2 700 feet per second which sounds like a lot but the 556 cartridge needs a lot of speed to do good and deadly things compare that to like a 20-inch ar like your typical m16 a2s a1s all that kind of stuff you're getting close to 32-33 000 feet per second which is absolutely devastating uh at most ranges that you typically associate with the m16 well to 500 so understand that the longer the barrel you're going with the more effective you're going to be however i understand it's going to be more difficult to navigate with so again concessions must be made and you must figure out what is acceptable for you and what is going to work for you but in general i say if you can run a 14-5 run at 14.5 and beyond all that muzzle flash and all that hiding right there another thing to think about is ir glow as you fire these suppressors as they heat up depending on the types of materials used they may begin to emit light in the near ir or ir spectrum so you won't be able to see with naked eye but you'll be able to see with your night vision or other people trying to find you and kill you could see it through their night vision so i have a couple older suppressors made with different types of older materials in some companies even nowadays make them with materials that are older and after about 15 rounds that suppressor will be glowing like a lightsaber which is cool for videos but it won't be so cool if you're on the side of a mountain and there's no artificial light anywhere nearby and somebody sees your little lightsaber on your suppressor because you've been engaging them and they're able to put effective fire into you because your suppressor gave you away so in that case that material could get you killed so make sure that you have a suppressor that keeps that amount of visible and our light to a minimum if at all possible now i understand that if you're mag dumping magazine after magazine after magazine through a suppressor it's going to heat up and it's going to get begin to get visible that's just the way it works it's trying to contain explosions it's going to heat up it'll eventually start glowing red even to the visible eye but try to get one that mitigates it as much as possible again your good military cans are typically going to do that so something to look at something to research to ensure that you don't get killed because again you might want to believe that nobody else is going to have night vision but you but it's best not to underestimate your enemies something about another way that a suppressor is gonna help you from uh not getting killed and could possibly save your life is under night vision when you're shooting night vision um you have a lot of things to contend with and the last thing that you want to contend with is have to contend with the flashes from your muzzle so it comes into having a good flash hider as well as a good suppressor so if with a good suppressor we're going to severely limit the amount of flash we're going to be seeing under night vision now of course modern night vision is autogated and does a really good job of dealing with bright lights but if we can at all mitigate it with a good suppressor and have less light source coming from us especially as we're trying to track a moving target moving through a dynamic environment the better it's going to be because imagine that you're trying to shoot somebody and again we're not in you know shooting at cardboard they're moving through buildings they're moving car to car and every time i'm firing i'm getting that nice little flash that's kind of disorienting and making it difficult to track precisely where that guy is versus the suppressor is going to severely limit that so again a suppressor is a really good idea especially if you're shooting a night vision again if we can put every advantage towards us why not do that so again another way a suppressor is going to possibly save your life not get you killed finally a good thing to look at is going to be your muzzle device itself you want to have and pick a suppressor that uses a good mount that is usable without the suppressor so in the case of the surefire we have a four prong right here but a three prong performs in much the same way the three and four prong suppressors from surefire do a really really good job at reducing and almost eliminating all muzzle flash in a lot of situations now in the dead of night in a dry environment you're still going to get muzzle flash but they do pretty dang good and also they don't create a whole lot of concussion and they're just good muzzle devices on their own so if your suppressor requires you to have a massive break and if you have the suppressor off it's just throwing huge fireballs off i can think of a couple suppressors that do like the q cherry bomb they have a different um muzzle device now beyond that but like i think it's kind of useless if you can only fire with your suppressor on there are situations where you might not want to have the suppressor on there for a variety of different tactical considerations so ensure that the muzzle device and the mounting system itself is usable and makes sense without the suppressor and what goes beyond that is make sure that with that mounting solution that you have on your for your suppressor that it's good um not every suppressor mount is built the same every design has its own little flaws and then little weaknesses um you know mounts will become carbon locked so what's going to happen is when you have that suppressor on as those hot gases are flowing back they're going to flow back over the mount and they could possibly lock both the muscle device and the suppressor to each other like cement with that carbon as it is dried and it just cements those two pieces together so different suppressors use different means of removing stuck suppressors so when it comes to the surefire if that becomes stuck all you have to do is rotate the collar like this and then fire a live round through and it will shoot the suppressor off that's true for a lot of military type suppressors because they assume that at some point it will probably get carbon locked on it happens to me a little bit because being out in the pacific northwest i'm shooting at night it's cold on top of that it's typically raining water combined with heat expanding metals contracting metals all that type of stuff i typically get a lot of carbon lock because of that despite whatever suppressor mount i use so i always ensure that i have a good suppressor mount that makes it easy to remove if necessary whether it be a live round or what have you so make sure you find a good one there are of course some really innovative things out there like the q-can has a really cool taper mount that almost eliminates your carbon lock completely and they do a really good job of that so again look at your different mounts figure out what's going to work for you and find a good mount that works both as a muzzle device and as your uh as your suppressor host consider py shift whenever i throw a heavy piece of metal at the end of my barrel i'm going to change my point of impact so when i zero my gun my red dot my reticle is at a certain point it's right in the middle that bullseye fire without a suppressor dead eye right right in the middle good to go however i mount that suppressor add weight maybe i get a shift down maybe to left right up it's pretty typical suppressor so if you're going to be by suppressor something to consider is going to be what is my point of impact shift with my suppressor mounted this is something that you should be testing uh many of the military suppressors like surefire knights dead air all those kind of guys are reported to have no to very minimal shift the um surefire i believe guarantees under moa on its shift which is pretty good and i find that to be pretty true i'm typically about 0.5 on my shift when it comes to depending on the rifle and the barrel profile and that type of stuff but if there is a ship make sure you know what that is and if you zero your rifle with the suppressor on there see how that changes in different environments and that type of thing make sure that you're being as proficient and as thorough with your equipment as necessary there are too many suppressors to talk about that all have their own little quirks but you should know them and understand them if you're going to be using them to possibly defend your life the fact the matter is is that although these don't weigh a whole lot they are at the end of your gun being at the end of your gun with science and physics and all that [ __ ] you tend to feel the weight a lot more than you would if you're just holding in your hand so you might hold a suppressor and say well that isn't that bad we'll mount that at the end of a 16 inch barrel or a 10 barrel and you're like oh it actually does feel quite a bit heavier than i thought it would be because of the fact of the matter is if i have a suppressor with more baffles with more length on it with more weight on it with more material it's going to be more effective it's going to be bomb proof it's going to have tons of baffles to contain that blast it's going to do a great job of flash suppression because it's bigger but that's more weight so unless you're just a giant of a man and weight is not a consideration at all you're going to have to find something that is a good balance so again look at that size of your suppressor and look at that weight and figure out what is going to work for the type of rifle that you're using that is acceptable because otherwise if you have a suppressor that's so big that it works great but you never put it in your rifle because you're like [ __ ] this thing's heavy it's not that good of a suppressor then so make sure you find that good balance back pressure here we go right so when you add a suppressor onto a barrel what you're essentially doing is prolonging the time that the system is under pressure from those expanding gases at the gas port or dwell time this is good and bad it's good because with increased pressure we see more force exerting on the action that means that there is a pretty good chance that that action is then going to open up and be reliable however this is also bad as that increased back pressure also imparts more parts wear upon your rifle so the extractor has to work harder the bolt carrier has to work hard all the springs have to work harder because everything is moving faster and is under a lot more heat and on top of that a suppressor makes the gun much much dirtier especially when it comes to your ar-15 type rifles that are di so understand when you're selecting your suppressor to look at one that has as low of a back pressure as possible while still preserving the other qualities that we talked about so there are certain cans like the oss which have a low low back pressure however their flash suppression qualities aren't all that great so again you have to kind of figure out that balance for yourself and figure out what is going to work but suffice to say if you have a suppressor mounted um you might be surprised at how dirty your entire gun gets from all that back pressure and that comes in maintenance with the suppressor added understand that you're going to be maintaining your rifle a little bit more because it's going to get a lot dirtier but again i think that the the drawbacks you get from that increased back pressure and parts wear and dirtiness from the gun is absolutely worth the benefits gained from making yourself more difficult to pinpoint and making yourself more invisible as you're engaging certain combatants so again it's all about balance finding that thing that's going to work for you so what it all comes down to is a suppressor is a force multiplier when it comes to being on your rifle it both quiets a weapon makes it easier to shoot makes it harder for to be detected and of course the weapon does get dirtier it does wear the gun out a little bit faster but it is a net gain when it comes to having a suppressor in your weapon it is unfortunate that it's very difficult to get them that they're such long wait times those can be lessened if you build your own but they form one which is completely legal to do buy a build kit literally tube screw in some baffles and you have yourself a suppressor um the problem of course is build quality between kits can be a little bit wonky at times so find a good build kit but definitely get a suppressor do your research find the one that is going to work for you and get yourself a suppressor it will possibly save your life in certain situations so make sure you do that but as always what really matters is training if you have this sick rifle with a suppressor and all that stuff but you have no idea how to shoot it or how to move shoot and communicate or how to go between various barricades and obstacles and land navigate and you're still gonna die you're still just gonna get out there and get clapped immediately so make sure that you're using these skills that you're getting training that you are expanding your mind in every way possible and that you are making yourself the weapon these are cool but if it comes down to it you should be able to pick up any weapon and use it effectively ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching if you're looking for training cod works bear solutions hey strategic tons of different guys out there go check them out and as always guys i've got nothing else for you thank you for watching final thing for you guys family family is important make sure that you're taking time and that you're spending time with them because it really matters you have to think about what's the most important thing here and for some of you you might not have a family in a traditional sense your family might be your friends or they might be your co-workers whatever they might be make sure that you invest time into them ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching i appreciate everything you guys do for me and a final shout out to my patreon people you guys have made this channel incredible and i can't thank you guys enough ladies and gentlemen i've got nothing else for you take care
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 915,929
Rating: 4.9426765 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb
Id: A-Yj8lIe7G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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