PRO Tips for Rooms in Revit Tutorial

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what's going on guys balkan arctic here and in today's video we're talking about rooms in a rabbit so when it comes to creating rooms in revit it can be really straightforward and easy but as anything else in revit there are a lot of little things that you can kind of mess up along the way a lot of important settings and additional tools that you probably didn't know about so in today's video i'm going to be sharing with you the workflow when it comes to creating rooms in revit and all of the little advanced techniques and so on that are important really to know when it comes to creating rooms and revit and that are going to make your life a little bit easier when it comes to working in a rabbit now before i get into that tutorial i would just like to ask you to like this video it helps me out a lot with the youtube algorithm also make sure to subscribe i make useful revit tutorials each week i make multiple tutorials each week and also i make some beginner intermediate as well as advanced level courses for revit all of those are available on my website that's the first link in the description just below the video i've got over 90 hours of video content there also if you would like to access my revit project files those are on my patreon page that's the second link just below the video so check that out as well if you're interested okay so without any further ado let's get straight into rabbit and here we are in revit so as you can see this is the the the floor plan that i'm going to be using for this demonstration it's just a simple kind of a beginner project for a house and let's use this in order to create or to just to show how to create rooms in revit so in order to place rooms uh what you have to do is go beyond the architecture tab and then here we have the room and area panel and on that panel we have some tools for placing rooms and areas now for this video we're going to be concentrating just on rooms and to place a simple room you just go here to the room tool rm is the shortcut you hover over one of your rooms in the floor plan and as you can see it's going to highlight with this kind of a blue outline and it's going to show you where the boundary of that room is going to be and if you just click it's going to place a room there uh now in this case we have a bit of a complicated pro situation here because uh pretty much we only have one room now if i just hit the escape key a couple of times this room is of course going to be divided into a kitchen here here we're going to have some type of an entrance and also we can divide this area and call this maybe dining so the living room will only be this part so what do you do in that case well if i just hover over and near the room you're going to see that we have kind of this like an x going over the entire room and then when we select that it's going to say here in the properties rooms and we have selected the only room that we have created now here it's going to the display or report the area of the room under the dimensions the perimeter and so on and here we have the room number and the room name so we can just call this one the living room just like that click apply and let's see oops okay so you have to hit enter when it inserts in this here now of course you can select the room tag so when you select this this isn't the room this is just the room tag and you can then move that around like this and you can remove the room position like this but it doesn't really matter where it is it only matters that it's within the room and i just want to move it here in this area because this is what i want to be the living room okay so what do we do in this situation where we have this dining area for example in this kitchen area and this entrance well in that case we can use the room separator tool now what the room separator does is well it does exactly how it sounds it separates a room so you can select that zoom in over here come to the wall for example go all the way to the other side and then this is going to act as certified separation between rooms now if i hit the escape key a couple of times and now if i want to select this room as you can see it's going to stop over here it's not going to kind of flood over into the entrance area now when it comes to room separation something that you'll also notice is that these kitchen elements it looks like the room stops at the kitchen elements it goes over all of this other furniture it goes over the stair but for the kitchen elements it stay it kind of goes around now the only reason for that is what they tend to do in the initial phases of design i like to use thick walls as kitchen elements just so i can quickly play around with the kitchen design but in this case it's kind of it's affecting my rooms because it's uh basically acting like a wall and it's subtracting that from the actual area of the room and i don't want that so if i just hover over the room and select it right now you're going to see that here it's going to report the area of 58.65 square meters now if i select all of these walls by holding the control key selecting all three of them here in the wall in the properties panel if i scroll down we have the room bounding effect and it's currently turned on so this basically means that does this wall define a room boundary or not so if we uncheck that it's no longer going to define room boundary and now if we select this room as you can see the whole room will flow over this wall which is exactly what we want and also here we can see that the area has increased by almost 5 square meters which is quite a lot so now we can just play around with playing with the room bounding properties of walls which we have over here or using these room separators in order to kind of separate out the space so i want this to go up to there perhaps up to here there we go so now if i select this there we go so this is now separate and now i can go back here to the room tool add a room here add a room here and perhaps even here for this bathroom hit the escape a couple of times there we go now of course you can rename your rooms by selecting this tag and then clicking here in the name and then we can call this one kitchen and this one can be the entrance and this one can be water closet now when it comes to placing these rooms you can see that each room will be assigned a number now you can change that number at any point by just clicking on that and typing in maybe five and so on now a problem that might occur is if you decide to delete the rooms so let's say here that i don't want this room now you don't want to delete just the room tag you want to delete the actual room like that and here you want to zoom in gonna find this room let's see where is it there we go delete that one now you can also use the tab key here if you can select it delete this one delete this one and now we have deleted all of the rooms but if we decide to go here to room and place this this is now going to be room number six which is usually not what you want you want to start off with room number one so it's already counting some six rooms which we don't really see well let me show you what you want to do in this particular situation let's delete this for now so what you want to do is create a room schedule which is going to show you do you have any rooms that haven't been placed so for the room schedule uh what you have to do is go here to the project browser scroll down a little bit find schedules and quantities right click and go to new schedule and let's search for a room schedule here we go rooms click ok and then here we can add an area perhaps we can add a name of the room and let's just add a number as well let's see okay here we go number and i'm just going to move the number up here and then the name and then finally the area okay so once we have created the schedule and click ok it's going to create that schedule and as you can see we have five or six rooms which we don't really have they're not placed as you can see so what you want to do is select these and then go into delete and that's going to delete all of these so you can select all of them by just clicking on one and dragging down let's see like this and then go delete and it's going to delete all of these rooms so now when you go back into level 1 and go to room and go to place it and it's going to show 7 again but don't worry about it here if you just change the number back to 1 and hit enter now when you want to place the second room it's going to be room number 2 and so on so uh this is just something to keep in mind when it comes to creating these rooms and placing them uh it's it's going to be a bit difficult at first just to get the hang of it but once you do everything is going to be easy so let's change here this to kitchen and this is their living room okay so once we have all of these room rooms placed maybe we can add another one here for the dining room so let's add a room separator like this hit the escape a couple of times and then we can place a room here as well and then we can rename this into dining perfect okay so once we have placed all of these rooms uh this room separator you might find it annoying so what they like to do is just select all of the room separators like this and then just go here to hide in view and just hide those elements i think the floor plan is going to look a bit more elegant and then still if you select the rooms it's going to display like that so we still have the ability to see all of the rooms now moving forward something that i find particularly annoying by these rooms is the fact that the number is in this huge rectangle there which i find extremely annoying and also i find that the the text size the size of all of the the labels i find it way too large so what i tend to do is i tend to change this so for example in my templates that you can find on my website it's going to be the third link in the description there i changed the actual room tag for the template because i find this one to be very annoying so let me show you how you can change your own in order to make it a bit more elegant so you can select the room tag so just the room tag not the actual room but the room tag go here into edit family and then it's on as soon as that opens up it's going to display like this so here we can see the labels we have three labels the room name the room number and then here as you can see it can display either volume or the area which is perfectly fine but we still don't see that ugly rectangle now in order to see that ugly rectangle and have the option to delete it or change it what you have to do is just type in vg for visibility graphics and then here if we select the on annotation categories as you can see they're turned off so if i just turn that back on and hit apply now we can see the rectangle as well as these reference lines which is perfect so now you can select that thing and you can either delete it or you can change it in any way now i i personally tend to either delete it or i like to make it smaller sometimes because i think it's way too large now i'm making it kind of really small because i'm actually going to change the labels as well so here we have this three millimeter label which is used for everything and i prefer all of my text on my projects to be two millimeters so i'm just going to go here into edit type and change this down to two millimeters and let's rename it then to two millimeters apply okay and i think it looks a lot nicer now and also we can still make this a bit smaller now if your room numbers will not have more than three digits which is common on a smaller project you're probably not going to have 100 rooms then this is okay and then let's bring this down a bit oops bring this up a bit i'm just going to use the arrow keys just like that and i think that now we have a much nicer room tag so if i just load this into the project and close it i'm not going to save the changes because i don't want to save the original here we can override this and as you can see it's much smaller especially in smaller rooms such as this water closet here it's going to be a lot better especially when we add all the fixtures this is probably not going to be visible at all okay so there we go now we have uh i created a bit nicer room tags and as i said we have that option to display the area or the volume of the room so if i go here into edit type when i select this tag so you select the tag go into edit type we have the option to show area or show volume i like to turn on show area and hit apply and now as you can see it's going to display that as well which is really really nice okay moving forward uh let's uh just check out one more feature and that is if i just go here to uh to architecture and then let's actually go to annotate and there on the annotate option we have the color fill legend now for the color fill legend you can place it here just like that and then here you can set it to be rooms and then here it can change rooms by name and then when you click ok it's going to basically make a small calculation and it's going to color all of your rooms just like this so it's a really nice way of representing all of the rooms and of course at any point you can select this and then go here into edit scheme and then you can play around with all of the colors now uh personally i don't like this i think it looks a bit ugly uh uh it might be nice for a small kind of legend view in a corner of a floor plan but like this i i think this is a bad way of presenting uh rooms in rabbit so if you want to have some sort of a legend like this uh what i prefer to do is just delete this and then use the schedule that we have created so let's go here to the project browser find that schedule that we have schedule quantities room schedule and okay we can't include it here of course but we if we create a sheet so let's go to sheets right click new sheet a1 metric that's okay and then if we select this floor plan uh let's just give it a click quick cropped view so just crop it like that and i also like to uncheck crop region visible when i'm done editing the crop region and let's go now to that sheet find that level one floor plan drag it over perfect and then the room schedule and i like to just have that here maybe make it a bit smaller there we go i prefer having something that looks like this and then we can go back here and uh we can just get rid of this color scheme and uh we do that uh simply we can't really just select it and delete it what we have to do is go here to the entity tab and actually bring back this color fill legend we have to select it and go into edit scheme and just check none and hit apply okay so now it's going to get rid of all of the color and we can just get rid of this and also you don't really have to display the name as well so if i go here into edit type i can just display the number for example click apply okay and then i can go into edit family and get rid of the name like that load it back into the project override there we go so now when we take a look at the sheet it's going to look just like this so you simply just have numbers here uh in each area this is actually a trick that i have seen on the aussie bim guru channel it's a really good tip here where you just have the number i think it's really elegant uh and then of course here we have the display of each room i think this is really nice especially if you have maybe some sort of fake line presentation you have like a elegant floor plan i think this would be an elegant way of representing that and one more tip here for the outside areas because you sometimes do have to include them into the whole area and so on if you were to go to architecture and go to rooms to place a room as you can see it's not going to allow you to place it and it's definitely not going to calculate the area so what you want to do is use the room separator and just follow the whole outline like this luckily here we have a wall and then when you go to place a room it's going to be placed like that so i can place a room there and then i can go to the room schedule and just say that the room 6 is the terrace there we go and now if i go here to the sheet we have the terrace as uh number six i'm gonna miss the e here perfect so there we go uh that's how you can create outside rooms okay so that concludes uh my list of uh advanced uh room tips and techniques for uh for creating rooms in revit and if you have any suggestions maybe what you like to do what's your approach uh maybe something that you figured out that you think it's uh kind of nice it's a it's an effective way of representing rooms please tell me in the comment section below okay so that's pretty much it for this quick little tutorial if you're interested in more advanced or longer content i have both beginner intermediate as well as advanced level courses on my website balkan there also you can find my templates for revit and if you're looking for all of my revit project files like this project that we have over here that is available on my patreon page that's the second link in the description okay thank you for watching and i'll be back with another balkan arctic tutorial in a couple of days have a nice day
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 24,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, english, learn, BIM, building information modeling, easy, fast, quick, how to, autodesk, modeling
Id: 6oJiI6_lxXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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