5 Tips and Tricks for Importing DWG files into Revit

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what's going on guys Balkan architect here and in today's tutorial I'm going to be sharing these 5 tips and tricks for importing DWG or AutoCAD files into Revit so you can can transform your AutoCAD project your 2d plans into a 3d model in Rabbit I'm going to be sharing you with you how to set up the file in CAD before you get into Revit so you don't have any trouble with the file before you start working with it after that I'm going to be talking about the correct way to import and how to do all of the setups then how to position it and lock it in place and after that we're going to be covering all of the visibility graphic settings as well as how to set up the whole view so you can see your floor plan from AutoCAD in the right way and then how to use this plan effectively to model your Revit model ok so that's what we're going to be covering but before I get started I would just like to ask you to like this tutorial it helps me out a lot and if you haven't already I suggest you subscribe because they make the toriel's like this every day and all of these files will be uploaded to my patreon first link in the description and I've been taking a bit of a break so I've been a bit less regular this week I've been a bit sick so I apologize about that ok let's get started so as you can see over here I'm an AutoCAD and here I've just got this simple floor plan and this is what I'm going to be using to demonstrate all the things so as you can see we've got two of these floor plans this is kind of the lower level and this is the first level now if I load this into the rack into Rabbit this will all be placed on a single level so if I ago this will be all on level one for example but this should be in level one and this should be on level two so how do you separate these well you actually need to create two new files so what I like to do is I like to just select one floor plan go ctrl C just for copy and then start a new tab over here just in your drawing go control-v and just place it over here and do the same thing for the other one so just select it to go ctrl C and then go over here ctrl V and place it over here now in this case as you can see let's go back to the first land as you can see it looks like this so according to the stare and according to like the the two floor plans we can see that this corner and this corner of the house or of these two floor floor plans are aligned so to make it easier for you in Revit let's go for drawing one and here we can select this coordinate system select this the center of the coordinate system and we can move it to this place over here do the same thing on drawing too so just select it select here move it to the corner so when we load this into Rabbit and when we place these at different floor plans they'll be exactly above each other at the correct place so that's something you you want to have another thing I like to do in Outlook yet now you can do this in Revit but it's I just prefer to do it in out ok I'll just clean up the drawing of anything that you don't need so for example these annotations over here for the rooms I can delete those and maybe if you have some furniture that you don't want to have I can just select it and delete it over here and then check for all of the layers so are these the letters you want to have so the same thing for this floor plan everything looks right so now it's time to load this into AutoCAD or into rabbit so let's just save these two files so just go you to save and let's go to desktop let's call this yeah let's just call it drawing one and go save and go to drunk to again save drawing to and there we go now we can go into Revit and let's talk about importing properly so just go to your architectural template and once we're here now it's time to load these files so we've got level 1 and that's where our drawing 1 will be going and then we've got level 2 and that's where our a drawing - should be going so just go to level one and now for importing just go here to insert and you have import CAD and link ad so the difference between these two if you go to import CAD it will just load them the CAD file and it's just there forever if you go with a link CAD it's actually going to remember the link on your computer so if you make some additional changes to that CAD file it will automatically update in rabbit but you have to close rabbit and then open it up or reload the link in rabbit but be careful if you delete that CAD file and it's linked it will just disappear so that's something you don't want to have so for that I'm just going to go here to import CAD and let's just go to desktop and let's go with drawing number one that's the one I want to use now for all of the settings you want to make sure that all of these settings are right so for the colors you can either preserve them invert them for some reason I I just never do this and you have black and white I'm just going to choose black and white for this because I don't want to import all that color then we've got levels I'm just going to go with all levels and for import units you need to check in AutoCAD so once you're here and out together just check the units by going to measure and then for example let's measure this staircase so it's 1.2 so I can just take a guess and say that's 1.2 meters so the units used over here are meters and one more thing that I forgot to mention in AutoCAD unless you're working with some sort of a geographic platform with all of the all of your contour lines and something like that you want to take this file and kind of rotate it a bit so just go over here to this view cube and kind of rotate it around or just hold the shift key and just kind of spin it around so you want to make sure that everything is on in in one a level because if you can have a one line that's kind of somewhere up in space or if you've got something in that access it's going to you're going to have trouble when you load it into rabbit it will look kind of weird so just make sure that everything is in Doody indeed so let's go back into rabbit we now know these are meters so you can go to out of the tact and it's a kind of reasonably accurate but I just prefer to type in this and then here positioning make sure you leave that origin to origin because we're going to be placing this one above the other two drawing one above the drawing two should be above drawing one so just make sure you leave positioning origin to origin on both of them and here for place at I'm just going to do a level one that's the level that we're at and yeah that's pretty much it so I'm just going to go here to open and that's it here's our plan so it's kind of it's kind of off to one side that's because our Center is over here so it's gonna off to that side but don't worry we can leave it here it really doesn't make any problems so now let's go to level two I mean here is you can see this is kind of in the background or it's underneath so let's go here to import CAD go with that drawing too and let's do the same settings so it's actually going to remember all the settings and as you can see here it's placing it at level two that's what you want to have and just go open and as you can see now this level is over here and even though we did kind of set it in the correct place for some reason it kind of went off to the side and this happens sometimes I'm not really sure why so in order to correct this he can select your drawing and you go here and you unpin it so you can see now it's bent and if you go to move it around you can't but if you unpin it now you can move this file around so what you can do is you can just use the align tool and just use this line align that to that maybe you can even lock it in place and this to this and lock it in place and now as you can see now it's actually exactly above the other floorplan and if we go into 3d this is what we have so it's actually one above the other and now you can select it and a lock in the back in place this one is locked in place and then you can go over here and find let's see which one is OK select bend elements and just uncheck this so now you can't even select these two so just when you uncheck this it allows you to kind of block this from selection so you don't accidentally move it around okay so now once we've positioned this let's set up the graphics so let's go back into level 1 so let's just check this back off so we can actually select it now you can actually explode it you can go here to partial explode or full explode I prefer full explode and then it kind of drops everything into lines for each line but this isn't really something I want to have or you can actually play around and perhaps we want to eliminate all of the furniture so if you go here into AutoCAD and let's see so my furniture layer is this so here as you can see these are all these lines our furniture lines so if I go back into rabbit and go delete layers I can find maybe furniture check that and go okay and now it's deleted all of the furniture so if I don't want to have too much furniture I can do that same thing here select this floor plan delete layers and go furniture okay and there you go so you can remove stuff in Revit as well the stuff you don't want to have and also when you're like this and in Revit and you go to architecture for example and you start drawing lines as you can see if I draw a wall over this like this as you can see the lines are the same thickness I think that even these guidelines are a bit thicker than this wall line and I don't want to have that I don't like that I want to have this out get kinda in the background so what they prefer to do is just go into VG for visibility graphics go to imported categories and you find you can he run track them so you don't even show them if I hit apply and okay the Cadfael is gone so this is something that you would do later on probably once you're finished using that AutoCAD file so it's it just doesn't bother you but let's go back into BG imported categories let's just turn it on and here for drawing one I'm just going to go with half down so you can hit apply okay and now as you can see this is at half down and this wall is at full tone so you can see it better and you can actually once you go back into VG can actually change the layers so maybe we can go for exterior walls we can actually do an override let's try to make it red okay okay apply ok and now as you can see the exterior walls are red so if you want to play around with the graphics you can actually do it through rabbit it's quite smart it's using all of the AutoCAD out everything that's it important from AutoCAD and it's it can actually use everything okay so once you finally have this let's start modeling our house so I can go here to the measure tool and measure this wall at 300 millimeters so I can go here to wall find some 300 millimeter wall and as you see if I just go to the center of this thing it actually gives me this line so I can go maybe like that and draw the whole wall go all the way around go like that so it's actually giving me these that kind of lines to help me out with placing this wall but now we have a certain problem okay here where I want to place the doors if I just go to door and here I can see that we actually have it or over here and same thing here we just need to adjust for the size of the door but we can see where the actual door sets but for the windows I don't know where the windows are so a way to go to work around this is just go here to wireframe so now you have your walls but you can actually see okay we've got the window over here with so maybe choose some window and place it there like this place one here so you kind of have to go to wire when you want to place windows because the walls will gonna cover the whole the whole drawing underneath so you won't be able to see it so this is something that you will have to use and then for doing all the rest of the walls just go again to wall and let's go to generic I don't know 150 and as you can see over here you can actually go through the whole thing and do all of the walls and if we select just the walls so maybe go to filter check none walls apply okay let's see and if I now track this to level two so top constraint level do and if we go into 3d here as you can see now it's all aligning to my second floor plan and I can just go above that and start working in my second floor plan okay so those are the trick tips and tricks on how to take these floor plans from AutoCAD and import them into Revit and how to do all of the necessary settings so it actually works well and you make you make your floor plans as quick as possible with making the least amount of mistakes okay so that's pretty much it for at this importa tips and tricks tutorials for importing DWG or cad files and to rabbit so thank you for watching please subscribe like and share this video and if you have any questions comments or suggestions make sure to leave them in the comment section below and if you want to download these project files check out my patreon first link in the description thank you for watching and have a nice day
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 1,514,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, english, learn, BIM, building information modeling, easy, fast, quick, how to, autodesk, modeling, autocad, dwg, cad, drawing, import, link, kink cad, import cad, architecture, family
Id: 5YDbi1Zn2RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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