Modern House Complete Modeling with Revit Architecture

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[Music] welcome of these today tutorials which I'm going to show you how to avoid this very beautiful house and after that record export it on 3ds max in order to get a very playful weather so let's begin but before it don't forget to subscribe to my channels let's share it to your friend take your the first thing to do before the model is in this house is to go with opened on this project chose architectural template click on ok here we go and this is to check to check up what you need them going to use during all of my project for data on village Yan it in my cast I used to work with centimeter so yeah so please click here and then choose centimeters it's only like that he our case here we are going to work with to create a house we've told wells pick one floors and the second one will be the first flow and the last will be the highest level of our floors else the second floors so by default here where it suggests me only two levels in a one needle top but let's help it on television click here on SEO and on this one by the way we can change the name of face by double clicking on the name here and let's give it a number near the wall it's floating point C is given by 0 wall floor like so and the next year will be the first flow would you like to rename corresponding rows yes I'm going to create an another flow let's get back on architecture levels and then let's create slick so so select only this one and then change the name but to let's see see count okay so what's a lot all of us details now this one is on zero it's okay this one for convert centimeter from liberals Roley change it three million 1441 and his mom will be yes three get a fortune from the middle for first floor great have created all the levels I need for my project and as we can see on the floor plan here we have ground floor first floor second floor to the game we are going to work out clicking tongue flow here will here is my elevations morley so here I have my property here have my project brother so I'm going to begin let's go on let's begin to create my walls but before all I need to draw and I need to know how how my house looks like always begin by drought during my walls but before all things what's it backing on architecture take mother's line and let drop here the east to your face of my walls like so so [Music] before Andrew the thirteenth lay that this line will be Easter aside marvels let me interpret the world bowl it's again here my walls the best contract of my wall is on the wall floor but highest contrast is not is not connected here and then choose legends where which will be negative right long way begin here so have something wrong here big house as a tall which line will be the stereo part my host let chance unlock ocean why he chose exterior lens to the yellow it's great yes cancel let's create interior walls I can flip his wall values in space also so then select this I want to know the distance between this face and this face here but as we can save a bit misery my balls from the middles let's have obvious on manage if she's not setting chance her temporary dimension I won't attribute measure my balls from face and all my doors from up north like so and when I select it again as we can see I have here four hundred and thirty centimeters like vault great let's bring it here so let's take and create a room like so this in I won't eat 110 110 let's copy this here links up here I have a room here will be the toilet and here will be mr. okay here I'm going to create my little rooms let's go here modify take split element select it trophies think yes here trip of extent these envious and vis with myself now let's create our doors by going up Tector doors and by default rivets who's asked me one kind of door sir we've with many dimensions but you may guess I'm gonna chose a modder doors I can't take this one if we want go closer to the wall in order to to put my doors with my walls but here I'm going to choose another kind of doors it types load controls on UK I'm gonna choose odorous in my family's doors it will be lets say interior doors what doors will be to just me have a lot of here but let's take a very simple one this okay [Music] next to do is know to set up the dimensional these doors I have by default endorsed with base dimension but I want to change it to placate the time and then right change the name like so and let's see where the mission is on high among 210 and with it want 90 multiple to store here for example here I want to get one pixel in here three here three centimeter from three meter from the walls I want to bring the dogs here yes the next to do is to create my external walls let's see let's do the same process mystic one let's take this chance Holly the dimension duplicate the talent type and then let's see 160 and 200 and tail with will be 160 hi like so click on OK and then let's put it here in the middle like that cancel so I want to create a glass here just close to my doors with thick walls and then almost we have many kind many kind of types of walls but lectures one here I have a glass walls curtain walls select this the lower level is on one floor and highest is on first floor that grade is traveling so 50 problems here let's let this it's let's do again the creation yes highlighted walls or the lay one of them may be ignored when reread find rooms maybe consider that I have a double double double walls here because in our case here we consider this glass wall as as a wall but I want it as an opening so for that select only the glass it types and then automatically and a beach will be selected select this apply and as we can see I have an opening here that's great they want the same thing there create console so no let's see how it looks like go on treating what 3d here select a wall and rotate it as I can as we can see I have here a glass I have a glass but I won't know to set up the high of his glass top contrast let's check that Rozier unconnected I want to to do it by myself like say his glass will have two hundred and fifty centimeters from the level zero so they do the same thing here all here in your case we have two hundred and ten centimeters let's do the same way so if I want to change my appearance because I want to see it well here by default we have we are on hiding lines but we can go on you have not set up their project rabbits was asked me to save this project that light's still envious yes Here I am on realistic view that's great I'm going to keep the neck so the next I'm going to do now is the creation of mine of the windows I don't have any I'm going to create the windows so down get it back on one floor let's go on those it types because I'm gonna chose some other types of doors load I found me and let me make yes here I'm going to choose I'm gonna use a French Philippe house windows is missed um is missing on my UK founding click on French and then like chose this wood stick we have a lot of kind of windows here let's go on this for example let's take this that's on video key for me obvious this erase all the care what you call yes mistake home so set up often this here rivets let me to take some kind doors take only one click ah okay the parameter halter doesn't exist in the family because this one is in French so we have this problems but we can set up these windows go on duplicate I won't tighten those 180 in 130 something like so high will be 100 in 30 with Willy moon and rate in like this and very here this fuel hi is this the French is like this but let's put it like she owes 19 click on ok so I can only put it here no needles sorry too life is eternal to the Christian by constantly miss and the next is I'm going to create a smaller smaller widows here go windows et types duplicate like this sucio with like chances 130 that great let's let you the same here console so that again I see house looks like that yes I have my windows a table and get back and well floor I want to have a very big loss glass here now so let's use only let's take this one and when selected go on create similar let's do our creation it's okay hey that house is like yes have a very big last year yes I think now I have all opening a want for my project there is only one I want to create I don't have a windows here so let's put something out go those let's fix him those no Ableton the types low the type go home French piece like this happen let's take it Herbie small dimension yes but the high height of my windows will be 210 hole is created here like that okay lets you know hostess like make this but the thing I'm going to do now is to create the frame frame of my last year so for that let's go here on module and by default here is the frame that Revit suggest me let's take it's very simple and choose only an age like this like that but I think according to me this this mullion is very so big for this project and for this opening so select Olivia's it types sleep million here PD types duplicated put two million and then link channels it to 75 thickness here I have thickness about 15 but it's a big let's take 7.5 but right my soul city for me the lid is also like this and choose again use the same process file but now I'm going to choose all grey or green in order to select only glass and have somebody on created with here for this but for this very big mess I'm going to separate it into three part so let's get back on architecture use your curtain great done create agree here wait here so like this I think it's that great soap it go moodle's use all great and Rick I'm not going to use this but here click on it click that's right always create it now ok next I'm going to create let's create something let's go on one floor but for now I'm going to create some I a kind of something like a box in which my all of my pie will be so for that like gift let go here walls but I'm gonna chose a number of dimensions of walls if I don't have a think we are going to create lectures only at home we have our videos face let's take generate this and then after that it it types duplicate this i want i feel fingers structures in the types among 10 centimeters of walls holy cow and then the best contrast of these walls will be on one floor but the top contrast will be on first floor only screed console location line on exterior link is flip it using mouse using the kibo flip yes like so console slide this I want this wall visible let's see 60 is a big with 40 select this and then go move movie here oh I have a problem she will remove this wall all my balls here mode with with but here back though disconnect the both go here on a line select a face align this face with this once on it this one to console slid down bring it myself but this world should be for 40 centimeter from forget yes 40 yes that's great for us Oh Oh in solving but great sleep only poster slide she'll be like that get back we will flow select only this inducer malfunction I'm going to create a mile road I copy of this bone from the Middle's of his of the wall here my soul that great slick this let's let's break it somewhere copy copying from the middle and bring it here please delete he does [Music] 14 lift it the same slowly bless here bring it select now wall here Dyson rotate make sure that copy is selected use place an auditor to treat the center of the radiation see that here I'm going to bring the leg great sleep all of that great sleep again coffee here yes we have only to move it a little bit lights a to 273 tea house looks like yes so the next thing I'm going to do now is to create to create my first floor so for that I think we have only to select the wall flow say all of the won't flow and then go here on copy test a lot to select levels and let's Li the levels where we have to copy this first floor okay let's go first floor and as you can see if we go on the 3d view a habit or video like that that's great but I have a little chance something all thing I don't need on this first floor and does really great god let's go working out on first floor let chance the face we don't need for this project today with one select the wall here you'll split element and Curtis most console the creation select it after and move the point here so I want that the distance between these two walls will be sixty six hundred and forty centimeters like that so but I have problems here the element is reversed because I have another washer tool it consoles only nothing we have down let me back here like so and then bring it like this by using only two point here now we have only the same problems you Swiss create the same element and close it like that instead conflict with trend wall maybe is right the house we have here a windows and we have just created I was with his connected with Windows but console more visually so like that till it mix l48 house create a wall here so um on this first floor I would like to get a room here like to get a room here and for his room I won't have a big dressing just here so let's closely that I want a dressing yells create similar mos I want to get a very big dressing here and here able to have a very big toilet yes bring it light here can create cotton ball Milan yes this movie will be deleted so the leg even Italy in uses create similar them create one like that so I'm going to enter here so I need to treat ought to take another kind of doors let's go on T door external doors let's step on a very stupid or very simple very simple app so 2d Tate hi if is let's put it here so please help by selling this wall create similar slit screen opening just here so here will be my very big dressing here will be my toilet but I'm not going to work on the house now the only thing we can't arrest me is the eastern part of the house let's up select this and delete like that let's see house new slab like so the next I'm going to do is the creation before let's create the flow of my mouth flow like an apt actor choose air flow and then by default maybe that maybe is flow general for both fail for engraving limiters of thickness it's so it's a big for me he types and download applicator type here late it's very simple shows like that the strip default thickness is 40 centimeters it's a big in the cast I bought only of phenol plans is this click OK and then click again okay so we are on a very very different concept of creation here I have only to drown each thorough boundary of my force in order to get my front door so choose let it slide down like that consolidation let's hostess lodge yes here's my phone but on the gold floor I want to create Easter your flow led to the same process using this creates in the laws but I'm gonna create I figure let's see 10 millimeters form factors transit 10 then click on login do this yes let's what it is a using the little boot on my mouth by keeping it and using shift and then slay that but let's online something modify and go on a line in order to align these lover fuss of face floss to this one click on this select vision weight align these florists degrees and click this see that missile so okay the next I'm gonna do it to create the flow on first using the same process use true COSO no click would you like most that go up to these floors Nero's to attach to its bottom click on this highlight fall down touch click on let's see how to slide like so in this case select this row and select by using controls with this and attach twist my soul by the way I don't make this dose of things like that let's create now the flow on the second floor but ultimately I cannot see here my models so let's select only second floors on in the lacy only can see which best levels let's chose zero first floor and apply it like that and it's creating in the floor in that house is large one so I'm go I need to create some walls here be back again walls lecture the walls able to creat butter which will be on unconnected but let's set up manually I have local on I forget to sell this location line with sterile again [Music] please with that which he told you okay okay first of all we have to well they we have people isolated with no balls so in his movies like so cocky past past own see control let's know yes but select again all and then set up the high middle linked and connected me that okay third grade it's almost down houses almost down - yes it's great okay let's go through by the creation of a post column it's gone column chose what kind of Cologne we need for the project and the types load go on UK we have a straighter let's say where inspector yes it's so called stricter color so I'm gonna choose a conquest column down very tangela or square concrete is great for me it's great okay so truth hi here and it will be from liberal call floor to the first floor did some world light so you like that me nuts so if we need to align it well so aligned a language it's a mini-grid and sleep all consults with all of us here know best offset going to put it to less 30 centimeter later I'm going to create the railings here now for that girl in first floor architecture Wehling know travelmenu living soul all the technique I have used always project all the bit basic as equal using only this in the commode lies in very very beautiful house if you want so this let's see how sly the result yes that's all okay the next I'm going to do is to create a sweep using component component of Revit models in place no use moles let's use your sweep in theory we have to choose to chose me we can sketch pop by ourselves Oh pick from legs is detail just pay pay us no sleep only the path lately the creation of my sleep because we have focused something if father it is console Mobius window console again can surmount get back on second floor yells continues blows caught here you out here in the nose trims in older my soul this lasagna is slightly deliveries so we can now work on almost that's let's set up again here in the boundary of mod it's reading it like that trees this is my move Hallet Falls now pull again let's see that so this state to this down back a second firm doing small check this creates a law and create it with that you order you looking at handling yes we've also seen a that let's say always whole thing okay it's great for me this house this like really good it's pretty cool so let's get back to our professional content take all the yellows sweep picked up slip all that you need though your strengths again like so so it's doubles great finished and now let's create the profiles of face boulder with files let's go on till you hear what's done in the fall seriously profiles in files let's jump with the way that uses yes we have a problems here can create sleep so I shouldn't have a problem somewhere so let's see what is on my powers again yes have a pogo stick death and as we can still have a policy with me I forget to use trim here me that so have a border though like that so that great that if I a vote is for my project euros finished model yes I know next to do is to go let's see on inhibition No so here and though take take this wall copy it but before bed let's create allies to imitate take a line he's lying let's say I want to have a mole the thing is I won't at this wall go down to here so silicon it is by mentoring shift could be it here we saw in gray V that lets see houses like right this the nest to do is the question of all of my being here let's go home no flaw use whoa use whoa let's create a name so or so also himself let's all tree okay let's go again here Oh Soph here yes I won't I be [Music] I won't hear it being involved faulty centimeter or five something like that here will be highest evil smiley and hearing me love and evil believe me so don't go get me do you like alive to hear this let's go do that and so and select all the bin attach all of his band to my slave now straight is warm use a line use take order to select the best we consume salsa name is on line yes yes when modernization is almost out but I need to do something with some whole floor sleep sleep here hello best contrast let's say less 30 so give me so let's see how's slot yes me that okay the last thing I need to do a fit on this project I'm going to create and be last year first of all slice this in the noodles here similar glass cricket with that when you select this moles you need [Music] get anything we need to do is to create reveal we can see it on walls more people lobby real is a tools which going to create let's see it directly coastal is going to create socially that Hall on the wall so so it yes so how to do this let's get let's go on wheedle I want a smaller dimension of my video let's just this reveal brake hose upon apply let's see no way that here with the smaller rhythm let's just this we will let's put it here Purcell let's go folder use tab and auditors need to reload copy console again sleep the river only handle use but Adam will move close today the world we want to else like so but as we can see we have a unique review on the wall we have just selected me to be here and go and copy slay that 30 centimetres of details it's a small let's say with doing this sweet the video click so copy I'm going to copy it from here yes I have my baby here but I would add it somewhere before often I before I'm going to add something let's use this creates in a log and then let's create sitting myself and something like this without reading Toso so it is Wang sling is wrong and let radiates top footrest on second floor top offset let's use won't even play that you know what I'm going to do let's leave these walls let's go on second floor let us place and then let's get them all here and so they get back up treating house I won't apply the revealed movies part of this ball but not the rest so showing the video and wall and this let do it again down this wall and it's one so they wait again to take so let's like this in the odds here in this wall and so cancel again so in the last and then and like so great so we have to add some details from his house so this is the last of our creation by using only thumbnails the thing is I'm going to create the rain protection of each of my opening so let's for now use extrusion sit sit walk them what them will be the wall where you have to to draw a low extrusion pick them think is what principle and don't go off-road you use rectangle 30 only that tell again tensile Victor's death three console sonic this though let's see house looks like a Walton extrusion about 40 centimeters the great and also like this in the brain I'm going to select this extrusion from this point because I'm going to bring it here lesson next though we are going to do the same thing with all of our windows by following the same process Catholic expression is no more canceled slightly us in the extrusion the ladies part to lay the spot finished the brain needed commissions [Music] yes oh it's finished but great looks like that so finish the models the last tells and move to do now or go to make some chances let's use here any pain trip let's get a similar I [Music] would like to to place them offset from my balls with my boundary let's do this I'm going to show you your this down offset use test centimeters and when I am going to prick no mine the boundary of my sleep here I'm have 10 centimeters of offset needed [Music] select all the line all the previous line cookies boundary by using slick folio and use Ted after order to sleep all of them automatically and so delete leave the rest manually bring it like that yes so you know with them operational yes I would have is that what the reason I have created I've changed the boundary of his sleep that great I have faith finished all the modernization we have to do with his house ok the next thing Oh a way to create to add some some details walls lets us grill oh goodness put some video link here like so myself let's how to slide useless and walls once all console and then select we go here copy holy that nice copy 60 listen so here is an obvious tutorial about modernization using rivets assuring to hold what life is your eternal house using this very beautiful software which going to allow you to produce and some very beautiful house using a very basic tools and very basic way an estimate video I'm going to help you to add some details into andreas house using 3ds max in v-ray so don't miss it don't forget to subscribe to this channel thank you
Channel: Afroh Architecture
Views: 37,161
Rating: 4.9082804 out of 5
Keywords: revit, architecture, tutorial, course, beginner, modern house, complete project, exterior, modeling, Autodesk Revit, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 3ds max tutorial, 3ds max, tutoriel, revit structural, texturing, realistic, render, cours, apprendre revit, revit tutorial, 3ds max tutoriel, rendu Vray
Id: 8H0VsIpCg10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 52sec (4792 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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