Area Plan in Revit Tutorial

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what's going on guys balkan arctic here and in today's tutorial i'm going to be showing you how to create an area plan in Revit so Revit has this cool tool to create area plans it allows you to assign different different properties or different uses for different spaces inside or different areas inside of your floorplan it's really easy to make and you can set it up in numerous different ways you can set up numerous area schemes and then apply those to your floor plans now in this video I'm going to be giving you an overview of starts to finish how to create an area plan how to modify it how to assign boundaries so you can separate different areas and how to end up with a cool-looking area plan that's graphically represented with a colorful legend that basically explains what is each area dedicated to so that's going to be the topic of today's tutorial now before I get into that I would just like to ask you to like this tutorial it helps me out a lot with the YouTube algorithm and also if you haven't already I suggest you subscribe because I make useful Revit tutorials each week also each week I do one advanced Vulcan architect course and those are available on my patreon first a link in the description of this video there you can find all of my advanced courses now I do these courses they are over one hour long sometimes even longer currently I'm working on an office project from start to finish completing all project documentation and basically taking you through each phase of the design and production of project documentation within Revit so this is where I basically place or upload all of my advanced courses where I go in-depth into all of those advanced topics so if that's something you're interested in check it out okay with that out of the way let's get into the tutorial now for this tutorial I'm going to be using this project file this is just a simple office building that I have constructed for the purposes of this demonstration and if you would like to download this project file again as I said that's on my patreon the first link in the description and then you can just use it and follow with this tutorial okay so let's go ahead and create that area plan so first thing that we need to do is create an area scheme now actually we're not going to be creating it because there are already once loaded and but nevertheless I'm going to show you how to do that so here under room and area if I open up the drug man you will notice or expand this whole Roman area panel you will see that here we have an option for area and volume computations now if I click there we get the area and volume computations window and first here we have options to compute either areas only or areas and volumes now for this demonstration we only really need areas so I'm going to leave this at areas only underneath we have room area computation and here it it's basically asking us would they like to compute at wall finishes or wall centers wall core layers or maybe add wall core centers so for this presentation or for this type of a and the area plan that I'm going to be creating just for visual presentation purposes I'm going to stick with wall centers now if your purposes for this area plan requires something else you can choose maybe one of these other ones moving on here we have our area schemes now the the ones that are loaded in would revert to the default ones are the gross building and the rentable now we can create a new one here and then you can call it area scheme one so and here you can add a little bit of a description for that area scheme now for this one we can use either the existing ones or maybe the new one that I've created I'm just going to click OK here and now we've exited out of that menu now for the next step we have to go here to the floor plan now to create our area plan I'm going to go here to the room and area panel go to the area tool open up the drop menu and select area plan now this will give you give us some options so here for the type let's go with the rentable type I'm going to choose that one that's one of the existing ones and then here rabbit is asking us which level do we want to basically assign this to or which Allah area plan is this is going to be so in this case this is a one level office floor plan so level two is just the roof so that's why I'm going to select level one now once you hit okay you're going to get a message where Revit says that it's going to be using the exterior walls for the base basic boundary lines and you'll just click yes and there we go so now as you can see we have this area plan now if you can't see it really well then I suggest you turn off thin lines so these lines will be a bit thicker we have these well these purple lines and here in the properties panel project the browser we have a new node so we have our floor plans or ceiling plans the 3d views elevations and then underneath all of that we have area plans and here in parentheses it says rentable now if I open that up here as you can see it says level 1 so it's basically copying this name now if you want you can right-click and then rename it but I just like when it corresponds to the a level name now to add additional boundaries you can always go here to the room and area panel and find area boundaries select that tool and basically you're using the PICC lines tool to separate this area now as you can see I'm just going to go like this and separate this into different areas and once you're done now also you you don't have to separate each wall only the ones that are separating different areas so these are all three offices in a row so I just need to outline the exterior walls of those offices nothing else now to escape out of this just click the Escape key a couple of times or go here to the modify tool now the next step would be to assign area tags so you would just open up the area drop menu and go with area and this allows you to tag and add all of the areas so this is one this is this one is 54 square meters if I add one here this is a bit or this yeah this is actually the same size this one's a bit smaller this one's even smaller and we have a medium one over here there we go so now we have all of these different areas now once you hover over the area so not the area tag but the act Shoal area it kind of highlights like this like this X sign and then when you select it here underneath underneath the other we have area type and you can open up the drop menu and choose one of the existing types now here this one for example this will be a an office area so I'm going to select their office area and for the name I'm going to call this one office one next we have this one this one will be building a common area and the name will actually be the same common next we have this one now this one will also be office area in here for the name let's call this one office to this one if I open up this dropping over here we can do this either maybe let's go with a storage area and let's select it there we go so once this is selected and now we can or changed we can change your area and let's call this one storage hit enter and finally this one and this one will be again office area and let's call this one office 3 there we go so now with the would all of our areas basically named and assigned there types now we can create a scheme or a color scheme or a schedule so to do so what you need to do is you need to go here to the annotate tab now once you're on the annotate tab here we have the color fill legend now you select that tool and basically here you can select a color fill legend or just place it like this now here is asking us what space type are we trying to create a color scheme for and in this case this is an area plan so let's select area rentable and the color scheme will be area rent a rentable area color scheme now if I select ok there we go this is what that will look like so here it says these are the offices these are also the offices the common areas this may be dark green this one is a bit lighter green and here we have this beige color for the rest of these now if you want to maybe change some of those colors what you can always do is just select this rentable area legend open up the edit scheme and here you can go ahead and maybe change some of the colors so you can go with something that works a bit better with your project so you can just select that hit apply okay and there we go so this is how you can edit that basically the visual representation of your area plan but there we go that's how you create and represent an area plan with rabbit I hope this was useful if you want to download these project files check out my patreon first link in the description also there you can find some of my advanced tutorials and courses there are over one hour long and they cover numerous advanced Revit topics in depth so if you want to learn a Revit a bit better check out that first link in the description okay so that's pretty much it for this tutorial thank you for watching please subscribe like and share this video if you have any questions comments or suggestions for any future tutorials make sure to leave them in the comment section below and I'll be back with another regular Balkan architect tutorial in a couple of days thank you for watching and have a nice day
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 59,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, english, learn, BIM, building information modeling, easy, fast, quick, how to, autodesk, modeling, area, space, room, plan, architecture, family
Id: pHDvnQy5DQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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