3 Ways of Creating Floor Finishes in Revit Tutorial

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what's going on guys balkan arctic here and today i've got quite a cool video for you guys so i decided to cover the topic of how to create different floor finishes in rabbits so whenever you have a floor for your floor plan you're usually going to have different finishes depending on the basically what the room is used for so for the kitchen you would you have some sort of style for the bathroom you might have the same tile or a different tile and maybe you want to carpet for the bedroom and then wood flooring for the living room or something like that so usually each room will have a different floor finish and just by using the irregular floor tool it's not going to give you that option so in this video i'm not going to be showing you one but actually three ways of approaching having or creating three different or creating different floor finishes for your Revit floor plans now as everything else in Revit there are multiple ways of doing it so I think that the best option is to show all of those and then you can pick out which option works best with whatever you're trying to achieve now before I get into that I would just like to ask you to like this video it helps me out a lot with the YouTube algorithm and also make sure to subscribe because I make useful Revit tutorials each week and also I make some courses so I've got a whole beginner-to-intermediate course it's 16 hours long and it's basically pretty much everything you need to know if you're a beginner is to check it out it's up on my website first a link in the description so also there I've got many intermediate and advanced courses and also on my patreon I've got all those courses as well as project files so that's going to be the second link in the description of this video okay so with that out of the way let's get straight into d tutorial okay so here we are in rabbit and this is the building that we're going to be using for this demonstration so we have a nice looking house over here but if I go here to the level one floor plan you're going to notice that we can't really see any difference in the floors over here then if I select the floor that's being used you're going to notice that it's just a generic to 100 millimeter floor and now for this particular floorplan what we have is a kitchen over here with some sort of a storage area and then also here we have a bathroom and additionally we have this outside area so here we have some sort of outside decking or or basically a place where you're going to have to have and outside a floor so in this first approach to creating a different floor finishes and rabbet what we're going to be doing is just creating three different form types so let's see how can we do something like that so what I'm going to do now is just select the floor in question and then what I'm going to do is to go here into edit type and then let's go into edit structure now for the structure we can have just the main structural function material and let's leave the thickness at 220 centimeters and then for the material we can just open up the material browser and add some sort of a concrete material perhaps or something like that so let's add the cast-in-place gray concrete okay so once we have this now we can start adding additional layers to this so let's go over here let's insert another layer so let's say that we have maybe five centimeters of some sort of insulation so let's call it a thermal air layer and then for the material let's I go here and let's search for some sort of a rigid insulation there we go okay so once we have that let's add one more material so let's insert that and for structure let's go with substrate and then for the material let's say we have some sort of fee we have to have some sort of protection above this so maybe I don't know let's go with just by weather or something like that or maybe maybe even some sort of concrete above that just this moral a small layer and then let's go again with the cast-in-place a great concrete but a way smaller thickness something like four centimeters will do the trick okay so once we have this main material all set up what we can do now is add the final finish material so I'm just going to insert here maybe a two centimetres thickness let's add another material so this material is going to be a some sort of a floor Laure material so let's see what we have okay we have oak flooring okay so we have the first and the main material so if I just click okay okay okay this one is said its structure and that of course cannot be so let's set it to finish one and then click OK okay let's set this one to finish material as well and there we go finally we have our floor created okay so once we have this floor created we can of course rename it so let's just call it our main floor there we go maybe let's add - wood so just to indicate the D wood finish click OK click apply ok again and there we go so now this floor has been applied to our entire building now we have to add a couple of more floors so I want to have some sort of a carpet perhaps for this bedroom let's say and then I want to have some sort of tile for the bathroom and some something for the outside so what I'm going to do is just just go here and go into edit type and let's duplicate this one so this is going to be the main floor but let's call it tile click ok and then for structure let's go into edit structure and just for the finished material let's search for tile and do we have something maybe ceramic tile there we go click ok ok again and there we go now we have tile applied now of course that's not at the end let's select the floor again going to edit type duplicate it again and let's call this one carpet like okay go into structure go into the material and let's search for lor again and now we are going to have this carpet option so let's select that click OK again and then we have that and let's just duplicate it one more time and let's call this one outside like okay and then let's go into edit and then here I just want to add something that looks like decking so let's see do we have some material for that okay we only have the metal deck so what I'm going to do is just search for wood and then I like to use the let's see can I find it here there is a really nice material siding material it kind of looks like that outside decking so I tend to use it just because of the material so what I'm going to do is just load that in and use that one for our decking look okay okay again and there we go okay so now finally we have all these materials created but still we have one floor so what we need to do now is just separate this floor into well multiple floors so what you can do is going to edit boundaries so first thing that we're going to do is just remove floors so for example go here into a line tool and then basically carve out this part this is going to be tile same thing goes here so maybe we have tile there then we are going to have carpet over here so let's just go like that so so basically we just want to leave the parts where we're going to have for example the wood floor so in this case the wood floor is only going to go in this area over here of course outside we're not going to be using it so let's just go here and then as you can see I'm cutting along the line the structural line of the wall so just keep that in mind there we go so now we can basically trim and extend and fix this up so let's go to trim extend and let's fix it up here here there we go we can get rid of this line and that's pretty much it so now when we delete this so this is the only thing that's left out as our regular floor now before we save this let's just go to properties and change this into a wood floor and finish there we go now let's go and create a new floor so just go to the floor now instead of wood floor let's go to tile and then let's start creating a floor here so it's going to go something like this and then like this over here in this area and then we can just hit the finish and finally let's add the carpet so let's go to floor again and then let's go to carpet that's great rectangle for example from here to here now of course I'm just doing broad strokes over here and you are going to you're going to have to be a bit more accurate with this of course but anyways this is just going to be that carpet finish and then finally for this outside let's go to floor again let's use the outside and let's add that decking over here perhaps maybe like that and hit finish we have some sort of an overlap let's see where that is but anyways you might want to fix that up a little bit but you get the point so we're going to have decking over here so now we basically have a different floor finishes so if I go here to the 3d view and if I go to the properties turn on the section box what you can do is it is select it and then move it down a little bit there we go and if we just switch this to realistic there we go we have different floor finishes inside of our house just by using different floor types and just dividing up the floor now let's take a look at the second approach through creating different floor finishes in Revit and that's through using deep parts tool so let's take a look at how this works so as you can see over here from the model as we did in previous one we have added all the necessary layers but in this case we only have just one floor slab now what we need to do now is just divide the top layer into multiple different layers so it's still going to be one floor slab with the divided top material so let's see how is something like this done I'm just going to select this floor and then what I'm going to do is go here to the modify tab and then go to the create panel and here we have the option to create parts as you can see the the icon looks like it's dividing all of the layers for example for this wall so if I just click that it's going to divide this into parts so this floor is now divided into multiple parts and as you can see now we can if I just deselect it now I can just select individual layers so once we have something like this done now we can go to divided parts so we can divide each part individually in this case the top layer so what I'm going to do now is just go back here into a level one and then let's start making divisions so I'm just going to go here into edit sketch you're going to notice that here we have this dashed line on the outside of the layer that's basically showing you where D where the outline is so we can start adding divisions like this so for example for the tile floor let's do something like this there we go so now if I get to finish as you can see here we have divisions and if I go back into the 3d view you can see that that material is now divided so if we just finish this now we can select independently this floor and this floor finish now let's go back select the main floor let's go into edit division for example and now we can continue dividing it so let's go back into a level of 1 and here what I'm going to do is actually maybe continue this just like that it's finished there we go let's edit the sketch again so let's just go here and add another division all the way to the outside here or yeah we can follow that line I guess there we go we have that division as well and I think this is it so if we're just hit to finish there we go finish again finally we're done now what we need to do next is here for the visibilities you can see it's not really visible in this layer so what we need to do is just go here and take a look at the visibility and we just want to make sure that it's going to show our parts so let's go to parts of visibility and instead of show original let's switch it to show parts hit apply and now it should show the different wall layers when we're done so let's go back here into the 3d view select D C okay let's there we go so for example for this material what we can do is we can go here and we can play around with this particular material so as you can see here is it has a properties panel includes some parameters and for example one of those is material by original now in this case that's going to use the oak flooring what we can do of course is uncheck that and then change the materials so instead of oak flooring I'm just going to go here into edit and then search for a floor again but in this case let's go with the carpet and there we go we have carpet there now we can select these two on track material bar original and then edit this and let's use tile and we can add ceramic tile or something like that and finally for this one now as you can see this one hasn't been divided I guess that the division wasn't drawn correctly so let's go back here into level one that's going to edit sketch so here we might have a problem so let's extend this past there ooh Oh so here we have the prog as the problem was there so and not here so we can go back here to the original position of this line there we go so now it should work let's hit finish let's go into 3d there we go so now we can finally select this and change the material as well so let's on track the material by original and then go to here to material and then let's use siding let's see there we go and we have a different material there as well now just one more quick tip if you go back here into level one you're going to notice that you can't really see your floor now here for the parts visibility we have set it up to show parts but it doesn't show them now the reason for this is because when you change your floor into parts it's going to have a different way of viewing that element in Revit and just the the way the trivet manages the view range is going to be a bit different for showing floors as parts instead of regular floors so what you just need to do is go here to your view range settings and just change the bottom to unlimited and then hit apply okay of course we have to change the view depth to unlimited as well and then once we hit apply now you will be able to see those floor finishes also in your floor plan so just keep that in mind that's a small visibility change that you need to make in order to be able to view these floor finishes and the final approach would be to model it as you would build it so basically when creating floors what you would do is maybe pour out a concrete slab and then you would add different finish materials for different rooms now in this case we're just going to have the concrete slab the finish material of course I know there are a couple of materials in between but just for just to keep it simple we're just going to leave it at Atul Ayers for this demonstration now here we have our generic for our main one now what we're going to be doing next is just leaving this as is so just leaving that in the floor plan and then what we're going to do is just go and go into floors and let's create a new floor so just going to edit stipe duplicate and we're just going to call this one finish and then - wood floor click okay and then for structure we're just going to make the thickness a bit smaller maybe two centimeters and then for the material let's search for wood and let's just use a wood flooring oak flooring click OK now you would duplicate this again so the second one will be finished let's use tile for this one and then again you would go to structure and add the tile material here there we go ceramic tile click ok then you would duplicate this again and then you would go to you would go and you would create a new material so this will be carpet click okay go into edit and go into material let's search for our pit there go click okay okay let's just leave it at those three I'm just going to click OK and now what we're going to do is just do first the carpet so let's just do a simple rectangle here inside of this room it's finished now you're going to get this overlap highlight and that's okay we can just cancel that don't worry about that for now going into floor again so let's switch this to tile and let's create a couple of rectangles one here in this bathroom and the one here in this area finish again same error message don't worry about it and then again finally one more material let's do the our wood flooring so for this I'm just going to use maybe pick lines go like that around and then we're just going to be using trimmin extent to fix this up so just go to trim and extend to corner and just make sure to trim everything down to corner okay here we have something quite wrong so let's add a regular line here there we go again from an extent okay this all seems okay finally here hit finish okay here we can have a small error it finished now there we go okay so one final thing we have to okay this a finished material of course we need to change it from tile into wood floor and then if we go into the 3d view and if I just scroll down and turn the section box on I can just drop this down there we go and let's turn on the realistic mode and as you can see that everything looks terrible because the materials are overlapping but we just need to select our main generic floor and give it a height offset of minus two centimeters that's the thickness of each of those layers and now it's correct and even if we go into one of the sections for example you're going to have that to finish and if I maybe turn on deadlines here we have that finished material over our generic floor so that's the that's the final approach that you can use to create different floor finishes now as I said just depending on what you're trying to create what's your final project going to be like once it's going to be used for and basically depending on your circumstances you can pick from one of these approaches in Revit and of course if you have your own approach please feel free to share it in the comment section below as I said you can find the project files on my patreon first link in the description and for some a beginner intermediate or advanced courses I've got over 50 hours of content both on my website for complete courses and on my patreon as well so check out the links in the description okay so that's pretty much it for this tutorial thank you for watching and I'll be back with another bulk on ARCIC tutorial in a couple of days have a nice day
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 92,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, english, learn, BIM, building information modeling, easy, fast, quick, how to, autodesk, modeling, parts, floor, finish, construction, tile, wood, composite, architecture, family
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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