How to Fly Your Own Private Airplane

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[MUSIC PLAYING] Check the oil. Always make sure you have oil. And fuel-- always make sure you have fuel. We have fuel. OK, guys. So we got a pretty special mission today, some really cool stuff to share with you guys. It's basically just kind of a last minute trip, flying across the country. And we're going to head to Chicago then South Dakota and it's going to be a ton of fun. Also this was yesterday, so basically a daily blog. You're welcome. Rochester clearance went on to three, six, seven, hotel, papa. [INAUDIBLE] one, Charlie, five. And the three, six, seven, hotel, papa, Rochester clearance, cleared to the one Charlie five airport via the xerox six departure. Radar vector direct, maintain 4,000. Watch frequency is 123.7 squawk 6060. OK. We're good to the one Charlie five airport via the xerox six. Radar vector is direct. Maintain 4,000. Expect 12-- or, yeah, maintain 4,000. Departure 123.7 squawk 6060, [INAUDIBLE].. [INAUDIBLE] Verify information with me. Yeah, we have [INAUDIBLE]. Alrighty, see you. OK. So I'm not used to just going up to fourth. Rochester [INAUDIBLE] hotel, papa, radio 25. [INAUDIBLE],, three, six, seven, hotel, papa, Rochester tower right heading 280, wind column runway 25 set for takeoff. 280 25 clear for takeoff. And the three, six, seven, hotel, papa. [INAUDIBLE] coming on. Transit seven, hotel, papa. So you turn rate heading 275. We're at 275, hotel, papa. OK, that's clear. Today we got some fun weather today-- basically low viz and rain the whole way, possibly some clouds, a slight chance of icing. But that's mostly a little bit later in the morning. And so we're not going to worry about that right now. We're all set. [MUSIC PLAYING] OK. Everything is looking good. We got air speed. 1822, ready to go. [INAUDIBLE] Cold front 22 Charlie [INAUDIBLE] 22. Some fun weather today. Rain and these awesome low clouds out here. Basically we've got, kind of a bunch of precep, just all along the border with Canada here. And then of course this whole thing going down across, basically the entire US. So we're just on the northern side of that system. There's a cold front pushing down from the north. [INAUDIBLE] So as the day goes on, as the morning goes on, the freezing level's going to be closer and closer to 4,000. But we're going to fly in here. So we've got a little bit of concern about icing, but it doesn't look like it's going to be a problem. So we're level here at 4,000 feet, heading towards Buffalo. It's just right up there. But basically there's just some rain the whole way. We're going to head to, what is it, like, Boling? Bolingbrook, Illinois. We're kind of settled in to cruise here. So I'm going to have a little breakfast. [INAUDIBLE] There's still some pretty nice fall colors out here. [INAUDIBLE] Lake Erie. Niagara Falls is just right up over there. We're flying over Canada here throughout the next hour. Piece of cake, nothing to it. It's just like flying anywhere else. I even have cell service and free roaming. So basically what happened today was, I needed to be in South Dakota as soon as possible after a few things came together and I didn't quite know when that was going to happen. But it turned out it's now. So it was like $1,300 or $1,400 for an economy class airline ticket. There was going to be a couple stops, take 10 or 11 hours to get there. And I also needed some stuff by tomorrow. And it turned out that it was like $150 bucks to ship it overnight. But they have a location just outside of Chicago. So I figured, well, why not just not in Chicago on my way to South Dakota? So I just pulled out, you know, for flight trip assistant, typed in Baltic networks and file, [INAUDIBLE],, I don't know, Illinois. It told me exactly how long the drive was, what the closest airports were, the drive time. So I found this airport, one Charlie five, the Bolingbrook-- Bolingbrook's Clow International Airport. I love that. 3,400-foot runway. And they've got an airport restaurant. Door to door in less than 10 hours, including lunch and picking up this stuff. So we're basically just saving a ton of time and money and having a great time doing it. [INAUDIBLE] request like conditions along project route. Hotel papa, temperature is one Celsius, negative icing. We're just kind of in the bases of the clouds, probably three-mile visibility below. Occasional light rain and light chop. It's just so awesome out here now. We're just on top of everything. Everybody else is having a gloomy day down below. We're just right on top of the clouds and between layers here. Awesome views. And so by the way, also, just like a ton of awesome stuff coming for you guys. I'm really excited. We've got like three more episodes from the Southwest trip, some of the coolest flying yet, several of the most awesome airports I've ever been to. Everything from air shows to chasing wild horses off a grass runway on a private island. Just want really cool stuff. Also, like, it's kind of been the month of jets. Like you guys just saw my first time landing a jet. I went through an eclipse of a hurricane the other day. That was pretty cool. And also got a pretty exclusive sneak peek at a brand new business jet, a couple days after it was certified. So be watching for that. That was pretty cool as well. Just tons of really cool stuff that I'm excited to share with you guys. And we just though the shooting like a month's worth of stuff, just all over the country, some really cool formation flying, just some epic places. And so make sure that you're subscribed. Click the little bell next to the subscribe button so you don't miss any of that. The weather should be pretty much smooth sailing from here. This is the end of the icing concern. [INAUDIBLE] hotel, papa, core to the one Charlie five airport via flight heading of 225. Precede direct the maps intersection, Mike, alpha, papa, papa, sierra. Direct [INAUDIBLE] VUR echo Oscar November. Direct Joliet VUR Juliet Oscar tango. Then direct 1 Charlie 5 maintain 4,000. We'd actually just like to cancel IFR. We'll go VFR 4,500. [INAUDIBLE] hotel pap, very good. Maintain VFR. I've got the IFR canceled. [INAUDIBLE] So we'll just VFR, cause can see Chicago from here. OK, we'll this is Chicago, if you like the Sears Tower and stuff. Here's the industrial wasteland that is northwestern Indiana. [INAUDIBLE] descending 6,000 across [INAUDIBLE].. Gary, Indiana is right over there. Right there. Maintain 1,500. Thanks for your patience. The song from the Music Man. [INAUDIBLE] 1453. Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana, Gary. OK I've turned green. [MUSIC PLAYING] I got what I needed. I'm going you have some fuel and depart here from Clow International Airport, and head to Aberdeen. [MUSIC PLAYING] Terrain system not available. It looks like we're expecting erratic to [INAUDIBLE] and then direct to Aberdeen. We'll send that to the panel here. OK. Everything is in green. Looking good. We've got a slight right crosswind. Traffic two o'clock, same altitude, zero miles. OK. So that's all good. I'll [INAUDIBLE] prop back to keep it quiet for those neighbors, cause there are lots of neighbors here. OK. We got [INAUDIBLE]. That's cool. 4 flight just popped up a traffic alert that this thing didn't even tell me about. So, guys, right there-- I don't know why this thing wasn't screaming at me. Interesting. Thanks, 4 flight. [INAUDIBLE] airport via radar vectors oreo [INAUDIBLE] direct. Maintain 4,000 north via heading two, nine, O, zero, bonanza, three, six, seven, hotel, papa. [INAUDIBLE] correct. OK, so, that was a pretty cool stop. Really nice airport restaurant, great folks at the FBO, just in a perfect location. [INAUDIBLE] hotel, papa, maintain 8,000. 8,000, bonanza, seven, hotel, papa. Just in a great location. And I probably wouldn't of [INAUDIBLE] that company if there hadn't been an airport right where that little airport is. That's why these little airports all over the place are so important. Some people think, oh, you know, it's like the rich and famous or something using them, or it's just these people trying to learn to fly. Like, why should I have that in my backyard or why should I be, sort of subsidizing it or something? It's because it provides benefits to everybody, for emergency response, for travel, for business, just everything. And this is, you know, the perfect example. [MUSIC PLAYING] There's [INAUDIBLE] over there, whenever we do bonanzas to Oshkosh. They don't seem nearly as busy now. So one of the questions that I get asked time and time again is, how do you afford to fly so much? Like, isn't this super expensive to fly all over the place all the time? And the answer's really pretty simple. It's actually kind of similar to the answer to, why do you go fly around the world? It's really pretty simple. You know, you find a plane, spend several months, kind of reading about how flying in other countries works, ideally maybe talking to somebody that's done it, and then just calling and emailing everybody you can possibly think of to find people that want to be a part of it to make it a, sort of financial and practical possibility. And that's it. That's all there is to it. It's actually pretty easy. --for a two-niner, eight, three. But what trips up most people is that the determination required to do all of those things over the course of a year or two, and to stick with it day in and day out is enormous. And even just take the sub problem of, how do you figure out what to do on some given dates to advance towards this goal, and like actually, you know, get things done? And kind of a common suggestion is to make a to-do list so that the night before make a to-do list for what you want to do tomorrow, so that as soon as you wake up you've got these like clearly defined goals. Like, you know what to do and you're not just aimlessly going in different directions. Again, it's simple enough. You make a to-do list. And at the end of the day, before you go to bed, whatever, and then the next day you do those things on the to-do list. And most people try that for a day or two, or even a week or two. But then they decide, you know, they don't want to make a to-do list. Like, you know, there's one more thing you want to get done that day and so you'd rather get that one more thing done than make a to-do list for tomorrow. Or you just want to go to bed. And so then, you know, you don't have a to-do list. And then those tasks start to feel even harder. And so then people stop, you know, getting anything done. And they just figure it's not worth the effort and they give up completely. And ironically, if they just stuck to the little things like making a to-do list, none of the hard things would be nearly as hard. It would all be pretty simple. Ultimately it's about priorities. You know, it's giving up other things so that you can fly. Having a slightly less nice apartment or maybe no apartment at all, if you want to travel a lot, just living out of hotels or hostels or on people's couches, things like that. Or not having a car. I don't have a car. I've never owned a car. I don't really have that much need for a car. So it's just kind of be a waste of money. Instead I spend that money on this. You'd be amazed how much money people spend on things like outdoor sports or going out or going on vacations, things like that. Like, there's so much. And so basically I just spend all of that on flying instead. There are other things too. You know, I use this for business. So I go around and do a lot of speaking engagements talking about all of those simple things that go into something like flying around the world or starting a business. And so I use the plane to get to speaking engagements that I wouldn't be able to get to because of the scheduling constraints and things like that otherwise. Or where I could do two or three things on one trip so that it all costs the same amount as doing one thing. And so as a result, there's so many extra business opportunities that I'm able to take advantage of-- meetings that I could go to, to sell things that I couldn't otherwise, or to do speaking engagements that otherwise would be three times as expensive for me to get to, and things like that. But all those extra opportunities pay for all of the fixed costs of the airplane, and more, of course. So they cover all the fixed costs, so then the rest of the time to go fly around or to go add an extra trip like this to take advantage of yet another business opportunity is super cheap. It's about $100 an hour to fly this plane, once you get all the fixed costs out of the way-- the insurance, [INAUDIBLE],, an annual, stuff like that. So now it's just kind of incremental maintenance-- oil changes, maybe 100-hour and fuel. So now, like on this trip today, round-trip, like six hours there-- it's like six and 1/2 hours there. It'll be six hours back, so it'll be about $1,200 or $1,300. But an airline ticket was $1,300 or $1,400, plus I'd of pay about $150 or $200 in shipping to ship that stuff. Instead I was able to stop at this cool airport restaurant, grab all the stuff that I needed, and still get home in less time than it would have taken if I'd of take airline flights. Or if you take a few friends and you go fly from Boston to Florida for the day to go watch a rocket launch perhaps, and you split it five ways, then that's like $300 maybe, if that? If you go the same distance, but you spread it out over two weeks, now it's like $600 bucks a person to fly around for two weeks. It's just super cheap. So ultimately, if you have to travel a lot, it doesn't matter if you're driving long distances or taking airline flights, or flying yourself, it's all about the same cost. And if you can find ways that it helps you increase productivity, then that covers the fixed costs. Then the rest of the time it's just super cheap to go fly around. So it's just all these sorts of things come together. But at the end of the day it's ultimately about priorities. It's, you know, what do you want to do? How do you want to spend your money? And what's important to you? If it's flying, you can find a way to make it work. Ultimately it's that discipline and that drive to find a way to make it work. And it doesn't have to be a plane like this. It could be a 172. It could be some [INAUDIBLE]. It could even be a 210 and you could build from there. And it's cheaper than doing it any other way. [INAUDIBLE] good afternoon. Fly to maintain [INAUDIBLE],, two, three, zero. Fly maintain two, three, zero, darkhorse, 700. [INAUDIBLE] three, six, seven, hotel, papa, 8,000. Just kind of trace icing right here. It's probably not going to get a whole lot better though. Let's see what the latest ceiling ceiling is here. [INAUDIBLE] seven. So it'd be about 80, sorry-- Along Philadelphia. Thank you, [INAUDIBLE]. Two, niner, seven, niner. So we shouldn't have to go too far to get out of this completely. It also just gives us a minute to see where it goes. Yeah, it looks like it's melting now. So no effect on air speed yet. He's pretty busy though. When I get a chance I've give him a call. We'll just descend out of it. And we're out of it. So we're just going to leave it for now. I'll give him a pilot report here in a minute. [INAUDIBLE] This is seven, hotel, papa. [INAUDIBLE] Three, six, seven, hotel, papa. Number five, zero, bravo response two, six, three. Seven. Of course if we were getting more ice than this, we would just start down. Hotel, papa, go ahead. Yeah, this is hotel papa. We'd been getting trace [INAUDIBLE] here. The temperature's negative eight. Could we try, like 7,000? 7,000 hotel, papa. Thanks for the report. [INAUDIBLE] pressure maintain 5,000. Aberdeen altimeter two, niner, eight, zero. [INAUDIBLE] down to 5,000, two, niner, eight, zero. When we have the weather, we'll plan on a visual [INAUDIBLE].. Seven, hotel, papa, thank you. Change my frequency 120.6. Someone just made the switch. OK. I'll go ahead and put this back over here. We're almost there. [INAUDIBLE] bonanza, seven, hotel, papa, requesting contact approach. Seven, hotel, papa, did you call? Yeah, [INAUDIBLE] can we get a contact approach? Seven, hotel, papa, clear for contact approach to Aberdeen Airport. Change to advisor frequency [INAUDIBLE] cancellation as frequent. Grid contact approach Aberdeen change to advisor [INAUDIBLE].. So basically we couldn't see the airport so we couldn't do the visual. Now just like a minute later we can see the airport. But basically this will let us just kind of get comfortably below the clouds here and then I'll go ahead and cancel. Because right now it's just-- it's so hazy. And like over there, like the clouds are clearly below us. So it's really hard to tell up ahead whether we're going to end up sort of momentarily in a cloud or something. So I don't want to cancel just yet. Seven, bonanza, seven, hotel, papa, cancel ISR. Seven, hotel, papa, [INAUDIBLE] cancellation response. See ya later. Good day. Aberdeen traffic bonanza seven, hotel, papa, the [INAUDIBLE] Aberdeen. Here's three green. Coach flaps in. [INAUDIBLE] come back. We're a little above the path beam, but that's right where I want to be, and a little steeper, because it's a little better energy management options. Yeah, that's good. [INAUDIBLE] has run up, holding short. [MUSIC PLAYING] Aberdeen traffic bonanza seven, hotel, papa, clear at three, one, taxi at Aberdeen. They don't have a radio, [INAUDIBLE] anyway. That 150 right there is the plane I did my private pilot jack ride in. So here we are. Just an awesome way to get to where I needed to be. Had a ton of fun along the way, and do it for less time and money than an airline flight. Also pick up the stuff that I need. And just remember, it's all about these simple things. It's not as hard as it seems. It just takes the work and the determination to stick with the small things to get it done. And then you can fly wherever you want, whenever you want. Look for five awesome videos this month. Subscribe if you haven't already. And just try to share aviation with as many people as possible. See you next time.
Channel: Matt Guthmiller
Views: 742,893
Rating: 4.8332286 out of 5
Keywords: aviation, pilot, flying, airplane, aircraft, private plane, inflight icing, single pilot ifr, atc audio, pilot vlog, flight vlog, landing, takeoff, airport, airplane landing, contact approach, general aviation, flight, beechcraft bonanza, matt guthmiller, beechcraft, cockpit, ifr, instrument approach
Id: OCm2hfqgQ6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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