Honda High Performance Private Jet - Fly Anywhere At 500 MPH

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how's it going everybody welcome back to mojo group mike here today i can't wait to show you this plane stay tuned we're gonna check out the honda [Music] jet [Music] [Applause] the honda jet this i am a kid at the candy store guys today this is such i've seen this plane i've read about it i've watched videos about it but this is the very first time i'm actually in the presence of one and this is such a beautiful machine and yes honda makes jets okay they only don't they don't only build cars they also build jets as you can see the honda sign there so the honda jet is in the light jet category so this is more of like your entry level it could be a personal jet or a business jet and the owner of this bird uses it for both okay you can see man i can't i can't believe i'm in the presence of a honda jet right now just just give me some time let me get myself together and i'll do this proper review for you so i'm just gonna go around it first so you can just just sit back and enjoy the beauty of this thing one of the most actually one of the unique aspects of this plane is as you can see right here the engine is mounted above the wings i don't know of any other aircraft that i've seen this or particularly any other jet and the design for this was for different reasons one you see like when you're flying in this plane it's it has a quiet cabin right and this is also a honda engine two turbine engines uh will propel this airplane at amazing amazing speeds we'll go over the numbers a little bit later now this is i would say gen 2 of the honda jet so the story goes honda initially think of this as a pet project okay so some of the executives at honda back in the 80s they wanted to build a jet now imagine trying to build a jet and your your criminal the crop of cars so the concept for this really was back in the 80s but this project didn't really come to light until the 2000s and so honda first got its type certificate which is the normal process when you build an airplane particularly jet uh in the early 2000s i believe it was 2003 and the first aircraft was delivered back in 2015. so this is a fairly new product actually think of this as i would say the newest light jet in the market and it's also priced very reasonable as you can see honda apmg now the newest model is the elite but this particular one has most of the upgrades that the elite has and i'll go through it but first let me just show you some cool features so in the honda jet in the nose you've got a baggage area here which will carry up to 100 pounds and then i mentioned those mountain engines earlier i love this winglet here so what this also allows you you have enough room to get to your baggage compartment in the back you can see how large the open here and you could fit people in here but you can carry up to 400 pounds of baggage in the back here so this is a plane you can actually take a long long cross country flights this is a coast to coast airplane and that's one of the reasons why you either buy or charter one of these birds now speaking about those upgrades i mentioned that this is considered this more of the middle or gen 2 of the honda jet so one of the upgrades is see this horizontal stabilizer here this is bigger on this model and what that allows for is you can slow the airplane down i guess quicker also basically you get a little bit uh more drag not to get too technical but with this allows for a shorter takeoff so you need less runway to be up in the air that's one but also see this giant cut over here these are speed brakes okay you see stay clear speed brakes so whenever you touch down these babies just kind of spread their wings and you can slow down pretty quickly also you've got upgraded hydraulics for your brakes uh in this model and then one of the last upgrades in the inside of the airplane which i'm so excited to get in and show you guys is you have upgraded avionics so by upgraded we're talking about the g 3000 which you'll find in a lot of new uh sophisticated birds like the m600 the tbm 940 those use a g3000 as well so speaking of the interior to get a hondajet you've got this nice door opening and when you open you've got step ups and let me show you where all the magic is in this bird first so if you're on the taller side you're definitely going to need to bend a little bit all right i'm 510 and i'm not sure what the height of this cabin is i do know the width you've got about 60 inches so you've got enough room as you can see back here you've got one seat right here you've got four and more than enough leg room so you're gonna sit four people comfortably but also if you move towards the back something that's unique to a honda jet particularly in the light jet category look at this now who wouldn't want this you've got a full toilet here and a wash base right there and look even if you want to carry one more person you can probably sit them back here that's how neat this is and you you can always you know for privacy there's a door that slides but you don't need to touch down to actually take a break or take a bathroom break you've got a bathroom right here okay let me show you some other cool features so as i said guys you're sitting very very comfortably in this airplane also something i love about the design you can see the size of the windows i always take focus to this because i've seen airplanes or smaller jets with like really tiny windows but i imagine that if you're sitting back here as a passenger you want to be able to you know explore and look outside and these windows for the size of this airplane they're pretty good in size so you have that and this also looks like an emergency exit door right here you can see just the materials using this airplane man beautiful and speaking of materials so the fuselage which is basically the main part i'm sitting in right now this fuselage is composite for the most part and then those wings out there built from aluminum so you use these materials one you want to get better performance in terms of how light they are and also when you think of aerodynamics and things like that hey guys another thing that's really cool with the honda just so i'm sitting right now and i show you my center position you've got this nice pull out table here you can also use it as a working vest if you want again the leg room is just it's almost unlimited there's a lot of room between you right now there's a ton of stuff from the floor we've got enough leg room to just do whatever you want or stretch your legs now extra extra cool feature here let me show you so here i am guys right so something that's really amazing you've got these now normally let me get the camera properly with the chair set in most planes you can scroll back and forth but check this out right now i'm sitting very close to the windows right so if i feel uncomfortable i feel like i'm hitting the side here this is what i do so look at this just pull this up and i could it's like lateral movement so crazy so that way i've got good elbow room here i've got space between me and the airplane and so i don't have to feel like i'm squished in this position it's pretty neat so boom boom kind of like roll in the rotation is very very neat guys so you can go back and forth side to side awesome let's get back to the interior so you've got nice vent here some lights again you just watch your head if you're on the taller side you've got nice cup holders this is a real executive business jet guys if you have a team or your solo pilot you go places now this is where i want to be let's see oh my god look at this cockpit guys okay you've got seat for two pilot and co-pilot one thing you should know about light jets you only need one pilot so you can see the panel here i don't even know what the size of those screens are but they're huge so this is a g3 000 package here you see your standard yoke you've also got touch screen so there's another feature with the g3000 and man oh man this is this is beautiful guys this is beautiful and i get an opportunity to fly in this thing today i can't wait um but i i i i'm just speechless i'm just i'm just speechless this is your your throttle quadrant right here but this is all glass advanced as advanced can get okay and i'm trying to see what's up here you've got vents up here i can't even see any of the the circuit breakers where the electronics nothing this is the cleanest cockpit i've ever seen i mean you've got some buttons and switches up here but normally i'm looking for a bunch of others where are they but nah i don't see it but anyway that's your cockpit guys um and then right here in the middle here you've got something for uh refreshments and whatnot you've got some cubbies here uh but again this is a plan that you can take places guys and you get there quick now speaking of let's talk about the performance so a honda jet you have established numbers that you can find anywhere online so it is said that this plan will cruise at max 420 knots okay that's close to 500 miles per hour but guess what with the upgrades that this particular bird has i just asked the pilot himself and i said hey what do you usually climb to and cruise at so according to someone who flies this in the real world the sweet spot for the honda jet is 40 000 41 000 feet and this plane climbs at about 4 000 feet per minute okay maybe at high altitude you may get lower performance but the sweet spot for it is 40 000 41 000 and at that you have point 72 marks so you convert that now to miles per hour for my non-aviators that's cruising at over 500 miles per hour that's basically commercial grade or commercial airline speeds okay so this airplane will serve that now who is buying this or who is flying this obviously somebody who has enough bank to be able to afford something like this but also think of the purpose of a light jet this can be used for part 135 charter companies you can charter this with your crew or family and go places another upgrade that the elite model and this particular model has is you've got i guess you can call it an auxiliary tank so you have more fuel that you can burn and this will take you up to 1600 miles again this is a coast to coast aircraft without having to stop for fuel and also economically europe so depend on who you ask okay because different missions when you think of the actual operation cost for this airplane uh the owner told me he's spending roughly a thousand bucks per hour for a jet that is as low as you can get okay and he says he could even spend less the actual operation cost when you think of just the fuel and the basics is about 500 or so but when you tack in pilot costs and all the other stuff because you would need pilots to fly this if you're flying yourself then you don't have to put that number there but say roughly a thousand dollars an hour to fly one of these bad boys and guys it is it is beautiful to behold now how much does it cost okay a brand new honda jet you're looking at 5.3 million dollars i'm not sure you can find one in the used market maybe you can uh but you have to have at least five million dollars to get into one of these and again the benefit is it's a jet you can fly on your own you can always lease back to charter companies or use it for commercial purposes the list goes on but this is a dream for us all maybe one day i get to fly one of these guys but this is my review for the honda jet i hope you all enjoy it i'm i'm just excited honestly i want to turn the video off and just go flying but i want to thank you all for watching i really appreciate it if you love and enjoy this video please give it a thumbs up again my name is mike also if this is your first time make sure you subscribe to mojo grip and guys i will catch you on the next video take care you
Channel: MojoGrip
Views: 459,025
Rating: 4.8939896 out of 5
Keywords: aircraft, private pilot, honda, honda jet, honda jet apmg, private jet, cirrus sf50, citation mutang, phenom 100, jet
Id: 4dwUG852Dbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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