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performance approach parent 3175 whiskey uh november 3175 this time now we can't get down from our approach baron 3175 [Music] ignoring you at this point yep because he already knows that you've called over twice this seems like we got to do a steep stent just get to it [Music] oh departure thunder transition that has filed 2 000 expect six thousand ten minutes after departure frequency 119.7 squawk 4733 32. for our del 7 thunder s file 2 000 6 000 100 minutes one nine point seven four seven three three baron three one seven five what's going on with your background counting section round taxis all right welcome board everybody just picked up our ifr clearance to puna gorda we got the fort lauderdale 7 thunder transition now this is a little funky because the fort lauderdale 7 doesn't show up as a departure um so the easiest way to do that basically what i did here in for flight which is put in dhp which is dolphin you know we'll be flying through it go ahead and put in victor 157 which is into thunder the other way there you go thunder so you actually live on the map you can see them both and then uh s file which is labelled lbv and then puna gorda and lbv lbv trying to like also do this that's correct now you can see we'll actually never go to defender right so we'll end up doing is we'll end up intercepting uh probably uh yeah i remember it's been like almost two years since we've done this yeah it's been a while yeah all right 119.7 i'll put that there we're on com2 there's ground there's tower runway in front of us they're right there left baron party today yeah there is a bearing to our left got a baron in the uh jet friday activity time activity day hence exactly it's always activity time i know that is true too yeah you have to get used to all this craziness now that we're going to be coming back here for a little while i think everybody will be happy about that yeah i think a lot of people will i'm going to miss our controllers i know we'll still see them yep very well i got property over here family over there so the west loop roaded by oh you got an aircraft receive a fox shot bravo hold for another still gotta go go visit mom oh he was doing the pass that's actually female but um yeah imagine this place when it's busy or imagine one day yeah the left or the right of that traffic there's like a hurricane or something going from the southwest again pretty girl 50 feet throughout the idol november 3-7 delta short field takeoff tower burn three one seven five ways i can go out vfr if uh if they're busy december through and simple whiskey uh yeah i'm not sure what the delay is uh just verify if you do want to cancel the ifr and go vfr um yeah if you just don't have it i'll go vfr i'll just pick it up in the air once i get out west number 75 whiskey round your ifr cancellation received and i just want to go vfr like 1200 code on your own for now uh yeah it's fine it's not possible roger squawk vfr and hold short runner all right vfr hold short of niners if i was going to make right traffic and extend your downwind right traffic stand downwind 37 delta it looks awkward november 75 whiskey rowing niner full length flying up away one right nine our line up away all right switches are on um it was an alpha and i think it was the next one number 75 whiskey turn left northwest runway niner full length clear for takeoff win one five zero to eight right niner full length lifter take off okay i'm slowly bringing the power up so we can get past some of it on our juliet lineup i'd say about here gauges in the green fuel flow air speed alive 84 knots [Music] positive rate wanna give me europe i can gear up yep nice job [Music] i don't like the two-hander but baron in the upwind turn left northwest runner juliet clear for takeoff one one five zero seven we're gonna take off nine and follow the bearings our executive towers uh with you all right 400 feet your final approach speed square the base turn to final round nine are cleared to land you'll be number two to the field traffic on a two mile final to one three skyhawk the roger number two uniform keep the speed up for me you'll be in front of a hawker on a five mile left base to runway niner runway one three cleared touch and go after the touch and go make a right downwind departure northwest pound runway one three touch and go and make a right turn after departure one zero five [Music] all right tell you what so we're not going ifr right now we're going vfr great give me direct point of order [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i guess all right somebody else alright 700 feet below us information quebec that's the guy that was following us yeah was told to take off and follow us available wasn't keeping up with us it was the twin that was to the right of us [Music] all right temperatures [Music] [Music] is in use notice the airman texas was closed between the east and west entrance into the 600 anger tanks where echo 2 is closed he's cautioned for increased productivity in the vicinity of the airport advice also children's contact [Music] zero [Music] whiskey is about 20 south west of pahokee like to pick up a ifr clearance or papa golf delta we're at 3175 whiskey contact miami center on 132.45 for five hours all right 45 actually uh [Music] 24. number three two three quebec sierra contact miami center one two six point five two twenty six fifty two three two three quebec number eight four two mike alpha clown maintain one one thousand sale two leaving one thousand leaving one zero thousand eight four two pick up money i'm eight by the time he shuts off for five seconds we're gonna be in fort [Music] myers in at one four thousand four miles altimeter three zero zero four miami center baron three one seven five west clear drag two matte lots of bat lock it for two by two two mike alpha climb maintain one four thousand four thousand two like alpha let me take some number one eight nine five charge descending through twenty five zero four two four zero delta sixteen twenty four o'clock maintain a flight level earthquake until sixteen twenty four contact miami one maintain ten thousand reaching ten thousand reduced speed to 250 knots it descended ten thousand then slow to 250 343 micro [Music] foreign southeast of la belle i'd like to pick up a pop-up ifr for punigol delta [Music] they're kind of busy right now still be patient [Music] uh november three one seven five whiskey look for ifr on a bill at this time roger that assembled seven five uh whiskey i can give you a little i can give you vfr flight following for now yeah i don't need fight following there's a layer um i need to get through and i'm not sure if i need to go shoot an approach into point of order i guess we're gonna go up and around see what happens up we go it turns back up for now all right still then oh we'll go above this because here's what we can do so my plan now is we'll go above this we can't get ifr we'll go on the other side of this line which thankfully this isn't that high if i maintain three thousand and turn around once we get past it we should look at descent worst case scenario we'll go on the other side of puna gorda and we'll descend down um yeah yeah we'll see what we get it's showing on uh whatchamacallit it's showing on the um a little bit of nasties right there on the radar these little cells right here which is directly in front of us which we're working on getting it actually updated so that there is this light which i think is that we're heading for now yeah yeah i think that's letting us kind of cheat through a little bit five miles from 2500 approach all right well deep in my descent right now oh yeah for what we're about we are 38 miles from puna gorda we're at we're climbing to 85. and other departures and arrivals but they were also waiting for eye on our ifr clearance which means we couldn't have gone out anyways and [Music] so it's kind of you're damned if you do you do don't no because we're trying to get out but now that we try to get out now we can't get down now we can't get down i think we have 73 gallons of fuel there's a solid layer down below oh we're at 105 thanks what's that i said oh wow they're at ten five three thirty turn right hitting three six zero plus yeah yeah no we're way up there opening over there yeah just towards the airport zero five from last period we're gonna have to circle down right four two three november direct label vor rejoin flight plan uh something i'm not sure that's the airport or not i think so it may not be um we've got to get now the airport's definitely left of us somebody off our right though approach 3175 whiskey [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yeah we're about 17 uh west of southwestern order any chance we're in airspace now [Music] i'm sorry southeastern 7-5 with the unable ifrs pop-up at this time i can try to get you down low and be far into up on the border if you'd like all right i'm trying to see if there's an opening somewhere i'm taking a look so yeah if it's just bfr i'm good uh somewhere okay uh so you don't want to uh you're not requesting services review card correct actually you know what i'll take flight following there's enough traffic out here um it'd probably be better for both of us [Music] roger i'll have a code for you here in a second ignoring you at this point yep because he already knows that you've called over twenty five zero four one six zero four one six seven one of our information time two one class usual weather twin three two zero one five gusts 1400 broken airport one three two zero one seven gusts two four alternate three zero zero six and uh runway three three is in you roger i have the information three zero zero five assemblies all right so let's see what we got over here is that too close to the approach that's five thousand zero two contact approach one two [Music] let's see what we got who would have thought it would have been this stormy today i did i had a feeling this stuff was coming in but i thought we'd be able to pick up a pop-up for sure yeah but i guess everybody else is too or you know everybody else is making them busy so there's that one gap to the right that one seems bigger but i'm not yeah but i don't know it seems like we got to do a steep spin just get to it i don't know if you can circle land easier on that or or what but i feel like this is in approach like you're getting close to the approach hotel i can go run i can't go left you see what that is so that's over the field or not but it's not i'll stuck down but it is i gotta i have to dance with him and go over to tower but you've got loaded right speed so zero parent three one seven five which i'm gonna cancel with you this time three one seven five would be roger if you're used to order stay on your squat code and contact uh one two one point zero have a good day hotel good day thank you tower bearing three one 3175 whiskey is about uh five to the south inbound for uh three zero five whiskey runway three three cleared to land one three three zero one seven that's what i meant three three sorry clearly hey i was reading your mind i know what you meant something was three zero wind runway all right activate the approach activate all right then flap [Music] this turned out to be okay all right wins around three three zero and three zero zero apparently i know how to speak today and they're just going to turn off that radar i don't want to blast anybody with uh anything they don't need blast some important stuff yeah all right you're gonna glide slope intercept you're going down all right we got three green got one in the mirror it's a gusty i might just leave both clubs yeah they said gus 24. 500. all right we're 500 feet we're through green we are clear [Music] uh no i'll keep you posted if it changes at all all one right so three four nine gusts all right back to 14 nuts give me a play by play yeah yes you're [Music] newbie two all right you made up for the last one number seven whiskey where are you apart i'm sorry again two hundred hangers for a separate whiskey okay you're on a roll up the end or exit it charlie whatever's better for you i'll do charlie okay exit there charlie delta foxtrot with me and jelly charlie got the shot with you mr all right number 728 romeo tango runway three three intersection alpha cleared for takeoff your right turn you're here to hear first guys that was him clearing him to roll here on the runway and we just crossed the clear line back he's going to go to london go alone everything i appreciate it yeah anticipated separation we weren't even off the runway well i hope you guys enjoyed this flight and i see some of the drawbacks to um playing vfr and see the weather can be bad you can't always pick up an ifr pop up if r which actually is the first time i've ever not been able to really get a hold of anybody or or have them just straight up say no i actually took off on one hurricane um one of the hurricanes not andrew uh one of the hurricanes coming through irma or something and you couldn't get out ifr without you were just waiting they're all stacked up lined up i took off vfr got in the air and instantly picked up an ifr clearance even though i was told i wouldn't be able to on that day where there's way more airplanes so it just goes to show you never know and because i knew the weather here was going to be questionable uh we got i'd say we got lucky and we found that hole to come down in i mean we had plenty of fuels we had plenty outs but uh i i think this should be a lesson of what not to do uh if you know the weather is gonna need uh clearance then just you gotta wait you gotta wait i probably should have waited so even i'm learning so i mean i pushed you yeah well it just wasn't just you i wasn't patient i mean well but there's being impatient when it's when they're waiting five minutes but i mean we waited 25 minutes like that's understood but it's called get their itis something that you'll learn about and uh in your flight training and certain things they warn about and then when you as you start studying that you'll remember times like this right you'll be like ah that's what they're referring to and here's a great example right qualified pilot qualified airplane and yet you know we can't uh we can't even get into our airport ifr you know guys if you like these videos as always hit that thumbs up subscribe button biggest comment we can receive is your subscription to our channel i'm so excited about that i'm sorry i'll hit that thumbs up and be sure to ring that bell for notifications youtube can be finicky and doesn't always give notification so be sure to hit all and if you're not getting notifications go ahead and unclick it and re-click it again and if you haven't already follow us on instagram beachbar and pilot and kim at flying s-i-c and if you don't uh haven't already be sure to stop by the baron pilot shop for bike crew and beach life and all kinds of good stuff out there jet shades security cameras for your hangers all kinds of goodies if you're in aviation there's good stuff there so check it out anyhow guys until next time stay safe and we'll see you on the next one you're not going to say it bye guys how long was this long 52. [Music] [Music] [Music] but you can never go back
Channel: Baron Pilot
Views: 44,877
Rating: 4.932353 out of 5
Keywords: IFD550, Beechcraft Baron B55, Beechcraft Baron, Beech Baron B55, Beech Baron, Baron B55, B55, ATC, flying, Flight VLOG, IFR Flight, IFR, Flying Experience, Instrument Approach, pilot vlog, avidyne, IFD, IFD100, Foreflight, Airplane, baronpilot, 3175W, whyifly, Beechlife, aspen avionics, Aspen E5, IFD540, maxviz camera, florida flying, flyingsic, aviatrix, girls fly, hot wife, pop up ifr
Id: q8v-ECL6kx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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